Mapeh Template 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 1
Section (if applicable):
Total Number of Enrolled Learners: 164 No. of Male: 70 No. of Female: 94
Total Number of Takers: 164 No. of Male Takers: 70 No. of Female
Percentage of Learners the achieved or exceeded the MPL: 79.88%
Percentage of Male Takers the achieved or exceeded the MPL: 78.57%
Percentage of Female Takers the achieved or exceeded the MPL: 80.85%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
Creates simple ostinato
Identifies the difference patterns in groupings of
between sound and silence 2s, 3s, and 4s through
1 1 1
accurately. 3 body
(MU1RH-Ia-1 ). movements (MU1RH-Ide-
Sings the melody of a
song with the correct
Identifies the pitch of a tone 6 pitch e.g. greeting
4 as high or low (MU1ME-IIa-1 2 songs,counting songs, or 2
) action songs (MU1MEIIc-

Identifies similar or
Relates images to sound and
dissimilar musical lines
2 silence within a rhythmic
3 7 (MU1FO-IIe-2 ) 3
pattern (MU1RH-Ib-2 )
Creates a design
inspired by Philippine
flowers, jeepneys,
Filipino fiesta decors,
Explains that ART is all 12 parol, or objects and
8 around and is created by 4 other geometric shapes 4
different people (A1ELIa) found in nature and in
school using primary and
secondary colors

9 Identifies different lines, 5 Identifies colors as 5

shapes, texture used by 11 primary, secondary, and
artists in drawing (A1ELIc) tertiary, both in natural
and man made objects,
seen in the surrounding
Draws different kinds of Paints a home/school
plants showing a variety landscape or design
10 of shapes, lines and color 6 choosing specific colors to 6
(A1PR-If) create a certain feeling or
13 mood (A1PR Ie-1)
Engages in fun and Shows balance on
enjoyable physical activities one,two, three, four and
with fivebody parts (PE1BM-Ie-
18 7 7
coordination (PE1PF-IIa 15 f-3)

Creates shapes by using hibits transfer of

different body parts weight (PE1BM-Ig-h-4)
14 8 8
Practices habits of
Distinguishes healthful from keeping the body clean &
19 less healthful foods 9 23 healthy 9
(H1N-Ia-b-1) (H1PH-IIf-i-4)

Realizes the importance

Tells the consequences of
20 of eating less healthful 10 practicing good health 10
foods (H1N-Ic-d-2). 25 habits (H1PH-IIj-5)

Analysis and Interpretation:

79.88 or 131 out of 164 of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Examination
achieved or exceeded the exceeded the MPL in MAPEH 1 while 20.12 % or 33 of the
learners did not achieve the MPL. This data shows that students who failed to pass the
MPL shall be given activities and interventions to strengthen their knowledge in

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 2
Section (if applicable):
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 148 No. of Male: 72 No. of Female: 76
Total No. of Takers: 148 No. of Male Takers: 72 No. of Female Takers: 76
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 71.62%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 72.22%
Percentage of Female who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 71.05%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
21 Discusses the important 1 10 Differentiates the contrast 1
function of food and a between shapes and
balance meal. colors
of different fruits or
plants and flowers in
one’s work and in the
work of others
14 Creates body shapes and 2 4 Identifies the pitch of 2
Actions. tones as: high (so), low
(mi); higher (la); lower (re)
Responds to ranges of
through body movements,
singing, or playing
12 Describes the lines, shapes, 3 7 Reads stick notation in 3
colors, textures, rhythmic patterns with
and designs seen in the skin measures 2s, 3s, and 4s
coverings of different animals
and sea creatures using
visual arts words and
23 Displays good decision 4 8 Identifies the pitch of 4
making skills in choosing tones as: high (so), low
the right kind of food to eat. (mi); higher (la); lower (re)
Responds to ranges of
pitch through body
movements, singing, or
playing instruments.
15 Demonstrates movement 5 2 Reads sticks notation in 5
skills in respond to sound rhythmic patterns with
and music. measures 2s, 3s and 4s
17 Engages in fun and 6 5 Identifies the pitch of 6
enjoyable physical activities. tones as: high (so), low
(mi); higher (la); lower (re)
Responds to ranges of
pitch through body
singing, or playing
22 Displays good decision 7 9 Describes the different 7
making skills in choosing styles of Filipino artists
the right kind of food to eat. when they create
portraits and still life
(different lines and
16 Demonstrates movement 8 13 Uses control of the 8
skills in respond to sound painting tools and
and music materials to paint the
different lines, shapes
and colors in his work or
in a group work
25 Through body movements, 9 3 Relates visual images to 9
singing, or playing sound and silence using
instruments. quarter note, beamed
note and quarter rest in a
rhythmic pattern.
18 Creates body shapes and 10 6 Sings children’s songs 10
actions with accurate pitch

