Release and Antioxidant Activity of Carv
Release and Antioxidant Activity of Carv
Release and Antioxidant Activity of Carv
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The migration of antioxidant (AO) agents, carvacrol and thymol, from polypropylene (PP) packaging films
Received 10 October 2013 containing the studied compounds at 80 g/kg separately and an equimolar mixture of them into food
Received in revised form simulants was investigated. Fast and reliable analytical procedures were developed and validated for the
20 March 2014
analysis of the studied AOs in food simulants. For aqueous food simulants, solid phase extraction fol-
Accepted 10 April 2014
Available online 25 April 2014
lowed by GCeMS analysis was performed. Fatty food simulants were directly analysed by GCeMS and
HPLC-UV for isooctane and ethanol 950 mL/L, respectively. The release of AOs from the films was
dependent on the type of food stimulant and AO incorporated. In particular, high levels of migration were
Active packaging
obtained for both AOs into isooctane, showing thymol higher migration. The release kinetics of AOs from
Carvacrol PP films showed a Fichian behaviour with diffusion coefficients ranging from 1 to 2 1014 m2/s; except
Thymol for the diffusion into isooctane where 4-6 higher values were obtained. The antioxidant activity of
Migration migration extracts was confirmed by the DPPH method, showing thymol a higher antioxidant capacity
Diffusion especially into isooctane with a 42.2% of inhibition. The obtained results suggest that carvacrol and
thymol show a potential use as AOs for active packaging for extending the shelf-life of food products.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0023-6438/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Ramos et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 (2014) 470e477 471
2009). Also, concentration and/or isolation of analytes into a suit- ratio around 6 dm2/L). A blank test for each simulant was also
able solvent may be performed prior to chromatographic analysis carried out.
by the use of sample preparation and purification techniques such
as solid phase extraction (SPE) in order to improve detection and 2.3.2. Migration kinetics
quantification (Burman, Albertsson, & Höglund, 2005; Ridgway, In order to study the release of carvacrol and thymol during a
Lalljie, & Smith, 2007). suitable period of time (15 days), a kinetic study was performed
In a previous study, the effect of the addition of carvacrol and using acetic acid 30 g/L, ethanol 100 mL/L, ethanol 950 mL/L and
thymol at different concentrations to PP films on the thermal, isooctane as food simulants, at the same temperature conditions
structural, mechanical and functional properties was studied as described in Section 2.3.1. Extract samples were taken at 2, 6, 12, 24,
well as the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity against two 48 h and 5, 10 and 15 days in triplicate.
typical food born bacteria, E. coli and S aureus (Ramos, Jiménez, The migration process is described by the kinetic of the diffusion
Peltzer, & Garrigós, 2012). It was concluded that the addition of of the migrant in the film and it is expressed by the diffusion co-
both compounds at 80 g/kg showed some potential to be used as efficient, D (m2/s) (Manzanarez-López et al., 2011). Considering the
active additives in PP formulations; showing thymol higher inhi- case of limited packaging, limited food, where migration occurs
bition against the studied bacteria, leading to higher antimicrobial from a limited volume packaging film into a well-mixed limited
activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the release of these volume of food, the diffusion coefficients of AOs can be determined
compounds from PP films into different aqueous and fatty food by using a release kinetic model based in the Fick’s second law
simulants; including a kinetics diffusion study and the evaluation of (Equation (1)). In this case, the food sample initially does not
the antioxidant efficiency by the DPPH method. contain any migrant, and as migration occurs, the concentration of
migrant in the food increases from zero CF,0 to its equilibrium value
2. Experimental CF,N. Equation (1) is the most rigorous general model for describing
the migration controlled by Fickian diffusion in a packaging film
2.1. Chemicals (Chung, Papadakis, & Yam, 2002; Crank, 1975):
" #
All reagents used were of analytical or chromatographic grade XN
MF;t 2að1 þ aÞ Dq2n t
and were purchased from Panreac (Barcelona, Spain). Standards of ¼ 1 exp (1)
MF;N n¼1
1 þ a þ a2 q2n L2P
carvacrol (98%), thymol (99.5%), and 2,2-diphenyl-1-
picrylhydrazyl (DPPH, 95%) were acquired from SigmaeAldrich
Inc. (St. Louis, MO). Ultrapure water was obtained from a Millipore where MF,t and MF,N are the total amount of diffusing substance
Milli-Q system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Polypropylene PP released by the film at time t and after infinite time, respectively; LP
ECOLEN HZ10K pellets (Hellenic Petroleum, Greece) was kindly is the film thickness; qn are the non-zero positive roots of
supplied by Ashland Chemical Hispania (Barcelona, Spain). tanqn¼a,qn; and a is the partition expressed as:
a ¼ KFP VF Vp (2)
2.2. Films preparation
where VF and VP are the volumes of the simulant and the polymer,
PP active films were obtained by melt blending at 190 C for
respectively; and KFP is the partition coefficient of the active com-
6 min at 50 rpm followed by compression moulding at 190 C in a
pound between the simulant and the polymer.
