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SoftMap Software

Version 3.1


SoftMap Documentation v3.0D

Solar Turbines
Peter Davis
March 2003

1.0 Overview:

SoftMap is a Gas Compressor Performance program that runs inside Microsoft

Excel 7.0 or higher using a dynamically linked library of compressor
formulas. The program consists of multiple Excel sheets and some supporting
VBA code in the background. Some of the sheets are used for navigation, some
for display and data entry, some for reference and a few contain compressor
specific data.

SoftMap is a compressor analysis tool, and functions as an automated version
of the existing paper head vs flow compressor performance map provided by
Solar. As such, it includes all the benefits and limitations of a fixed head
vs flow map. While the Head vs Flow map provides maximum accuracy over
widely varying conditions, mach number effects caused by large changes in gas
consistency or suction pressure are not accounted for. Typically suction and
discharge pressures can be varied by a factor of 5, gas suction temperature
50 degF and gas SG by about 0.2 without introducing significant errors. If
the mach number for the checkpoint being calculated is more than 5% away from
that which would be calculated for the same head and flow point using the
original design conditions, an error will be flagged and the calculation

Warnings and alarms from ‘Softmap’ are limited to those related to

checkpoints which go outside the bounds of the map. Pressure, temperature,
rotor dynamic, and other limits must be checked against data provided by data
sheets or directly through Solar. Contact Solar Turbines if you have any
questions about the limits that apply to your unit.

The program is primarily designed to calculate performance of one compressor

operating independently, but can be used to calculate performance of multi-
body compressor packages. Features and benefits include:

1) Multi-mode performance calculator. Calculate actual or purposed

performance points using the best available data.

2) Data logging. Determine typical performance or performance trends by

calculating and recording performance points then pressing the 'Record Data
Pt' button or automatically via a SCADA link.

3) Automatic Data plotting on compressor specific head vs flow map.

Visualize performance points and their relationship to surge, choke,
efficiency, RPM and other points on an accurate and versatile head vs flow
map. Determine if conditions or compressor(restage) should be changed to
reach the desired location on the map.

4) Actual and predicted performance automatically compared. The difference

between the actual and predicted values of T2, RPM, efficiency, and power are
calculated for every checkpoint. Significant discrepancies can be analyzed
to determine the root cause, be it deterioration in the compressor package or
instrumentation error.

5) Batch load compressor data. Data can be copied directly from a reservoir
analysis or other source to appropriate columns in the 'Data Log' sheet of
the program along with the appropriate calculation code. All data records
which do not yet have a predicted RPM will have the all performance
parameters recalculated using the given performance calculation code when the
‘Record’ button on the map is pressed. Performance for up to 50 points at a
time can be calculated and plotted on the head vs flow chart in seconds.

6) Integral Gas analysis. Gas can be analyzed using either a SG based

estimate or a multi-stream mole analysis without leaving the program or re-
entering data.

7) Link input or output to other applications using OLE capability built

into Excel(Object Linking and Embedding). Build links between other
compressors programs to determine overall system performance. Build links
with pipeline programs to optimize system design. Link with engine
performance programs to determine overall package performance.

Home Sheet:
The home page functions as a navigation page only. From the ‘Home’ sheet the
user can go three different directions:
1: The ‘Solar Compressor Performance’ button sends the user to the ‘Solar
Compressor Performance sheet. From it one can calculate compressor
performance which is not specific to any particular compressor type or
staging. The sheet can be used to estimate the power and compressor
required for a particular compression duty.

2: The ‘Solar Internet’ button is a hyperlink to the Solar Turbines Inc.

website. If an internet session is active it will take the user to
www.esolar.cat.com. From the web site the user can view the data sheet
for specific compressor or engine models as well as being able to view
the breadth of equipment and services available from Solar Turbines.