Analysis and Interpretation:

71.62 % of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Assessment achieved or
exceeded the MPL in MAPEH 2 while 28.38 % of them did not achieve the MPL. Most of
the learners got a highest score in Remembering and Evaluating.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 3
Section (if applicable):
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 138 No. of Male: 78 No. of Female: 60
Total No. of Takers: 138 No. of Male Takers: 78 No. of Female Takers: 60
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 68.84%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 66.67%
Percentage of Female who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 71.67%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
30 Describe the characteristics 1 4 Identifies the pitch of 1
of a healthy child tones as high low, higher
H3PH-IIa-9 1or lower
27 Identify the different ways to 2 14 Describes body shapes 2
prevent disease and actions PE3BM-Ia-b-
H3DD-IIh-5 1
18 Appreciate the different 3 16 Performs body shapes 3
native games and actions PE3BM-Ic-d-
PE3PF-II-h-2 15
12 Understand the meaning and 4 24 Explains the concept of 4
symbolize of colors malnutrition
A3EL-IIa H3N- Iab-11
5 Sing Children song with 5 11 Familiarize with the 5
accurate pitch artwork of some famous
M2ME-lla-4 artist
7 shows the illusion of space in 6 19 Describe movements in a 6
drawing the objects and location, direction, level,
persons in different sizes pathway and plane
A3EL-Ib PE3BM-IIa-b-17
23 Describes a healthy person 7 2 Plays simple ostinato 7
H3N- Iab-11 patterns (continually
repeated musical phrase
or rhythm) with
classroom instruments
and other sound sources
28 Identify the factors that 8 10 Identify the Primary and 8
causes disease Secondary Colors
3 Creates continually repeated 9 20 Describe movements in a 9
musical phrase or rhythm in location, direction, level,
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s pathway and plane
MU3RH-Ie-6 PE3BM-IIa-b-17
29 Identify the factors that 10 15 Describes body shapes 10
causes disease and actions PE3BM-Ia-b-
H3DD-IIbcd-1 1

Analysis and Interpretation:

68.84% of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Assessment achieved or
exceeded the MPL in MAPEH 3 while 31.16% of them did not achieve the MPL. The
data shows that learners who did not get 60% of the perfect score shall be given
supplementary activities and interventions to strengthen their knowledge in the said

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 4
Section (if applicable):
Total Number of Enrolled Learners: 165 No. of Male: 72 No. of Female: 93
Total Number of Takers: 165 No. of Male Takers: 72 No. of Female Takers:93
Percentage of Learners the achieved or exceeded the MPL: 74.55%
Percentage of Male Takers the achieved or exceeded the MPL: 73.61%
Percentage of Female Takers the achieved or exceeded the MPL: 75.27%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
13 Draws specific clothing,
Identifies objects, and designs of at
different kinds least one the cultural
of notes and communities by applying
1 1 1
rests (whole, an indigenous cultural
half, quarter, motif into a contemporary
and eighth) design through crayon
etching technique.
14 Draws specific clothing,
objects, and designs of at
Reads least one the cultural
different communities by applying
3 2 2
rhythmic an indigenous cultural
patterns motif into a contemporary
design through crayon
etching technique.
Discusses the rich variety
of cultural communities
in the Philippines and
their uniqueness and the
identifies common foodborne
distinctive characteristics
35 diseases and their signs and
3 of these cultural 3
communities in terms of
13 attire, body accessories,
religious practices, and
39 Describes how communicable 4 Discusses the rich variety 4
diseases can be transmitted of cultural communities
from one person to another. in the Philippines and
their uniqueness and the
distinctive characteristics
of these cultural
communities in terms of
attire, body accessories,
14 religious practices, and
Describes how communicable Identifies the highest and
diseases can be transmitted lowest pitch in a given
40 from one person to another. 5 notation of a musical 5
10 piece to determine its
Displays joy of effort, respect Identifies the highest and
for others and fair play lowest pitch in a given
21 during participation in 6 9 notation of a musical 6
physical activities piece to determine its
Identifies the movement
of the melody as: - no
Displays joy of effort, respect
movement - ascending
for others and fair play
22 7 stepwise - descending 7
during participation in
8 stepwise - ascending
physical activities
skipwise - descending
Identifies the movement
of the melody as: - no
Displays joy of effort, respect
movement - ascending
for others and fair play
24 8 stepwise - descending 8
during participation in
7 stepwise - ascending
physical activities
skipwise - descending
19 compares the
Displays joy of effort, respect
geographical location,
for others and fair play
23 9 practices, and festivals of 9
during participation in
the different cultural
physical activities
groups in the country.
20 compares the
geographical location,
Describes the physical
30 10 practices, and festivals of 10
activity pyramid
the different cultural
groups in the country.