hot press, according to a method previously developed (Ramos
A simplified migration model derived from Equation (1) was
et al., 2012). Three active formulations were obtained: PP con-
proposed by Chung et al. useful for linear regression analysis
taining 80 g/kg of thymol (PPT8) or carvacrol (PPC8); and PP with
(Chung et al., 2002):
an equimolar mixture of both additives at 80 g/kg (PPTC8) to study
a possible additive effect of both compounds. An additional sample 0:5
1 MF;t
1 D0:5 0:5 1
without any active compound was also prepared as control (PP0). $ ¼ $t þ 0:5 (3)
The film thickness was measured using a micrometre (Mitutoyo, p a MP;0 a$LP p
Japan) at five random positions. The average thickness of PP films
incorporated with thymol (PPT8), carvacrol (PPC8) and both addi- where MP,0 is the initial amount of migrant in the packaging film
tives (PPTC8) was found to be 185 3, 192 6 and 190 4 mm, (for a complete migration MP,0 ¼ MF,N). Thus, the diffusion coeffi-
respectively. The final appearance of the films was completely cient can be directly computed from the fitting of Equation (3) to
transparent and homogenous. experimental migration data.
2.3. Migration study 2.4. Analysis of released antioxidants into food simulants
2.3.1. Release tests The amount of released AOs into aqueous food simulants was
The release of AOs from PP films was performed into five food analysed by GCeMS with a previous extraction and concentration
simulants according to European Standard EN 13130-2005 (UNE- step by SPE on an octadecyl cartridge (C18, 500 mg, 6 mL) (Teknok-
EN, 2005): distilled water (A), acetic acid 30 g/L (B), and ethanol roma, Barcelona, Spain). A Büchi V-700 vacuum system (Flawil,
100 mL/L (C) were used as aqueous food simulants; whereas Switzerland) and a vacuum manifold from Teknokroma (Barcelona,
ethanol 950 mL/L and isooctane were employed as fatty food Spain) were used for SPE sample processing. The cartridge was pre-
simulants. viously conditioned with 4 mL methanol and 4 mL distilled water at
Migration studies were conducted in triplicate at 40 C for 10 5 mL/min. Then, the extract was loaded and elution of the AOs was
days in an oven (J.P. Selecta, Barcelona, Spain), except for isooctane carried out with 4 mL dichloromethane (1 mL/min). On the other
studies which were performed at 20 C and 50% relative humidity hand, extracts obtained from isooctane and ethanol 950 mL/L were
for 2 days in a climatic chamber (Dycometal, Barcelona, Spain). directly analysed by GCeMS and HPLC-UV, respectively.
