Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion in SADC

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The role of mobile money in financial

inclusion in the SADC region

Evidence using FinScope Surveys

Prepared by FinMark Trust

December 2016

Policy research paper No. 03/2016

Ashenafi Beyene Fanta 1, Kingstone Mutsonziwa1, Roelof Goosen, Matthew Emanuel, and
Nikki Kettles.

For inquiries please contact Ashenafi Beyene Fanta at or Kingstone Mutsonziwa at

We are grateful for the useful comments from Professor Daniel Makina from the
Department of Finance, Risk Management and Banking of UNISA who availed himself to
review the paper. We also extend gratitude to the CEO of FinMark Trust, Dr Prega
Ramsamy, Mr Brendan Pearce and Mr Damola Owolade for insightful comments on earlier
versions of the paper.
The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Table of contents

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
2. Data and methodology ..................................................................................................... 4
2.1. The data ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Methodology .............................................................................................................. 5
3. Analysis and results ........................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Descriptive analysis .................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1. Cross-country comparison of mobile money penetration and covariates ............. 5
3.1.2. Descriptive statistics .......................................................................................... 20
3.1.3. Econometric analysis .......................................................................................... 21
4. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 23
5. Implications for policy ..................................................................................................... 26
Appendix A ......................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix B ......................................................................................................................... 30

List of Tables

Table 1: Sample size and year survey was conducted .............................................................. 4

Table 2: Descriptive statistics.................................................................................................. 30

Table 3: Logistic regression output: Determinants of mobile money ownership and the link

between mobile money and financial inclusion ..................................................................... 31

List of Figures
Figure 1: Mobile phone penetration, formal inclusion, and mobile money usage across

countries .................................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 2: Mobile money, ATM usage, Mobile and Internet banking........................................ 8

Figure 3: Mobile money penetration, financial exclusion, and informally served. .................. 9

Figure 4: Mobile money and remittances ............................................................................... 10

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 5: Mobile money penetration and frequency of sending/receiving money ................ 11

Figure 6: Mobile money account ownership by gender ......................................................... 12

Figure 7: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across age categories ............................... 13

Figure 8: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across levels of education ........................ 14

Figure 9: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across employment status ...................... 15

Figure 10: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across income groups ............................ 16

Figure 11: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts by place of location ............................... 17

Figure 12: Reasons for using mobile money ........................................................................... 18

Figure 13: Top four purposes of mobile money across countries ........................................... 19

Figure 14: Reasons cited as barriers for mobile money adoption .......................................... 20

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Executive Summary

This paper presents a cross-country comparison of mobile money ownership and its
determinants together with the factors affecting mobile money adoption. The link between
mobile money and financial inclusion will also be discussed. The following insights have
been gained from the FinScope studies conducted in 11 countries across the SADC region.

The low penetration of mobile phones in countries with a large number of financially
excluded population would be a serious setback to use mobile money to advance
financial inclusion. Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and
Mozambique have the lowest levels of financial inclusion and mobile phone penetration,
implying that expanding financial services through the use of mobile money would be
impeded by lower mobile phone penetration.

There may be a role for mobile money even in countries where financial inclusion is
reasonably high. Countries such as Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland have a relatively
high level of mobile money penetration despite nearly two-thirds of adults being formally
included. This implies that the success of mobile money depends less on the level of
financial inclusion per se and more on its ability to allow people to use financial services
that are not provided by financial institutions.

Bank account ownership, access to ATMs, mobile banking and internet banking are
inversely related to mobile money ownership. Mobile money adoption is lower among
those that own a bank account and also those who use ATMs, mobile banking, and internet
banking to access their bank account.

Lower levels of mobile money penetration in almost half the countries studied means
that there is an opportunity for expanding financial inclusion through mobile money.
Malawi, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, and Madagascar have
high levels of financial exclusion but lower levels of mobile money penetration implying
that there is opportunity for using mobile money in expanding financial inclusion provided
that mobile telecom and mobile money infrastructure are developed.

Remittances are strongly related to mobile money adoption. Both descriptive analysis
and regression results show a strong link between remittances and mobile money
adoption. Most countries that have a higher level of remittances exhibit higher levels of
mobile money adoption with the exception of Malawi, Mozambique, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, and Zambia where mobile money penetration is not matched by the
demand for remittances. This makes a good case for the expansion of mobile money
services in these countries.

Mobile money ownership is low among women, the retired, low income groups, and
rural people. Women, the retired, low income groups, and rural people have lower levels of

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

access to mobile money which is partly driven by lower levels of mobile phone ownership
and lower levels of financial literacy.

Popularity of mobile money accounts among the unemployed provides an opportunity

to expand financial services to this segment by increasing access to mobile phones.
Despite the unemployed having lower levels of mobile phone ownership, they have higher
levels of mobile money adoption than the employed. This shows the potential of mobile
money to expand financial services to the unemployed and unbanked by promoting wider
access to mobile phones.

Mobile money is mostly used to buy airtime, send and receive money and to a lesser
extent to pay bills, to access saving, credit, and insurance products. Most adults in the
region use mobile money to buy airtime, send or receive money and a few of them use it for
paying bills. Accessing saving, credit and insurance products through mobile money is a
rarity implying that further innovation in the sector is needed to make various financial
products available to the financially excluded.

Lack of information is the most cited barrier to mobile money ownership. Most adults
cite lack of information, lack of education and an absence of knowledge about mobile
money as major barriers to mobile money adoption. This implies that financial education
programmes aimed at enhancing people’s understanding of mobile money will be
important in promoting increased adoption among the financially excluded segments of
the population. In addition, mobile money literacy programmes that educate people about
various mobile money products, their usefulness in managing money, and their effective
usage will be important.

Mobile money is likely to be owned by individuals who do not own formal or informal
accounts. Mobile money adoption is negatively related to bank account ownership and
informal access.

Expanding mobile telecom infrastructure and hence increasing mobile phone

penetration is important in extending financial services to the financially excluded
segments of the population. Mobile money is unlikely to succeed in Madagascar, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and Mozambique unless mobile phone
infrastructure is improved. Therefore, the expansion of mobile telecom infrastructure
should precede any effort to expand mobile money adoption in these countries.

