Sentiment Analysis Using CATAtools

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Sentiment Analysis Using Computer-Assisted Text Analysis Tools

Conference Paper · May 2023

DOI: 10.2991/978-94-6463-136-4_58


3 authors, including:

Saroj Date
Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College


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Sentiment Analysis Using Computer-Assisted
Text Analysis Tools

Saroj S. Date(B) , Kiran V. Sonkamble, and Sachin N. Deshmukh

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

Marathwada University, Aurangabad, MS, India

Abstract. Recently the use of computerized text analysis tools to assess an indi-
vidual’s linguistic, emotional and psychological characteristics has exploded in
the field of empirical psychology. As a result, information about what people con-
vey through their words can be swiftly and reliably extracted and analyzed. The
key purpose of this research work is to analyze text data to assess linguistic and
emotional characteristics with the help of computer-assisted text analysis tools.
The analysis employed widely available text and sentiment analysis tools, Empath
and LIWC. As text data, children’s storybook reviews were analyzed in this work.
These reviews are written by the children for the children. Empath and LIWC
tools helped to measure the reviewer’s sentiment, analytical ability and cognition
level. Finally, by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient for the selected
variables, it is inferred that Empath shares a high correlation with LIWC.

Keywords: sentiment analysis · computer-assisted text analysis (CATA) tools ·

computer-aided text analysis software · text data analysis · LIWC · Empath ·
content analysis

1 Introduction
An emerging area of research in computational social science and human-computer inter-
action makes use of technologies to interpret the emotions and sentiments expressed in
natural language. For example: since more than a couple of decades, scholarly writing
analysis has been the subject of active cognitive research. It uses techniques like time-
consuming traditional methods to automated text analysis tools. To extract high-quality
information from text, such as cognition level, communication, authenticity, tone, ana-
lytical ability etc. the automated techniques combine linguistic, statistical and machine
learning methods. For automated text analysis, researchers collect the data from common
sources like social media, product reviews, news articles, blogs, etc.
As social media users have access to ever larger and more diverse data from the
Internet, it becomes significant to scale our ability to conduct such analyses with breadth
and accuracy. In this paper, reviews written for children’s storybooks are collected to
perform sentiment analysis tasks. These reviews are obtained from a website and written
by children of different age groups. The collected reviews are processed and analyzed
with the help of computer-assisted text analysis (CATA) tools: LIWC and Empath.

© The Author(s) 2023

S. Tamane et al. (Eds.): ICAMIDA 2022, ACSR 105, pp. 671–679, 2023.
672 S. S. Date et al.

1.1 What is CATA?

CATA stands for Computer-Aided Text Analysis or Computer-Assisted Text Analysis.
CATA is prominently useful for those researchers who aim to capture the emotions,
cognition and beliefs of individuals as reflected in their narratives and written texts.
The main entities of the CATA tools are some kind of internal dictionaries. However,
researchers may develop their own dictionaries for text analysis.
There are different approaches for computerized text analysis tasks. Some of the
approaches are mentioned as follows. It might be beneficial to present these, before
describing the findings in the literature.

• One of the most basic approaches for text analysis is the traditional approach. It
involves judgment-based content analysis by human beings. Human judges, such as
subject matter experts, study and categorize a sample of textual data based on content
• Basic computer-based automation techniques are largely used to identify text data.
These techniques simply count the word frequencies and categorize the data. It may
also display the results in visual forms like word clouds.
• Another popular computerized technique to find out the sentiment of text data is the use
of existing data dictionaries. In addition, researchers can design their own dictionaries
to measure certain constructs and employ them for content analysis. It is similar to a
keyword search method in which the researcher identifies all relevant phrases related
to a construct and then searches the texts for these words. Publicly some dictionaries
are available for sentiment classification like LIWC and DICTION.
• Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and techniques (like latent
Dirichlet analysis (LDA) and latent semantic analysis (LSA) can be employed to iden-
tify the language constructs that exist in a corpus. These techniques may be combined
with data dictionaries and basic automation.

