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Changing Trends & Career

1 in Physical Education
1.1 Concept, Aims and Objectives of Physical Education
12 Changing Trends in Sports-playing surface, wearable gears and sports equipment, technological advancements
1.3 Career Options in Physical Education
1.4 Khelo India and Fit-India Programme

The importance of physical education in one form physical attributes such as physical strength, physical
or another has been
consistently presented in every health, structure and physical development of the body.
education philosophy. Even in ancient times, physical Some people consider it the study of the body. But can
education has been an integral part of the education the mind and intelligence be separated from the body?
system in various forms. Gandhiji envisaged It is impossible to train or develop the mind without
the all-round development of the child through the development of the body. The mind and the body
education. Within education, the indispensability of are inseparable. Therefore, physical education includes
physical education is clearly visible. Progressivism, the development of both the mind and the body.
experimentalism, naturalism, spiritualism -all these
put emphasis on physical education. The importance of Before attempting to comprehend the meaning of
physical education, we must understand the meaning
physical education has been accepted in all education of 'education'.
philosophies. The Education Commission of India
has also acknowledged the inevitability and importance Education means to bring about changes in life
and give a fixed direction to life after learning from
ofphysical education. The meaning and form of physical
one's experiences. This means bringing the necessary
education have also been changed according to the times,
changes as required by the situation.
periods and civilizations. Just as education is a complete
The behaviour of a person can only change if we focus
entity in itself and inseparable, similarly the person is
also inseparable from education. It is clear from this that on developing talent, capability and qualities that are
inherent. These inherent qualities can be developed with
physical education is an integral part of education and is
a complete unit in itself. Physical Education provides full education. As a result, the individual develops qualities
contribution for the all-round development of the child. as necessary in situations faced and learns to adjust.
This situational adjustment is called education.
"Sharir Madhyam Khalu Dharmasadhanam" is an expression
wricten by Kalidasa. This expression
means body is the prime source of performing all duties.
Discuss in your class, how this expression related to you and
what steps do you take to keep your body fit and healthy

1.1 Concept, Aims and Objectives of

Physical Education
1.1.1 Meaning of Physical Education
The term physical education' is a combination of two
words physical' + 'education'. Physical' implies the Figure 1.1 Physical Exercise

Therefore, when the the above definitions,
we may infer th.
the word word'edueation' is attnehed with BARed on
is an integral part of educati
'physieal' then naturally its mening becomes phyaicnl education'
comprehensive and holistic (physical, mental, emoti
as perceiving
merely the study of the body would physical edueation thate n s u r o s the
through physical activiti
not be fair. nnd Aocinl) dovelopment ities
In fact. education. Physical
physical edueation is a part of that complete the process ot
Ditferences are only a means of edueatiom. edueation dovelops the
inherent capabilitio
education is the collective eftect achieving it.
Physienl talent and qualities to help
achieve life's goal
ofthe experienees that In other words, physical
mankind receives nd lend a successful life.
which it
through physieal activities and by educntion is the eapability gained through physical
acquires the welfare of itselt. To
understnnd nctivitios that ensures all-round development of
meaning of physical odueation, let ns study the
following definitions. person.