Mobile money should be further expanded to rural areas to increase financial inclusion
among the rural people. Given that formal financial institutions have limited reach in rural
areas in many countries in the region, mobile money will be critical in financial inclusion of
the rural people that do not have access to ATMs, mobile and internet banking. Therefore,
increasing mobile money adoption among the rural people by expanding mobile telecom
infrastructure is important.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Mobile money should be user-friendly so that the uneducated are comfortable using it.
Both the descriptive and logistic regression analysis show that mobile money adoption is
low among those with no education, which calls for designing mobile money applications
in a manner that can be used even by the uneducated.

Introduction of new financial products through mobile money will be critical in allowing
the poor to access saving, credit, and insurance products. Most adults in the region use
mobile money to buy airtime and make remittances which constitute only a fraction of
financial products needed by people. Therefore, delivering financial services such as saving,
credit, insurance, and investment through mobile money will allow people to manage their
financial resources more effectively.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

1. Introduction

Financial exclusion is widespread in developing countries, as is evident from a recent report

by the World Bank indicating that while bank account ownership is almost universal in high
income OECD countries, only 54 percent of adults in developing countries have a bank
account (Demuric-Kunt et al., 2015). Such a significant disparity in financial inclusion
between the developed and developing world is driven by, among others, the inability of
financial service providers to expand outreach to the poor at an affordable price due to the
high cost of establishing and running “brick and mortar” branches. However, the advent of
mobile technology is revolutionising access to financial services by changing the way
people send/receive money, save, borrow, and manage risk. The ubiquitous nature of
mobile phones and the lower cost of data use have made mobile phones ideal in expanding
financial services to large number of financially excluded population in developing countries
where the growth in mobile phone subscription is phenomenal.

Developing countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have seen rapid growth in
mobile phone subscription since the onset of the millennium. This is evident from World
Development Indicators data which shows that mobile phone subscriptions grew at an
average annual rate of 954 percent in South Asia and 208 percent in sub-Saharan Africa.
This is remarkably high compared to the annual growth of 46 percent in East Asia and
Pacific, 23 percent in Central Europe and 15 percent in Europe and Central Asia, and 12
percent in North America. The fact that mobile phone subscriptions has been growing at a
rapid rate in developing countries confirms the observation by the World Bank (2012) that
the developing world is “more mobile” than the developed world. It further indicates that in
some developing countries, more people have access to a mobile phone than to clean
water, a bank account or even electricity. James (2014) attributes such a rapid growth in
mobile phones in developing countries to the lack of technological infrastructure in the
form of paved roads, post offices, taxis, public phones, rail transport and so on. The
developing world followed the “mobile first” development approach while mobile
communications have added value to legacy communication systems and have
supplemented and expanded existing information flows in the developed countries (World
Bank,2012). Innovations in the mobile phone sector such as multi-SIM card phones, low-
value recharges, and mobile payments have originated in developing countries (ibid).

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Widespread access to and penetration of mobile phones is linked to economic development

(Lee et al., 2012) and the effect is greater where the incidence of landline phones is low.
One area through which mobile phone penetration affects economic growth is through its
effect on financial inclusion by expanding mobile financial services to the financially
excluded (Andrianaivo & Kpodar, 2012). Mobile money 2 enabled a reduction in the need for
location-specific distribution channels such as ATMs and branches by helping to reduce
costs of providing new services (Anderson et al., 2000). The importance of mobile
technology in expanding financial services to the poor at affordable costs is driven by the
fact that its major cost relates to initial development and other fixed costs, with very low
marginal costs per transaction or per new customer (Honohan and Beck, 2011). This gave
rise to the rapid expansion of mobile money in developing countries leading to increased
financial inclusion.

According to GSMA (2015, p. 8), ‘mobile money has done more to extend the reach of
financial services in the last decade than traditional “bricks and mortar” banking has in the
last century’. For instance, in Tanzania, mobile account ownership increased by 33.8 million
in the period from 2009 to 2014 compared to the increase in formal account ownership by
only 9.9 million in the same period (GSMA, 2015). GSMA also reported that at least 19
countries in the world have more mobile money accounts than bank accounts, and 37
countries have 10 times more registered agents than bank branches. A recent Global Findex
showed that the growth in mobile money accounts which is particularly noticeable in sub-

Mobile money service is often confused with mobile banking service, but the two are quite different. An
excellent distinction between the two was made by Porteous (2006) who distinguishes between “additive”
and “transformational” services. While additive” services such as mobile(cell phone) banking allows people to
manage their bank accounts through a cellphone, “transformational” services allow people to obtain financial
services such as saving, credit, and insurance through their cellphones without a need to have a bank account.
Mobile money service is transformational because it significantly changes the way financial services are
provided, and it promises expansion of financial services to the excluded. According to FinMark Trust (2016)
mobile money refers to the electronic representation of conventional money, the value of which is on par with
the official currency of the licensing SADC member state, which may be transferable, redeemable for cash
and is a generally accepted means of payment. FinMark Trust distinguishes between mobile money and e-
money (generally called crypto currency such as BitCoin) based on the grounds that while the former has
value which is on par with conventional currency the latter is devoid of such a characteristic. Mobile money
service refers to services provided by the mobile money service provider to support the utility of mobile
money for the consumer which includes, among others, cash in, cash redemption at various channels and
mobile payments services such as person-to-person, business-to-person and government-to-person (FMT,
2016). Notwithstanding the above distinction between mobile money and mobile money services, for the
sake of simplicity, we use the two terms interchangeably throughout the paper.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Saharan Africa, is a major driver of increased financial inclusion in the region. Mobile money
was the principal driver of the increase in account ownership to 34 percent in 2014 from 24
percent in 2011 (Demirgüç-Kunt et al., 2015). With more than 20 million adults having
mobile money accounts, mobile money is already proving important in the SADC region.
The region has a 15 percent mobile money penetration rate which is higher than the SSA
average of 12 percent. The fact that the region is home to close to 20 million adults that
own a mobile phone but have no access to financial services means that there is potential
for the growth of mobile money services.

