G.R. No. 119005 - People v. Raquel PDF

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SECOND DIVISION appellants may be assailable, the evidence of the prosecution is probatively low

in substance and evidentially barred in part. The prosecution cannot use the
[G.R. No. 119005. December 2, 1996.] weakness of the defense to enhance its case; it must rely on the strength of its
own evidence. In fact, alibi need not be inquired into where the prosecution's
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. SABAS evidence is weak. It would not even have been necessary to stress that every
RAQUEL, VALERIANO RAQUEL and AMADO PONCE, accused. reasonable doubt in criminal cases must be resolved in favor of the accused.
SABAS RAQUEL and VALERIANO RAQUEL, accused-appellants. The requirement of proof beyond reasonable doubt calls for moral certainty of
guilt. DcTAIH

The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.

Public Attorney's Office for accused-appellant.


1. REMEDIAL LAW, EVIDENCE; EXTRAJUDICIAL STATEMENT OF THE The court a quo found herein accused-appellants Sabas Raquel and
ACCUSED; MAY NOT BE USED AS EVIDENCE UNLESS REPEATED IN OPEN Valeriano Raquel, as well as accused Amado Ponce, guilty of the crime of
COURT. — The extrajudicial statements of an accused implicating a co-accused robbery with homicide and sentenced them to suffer the penalty of reclusion
may not be utilized against the latter, unless these are repeated in open court. perpetua, to pay the heirs of Agapito Gambalan, Jr. the sum of P50,000.00 as
If the accused never had the opportunity to cross-examine his co-accused on indemnity for his death, and the amount of P1,500.00 representing the value of
the latter's extrajudicial statements, it is elementary that the same are hearsay the stolen revolver. 1 The Raquel brothers now plead for their absolution in this
as against said accused. That is exactly the situation, and the disadvantaged appellate review.
plight of appellants, in the case at bar. aSHAIC
In an information dated August 27, 1986, the aforementioned accused
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; NOT ADMISSIBLE WHEN MADE WITHOUT THE were indicted for robbery with homicide before the Regional Trial Court of
ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL. — Extrajudicial statements made during custodial Kabacan, Cotabato, Branch 16, 2 allegedly committed on July 4, 1986 in
investigation without the assistance of counsel are inadmissible and cannot be Barangay Osias of the Municipality of Kabacan.
considered in the adjudication of the case. While the right to counsel may be Upon arraignment thereafter, all the accused pleaded not guilty. While
waived, such waiver must be made with the assistance of counsel. trial was in progress, however, and before he could give his testimony,
accused Amado Ponce escaped from jail. 3
CONFESSION IS BINDING ONLY UPON THE CONFESSANT AND NOT ADMISSIBLE The factual antecedents of the case for the People, as borne out by the
AGAINST HIS CO-ACCUSED; RATIONALE. — The res inter alios rule ordains that evidence of record and with page references to the transcripts of the court
the rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act, declaration, or omission of hearings, are summarized by the Solicitor General in the appellee's brief:
another. An extrajudicial confession is binding only upon the confessant and is "At midnight of July 4, 1986, tragedy visited the peaceful lives of
not admissible against his co-accused. The reason for the rule is that, on a spouses Juliet and Agapito Gambalan, Jr. Thinking of a neighbor in
principle of good faith and mutual convenience, a man's own acts are binding need, Agapito attended to the person knocking at the backdoor of their
upon himself, and are evidence against him. So are his conduct and kitchen. Much to his surprise, heavily armed men emerged at the door,
declarations. Yet it would not only be rightly inconvenient, but also manifestly declared a hold-up and fired their guns at him. (pp. 4-6, TSN, January
unjust, that a man should be bound by the acts of mere unauthorized 25, 1988)
strangers; and if a party ought not to be bound by the acts of strangers, neither Juliet went out of their room after hearing gunshots and saw her
ought their acts or conduct be used as evidence against him. husband's lifeless (sic) while a man took her husband's gun and left
hurriedly. (p. 7, ibid.)
THE CONVICTION OF AN ACCUSED THAT CALLS FOR MORAL CERTAINTY OF She shouted for help at their window and saw a man fall beside
GUILT. — A conviction in a criminal case must rest on nothing less than a moral their water pump while two (2) other men ran away. (p. 9, ibid.)
