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Composites Part B
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Article history: Understanding and modeling the behavior of polymers and composites at a wide range of quasi-static
Received 20 February 2017 and high strain rates is of great interest to applications that are subjected to dynamic loading condi-
Received in revised form tions. The Standard Linear Solid model or Prony series frameworks for modeling of strain rate dependent
27 March 2017
behavior are limited due to simplicity of the models to accurately represent a viscoelastic material with
Accepted 28 March 2017
Available online 29 March 2017
multiple relaxations. This work is aimed at developing a technique for manipulating the data derived
from dynamic mechanical analysis to obtain an accurate estimate of the relaxation modulus of a material
over a large range of strain rate. The technique relies on using the time-temperature superposition
Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs)
principle to obtain a frequency-domain master curve, and integral transform of this material response to
Thermoplastic resin the time domain using the theory of viscoelasticity. The relaxation function obtained from this technique
Analytical modeling is validated for two polymer matrix composites by comparing its predictions of the response to uniaxial
Mechanical testing strain at a prescribed strain rate to measurements taken from a separate set of tension experiments and
excellent matching is observed.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-8368/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 S.E. Zeltmann et al. / Composites Part B 120 (2017) 27e34
alternative method for predicting strain rate sensitivity in polymers 2.2. Sample fabrication
and composites: using time-temperature superposition (TTS) of
dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) data to determine the fre- Cenospheres are used in 20 and 40 wt% in HDPE to fabricate two
quency domain response over a sufficiently wide range that it can types of syntactic foams named HDPE20 and HDPE40, respectively,
be transformed to the time domain relaxation function. on a polymer injection molding (PIM) machine (Windsor, 80 ton
Using the DMA transform technique of Zeltmann et al. [26], capacity). Operating and processing parameters of the PIM machine
predictions of the strain rate sensitivity of the modulus of high were optimized in a set of earlier studies [23,46e48] and are set at
density polyethylene (HDPE) matrix fly ash cenosphere reinforced 160 C temperature and 30 kg/cm2 (2.9 MPa) pressure. Samples of
composites called syntactic foams are computed and verified dimensions 60 12.7 3.3 mm3 (length width height) are
against results from tensile testing. Various properties of syntactic molded. The length of the specimens is later reduced by cutting
foams have been widely studied in the literature [27e29], and with a diamond saw to 35 mm for DMA testing. Samples for tensile
experimental studies are available on the high strain rate behavior testing are also injection molded, with their geometry following
of syntactic foams [30]. This method does not rely on an a priori ASTM D638.
form for the constitutive model, as often used in modeling strain
rate sensitivity [31]. This work also explores further the application 2.3. Dynamic mechanical analysis
of the method, including using the Kramers-Kronig relations to
compute an associated loss modulus function that provides a better Dynamic mechanical analysis is conducted using a TA In-
indication of whether sufficient information has been captured to struments (New Castle, DE) Q800 DMA. Specimens are tested in the
accurately represent the response. From the loss modulus master single cantilever configuration with a span length of 17.5 mm.
curve one can find the center of the transition, which can then be Testing is conducted in the strain control mode with a maximum
used to determine the critical strain rate at which the transition displacement of 25 mm. This displacement is achievable within the
causes a significant curve in the strain rate sensitivity of viscoelastic load limits of the machine at all temperatures for all the tested
properties. specimens. This ensures that the full specified strain is achieved
This work aims at providing a resource for simulation and throughout the entire test.
