Modeling LDPE Tubular and Autoclave Reactors
Modeling LDPE Tubular and Autoclave Reactors
Modeling LDPE Tubular and Autoclave Reactors
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used in this study to model low-density polyethylene
(LDPE) tubular and autoclave reactors. A polymerization reaction model is developed using the
method of moments. The model includes six steps: initiator decomposition, chain initiation,
propagation, chain transfer to monomer, disproportionation termination, and combination
termination. Coupling of the reaction modeling with the simulation of the flow field is used to
predict monomer conversions, polydispersities, radical distributions, and molecular weight
distributions. The viscosity of LDPE is defined as a function of the molecular weight and the
temperature. Results are obtained for a two-dimensional tubular reactor and a three-dimensional
autoclave reactor. The predictions are compared with those of previously published work. Finally,
the influence of initiator concentrations and inlet temperatures on monomer conversion and
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position of ethylene and is applied to predict the where x is the number of radicals or polymer chains or
conditions under which thermal runaway could occur. the degree of polymerization, λi represents the moments
Therefore, the following steps that are important in of the radicals, and µi represents the moments of the
predicting the molecular weight and the polydipersity polymers. By multiplying each term in eq 2 by xi (where
of polyethylene are considered i is either 0, 1, or 2) and summing the resulting
expressions over the total range of variation of x, a
kI revised set of source terms (eq 2) can be derived as
Initiator decomposition I 98 2A (1)
kII SI ) -kI[I] (4)
Chain initiation A + M 98 R1
kp SA ) 2kI[I] - kII[A][M]
Propagation Rx + M 98 Rx+1
Chain transfer to monomer SM ) -kI[A][M] - kpλ0[M] - ktrmλ0[M]
Rx + M 98 Px + R1
Disproportionation termination Sλ0 ) SR ) -(ktd + ktc)λ02 + kII[A][M]
Rx + Ry 98 Px + Py
Sλ1 ) -(ktd + ktc)λ0λ1 + kII[A][M] + kpλ0[M] +
Combination termination Rx + Ry 98 Px+y ktrm[M](λ0 - λ1)
reactions are modeled in this simplified scheme equations are written as follows (eqs 12 and 15)
kI ∂ ∂
Step 1. I 98 2A (9) (FE) + [ui(FE + p)] )
∂t ∂xi
Step 2. A + M 98 R
kII ∂
∂xi [ ∂T
keff -
hmJm + uj(τij)eff
] + Sh (12)
Step 3. R + M 98 R where keff is the effective conductivity (k + kt, where kt
is the turbulent thermal conductivity), Jm is the diffu-
sion flux of species m, and Sh includes the heat of
ktd + 2 tc chemical reaction and any other volumetric heat sources.
Step 4. R + R 98 P In the above equation
ktrm 2
Step 5. M + (R) 98 P + (R) p ui
E)h+ + (13)
F 2
This model requires the solution of species transport
equations for I, A, M, R, and P, where R is the total where h is the sensible enthalpy
monomer, ∑Rx, and P is the total polymer, ∑Px. The fifth ∂ ∂ ∂
step is a third-body-type reaction. In addition to the five- (FYm) + (FuiYm) ) - Jm,i + Qm (14)
∂t ∂xi ∂xi
step reactions, a mass source term (-1/2ktcR2) is added
to the transport equation of the total radical, R, for
where Ym is species mass fraction of species m and Qm
consistency with the source terms derived in eq 4. The
is the source term due to chemical reactions. The user-
solution of scalar transport equations for the four defined scalar transport equations for the four moments
moments λ1, λ2, µ1, and µ2 (eq 3) is also required. λ0 and are
µ0 are equivalent to R and P and do not need to be
solved. Source terms for the moment equations are those
listed in eq 4.