To analyze text data, some software are available like Nvivo, Linguistic Inquiry Word
Count (LIWC), Atlas.ti, DICTION, Cat Scanner, MonoConc Pro, General Inquirer (GI),
Empath, Wordstat, Leximancer, Textpak, Textual Analysis Computing Tools (TACT),
In this paper, to analyze the text data, LIWC and Empath tools are used. Empath is
one of the modern text analysis tools. It enables researchers to build and test new lexical
categories on demand by combining machine learning approaches and crowdsourcing.
LIWC is a good software to analyze text corpus by counting words in lexical
categories. It analyzes social, cognitive, emotional, and other psychological dimen-
sions within the written text. It has significant features like fast data processing, easy
interpretation of the results and extensively validated dictionary.

2 Literature Survey
The significant research work carried out in the domain of sentiment analysis which uses
computer-assisted text analysis (CATA) tools is presented in this section. Researchers
of this domain used CATA for emotion/sentiment analysis. As per the survey, there is a
Sentiment Analysis Using Computer-Assisted Text Analysis Tools 673

considerable increase in the usage of this type of software for sentiment analysis as well
as evaluating linguistic and psychological properties of human language.
Over the last two decades, Emotion/Sentiment Analysis from text has been regarded
as a demanding and interesting task. Vaibhav Tripathi et al. conducted an extensive
survey on the computational analysis of emotions. They compiled a list of the various
methodologies, datasets, and resources for sentiment analysis [1].
Zachary Dau reported outcomes on a computational analysis of Twitter activity by
politicians. He found a significant increase in Twitter activity throughout the pandemic
[2]. In the subject of Human Resource Management, Emily D. Campion and Michael
A. Campion employed computer-assisted text analysis [3].
Von Selasinsky et al. used computer-aided text analysis to investigate crowdfunding
success factors. They examined textual information from video subtitles as well as project
titles and descriptions. They discovered that including subtitle information enhances the
variation explained by the respective models and, as a result, their predictive potential for
financing success [4]. Bumsoo Kim used computer-assisted text analysis to determine
which social grooming characteristics diminish incivility among social media users when
discussing or publishing on the COVID-19 situation in South Korea. According to the
findings, the size of one’s social network is a negative predictor of civility [5].
Maverick Ferreira et al. demonstrated a method for automatically classifying the
content of messages in online discussions. To accomplish this task, he presented a
method based on a mix of classic text mining characteristics and word counts retrieved
using proven linguistic frames [6]. Shihab Elbagir and Jing Yang classified sentiments
conveyed in Twitter data using the Valence Aware Dictionary for sEntimentReasoner
(VADER) [7].
For sentiment analysis of the most “Fanned” Facebook Pages, Alan R. Pella
employed the most widely explored method, LIWC [8]. Saifuddin Ahmed et al. stud-
ied whether online protest activities have the same emotional underpinnings as offline
protest actions for sustaining and nourishing a social movement, and how these emotions
alter across different stages of the social movement [9]. Ryan L. Boyd highlighted how
language may reveal profound insights into the minds of others using well-established
and straightforward psychometric approaches [10].

3 Methodology
In academic research, text data analysis using various approaches has a long history.
The primary goal of this research work is to analyze text data with the help of modern
computer-assisted text analysis tools. As written in Sect. 1, the tools under considera-
tion are LIWC and Empath. Empath and LIWC analyses are driven by dictionary-based
word counts. Empath works on a broader range of categories and may build and validate
new categories on demand using unsupervised language modeling whereas LIWC pro-
vides a highly validated dictionary for analysis. After successful analysis, the obtained
results are discussed in Sect. 4 of this paper. To accomplish above mentioned task, the
domain of scholarly writing analysis is considered. One of the major characteristics of
scholarly writing is that it should be written in concise statements and should show an
understanding of the topic.
674 S. S. Date et al.

