The Social and Political Engagement of W. H. Auden's Verse
The Social and Political Engagement of W. H. Auden's Verse
The Social and Political Engagement of W. H. Auden's Verse
Faculty of Arts
Department of English
Table of Content
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................4
2. Biography..............................................................................................................................5
3. Writing Career.....................................................................................................................5
3.1. First period...................................................................................................................5
3.2. The Second Period.......................................................................................................7
3.3. The Third period..........................................................................................................9
3.4. The Fourth Period......................................................................................................11
4. Conclusion...........................................................................................................................12
This seminar paper briefly examines W.H. Auden’s outlook on and engagement with the
political and social environment of Europe and America throughout the four period of his
writing career and how his social and political views reflected in few selected works of his
poetry. It briefly describes W.H. Auden’s life. It continues by going through Auden’s literary
career chronologically and dividing it into four periods. First it goes through Auden’s views
from 1927 to 1932 and how they can be seen in the two selected poems. Then it takes a look
at the poet’s outlook and political engagement from 1933 to 1938 and focusing on the poem
“Spain 1937” and the various interpretations of it. It goes on to explain the time period from
1939 to 1947 and Auden’s move from political verse. This section also discusses the poem
“New Year Letter” and its social themes. Lastly, the paper explains the final period of
Auden’s life and briefly explores the poem “The Shield of Achilles.” All the discussed poems
in the paper are in the appendix.
1. Introduction
The main purpose of this paper is to closely examine W.H. Auden’s outlook on and
engagement with the political and social environment of Europe, more specifically Spain, and
later on America – places he was deeply affected by and/or lived in – throughout the four
period of his writing career and how it reflects in specific works of his poetry. This will be
done by drawing from various academic sources, which discuss and interpret Auden’s poetry
and social and political views. Unsurprisingly, we shall also be heavily relying upon Auden’s
own verse works throughout the paper; more specifically we will be analysing “Brothers,
who when the sirens roar,” “Coming out of me living is always thinking,” “Spain 1937,”
“New Year Letter” and “Shield pf Achilles.”
Auden held differing political stances throughout his life: from the idealistic and activist-
driven outlook of his earlier years, to his disillusionment and consequent political
ambivalence after his time in Spain, and later in life to his more withdrawn and theological
approach and contemplation after his move to America and flight from European verse.
Section 2 presents a basic overview of Auden’s life. Section 3 focuses on Auden’s political
and social views and how they reflected in his selected works of his poetry. This section is
divided into four subsections, each focusing on a period of his writing career and analysing
one or two poems from that time from a social and political perspective.
2. Biography
Wystan Hugh Auden, more widely known as W.H. Auden, was an English and American
poet that was born in 1907 in York, England. His family were extremely pious Anglo-
Catholics, though he himself only became enamoured with religion gradually later on in life.
In 1930 he moved to Berlin, which is also where he met his long-term lover, Christopher
Isherwood. He travelled a lot, visiting and staying in various countries, from China, where he
along with Isherwood covered the Sino-Japanese conflict, to Iceland, a country he chose in
hopes of escaping the political turmoil of the continent. In 1935, he entered into a lavender
marriage with Erika Mann when her German citizenship was threatened. The couple never
lived together but remained good friends until her death in 1969. Auden worked as both an
essayists, lecturer and reviewer.
In 1939, he and Isherwood's moved to America where they separated quickly after arrival.
Auden began teaching in Swarthmore but in 1946, after gaining his American citizenship, he
moved to New York and began writing for US journals such as The New Yorker and Vogue.
During his time in America, Auden also became more focused on religion, his Protestant
theology becoming increasingly predominant in his writings. In 1956, he became a professor
at Oxford University, though he continued to live in New York.
Later in life he moved away from poetry and primarily wrote book reviews and literary
essays. In the last few years of his life, Auden lived interchangeably in the US, Austria and
Italy. He died of heart failure in 1973 in Vienna.
3. Writing Career
Auden himself separated his writing career into four distinct periods, a sectioning we will
also go adhere to in this paper as it provides us with a practical and more easily
understandable segmentation of content.
