Mod5 Switching PDF
Mod5 Switching PDF
Mod5 Switching PDF
Computer Networks
Module 5: Switching
Naive solution: Point-to-point connection between each pair of devices. This is not
possible for large networks.
A network is a set of connected devices. When we have multiple devices, problem
is how to connect them to make one-to-one communication possible.
Naive solution: Point-to-point connection between each pair of devices. This is not
possible for large networks.
Retain and use reserved resources for data transfer. Generally, full-duplex mode.
Total delay=
Create connection +
Data transfer +
Disconnect circuit
Pros-cons of Circuit Switching
Pros-cons of Circuit Switching
Pros-cons of Circuit Switching
The switching centres used for the switching are organised in different levels like
regional offices, toll offices, end offices.
Types of switched Networks
Message switching
In this switching method, a different strategy is used, where instead of establishing
a dedicated physical line between the sender and the receiver, the message is
sent to the nearest directly connected switching node.
This node stores the message, checks for errors, selects the best available route
and forwards the message to the next intermediate node.
Message switching: store and forward
Once a node checks and forwards message, the line becomes free again for other
messages, while the process is being continued in some other nodes.
Each node stores the full message, checks for errors and forwards it.
Message switching key points
● In this switching technique, more devices can share the network bandwidth,
as compared with circuit switching technique.
● Temporary storage of message reduces traffic congestion to some extent.
● Higher priority can be given to urgent messages, so that the low priority
messages are delayed while the urgent ones are forwarded faster.
● Basic idea:
○ Each network node receives and stores the message
○ Determines the next leg of the route, and
○ Queues the message to go out on that link.
Pros-cons and example of Message switching
In Packet Switching, different messages (and even different packets) can pass
through different routes, and when there is a "dead time" in the communication
between the source and the destination, the lines can be used by other sources.
Packet switching vs. Circuit switching
Main difference between Packet switching and Circuit Switching is that the
communication lines are not dedicated to passing messages from the source to
the destination.
In Packet Switching, different messages (and even different packets) can pass
through different routes, and when there is a "dead time" in the communication
between the source and the destination, the lines can be used by other sources.
● Frame Relay
● Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)
● X.25
● Multiprotocol Label switching (MPLS)
Types of switched Networks
Datagram Switching
Idea: Each packet is treated independent of all others. Packets are called
⇒ Connectionless approach.
Efficiency and application
Efficiency: Better than circuit-switched networks as resources are allocated on