certainty of guilt. Without the positive identification of appellants, the evidence
George Jovillano responded to Juliet's plea for help. He reported
of the prosecution is not sufficient to overcome the presumption of innocence the incident to the police. The police came and found one of the
guaranteed by the Bill of Rights to them. While admittedly the alibi of perpetrators of the crime wounded and lying at about 8 meters from
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the victim's house. He was identified as Amado Ponce. (pp. 5-7, TSN, case to the Court of Appeals. 8 In view of the penalty imposed, the Court of
October 21, 1987; pp. 8-9, TSN, March 21, 1988) Appeals properly forwarded the same to us. 9
Amado Ponce was first treated at a clinic before he was brought Before us, the defense submits a lone assignment of error, i.e., that the
to the police station. (p. 27, ibid.) trial court erred in convicting accused Sabas Raquel and Valeriano Raquel of
the crime charged, despite absence of evidence positively implicating them
Amado Ponce revealed to P/Sgt. Andal S. Pangato that appellants
as the perpetrators of the crime.
Sabas and Valeriano Raquel were the perpetrators of the crime and
that they may be found in their residence. However, the police failed to We find such submission to be meritorious. A careful review and
find them there since appellants fled immediately after the shooting objective appraisal of the evidence convinces us that the prosecution failed
incident. (pp. 12-14, ibid.) to establish beyond reasonable doubt the real identities of the perpetrators
Appellants were later on apprehended on different occasions.
of, much less the participation of herein appellants in, the crime charged.
(pp. 5-6, TSN, April 2, 1991)" 4 The lone eyewitness, Juliet Gambalan, was not able to identify the
assailants of her husband. In her testimony on direct examination in court
Upon the other hand, appellants relied on alibi as their defense, on the
she declared as follows:
bases of facts which are presented in their brief in this wise:
"Q: You said you shouted right after the incident and pip (sic) at the
"Accused Valeriano Raquel testified that on July 2, 1986, with the window, did you see any when you pip (sic) at the window?
permission of his parents he left Paatan, Kabacan, Cotabato and went
to Tunggol Pagalungan, Maguindanao. He stayed in the house of his A: Yes, sir.
sister-in-law, the wife of his deceased brother. Together with Boy
Madriaga and Corazon Corpuz, he harvested palay on July 3 and 4. On Q: What did you see if you were able to see anything?
July 5, while he was still asle(ep), police authorities accompanied by his A: I saw a person who fel(l) down beside the water pump and I saw
father arrested him and brought him to the municipal jail of Kabacan, again two (2) persons who were running away, sir.
Cotabato. He already heard the name of accused Amado Ponce, to be
an owner of a parcel of land in Paatan. Q: Were you able to identify this persons who fel(l) down near the
jetmatic pump and two (2) persons running away?
On cross-examination, he admitted that their house and that of
Gambalan are located in the same Barangay. Before July 4, he xxx xxx xxx
entertained no grudge against victim Agapito Gambalan. (TSN, April 2,
1991, pp. 2-20) Q: Now, you said somebody fel(l) down near the jetmatic pump,
who is this person?
Antonio Raquel, 64 years old, testified that on July 2, 1986 he
was at home when his son Valeriano Raquel told him that he was going A: I do not know sir. I have known that he was Amado Ponce when
to Tunggol, Pagalungan, Maguindanao to harvest palay. On (the) same the Police arrived." 10 (Emphasis ours.)
date, his other son, Sabas Raquel, also asked his permission to leave
since the latter, a soldier, was going to his place of assignment at On cross-examination she further testified:
Pagadian. On July 5, 1986, several policemen came over to his house, "Q: For the first time when you shouted for help, where were you?
looking for his two (2) sons. He gave them pictures of his sons and
even accompanied them to Tunggol where they arrested his son A: I was at the Veranda sir and I started shouting while going to our
Valeriano. (TSN, April 3, 1991, pp. 3-26) room.
T/Sgt. Natalio Zafra, of the 102 Brigade, Aurora, Zamboanga, Q: In fact you have no way (of) identifying that one person who was
testified that on July 4, 1986, he was assigned in the 2nd Infantry mask(ed) and got the gun of your husband because he was
Battalion, First Infantry Division, Maria Cristina, Iligan City. Sabas mask(ed), is that not right?
Raquel was under his division then, and was on duty on July 4, 1986.
(TSN, Nov. 6, 1992, pp. 2-20)." 5 A: Yes, sir.