Having recognised the importance of mobile money in expanding financial services to the
poor, the SADC region commissioned the development of mobile money guidelines that
seek to provide, among others, guidance on regulatory approaches required to create an
enabling environment for mobile money to reach its full market potential and to provide a
mechanism for domestic and regional interoperability via regulations harmonised on
similar principles. However, the success of mobile money differs across countries. Mobile
money has significantly grown in Tanzania and Zimbabwe while it only had an additive
rather than a transformational effect in South Africa. Recently, Vodacom, one of the major
mobile money service providers in South Africa, terminated its M-Pesa offering after
finding it not commercially viable (Reuters, 2016). MTN has also halted new mobile money
sign-ups (fin24, 2016). Thus, the South African experience is similar to that of developed
economies where mobile money has had an additive effect using Porteous’ (2006)

Both macro-level and individual-level factors affect the success of mobile money. At a
macro-level, the availability of mobile telecommunication infrastructure and hence wider
access to mobile phones coupled with a conducive regulatory environment are important.
However, the availability of mobile money services does not guarantee uptake because
people’s decision to adopt mobile money depends on whether or not they have access to
the conventional financial services such as a bank account, mobile banking and internet
banking bank. From a theoretical perspective, perceived usefulness, ease of use, education,
perceived risk, attitude, trust and cost are important in determining people’s decision to
adopt mobile money ( see for details Tobbin, 2012; Upadhyay, 2016; Nyirenda, 2014; Osei-

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Assibey, 2015; Siddik et al., 2014; Ting et al., 2016; Gutierrez and Choi, 2014). However, no
study has so far been conducted to uncover either the determinants of mobile money
adoption or the link between mobile money adoption and financial inclusion in the SADC

This paper therefore aims at providing insights into factors that affect mobile money
adoption at an individual level using FinScope surveys from 11 countries across the SADC
region. The paper documents mobile money penetration levels across countries, and
identifies factors affecting mobile money adoption. It also examines the link between
mobile money and financial inclusion.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section two describes the data and
methodology, while section three presents the analysis and discussion. Section four
concludes and the last section presents policy recommendations.

2. Data and methodology

2.1. The data

Data for the study were obtained from nationally representative FinScope Consumer
surveys conducted in different years in 11 SADC member countries listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Sample size and year survey was conducted
No. Country Year of Sample Total adult population to
survey size which the survey applies
1 Botswana 2014 1,503 1, 324, 572
2 Democratic Republic of Congo 2014 5,000 21, 698, 341
3 Madagascar 2016 5,040 11 ,327 ,321
4 Malawi 2014 3,005 8 ,025, 052
5 Mauritius 2014 4,000 921, 007
6 Mozambique 2014 3,905 14 ,431, 915
7 South Africa 2015 5,000 37, 320, 003
8 Swaziland 2014 3,440 565, 043
9 Tanzania 2013 7,987 24 ,231, 763
10 Zambia 2015 8,479 8 ,129 ,450
11 Zimbabwe 2014 4,000 6 ,998, 144
Total 51,359 134,972,612

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

2.2. Methodology

The analysis of data comprises descriptive statistics including graphical analysis and logistic
regression analysis. Cross-country comparisons are made on mobile phone penetration,
mobile money account ownership, formal inclusion, informal inclusion, mobile banking
usage, internet banking usage, ATM penetration, remittances (inward and outward), and
remittances frequency. To obtain a better picture of differences in mobile money account
ownership across demographic characteristics, we analysed mobile money account
ownership across gender, age, level of education, employment status, personal monthly
income category, location of residence. In addition, we analysed drivers and barriers of
mobile money adoption along with the types of financial transactions completed through
mobile money.

Logistic regression analysis is conducted to examine the determinants of mobile money

adoption and the link between mobile money and financial inclusion. The first model was
employed to identify individual level factors such as mobile phone ownership,
sending/receiving money, using ATM, internet and mobile banking services that affect
mobile money adoption. The second model examined the relationship between mobile
money adoption and bank account ownership while the third model assessed the link
between mobile money and informal inclusion (please refer to Appendix A for detailed
model specification).

3. Analysis and results

3.1. Descriptive analysis

3.1.1. Cross-country comparison of mobile money penetration and covariates

Mobile phone penetration is a requisite for the expansion of mobile money. Higher
penetration of mobile phones is an opportunity to expand financial services through mobile
money. The fact that mobile money is useful for the provision of financial services to the
financially excluded groups of society is likely to lead to higher penetration of mobile
money in countries with higher levels of financial exclusion. A cross-country comparison of
mobile phone ownership shows marked differences among the countries in the region. As
shown in Figure 1, while Swaziland is ranked first with 92 percent of adults owning a mobile

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

phone, Madagascar is ranked the lowest with only a third of the adult population owning a
mobile phone. The fact that Swaziland and Zimbabwe have a higher mobile phone
penetration rate than Mauritius and South Africa despite the latter having higher per capita
income than the former two countries suggests that there are factors at play other than
income that explain mobile phone penetration across the countries. More than 60 percent
of the adult population own mobile phones in most of the countries, and lower mobile
phone penetration is observed in Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi
and Mozambique. Lower mobile phone penetration in these countries is likely to pose a
serious challenge to the use of mobile money as a panacea to financial exclusion especially
in Madagascar and Mozambique where formal financial inclusion is the lowest.

The comparison of mobile phone penetration and mobile money usage in light of the
extent of formal financial inclusion provides important insights about the relationship
between the three factors and also cross-country differences. While South Africa and
Mauritius have the lowest mobile money penetration rates that can be attributed to high
levels of formal financial inclusion, the lower levels of mobile money penetration in
Mozambique, Malawi and Democratic Republic of Congo may be due to a lack of adequate
development of the mobile infrastructure or unfavorable regulatory environment. Tanzania
has an exceptionally high penetration rate of mobile money with 83 percent of mobile
phone owners having a mobile money account. This implies that further development of
mobile money in the country requires the development of mobile telecom infrastructure on
the one hand and expansion of mobile money access on the other. Mobile money could also
be useful in markets such as Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland where financial inclusion
is reasonably high (two-thirds of adults are formally included in each country).