1.1.2 Definitions of 1.1.3 Current Trends in Physical Education

1. H.C. Buck:
Physical Education The importance of physical education has never been
"Physical cducation'
is the part
of emphasised more than it is today. It has covered a lon
general education pnogramme, which is considered
with srouth, journey to come in present form. Physical Education
development and education of
children through the medium evolved from gymnastics (in 1800s) to hygiene (in
activities. It is the education
of big muscle 1820s) to physical culture (in 1840s) to physical
of whole child by
means of
physical activities. physical activities training Gin 1900s) and now is known as Physical
are the tools. Education (after 1920s). Now, it is widely recognised
They are so selected and conducted
that physical education and sports is relevant and
as to
influence every child's life physically,
mentally, emotionally and morally." important in developing an active and healthy lifestyle
2. Charles A. Bucher: "Physical education' is an and the solution to rising obesity rates worldwide. In
fact, Physical Education is now called movement
integral part of total education process which has
its aim- the education. Movement of body develops efficient motor
development of physically, mentaly, activity.
emotionally and socially fit citizens through the
medium of physical activities which have Movement follows some mechanical principles. To
been make a meaningful movement, students must know
selected uvith a view to realising these outeomes."
3. about the forces that are responsible for the movement.
According to Cassidy: "Physical education' is Physical fitness, emotional aspects pertaining to fear
the sum of changes in the individual caused
by and anxiety, and atmospheric changes affect the
experiences centering motor activity." movement.
4. According to J.B. Nash: "Physical education'
is that phase of the whole Movement, an integral to all human beings, is of
field of education that twotypes-locomotor movement and non-locomotor
deals with big muscles activities and their related movement. Locomotor movement includes
responses." necessary
movement, like running, jumping, etc. whereas non-
According Oberteuffer:"Physical education'
is the
sum of those
locomotor movement includes activities
like, twisting,
experiences which come to the turning, etc. Movement education is instruction in
individual through movements." the improvement of a
person's motor skills through
6. According to J.P. Thomas: "Physical education' physical movement. Often a part of physical therapy,
is education the patient/student gains
through physical
their body in motion and andeeper understanding of
activities for the a
development of total personality of the child its increased
movement in their day-to-day activities. efficiency
fulfilment and perfection in body, mind and spirit." The aim of
movement education is to
7. According to A.R. Wayman: "Physical education' improve
health and physical
is that aspect of
education which is concerned performance.
with the development and education of the entire So, it is essential to have a curriculum in
personality of a man by physical activities" Education programme which focuses on Physical
the overall
fitness ofa human being.
8. According toCentral Advisory Board of Although in most
physical education is part of the school countries,
PhysicalEducation and Recreation: "Physical curriculum,
lessons are not
given, thus leading to a reduced
education' is education. It is the education through
experience of physical activity for children and youth.
physical activities for
the development of the tota
personality ofthe child to its fullness and perfection Therefore, ensuring that all children
physical activity is
engage in regular
in body, mind and spirit." crucial, and the schools are the
only place where all children can be reached.
12 Physical EducationXI
Physical Education is the most effective and inclusive 7. Stress Reduction: Physical activity becomes
means of providing all children, whatever their ability/ an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety, and
disability, sex, age, cultural, race/ethnicity, religious or facilitates emotional stability and resilience.
social background, with the skills, attitudes, values, 8. Strengthened Peer Relationships: Physical
knowledge and understanding for lifelong participation education can be a major force in helping children
in physical activity and sport and is the only school socialize with others successfully. It also provides
subject whose primary focus is on the body, physical opportunities to learn positive people skills
activity, physical development and health. especially during late childhood and adolescence,
Physical education trends have developed recently to being able to participate in dances, games and
incorporate a greater variety of activities besides typical sports is an important part of peer culture.
sports. Introducing students to activities like bowling, 9. Improved Self-confidence and Self-esteem:
walking or hiking, or Frisbee at an early age can help Physical education instils a stronger sense of self-
students develop good activity habits that will carry worth in children based on their mastery of skills
over into adulthood. Some teachers have even begun to and concepts in physical activity. They can become
incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, more confident, assertive, independent and self
deep-breathing, etc. controlled.
10. Experience Setting Goals: Physical education
1.1.4 Significance of Physical Education provides children the opportunity to set and strive
Programme in Schools for personal, achievable goals.
Physical Education plays an important role in total
education of a child. So, it is an essential integral part 1.1.5 Aim of Physical Education
of the curriculum. Quality physical education programs The only aim of Physical Education is the Holistic
are needed to increase the physical competence, health- development of an individuar. This means being
related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of complete in oneself. To achieve this completeness, one
physical activity for all students so that they can be has to go through a tough process and take one step
physically active for a lifetime. Physical education at a time to achieve one's goals. These steps are the
programs can only provide these benefits if they are objectives of physical education. These steps may be
well-planned and well-implemented. many. In fact, succeeding in each step opens the door for
A quality Physical Education Programme can offer achieving the goals. For example, the aim of the game
the following to the students: of football is to score a goal, but the steps taken or the
process followed to score the goal, the participation,
1. Improved Physical Fitness: It improves use of skill, use of senses, etc. are the processes to
children's muscular strength, flexibility, muscular
achieve the objective. This means that to score a goal,
endurance, body composition and cardiovascular
all three aspects-physical, mental and social-are
endurance. required. The use of senses and strategy form the
2. Skill Development: It develops motor skills, mental aspect, use of strength and skills is the
which allow for safe, successful and satisfying physical aspect, and to maintain co-ordination
participation in physical activities. with team-mates is the social aspect. These result
3. Regular, Healthful Physieal Activity: in development of all three aspects. Thus, we may say
It provides a wide-range of developmentally that holistic development of a person is the aim of
appropriate activities for all children. physical education.
4. Support of Other Areas: It reinforces
knowledge learned across the curriculum. It serves
1.1.6 Objectives of Physical Education
as a lab for application of content in science, math 1. Neuro-muscular Development and Co-
ordination: While participating in various
and social studies.
5. Self-Discipline: It facilitates development of
physical activities, neuro-muscular development
takes place and the co-ordination between the
student responsibility for health and fitness. nerves and muscles improves. In the initial
6. Improved Judgment: Quality physical education stages, a child runs, jumps and plays but is not
can influence moral development. Students have able to do these activities perfectly because there
the opportunity to assume leadership,
cooperate is a lack of proper neuro-muscular co-ordination.
with others; question actions and regulations and However, with practice, the child achieves
accept responsibility for their own behavior. perfection as the nerves and muscles begin to

Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 13

it is essential to gie
Co-ordinate. For example, when a child teenagers.
play badminton, s/he is not able to begins to direction to
their physical and
get the shuttle- positive
emotions to
ensure emotional
cock on the racket, or s/he is not able to catch a energies and
ball properly. This is due affective development.
to lack of co-ordination
between the nerves and the muscles. Development
and Characte
However, 5. Moral
Through physical education,
a perso
regular practice helps the child to get the contact Formation:
between the racket and the shuttle-cock or catch good citizen. One c a nachieye a
learns to become a
a ball. society with a good character, R
good position in a person develops qualitjes
participating in games,
hard work,
co-operation, discipline
such as
personal aspirations to
enthusiasm, giving up
etc. These qualities
achieve collective aspirations,
stones in the development of good
are the stepping
Personality: Physical education
6. Development of S
personality. Various
helps in the development ofthe body. At the sam.
activities develop
the tasks efficiently brinvs
time, completing
that help in refining
together the capabilities t
Other than this, physical
a person's personality. b
activities create a healthy environment which n

helps in the development personality.

Figure 1.2 Neuro-muscular Development and activities of physical e-
7. Social Development: All
Co-ordination education require adjustment with others.
2. Physical and Mental Development: Only a Without adjustment, completion of these
healthy body can house a healthy mind. During activities is not possible. To be able to adjust
physical education, a person involves himsel with people, one needs to have the qualities
herself in physical activities that develop all of co-operation, honesty, patience, self
the parts of the body. While playing a sport, a
discipline, friendly behaviour, unity, etc. All
person has to undertake various actions and these qualities are developed through activities
reactions which involve his/her conscience in physical education.
and intelligence, control over emotions,
competitive spirit, etc. and these skills are 8. Worthy Use of Leisure Time: In this age oi T
technology, most tasks are done by machines
developed in the field resulting in physical and providing us a lot of leisure time. Most people do0
mental development. If a person uses his/her
conscience, it is a mental quality. not know to use this time. The leisure time can be
used profitably in physical education.
3. Prevention and Control of Diseases: During
9. Equity: Equal opportunities available a
physical education, all the parts of the body are are to
active and work at their highest capacity. This person in physical education programmes. The *
results in the release of toxins from the body. ability of the player in a sport gives him/her
The immune system of the body improves, and, as an
opportunity and not his/her high caste. i
a result, there is a prevention from illnesses and wealth o r his/her high position in the
diseases. Therefore, even a lower class or poor person can
4. Emotional and Affective Development: There achieve a high peak on the basis of his/her sports
are three important aspects of an individual's performance.
personality qualitative, affective and
10. Economic
Imdependent/Sources: Physica
functional. To attain a balance in the personality, education plays
important role in makinE e-
the co-ordination between these aspects is a person financially strong. He/she
essential. Through physical education, the well in sports and
receives financial help s-
excessive (surplus) energies of a child a r e
channelized in activities that help in balancing Economic independence can also be achieved Da
is a n excess adopting physical education as an occupatiot
the personality of the child. There and making
children and equipment for physical educatios
of energy and emotions among activities, There are other sources of earn
Physical EducationXI
by means of physical education, such as the was muddy or a grassy surface. But it was since 1970s
amount of reward to high level players, from when reputed sports organisations started using
promotion of various companies and products, artificial pitches. Here are a few examples of such
working as physical education teachers, coaches, organizations:
gym trainers, designer of equipment, etc. provide FIFA: They allow synthetic surfaces, but only as
financial gains. long as they meet their defined guidelines. In the
year 2015, FIFA Women's World Cup was held
1.2 Changing Trends in Sports- in Canada where a conventional soccer field was