modeling efforts by providing a more sophisticated means of DMA testing is conducted in two phases: (a) using the temper-
characterizing the dynamic response of the material and by ature sweep mode at constant frequency of 1 Hz and (b) using the
correlating the elastic and viscoelastic properties. The results of the frequency sweep mode at a series of constant temperatures. In the
DMA transform technique can be utilized directly in many existing temperature sweep test, the temperature is ramped from 100 C
mechanical models [32e36] through the elastic-viscoelastic cor- to 130 C at a rate of 1 C/min. At least three specimens of each type
respondence principle and for many other polymer matrix com- are tested in this phase. In the frequency sweep testing, the tem-
posites systems of interest [37e41]. perature is stepped from 10 C to 130 C in increments of 5 C. At
This work uses fly ash hollow particles dispersed in HDPE to each temperature step the specimen is soaked for 8 min to ensure
create a type of composite known as syntactic foam [42,43]. This thermal equilibrium. The dynamic properties are measured at 20
class of composite materials has been widely studied for its me- discrete frequencies logarithmically spaced between 1 and
chanical properties and strain rate sensitivity [43,44]. Particulate 100 Hz at each temperature step. Testing is halted if E0 drops below
composites such as the syntactic foams studied in this work are an 10 MPa, in order to prevent melting of the specimen in the clamp.
ideal model system for exploring this transformation method At least three specimens of each type are tested in this phase. The
because their mechanical properties are isotropic, so the properties results of temperature and frequency sweeping are combined using
measured in bending in the DMA are assumed to be the same as the time-temperature superposition (TTS) principle to generate
those measured in tension in the strain rate sensitivity experi- master curves describing the behavior of syntactic foams over a
ments. Since the measurements are all taken on bulk properties, wider range of frequencies.
more complex systems such as those with viscoelastic fillers in a
viscoelastic matrix are also able to be treated by this method, so 2.4. Tensile testing
long as they are within the linear elastic regime. Nevertheless, the
transformation method discussed here is not limited to isotropic Tensile testing is conducted using an Instron 4467 universal test
materials; in the case of anisotropy the material functions in system. The specimen geometry conforms to ASTM D638. Strain
different directions would be determined from separate measure- data is collected using an Instron 100 gage length extensometer
ments and combined using just as in the familiar theory of linear attached to the test specimen. Tests are conducted with the
elasticity. crosshead speed set to give initial strain rates of 105-102 s1,
which are taken as the nominal strain rates for the tests. At least
five specimens of each material type are tested at each strain rate.
2. Experimental
2.5. Scanning electron microscopy
2.1. Materials
A Hitachi S3400 N scanning electron microscope is used for
HDPE of grade HD50MA180 supplied by Reliance Polymers, imaging of the syntactic foam microstructure. Specimens are
Mumbai, India, is used as the matrix material. The HDPE had a melt sputter coated with gold using sputter coater to improve conduc-
flow index of 20 g/10 min (190 C/2.16 kg) and a mean molecular tivity and prevent charging.
weight of 97,500 g mol1. Cenospheres of CIL-150 grade, supplied
by Cenosphere India Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, India, are used as hollow 3. Results
fillers. Cenospheres are used in the as-received condition, without
any surface treatment. Chemical, physical and sieve analysis results Scanning electron micrographs of freeze-fractured surfaces of
on the same type of cenospheres have been reported previously the syntactic foams are shown in Fig. 1. Fly ash cenospheres are
[45]. The cenospheres primarily comprise of alumina, silica, cal- observed to be distributed uniformly throughout the syntactic
cium oxide and iron oxides. foam. Various factors such as matrix porosity entrapment, particle
S.E. Zeltmann et al. / Composites Part B 120 (2017) 27e34 29
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of (a) HDPE20 and (b) HDPE40 freeze-fractured surfaces, showing uniform distribution of hollow particles. Particle fracture during processing
does not appear to be significant.
crushing and quality of particle-matrix interface depend on the tensile strength and failure strain can be found in the literature
specimen fabrication method. These factors affect the mechanical [46,47]. In syntactic foams, the matrix is usually assumed to be the
properties, including elastic and viscoelastic properties, of syntactic only strain rate sensitive component, as the ceramic particles
foams. Extensive literature is available on all these factors for HDPE/ commonly used have insignificant damping compared to the
cenosphere syntactic foams as well as numerous other types of matrix.