On August 10, 1993, the trial court, as stated at the outset, rendered Q: In fact, you saw only this one person got inside to your house
and got this gun?
judgment finding all of the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
crime charged and sentenced them accordingly. 6 A: Yes, sir.
Not satisfied therewith, herein appellants filed a notice of appeal Q: And this Amado Ponce cannot be the person who have got this
wherein they manifested that they were appealing the decision to the Court gun inside?
of Appeals. 7 The lower court ordered the transmittal of the records of the
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FISCAL DIZON: A thorough review of the records of this case readily revealed that the
identification of herein appellants as the culprits was based chiefly on the
Already answered.
extrajudicial statement of accused Amado Ponce pointing to them as his co-
She was not able to identify, your Honor. perpetrators of the crime. As earlier stated, the said accused escaped from jail
before he could testify in court and he has been at large since then.
Q: You only saw this Amado Ponce when (h)e was presented to you
by the police, is that right? The extrajudicial statements of an accused implicating a co-accused
A: Yes, sir. 11 may not be utilized against the latter, unless these are repeated in open
court. If the accused never had the opportunity to cross-examine his co-
xxx xxx xxx accused on the latter's extrajudicial statements, it is elementary that the
Q: You testified in direct testimony you pip (sic) in jalousie after you
same are hearsay as against said accused. 14 That is exactly the situation,
shouted for help and you saw two (2) person(s) running, is that and the disadvantaged plight of appellants, in the case at bar.
right? Extreme caution should be exercised by the courts in dealing with the
confession of an accused which implicates his co-accused. A distinction,
A: Yes, sir.
obviously, should be made between extrajudicial and judicial confessions.
Q: Now, you saw these persons running on the road, is that not The former deprives the other accused of the opportunity to cross-examine
right? the confessant, while in the latter his confession is thrown wide open for
A: I saw them running sir going around.
cross-examination and rebuttal. 15
The res inter alios rule ordains that the rights of a party cannot be
Q: These two (2) persons were running going around? prejudiced by an act, declaration, or omission of another. An extrajudicial
A: They were running towards the road. confession is binding only upon the confessant and is not admissible against
his co-accused. The reason for the rule is that, on a principle of good faith
ATTY. DIVINO: and mutual convenience, a man's own acts are binding upon himself, and
Going to the road. are evidence against him. So are his conduct and declarations. Yet it would
not only be rightly inconvenient, but also manifestly unjust, that a man
Q: And you cannot identify these two (2) persons running towards should be bound by the acts of mere unauthorized strangers; and if a party
the road? ought not to be bound by the acts of strangers, neither ought their acts or
A: No, sir. 12 (Emphasis supplied.) conduct be used as evidence against him. 16
Although the above-stated rule admits of certain jurisprudential
Even the corroborating witness, George Jovillano, in his testimony made
exceptions, 17 those exceptions do not however apply to the present case.
no mention of who shot Agapito Gambalan. In fact, in his sworn statement
executed in the Investigation Section of the Kabacan Police Station on July 5, Firstly, except for that extrajudicial statement of accused Amado
1986, he declared that: Ponce, there exists no evidence whatsoever linking appellants to the crime.
In fact, the testimony of police Sgt. Andal S. Pangato that appellant Sabas
"19Q: By the way, when you saw three persons passing about 5 Raquel was wounded and went to the clinic of Dr. Anulao for treatment using
meters away from where you were then drinking, what have you the name Dante Clemente, 18 was negated by Dr. Anulao himself who
noticed about them, if you ever noticed any? testified that he treated no person by the name of Danny Clemente. 19
A: I noticed that one of the men ha(d) long firearm which was Secondly, this extrajudicial statement, ironically relied upon as
partly covered by a maong jacket. The other one wore a hat prosecution evidence, was made in violation of the constitutional rights of
locally known as 'kipis' meaning a hat made of cloth with leaves accused Amado Ponce. This was unwittingly admitted in the testimony of the
protruding above the forehead and seemed to be holding
same Sgt. Andal S. Pangato who was the chief of the intelligence and
something which I failed to recognize. The other one wore a
shortpant with a somewhat white T-shirt with markings and there
investigation section of their police station:
was a white T-shirt covering his head and a part of his face as he "Q: During the investigation did you inform him (of) his
was head-down during that time. constitutional right while on the process of investigation?
20Q: Did you recognize any of these men? A: No sir, because my purpose was only to get the information from
A: No. Because they walked fast ." 13 (Emphasis supplied.) him. . . . And after that I checked the information that he gave.