playing surface, wearable not an easy option due to its climate. Thus, in this
World Cup artificial surface was used.
gears and sports equipment,
technological advancements Olympics: Artificial grass has been used in the
Olympics. The first example of this was in 1976,
1.2.1 Changing Trends for field hockey.
Sports industry of present times is continuously Changing Trends in Wearable Gears
evolving. This evolution is changing the past trends
Wearable gear refers to devices attached to the body
in the sports and these amendments are sometimes
for the betterment of the players, sometimes it is for
that measures some aspect of performance during
the fans of the sports and sometimes it is also for the physical activities and sports. These gears have some
special kind of sensors that may monitorthe position
betterment of our planet too. Artificial fields that do
not wear and tear easily, new safety equipment for of the athlete, heartrateand other physiological data.
the players, technology like instant replays, hawk- Data collected by these gears in continuous manner
which helps the athlete to improve his performance. An
eye, hotspot and snickometer (used in cricket) are example of such a gear which is available are a pod and
some changes that are incorporated in the
sports vest system that can track the position of the players
to support the players and fair play of the game.
in real-time, as well as collect physiological data such
Drone cameras, high definition video walls, social
media platform to connect the players are some
total distance, speed, high metabolic loaddistance,
advancement for the followers of the game. accelerations, fatigue index, dynamic stress load, step
Kinetic balance andcolisions The data can then bevisualized
Energy Recoverv System (KERS) used in Formula Tater using a software system so that performer can
One racing cars which takes the waste heat energy work on to improve his performance.
created when the driver applies brake in the car and
use this energy later to boost the speed of the car. Changing Trends in Sports Equipment
This system helps in saving energy which is good Equipment is that item which is used in sports either
for our planet and at the same time it increases the for playing or for protecting player from injury. We
performance of the racer. can classify the
equipment as a playing equipment and
Changing Trends in Playing Surface safety equipment.
Playing surface in the sports is continuously evolving
Playing Equipment: Every sport requires some sort of
playing equipment for playing the game. For example,
while keeping in mind about various factors related to
bat and ball in cricket, racquet in badminton or tennis,
particular games and sports. Some of these factors are gun in shooting, hockey stick in hockey, etc. A constant
riction, pace of the athlete, requires less force of the research is going on to make the sports equipment
athlete, injury prevention of the athlete, impact of the better. By better it means that either it enhances
tootmarks, ete. The main purpose is to develop such a the performance of the player or the equipment itself
playing surface that will enhance the performance of the remains in good condition for a longer period of time.
athlete and does not tear away easily when compared
to natural pitches.
The application of composite materials while preparing
the sports equipment reduces its weight and increases
Some common type of playing surfaces that are strength which extends its life span.
evolvedduring times are polymeric rubber,PVC, wooden Safety quipment: Safety equipment is used in
Surfaces,concrete, natural turfandartiicialturf These different sports for protecting players from injuries.
Suracesaregenerally more expensive to build but these For example head guard, face guard, mouth guard,
are worth every penny due toit consistency throughout
the year and low cost maintenance. In the
leg guard, elbow guard, ete. In this competitive
past, the world of sports it is very unfortunate for any player
sports was played only on natural surfaces either it to get injured while playing the game.
Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 15
injuries will ruin the career of a sportsperson. Safety Career Options in Physical
equipment will decrease the chances of getting an Education
injury. Safety equipment becomes better day by
day through everyday research. Techniques are 1.3.1 Various Career Options in Physical
developing to reduce their weight, size and increase Education
their sturdiness so that they serve their purpose for
The education is very wide. The
field of physical
a longer period of time. vastness of this field offers opportunities for many