Double-sided, total immersion migration tests were performed Stock (4000 mg/kg) and working solutions of each AO were
with 12 cm2 of films and 20 mL of each simulant (area-to-volume prepared in the appropriate solvent (dichloromethane, isooctane or
472 M. Ramos et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 (2014) 470e477
ethanol 950 mL/L) depending on the food simulant and chromato- 2.5. Statistical analysis
graphic technique used and stored in a freezer. Carvacrol and thymol
quantification was performed using external calibration in triplicate. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied on DPPH
experimental data with the aid of the statistical program “Statgraphics
2.4.1. GCeMS Analysis Centurion program v.16.1.18 (StatPoint, Inc., Warrenton, USA)” and
A Perkin Elmer TurboMass Gold GCeMS (Boston, MA, USA) significant differences among sample data were recorded at P < 0.05
operating in electronic impact ionisation mode (70 eV) with a SPB- according to Tukey’s post hoc test (Barbara & Tabachnick, 2013).
5 capillary column (30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 mm; Supelco, Belle-
fonte, PA) was used. The column temperature was programmed 3. Results and discussion
from 60 C (1 min) to 120 C (1 min) at 10 C/min and to 150 C at
2 C/min (2 min). Helium was used as carrier gas at 1 mL/min. Ion 3.1. Validation of the developed methods
source and GCeMS transfer line temperatures were 250 and 270 C,
respectively. Injector temperature was 270 C and 1 mL of extracts The analytical methods developed in this study were validated
were injected (split mode 1:100). by assessing the main analytical characteristics: linearity, precision
Identification of thymol and carvacrol were performed in full (repeatability), detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) limits and
scan mode (m/z 30e550) by a combination of NIST mass spectral accuracy (recovery test).
library and retention times of standard compounds. Quantification Linear ranges were calculated with five calibration points, each
of AOs was performed by using selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode one in triplicate (0.15e2.10 mg/kg in dichloromethane for SPE-GC-
focused on m/z 91, 135 and 150. Retention times obtained for MS method and aqueous food simulants; 0.15e4.00 mg/kg for
thymol and carvacrol were 10.7 and 11.0 min, respectively. isooctane and 950 mL/L ethanol (v/v) for direct GCeMS and HPLC-
UV analyses, respectively). The calculated calibration curves gave
an acceptable level of linearity for AOs and studied methods with
2.4.2. HPLC-UV Analysis
determination coefficients (R2) ranging between 0.9963 and
A Shimadzu LC-20A liquid chromatograph equipped with UV
0.9989, as shown in Table 1.
detector and a LiChrospher 100 RP18 column
Repeatability was evaluated by analysing three replicates of
(250 mm 5 mm 5 mm, Agilent Technologies) was used. The
standard solutions processed the same day. All methods showed
mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile: distilled water, 40:60 (v:v)
similar results for relative standard deviation (RSD) values which
at 1 mL/min 20 mL of sample were injected. Detection of carvacrol
were lower than 10%. LOD and LOQ values were determined by
and thymol was performed at 274 nm with retention times of 18.9
using regression parameters from the calibration curves (3 Sy/x/a
and 21.0 min, respectively.
and 10 Sy/x/a, respectively; where Sy/x is the standard deviation of
the residues and a is the slope). As it can be seen in Table 1, lower
2.4.3. Determination of antioxidant activity values for LOD and LOQ were obtained for thymol by the HPLC-UV
The antioxidant activity of AOs released into food simulants was method. On the other hand, carvacrol showed lower values for
analysed in terms of radical scavenging ability, using the stable these parameters considering the SPE-GC-MS method. As a result,
radical DPPH method as proposed by Byun et al. (Byun, Kim, & the LODs and LOQs values obtained for AOs ranged between 0.16
Whiteside, 2010) with some modifications. An aliquot of 100 mL and 0.22 mg/kg and between 0.50 and 0.74 mg/kg, respectively.
of each simulant extract was mixed with 3.9 mL of a methanolic Recovery tests for the SPE-GC-MS method were accomplished,
solution of DPPH (23 mg/L) in a capped cuvette. The mixture was in triplicate, in order to evaluate accuracy, by spiking aqueous food
shaken quickly at room temperature and the absorbance of the simulants with known amounts of each AO at three concentration
solution was measured immediately at 517 nm every 1 min until levels (0.03, 0.27 and 2.60 mg). A working solution containing both
the absorbance value was stabilized (200 min), by using a Biomate- AOs (4000 mg/kg) in methanol was used. Satisfactory results were
3 UVeVIS spectrophotometer (Thermospectronic, USA). All ana- obtained for mean recoveries at all levels tested (Table 2), ranging
lyses were performed in duplicate. from 86.7 to 108.2% with RSD values between 2.1 and 11.0%. In
The ability to scavenge the stable radical DPPH was calculated as conclusion, the results obtained for methods validation were
percent of inhibition (I %) using the following Equation (4): considered acceptable for the determination of carvacrol and
h . i thymol migration in aqueous and fatty food simulants.