Q: Of course, you know very well that the accused should be

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assisted by counsel? 2. Original Record, 2.

A: What I know is if when a person is under investigation you have 3. Ibid., 100-101.
in mind to investigate as to against (sic) him, and you have to
inform his constitutional right but if the purpose is to interrogate 4. Brief for Plaintiff-Appellee, 2-3; Rollo , 199-200.
him to acquire information which will lead to the identity of the 5. Appellants' Brief, 6-8; Rollo , 142-144.
other accused we do not need to inform him.
6. Ibid., 49-58.
Q: Don't you know that under the case of PP vs. Galit, the accused
should be (re)presented by counsel that is the ruling of the 7. Ibid., 59.
Supreme Court?
8. Ibid., 60.
A: I do not know if it is actually the same as this case.
9. Ibid., 1.
Q: But it is a fact that you did not even inform him (of) his right?
10. TSN, January 25, 1988, 8-10.
A: No sir.
11. Ibid., id., 35-36.
Q: At the time when you asked him he has no counsel.
12. Ibid., id., 40.
A: No counsel, sir." 20
13. Exhibit "A"; Original Record, 15.
Extrajudicial statements made during custodial investigation without the
assistance of counsel are inadmissible and cannot be considered in the 14. People vs. Ola , L-47147, July 3, 1987, 152 SCRA 1.
adjudication of the case. While the right to counsel may be waived, such waiver 15. People vs. Flores, et al., G.R. No. 71980. March 18, 1991, 195 SCRA 295.
must be made with the assistance of counsel. 21 These rights, both
constitutional and statutory in source and foundation, were never observed. 16. People vs. Tena , G.R. No. 100909, October 21, 1992, 21 SCRA 43; People
vs. Pamon, G.R. No. 102005, January 25, 1993, 217 SCRA 501.
A conviction in a criminal case must rest on nothing less than a moral
17. The writer of this opinion has elsewhere compiled these exceptions as
certainty of guilt. 22 Without the positive identification of appellants, the follows:
evidence of the prosecution is not sufficient to overcome the presumption of
innocence guaranteed by the Bill of Rights to them. 23 While admittedly the (a) If the co-accused impliedly acquiesced in or adopted said confession by
alibi of appellants may be assailable, the evidence of the prosecution is not questioning its truthfulness (People vs. Orenciada, et al., 47 Phil. 970
probatively low in substance and evidentiarily barred in part. The [1924]), as where it was made in his presence and he did not remonstrate
against his being implicated therein (People vs. Amajul, et al., L-14626-27,
prosecution cannot use the weakness of the defense to enhance its case; it
February 28, 1961, 1 SCRA 612);
must rely on the strength of its own evidence. In fact, alibi need not be
inquired into where the prosecution's evidence is weak. 24 (b) If the accused persons voluntarily and independently executed identical