3: Pressing the ‘Tandem Compressor Performance’ or ‘LP Compressor

Performance’ button takes the user to the specified compressor
performance sheet. These sheets are hard-coded with performance curves
specific to a given design and enable the user to immediately calculate
compressor performance and see the operating point plotted on the head
vs flow map.

Solar Compressor Performance Sheet:

The ‘Solar Compressor Performance’ page can be used to calculate compressor

performance checkpoints that are not specific to a given compressor. Details
regarding the operation of this page can be found on the LP, IP, or HP
Compressor Performance Page instructions that follow, as these sheets
functions in a nearly identical manner.

After the required data has been entered and the ‘Calculate’ button is
pressed the sheet will complete calculations for the checkpoint and display
the resulting checkpoint on the head vs flow map on the left of the page.
Multiple checkpoints can be saved and plotted.

By noting the maximum power required for a group of checkpoints one can
determine which engines will be appropriate for the duty. Likewise,
candidate compressors can be selected by observing which compressor
performance envelopes best cover the checkpoints. It needs to be emphasized
that the compressor envelopes shown refer to the performance for a given
compressor model, not what is possible using a single staging selection. The
compressor performance map for a given set of staging is much smaller. For
C160, C33, C505 and any other 1st or 2nd generation Solar compressors the
max/min head and max/min flow ratios need to be less than 2:1. For the third
generation machines like the C40, C45, C65 the max/min ratio goes up to 3:1.

Tandem Compressor Performance Sheet:

If the package that the ‘Softmap’ was created for has more than one
compressor on the skid the ‘Tandem Compressor Performance’ Sheet will be
available. If not, the ‘Tandem’ button on the ‘Home’ page will be replaced
by one directly linking the ‘LP compressor performance’ page. The tandem
program option can control two or more single body performance calculation
sheets to determine tandem performance. Two tandem calculation options are
available at this time:

1) Target SQ Flow. By pressing the ‘Calculate Tandem SQ’ button the

performance checkpoint for the package is calculated assuming the
supplied target flow. In addition to the mass flow for each of the
compressors, the suction pressure for the first body, the suction
temperature for all of the compressors, the interstage pressure losses,
and an RPM starting point for each of the compressors is required. If
the RPM values are not the same it has effect of a gearbox being placed
between the compressors. Performance for each of the compressors from
LP to HP, is calculated using the RPM, SQ and suction conditions to
determine the discharge pressure for each body. The initial RPM for
each of the compressors is changed by a fixed ratio until the target
discharge pressure for the HP body is reached. Interstage pressure
drops are calculated using the dP pressure values entered in the tandem
sheet. If the suction pressure for one of the compressors is fixed the
interstage pressure loss calculation can be bypassed by setting the dP
to 999.

2) Power Limited Flow. By pressing the ‘Calculate Tandem HP’ button the
power limited flow for the package can be calculated. This mode uses the
Target SQ Flow mode as a starting point. An SQ multiplier is then
estimated with the aim of consuming all of the power available. New SQ
values are estimated by multiplying the initial SQ values by the SQ
multiplier. This is done recursively until the power required equals
the power available.

When the tandem calculations are complete one can get details on any of the
individual compressor bodies by navigating to any of the individual
compressor performance sheets. This is done by pressing the appropriate
silver navigation button on the ‘Tandem Compressor Performance’ page.

LP, IP, and HP Compressor Performance Pages:

The individual compressor performance sheets are the focus of the ‘Softmap’
program. The LP, IP, and HP compressor performance sheets are created from
the same template, only the source data is different. The Solar Compressor
performance sheet is extremely similar, except that no information comes from
or is compared to the map. Each sheet is made of six sections:

1) The compressor map on the upper left side of the page is a standard
Excel chart with the efficiency, surge, and speed line data plotted.
The data is based on checkpoints from Solar's GCASE compressor
performance program running at the design condition using the specific
compressor and staging shown in the ‘Map Info’ sheet. The speed lines
are black, the surge line pink, and the efficiency lines multi-colored.
Efficiency lines with the same value are the same color to enhance
readability. Typically the site name and compressor ID are shown in the
lower right hand corner of the chart. The chart can be refreshed and
the last point calculated and recorded in row 6 of the appropriate ‘Data
Log’ sheet by pressing the gold ‘Record Data’ button in the upper left
corner of the chart. All of the existing data points are slid down a

2) On the upper right side of the screen are the data history display
controls. The ‘Checkpoint #’ pull-down menu is used to select the key
historical checkpoint. This checkpoint is displayed on the map as a
purple triangle. It can sometimes hidden be behind the current
checkpoint that is red with a white cross. When the historical
checkpoints checkbox is selected up to the maximum number historical
checkpoints are plotted on the chart starting with the key historical
checkpoint. If the label checkbox is also selected each of the
checkpoint labels will be displayed as well. The labels work well if
only 1-5 checkpoints are displayed, but it gets hard to read with many
more. Finally, there is a ‘Max Checkpoints’ cell where the maximum
number of checkpoints plotted can be set(0-50).

3) Below the checkpoint control is the gas properties section. In this

section the critical gas properties are entered. The properties can
either be directly entered or they can be copied in from one of the gas
analysis pages. To select the SG or Mole based gas analysis press the
gold ‘Analysis’ button.

4) Below gas analysis are the ‘Parameters Supplied’ pull-down and the
‘SCADA Input’ checkbox. The ‘Parameters Supplied’ checkbox allows the
user to select which parameters are used as inputs to calculate the
operating point. There are 11 different formulas plus an option to
import the key historic data point indicated in the Checkpoint# pull-
down menu. When the ‘SCADA Input’ checkpoint is selected, the input
data comes from the ‘SCADA Input’ sheet, not the ‘Compressor
Performance’ sheet. This feature can be used in two primary ways.
Since the sheet is originally made with the design point entered in the
SCADA Input sheet, it can be used has a handy reference to get the input
values back to known good values. Just select the SCADA checkbox and
press the gold ‘Calculate’ button. Alternately one can enter formulas
in the SCADA cells. The formulas can be used to link to a DDE server
providing live data. This makes it possible to evaluate the compressor
performance in real time.

5) The Excel cells in the lower right hand portion of the sheet are the
primary input and display cells. They are broken into three columns.
The first column is based input data or data directly calculated from
input data. It is called the ‘Actual’ column. The only exceptions to
that generalization are the formulas which use RPM as an input
parameter. The cells requiring an input value are highlighted in gold.
The second column is called the ‘Predicted’ column and uses the head and
flow from the first Actual Data to locate a point on the head vs flow
map. Polynomial formulas are used to interpolate the predicted RPM,
efficiency, and position relative to the surge line. The predicted T2
is calculated using predicted efficiency and the actual pressures and
T1. Finally, there is the ‘Delta’ column. This column is used to
compare data between the actual and predicted columns as a percentage.

The ‘Poly’ checkbox in the lower right of this section is used to select
polytropic head and efficiency instead of the standard isentropic
method. When the polytropic box is checked the map is redrawn for
polytropic head and efficiency, the head and efficiency displayed
becomes polytropic, and the polynomials associated with the polytropic
map data are used as the basis for all map references.

The gold ‘Calculate’ button is in the lower right area of the page.
When the calculate button is pressed the input data is processed, the
data is logged in the ‘Datalog’ as the real-time checkpoint and the
real-time checkpoint, which is red with a white cross, is moved to the
new location on the head vs flow map. If there is an error in
calculation the operation is aborted and an error message is displayed.