Analysis and Interpretation:

Out of 165 students who took the Regional Mid-Year Examination, 123 of them, which
is 74.55%, achieved or surpassed the MPL in MAPEH 4, while 42 students, which is
25.45%, did not reach the MPL. This information indicates that the students who did
not meet the MPL need to be provided with activities and interventions to enhance
their understanding of MAPEH.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 5
Section (if applicable):
Total No. of Enrolled Learners:147 No. of Male: 79 No. of Female: 68
Total No. of Takers: 147 No. of Male Takers: 79 No. of Female Takers: 68
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 68.71%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 70.89%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 66.18%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
Designs an illusion of
depth/distance to simulate Describes
15 a3-dimensional effect by a
using crosshatching and 1 39 mentally,emotionally and 1
shading techniques in socially healthy person
drawings (old pottery, boats,
jars, musical instruments)
Describes the use of the Discusses ways of
4 symbols: sharp (#), flat (♭), 2 42 managing 2
and natural (♮) unhealthy
Identifies the pitch names
6 of each line and space on 3 33 Observes safety 3
the F- Clef staff. precautions
Explain the importance of
nature and historical places
18 in the community that have 4 27 Observes safety 4
been designated as world precautions
heritage site
Describes the common
health issues and
Divide decimals up: a. up to concerns during puberty
25 4 decimal places by 0.1, 5 47 accepts that most of 5
0.01 and 0.001 b. up to these concerns are
decimal places by 10, 100 normal consequence of
and 1000 mentally bodily changes during
puberty but one can
learn to manage them
Identifies appropriate
28 6 44 resources and people 6
Executes the different who can help in dealing
skills involved in the game with mental, emotional
and social, health
Identifies accurately the Displays joy of effort,
12 duration of notes and rests 7 30 respect for others and 7
in time signature fair play during
participation in
physical activities
Discusses events, practices,
14 and culture influenced by 8 43 Demonstrates skills in 8
colonizers who have come preventing or managing
to our country by way of teasing, bullying,
trading harassment or abuse
Explains the importance of
artifacts, houses, clothes,
language, lifestyle - utensils,
food, pottery, furniture -
influenced by colonizers Executes the
16 who have come to our 9 36 different skills 9
country (Manunggul jar, involved in the game
balanghai, bahay na bato,
kundiman, Gabaldon
schools, vaudeville, Spanish-
inspired churches).
Explain the importance of Discusses the negative
nature and historical places health impact and ways
19 in the community that have 10 48 of preventing major 10
been designated as world issues such as early and
heritage site unwanted pregnancy

Analysis and Interpretation:

68.71% or 101 out of 147 of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Examination
achieved or exceeded the MPL in MAPEH 5 while 31.29% or 46 of the learners did not
achieve the MPL. The data shows that learners who failed to pass the MPL shall be
given activities and interventions to strengthen their knowledge in MAPEH.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 6
Section (if applicable):
Total No. of Enrolled Learners:154 No. of Male: 79 No. of Female: 75
Total No. of Takers: 154 No. of Male Takers: 79 No. of Female Takers: 75
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 72.73%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 67.09%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 78.67%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
20 Explains the elements and Executes the
principles applied in digital 1 31 different skills 1
art involved in the game
Assesses regularly
participation in physical Demonstrates the ability
24 activities based on the 2 7 to sing, read, and write 2
Philippines physical activity simple musical notation
pyramid in the key of C Major, F
Major, and G Major.
Explains the importance
5 Creates rhythmic patterns 3 45 of undergoing health 3
in time signature appraisal procedures
3 Differentiates aurally 4 41 Demonstrates self- 4
among 2, 3, 4, and 6 time management skills
Displays joy of effort,
2 Identifies the values of the 5 34 respect for others, and 5
notes / rests used in a fair play during
particular song. participation in physical
9 6 49 environmental 6
Creates simple melodies. protection through proper
waste management
Applies concepts on the use Execute the
13 of the software (commands, 7 26 different skills 7
menu, etc. involved in the dance
Assesses regularly
participation in physical
23 activities based on the 8 13 Applies concepts on the 8
Philippines physical activity use of the software
pyramid (commands, menu, etc.
37 Describes personal 9 10 Creates simple melodies. 9
health issues and
40 Demonstrates self- 10 8 Creates simple melodies. 10
management skills

