RacialLoyalty104 2010 12

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WE BELIEVE that our Race is our Religion.

WE BELIEVE that the White Race is Nature's Finest.

WE BELIEVE that racial loyalty is the greatest of all honors, and racial treason is the worst of all

WE BELIEVE that what is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, and what is bad for the White
Race is the ultimate sin.

WE BELIEVE that the one and only, true and revolutionary White Racial Religion - Creativity - is the
only salvation for the White Race.

* Creativity ~ The Religion of the White Race! *

In This Issue
The Role of Creator Forum In Memoriam Sales and Merchandise
Religion and Organisation Rev. Billy Jackley Flags, patches and pins
Old Methods vs New Dealing With the Law Health
-- By Rev. Cambeul, P.M. Port Arthur Massacre Eat Red and Stay White
Dress Codes – Article by Rev. Harrison Contact Points –Updated!
POW Voices And More …
– Article by Rev. Loeb
Oath of Dedication and Loyalty
“I hereby pledge my undying loyalty to the WHITE RACE and to the CHURCH OF
CREATIVITY: that I am a true member of the WHITE RACE and will faithfully practice
RACIAL LOYALTY; and that at all times, I will practice the GOLDEN RULE, namely, to
promote the best interests of the WHITE RACE.

“To the Creed of Creativity, I forever pledge my Life, my Sacred Honor and my Religious Zeal.”


The CREATIVITY ALLIANCE neither condones violence or unlawful activities nor do we

promote or incite them, however, we demand that our unconditional right to freedom of religion
be upheld by any means, and at all costs.

The Joint Role of Racial Loyalty Newsletter and Creator Forum

Websites, Blogs and Forums come and go, but Racial Loyalty is Forever.

As you are no doubt aware, websites come and go, and when they are gone, the information
contained in them invariably disappears forever. On the other hand, newsletters often last well
beyond their expected use-by date. A perfect example is the original Racial Loyalty tabloid put
out by Founder Klassen. Back then nobody imagined that their articles and letters to the editor
would be cherished and reread time and again by future generations of Creators thirty-odd years
later. And who’s to say whether in another thirty-odd years, future generations of Creators might
be reading our own posts and articles from Creator Forum? Well, I’m here to say that if we were
to rely on the electronic forum, then future Creators will most certainly not be reading posts and
articles. If we were to keep everything digitized, in thirty years’ time, it would eventually appear
as if we never existed and Creativity continued in a vacuum, only to magically reappear at a
future date with perhaps rumour of our existence with a few names that will mean nothing to
future generations except maybe in myth and legend; and myth and legend is something we
Creators studiously avoid. As disappointing as it sounds, it is a reality we must face, and that is
precisely why we have combined the input from Creator Forum and our email accounts as an
information resource for the new Racial Loyalty newsletter. So, if you ever asked a question,
written an article or perhaps just made an obvservation of interest to Creators in an email or

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Creator Forum, don’t be surprised if you find said text repeated in Racial Loyalty Newsletter,
where future generations can read of not only your existence, but also your success as a Creator
in the founding years of the Creativity Alliance.

Keep writing.


The Editor.

Religion and Organisation

By Pontifex Maximus, Reverend Cailen Cambeul

Old Methods vs New Methods

The history of our Church is a short but often heated and convoluted one that causes needless
argument amongst Creators, who, not knowing their own history, demand everything stays as it
was when they joined The Church. As we begin to settle into the third era of Creativity and
impose our own methods which will inevitably differ from those of the past, we must take into
account that although we will be doing things differently, it is not because we are upstarts who
think we have all the answers, but because we have looked into our own history and hopefully
learned from the successes and the mistakes of the past.

The first era of Creativity: The Church under the Founder of Creativity, Pontifex Maximus Ben
Klassen, was a loose structure which evolved over time, but remained essentially the same until
his death in 20 AC. Beginning with mail order book sales, our Founder quickly established a
sizeable cadre of dedicated adherents to Creativity. Because of the nature and structure of The
Church, everyone who read Nature’s Eternal Religion and agreed with its main principles,
considered themselves and were in turn considered to be members of the Church of the Creator.
Later methods employed by the early Church included the issuing of certificates for members
which were essentially receipts thanking the “Member” for his payment; the issuing of Charters
for recognised Primary Groups or Churches attached to the central Church in North Carolina;
and of course the issuing of Ministerial Certificates to Reverends. Anyone who was White could
become a member of the early Church. There were no restrictions and every White man, woman
and child were encouraged to declare themselves Creators and members of the Church of the
Creator. Although Founder Klassen stated that Creators are not neo-Nazis, Klansmen or