6) The last section of the Compressor Performance page is the navigation

buttons on the bottom. They provide a quick way to get to the part of
‘Softmap’ required. The left most button will take you to the ’Home’
page. The next button will take you to the ‘User Units’ page where you
can either select new units for input and display from a list or create
your own. The third button links to the ‘Map Info’ page where
information on the actual compressor type, staging, serial number, curve
number, job reference, and design point can be viewed. The fourth
button from the left links to the SCADA input page. The fifth button
links to the ‘Data Log’ sheet where the logged data can be viewed or
edited in Solar units. If there is more than one compressor in the
package a sixth button exists to link back to the ‘Tandem Performance’

Checkpoint Calculation
The ‘Actual’ column can currently be calculated using 11 different formulas.
RPM is only used to compare with the map prediction in calculation codes 2-8.
Since ‘Solar Compressor Performance’ page does not have RPM information it
only uses codes 1-8. The difference between each of the formulas is which
parameters are used for input and which for output. The formula should be
selected based on what parameters are known and believed to be most accurate.
The other values will be calculated. Parameters that are known, but not
required can be compared with the calculated values. The following formulas
can be used;

Calculated Parameters Supplied Calc Code
Data From Log file Data from Log File 1
head, eff pwr P1, P2, T1, T2, SQ, RPM 2
head, eta, sq P1, P2, T1, T2, Pwr, RPM 3
head, p2 P1, T1, Pwr, SQ, RPM 4
head p1 P2, T1, Pwr, SQ, RPM 5
head, t2, eta P1, P2, T1, Pwr, SQ, RPM 6
head, t2, Pwr P1, P2, T1, SQ, RPM 7
head, t2, SQ P1, P2, T1, Pwr, RPM 8
head, p2, t2, Pwr P1, T1, SQ, RPM 9
head, p1,t2,Pwr P2, T1, SQ, RPM 10
head, ETA, SQ, Pwr P1, P2, T1, T2, RPM 11

A calc code or formula is selected by using the 'Parameters Supplied' pull

down. Calculation is performed when the ‘Calculate’ button is pressed.
Errors, which are flagged:
. Eff must be between .4 and .98
. T2 must be greater than T1
. If the mach number is within 5% of that achieved under design conditions.
. Head and flow values must fall within the given compressors head vs flow

Map Info Page:

The conditions that the chart was originally generated for are indicated in
the 'Map Info' page. It includes the compressor staging type, staging, seal
type, gas conditions, database information, and package information. It can
be viewed by pressing the silver ‘Map Info Pg’ button.

While the map may be applicable to different packages and different
conditions, this information shows the basis of the map shown in the
‘Compressor Performance’ sheet.

Data Log Page:

The ‘Data Log’ page is a spreadsheet used to record checkpoint data for it’s
related compressor performance sheet. Rows 6 and higher are used to record
data points. Row 5 is linked to the performance page’s input. Row 1
contains data from the last data point. All data displayed is in Solar
Units. If one wants to view the data in user units the data it needs to be
manually copied to a new spreadsheet and converted. The work area of the
‘User Units’ can be used to assist the process. To avoid changing the format
of the page use the ‘Paste Special’ / values only feature instead of the
standard ‘Paste’ feature in the ‘Edit’ menu of Excel.

The following fields are saved in the data log:

Data Pt Tag
Time Date
Isen Head
Isen Eff%
Poly Head
Poly Eff
Predicted T2
Predicted Q
Predicted Head
Predicted RPM
Predicted EFF
Predicted SM
Predicted HRTS
Predicted TD
Delta% T2
Delta% Pwr
Delta% RPM
Delta% EFF
Poly? (Map used to base predicted head, flow, RPM and Eff data on)

A few of the rows and cells in the 'Data Log' sheet have special
functions. . The raw input data is copied to row #5.
. When a calculation is performed, the input data taken from row #5 and
the results pasted into row#2.
. When a data point is recorded the data in row#2 is copied to row #6, and
all data from the lower cells are bumped down.
. Cell #A2 saves the status of the plot "Historical' check box.
. Cell #A1 keeps track of the next checkpoint tag number to be used.
. Cell #A3 keeps track of which 'Chkpt#' is selected in the 'Compressor
Performance' sheet pull-down menu.