Ið%Þ ¼ AControl ASample AControl $100 (4)
3.2. Release of AOs into food simulants
where AControl and ASample are the absorbances of the control at
t ¼ 0 min (using methanol instead of sample) and of the tested Both AOs were readily released into aqueous and fatty food
sample at t ¼ 200 min, respectively. simulants from all PP films (Table 3). Similar behaviour was
Table 1
Main analytical parameters obtained for the studied AOs using the optimized methods (n ¼ 3).
Table 2
Mean recoveries (%) and R.S.D. values (%) in parentheses obtained for each AO in
aqueous simulants by SPE-GC-MS (n ¼ 3).
Table 3
Release of AOs (mg/kg simulant) obtained from PP films into aqueous and fatty food simulants under conditions according to European Standard EN 13130-2005 (n ¼ 3,
m SD).
Watera Ethanol 100 mL/La Acetic acid 30 g/La Ethanol 950 mL/La Isooctaneb
Migration conditions.
40 C, 10 days.
20 C, 2 days.
474 M. Ramos et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 (2014) 470e477
hydrogen ion concentration leads to the decrease of the reaction performance is the kinetics of release of the AO agent from the
rate of chromogen radical scavenging, whereas under basic condi- packaging. In order to have a deeper knowledge of the migration
tions proton dissociation of polyphenolics would enhance the mechanism of the target AOs from PP films, kinetic experiments
reducing capacity of compounds (Pyrzynska & Pekal, 2013). On the were carried out by using four different food simulants during 15
other hand, all the other extracts presented an appreciable anti- days. For this study, only formulations containing the studied AOs
oxidant activity, showing a significant inhibition of the DPPH at 80 g/kg separately were considered.
radical. A higher antioxidant capacity was observed for thymol Figs. 3 and 4 show the release of thymol (a) and carvacrol (b)
extracts, with the highest inhibition obtained into isooctane from PPT8 and PPC8 films as a function of time, respectively. Similar
(42.2 1.1%). The ANOVA results also showed that independently of behaviour was observed for both compounds, being rapidly
the variations introduced by the use of the different simulants, the released from their respective films into the studied food simulants,
formulation with 80 g/kg of thymol was significantly different from with an expected increase in their release with increasing time and
the other ones regarding antioxidant capacity (Fig. 2). reaching equilibrium after approximately 120 h.
These results showed that thymol antioxidant activity was su- In a first approach, the higher amount of migrated analytes
perior to that of carvacrol, possibly due to greater steric hindrace of occurs to isooctane (see a values in Table 4). Furthermore, for this
the thymol phenolic group; as different authors have concluded simulant, at t > 120 h, the equilibrium is not well defined and, for
when considering the mechanism of action of these compounds in example, for PPT8 almost all previously encapsulated thymol is
the DPPH assay (Wu, Luo, & Wang, 2012; Yanishlieva et al., 1999). released in isooctane. This can be argued in two different ways:
Other compounds having a hydroxyl group sterically hindered, either by experimental or physical grounds. Starting with the
such as BHT, have been also reported to possess high antioxidant former, it seems that the quantification of AOs in isooctane, for
activity (Mastelic et al., 2008). longer times, lead to scatter values and, consequently, the some-
The DPPH inhibition values were correlated with the AOs what relevant increase of the amount of AOs released after 15 days
amount released from the films (Table 3). The highest amount of cannot be relevant from statistics point of view. Another possible
released additives was observed into fatty food simulants; although justification is based on the behaviour of the release of active
no significant differences between isooctane and ethanol 950 mL/L compounds from polyolefin films immersed in food simulants by
were observed with different formulations at P < 0.05 (Fig. 1). The the “swelling-controlled” model (Suppakul et al., 2011). According
obtained results indicate that a considerable quantity of the AOs to this model, a simulant penetrates first into the polymer matrix
remain in the polymer matrix and consequently could act as active and dissolves the active agents thereby enabling their subsequent
agents in these materials. In this sense, the obtained PP films could release. Indeed, it is expected that a simulant uptake will cause
be used as AO films for food packaging applications in order to polymer swelling. The migration of AOs is thus expected to increase
extend the shelf-life of food products, retarding oxidation pro- with an increase in the simulant penetration into the PP film,
cesses. In addition, it has been reported that these additives could reaching a plateau when the matrix is saturated with the simulant.
