Effects of Varying Dietary Levels of Carica Papaya Seed Meal Powder (PSM) On Growth and Histology of Gonads in Oreochromis Niloticus Larvae
Effects of Varying Dietary Levels of Carica Papaya Seed Meal Powder (PSM) On Growth and Histology of Gonads in Oreochromis Niloticus Larvae
Effects of Varying Dietary Levels of Carica Papaya Seed Meal Powder (PSM) On Growth and Histology of Gonads in Oreochromis Niloticus Larvae
Effects of varying dietary levels of Carica papaya seed meal powder (PSM) on
growth and histology of gonads in Oreochromis niloticus larvae
Université Gaston Berger (UGB), route de Ngallèle, BP 234, Saint-Louis, Sénégal.
Ecole Inter-Etats des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires (EISMV) de Dakar, Sénégal.
Corresponding author; E-mail: mamaly90@hotmail.com; Tel: (+221) 77 749 01 65.
Sex control in tilapia should provide an invaluable benefit to aquaculture. The effects of different
dietary levels of papaya carica seed meal powder on growth and gonad histology in Oreochromis niloticus
larvae were studied to prevent early maturity and uncontrolled spawning. Four (4) dietary level of seed meal
powder, varying from 0 g.Kg–1 as a control; 1 g.Kg–1; 2 g.Kg–1 to 3 g.Kg–1 were each tested in triplicate. The
diet were isonitrogenous and were fed to twelve (12) experimental groups of 110 larvae weighing 0.019 g at a
feeding rate of 4% body weight, three times a day for 30 days with the experimental diet and then after fed with
the basal diet for other 60 days of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, 24 fish from all replicates were
randomly sampled, slaughtered and dissected to remove testicles and ovaries. Testicular and ovarian
sampleswere fixed in 10% buffered formalin for 24 h before the histological process. After 90 days of
experiment, fish weight increased from 0.019 g ± 0.09 to 32.47g ± 0.02; 30.40g ± 0.05; 34.68 g ± 0.07 and
33.83 g ± 0.09 respectively for C. papaya dosage of 0; 1; 2 and 3, respectively. In fish treated with 0 and 1
g.Kg-1 of PSM, the testes showed different stages of spermatogenesis with germ cells moving up to the
spermatozoa. Similarly, the ovaries showed follicles at different stages of folliculogenesis up to vitellogenesis.
The main lesional changes observed concerned the testicles of fish fed with 2 and 3 g.Kg-1 PSM with in
particular the scarcity of germ cells and spermatozoa. For females, the only observations concern vitellogenesis
which are important for treatment doses of 0 and 1 g.Kg-1, while they decrease in the group treated with
3 g.Kg-1.
© 2019 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved
Keywords: Papaya seed meal powder, Performances, Gonads histology, Oreochromis niloticus.
(Mansour, 2001; Chapman, 2012). Adult fish 2011) and as medicinal plants in rural
are known to live six to eight years, while communities to cure many human and animal
some have been reported to reach eleven to diseases (Dakpogan et al., 2018). Carica
twelve years of age. In tropical regions, the papaya (Linn) is one of the economically
spawning season of tilapia usually begins important fruit trees in the Caricaceae family
during the raining season when water (Nwiloh et al., 2009).
temperatures begin to rise, and spawning Several auteurs reported on the effect
continues throughout the year as long as water of Pawpaw (C. papaya) seed meal (PSM) on
temperatures are above 22 °C (Chapman, the sexual determination and growth of fed
2012). Tilapia are suitable for culture in most fish (Ekanem and Okoronkwo, 2003;
developing countries where they are most Ayotunde and Ofem, 2008; Jegede and
often grown in ponds, cages, rice field, Fagbenro, 2008; Kobayashi et al., 2008;
raceways, and concrete tanks (Fagbenro, Omeje, 2016). However, there is paucity of
2002). information about the health status of fish fed
Tilapias spawn and produce offspring varying levels of inclusion of this natural sex
with ease and these make them good fish to reversing agent.
