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Riddles for EFL/ESL learners

The riddle is a form of guessing game that has been

a part of the folklore of most cultures from ancient
times. Western scholars generally recognize two
main kinds of riddle: the descriptive riddle, usually
describing an animal, person, plant, or object in an
intentionally enigmatic manner (thus an egg is “a
little white house without door or window”); and
the brainy or witty question.
A story of Greek mythology tells that the Sphinx of
Thebes asked a riddle and ate people who could not
solve it. She asked, “What animal walks on four
legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs
at night?” Eventually the Greek hero Oedipus gave
the correct answer: a person. (A person crawls on
all fours as an infant, walks on two legs when
grown, and leans on a cane in old age.) Then the
Sphinx killed herself.
Here riddles are offered for entertaining reading
with the purpose of memorizing words.
If you are using Adobe Reader on Windows, you
can find out the answer by clicking the numbers
1A, 2A, ... and so on, otherwise you will see the
answers at the end of the parts.
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

Common riddles
1Q. A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed 2 days, then rode out of town on Friday. How did
he do that?
1A. _______________________

2Q. A kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

2A. ________

3Q. All of Jenny’s pets are dogs except one, and all of her pets are cats except one. How many cats
and dogs does Jenny have?
3A. ____________________________

4Q. An old fashioned bike wheel has 21 spokes. How many spaces are between the spokes - 20, 21,
or 22?
4A. ____

5Q. I am full of holes, I can hold water. What am I?

5A. _________________________________________________

6Q. I bind it and it walks. I loose it and it stops.

6A. ___________

7Q. I can speak all the languages of the world. What am I?

7A. ________

8Q. I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go
out I must break through the wall.
8A. ___________________

9Q. I sleep in the day and I fly in the night. I have no feathers to aid my flight.
9A. _______

10Q. If you drop me I'll probably crack, but give me a smile and I'll always smile back. What am I?
10A. ___________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

11Q. I'm sometimes full, but I never overflow. What am I?

11A. ___________

12Q. It stands on one leg with its heart in its head.

A cabbage.
12A. ___________

13Q. It's been around for millions of years, but it's no more than a month old. What is it?
13A. ____________

14Q. Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr.
Smith have?
14A. __________________

15Q. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
15A. __________

16Q. Some months have thirty days and some months have thirty-one days. How many months
have twenty-eight days?
16A. _____________________________

17Q. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?
17A. _____________

18Q. What are two things people never eat before breakfast?
18A. ____________________

19Q. What asks no question but demands an answer?

19A. _____________________________

20Q. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
20A. _____________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

21Q. What bird can lift the most?

21A. ___________

22Q. What can't be used until it's broken?

22A. _________

23Q. What fastens two people yet touches only one?

23A. _______________

24Q. What gets wet when drying?

24A. ___________

25Q. What goes round and round the wood but never goes into the wood?
25A. _________________

26Q. What goes round the house and in the house but never touches the house?
26A. __________

27Q. What has 4 legs and only 1 foot?

27A. ________

28Q. What has a head and a tail but no body?

28A. __________

29Q. What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?
29A. __________

30Q. What has a neck, but no head?

30A. _________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

31Q. What has five eyes, but cannot see?

31A. ____________________________

32Q. What has many keys but can't open any doors?
32A. __________

33Q. What has teeth but can't bite?

33A. __________

34Q. What has three feet but no legs or arms?

34A. __________

35Q. What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?
35A. __________

36Q. What is as big as an elephant but doesn't weigh anything?

36A. ________________________

37Q. What is that you will break even when you name it?
37A. _________

38Q. What is it that we often return but never borrow?

38A. _________

39Q. What is it that you can keep after giving it to someone else?
39A. ___________

40Q. What is it the more you take away the larger it becomes?
40A. _________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

41Q. What is the hardest thing about learning to roller skate?

41A. ____________

42Q. What is the longest word in the English language?

42A. __________________________________________________

43Q. What is the shortest month?

43A. __________________________

44Q. What is the tallest building in the world?

44A. ___________________________________

45Q. What teaches without talking?

45A. _____________

46Q. What walks all day on its head?

46A. ________________________

47Q. When is the best time to have lunch?

47A. _________________

48Q. Where does Friday come before Thursday?

