Solutions For The Treatment of Sour Gas
Solutions For The Treatment of Sour Gas
Solutions For The Treatment of Sour Gas
sour gases
Process technologies for the cost-effective treatment of natural gas with
high and ultra-high acid gas content
or decades to come, gas
will be the energy source Relative technical cost of sour gas production vs acid gas content
of choice to meet increas-
ing energy demands. Those oil Sweet gas Highly sour 20% acid gas Ultra sour 40% acid gas
Sales gas, % of raw 98 75 52
and gas operators who have Capex, MM$ 100% 140% 185%
always preferred to produce Opex, MM$/year 100% 160% 200%
Technical cost, $/MMBtu 100% 200% 400%
gas from the technically easiest
to develop reservoirs will in Notes: Acid Gas = H2S+CO2Orders of magnitude for illustration purpose only
Rich solvent
for almost any type of gas Double-split flow process 2. Part of the amine solution is
sweetening application. Amine- configuration withdrawn from the regenera-
based technology can therefore Among the oldest process tor as a side stream, then
be considered as the workhorse configurations, the double-split cooled and pumped into the
of the sour gas processing flow design, sometimes called lower section of the absorber.
industry and, as such, still justi- the split-flow design, has been The amine in the side draw is
fies continuous technological used as an alternative flowsheet not fully regenerated and has a
improvements to extend the to minimise capital and operat- higher residual acid gas load-
economical limits of its applica- ing costs in several sour gas ing. However, as this semi-lean
tions. Issues like treatment processing plants. Generally solution contacts the incoming
costs and energy consumption used with primary or second- sour gas, it can still pick up the
are being addressed by such ary amines, this design allows bulk of the acid gas. Due to the
developments. for very severe treated gas semi-lean amine side draw, the
This article presents solutions specifications for the same amine flow to the regenerator
proposed by Prosernat for the reboiler duty as a conventional reboiler is reduced, and the
efficient and economic treat- process flow scheme, and was duty of the reboiler can be
ment of gases with a high acid documented probably for the decreased to achieve the same
gas content, either H2S or CO2. first time by Estep, McBride lean amine quality required on
These solutions benefit from and West in 1962.2 This design top of the absorber column to
the operating experience of also allows for the same treated meet the treated gas
Total in its highly sour gas gas specification as a conven- specification.
treatment plants and, while tional amine plant scheme,
some are proposed by other with a much-reduced reboiler Advantages of energizedMDEA
licensors, others have been duty when treating very sour for the treatment of very sour
developed through the joint gases. gases
R&D effort of Total, IFPEn and A conventional double-split The main factors affecting a
Prosernat. flow design is shown in Figure solvent’s performance for acid
conditions; notably, feed gas consumption of the energized- the reboiler duty quickly
composition and treated gas MDEA unit increases as the brought some process develop-
specifications. Below are some treated gas specification ers, and later on plant
practical rules-of-thumb to becomes more stringent, since operators, to consider increas-
highlight the general interest of the amount of lean totally ing the acid gas loading of the
regeneration by flash:6 regenerated amine from the rich amine leaving the
• The greater the H2S and/or thermal regeneration increases. absorber.7 The maximum
CO2 partial pressure in the feed In some bulk CO2 removal cases achievable loading is controlled
gas, the greater the efficiency with no H2S, as mentioned, it by the thermodynamic equilib-
of the flash. In the case of the may even be possible to rium between the sour gas
Lacq sour gas plant, the acid completely eliminate the ther- entering the absorber and the
gas partial pressure of the feed mal regenerator. rich amine, and by the effi-
is approximately 15 bar in As a consequence of the ciency of the mass transfer in
comparison to a total pressure above attributes, the energized- the absorber. The higher the
of 2 bar in the second flash MDEA process is well adapted acid gases partial pressure in
drum. This gives a ratio of to the treatment of high pres- the sour gas, the higher the
7.5/1 (acid gas partial pres- sure and very sour gases, amine loading at thermody-
sure/flash pressure). In general, where the advantages of flash- namic equilibrium. High H2S
the advantage of the flash procured regeneration will be and CO2 partial pressures will
procured regeneration starts maximised to reduce the energy therefore invariably allow a
above a ratio of 3 footprint of the sweetening. high amine loading at the
• Targeting low H2S content in benefit of an improved effi-
the treated gas requests a ther- High loading in amine ciency of process. Loadings
mal regenerator to clean up the sweetening higher than 0.8 (mole of acid
solvent down to low H2S resid- An effort to moderate the gases per mole of amine) can
ual loading. The overall energy solvent flow rate along with theoretically be achieved when
without cooling the feed gas 16
and without decreasing the 14
temperature of the top trays is 12
the installation of a liquid
intercooler. This will remove
some heat from the amine 8
solution from an intermediate 6
tray, or section of packing, in 4
the absorber column, where 2
the temperature of the gas and ∆ = 0.15
the liquid is the highest 0.0 0.5 1.0
because of the exothermicity of Loading, mol H2S / mol MDEA
the absorption of the acid
gases. In this process configu- Figure 5 Rich amine loading as a function of temperature
Pipeline gas
energised Acid gas
bar Ref.