Two buttons are on the Data Log page. The left most button ‘Clear Data Log’
erases all of the data from row 6 and higher. The user should be very sure
this is what is desired before pressing the button. The right button is a
navigation button that brings the user back to the ‘Compressor Performance’

Gas Analysis:
As stated earlier the gas properties for any of the compressor performance
sheets can be entered directly if one has the SG, k50, k300, PCP and PCT
values for the process gas. If not one can press the ‘Analysis’ button to
call up the ‘Analysis Method’ page. From this page the user can choose to
use obtain the gas properties based on SG (specific gravity) of the gas by
pressing the “SG Based Analysis’ button. Alternately one can press the
‘%Mole Based Analysis’ to use process gas constituents to determine the
process gas properties.

SG Analysis:

The ‘SG Analysis’ page estimates the K50, k300, PCP and PCT given the SG. SG
values must be between .55 and 1.2. Type the SG of the process gas in the
appropriate cell and press <Enter> to have the values calculated. Once the
values look good press the ‘Copy Data to Performance Pg’ button. The
compressor performance sheet will be brought to the front and the gas
characteristic values will be pasted into the appropriate cells. If you want
to abort the process, press the ‘Escape’ button

The following formulas are used to ESTIMATE the gas characteristics:

K50 = 1.335 - 0.018648*((SG * 28.964)-15)^0.7

K300 = 1.27 - 0.018017*((SG * 28.964)-15)^0.65
PCP = 700-48.3 * SG
PCT = 170 + 313 * SG

Mole Analysis:

The mole analysis assumes that the process gas is unsaturated and is based
upon the mole percentage of each of the constituents in the gas stream. If
the gas is saturated at the process pressures another program like GPASIM
will need to be used to determine what process gas is after the liquids are

SGmix = Weighted average mole wt of constituents/28.964(The Wt of air)

Cp = (rate of change in energy/rate of change in temp)@const pressure
Cv = (rate of change in energy/rate of change in temp)@const volume
Cp50= Weighted average Cp @ 50 degF
Cp300= Weighted average Cp @ 300 degF

K50mix = gamma50/(gamma50-1.986) = Cp50/Cv50

K50mix = gamma300/(gamma300-1.986)= Cp300/Cv300

PCP = psudocritical pressure = pressure needed to compress a gas to a liquid

at its critical temperature
PCT = psudocritical temperature = max temperature beyond which a gas can not
be compressed to a liquid

PCPmix =
PCTmix /wt average(PCP/PCT)

PCPmix =
(1+1/3)*[wt average(PCT^1.25/PCP^0.5)/[(1 – 1/3)*wt average(PCP/PCT)]

LHV = Lower heating value BTU/SCF

Fuel burned, water exhausted as a vapor
HHV = Higher heating value BTU/SCF
Fuel burned, water exhausted as a liquid

LHVmix = wt average LHV

HHVmix = wt average HHV

Data from up to three separate gas streams can be used to determine the
process gas properties. If all is satisfactory, press the 'Copy Data to
Performance Pg’ button to paste the gas characteristics into the performance
sheet or press ‘Escape’ to abort the process.

User Units Sheet:

From any of the compressor performance pages there is a silver navigation

button labeled ‘Change Units’. By pressing this button one comes to the User
Units sheet. Softmap uses Solar units for the data logs and for all internal

Solar Units
Parameter Solar Units
Pressure psia
Temperature degF
Head Ft-Lb/Lbm
Actual/Velocity Flow ACFM
Mass Flow mmSCFD

If other units are used they are converted to Solar units before calculations
are made and converted back to the user units after the calculations are
finished. When units are changed the values in all the performance sheets,
and all the SCADA sheets are converted. In addition, all the performance
maps are converted to the new head and flow units, new scales are selected,
rescaled, and redrawn.

