Crisalia Capital Profile Presentation
Crisalia Capital Profile Presentation
Crisalia Capital Profile Presentation
•The company operates in a wide variety of sectors that include • Proven Crisalia Capital is a well-established Spanish
public securities and credit markets, healthcare, industrial real independent asset management boutique. The company was
estate, infrastructure, energy, financial services, travel and fintech. created to manage high net worth individuals’ wealth, and
today specializes in providing financial services to high net
• From acquisition to financing, worth people all around the globe.
structuring and management to sale – all from a single source.
• Crisalia Capital is dedicated
• A group of institutional, semi- professional and private investors. to provide a wide variety of services including tailored
portfolio management.
it's not the money that makes the
project, it's the project that makes
the money
+ 850 Millions € + 850 Millions €
transaction pipeline realized transaction volume
since 2012
+ € 100 Millions financing in 15 deals in the last 2 year
Fund Management
>120 Funds under management
Asset Management
20 Employees 20 Employees
With > 5 years* of Fund experience.
With > 5 years* of financing experience
We leverage our shared platform to capture cross- Given the inherently volatile nature of
asset class opp or tunities in strategic areas of investing, that will carr y a risk to your
fo cu s. With- off ices on four continent s, our global capital, our long-term approach aims to
team aligns our interest s with those of our deliver market-leading returns that make the
investors for lasting impact. Appreciating this, most of the highs, whilst diversif ying
our meticulou s and indep endent research takes a appropriately to cu shion any inevitable lows.
long term, global and thematic approach to By taking these imp or tant themes of
investing; gaining a deep er understanding of tomorrow and combining them with selections
exactly why and how the world is changing. that help manage unpredictable market forces,
Understanding these insight s allow u s to identif y we are able to construct a well- diversif ied,
the bu sinesses and sectors that are most likely to genuinely global p or tfolio, which remains in
b e impacted by change in the long term and line with your objectives at all times.
ensure that our client s capitalize on this. Our
collective exp erience instills an old-fashioned
sense of what represent s go o d value and
strengthens u s from getting swept up in any
p otential herd b ehavior. We value clarity,
su stainability of pro cess and hard-headed realism
in equal measure.
Real estate Investment
Sponsor Management
Business Equity
Capital Invest is commit ted to the principles of leading governance practices and strives to comply with
such practices. The Corporate Governance framework at Crisalia Invest is based on an effective Board
oversight and the constitution of Board and Management Commit tees to oversee critical areas of
Cristalia ‘s operations.
The Board of Directors is commit ted to the ongoing enhancements in Crisalia ’ s Corporate Governance
for the benef it of all stakeholders. This provides direction for Crisalia Capital and its subsidiaries,
which structure their respective governance frameworks according to Group standards.
Fur thermore, this framework enables the Board of Crisalia to balance its responsibility of oversight
with their role as providers of strategic direction, thereby achieving a proper balance bet ween
conformance and performance. In creating the Corporate Governance framework, the Board is commit ted
to applying accepted governance principles in a practical way.
Crisalia Capital values form the framework against which behavior, practices and activities are
measured and characteristics of good governance are assessed. Crisalia Capital values always require
Directors and employees to conduct themselves with integrity and display moral strength and behavior
that promote trust
Well explained
The main goal of our asset management team is to build long
term, mutually beneficial relationships with our clients.
This allows our company to understand the needs of our
customers and respond flexibly to their requirements.
Our asset managers also establish tailor-made annual business
plans for all assets and continuously review the progress of each
asset, in line with our investment strategy.
Budgets, forecasts, plans and performance reports are prepared
in a transparent and consistent manner to ensure that all assets
are managed efficiently and we maximize returns.
• Whether you are looking for a • Since our founding, we’ve • By taking these
The commit tee provides general oversight of Crisalia ’s compensation structure including long term
rewards and benef its programs, to review and provide guidance on Crisalia Capital human resources
programs, workforce
programs, talent review and leadership development and best place to work initiatives.
The committee exercises due care, diligence, skill and oversight towards credit risk management in the loan portfolio of
Crisalia Capital, within Board approved authorities.
A range of mutual funds managed by the company in various asset classes and markets.
Custom mandates with customized investment guidelines and indices in addition to a range of preset portfolio management
solutions with preset strategies including equity, balanced, fixed Income and capital guaranteed.
A range of private equity funds and club deals covering various industries.
Custom tailored portfolios leveraging the company’s suite of front and back office
services on behalf of clients.
Professional advice to clients with an active role in managing their portfolios including equities, fixed income and investment
products managed byCrisalia Capital Invest or other asset managers.
Our alternative financing solutions team works with institutional investors looking to perform collateral upgrades by pledging
assets such as equities, fixed income and high-quality liquid assets. Our innovative, cost-effective platform leverages our
agency lending business to provide you with comprehensive solutions at lower costs to traditional credit facilities.