48A. ________________

49Q. Who are the two brothers who live on opposite sides of the road yet never see each other?
49A. _________

50Q. You are my brother, but I am not your brother. Who am I?

50A. ________________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

Common riddles – answers

1. His horse is named Friday 2. A palm 3. Jenny has one cat and one dog 4. 21
5. A sponge (synthetic or natural material used for bathing) 6. sandal 7. An echo
8. A chicken in an egg 9. A bat 10. A mirror

11. The moon 12. Cabbage 13.The moon 14. He has 5 children 15. Nothing
16. All twelve months have 28 days 17. Footsteps 18. Lunch and a supper
19. A doorbell or a ringing telephone 20. Your name

21. Сrane 22. An egg 23. A wedding ring 24. A towel 25. The bark of a tree
26. The sun 27. A bed 28. A coin 29. A kitten 30. A bottle

31. The Mississippi River has five eyes! 32. A piano 33. A comb 34. A yard 35. A clock
36. The shadow of an elephant 37. Silence 38. Thanks 39. Your word. 40. What is it the more you
take away the larger it becomes?
40. A hole.

41. The ground 42. SMILES - there is a mile between the 1st and last letters.
43. May, it has only 3 letters. 44. A library because it has the most stories.
45. A book 46. A nail in a horseshoe. 47. After breakfast 48. In the dictionary
49. Eyes 50. I am your sister.
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

Letter riddles
1Q. What 4 days of the week start with the letter "T"?
1A. ___________________________________

2Q. What 4-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read
from left to right?
2A. ________

3Q. What always ends everything?

3A. ___________

4Q. What can turn a lad into a lady?

4A. ___________________________________

5Q. What can you always find in the middle of a taxicab?

5A. ____________

6Q. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
6A. ___________

7Q. What is at the end of a rainbow?

7A. ____________

8Q. What is the centre of gravity?

8A. ____________

9Q. What is the coldest letter?

9A. ___________________________

10Q. What is the difference between here and there?

10A. __________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

11Q. What is the most important thing in the world?

11A. ___________________________________________________

12Q. What letter comes after B in the alphabet?

12A. ____________________

13Q. What letter comes once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
13A. ______________

14Q. What letter is like an island?

14A. ____________________________

15Q. What letter is like an rest?

15A. _______________________________

16Q. What letter is like death?

16A. __________________________

17Q. What letter is like New Year's Day?

17A. _________________________________

18Q. What letter is like noon?

18A. ____________________________

19Q. What letter is like the sun?

19A. ________________________________

20Q. What letter is the cleanest in the alphabet?

20A. __________________________________________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

21Q. What letter of the alphabet is a drink?

21A. _____________________

22Q. What letter of the alphabet is an insect?

22A. _____________________

23Q. What letter widens a road?

23A. _________________________

24Q. What occurs twice in a week, once in a year but never in a day?
24A. ________________

25Q. What three letters change a girl into a woman?

25A. ________

26Q. Which letter is like a ring around your finger?

26A. ______________

27Q. Why is the letter "F" like Paris?

27A. _________________________________

28Q. Why is the letter "U" the jolliest letter?

28A. _______________________________

29Q. Why is the letter "E" like London?

29A. ________________________________

30Q. You find me in December, but not in any other month. What am I?
30A. _________________
Riddles for EFL/ESL learners from

Letter riddles – answers

1. Tuesday, Thursday, today and tomorrow. 2. NOON 3. The letter G.
4. The letter Y. ( lad = a boy or young man) 5. The letter I. 6. The letter M.
7. The letter W. 8. The letter V. 9. The letter C is in middle of ice. 10. The letter T.

11. The letter "E" because it is first in everybody and everything. 12. The letter E (aphabEt).
13. The letter M. 14. Letter T is in the middle of water. 15. The letter K comes at the end of work.
16. The letter E is at the end of life. 17. The letter J is the first of January.
18. The letter A is in the middle of day. 19. The letter G is in the centre of light.
20. The letter H because it is in the middle of washing.

21. The letter "T" = tea. 22. The letter "B" = bee. 23. The letter B makes it broad.
24. The letter E. 25. Age 26. The letter O. 27. Because both are the capital of France.
28. Because it is in the middle of fun. 29. Because E is the capital of England 30. The letter D.

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