To change user units go to the Change Units sheet using the navigation
buttons, then use the pull down menus to select the desired units for
pressure, flow, head, mass flow, velocity flow, and temperature. To make the
changes effective, press the ‘Change Units’ button.
If the units desired are not listed, custom units can be added to the default
list. The default list cannot be added to, modified or deleted. To add a
custom unit press the Add/Edit button. A pop-up menu will appear. Select
the unit type, and then fill out the name, factor and offset fields for the
new unit. When finished, press the Add/Edit button. To delete a custom set
of units first make sure that the current units are not the user units being

Factor = User Units/Solar Units
Offset = Solar Units when User Units = 0

Example 1:
Factor = DegC/DegF = 0.55556
Offset = degF @0degC = -32

Example 2:
Factor = PSIG/PSIA = 1.000
Offset = PSIA @0 PSIG = 15

Example 3:
Factor = TJ/day/mmSCFD = 1.17
Offset = mmSCFD @0 TJ/day = 0

SCADA Input Sheet:

The SCADA input sheet is an alternate location for data input. It is used by
the associated LP, IP or HP performance sheet when the SCADA checkbox is
selected. When the program is shipped the SCADA data is set to the original
design point.

How To:

1) Compare actual package data with predicted

Enter the gas properties in the 'Actual' column, or perform a gas analysis.
Review the data that is available from the package in question. Most likely
P1, P2, T1, T2, and SQ can be obtained. Enter the values in the 'Actual'
column. Select the appropriate 'Parameters Avail' from the pull-down menu.
(Formula #2 if P1, P2, T1, T2, and SQ are supplied). Supply RPM too if you
want that compared. Press the 'Calculate' button. Q, Head, Pwr, RPM, EFF
will be calculated and the point plotted on the map by a red square with a
white cross on it. In the '%Delta' column the difference between actual and
predicted values can be compared. If the speed is high and the efficiency
low, the seals in the compressor may need replacement. If you wish to record
the point, press the 'Record Data Pt' button on the compressor map.

2) Predict compressor performance
This operation is performed the same as 1), but the parameters supplied
will likely be different. P1, P2, T1 and SQ will likely be the input
parameters (formula #7). The point will be plotted on the head flow map and
can be recorded using the 'Record Data Pt' button.

Several items need to be considered to determine if the point can be

achieved in reality. The RPM must be between the Max and Min RPM for the
package, the surge margin should be above 15% for pneumatic surge control
systems and above 5% for electronic surge control. Also, the power required
must be less than power available at the site conditions.

If multiple datapoints need to be run, one should consider loading the
Datalog sheet for the subject compressor manually as a batch.
. Enter some tag values in column 2 for reference.
. Enter the appropriate calculate codes in the 3rd column.
. Paste the required input parameters into the appropriate columns as well
in addition to the gas SG, k50, k300, PCP, and PCT.

When the 'Record Data Pt' button is pressed, all points selected will
attempt to be plotted. If the RPM predicted has been calculated, it is
assumed the record has been calculated. If not, and a calculation code has
been entered into column #3, the record will be processed. Selected points
begin at the 'Chkpt#' selected, and continues record-by-record down until
either the 'next record row' or the 'Records to display' is exceeded.

3) Tandem Operation

A tandem program option is now available which can control two or more single
body performance calculation sheets to determine tandem performance. Two
tandem calculation options are available at this time:

1) Target SQ Flow. The target flow for both of the compressors must
supplied along with the suction pressure for the fist body, suction
temperature for all of the compressors, interstage pressure losses,
discharge temperature for the HP body, and RPM for all of the
compressors. Performance for each of the compressors is then calculated
using the RPM SQ and suction conditions to determine the discharge
pressures. The initial RPM for each of the compressors is changed by a
fixed ratio until the target discharge pressure is reached. Interstage
pressure drops are calculated using the dP pressure values entered in
the spreadsheet. If the suction pressure for one of the compressors is
fixed the interstage pressure loss calculation can be bypassed by
setting the dP to 999.
2) Power Limited Flow. This mode uses the Target SQ Flow mode to start
with, and then changes the target SQ of each body by the same factor
until the power required equals the power available.