Analysis and Interpretation:

72.73% or 112 out of 154 of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Examination
achieved or exceeded the exceeded the MPL in MAPEH 6 while 27.27% or 42 of the
learners did not achieve the MPL. The data shows that learners who failed to pass the
MPL shall be given activities and interventions to strengthen their knowledge in

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 7
Section (if applicable):
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 213 No. of Male: 102 No. of Female: 111
Total No. of Takers: 213 No. of Male Takers: 102 No. of Female Takers: 111
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 58.22%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 54.90%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 61.26%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.

Identifies the
characteristics of arts
and crafts in specific
areas in MIMAROPA
and the Visayas, Explores ways of
Marinduque (Moriones producing sounds on a
masks), Palawan variety of sources that is
24 (Manunggul Jar), 1 4 1
similar to the
Mindoro instruments being
(Hanunuo-Mangyan writing, studied. MU7LU-Ib-f-4
basketry, and weaving),
Bohol (churches), Cebu
(furniture), Iloilo (culinary
arts and old houses), Samar
(Basey mats), etc.
Improvises simple
Analyzes the elements and
principles of art in the
accompaniments to
production one’s arts and
21 2 11 selected music from 2
crafts inspired by the arts
Cordillera, Mindoro,
of MIMAROPA and the
Palawan and of the
Visayas. MU7LV-IIb-g-7
15 Identifies characteristics of 3 6 Performs 3
arts and crafts in specific instruments/improvised
areas in Luzon (e.g., papier instruments from Luzon
mâché [taka] from Paete, lowlands. MU7LU-Ia-h-7
Ifugao wood sculptures
[bul’ul], Cordillera jewelry
and pottery, tattoo, and
Ilocos weaving and pottery
[burnay], etc.)
Analyzes elements and
principles of art in the Identifies the right
production of one’s arts and foods during
13 4 48 4
crafts inspired by the arts adolescence.
of Luzon (highlands and H7N-IIa-20
Analyzes the interplay
Undertakes physical activity among the health
32 and physical fitness 5 40 dimensions in 5
assessments developing holistic
Undertakes physical activity Undertakes physical
31 and physical fitness 6 33 activity and physical 6
assessments fitness assessments
Applies coping skills
Undertakes physical activity in dealing with
30 and physical fitness 7 41 health concerns 7
assessments during adolescence.
Explain the
dimensions of
Identifies the right foods holistic health
47 during adolescence. 8 39 (physical, mental, 8
H7N-IIa-20 emotional, social and
Explains the
characteristics of
Explains the need to select representative
food based on the music from
50 nutritional needs during 9 7 Cordillera, Mindoro, 9
adolescence. Palawan and of the
H7N-IIb-c-21 Visayas in relation
to its culture and
Explains the need to
Undertakes physical activity select food based on
29 and physical fitness 10 49 the nutritional needs 10
assessments during adolescence.
24 Identifies the 1 4 Explores ways of 1
producing sounds on a
characteristics of arts
variety of sources that is
and crafts in specific
similar to the
areas in MIMAROPA
instruments being
and the Visayas,
studied. MU7LU-Ib-f-4
Marinduque (Moriones
masks), Palawan
(Manunggul Jar),
(Hanunuo-Mangyan writing,
basketry, and weaving),
Bohol (churches), Cebu
(furniture), Iloilo (culinary
arts and old houses), Samar
(Basey mats), etc.

Analysis and Interpretation:

58.22% or 124 out of 213 of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Examination
achieved or exceeded the exceeded the MPL in MAPEH 7 while 41.78% or 89 of the
learners did not achieve the MPL. This data shows that students who failed to pass the
MPL shall be given activities and interventions to strengthen their knowledge in

