Research Ethics - Front Cover Sheet For Applications: Enclosed: Yes No N/A

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Research Ethics - Front coveriasheet for applications
Applicant’s name: ____Maria Casanas______
Project Title: __PD10A - Thev Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for breast cancer cell
lines el
Application Reference ___ - ___ -...___ (for office use only)
Please complete the checklist below before submitting your ethics application
Enclosed: YES NO N/A
Application Form Part A attached (applicable to all projects).

Application Form Part B attached (if applicable).

Any external ethical approval (copy of application and approval letter) attached (if

Draft Participant Information Sheet attached (if applicable).

Draft Informed Consent Form attached (if applicable).

Draft Indicative Questions, e.g. questionnaire(s), proposed interview questions or

questioning areas, etc. attached (if applicable).

Appropriate risk assessments have been completed, e.g. Control of Substances Hazardous
to Health (COSHH), Radiation, etc. (if applicable) – Speak to your supervisor first. Where
the need arises – your supervisor may contact the University’s Safety, Health and i have not received the
Wellbeing Team for advice on this and other aspects of health and safety. COSHH form

Fieldwork Risk Assessment attached (if applicable).

(UCEA Guidance on Health and Safety in Fieldwork Including offsite visits and travel in
the UK and overseas) – Speak to your supervisor first. Where the need arises – your
supervisor may contact the University’s Safety, Health and Wellbeing Team for advice on
this and other aspects of health and safety.

Travel Insurance Request clearance notification attached (if applicable).

Speak to your supervisor first. Where the need arises – your supervisor may contact -
Andrew Clarke ( or Alison Sylvestre
( in Procurement. Note: This is essential if there is any
Foreign and Commonwealth Office or RED24 advice against travel.

Confirmation of Insurance coverage for research undertaken off campus (if applicable).

Security-sensitive research assessment completed (if applicable) and uploaded (see

Universities UK Guidance and complete the Annex to Part B and upload (if applicable).

Other information - please specify, e.g. letters from collaborators, etc. (if applicable):

Applicant’s signature: ____MC CASANAS_________Date:_____20/12/2022_______

Supervisor’s signature:_________________________________Date:_________________


For Use in Academic Year 2021/22

Research Ethics Committee

Application for Research Ethics



1.1 Project Title: PD10A - The Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for breast cancer cell
lines A potential novel...

1.2 Applicant Details

Name: Maria Casanas University Email Address:
Contact Address: Telephone Number: 07787796363
Lant street , SE11JU
Faculty: Biomedical Science

Please check the relevant box:

Undergraduate Postgraduate MPhil/PhD Student Staff

I confirm I have read the University’s Code of Practice YES NO

Governing the Ethical Conduct of Research

1.3 Supervisor/Dean of Faculty/Faculty Research Director details

Please note that all applicants with a supervisor(s) must ensure that the supervisor signs the
declaration at the bottom of this page if completing Part A only.

If completing Part B, all staff must ensure that their Dean of Faculty, OR Faculty Research
Director (or nominee), as appropriate, signs the declaration at the end of Part B application form.

Name: University Email Address:

Dr Nadege Presneau (Supervisor)

Faculty: school of Life sciences Telephone Number:

For Use in Academic Year 2021/22
PART A (Continued)
Section 2 – Project Details

2.1 Please provide a description of the background with references to relevant literature (250
words maximum): here you need to give a small background of your project which here will be investigating
This study will be beneficial for future
the potential rolestudies, onceas....investigating
of PDE10A a biomarker its identified and what several breast cancer
its expresssionin
generates tumour growth its recognised
cell lines etc..... , we are able to develop treatment strategies that
specifically target the tumour abnormality and ultimately improve patients outcomes.

All the background information will be obtained from peer reviewed websites as Pubmed, Ncbi
or University slides. All properly citated and referenced.

2.2. Please provide a brief description and the aims of your study (250 words maximum):
The study described here was designed to evaluate the relative gene expression and activity of PDE10
on human breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB231 compared to normal breast cell lines , MCF10a. By
using RNA Isolation, CDNA making and QT-PCR methods, we hypothesize that PDE10A expression in
MB231 is over- regulated compared to Mcf10a human breast cell lines, making PDE10A a good
prognostic biomarker to identify patients with breast cancer.

2.3. Please outline the design and methodology of your study (include details of the selection
and recruitment of participants (if any) and details of any invasive (e.g. blood samples,
inhalation/ingestion of food and/or non-food products (in abnormally higher or lower levels
than normal or a different form), or intrusive (e.g. questionnaires, focus groups, interviews,
etc.) procedures [attach extra information as necessary] (400 words maximum in total):
There is no involvement of patients in this study as cell lines, primers and other cells are
provided by tutor in charge, whom through collaboration with other specialists obtained the
material. No further intrusive or invasive is required. Background information sourced from a
public sources.

Type text here

2.4. Timescales

Start Date (DD/MM/YY): 03/10/2022

Estimated duration of work: 15/05/2023

Before completing Section 3 of the form, students are advised to follow guidance from
supervisor in the first instance. Below are some additional Helpful Information, if required:

Helpful Information

1. If you wish to check whether your study requires National Health Service Research Ethics
Committee approval, you should check using the two decision tools below:

• Is it research? Use this to check whether your project is categorised as research.

• Do I need NHS REC approval? This tool will help you work out whether your study needs
approval from an NHS REC. You can print the answer as evidence.

