Cpar Brochure
Cpar Brochure
Cpar Brochure
The National
Commission and the
Arts (NCCA) honored
her as a National
Living Treasure
(Gawad sa Manlilikha
ccrreeaa tteedd bbyy:: ng Bayan)
Bahia, Princess Jowahid
Pagulayan, Aira Mae MAGDALENA GAMAYO
Even though the North is known for its cotton, it any kind of woven fabric. In the world of many prides of the Ilocos
region in the Philippines.
does not have thread factories to spin bales of weaving however, inabel is particularly “Abel” is the Ilocano word
cotton into spools of thread. Instead, Magdalena used to refer to textile that is distinctly for weave, and “inabel”
has to rely on local merchants with their limited Ilocano in origin. can be interpreted to
supplies. She used to spin her own cotton and mean any kind of woven
brushed it with beeswax to make it stronger, but History of weaving and fabric. In the world of
weaving however, inabel
after the Second World War, she now relies on a is particularly used to
market-bought thread. She still remembers Magdalena Gamayo refer to textile that is
Not long ago, weaving of the
local textile has become the
trading rice for thread, although those bartering Lola Magdalena is an “inabel” (Ilokano distinctly Ilocano in origin. most perpetrated livelihood
days are over. A thread is more expensive handwoven cloth) maker. She started to which most of the Ilocanos
nowadays and of poorer quality. develop her skill in hand-weaving cloth at ventured into. To the
Spaniards, the inabel, or
the age of 16 in the heat of World War II. Abel Iloco as they call it, has
Her aunt introduced her to this traditional become the identity of the
art of weaving using a simple contraption. Ilocanos which in return