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 1: Mobile phone penetration, formal inclusion, and mobile money usage across

100 100

Adults formally included and those owning

90 90
Adults owning a cell phone(%)

90 90 92
80 85 80
70 80 70
60 61 60

mobile money(%)
51 61
50 50
49 51 45
40 47 40
30 35 30
20 22 21 20
10 13 10
4 3 2 2 2
0 0

Mobile phone penetration(Left axis) Own mobile money Formally Included

Source: FinScope Surveys

Technology has significantly changed the way people access financial services. The advent
of the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) has improved access to bank accounts by
allowing account holders 24 hour access to their money instead of confining access only
during branch trading hours. ATMs are therefore important in giving people anytime
access. The recent move by banks to introduce mobile banking and internet banking
further revolutionised the way people access their bank accounts. Mobile and internet
banking allows the banked to access their accounts whenever and wherever they want to
giving them both time and locational freedom. Mobile money took the innovation further
by allowing people access to financial services without a need to own a bank account. It can
therefore be expected that mobile money is likely to be popular where access to ATM,
mobile and internet banking is low. Figure 2 shows the relative penetration of ATMs,
mobile and internet banking across the countries in the region. South Africa, Mauritius,
Botswana, and Swaziland have ATM use of 40 percent or more compared to Malawi,
Mozambique, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Madagascar where less
than 10 percent of adults use ATMs. ATM penetration is particularly low in Malawi,

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Mozambique, and Madagascar where less than 5 percent of adults access their bank
accounts through ATMs.

Mobile banking penetration is generally lower than ATM penetration. South Africa and
Botswana have relatively high levels of mobile banking users while it is accessed by
negligible percentage of adults in the rest of the countries. Internet banking is even less
common with a little more than 10 percent of adults using it in South Africa, where internet
banking usage is the highest in the region, while it is negligible in the rest of the countries.
A comparison of mobile money usage on the one hand and ATM penetration, mobile
banking, and internet banking on the other hand shows that higher ATM penetration is
generally related to lower level of mobile money usage and vice-versa except in Malawi,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique and Madagascar where both ATM
penetration and mobile money usage are low. For mobile banking and internet banking,
the picture is quite different because the usage of both is low across countries except in
South Africa and Botswana.

Figure 2: Mobile money, ATM usage, mobile and internet banking

60 70

Adults formally included and those owning

Adults owning a cell phone(%)

50 60
53 51
40 45
mobile money(%)
40 40
21 22 20
3 15 14
10 4 13 10
2 9
2 2 6 8
0 1 1 3 0

Own mobile money(Left axis) ATM Usage Use mobile banking Internet banking

Source: FinScope Surveys

The ubiquitous nature of mobile phones coupled with affordability of mobile money
services (compared to conventional financial services) means mobile money is a useful

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

avenue towards increased financial inclusion, making it important in countries where

financial exclusion is high or where people are informally served. As shown in Figure 3,
mobile money penetration is generally low in countries with lower levels of financial
exclusion and informal provision. For instance, mobile money penetration is low in both
South Africa and Mauritius, where there are low levels of financial exclusion and informal
access. Lower levels of mobile money penetration in Malawi, Mozambique, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Zambia and Madagascar in light of the significant number of adults
financially excluded show the opportunity of using mobile money in expanding financial
access in these countries.

Figure 3: Mobile money penetration, financial exclusion, and informally served

60 70

Adults informally included and those financially

Adults owning a mobile money account (%)

50 60 60
52 52 50
40 45
41 42 40

excluded (%)
27 27
20 24 23
21 20
10 13 13
10 10
2 2 2 3 4 8
0 0

Own mobile money(Left Axis) Financially excluded Informally served

Source: FinScope Surveys

Mobile money and remittances 3

The utility of mobile money comes to the fore in the ability to allow people to send or
receive money easily and at affordable cost. This leads to a link between the usage of
mobile money and remittances with mobile money usage increasing with increased
demand for remittances. Figure 4 shows divergence in remittances across countries in the
region. With a third of adult population either sending or receiving money, remittance use

We examined both local and cross boarder remittances

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

is high in Tanzania and Zimbabwe while it is the lowest in Mauritius, where only 2 percent
of adults send or receive money. The other apparent trend is that more adults in the region
receive than send money and the gap between sending money and receiving is narrow
except in Swaziland and Zimbabwe, which may imply that there is a relatively higher level
of adults who depend on family and friends as a source of income. Countries with a higher
level of remittances exhibit higher levels of mobile money penetration. However, mobile
money penetration is not matched by demand for remittances in Malawi, Mozambique, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia which makes a good case for pushing further
mobile money expansion in the countries.

Figure 4: Mobile money and remittances

60 60

Adults formally included and those owning mobile

50 50
Adults owning a cell phone(%)

40 45 40
30 30

23 24
20 19 20
17 16 21 22

10 11 12 10
2 2 3 4 8
0 2 0

Mobile Money Usage(Left axis) Sent money Received money

Source: FinScope Surveys

Mobile money and frequency of sending/receiving

While the percentage of adults who send/receive money is a measure of the incidence of
remittances, another way to look at it is the frequency of remittances. The frequency of
remittances is based on whether people send/receive money weekly, fortnightly, monthly,
or annually. We developed a weighted average of the frequency of remittances for each
country by assigning a higher weight to those sending/receiving weekly and lower weights

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

to those sending/receiving annually. A comparison of remittance frequency shows that

Malawi and Mozambique exhibit higher frequency of remittances than the rest of the
countries. We also notice that sending and receiving frequencies are highly correlated in
these countries except in Mauritius, Madagascar, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Sending
frequency is higher than receiving frequency in Mauritius, Madagascar and Tanzania while
receiving frequency is higher than sending frequency in Zimbabwe. A lower penetration of
mobile money in Malawi and Mozambique, not matched with high frequency of
remittances, shows that there is greater opportunity for expanding mobile money services
in the two countries.