professional carecrs. Following are the career options

1.2.2 Technology Advancement
level in the ficld of physical education:
Technology has affected the sports from low
recreational activities to high level competitive sports. Career Options in Physical Education
The application of advanced technology in sports serves
a role in creating whole new sports experience for the
players and the viewers as well.
restricted to
Technology advancement is not only Teaching Adminis- Sports Mass
like hotspot
drone camera, video walls or techniques tration Acadeny Media
but it is also applied to personal sports gear such
as clothing and shoes. Clothing
of sportsperson are
constantly evolving on the parameter that it will Coachings Performance Health Sports
soak the sweat as maximum as possible which feels Related Industry
the player and he/she will focus more on the
good to
performance in the game. education
In the past, occupations based on physical
However, the technology advancement have a were available only in some areas, but, now-a-days,

sometimes it becomes this field such

business options are being created in
great impact on the sports but
unfortunate for the teams or players who could not teaching, health, sports administration, support staf
afford it and the spirit of sports is getting hurt. The in tournaments, media, etc. Due to the changing socia
use oftechnology in enhancing sports facilities and environment of the present era, increasing interest
an expensive proposition. So in the people and society is opening doors
to new
equipment is generally
because of the expense involved in these applications, dimensions, which are as follows:
the benefits derived at least initially tend to be limited 1. Teaching Career in Physical
to the upper end of the sports hierarchy. For example, main option from the
because of cost, changes brought about in sport through
Teaching has been a career

for those
very beginning. This is a good option
the application of technology tend to be available interested in teaching. Teaching has played ar
to elite level athletes and teams. By definition,
important role in promoting physical education
level athletes and sports are exclusive and thus omit Career option exists at various levels in the fiel
the broader base of participants further down the sports of teaching which are as follows.
administrators is to
The challenge then for sports
insure that one team does not add too much advantage
to its side through the application of technology
better equipment or facilities that the game seems to
be unfair. Those who are in a position to develop
with respect to the use of sports equipment or to fund
equipment or facility acquisitions for economically
disadvantaged teams through the administration of
grants need to bear in mind the fundamental principle
of parity in competition.
So the question arises, what technology is available
and can be applied toward leveling the playing field for 1.3 Teaching Career in Physical Education
all? What equipment can promote social inclusion with
respect to sport? Interestingly enough, the answer to
Primary School: A post of physical educatior
teacher can be obtained in primary schools b
that question lies within what most people think of in of the
obtaininga 2-year Diploma. In Delhi, 10%
terms of "technology" itself.

16 Physical Education-XI
total vacancies for primary teachers are for physical as a subject in Uttar Pradesh for many years
oducation teachers. Presently, keeping in view the
and physical education teachers also have the
utility and need of physical education for children
responsibility to implement all sports-related
at Drimary level, the appointment of a
physical activities. Apart from this, in 1986-87, the
teacher in all schools is under consideration of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme was also started
gOvernment. According to the National Curriculum by the Ctovernment of India in which, like other
Framework 2005, the syllabus for classes 1 to 10 Subjects, B.A., B.Sc. (Physical Education) were
has also been constructed.
started, which is heing conducted in many
colleges of the country.

Figure 1.4 Sports Activity in Primary School Figure 1.6 Sports Activity in College

Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools: DO YOUKNOW

There are more opportunities to become physical
education teachers in Secondary and Senior YMCA College of Physical Education at Chennai, Tamil
Nadu, the first college for physical education of Asia, was
Secondary Schools.At this stage, posts ofphysical
education teachers are created in proportion to the established in 1920 by Harry Crowe Buck
number of students. In these schools, appointments University: Directors of physical education are
are done for the posts of teachers and lecturers. appointed in universities, whose task is to plan
The lecturer is given the responsibility of teaching the sports programme of all the colleges under the
physical education subject which is an elective university, implement the sports programme and
subject in classes 1l and 12. organize competitions. Apart from this, physical
education departments have also been established
at the university. Faculty members are also
appointed there.
Teacher Training Colleges/Institutes:
Institutions have been set up to train physical
education teachers, in which Assistant Professor,
Associate Professor and Professor with higher

Figure 1.5 Sports Activity in Secondary and Senior

Secondary Schools

College: Appointment is done in colleges for the

post of Director of Physical Education but now
in many states, physical education has been
taught as a subject. Like, it has been taught Figure 1.7 Training Students

Changing Trends& Career in Physical Education 17

4. Performance-related Careers:

education are appointed under the University

Grants Commission (UGC)
pay scales. Several
professional courses are conducted in these
institutions - D.P.Ed, B.P.Ed, M.P.Ed, M.Phil,
Ph.D., etc.
Coaching: Coaches are appointed in schools,
collegesand universities. To become a eoach, one
has to obtain diploma in coaching. His/her task
to prepare high level players for various sports. A
coach handles a particular sport.