be also used to protect the polymer against oxidative degradation However, many interactions take place during the migration of
during processing and further use (Ramos et al., 2012). species from polymers into liquids. Moreover, it has pointed out
Finally, the study of the combined activity of carvacrol and that a time-dependent relaxation process could occur as a result of
thymol in the same film at 40 g/kg of each compound (PPTC8) the swelling that takes place during the diffusion of the liquid into
(Fig. 1) showed some additive effect between them as similar re- the polymer. As a consequence, release rates change continuously
sults were obtained for samples with 80 g/kg of each compound and the accurate mathematical analysis of the migration is difficult.
(PPC8 and PPT8) separately. This effect was more evident into fatty The penetration of simulant molecules facilitates further penetra-
food simulants. tion by the plasticization of the polymer matrix, until a plateau is
reached. As pointed out before, for isooctane an increase of
migration after reaching the equilibrium was observed for both
3.4. Kinetics of AOs migration from active films
studied AOs at 360 h. This could be due to a combination of tem-
perature and a longer time in which the PP films were penetrated
Information about diffusion coefficients through packaging
by isooctane producing the increase on the release. Also, it can be
materials is, in general, very useful to evaluate the performance of
speculated about the sorption of isooctane by the PP matrix and a
new active packaging materials, as the critical point in antioxidant
consequent creation of void spaces favouring the migration of the
phenolic compounds (Manzanarez-López et al., 2011).
The experimental release data shown in Fig. 3 were further
analysed in terms of a diffusion model according to Equation (3).
However, the use of this equation in order to compute diffusion
coefficients needs the previous knowledge of partition values. Ac-
cording to the previous discussion it can be assumed that the
amount of AO release can be estimated as being constant after ca.
120 h, and once Equation (3) can only be applied to MF,t/MP,0 < 0.6,
the use of this equation do not interfere with the hypothetical (not
confirmed) effect of the swelling-process in the mass transport by
diffusion. In these circumstances the release of AOs from PPT8 and
PPC8 to different simulations can be modelled by using the
following equation:
MF;t MP;0 ¼ MF;N MP;0 1 ek t (5)
Fig. 2. Plot representing mean DPPH inhibition values (%) for the formulations PPT8, where k0 is a constant related with the release rate constant. By
PPC8 and PPTC8. Different letter represent significant differences at P < 0.05. fitting Eq. (5) to experimental AOs release data (see solid lines in
M. Ramos et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 (2014) 470e477 475
Fig. 3. Release of thymol from PPT8 into different food simulants over 15 days. (A) Ethanol 100 mL/L, 40 C; (B) acetic acid, 40 C; (C) Ethanol 950 mL/L, 40 C; and (D) isooctane,
20 C. Solid lines were obtained by fitting Eq. (4) to experimental data. For further details see Section 3.4.
Fig. 4. Release of carvacrol from PPC8 into different food simulants over 15 days. (A) Ethanol 100 mL/L, 40 C; (B) acetic acid, 40 C; (C) Ethanol 950 mL/L, 40 C; and (D) isooctane,
20 C. Solid lines were obtained by fitting Eq. (4) to experimental data. For further details see Section 3.4.
476 M. Ramos et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 (2014) 470e477
Table 4
Diffusion coefficients (D 1014, m2/s) calculated from Equation (3) for the release of AOs from PP films into different food simulants (m SD, n ¼ 3).
