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104 Bah 202223 5 436
Chance Count :1
An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter
into the Examination Centre.
An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special
permission to an examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the
Examination Centre after twenty minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her
answer-script, even if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name
etc.) shall lead to cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like
Mobile Phones / Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card,
Registration Certificate, pen or the like. Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the
Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall.
Communication of any nature between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is
strictly forbidden.
An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these
instructions or other examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be
reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the
examinees shall remain in their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any
examinee to any Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent
University examination(s) and the decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order