Figure 5: Mobile money penetration and frequency of sending/receiving money

60 40

Frequency of sending and receiving money

% of adults using mobile money services

51 30
30 20
21 22
10 13 5
2 2 3 4 8
0 0

Own mobile money Sending Frequency Receive Frequency

Source: FinScope Surveys

Mobile money penetration along demographic characteristics

Mobile money and gender

A recent paper by Fanta and Mutsonziwa (2016) shows that the gender gap in financial
inclusion in the SADC region is 10 percent and it narrows down to 5 percent when South
Africa (where more women than men are financially included due to usage of SASSA-linked
bank accounts) is factored in. In contrast, a 2 percent gender gap in mobile money account
ownership implies that mobile money accounts are likely to serve as a useful tool to close
the gender gap in financial inclusion in the region.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 6: Mobile money account ownership by gender




Source: FinScope Surveys

A comparison of mobile phone ownership across the age groups shows that ownership is
higher among the youth, those working with children and adults during pre-retirement age
and it is lower among the retired. Similarly, mobile money account ownership is higher
among the youth, those working with children and adults during pre-retirement age and it
is lower among the retired. A comparison of mobile phone penetration and mobile money
account ownership shows a strong correlation between the two suggesting that mobile
money ownership can be expanded by expanding mobile phone usage among adults.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 7: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across age categories

68 18
% of adults owning a mobile phone

66 16

% of adults using mobile money

15 66 15
64 14
62 63 64 12
60 10 10
58 8
56 6
54 56 4
52 2
50 0
Young 16-24 Working with Pre-retirement 41-60 Retired 61+
children 25-40

Own mobile phone(Left axis) Use mobile money

Source: FinScope Surveys

Mobile phone ownership is correlated with the level of education, as it increases with
increased levels of education. This is apparent from Figure 8 that shows that only a third of
those with no education own a mobile phone compared to half of those with primary
education, 75 percent of those with secondary education, and 85 percent of those having
post-secondary education. This underscores the importance of education for technology
adoption among adults in the region. Mobile money ownership, however, does not exhibit
a similar trend. It is low among those with secondary education and higher among those
with primary and post-secondary education.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 8: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across levels of education

90 20

80 18 18

77 85 16
% of adults owning a mobile phone


% of adults using mobile money

14 14
50 11
50 10
40 9
30 37
10 2

0 0
No Education Primary education Secondary Education Post-secondary

Own mobile phone(Left axis) Use mobile money

Source: FinScope Surveys

Mobile money is believed to be an important tool in expanding access to financial services

for the excluded group, often including most of the unemployed. The effectiveness of
mobile money in fact depends on wider access to mobile phones by this group of adults in
the region. As shown in Figure 9, with only half the unemployed people owning mobile
phones compared to 78 percent of the employed and 90 percent of the retired, there is a
marked difference especially between the unemployed and employed. In contrast, mobile
money accounts are relatively more popular among the unemployed compared to the
employed and the retired. This shows the potential of mobile money to expand financial
services to the unemployed who are mostly unbanked.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 9: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across employment status

100 18

90 16 16
% of adults owning a mobile phone


% of adults using mobile money

60 78
50 9
51 8

10 2

0 0
Unemployed Employed Retired

Own a cellphone(Left axis) Use mobile money

Source: FinScope Surveys

Earlier studies on financial inclusion and income levels revealed that while people with
relatively higher personal monthly income tend to have better access to formal financial
inclusion, low income groups have less access to formal financial services and hence they
resort to the informal providers. We therefore analysed mobile phone ownership and
access to mobile money accounts across income groups. As shown in Figure 10, mobile
phone ownership increases with increased income. Similarly, mobile money account
ownership also increases with increase in income, which implies that low income groups are
still likely to be excluded.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 10: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts across income groups

72 25

% of adults owning a mobile phone


% of adults using mobile money

17 71
67 11
65 5

63 0
Low income Middle income High income

Own mobile phone(Left axis) Use mobile money

Source: FinScope Surveys

Financial inclusion is higher among urbanites while rural people have limited access to bank
and insurance products. The ubiquitous nature of mobile phone and affordability of mobile
money by most rural people that are often excluded from the formal financial sector makes
mobile money ideal to meet the needs of rural people. However, as shown in Figure 11,
there are marked differences between the urban and rural people both in mobile phone
ownership and mobile money ownership. Mobile phone ownership is 80 percent among
urbanites compared to 52 percent among the rural people in the region. Similarly, mobile
money ownership is higher among urbanites with 19 percent of them having a mobile
money account compared to only 12 percent in rural areas. This might be due to lower
coverage of mobile networks in rural areas suggesting that using mobile money for
expanding financial inclusion to people in the rural areas requires development of mobile
telephone infrastructure.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 11: Mobile phone, mobile money accounts by place of location

Use mobile money 12 19

Own a cellphone 52 80

Source: FinScope Surveys

Drivers of mobile money usage

Studies report that mobile money adoption is driven by perceived usefulness, perceived
ease of use, and cost (Tobbin, 2012; Upadhyay and Jahanyan, 2016; Nyirenda and
Chikumba, 2013), among other factors. To identify the most important drivers of mobile
money account ownership, we ranked the reasons cited based on the number of countries
where the reasons are cited with those cited in most countries ranked first. As shown in
Figure 12, convenience and cost are ranked first with mobile money users in eight countries
citing this as a reason for owning a mobile money account. Mobile money is the only
accessible way of obtaining financial services in six countries. Suitability of mobile money
to the needs of individuals’ needs is also part of the drivers with adults in five countries
citing this as a reason. The least important factors are avoiding paying for transport and
keeping money private as these are cited as reasons for using mobile money only in two
countries. In general, people use mobile money for its convenience, cost and suitability, and
in fact, for some it is the only way available to conduct financial transactions.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 12: Reasons for using mobile money

Convenient 19

Cheap 11

Only accessible means 6

Suitable 2

No need to pay for transport 0.6

Keep money private 0.4

% of adults citing a reason

Source: FinScope Surveys

Financial transactions carried out through mobile money

Mobile money may be used for various purposes such as paying bills, paying insurance
premiums, sending money, receiving money, buying airtime, cash out, storing money,
transferring money from a bank account. Our analysis of financial transaction via mobile
money revealed that there are four important purposes for which people use mobile
money, namely, paying bills, buying airtime, sending money and receiving money. As
shown in Figure 13, there are cross-country variations in the most important purposes for
using mobile money. Paying bills through mobile money is less common among mobile
money users, and most use their mobile money for buying airtime, sending and receiving
money. Buying airtime via mobile money is a common place among mobile money users in
South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius, and Mozambique. Sending money is important
in South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar while receiving
money through mobile money is common in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. In
general, mobile money is used in the region mostly for transactional and remittance
purposes and less for saving, credit and insurance purposes. This suggests that further

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

innovations in financial services are needed to enable mobile money users to access wide
ranging financial products including saving, credit and insurance.