The first period he marks as starting in 1927, when he was still an undergraduate at Oxford
and his deep attraction to and interest in modernism began to emerge (though it must be noted
that Auden was already writing poetry five years earlier at age fifteen), and ending in 1932
with his long poem The Orators.
The poems from this period are notable for having “nothing to do with classes or nation,”
meaning that Auden was at the time not yet heavily concerned or simply did not have enough
proper incentive to write about concrete political and social matters; his poetry instead deals
with “the battle of a dead past against an inaccessible future.” (Mendelson, Auden 17).
Replogle in “Auden’s Marxism” asserts that before 1933 Auden build his beliefs on society
mostly upon psychological foundations, drawing primarily from the writings of Freud,
Homer Lane and D.H. Lawrence. (585)
Auden’s first dabblings in Marxism were, according to Replogle, non-serious and often
bordering on farce, at times going well into the ridicule territory. (“Auden’s Marxism” 586)
As an example we have an untitled poem from August of 1932, in which Auden expresses a
new-found “explicit sympathy with the proletariat,” seen in the beginning line “Brothers, who
when the sirens roar.” (Replogle, “Social Philosophy” 359) The “Brothers” at the beginning
were, when the poem was originally published, “Comrades,” linking Auden even more
directly to Communism. (Knox 20) Yet Auden is here not expressing sincere kinship with the
“Brothers,” but is throughout the poem self-consciously embarrassed to even play the role of
‘brother’ to the proletarians, compensating for his embarrassment by pretentiously half-
mocking Marxist sympathies and doctrines. (Replogle, “Auden’s Marxism” 586) The
“sympathy with the proletariat” is staged, the poem merely being “an exercise in writing from
a political position” not a heartfelt incursion into Marxism. (Replogle, “Social Philosophy”
Despite Auden himself proclaiming the poems from this period were primarily concerned
with the subject of “their own division and estrangement,” many of his readers were apt to
impose Freudian and Marxist allegories onto them, while others inserted “their own political
and psychological enthusiasms” into them. (Mendelson, Auden 21, 24)
On the other hand, Spears writes that Auden’s poetry during this time was constantly
hovering at the crossroads between the objective need to diagnose the problems of society
and the morally and psychologically deficient individuals that inhabit it, and the subjective
need to withdraw into the fantastical, mythical and unconscious.
In another poem, this one from May of 1929, Auden responds to a friend talking about the
fights between the police and Communists that were happening at the time with “Till I was
angry, said I was pleased.” While most people read this as “a statement of Auden’s anger at
the police and his pleasure at the prospect of revolution”, Mendelson suggests that Auden
merely “said he was pleased” while actually being rather unconcerned with it, at the time
being more preoccupied with the “strictly private development of the life of the mind” not the
developing political and social world. (Auden 74)
Auden’s second period can be marked as beginning in 1933 and ending in 1938. This was, as
Spears puts it, the period “in which Auden was the hero of the left.” Mendelson states that if
before Auden had written politically only “in the broadest sense of the word,” he now, in
early 1933, “almost accepted the argument that Communism was the one choice remaining
for [the] wrecked society,” though Auden himself admits that this shift was done more on
psychological than political grounds. (Auden 28)
During this time Auden visited many countries, including Iceland, China, Germany, the US
etc. The country that left the most impact on him though was Spain, which he visited in 1937
– amidst the Spanish Civil War –intending to serve on the Republic side by driving an
ambulance. His ambition, however, was never achieved as he was instead put to work writing
propaganda and broadcasting. Auden himself later on admitted that his brief time in Spain
“marked the beginning both of his disillusion with the left and of his return to Christianity.”
(Spears) Grass writes that while “Auden returned from Spain still anti-Fascist” he was now
disenchanted with the realities of the totalitarian Left that turned out to be “far more
complicated and equivocal than he had ever dreamed.” (90-1) His newly arisen political
ambivalence manifested in his writings, most notably in his 1937 pamphlet Spain that he later
on revised and published in his collection of poems Another Time in 1940 as “Spain 1937.”