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

Division: Cabanatuan City

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School
Address of the School: Mabini Homesite, Cabanatuan City
Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level : GRADE 8
Section (if applicable):
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 237 No. of Male: 124 No. of Female:113
Total No. of Takers: 237 No. of Male: 124 No. of Female: 113
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 66.67%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 66.13%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 67.26%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
42 Explains the definition and 1 33 Undertakes physical 1
importance of courtship and activity and physical
dating in choosing a lifelong fitness assessments
13 analyze the elements and 2 1 Analyzes musical 2
principles of arts in the elements of selected
production of arts and crafts songs and instrumental
inspired by the cultures of pieces heard and
South Asia, West Asia, and performed
Central Asia
11 esign the visual elements and 3 14 Analyzes the uniqueness 3
components selected of each group
festival or theatrical form performance of their
through costumes, props, etc selected festival or
theatrical form
36 Discusses basic terms in 4 34 Conducts physical 4
sexuality as an important activity and physical
component of one’s fitness assessments of
personality family/school peers
31 Prepares a physical activity 5 8 Analyzes musical 5
program elements of selected
songs and instrumental
pieces heard and
49 Examines the important roles 6 24 shows the relationship of 6
and responsibilities of the development of arts in
parents in child rearing and specific countries in
care. Southeast Asia, according
to functionality,
traditional expertise and
availability of resources
50 Examines the important roles 7 6 Listens perceptively to 7
and responsibilities of music of East Asia
parents in child rearing and
9 Evaluates music and music 8 19 identifies the arts and 8
performances using guided crafts in specific
rubrics applying knowledge countries in Southeast
of musical elements and Asia
48 Analyzes the importance of 9 18 analyze the elements and 9
responsible parenthood. principles of arts in the
production of arts and
crafts inspired by the
cultures of South Asia,
West Asia, and Central
22 Identifies characteristics of 10 39 Applies decision-making 10
arts and crafts in specific skills in managing
countries in East Asia: sexuality-related issues.
China(Chinese printing and
calligraphy), Japan (origami,
woodblock printing, and
anime and manga), and
Korea (theater masks,
drums, and Kpop)

Analysis and Interpretation:

Out of 237 learners who took the test, 158 learners achieved the MPL. Some of the
learners who did not exceed the MPL had lacking in reading comprehension.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School

Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level: GRADE 9
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 192 No. of Male: 109 No. of Female: 83
Total No. of Takers: 192 No. of Male Takers: 109 No. of Female Takers: 83
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 59.90%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 51.38%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 71.08%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
Suggests ways to prevent and
Discusses the nature of
manage environmental
25 1 23 environmental issues. 1
health issues.

Performs appropriate first aid

for injuries and emergency
Monitors, periodically
situations in physical activity
one’s progress towards
14 and sports settings 2 38 2
the fitness.
(e.g. cramps, sprain, heat
exhaustion) assessment

Discusses the harmful

short and long term
Analyzes the effects of
effects of substance use
environmental ussues on
24 3 47 and abuse on the 3
peoples's health.
individual, family, school
and community

Describes the musical

elements of selected vocal Relates Classical music to
and instrumental music of other art and its history
1 4 30 4
Medieval, Renaissance, and within the era.
Baroque music.

Performs appropriate first aid

for injuries and emergency Shows the influences of
situations in physical activity the Western Classical art
15 and sports settings 5 36 traditions to Philippine 5
(e.g. cramps, sprain, heat art form.
exhaustion) assessment

Define community and Executes the skills

19 environmental health. 6 41 involved in the dance. 6

5 Relates Medieval, 7 48 Discusses the harmful 7

short and long term
Renaissance, and Baroque effects of substance use
music to other art forms and and abuse on the
their history within the era. individual, family, school
and community

Explains the performance

practice (setting,
Reflects on and derives the composition, role of
mood, idea, or message from composers/ performers,
10 8 3 8
selected artworks and audience) during the
Medieval, Renaissance,
and Baroque periods.

Performs appropriate first aid Explain how a healthy

for injuries and emergency environment positively
situations in physical activity impact the health of
13 and sports settings (e.g. 9 21 people and communitites 9
cramps, sprain, heat (less health care cost,
exhaustion) assessment etc.)

Identifies the types of Shows the influences of

drugs/substance of abuse. the Western Classical art
44 10 37 traditions to Philippine 10
art form.