Figure 13: Top four types of mobile money transactions across countries

Proportion of adults citing using mobile money

for a particular transaction(%)


Paying bills Buying air time Send money Receive money

Source: FinScope Surveys

Barriers to mobile money usage

Studies show that perceived usefulness, ease of use, cost and convenience are among the
most important factors that drive mobile money usage. The studies also show that
educational attainment and trust on the mobile money service provider and mobile money
agent are important for mobile money adoption (see Morawczynski, 2009; Osei-Assibey,
2015). Education is an important enabler for mobile money usage and lack of it may inhibit
usage. Similarly, the trust in the mobile money service provider and mobile money agent
are important drivers of mobile money usage and the lack of which can discourage people
from taking up mobile money accounts. As shown on Figure 14, lack of information,
money, and education are among the top four reasons for not using mobile money. This
implies that more people can be encouraged to adopt mobile money through mobile
money awareness campaigns. Cost, trust and inability to produce the required
documentation are the least cited barriers against mobile money adoption.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Figure 14: Reasons cited as barriers of mobile money adoption

I do not have information 10

I do not have money 6.3

Never thought about it 4

I do not have education 2.5

No dealer in my area 2

It is complicated 1.2

I cannot afford cost 1

I do not have documents 1

I do not Trust the Telecom company 0.8

I do not trust mobile money 0.6

Source: FinScope Surveys

3.1.2. Descriptive statistics

The descriptive statistics reported in Table 2 (appendix B) show that two third of adults in
the region own mobile phones. Given that 47 percent of adults have no access to formal
financial products, wider accessibility of mobile phones provides an opportunity for
expansion of mobile money to expand financial inclusion. At 15 percent, mobile money
penetration is higher than the SSA average of 12 percent. Although ATMs, mobile and
internet banking facilitate access to a bank account, only 20 percent of adults own ATM
cards, 10 percent use mobile banking and 4 percent use internet banking.

Mobile money usage is driven by cost and convenience as evidenced by 8 percent of adults
considering mobile money to be cheap and 8 percent considering it to be convenient.
Remittances are among important factors that drive demand for mobile money. One in five
adults in the region sends and receives money. In fact, there are slightly more receiving
than sending adults. An analysis of the frequency of remittances shows that sending
frequency is higher than receiving frequency.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

3.1.3. Econometric analysis

Two models are estimated where the first model identifies individual level characteristics
that drive mobile money adoption while the second model examines the link between
mobile money and financial inclusion (both formal and informal access).

Determinants of mobile money

We examined the determinants of mobile money adoption by using variables on financial

products, channels of accessing bank accounts, and financial transactions, while controlling
for demographics. Financial product related variables include ownership of a bank account,
formal account, and informal account. Channel variables include the usage of ATMs, mobile
and internet banking (as channels through which bank accounts are mobilized). Variables
measuring financial transactions include the sending and receiving of money along with
sending and receiving frequency. Demographic variables include age, gender, educational
level, employment status, personal monthly income, and area of residence.

Mobile phone ownership may not necessarily be related to mobile money usage because
people in developed markets who have access to bank account via ATMs, internet banking
and mobile banking may not sign up for mobile money accounts. However, mobile phone
ownership provides an opportunity for the unbanked to access financial services through
their cellphones. As shown in Table 3 (appendix B), mobile money adoption is strongly
correlated with mobile phone ownership, while bank account ownership decreases the
incidence of mobile money adoption. This is consistent with previous studies that suggest
that mobile money is mostly accessed by the unbanked. Age has a non-linear relationship
with mobile money, increasing up to a certain age and declining afterwards. This is
consistent with results of the descriptive analysis where we observe an increase in access to
mobile money as we move from the youth to working adults with children and further
increase to pre-retirement adults, and a lower access among the retired. As is the case with
access to a bank account, mobile money ownership is skewed towards men, suggesting the
existence of a gender gap. However, from the descriptive analysis, we observe that the gap
in mobile money account ownership is not as much as the gap in bank account ownership.
Increase in personal monthly income decreases the chance of owning a mobile money
account, suggesting that mobile money is mostly accessed by the low income group in

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

society. This shows that it can be used to promote financial access among the poor.
Interestingly, all levels of education are positively related to mobile money ownership
which is consistent with Baguma (2013) who reported that mobile money is less likely to be
accessed by the uneducated, calling for re-designing the service in a more user friendly

The employed are more likely to own mobile money accounts than the retired. This might
be due to the employed wanting mobile money accounts to make remittances to families,
friends, and other dependents unlike the retired who themselves have to depend on others.
Like access to bank accounts, mobile money accounts are also more likely to be owned by
people in urban areas. This might be due to better mobile telecom infrastructure and hence
better mobile phone ownership in urban areas which underlines the importance of
expanding mobile telecom infrastructure in rural areas as a requisite for expanding financial
services to the unbanked. All the three channels of accessing a bank account that we have
introduced into our model, namely, ATMs, mobile banking and internet banking are
negatively correlated to mobile money account ownership. This implies that like a bank
account, ATMs, mobile and internet banking decrease the need for mobile money use.