“Spain 1937” is by many considered unequivocally the “best poem in the English language
concerning the Spanish Civil War.” (Bone 6) The poem speaks of the past, present and future
of Spain. The past is described as a time of achievements, exploration and intellectual and
artistic greatness – “Yesterday the bustling world of the navigators,” “yesterday the invention
/ Of cartwheels and clocks,” “Yesterday the classic lecture / On the origin of Mankind” –
while “to-day [is] the struggle,” a line that repeated several times throughout the poem. Spain
of the present is in crisis; it is, as Replogle puts it, a period in which “nations yearn for
certainty and call out for some life force to ‘intervene.” (“Auden’s Marxism” 590) In the 20th
stanza, the poem finally turns to the future, a time of relative pleasantness, which is, however,
immediately dwarfed by the struggle of today, where “the chances of death” and “the
necessary murder” are both part of grim reality.
In “Spain 1937” Auden first presents the past as a time of glory and success to better
convince us of “the necessity of immediate action” in the unstable and troubled present, so
that there may be a chance in the future for people to experience a brighter and better world.
(Bone 5) Spain during the time of its Civil War is in the poem depicted as an opportunity for
Auden’s generation to properly stand and act against the ever-increasing threat of Fascist
totalitarianism and to change the course of history, so people in the future may have greater
control of their own lives. (Bone 5)
Auden throughout the poem employs the use of the telegraphic style of writing – a style in
which only the minimum number of words necessary to convey the central meaning of the
text are used – to give the poem a less explicit tone and to elevate the writing. (Farrell 228)
With this clipped way of writing, the poem also becomes a sort of list; Auden presents us
with a record of everyday happenings and attitudes – “the theological feuds in the tavern,”
“the belief in the absolute value of Greek,” “the installation of dynamos and turbines” –
putting focus on them instead of the great battles and treaties of times gone by. (Farrell 229)
The past is by this simultaneously brought closer and intrinsically separated from the present
(Farrell 229). “To-day” is simply a time of all-prevailing struggle that is held in contrast to
the historical possibility and overall absence of conflict that “Yesterday” possessed. (Farrell
Some consider “Spain 1937” to be a witness poem of war, others a defence of Communist
ideology, some label it as a political entreaty to Western democracies to aid Spain in their
time of need. (Farrell 227) Farrell, however, proclaims that the poem is none of those things,
but is instead a “call to arms” – a petition for people to stand up to fascists with, if necessary,
violent means and even at the risk of their own safety, all in the name of greater societal
good. Bone calls this the first poem in which Auden offers “unequivocal endorsement of
political action.” (3) “Spain 1937” takes The Spanish Civil war as an opportunity for people
to choose between being complacent, doing nothing and with it basically “commit[ting]
moral suicide” or to unite and stand against Fascism (Bone 3).
Alternatively, Replogle criticises the poem for remaining rather detached from “matters of
contemporary partisanship,” explaining that in “Spain 1937” Auden focuses more on the
“philosophical basis of Marxism” and on “the nature of men” than on the political issues of
the day. (“Auden’s Marxism” 591) Bone as well points out that while the poem is indeed
“intellectually convincing,” it lacks the “emotional fire” that would successfully convince a
person to journey to Spain and take up arms for the Republic. (6)
In complete opposition to all others, however, Mendelson considers “Spain 1937” not at all a
political or public poem but rather a utopian one; a poem filled with nostalgia for the world of
the imaginary past and longing for the fanciful future. (Auden 188)
In 1939, the third period of Auden’s career began, with him moving to the United States
Isherwood, and subsequently also consciously moving away from activist verse. (Grass 84)
This was a period of great religious and intellectual transformation for the poet. By 1939
Auden had altered his stance on politics in poetry and concluded, as he proclaims in his poem
“In Memory of W.B Yeats,” which was published the same year, that “poetry makes nothing
happen.” (Firchow 466)
This American Auden differed vastly from his younger English version. While the younger
Auden sought social causes for which he could use “poetry as a weapon,” the older Auden
mainly “tended to look inward and comment obliquely on the social world around him.”
