The Dog The Lion and The Monkey
The Dog The Lion and The Monkey
The Dog The Lion and The Monkey
A dog left his owner and ran into the jungle. A lion saw him from a
distance and decided to eat him. He ran towards
the dog. The dog saw the lion and started to
panic. He thought about running away. As he was
about to run, he saw some bones next to him and
had an idea! He shouted, ‘That lion was tasty!’ The lion stopped and said,
‘Uh-oh, this dog eats lions!’ He felt frightened. He turned around and
walked away. A monkey who was sitting at the top of a tree saw
everything. He started thinking he could win favour with the lion. He
followed him and told him everything. The lion was angry. The monkey
jumped on the lion’s back and they ran towards the dog. The dog saw them
and started to panic even more. He then had another idea and shouted,
“Where is my monkey? I told him to bring me another lion twenty minutes
True or false?