Further helpful advice can be found on the Health Research Authority’s website:


For Use in Academic Year 2021/22
3. If your study involves Human Tissue you should note that the university holds a Human
Tissue Authority License specifically for storage at 115 New Cavendish Street (School of Life

4. Applicants and their supervisors should contact the university Human Tissue Authority
Designated Individual (DI) for further advice: Tony Madgwick

5. The HTA’s codes of practice can be found at the link below:

For Use in Academic Year 2021/22
Section 3 - RISK OF HARM
RISK OF HARM (to self, colleagues, participants, environment or animals) Yes No N/A
1 Will any pain or more than mild discomfort result from the study?
2 Could the study induce any psychological stress or anxiety or cause harm or
negative consequences beyond the risks encountered in normal life?
3 Will the study involve prolonged or repetitive physical or psychological testing of
human participants that may put someone at risk, e.g. use of treadmill?
4 Will the study involve raising sensitive topics (e.g. sexual activity, drug use,
revelation of medical history, bereavement, illegal activities, etc.)?
5 Does your work involve any “relevant material” containing human cells (e.g.
blood, urine, saliva, body tissues but NOT established cell-lines) from living or
deceased persons (Such work must take account of the Human Tissue Act)? –
See Note 1 and 2 above.
6 Will DNA samples be taken from human participants (Such work must take
account of the Human Tissue Act)? – See Note 1 and 2 above.
7 Does your study raise any issues of personal safety for you or other researchers
or participants involved in the project (Especially relevant if taking place outside
working hours or off University premises)?
8 Does your study involve deliberately misleading the participants (e.g. deception,
covert observation)?
9 Does your work involve administration of a food or non-food substance of a
different type from or in abnormally higher or lower amounts than normal or one
that is known to cause allergic reaction(s) or potential psychological stress?
10 Does your study involve issues relating to personal and/or sensitive data?
PARTICIPANTS (and/or their records/associated data) Yes No N/A
Does your work involve any of the following:
11 Human participants in a health and/or social care setting (e.g. patients, those
attending day centres, community care, rehabilitation centres, etc., including in
the NHS, other public, private and/or voluntary sectors)? – See Note 1 above.
12 Human participants who may be deemed vulnerable (e.g. children, people in
poverty and/or with physiological or psychological impairments, persons
attending rehabilitation centres, persons in easily identifiable positions that could
be subject to victimisation, etc.)?
13 Expectant or new mothers?
14 Refugees/Asylum seekers?
15 Minors (under the age of 18 years old)?
16 Participants in custody (e.g. prisoners or arrestees)? – See Note 1 above.
17 Participants with impaired mental capacity (e.g. severe mental illness, brain
damage, sectioned under Mental Health Act, lowered or reduced sense of
consciousness)? – See Note 1 above.
18 Animals (or animal tissue).
19 Will you provide participants with a Participant Information Sheet prior to
obtaining informed consent which can be taken away by the participant?
20 Will you describe the procedures to participants in advance, so that they are
informed about what to expect?
21 Will you obtain informed consent for participation (normally written)? OR in the
case of using personal data previously acquired was consent given for the reuse
of the data for other research purposes?
22 Will you tell participants that they may withdraw from the research at any time
and for any reason without any impact on their care, service provision etc.?
23 Will you give participants the option of omitting questions they do not want to
24 Will you tell participants that their data will be treated as confidential and that, if
published, it will not be identifiable as theirs?
25 Will you offer feedback to participants at the end of their participation, upon
request (e.g. give them a brief explanation of the study and its outcomes)?
26 Has external funding or collaboration been applied for/received, which requires
institutional ethical consideration or approval?

For Use in Academic Year 2021/22
What to do next:

• If you have answered NO to questions 1-18 (inclusive) and YES to questions 19-25
(inclusive), you do not need to complete the Full Research Ethics Approval Form (i.e. NO NEED
for Part B). Please send this form to your supervisor to get checked and keep this form for your
records. Do not submit to College Research Ethics Committee (CREC) unless you require it to
be processed by an external body (i.e. question 26 has been answered YES).
• If you have answered YES to any of the questions 1-18 (inclusive) or NO to any of the
questions 19-25 the Full Research Ethics Approval Process needs to be completed (Cover Sheet,
Part A and B, plus any required supplementary documents) and MUST be submitted, by your
SUPERVISOR to the Secretary of the relevant College Research Ethics Committee (CREC) via the
online process.

Additional Information for Supervisors:

• If you are applying for external Ethical Approval, please send a copy of the Conditions/Approvals
letters to the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) Secretary (this may include the
original ethical application(s)). Where the external ethics committee/body has equal standing or
primary jurisdiction, e.g. another University Research Ethics Committee or a National Research
Ethics Committee, any approval will normally be received and noted by the University of
Westminster Research Ethics Committee and further consideration may not be required. Where
the external committee does not have equal or higher standing than the University Committee then
the full ethical approval process at the university may still be required. Additional institutional
compliance issues may need consideration by UREC.
• All Applications (dated, signed and authorised) and supplementary information or External
Approvals should be sent to the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) Secretary in
electronic format with a version number, document name and date and the Principal Investigator
(or Undergraduate/Postgraduate Taught Student) name. On receipt your application will be issued
a unique reference number
• All new Applications should be submitted to a Research Ethics Committee (FREC or UREC)
Secretary a minimum of 10 working days in advance of the Committee meeting date (earlier
submission is recommended so that applications can be pre-vetted and obvious issues addressed
before the application is considered by the Committee).

For Use in Academic Year 2021/22

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