As your alternative financing solutions partner, we'll work with you to: secure stable, long-term financing tailored to your
Help you take advantage of increased and diversified financing options as a lower-cost alternative Gain greater transparency
into your assets with the support of our global teams in multiple geographies around the globe.
Our business model at Crisalia Capital has been founded on long-term value creation for all our stakeholders to ensure
business viability and continuous growth. As a natural progression to this model, we have long adopted a sustainability
mindset in our day-to-day operations with an aim to exceed business targets, leverage positive impact, amplify the magnitude
of our collective actions, and improve the marketplace and society.
We have been transforming into an increasingly environmental-conscious Firm throughout our digital transformation journey.
From a social perspective, we have constantly committed to being model citizens and have taken it upon ourselves to give back
to the community and support our nation in the areas of health and wellbeing, youth and empowerment, as well as education
and financial literacy. Crisalia C has also been persistent in implementing a strong corporate governance framework that
aligns its business fronts to best practices and ethical considerations, ensuring that it is always at the forefront of complying
with applicable laws and regulations and abreast with new regulatory developments. In addition, through our collaborations
and joint efforts with various institutions, including the United Nations, we aim to have a more resounding positive impact on
our society and contribute to establishing an ethical and sustainable business ecosystem that optimizes growth in an
increasingly globalized and dynamic world.
We have begun reporting our current impact and setting targets for the future through our sustainability reports. Doing so will
allow us to develop a more sustainable vision and growth strategy, effectively manage and deal with changes and challenges as
well as capitalize on opportunities.
Expertise & Track Record
We have completed more than 100 primary and add-on investments across a broad array of investment types, business life
cycles, industries and geographies. For a full list of all Bain CapitalPrivate Equity investments. Our portfolio have a worldwide
Our Third Party Solutions services provide clients with a full-fledged investment arm with complete access to the global
market while maintaining full transparency in line with international best practices. Third Party Solutions has developed and
maintained strong relationships with international investment managers. Investment professionals are regularly hosted at our
offices to discuss global markets updates and latest investment opportunities and trends. In addition to our strong
relationships with international fund managers, we rely on multiple financial sources in our financial screening process and
execution such as Bloomberg, Reuters, OzAxiom Capital, GMA Investments, Wilshiren, Gallo Interests.
The best business that all
professionals need
Real Estate Asset Management offers regional and international
off-market opportunities through “Real Estate Investment
Programs” focusing on core, core plus and grade A income
generating assets with long term steady income stream. Our goal
is to generate steady returns for our clients while protecting
them against downside risk.
Realization Management
Developing realization plans and cash budgets, executing realization plans, structuring and executing transactions and appointing
third party investment banks and brokers.
Private Equity
Our team is comprised of well qualified
professionals from different nationalities; providing
‘local’ perspective for deals in all target regions. Our
team’s experience covers private equity, investment
banking, transaction advisory, venture capital,
financial research, also have diversified sectoral
experience spanning shipping, petrochemicals,
financial services and strategy consulting, credit
rating, and audit.
We through healthcare, education, real estate, logistics.
International Investment Services
Our investment management team closely monitors the local market, to find and strategically deal on opportunities in
Europe with the aim of maximizing returns for our investors.Our structured investment method encompasses in-depth
local and economic market research, tenant information and analysis of property managed through a rigorous and
detailed technique, process of environmental due diligence, financing, structuring and legal. We proactively approach
owners, developers and municipalities in the European market, as well as maintain excellent relationships with
national and local brokers, to find deals where we can 'buy smart, add value, sell smart.
have explained today creation, XR forecast and planning what technical level
what is the best on the consulting, the processes. you’re on, we got your
market metaverse. back!
Holding Invest SA
Scooter Wese Gallo interests Wave
We offer various
things to do in the real why invest a fortune in A management that Wave is an electric
estate sector and you scooters and to offers the best tools in bicycle subscipton
will also find our maintain them, get the financial sector, we service, tailor-made to
sector in the follow-up your scooter for rent to offer different types of the climate, geography
and development for facilitate your daily partners and loans to and culture of the
each investment journeys, in just a click carry out your projects. greater mena region.
A safe bet Real estate
80 75
46 46
40 33
This represents the work of our team with the funds manager of a family from the beginning of the
year with an investment starting at 33 million
After several years and several
investment security and others
15 studies concerning the
investment we have found
today that the best solution is
Real estate to fluidity its investment on
several strategies and several
investment sectors,
Broker Commission
20 Our team is always working to
improve our investment
This vision of things has been
verified and approved by the
best market specialists, which
is why we are putting this
Venture Capital
strategy into action.
With more than 5 years of experience in the Our COO spends his free time advising many A lot of experience as a business provider of many
finance sector, professional skills skills combining startups and entrepreneurs on growth, marketing deals to realize know-how in the JSTM sector, Very
know-how These skills allow them to properly and operational strategy. He is also an instructor good know-how in the real estate sector.
manage the missions entrusted to them in the of new recruits.
context of their functions
C/ Cruzada, 4 2º
28013 Madrid,