It would not even have been necessary to stress that every reasonable confessions without collusion, commonly known as interlocking confessions
(People vs. Encipido, et al., G.R. No. 70091, December 29, 1986, 146 SCRA
doubt in criminal cases must be resolved in favor of the accused. The
478) which confessions are corroborated by other evidence (People vs.
requirement of proof beyond reasonable doubt calls for moral certainty of Argana, et al., L-19448, February 28, 1964, 10 SCRA 311; People vs. Provo, et
guilt. In the instant case, the test of moral certainty was neither met nor al., L-28347, January 20, 1971, 37 SCRA 19; People vs. Mateo, et al., G.R. No.
were the standards therefor fulfilled. 65165, June 29, 1984, 130 SCRA 282); and without contradiction by the other
WHEREFORE, on reasonable doubt, the appealed judgment is co-accused who was present (People vs. Molleda, et al., L-34248, November
REVERSED and accused-appellants Sabas Raquel and Valeriano Raquel are 21, 1978, 86 SCRA 667);
hereby ACQUITTED of the offense charged, with costs de oficio. (c) Where the accused admitted the facts stated by the confessant after
SO ORDERED. being apprised of such confession (People vs. Narciso , L-24484, May 28,
1968, 23 SCRA 844);
Romero, Puno, Mendoza and Torres, Jr., JJ ., concur.
(d) If they are charged as co-conspirators of the crime which was confessed
by one of the accused and said confession is used only as a corroborating
evidence (People vs. Linde, et al., L-10358, January 28, 1961, 1 SCRA 38;
People vs. Simbajon, L-18073-75, September 30, 1965, 15 SCRA 83; People
1. Penned by Judge Fabiana Inserto-Tejada. vs. Sta. Maria, L-19929, October 30, 1965, 15 SCRA 222; People vs. Cortez, et
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al., L-31106, May 31, 1974, 57 SCRA 309);
(e) Where the confession is used as circumstantial evidence to show the
probability of participation by the co-conspirator (People vs. Condemena, et
al., L-22526, May 29, 1968, 23 SCRA 910; People vs. Pareja, et al., L-21937,
November 29, 1969, 30 SCRA 693; People vs. Vasquez , G.R. No. 54117, April
27, 1982, 113 SCRA 772);

(f) Where the confessant testified for his co-defendant (People vs.
Villanueva, et al., L-12687, July 31, 1962, 5 SCRA 672); or
(g) Where the co-conspirator's extrajudicial confession is corroborated by
other evidence of record (People vs. Paz, et al., L-1505-53, August 31, 1964,
11 SCRA 667; People vs. Agdeppa, et al., L-17489, December 24, 1969, 30
SCRA 782).

18. TSN, March 21, 1988, 14-16.

19. TSN, January 21, 1993, 4-5.

20. TSN, March 21, 1988, 27-28.

21. See People vs. Salangga, et al., G.R. No. 100910, July 25, 1994, 234 SCRA

22. People vs. Argawanon, et al., G.R. No. 106538, March 30, 1994, 231 SCRA
23. People vs. Salguero, et al., G.R. No. 89117, June 19, 1991, 198 SCRA 357.
24. People vs. Salguero, et al., supra; People vs. Dural, et al., G.R. No. 84921,
June 8, 1993, 223 SCRA 201.

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