H2S soup
Reinjection well
To compression
and gas finishing
Sprex CO2
HX Boosting / transfer and
injection pumps
Pre-cooling / dehydration
upstream of the cryogenic frac- which is performed at condi- (membranes + amines) when
tionation column, the gases can tions outside the CO2 CO2 concentrations are higher
be cooled to well below the - crystallisation domain. The than 40% and CO2 reinjection is
30°C of the basic version of the parameters and limits to avoid required for enhanced oil
Sprex process, which improves crystallisation are illustrated in recovery (EOR) and/or carbon
the efficiency of the H2S separa- the distillation chart based on sequestration. When CO2 is
tion process and allows the main binary mixture (CO2/ being recovered in a liquid
separation of CO2 from the gas. C1). Figure 9 shows a typical “soup” phase, injection is real-
However, the limit then gas specification achievable in ised by pumps instead of
becomes the temperature at the distillation outlet; ie, multistage compressors, with
which CO2 crystallises. The around 20% CO2 mol, at 40 bar. considerable energy savings.
enhanced version of the Sprex SprexCO2 operation at a higher In order to match final gas
process, SprexCO2, allows for pressure, say 50 bar or above, export specifications (pipeline
bulk removal of CO2 from could improve gas specifica- or LNG plant feedstock), the
gases containing a very high tions by 8-10%. However, the unit can be associated with a
CO2 content (≥40% or so) possi- margin to critical point would finishing AdvAmine unit.
bly together with high be reduced, resulting in higher A typical SprexCO2 scheme,
concentrations of H2S. The vapour/liquid traffic in the including upstream pre-condi-
principle of the process is simi- column. In practice, the selected tioning units and downstream
lar to that of demethanisation range for bulk separation is CO2 boosting and transfer/
units —vapour/liquid separa- 18% to 25% CO2 mol. injection pumps, is shown in
tion at high pressure and low SprexCO2 is competitive in Figure 10. The main principles
temperatures. comparison with conventional are as follows:
The process is based on an CO2 separation processes • Feed gas pre-conditioning:
optimised CO2 distillation, (amines) or hybrid solutions ■ Feed gas pre-cooling
Consumption ratio
needs and significantly reduc-
ing overall hydrocarbon losses
with the separated CO2.
There is roughly an order of 5
magnitude difference in the 4
power required for CO2 recom- 3
pression (see Figure 12). From 2
an energetic point of view, one
point of interest is that the CO2
is recovered in liquid phase, 0
SprexCO2 Membranes
thus not necessitating a
compression step. The case
study also demonstrates that Figure 12 Power consumption dedicated to CO2 recompression: SprexCO2 +
the two processes are energeti- amine vs membranes + amine
cally paired, with utmost
benefits in terms of waste heat ral or associated gas are cooler scheme on the acid gas
recovery optimisation. numerous, but none have absorber was developed to
One of the advantages of the shown to be as versatile and further increase this loading
proposed CO2 separation economic as those using amine- and reduce the cost of highly
scheme is the possibility of based solvents. Amine sour gas sweetening.
increasing process flexibility to processes can be optimised to Even though amine sweeten-
a certain extent by means of efficiently and economically ing has proven to be a very
bulk and finishing separation treat any type of highly sour efficient technology, cryogenic
units in series, in order to cope gas. bulk removal of H2S or CO2
with fluctuations in feed gas To be truly competitive, the offers an economic advantage
composition or temporary removal of acid gas compo- when the separated acid gases
offset conditions. nents H2S and CO2 from highly from super-sour gas are rein-
The level of complexity of the or super-sour gases requires jected. Sprex and Sprex CO2
proposed CO2 separation the optimum choice of process. can be combined with an amine
scheme remains moderate: no Within the AdvAmine series of unit to reduce the cost of the
prototype equipment is processes, the energizedMDEA production of gases containing
required, minimum acid gas process can be optimised to more than 25-30% H2S or over
compression system is required reduce energy requirements, 40-45% CO2. They provide an
(only for the acid gas separated taking advantage of the ability economic and easy-to- use
in the amine unit) and spare of MDEA to release a substan- alternative to amines and to
capacity considered is sufficient tial part of the absorbed acid other more complex cryogenic
to achieve availability levels gases in a low- fractionation processes for
typical of acid gas removal pressure flash to produce the complete CO2 removal. These
units. semi-lean stream in a split-flow processes were demonstrated
In terms of capital invest- process configuration. The acid in a unit installed at the Lacq
ment, the estimation made in gas loading of amine solutions sour gas plant and are now
the case study shows an overall needs to be maximised to ready to be implemented on an
reduction of 17% to 20% by reduce the required amine industrial scale.
using the SprexCO2 bulk sepa- solution flow rate. Operating
ration instead of membranes. amine plants at high loadings
has been proven by Total AdvAmine, Sprex, SprexCO2, HySWEET
Conclusions through extensive operating and energizedMDEA are trademarks of
Technologies to treat sour natu- experience, and a liquid-side Prosernat and Total.