The importance of remittances as a major driver of mobile money is evident from our
results that show strong relationship between remittances (both inward and outward) with
mobile money ownership. Frequency of remittances is related with mobile money
ownership in such a way that while increased receiving frequency increases the chance of
mobile money ownership, increased sending frequency decreases it. This might be due to
senders who remit more frequently opt for informal remittance channels such as families
and friends rather than having to use mobile money. However, those who receive money
more frequently are more likely to have a mobile money account. In general, bank account
ownership, income, access to ATM, mobile banking, internet banking, sending money more
frequently are related to decreased chances of mobile money ownership. On the other
hand, mobile phone ownership, gender, education, employment, living in urban areas,
sending/receiving money, and receiving money more frequently are related to increased
chance of mobile money ownership.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Mobile money and financial inclusion

While the previous section focused on identifying individual-level factors affecting mobile
money ownership, this section presents the relationship between mobile money and
financial inclusion. Previous studies suggest that mobile money ownership increases the
chance of bank account ownership (Mbiti, 2011). As shown in Table 3, mobile money
account ownership decreases the incidence of bank account ownership. This reinforces our
earlier claim of the importance of mobile money in the effort to expand financial inclusion
to the unbanked. A look at the other variables shows that an increase in age increases the
incidence of bank account ownership, as does an increase in personal monthly income. All
levels of education are related to a higher chance of owning a bank account, with an
increase in level of education increasing the likelihood of owning a bank account. A positive
coefficient for gender suggests that bank account ownership is skewed towards males, with
females more likely to be excluded. Location is an important determinant of bank account
ownership with urbanites having a higher chance of being banked. Interestingly, incidence
and frequency of remittances are strongly related to a higher chance of bank account
ownership. Compared to receiving money, sending money is related to a higher chance of
bank account ownership.

We also analysed the relationship between mobile money ownership and informal access.
Consistent with Mbiti (2011), mobile money account ownership decreases the chance of
informal access. An examination of the rest of the variables shows that all of the variables,
except age and retirement, are likely to decrease the chance of owning a mobile money
account. A negative coefficient for gender means women are more likely to have informal
access than men. An increase in personal monthly income, level of education, employment
status, living in urban areas, sending/receiving money are all likely to decrease the
incidence of informal account ownership. In general, mobile money ownership is negatively
correlated to the incidence of both bank account ownership and informal access.

4. Conclusion

This paper examined cross-country differences in mobile money ownership and its
covariates. It also assessed the determinants of mobile money adoption and the link

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

between mobile money and financial inclusion. The following insights have been gained
from the study.

Lower penetration of mobile phones in countries with large number of financially

excluded population would be a serious setback to use mobile money to advance
financial inclusion. Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and
Mozambique have the lowest level of financial inclusion and mobile phone penetration,
implying that expanding financial services through the use of mobile money would be
challenged by lower mobile phone ownership levels.

Mobile money is also useful in markets where financial inclusion is not very low.
Countries such as Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland have a relatively higher level of
mobile money penetration despite the fact that they have nearly two-thirds of adults
formally included.

Bank account ownership, access to ATM, mobile banking and internet banking are
inversely related to mobile money ownership. Mobile money adoption is lower among
those that own a bank account and also those who use ATMs, mobile banking, and internet
banking to access their bank account which implies existence of substitutability.

Lower level of mobile money penetration in almost half the countries studied means
there is opportunity for expanding financial access through mobile money. Malawi,
Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, and Madagascar, with high
levels of financial exclusion, have a lower level of mobile money penetration implying that
there is opportunity for using mobile money in expanding financial access.

Remittances are strongly related to mobile money adoption. Both the descriptive
analysis and regression results show a strong link between remittances and mobile money
adoption. Most countries that have a higher level of remittances exhibit higher levels of
mobile money adoption except Malawi, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo,
and Zambia where mobile money penetration is not matched by the demand for
remittances which makes a good case for pushing further mobile money expansion in the

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Mobile money ownership is low among women, the retired, low income groups, and
rural people. Women, the retired, low income groups, and rural people have a lower level
of access to mobile money partly driven by lower level of mobile phone ownership and
partly due to lower level of financial literacy.

Popularity of mobile money accounts among the unemployed provides opportunity to

expand financial services to this segment through mobile phones. Despite the
unemployed having a lower level of mobile phone ownership, they have a higher level of
mobile money adoption. This shows the potential of mobile money to expand financial
services to the unemployed and unbanked by promoting wider access to mobile phones.

Mobile money is mostly used to buy airtime, send and receive money and to a lesser
extent to pay bills, to access saving, credit, and insurance products. Most adults in the
region use mobile money to buy airtime, send or receive money and relatively a few of
them use it for paying bills. Accessing saving, credit and insurance products through mobile
money is a rarity implying that further innovation in the sector is needed to make various
financial products available to the unbanked.

Lack of information is the most cited barrier to mobile money ownership. Most adults
cite lack of information, lack of education, and absence of knowledge about mobile money
as major barriers to mobile money adoption. This implies that financial education
programmes aimed at enhancing people’s attitude and understanding of mobile money will
be important in promoting increased adoption among the financially excluded segments of
the population.

Mobile money adoption is mainly determined by mobile phone ownership and

remittances. While adoption of mobile money is positively affected by mobile phone
ownership and remittances (both incidence and frequency), it is negatively affected by
ownership of a bank account, usage of ATMs, mobile and internet banking.