farm. However, this trait also creates Senegalese aquaculturists have faced
problems, due to the precocious maturity and many imbreeding and stunts popupation of
uncontrolled spawning (Ekanem and tilapia in their ponds. Most of them are
Okoronkwo, 2003). Survival of the young is claiming no profitability of this activity. In
high and grow-out ponds can become addition, hormones are expensive and difficult
overcrowded, fish become stunted as the to obtain, particularly in Senegal. Therefore,
supply of natural food organisms in the pond the solution is to find local and inexpensive
is depleted (Fagbenro, 2002). Sex control in vegetable reproductive inhibitor.
tilapia is expected to bring about an The effect of C. papaya PSM as a
inestimable benefit for aquaculture. Several potential reproductive inhibitor in this species
methods have been developed to control could provide a natural and accessible
reproduction for cost effective production of solution for large number of aquaculture
farmed tilapia (Fagbenro, 2002; Toguyeni et producers to control the reproduction and
al., 2002; Olufeagba and Okomoda, 2015). proliferation of Tilapia individuals in breeding
Such as monosex culture, tank culture and allow better management of aquaculture
(grading, hybridization, manual sexing), sex production. The objective of this study was to
reversal by androgenic hormones, cage culture study the effects of various dietary levels of
tank culture, the use of predators, high density C. papaya seed meal powder (PSM) on
stocking (stocking manipulation), sterilization growth and gonad histology in larval
(through the use of irradiation, aquaculture of Oreochromis niloticus in
chemosterilants and other reproduction Senegal in order to prevent imbreeding and
inhibitors), intermittent/selective harvesting, stunts popupation observed in tilapia
the use of slow-maturing tilapia species, aquaculture.
among others have been used. All these
control methods, however, have their MATERIALS AND METHODS
inadequacies and limitations. The need arises, Fish larvae were reared in 12
therefore, to examine less expensive and aquariums of 27.3 liter useful volume,
appropriate technology in addressing the manufactured by the aquaculture department
problem of uncontrolled breeding in tilapia of the University Gaston Berger, Senegal.
using suitable natural alternatives that are
biodegradable and biological inhibitory Source of plant material
agents. Many plants such as Carica Papaya Carica papaya seeds, removed from a
have successfully been used to induce sterility papaya fruit bought in local market in Saint-
in laboratory animals (Abbas and Abass, Louis (Senegal), were cleaned, shaded and
L. D. MAGBLENOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 13(2): 624-633, 2019
dried at 50 °C during 72 hours before being were taken two times a day (8:30 and 16:30)
ground to a fine powder. The dried seeds are during the treatment phase with C. papaya
ground to a fine particle size (< 250 μm) and seed meal powder.
stored in a clear, dry plastic container, which At the end of each two experimental
served as the crude extract. weeks, all the fishes in each treatment were
weighted until the end of the experiment and
Experimental design their specific growth rate (SGR; g.d–1), were
Four (4) isnonitrogenous (30%) diets calculated as follows:
were prepared from the following raw ( ) ( )
( )
materials: fish meal, fish oil, peanut cake and
corn flour (table 1). Within these diets, the
papaya seed meal is gradually incorporated at where ln = natural logarithm, WF = final body
a rate of 0, 1, 2 and 3 g.Kg–1. The raw weight (g fish–1), W0 = initial body weight (g
ingredients are finely ground and screened fish–1), and t = time (days).
using a 250-micron sieve. For each food the
ingredients were weighed and mixed until a Histological study of gonads
homogeneous powder to which was added At the end of the experiment (after 90
vegetable oil, aqua binder and mineral- days), 24 fish from all replicates were
vitamin complex. Water was then added at a randomly sampled. The fish were weighed to
rate of 20% dry matter, so as to obtain a the nearest 1 g, then stored in ice, slaughtered
malleable paste which, passed through the die and dissected to remove the testes and ovaries
of a meat grinder, gives filaments 2 mm in (Figure. 1 A and B). The testes and ovaries
diameter (spaghetti). These filaments are then samples were fixed in a 10% buffered
dried in the shade, fragmented to the desired formalin for 24 h prior to histological
size, bagged and stored frozen until process. Formalin fixed tissues were
distribution. These foods were tested on O. embedded and 5 μm slices were stained with
niloticus larvae, with an initial average weight haematoxylin & eosin (Carson et Hladik,
of 0.019 ± 0.09 g (mean weight ± SE), 2009) in Animal Histopathology Laboratory
obtained from the Richard-Toll National of Veterinary Faculty (EISMV) of Dakar.