The coupling between reaction and transport process
(Fφ ) +
∂t k
Fuiφk - Γk(∂φ
) Sφk ) (15)
could cause auto-acceleration and poor mixing. Most where Γk and Sφ are diffusion coefficient and source
polymerization reactions exhibit high viscosity, and high term, respectively.
reaction viscosity can significantly affect design strate- 3.2. Turbulence Model. The RNG k- model7 is
gies for polymerization. Therefore, it is necessary to used in this study, and it provides two benefits. First,
model mixture viscosity in reactors. In general, the the effect of swirl on turbulence is included in the RNG
viscosity of polymer/monomer mixtures depends on key model, which enhances the accuracy for swirling flows.
system variables such as temperature, composition, and Second, the RNG theory accounts for a wider range of
degree of polymerization. The last two variables can be Reynolds-number effects, because it provides an ana-
represented by the concentration of polymer and the lytically derived differential formular for effective vis-
molecular weight distribution.6 In the current model, cosity. The RNG k- model solves the transport equa-
the mixture viscosity of ethylene/polyethylene is written tions for k and
( )
Dk ∂ ∂k
F ) Rη + Gk - F (16)
[ () )]
Dt ∂xi k eff ∂xi
µ1 0.556 Eν 1 1
η ) ηethy exp 2.00 + 0.017 µ1 + ( -
( )
µ0 Rg T 423 D ∂ ∂ 2
F ) Rηeff + C1 Gk - C2F - R (17)
(10) Dt ∂xi ∂xi k k
where ηethy is the viscosity of ethylene and where Gk represents the generation of turbulent kinetic
energy due to the mean velocity gradients and
Eν ) -500 + 560µ1 kcal/(kg mol) (11)
CµFν3(1 - ν/ν0) 2
R) (18)
By accounting for the viscosity in this manner, the 1 + βν3 k
effects of temperature and product distribution are
included in the fluid motion. Equation 10 shows a rapid where ν ) Sk/, ν0 ) 4.38, and β ) 0.012. The other
increase in viscosity with rising conversion. The in- model constants are
creasing viscosity retards micromixing. When conver-
C1 ) 1.42 and C2 ) 2.68 (19)
sion rises, micromixing could become less important and
might be neglected.
3.3. Solver Technique. The finite-volume-based
software FLUENT8 is used to solve the flow field,
3. Numerical Model temperature field, species concentrations, and moments.
Each discrete governing equation is linearized implicitly
3.1. Governing Equations. The governing equations with respect to that equation’s dependent variable. The
for mass, momentum, energy, and species are consid- resultant scalar system is solved sequentially. The first-
erred in the model. The species, energy, and scalar order upwind scheme is selected to calculate the cell face
5536 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 23, 2001
[ ]
the initiation, propagation, and termination reactions
-(Ea + Vap)
k ) k0 exp (20) were varied indicated that the chemical kinetics plays
Rg T a more significant role in determining the distributions
of initiator, radical, and polymer. The difference be-
where A is the preexponential factor, Ea is the activation tween the two model predictions could therefore be due
energy, and Va is the activation volume. The set of rate to the fact that the disproportionation termination step
constants, listed in Table 3, were derived by Lee and was neglected in Tsai and Fox’s work.
Marano9 and recommended by Tsai and Fox.4 The rate The maximum temperature reaches 640 K, and the
constant of the chain initiation reaction is assumed to monomer conversion is about 10% at the center exit
be the same as that of the propagation reaction.4 The (Figure 2). The profile of the monomer conversion closely
rate constants of the disproportionation-termination follows the temperature profile because of the exother-
and combination-termination reactions are assumed to mic nature of LDPE reactions. These results also agree
be equal. In addition, the heat of the propagation reasonably well with those obtained by Tsai and Fox.4
reaction is included as an energy source term and is The conversion predicted in Tsai and Fox’s work is 1%
-9.5 × 107 J/kmol.4 higher than the current prediction at the downstream
The initiator is consumed 5 m downstream of the inlet end of the tube, however, which could be explained by
(Figure 1), which compares favorably with the result the same argument used in the previous discussions.
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