syntactic foams. However, that information is not replicated here
because the focus of this work is to examine if a transform can be
developed to convert the frequency domain DMA results to time
3.2. DMA temperature sweep
domain data to estimate the elastic modulus at various strain rates
for these composites. Effect of various factors would be similar on
Results from the temperature sweep at 1 Hz are shown in Fig. 4
tensile and DMA results and the developed transform should not be
and Fig. 5 for HDPE20 and HDPE40, respectively. Both syntactic
dependent on the material quality.
foams have a peak in the loss modulus at about 37 C, which is due
to the a-transition in HDPE [49]. Based on the loss modulus peak or
3.1. Tensile testing the increase in tan d, the onset of this transition is at about 0 C. The
transition continues until the HDPE is melted. At 100 C there is
A representative set of stress-strain curves for the HPDE resin evidence of another peak in the loss modulus, though the data do
are shown in Fig. 2 at 105 to 102 s1 strain rates. These curves do not include low enough temperatures to fully capture this peak. The
not show distinct elastic and plastic regions. In addition, the effect peak in HDPE at 110 C is generally associated with the glass
of strain rate is clearly visible due to the viscoelastic nature of the transition. Since the HDPE is above its Tg and within the a-transition
material. Representative stress-strain curves for the HDPE/fly ash range at room temperature, strong strain rate sensitivity in its
syntactic foams at strain rates from 105 to 102 s1 are shown in mechanical properties are expected.
Fig. 3. The syntactic foams show an initial nearly linear region up to
about 0.5% strain, after which yielding occurs. The modulus in the
initial elastic region and the yield stress increase with the strain 3.3. DMA frequency sweep and time-temperature superposition
rate, while the strain at yielding decreases. A more detailed analysis
of the effect of processing parameters and composition on the Following the temperature sweep, frequency sweeps are con-
ducted from 1 to 100 Hz at stepped temperatures from 10 to
130 C. A set of representative frequency sweeps for HDPE20 is
presented in Fig. 6a. These frequency sweeps are combined using
the time-temperature superposition (TTS) principle by shifting the
various frequency sweeps along the frequency axis so that they
form a single master curve [50]. No vertical shifting of the curves is
employed in the TTS procedure. Representative master curves ob-
tained for the two types of syntactic foams are shown in Fig. 6b. One
step change in the storage modulus is observed in the master curve.
The glass transition whose onset was observed at the lowest tem-
peratures in the temperature sweep does not appear to have been
captured here. Because the experiments are conducted using liquid
nitrogen cooling, the total run time is limited. Since frequency
sweeps require dwelling at constant temperature and substantial
soaking times, the minimum temperature that can be reached
before the cooling system is depleted is higher than for a constant
Fig. 2. Representative stress-strain curves for neat HDPE at various strain rates. frequency experiment.
30 S.E. Zeltmann et al. / Composites Part B 120 (2017) 27e34
Fig. 3. Representative stress-strain curves for (a) HDPE20 and (b) HDPE40 at various strain rates.
Fig. 4. Temperature sweep at 1 Hz for HDPE20 syntactic foam: (a) E0 and E00 and (b) tand.
Fig. 5. Temperature sweep at 1 Hz for HDPE40 syntactic foam: (a) E0 and E00 and (b) tand.
4. Discussion and design purposes. From E0 , and using the linear theory of
viscoelasticity, the time domain relaxation modulus E(t) can be
4.1. Transformation to time-domain found using [51]
bc atanhðd=aÞ
ujE’ ¼0 ¼ exp½ (3)
00 2u E0 ðlÞ E0 ðuÞ
E ðuÞ ¼ dl (4)
p l2 u2
00 p dE0 ðuÞ
E ðuÞz (5)
2 d ln u
Though the transform could be integrated numerically, and
more accurate but complex approximations exist [53], this simple
form has been found to be widely applicable [51,54] and allows the
use of an analytical form using the fitting function selected here.