Aquaculture Agency Station. A semi-qualitative histological
Larvae were randomly distributed at assessment protocol was used to appreciate
110 per aquarium, thus forming four triplicate normal gonad tissues and their eventual
treatments each corresponding to a food. Fish alterations .
were fed 4% of their body weight, three times
a day for 30 days with the experimental diet Statistical analysis
and then after fed with the basal one for the Data on water quality and fish growth
other 60 days of the experiment. variables were tested for normality and
Dechlorinated municipal water was homogeneity of variance. The data met all the
used in this experiment. Temperature (°C), assumptions of one-way analysis of variance
dissolved oxygen (O2; mg.L–1) and pH were (ANOVA), which was used to determine the
measured using a hand-held multi-probe water significant differences between means for
meter (YSI 556 MPS; Xylem Inc., Yellow water quality and growth variables.
Springs, Ohio) and water transparency (NTU) Significance was tested at 5% level and all
was measured using a U-53 turbidity meter statistical analyses were carried out using the
(Horiba, Osaka, Japan). These measurements Statistical computing R (R Core Team, 2013).
L. D. MAGBLENOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 13(2): 624-633, 2019
Table 1: Formulation of the experimental diets of Nile tilapia, O. niloticus (CP = crude protein).
Figure 1: Illustration of the testes (A) and ovaries (B) in Nile tilapia (O. niloticus).
Figure 2: Testis histological appearance of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus), with germ cells (*) and a
cluster of spermatozoa ( ) (H & E, x40).
Figure 3: Histologic appearance of Nile tilapia ovary (Oreochomis niloticus) with follicles of
different stages with follicles vitellogenesis ( ) (H&E, x40).
L. D. MAGBLENOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 13(2): 624-633, 2019
Figure 4: Histological appearance of Nile tilapia testis (Oreochomis niloticus) with rarefaction of
germ cells and cystic tubes (*) (H & E, x40).
Figure 5: Histological appearance of Nile tilapia testis (Oreochomis niloticus) with cystic tubes
with hyaline contents (*) (H & E, x40).
L. D. MAGBLENOU et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 13(2): 624-633, 2019
de PSM. Nevertheless, the fact that these has the advantage of being locally available
modifications are more marked in the treatises and accessible to aquaculturists, unlike
could justify the effect of treatment on the industrial hormones.
testicular parenchyma of tilapias, which could
corroborate the sterilizing effect of papaya COMPETING INTERESTS
seeds in tilapias as Khalil et al. (2014) and The authors declare that there is no
Jegede and Fagbenro (2008) pointed out. In competing intrests regarding the publication
addition, it is reported that a combination of of this paper.
enzymes, alkaloids and other substances in
C. papaya might themselves inhibit AUTHOR’S CONTRIBUTIONS
testosterone production and ultimately LDM and MAL was the investigator of
oestrogen production (Khalil et al., 2014). the work. JK and RF provided technical
Our results did not reveal any lesional advices. YK contributed to the supervision of
changes in the ovaries, contrary to what was the work. The five authors contributed to the
reported by Jegede and Fagbenro (2008). This manuscript preparation, writing and
difference could be due to the protocols used corrections.
but also to the limits of studies undertaken
including the conditions of the study, the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
amount of papaya seed distributed, the We wish to acknowledge Malick Aliou
duration of treatment. In this study 3g.Kg-1 Sene, technician at the Aquaculture
was the highest inclusion of papaya seed meal department facilities of the University Gaston
powder. Farrag et al. (2013) reported that the Berger for his assistance in this study. The
dietary Papaya seed powder (PSP) at level 6 authors also thank Doudou Diagne for his
g/ kg diet for 45 day after absorbing the yolk assistance throughout the histological study of
sac of Nile tilapia fry may be used as a growth the gonads.
promoter for tilapia fish, which improved the
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