(Firchow 467, 462) At the same time, Auden’s philosophy and interest shifted away from
Freud and Marx, as he began to engage more readily with the thoughts of Soren Kierkegaard
and Reinhold Niebuh, both of whom were primarily concerned with Christian philosophy and
ethics (Frichow 462).
Replogle states that Auden’s eventual return to Christianity in 1940 was philosophically
supported and influenced by his earlier studies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. (“Auden’s
Marxism” 595) Their ideas on human nature triggered him to give up on his singular focus on
studying the psychology of human behaviour and instead made him focus on the philosophy
of human existence; a thinking that was later on transformed by his new religious
considerations and became a defining feature of the poetry of his later years (Replogle,
“Auden’s Marxism” 595).
Auden’s so-called political and religious “rebirth” also resulted in him going back and
revising many of his earlier political poems to rid them of their “overt political content”
(Grass 84) It was during this time, specifically in 1940 with the publication of Another Time,
that Spain became “Spain 1937.” Grass sees this revision as an overt example to what extent
Auden’s “idealistic zeal” had degraded. (86) Auden had ever since visiting Spain refused to
discuss what had happened there, and his disillusionment with the Left and his
disappointment with the Republic had inevitably caused him to revise and soften the poem
directly dealing with these subjects.
In early January of 1940, Auden began to write the long poem “New Year Letter;” a poem he
wrote “partly to understand, partly to induce the transformation of his beliefs.” (Mendelson,
Auden 427) The poem primarily deals with religion, ethics and aesthetics; its rhymed
octosyllabic couplets giving it an air of rationality while its formal and conservative syntax
and meter hide behind them a “a restless idiosyncratic exploration of vast historical changes
and uncertainties.” (Mendelson, Auden 428-9) But “New Year Letter” also briefly addresses
social concerns of “demagoguery, populism, migration and a refugee problem” – “And in
jalopies there migrates / A rootless tribe from windblown states,” “Nor trust the demagogue
who raves,” etc. (Seal)
In “New Year Letter,” Auden also looks back to the beginning of modernity, back to the
Renaissance, and deliberates on the progression from one era into another, how “Another
unity was made / By equal amateurs in trade” when the previous era’s “unity ha[d] come to
grief / Upon professional belief.” (Mendelson, Auden 432) But Auden doesn’t stop at merely
describing the scientific advancement of the Renaissance and ridiculing those who thought
“that progress is not interesting”, but also says: “It is the Mover that is moved,” and in the
same stanza continues: “Man captured by his liberty, / The measurable taking charge / Of him
who measures …” Here he is trying to convey that all the trappings of so-called “progress”
have struck back; “That the machine has now destroyed / The local customs we enjoyed, /
Replaced the bonds of blood and nation / By personal confederation.” Humanity is now in a
crisis, where, as Mendelson suggests, “we must begin to build another era [limited only by
our] indolence, not ignorance.” (Auden 432)
The poem tells us that “building the Just City” will not come without sacrifice; that there are
no quick and easy utopian short-cuts to social justice even if Auden himself wishes it to be
so. (Mendelson, Auden 433) Mendelson also claims that the poem here “endorses the Marxist
analysis of Fascism,” as when the “machine” destroyed all the arbitrary groups of class,
nationality, political party, residence it left people only to make a personal choice with whom
they will associate with and form groups. (Auden 446) It is “a throwback to collectivism no
longer possible in the machine age.” (Mendelson, Auden 446)
The last period of Auden’s writing career began when Auden started annually leaving New
York City to travel Europe for most of the year. It first occurred in 1948, and from then on
Auden spend his summers in Italy until 1957. (Spears) In 1948 he was awarded the Pulitzer
Prize for his last long poem The Age of Anxiety – published in 1947 – and five years later he
also received the Bollingen Prize. (Spears)
Mendelson described Auden of this time as” the avuncular, domestic, conservative, Horatian,
High Anglican poet of civilization […] [who] would seem to show few traces of the anarchic
stringencies of his younger self” (Auden 28) And although Auden did indeed reinvent and
transformed himself and his ideas over time, the social themes in Auden’s works remain,