Based on the approximation of the Kramers-Kronig relations, the
sigmoidal storage modulus function yields the loss modulus
Fig. 6. (a) Representative set of frequency sweeps for HDPE20 and (b) storage modulus 00 pab
master curves constructed using 25 C as the reference temperature for HDPE syntactic E ðuÞ ¼ sechðbðlogðuÞ þ cÞ2 (6)
Fig. 7. Comparison of the experimental loss master curves at 25 C with the predictions of the approximate K-K relations (Equation (6)), using the coefficients of the fit function for
(a) HDPE20 and (b) HDPE40.
higher. This is likely due to the presence of another peak at higher well beyond practical time scales.
frequencies (lower temperatures) than what was captured in the The time-domain relaxation function determines the stress
frequency sweep experiments. The use of the K-K prediction in history generated by a specified strain history (for the one-
comparison to the experimental loss modulus master curve is a dimensional case) according to [51]
more sensitive means to assess the goodness of fit, since transitions
near the minimum and maximum frequency are difficult to discern Zt
from the storage modulus master curve. Such deviations appear sðtÞ ¼ E dε ¼ Eðt tÞ dt (9)
clearly on the loss modulus master curve since the loss modulus ∞
shows peaks at these transitions.
The transform in Equation (1) is applied to the storage modulus where s, ε and t represent stress, strain and time variable used for
fitting function by integrating numerically, to yield the time integration, respectively. In anisotropic materials, this becomes a
domain relaxation function for the material. The integral is the tensor expression (see Ref. [51]). However, we assume that the
product of a positive and decreasing function with a sinusoid, so the syntactic foams used in this work are isotropic as the reinforcing
improper integral can be converted to the summation of an alter- particles are spherical and uniformly distributed. In fiber-
nating series whose terms are the integral evaluated between the reinforced composites, DMA measurements would need to be
zeroes of the sinusoid. An accelerated convergence approach can performed in different orientations to build the relaxation function
then be used to approximate the infinite summation. tensor, which could be used for arbitrary states of strain.
The relaxation function generated using the room temperature For constant strain rate deformation with a strain rate of ε_
master curve is shown in Fig. 8. The relaxation function can be beginning at t ¼ 0, which is the idealized deformation state in a
observed to satisfy the requirements of fading memory and standard tension test, the convolution integral simplifies to
nonnegative stored and dissipated energy as expressed by Ref. [57]
E(t)0, dE(t)/dt 0, d E(t)/dt 0 2
(8) sðtÞ ¼ ε_ EðtÞdt (10)
within the range of times displayed. Since d < a in the fitted
functions, at some time the relaxation function will violate the first and the corresponding strain is obviously
condition and yield a negative value for E(t). However, this cross-
over is observed to happen at around 1014 s (about 3 million years), εðtÞ ¼ ε_ t (11)
From this procedure, the linear viscoelastic response of the
material at a constant strain rate can be determined. From the
stress-strain relationship that results, relevant material properties
can be derived.
Since the elastic response of HDPE is not perfectly linear, the
predictions are compared with the results from tension experi-
ments for HDPE matrix syntactic foams using the secant modulus at
a prescribed strain. The 0.5% secant modulus derived from the DMA
transform technique are compared with the results from the ten-
sion experiments in Fig. 9. The DMA transform line is shown only
for one specimen but multiple specimens were tested and they
showed consistent behavior. Excellent agreement is observed for
both syntactic foams between the secant modulus and DMA
transformation results. This method is not expected to be affected
by factors such as imperfect interface in the composite, particles
crushed during composite fabrication or air entrapment in the
Fig. 8. Relaxation functions for HDPE syntactic foams at 25 C. matrix because both the DMA measurements and the tensile test
S.E. Zeltmann et al. / Composites Part B 120 (2017) 27e34 33
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