4) Continuously record performance via SCADA link

To use a SCADA link, select the SCADA check-box. With the SCADA box checked
the gas parameters, P1, P2, T1, T2, EFF, RPM, Pwr, Head, SQ, Q values now
come from the SCADA sheet, not the 'Compressor Performance' sheet. -Similar
to an "A-B" switch. When the program is created the design point data is
loaded in the SCADA input. This can be useful to quickly enter a data set
that will work.

It is also possible to type in formulas to link the SCADA input cells to live
data using a DDE (DynamicDataExchang) link.

Program Installation:
Softmap is typically provided on a CD-ROM disk with several files. Proper
installation is essential, as the ‘Softmap’ program will not work without
following the procedure.

Installation Instructions for Softmap.xls

0. **Files that should be in the CD**

There should be 8 files in the disk:
'Softmap****.xls' (The source file)
'SoftMapInstaller3.3.xls' (The installation file)
'Gas Compressor Calcs A1.cab' (The calculation library)
'Install.txt' (Installation instructions)
'Softmap**.doc' (This document)
'SoftMapHelp.hlp' (On line help file)
'Setup.exe' (Installation file)
'Setup.lst' (Installation file)

1. **Check Excel version is 7.0+ and fully installed**

Make sure the version of Excel on your computer is v7.0 or later and
installed with all available options.

2. **Install files**
Before starting make sure all of Excel workbooks are closed (hidden and
personal workbooks included.) Also make sure the Excel security is set
to Low or Medium. To do this, select the Tools item from the Excel menu
bar, and then pull down to the Macro item. (You may need to click on the
double down-arrow item to get the full Tools menu.) From the Macro menu
you can select the Security item and change it as necessary. Double
click on the 'SoftMapInstaller*.xls' file and follow the installation
instructions. A 'Softmap' folder will be created on your C:\ drive and
the necessary files copied into it and the appropriate Windows registry
items set to make the program work.

3. **Familiarize yourself with what Softmap can do and how to do it**

Copy 'Softmap**.dot' to a suitable location and read the manual.

4. **Open your Softmap**.xls file and get to work**

Start up 'Softmap**.xls'. A copy will be located in the C:\softmap
When the program asks if you want to be able to run macros, acknowledge
with an OK. The first time the program is run it will ask you to
acknowledge the license agreement and ask for a password. The password
for the demo software is 'DEMOc'. Other versions of Softmap have their
own password that should be provided to you. With the fully installed
Excel, Softmap.xls should link up with 'Gas Compressor Calcs**.dll'.
The dll will be called when the macros inside the file are called.

Curve Polynomials
When the soft-map is originally created several curve polynomial curve fit's
are made to speed calculations later. An isentropic and polytropic set of
curve fits is generated for each of the compressor bodies included in the

Input Output Formula Type

Head, Q Efficiency, RPM 1
Head, RPM Q, Efficiency 2
Q, RPM Head, Efficiency 3

RPM Head at surge 4

RPM Flow at surge 4
Head Surge flow 5

Type Format

1 A0 + A1*FLOW + A2*HEAD + A3*FLOW^2 + A4*HEAD^2 +A5*FLOW*HEAD + A6* FLOW^3+ A7* HEAD^3

2 A0 + A1*HEAD + A2*RPM + A3*HEAD^2 + A4*RPM^2 +A5*HEAD*RPM + A6* HEAD^3+ A7* RPM^3 +
3 A0 + A1*FLOW + A2*RPM + A3*FLOW^2 + A4*RPM^2 +A5*FLOW*RPM + A6* FLOW^3+ A7* RPM^3 +
4 A0 + A1*RPM + A2*RPM^2
5 A0 + A1*HEAD + A2*HEAD^2


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