albeit they are now more sober and contemplative. His later writings focus on “the mutual
implication of violence and civil order, the penalty in human life that every peaceful well-lit
city must pay to survive.” (Mendelson, Auden 29-30)
In 1965, when Auden was compiling and revising his poems for the Collected Shorter Poems
1927–1957, he discarded both “Spain 1937” and “September, 1939.” Mendelson in “Revision
and Power” claims that this was not done out of no longer agreeing with the two poem’s
political messages – the former being Marxist and the latter being idealistic – but because he,
in retrospect, considered the poems’ persuasive powers to no longer be on a par to rival “the
great struggle of the age,” and that his readers will consequently not be properly convinced
that they are, along with Auden, on the right side of the struggle. (Mendelson, Auden 105)
Glass, however, writes that especially “Spain 1937” or the lack thereof in Collected Shorter
Poems (1965) tantalises readers because it allows for its political blanks to be filled and
subsequently may help to explain Auden’s own abandonment of Europe for America in both
the literal and literary sense. (Glass 85)
A poem from this period, “The Shied of Achilles,” takes the events of book 18 of the Iliad, in
which Thetis, the mother of Achilles, commissions Hephaestus to forge her son a shield for
his battle in the Trojan war, and employs them to create a powerful political message. Thetis
expects to find scenes of “[w]hite flower-garlanded heifers,” “[m]arble well-governed cities,
“[m]en and women in a dance” engraved onto the shield, yet instead finds bleak depictions of
“[b]arbed wire,” “a weed-choked field,” “a sky like lead,” “[a] ragged urchin, aimless and
alone.” Hephaestus has instead of heading her request decided to engrave the armour with
“scenes of human suffering and torture.” (Auden, Severn 1762) Summers describes the
prevailing theme of this poem “an indictment of dehumanizing trends in contemporary
society.” (214)
In the 3rd stanza we can discern a clear argument levelled at society: that listening to a “voice
without a face” – without question and reason will lead to “grief” that all will be responsible
for. (Auden, Severn 1762) William Ruleman in “The Library of Congress Variant” states that
the poem clearly ‘implicates all of us […] [and] teaches us […] our common complicity, if
not in evil, then at least in human frailty’” (Auden, Severn 1762) The poem, despite its
seeming simplicity, according to Summers, not only perfectly captures the religious and
political beliefs Auden held during the 1940s and early 50s but also presents them in a
masterful, vivid and non-didactic manner. (214)
4. Conclusion
The purpose of this paper was to examine W.H. Auden social and political evolvement
through his poetry. This purpose was achieved by giving a brief overview of Auden’s life and
works, then discussing Auden’s political role or lack thereof through his career, and
analysing selective works of Auden’s poetry that exhibit and/or reference his social and
political views and philosophies.
The paper shows that Auden held a variety of opinions regrading social and political matters
throughout his life that were influenced by his environment, time, readings and intellectual
deliberations; his beliefs range from his early political idealism and dabbling with Marxism
to his later withdrawal from overt discussions of politics and focus on Christian theology.
The paper further proves that many of Auden’s poetry exhibits his various social and political
beliefs, implicitly or explicitly. The paper also reveals that a number of academics disagree
on the sincerity of Auden’s political poetry and many more share contradicting views on the
specifics of Auden’s complex and often ambiguous social and political philosophies.
These topics were exhibited in the five poems that were debated and analysed from a social
and political perspective. The reader was able to engage with Auden’s poetry more fully
because of the details about his life and philosophy provided in the paper, and because of the
more focused and particular examinations into the poems. The reader has hopefully gotten a
deeper understanding and appreciation of Auden’s political and social views and how they
can be seen in his poetry.
Sad ceremonial;
‘A testimonial.’
Only we say
On you our interests are set
While we consider
Expert on trigger;
So pray be seated:
Did she? Deceiver!
Is personal regeneration
Is it? Well,
As any bounder’s;
All that the rich can here afford:
To lack of money.
Cambridge ulcer
There are none falser.
In their defence
In mind-events.