For this work, children’s storybooks reviews were collected from a website. These
are book reviews by children for children. Following this, the reviews were processed
by custom-written Python scripts that transformed the text into a form that could be
analyzed using the Empath and LIWC. Empath and LIWC software produces hundreds of
measures as a result for analysis. For this study, to identify the sentiments of reviews, we
limited the analysis to three variables of Empath and ten variables of LIWC. The selected
Empath and LIWC category score values are processed and compared for performance

4 Results
The analysis of the results of two CATA tools are presented in this section. The storybook
reviews, which are considered for experiment, are written by children of different age
groups for children. The age groups are 8 to 10 Years, 10 to 12 years and 12 years
and above. We labeled it as Group A, Group B and Group C respectively. Analysis on
different parameters is done group-wise.

4.1 Review Text Statistics

Some of the sample reviews from each age group are given in Table 1. All of the
reviews have been analyzed group-wise to find out the statistics like average word count,
minimum and maximum word count and median value.
Computerized text analyses have been used to find summary of these text reviews.
It is presented in Table 2. For Group A, reviews ranged from 68–155 words, with an
average of 118 words per review. Group B review sentences ranged from 59–516 word
with an average of 153 words per reviews. For Group C, review sentence range is 129–
409 with an average of 255. As depicted in the table, it has been analyzed that the review
writing characteristics have improved linearly as per the growing age group.
LIWC analysis has been carried out to find the average word count. It is shown in
Fig. 1. It has been analyzed that the average word count increases as children grow up.
Also, the word clouds are generated by CATA software to see the vocabulary of the
children writing. As per the analysis, top five word of Group A are: ‘book’, ‘uncle’, ‘read’,
‘story’ and ‘polly’. While Group B children have used top five words as ‘book’, ‘char-
acters’, ‘story’, ‘michael’ and ‘recommend’. ‘book’, ‘read’, ‘raju’, ‘said’ and ‘years’ are
the top 5 words by group C reviews. All these word clouds are shown in Fig. 2. From
figure it can be analyzed that vocabulary of Group B and C children is better than Group

4.2 LIWC Output Variable Analysis

LIWC text analysis software generates hundreds of output variables for every analyzed
text file. It also displays the scores for four summary language variables called as analyt-
ical ability, clout, authenticity and emotional tone. For children book review analyses,
we have considered analytical ability and cognition level variable values. The process
of learning information and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses
is referred to as cognition. Figure 3 depicts the rising scores values of analytical ability
and cognition variable with relation to the age of the children.
Sentiment Analysis Using Computer-Assisted Text Analysis Tools 675

Table 1. Sample book reviews from different age groups

Reviewer Group Book Title Sample Book Review

Group A The Snow Queen It is a story of a boy named Kay and a girl called
Grenda. Kay was kidnapped by a wicked Snow Queen
and she takes Kay to her ice castle in the far north.
Brenda came to rescue Kay and had lots of exciting
adventures on the way and met lots of interesting
people..I really enjoyed this book and it took me two
days to read it. I would tell my friends that I read The
Snow Queen and say it was a very good book.
Group B The Dreamsnatcher This ‘fast paced and full of charm’ action-packed
thriller is an outstanding debut from Abi Elphinstone.
It is packed with suspense, adventure and once you
have picked up the book there is no letting go of it.
Moll is a brave young child who is determined to fight
off the Dreamsnatcher and with the help of Gryff, a
wildcat always by Moll’s side, she can do what the
Oracle Bones have foretold.
I could not choose a favourite part as I enjoyed the
whole book greatly. I cannot wait for the sequel that
will be coming out in 2016.
“A superb, brilliant debut,” Hugo Ding.
Group C The Quietness The Quietness is set in nineteenth century London.
Each chapter is written from the perspective of the two
main characters, Queenie and Ellen. They have
different lifestyles. Queenie lives in poverty at home
with her large family but circumstances lead her to run
away to find a good paying job. In contrast, Ellen lives
at home and her family is wealthy. They soon meet and
together they form a strong bond where they then find
out a secret that changes both of the girls’ lives forever.
I found this book interesting and gripping to read and
wouldn’t put the book down after the unexpected plot
twist. It should me a lot about friendship and trust. This
book deserves five stars and I would definitely
recommend this book to girls around fourteen years
old. It is good for readers who love a bit of drama and
it made me actually want to read in my free time.
This is a YA novel and is recommended for readers
aged 14 and above.
676 S. S. Date et al.