Analysis and Interpretation:

59.90% or 115 out of 192 of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Examination
achieved or exceeded the exceeded the MPL in Mapeh 9 while 40.10% or 77 of the
learners did not achieve the MPL. This data shows that students who failed to pass the
MPL shall be given activities and interventions to strengthen their knowledge in

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosed No. 3 of Regional Memorandum No. ________, s. 2022

Template No. 2

(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation))


School Year 2022-2023

School: Mabini Homesite Integrated School

Learning Area: MAPEH
Grade Level: GRADE 10
Total No. of Enrolled Learners: 180 No. of Male; _97_ No. of Female: 83
Total No. of Takers: 180 No. of Male Takers: 97 No. of Female Takers: 83
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 51.67%
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 46.39%
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL: 57.83%

Part A. Most Learned and Least Learned Items

Item Item
Most Learned Competencies Rank Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
48 discusses the existing health 1 5 Relate 20th Century 1
related – laws music to other art forms
and media during the
same time period
50 critically analyzes the impact 2 22 Applies different 2
of applications and image
current health trends, issues, manipulation techniques
and to communicate ideas,
concerns experiences and stories
showing the
characteristics of 21st
century art
39 Assess physical activity, 3 46 identifies national and 3
exercise and eating habits international government
agencies and private
organizations that
implement programs for
consumer protection
28 Applies different applications 4 18 Identifies representative 4
and image manipulation artists and Filipino
techniques to communicate counterparts from various
ideas, experiences and art movements
stories showing the
characteristics of 21st
century art
31 Assess physical activity, 5 6 Relate 20th Century 5
exercise and eating habits music to other art forms
and media during the
same time period
27 Identifies art elements in the 6 20 Identifies representative 6
technology-based production artists and Filipino
arts. counterparts from various
art movements
33 Assess physical activity, 7 3 Describe distinctive 7
exercise and eating habits musical elements of
given pieces in 20th
century styles

34 Assess physical activity, 8 42 discusses the various 8

exercise and eating habits forms of health service
providers and healthcare
26 Identifies art elements in the 9 49 explains the significance 9
technology-based production of the existing health
arts. related laws in
safeguarding people’s
43 selects health professionals, 10 36 Assess physical activity, 10
specialists and health care exercise and eating habits
services wisely

Analysis and Interpretation:

51.67% or 93 out of 180 of the learners who took the Regional Mid-Year Examination
achieved or exceeded the MPL in MAPEH 10 while 48.33% or 87 of the learners did not
achieve the MPL. This data shows that students who failed to pass the MPL shall be
given activities and interventions to strengthen their knowledge in MAPEH.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Part B. Cognitive Levels based on Most Learned and Least Learned Competencies

B.1 Most Learned Competencies that Fall under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: MAPEH

Grade Level Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level No.

Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills of
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Items
MAPEH 1 3 7 0 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 2 4 1 0 1 4 0 10
MAPEH 3 3 4 1 1 1 0 10
MAPEH 4 2 7 1 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 5 3 3 2 1 1 0 10
MAPEH 6 2 0 2 4 0 2 10
MAPEH 7 4 4 2 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 8 2 5 3 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 9 3 1 4 2 0 0 10
MAPEH 10 3 5 0 1 1 0 10
Total 29 37 15 10 7 2 100
*In case there were items given intended for ‘creating’

Analysis and Interpretation:

Most learned competencies in MAPEH fall under remembering (29 points),
understanding (37 points), applying (15 points), analyzing (10 points), evaluating
(7 points), and creating (2 points). The data show that the learners of Mabini Homesite
Integrated School, need to be taught more on analyzing higher order thinking
questions for they may enhance the learners to become creative thinkers.

Prepared by:


Elementary Testing Coordinator JHS Testing Coordinator

Certified Correct:


School Head
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
B.2 Least Learned Competencies that Fall under each Cognitive Level

Learning Area: MAPEH

Grade Level Bloom’s Taxonomy (Cognitive Level No.

Low Order Thinking Skills to High Order Thinking Skills of
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Items
MAPEH 1 5 4 1 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 2 5 4 1 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 3 2 5 2 1 0 0 10
MAPEH 4 4 2 0 4 0 0 10
MAPEH 5 1 7 1 1 0 0 10
MAPEH 6 1 2 3 2 0 2 10
MAPEH 7 0 1 6 3 0 0 10
MAPEH 8 2 5 3 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 9 2 6 2 0 0 0 10
MAPEH 10 0 3 2 4 1 0 10
Total 22 39 21 15 1 2 100
*In case there were items given intended for ‘creating’

Analysis and Interpretation:

Least learned competencies in MAPEH fall under remembering (22 points),
understanding (39 points), applying (21 points), analyzing (15 points), evaluating (1
point), and creating (2 points). The data show that learners of Mabini Homesite
Integrated School, had a difficulty in applying and analyzing Higher Order Thinking

Prepared by:


Elementary Testing Coordinator JHS Testing Coordinator

Certified Correct:


School Head

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