Cartoons by Goya:
Or paranoia.
(untitled poem, May 1929)
Vanishing music of isolated larks:
Completeness of gesture or unclouded eye;
Spain 1937
The trial of heretics among the columns of stone;
And the poor in their fireless lodgings, dropping the sheets
And the eyes and the lungs, from the shops and squares of the city
I agree. Or is it the suicide pact, the romantic
Through the unjust lands, through the night, through the alpine tunnel;
Are precise and alive. For the fears which made us respond
Are projecting their greed as the firing squad and the bomb.
As the ambulance and the sandbag;
Octaves of radiation;
On the flat ephemeral pamphlet and the boring meeting.
We are left alone with our day, and the time is short, and
Part I
Twelve months ago in Brussels, I
Obedient to some hidden force
In visible hostilities.
That order which must be the end
A midwife to society.
Autonomous completed states.
An algebraic formula.
As personalities be true?
If poverty or ugliness.
Yet the live quarry all the same
Nor conscious, as he works, of their
Pick any influential ghost
A choleric enthusiast.
Broke off relations in a curse
Of several I recognise.
Poet of cities, harbours, whores,
We all had reason to detest,
By departmental vanities.
Our parish of immediacy.
Are tempted to surrender to
This private minute for a friend,
Part II
And now and then a nature turns
Prefer our idees fixes to be
Wed an impossibility.
Though we are lost if we turn round
Defending relaxation, he
Diaholus egredietur
Although, for all your fond insistence.
A legal personality.
A rule-of-thumb hypostasis.
Has no direct experience
Of discontinuous events.
That I is Not-Elizabeth.
The bishop hid his anxious face,
A fascinated listener,
I never saw it in that light.
The hard self-conscious particles
Is a first-rate psychologist
And flings at every author's head
Inspired it with the wish to be
Diversity in unity.
Pledged as he is to Rule-by-Sin,
As ambiguous a position
And none appreciate as he
Polysyllabic oratory.
Beasts with a Rousseauistic charm
The early Christians to believe
Like his, our lives have been coeval
A rare discontinuity,
Negating as it was negated.
Of Pure Idea to gates of horn
Is He-who-makes-what-is-of-use,
With the ascetic farmer’s son
To rational diversity.
We hoped; we waited for the day
With swimming heads and hands that shake
Of genteel anarchists like Locke,
Part III
A general detente, and Care
Is diplomatically ill:
The temenos small wicket stands
An accidental happiness.
In unimpeded utterance.
The flowers change colour for the worse.
Time-conscious for eternity.
The hardest exercises still
Our faith well balanced by our doubt.
A reverent frivolity
Horizon of immediacies
For me the casus foederis.
Whatever wickedness we do
To nothing primitive at all;
In mechanised societies
The public space where acts are done.
In politics the Fall of Man
No matter where, or whom I meet,
As a locality I love.
Burst through his sedentary rock
Alone in the hot day I knelt
For we are conscripts to our age
In a peculiar atmosphere.
A day is drawing to a close.
Opinions of artillery.
The epidemic of translations.
To Catholic economy.
Subjected earth to the control
Blake shouted insults, Rousseau wept,
Of him who measures, set at large
Enforcing labour discipline.
Yet who must not, if he reflect.
Decline responsibility.
The average of the average man
By turns in favour with the crowd
Then panic seizes her; the glance
Delighted with their takings, bars
An economic abstinence.
Keine Basalte, the great Rome
The Pioneer; and even yet
A Volkerwanderung occurs:
Resourceful manufacturers
The choice of patterns is made clear
By personal confederation.
As individuals to choose
“The Nowhere-without-No" that is
They learn to draw the careful line.
The largest 'publicum's a res,
Democracy a ready-made
And culture on all fours to greet
In consciousness of differences.
But one odd human isomorph;
Sophisticated innocence,
The grinning gap of Hell, the hill
A calm solificatio,
That each for better or for worse
An artificial wilderness
Nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down,
An unintelligible multitude,
A crowd of ordinary decent folk
Was all the worst could wish; they lost their pride
Were axioms to him, who'd never heard
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