Mobile money substitutes both formal and informal account ownership. Mobile money
adoption is negatively related to bank account ownership and informal access which
implies that mobile money serves as a substitute to both.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

5. Implications for policy

Based on the foregoing conclusions, the following policy recommendations are proposed:
1. Expanding mobile telecom infrastructure and hence increasing mobile phone
penetration is important in extending financial services to the financially excluded
segments of the population. Mobile money is unlikely to succeed in Madagascar, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and Mozambique unless mobile phone
infrastructure is improved. Therefore, expansion of mobile telecom infrastructure should
precede any effort to expand mobile money adoption in the countries.
2. Mobile money should be expanded to rural people to increase financial inclusion.
Given that formal financial institutions are scarce in rural areas in many countries in the
region, mobile money will be critical in extending financial products to the rural people
that do not have access to ATMs, mobile and internet banking. Therefore, increasing
mobile money adoption among the rural people by expanding mobile telecom and
mobile money agent infrastructure will help in expanding financial inclusion to rural
3. Mobile money should be user-friendly so that the illiterate are comfortable using it.
Both the descriptive and regression analysis show that mobile money adoption is low
among those with no education, which calls for designing mobile money applications in
a manner usable by the uneducated.
4. Financial education that focuses on utility of mobile money is important. Lack of
knowledge or information about mobile money is among the barriers to mobile money
adoption. Therefore, mobile money literacy programmes that educate people about
various mobile money products, their usefulness in managing money, and their effective
usage should be designed and implemented.
5. Introduction of new mobile money financial products will be critical in allowing the
poor to access saving, credit, and insurance products. Most adults in the region use
mobile money to buy airtime and make remittances which constitute a fraction of
financial products needed by people. Therefore, additional mobile money services such
as saving, credit, insurance, and investment products should be introduced to allow
people to access various alternative financial products.

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016


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Appendix A

Binary logistic regression model was used in which the probability of the dependent
variable is described by the following function:

𝑒𝑒 𝑧𝑧𝑖𝑖 𝜋𝜋
𝜋𝜋𝑖𝑖 = or 𝑧𝑧𝑖𝑖 = log( 1−𝜋𝜋𝑖𝑖 ) …………………………………………....……………………….(1)
1+𝑒𝑒 𝑧𝑧𝑖𝑖 𝑖𝑖


πi is the probability the ith person has a certain characteristic (this is the probability of using mobile
money in the first model and probability of owning a bank account and informal access in the second
and third model respectively)

zi is the value of the unobserved variable for the ith person.

The logistic regression model assumes that 𝑧𝑧 is linearly related to the predictors

𝑧𝑧𝑖𝑖 = 𝑏𝑏0 + 𝑏𝑏1 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖1 + 𝑏𝑏2 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖2 + … + 𝑏𝑏𝑝𝑝 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ……………………………..………………………………(2)


xij is the jth predictor for the ith person that include ownership of mobile phone, usage of ATM/debit card,
and demographic characteristics such as gender, income, age, place of residence, level of education,
marital status, and employment status.

bj is the jth coefficient

p is the number of predictors

The dependent variable in each model is dichotomous taking the values 1 or 0 otherwise. In
the first model, the dependent variable is ownership of mobile money account and the
value 1 is assigned to mobile money account owners and 0 otherwise. In the second model
where we determine the relationship between mobile money account ownership and bank
account ownership, bank account is the dependent variable taking a value of 1 when a

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

person has a bank account and 0 otherwise. Informal access is the dependent variable in the
third model where we examine the relationship between mobile money and informal
inclusion with 1 assigned to those who have informal access and 0 otherwise.

Appendix B
Table 2: Descriptive statistics
Variable Name Description N Min Max Mean
Own a cell phone A person owns a cell phone 113,323,640 0 1 0.64
Own mobile money A person has mobile money 91,634,689 0 1 0.15
account account
Banked A person own a bank account 126,843,162 0 1 0.35
Formally included A person has account at a bank 134,972,612 0 1 0.53
or other formal financial
Informal A person has informal access 134,972,612 0 1 0.13
Financially excluded A person does not have access to 126,843,162 0 1 0.34
financial services either formal or
Have ATM/Debit A person uses ATM/Debit card 134,960,054 0 1 0.20
Use mobile banking A person uses mobile banking 105,016,647 0 1 0.10

Use internet banking A person uses internet banking 88,750,088 0 1 0.04

Sent money A person sent money 134,972,612 0 1 0.18

Received money A person received money 134,972,612 0 1 0.21
Sending frequency Frequency of sending money 11,626,336 1 10 3.09
(with weekly being most
frequent and once in a year being
less frequent)
Receiving frequency Frequency of receiving money 17,689,625 1 10 2.88
(with weekly being most
frequent and once in a year being
less frequent)
Age Age of respondent 133 ,539 ,565 16 98 39
Gender Respondent gender 134 ,972, 612 0 1 0.48
Income Categories of monthly personal 106 ,558, 774 1 3 1.5
Unemployed A person is jobless 134 ,118, 955 0 1 0.55
Employed A person is employed 134 ,306, 772 0 1 0.42
Retired A person is retired 112 ,608, 431 0 1 0.02
Urban A person lives in urban area 134 ,966, 284 0 1 0.41
Primary A person has primary education 124, 011, 588 0 1 0.36
Secondary A person has secondary 124 ,011, 588 0 1 0.45
Post-secondary A person has post-secondary 124, 011, 588 0 1 0.08

The role of mobile money on financial inclusion in the SADC region 2016

Table 3: Logistic regression output: Determinants of mobile money ownership and the link between mobile
money and financial inclusion
Own mobile Own Bank Own informal
money account Account account
Own cell phone 1.739***
Own mobile money account -0.033*** -0.331***
Have a bank account -0.897***
Age 0.006*** 0.006*** 0.112***
Age Square -0.001*** - -0.001***
Gender 0.043*** 0.029*** -0.261***
Personal Monthly Income -0.098*** 0.884*** -0.017**
Primary school 0.314*** 1.453*** -1.202***
Secondary school 0.412*** 2.558*** -2.315***
Post-secondary school 0.323*** 3.558*** -5.932***
Employed 0.889*** 0.563*** -0.794***
Retired -0.716*** 2.153*** 0.535***
Urban 0.086*** 0.091*** -1.293***
Use ATM -0.057***
Use mobile banking -0.613**
Use internet banking -0.215***
Sent money 0.216*** 1.037*** -3.351***
Received money 0.426*** 0.349*** -0.463***
Sending frequency -0.004*** 0.027*** -0.059***
Receiving frequency 0.085*** 0.085*** -0.05***
Country fixed effect YES YES YES
N 134,972,612 134,972,612 134,972,612
Cox & Snell R2 0.233 0.344 0.089
Note: *** significant at 1% level,* significant at 10% level. Binary logistic regression
estimation coefficients are reported.


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