Ethanol 100 mL/La Acetic acid 30 g/La Ethanol 950 mL/La Isooctaneb
Carvacrol (PPC8) aap 1.38 0.07 0.96 0.04 1.27 0.07 1.4 0.1
D 1.20 0.05 1.7 0.1 1.99 0.07 9.4 0.6
Thymol (PPT8) aap 1.56 0.1 1.44 0.05 1.56 0.08 2.4 0.2
D 1.75 0.08 2.51 0.02 1.01 0.03 5.9 0.1
Migration temperature.
40 C.
20 C.
Figs. 2 and 3), the values of MF,N/MP,0 can be obtained and, finally Guilherme, Rubira, & Muniz, 2007). In general, the fitting deter-
apparent partition coefficients (aap) values can be calculated mination coefficients are higher than 0.96, with the exception of
through the equation: isooctane-containing systems where determination coefficients of
0.819 (PPC8) and 0.713 (PPT8) were obtained.
The results obtained for thymol and carvacrol are shown in
MFN MP;0 ¼ aap 1 þ aap (6) hFig. 5A and i0:5 B, respectively. As it can be seen, the linearity of
1 1 MF;t versus t0.5 was very good for both AOs and all simu-
Both parameters, MF,N/MP,0 and a are reported in Table 4. p a$MF;0
lants tested with determination coefficient values (R2) ranging from
It should be stressed that the choice of Eq. (5) has been done
0.961 to 0.995 for thymol and 0.983e0.992 for carvacrol, suggesting
once, for the border and limit conditions of the experiments re-
that experimental release data is well described by the proposed
ported in this work, it describes a first order kinetic process (Reis,
diffusion model for short-range times.
The analysis of diffusion coefficients (D) (Table 4) shows that the
diffusion process in different simulants are independent on the
AOs, with D values ranging from 1 1014 to 2 1014 m2/s. This
behaviour was expected if considering that carvacrol and thymol
are isomers having similar molecular weights and polarity
(Licciardello, Muratore, Mercea, Tosa, & Nerin, 2013). The exception
occurs for the diffusion of AOs into isooctane. In fact, D values for
thymol and carvacrol are 4 and 6 times higher for this simulant
than the average values for remaining ones. This is, however, in line
with the discussion carried out in the previous section and with
results reported in Section 3.2 as well. It is also worth noticing that
the magnitude of D values found for these films are one order of
magnitude lower than those obtained for similar AOs and films
(Suppakul et al., 2011), suggesting that these films can provide a
long term release, or higher retention inside films, of AOs.
4. Conclusions
h i Acknowledgements
MF;t 0:5
Fig. 5. Plots of p1 1a$MF;0 p10:5 versus t0.5 for the migration of thymol (A) and
carvacrol (B) from PPT8 and PPC8 films, respectively, into different food simulants.
Isooctane (>), 20 C; acetic acid (B), 40 C; ethanol 100 mL/L (,), 40 C; and ethanol Authors would like to thank Ashland Chemical Hispania for
950 mL/L (6), 40 C. kindly supplying ECOLEN HZ10K PP (Hellenic Petroleum) and
M. Ramos et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 (2014) 470e477 477
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for financial Ozcelik, B., Lee, J. H., & Min, D. B. (2003). Effects of light, oxygen, and pH on the
absorbance of 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. Journal of Food Science, 68(2),
support (MAT-2011-28648-C02-01). Also, Marina Ramos would like
to thank University of Alicante (Spain) for UAFPU2011-48539721S Park, H.-Y., Kim, S.-J., Kim, K. M., You, Y.-S., Kim, S. Y., & Han, J. (2012). Development
predoctoral research grant. of antioxidant packaging material by applying corn-zein to LLDPE film in
combination with phenolic compounds. Journal of Food Science, 77(10), E273e
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