Table 2. Summary information of book review

Group A Group B Group C

Average word count 118 153 255
Minimum 68 59 129
Maximum 155 516 409
Median 110 124 267


150 118


Group A Group B Group C

Fig. 1. Computerized analysis of reviews- average word count

4.3 Empath vs LIWC Analysis

Some of the common variables from both CATA tools are evaluated to see how
closely Empath and LIWC categories are correlated. These variables are communi-
cation, positive-emotion and negative_emotion. Communication refers to exchange of
information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. A positive emotion is
an emotional reaction that is intended to convey a pleasant feeling and negative emotion
convey unpleasant feeling. The score values for these communications, positive_emotion
and negative_emotion variables are shown in Fig. 4.
Group-wise sentiment analysis score values are shown in Table 2. These are being
used to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC). It is the most widely used
measure in research field to determine the strength and direction of the relation between
two variables. It is a value that ranges from −1 to 1 and represents linear correla-
tion.With a value of −1 signifying a total linear correlation that is negative, 0 signifying
no correlation, and +1 denoting a total linear correlation that is positive.
In Table 3, Group (ABC) denotes the calculated average scores of Groups A, B and
C. After closely analyzing the average scores of the common variables, it can be inferred
that selected Empath’s categories are highly correlated with the respective categories of
LIWC’s with average PCCs of r = 0.909. It implies that Empath’s data-driven word
counts are quite close to an extensively validated LIWC dictionary.
Sentiment Analysis Using Computer-Assisted Text Analysis Tools 677

Fig. 2. Word clouds generated by CATA tools

Fig. 3. LIWC generated analytical ability and cognition scores

678 S. S. Date et al.

Fig. 4. Group-wise Sentiment Analysis using Empath and LIWC tools

Table 3. CATA scores for selected variables

Variable Group A Group B Group C Group(ABC)

Empath LIWC Empath LIWC Empath LIWC Empath LIWC
Communication 11.12 25.68 4.48 16.5 9.11 18.3 8.24 20.16
Pos_emo 10.99 18.28 7.14 18.3 8.81 14.2 8.98 16.93
Neg_emo 2.16 7.46 7.10 4.9 6.69 8.3 5.32 6.89

5 Conclusion
In this paper, we presented the use of Computer-Assisted Text Analysis tools to identify
natural language constructs in order to assess the linguistic and emotional characteristics
of text data. To analyze storybook reviews, Empath and LIWC tools were used. From the
analysis, it is scientifically proved that children’s scholarly writing improves linearly with
age. Through experimental work, it is concluded that Empath has a high correlation with
LIWC software. However, the overall observation is that, while Empath covers a broader
set of categories than LIWC, it does not include similar kinds of LIWC variables such
as Analytic, Clout, Authentic, and Tone. These are LIWC’s highly condensed summary
variables. Another noting is that, Empath can generate and validate new categories
with a few seed words. LIWC’s dictionaries are created and validated rigorously using
semi-automatic approaches.
This work has some limitations. The focus is on analyzing storybook reviews, which
means that the findings may not be applicable beyond this domain. Nonetheless, we
would expect similar results for the same domain. Future researchers can extend this
work by comparing and contrasting the results obtained with other text analysis software.
Sentiment Analysis Using Computer-Assisted Text Analysis Tools 679

They can also assess other aspects of LIWC and Empath besides analytical ability,
cognition, communication, positive emotion and negative emotion.

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