Performance-related Careers
Figure 1.9
number of players in the
A s a Player: A large
in competitions in various sports
world participate
at national and
international levels. Availability
of high level jobs in
various companies and
is possible for the best
government departments
and skilled officers
A s Sports Officer: Qualified
are required to conduct a sports competition,
Figure 1.8 Coaching like referee, umpire, time-keeper, scorer,
commentators, etc. Sports experts can successfully
Appointment in Departments: Apart from
carry out the work
of the above professionals.
colleges and universities, coaches are also
appointed in various government departments Therefore, it can be adopted as a career.

and industrial companies whose responsibility

is to prepare teams of different departments and
bring success in the competition.
Appointment in Clubs and Public Organiza-
tions: Coaches are also appointed in various public
bodies and elubs. Many clubs appoint coaches for
coaching their teamns.
3. Administration-related Careers: Administra-
tive staff is also required in the field of sports. It
requires hard and efficient administrative staff
for the smooth functioning of various sports or-
ganizations under the Ministry of Sports, various Figure 1.10 Sports Officials
Stadiums, etc. administrative
Apart from this,
experts related to physical education are required 5. Working in Sports Academy:People's inclination
in the corporate sector. Therefore, administration- towards sports is increasing day by day. As i
related career in physical education can also be result of this, parents are getting their children
selected. enrolled in schools as well as sports academies
So the number of academies for different sport:
DO YOUKNOW is increasing day by day. These academies ar
operated by sports experts, which are becomin;
Sports administrators are in
involved managing and a big business. Therefore, it can be adopted as :
promoting sporting clubs, fitness centers and sports
facilities, marketing sports programs, in sales for business by sports experts.
sporting goods manufacturers, and as athletic directors. 6. Health-related Careers: In the present era, th
Also there are opportunities in the management of awareness of health among people is increasing
professional sports. People want to look healthy and smart while beins

18 Physical Education-XI
health conscious. This requires guidance. This perform their best. This is possible only when a
requirement is fulfilled through health clubs and good photographer can take good pictures from
8ym trainers. As a result, the number of health different angles and make them available to the
clubs and gyms are increasing tremendously. For
player. Therefore, sports photography can be
the operation of these health clubs, a qualified and chosen
skilled person with good knowledge of physical
as an
education is required. In reality, health clubs
have become a business. These chubs often provide
facilities for sports such as lawn tennis, table
tennis, badminton, swimming, squash, etc. For
guidance in all these sports, physical education
experts are required, which serves as a career
option. Apart from this, clubs provide guidance
for other facilities like
massage, steam room,
saunas, diet and nutrition, etc. So, for all of
above, physical education experts can be chosen
às professionals.

Figure 1.12 Games and Sports Photography

&Sports Broadcasting: Sports Broadcasting has

become a well-known business at present. In both,
Radio and TV, commentaries on various sports
competitions are included. Proper knowledge in
the field of physical education is necessary for
the above-mentioned work. Along with this, the
person should also have the ability to communicate
well. In addition to this, if a person has writing
ability, sports journalism can also be chosen as a

Figure 1.11 Health-related Careers

7. Career in Communication/Media:
Book Writing: There is a lack of authentic
course material related to physical education
in India, especially in Hindi medium. So
with knowledge of physical education and related
people 41
fields can choose to write as a career in subjects
such Sports Medicine, Physiology, Sports

Biology, Sports Psychology, Sports Measurement,

Evaluation, ete. Apart from this, textbooks
on good sports practices can also be created in the
experimental field.
Games and Sports Photography: Those
Figure 1.13 Sports Broadcasting
people in the field of physical education who
are interested in photography can choose this 8. Sports Industry/Production-related Careers:
field as a profession. For better performance in
Sports Industry: Different types of equipment,
sports, it is necessary to have good pictures of costumes, sports kits, etc. are required for various
the related action in order to get a close idea of activities in the field of physical education. A
the player's activity or action, so that the
players person with deep knowledge of physical education
can understand the nuances of that action and activities can contribute to increase the level of

Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 19

performance of the players by designing
modern costumes and standard 1.4 Khelo India and Fit-India Programme
equipment suitable for
particular activity. Therefore, a the
creation and innovation. person,
1.4.1 Khelo India
can choose this of a child. The chil, Pre
profession. Playing is a n inherent tendency
starts playing as soon as it is born. The naturo
the game is determined according to the age of th
ehild, and the nature of the game changes constantl,
according to the age. As age increases, children's gamo
start appearing in organizational form. The child tri
to progress towards mastery in the game by learning
the skills of the games. But, in India, due to lack o
resources, other priorities and proper guidance, the chil
is deprived of achieving the highest level of the game
Also, the organized format that the games require is
not available. Keeping the ART INTEGRATION
above-mentioned things Preparea chart on the steps
in mind, the Government taken by the Government of
of India has launched the India to promote games and
Figure 1.14 Sports Industry Khelo India' scheme to sports in India.
Sports Equipment: In the era of competition, make India a superpower
sports equipment also have a special contribution in sports.
in the player's performance. The performance
However, there is no doubt that India has made
of the players can be improved by the modern
equipment built by scientific research, and can steady progress in the field of sports in the last few
also succeed in simplifying everyday practice. A years. But there is still a need to demonstrate our
person with physical education and knowledge can potential on the global stage. This is the time when
we should try to motivate the young talents of the
manufacture the appropriate modern equipment
country. towards sports and they should be provided
with simplicity and specialty.
with the highest level of infrastructure and training
Sports Material The requirement for various
facilities. There is a need to develop a strong sense
types of accessories related to sports is always
of participation in the game, which will enable the
there for the player. The player needs costumes,
shoes, helmets, kits, etc. according to the nature players to showcase their true potential. Only then.
India will be able to realize the dream of becoming a t
of the game which protects the player without
affectmg ms pertormance. A person specializing sports superpower.
n this fheld can manufacture the above types of Sports are important for the proper health of the s
goods easily. children. A healthysociety is possible only with the
healthy children, then only a prosperous nation can be
built. Therefore, sports are a very important componen
for the overall development of the nation. DelL
Khelo India' programme wasstarted-byHon'ble
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on 31 January 2018.
Objectives of Khelo India Hajsjovadlan
1. To promote sports culture. S ingh
2. To revitalize a sports culture at the ground level.
3. To develop leadership skills.

4 4. To develop ability to set goals.

5. To develop risk appetite.
6. To develop team spirit.
7. To generate strategic and analytical thinking.
Khelo India
Figure 1.15 Sports Material To achieve the above objectives, the

20 Physical Education-XI
programme has been divided into 12 parts which are in
as follows:
their training, food, etc. so that they can get success
inreaching the peak in their performance.
First Khelo India School Sports: First Khelo India
School sports was
organized from 31
February 2018 for children under 17 yearsJanuary
to 8

included 16 of age which

games, isfollows:

List of Games
Archery AthleticsBadminton Baskethall
Boxing Foothall Gymnastics Hockey
Judo KabaddiKho-kho Shooting
Swimming» Volleyball Weight-lifting Wrestling
Figure 1.16 Khelo India Scheme 1.4.2 Fit-India Programme
1. Development of sports grounds. FIT India Programme was launched by Hon'ble Prime
2. Development of community trainings. Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 29th August 2019
3. State Level Khelo India Centre. with an objective to promote fitness of all the
people of
India. A website viz. was launched
4. Annual Sports Competition.
5. Talent Search and Development. under this programme which
comprises of valuable
6. Creation, use and upgrading of information for promoting fitness.
for national, state and Objectives of Fit-India
7. Support regional sports Fit India proposes to undertake various initiatives and
levels and educational activities.
8. Promotion of physical fitness of school children. conduct events to achieve the following objectives:
9. Encouragement in sports for women. 1. To promote fitness as easy, fun and free.
10. Encouragement of 2. To spread awareness on fitness and various
differently-abled persons in
sports. physical activities that promotes fitness through
11. Sports for peace and
development. focused campaigns.
12. Promotion of tribal, Indian and rural 3. To encourage
sports. indigenous sports.
In the above-mentioned 4. To make fitness reach
objectives, the intention is every school, college/
to develop the country's sports infrastructure. university, panchayat/village, etc.
Award of Khelo India Scheme: Talented sportsper 5. To create a platform for citizens of India to
sons selected by the High Level Committee will be given information, drive awareness and encourage
5 lakh per annum for 8 years sharing of personal fitness stories.
to help the players
Physical education is the development of built-in qualities in the child through physical activities.
Through various physical activities, the child has neuro muscular coordination, s/he uses the development of his/her
discretion and controls the personality.
Physical education helps achieve all round development.
Artificial playing sufaces are made up of polymeric rubber, PVC, wood, concrete, etc.
Wearable gears refers to devices attached to the body that measures
physiological data through various sensors in it.
Equipments in sports are evolved to increase the performance of the sportsperson.
*.Technology advancement serves a whole new experience for players and viewers of sports.
Physical education offers various career opportunities such as teaching, coaching, sports administration,
health related area, performance, etc. through which the person also creates employment and nmakes life.
sports industry.
Khelo India Scheme has been introduced by the Government of India to encourage children to play.
I h e scheme
provides children an opportunity to engage in the various sports and helps the selected players to reach the
peak by providing financial assistance for coaching, etc.
Fit-India programme was launched in 2019 with the aim of making fitness priority for all citizens.

Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 21

nrogramme has been divided into 12 parts which are
in theirtraining,food, ete. so that they can get success
as follows: in reaching the peak in their performance.
First Khelo India School Sports: First Khelo India
School sports was organized from 31 January to 8
February 2018 for children under 17 years of agewhich
included 16 games, which is as follows:
List of Games
Archery AthleticsBadminton Basketball
|Boxing Football Gymnastics Hockey
Judo Kabaddi Kho-kho Shooting
$Swimming|» Volleyball+ Weight-lifting Wrestling
Figure 1.16 Khelo India Scheme 1.4.2 Fit-India Programme
1. Development of sports grounds. FIT India Programme was launched by Hon'ble Primme
2. Development of community trainings. Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 29th August 2019
3. State Level Khelo India Centre. with an objective to promote fitness of all the people of
India. A website viz. was launched
4. Annual Sports Competition.
under this programme which comprises of valuable
5. Talent Search and Development.
information for promoting fitness.
6. Creation, use and upgrading of sports
infrastructure. Objectives of Fit-India
7. Support for national, state and regional sports Fit India proposes to undertake various initiatives and
levels and educational activities. conduct events to achieve the following objectives:
8. Promotion of physical fitness of school children.
1. To promote fitness as easy, fun and free.
9. Encouragement in sports for women.
2. To spread awareness on fitness and various
10. Encouragement of differently-abled persons in
physical activities that promotes fitness through
11 Sports for peace and development. focused campaigns.
12. Promotion of tribal, Indian and rural sports.
3. To encourage indigenous sports.
In the above-mentioned objectives, the intention is 4. To make fitness reach every school, collegel
to develop the country's sports infrastructure. university, panchayat/village, etc.
5. To create a platform for citizens of India to share
Award of Khelo India Scheme: Talented.sportsper
information, drive awareness and encourage
selected by the High Level Committee willbegiven
sharing of personal fitness stories.
5 lakh per annum for 8 years to helpthe players

Physical educationis the development of built-in qualities in the child through physical activities.
Through various physical activities, the child has neuro muscular coordination, s/he uses the development of his/her
discretion and controls the personality.
Physical education helps achieve all round development
Artificial playing surfaces are made up of polymeric rubber, PVC, wood, concrete, etc.
Wearable gears refers to devices attached to the bodythat measures physiological data through various sensors in it.
Equipments in sports are evolved to increase the performance of the sportsperson.
*.Technology advancement serves a whole new experience for players and viewers of sports.
*Physical education offers various career opportunities such as teaching, coaching, sports administration, sports industry,
health related area, performance, etc, through which the person also creates employment and makes life.
Khelo India Scheme has been introduced by the Government of Indla to encourage children to play.
The scheme provides children an opportunity to engage in the various sports and helps the selected players to reach the
peak by providing financial assistance for coaching, etc.
Fit-India programme was launched in 2019 with the aim of making fitness priority for all citizens.

Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 21

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