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Nationalists, members of neo-Nazi, Klan and Nationalist groups were free to adopt and live the
Creed of Creativity, and join The Church without any further imposition on their lives.
Founder Klassen being a successful businessman also chose to treat the establishment of his
Church as a business enterprise, and so on Thursday, August 16, 0 AC, the Church of The
Creator, Inc. was incorporated in the State of Florida and later in North Carolina on December
14, 8 AC. Yet, it was this method of establishing an initial corporate style protective grid around
The Church that ultimately led to the courts being able to make use of corporate law to almost
completely destroy Creativity in a million dollar lawsuit (see information elsewhere about
Reverend George Loeb’s admirable self defence against the brutality of the Black Harold
Mansfield). This is not to insinuate that Founder Klassen was to blame for the ultimate fall of the
Church of the Creator. On the contrary: At the time of the filing of the articles for incorporation
in 0 AC, a combined attack by the JOG and a Marxist group such as later occurred was not to be
expected as nothing of the kind had occurred before in all of White activist history. By 21 AC,
one year after Founder Klassen’s death, the Church of the Creator had no finances to note, had
been abandoned in the courts by its own members, and with Founder Klassen’s chosen
successor, Pontifex Maximus Rick McCarty officially bringing the first era of Creativity to a
close when he filed the articles of dissolution for the Church of the Creator on February 22, 21
AC, any remaining Church of the Creator groups at that time should be considered
inconsequential. An attempted defence of the Church of the Creator by Doctor William Pierce –
who had accepted the bulk of the first era Creators into his own National Alliance – was
admirable, but it was too late in the affair to have any impact.

The second era of Creativity began in 23 AC when Reverend Matt Hale – who with no prior
connection to the Church of the Creator – decided to establish his own Creator organisation
which he called the New Church of the Creator, and after acquiring the position of Pontifex
Maximus renamed it the World Church of the Creator. This New or World Church of the Creator
was not a continuation of the original Church of the Creator, and so the matter of the million
dollar lawsuit was ignored. Meanwhile Reverend Hale built a hierarchical organisation with
himself at its head with all answering to him as Pontifex Maximus.

As in the early Church, Reverend Hale issued various certificates with no restrictions on
membership, but with an added Official Supporter status for those that felt they were unable to
fully participate as active members of his Church. Ministerial Certificates were once again issued
but only for members of the World Church of the Creator with a further restriction that ministers
were to cease membership in other organisations upon taking the Oath of Allegiance as was and
still is expected of Creator ministers. Another major difference between the early Church and
Reverend Hale’s Church was that although both Churches worked to gain adherents within other
organisations, the early Church under Founder Klassen was open to all without excessive
demands, while the World Church of the Creator stipulated an expectation of strict obedience
from all of its members. i.e. Under Reverend Hale, adherents of Creativity that had signed the
membership application for the World Church of the Creator remained members of their own
organisations but their chief was now Reverend Hale, and they were his soldiers to do with as he
pleased. This gained both Reverend Hale and Creativity a bad reputation for aggressive
infiltration and attempted takeover of other organisations.

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The second era of Creativity ended when Reverend Hale was arrested and sentenced to a forty
year prison term on bogus charges of domestic terrorism. With no clear line of succession, the
World Church of the Creator collapsed into feuding grouplets and within a year had ceased to

In this the third era of Creativity, we have decided to reinstate Founder Klassen’s Charter system
for Church Primary Groups, along with Membership – unlike the first two eras of Creativity,
dual membership of the Creativity Alliance and other organisations is not permitted. Those who
wish to maintain membership in other organisations and support the Creativity Alliance are
advised to accept the renewed Official Supporter status. Ministerial Certificates have also been
reinstated along with the addition of an honorary Doctor of Creativity Certificate for those who
have shown that their knowledge surpasses that required of a Minister of Creativity. We intend to
honour past Ministerial Certificates issued by Reverend Hale and Founder Klassen, but be
warned that not all who were issued Ministerial Certificates in the past will meet our current
standards and so will be required to begin again or rejected outright. This we do in an attempt of
imposing quality control on those who obtained their Ministerial Certificates through purely
monetary methods. There are also many Ministers of Creativity from previous eras and more
recent splinter groups without Ministerial Certificates who wish to obtain new or replacement
certificates; this we can do, but each Minister will be required to first join the Creativity Alliance
and accept the judgement of the Guardians of the Faith Committee.

Former Guardians of the Faith Committee members from defunct organisations are not
considered to hold valid titles, as the position died with the end of the organisation in question.
Additions to the new Guardians of the Faith Committee are decided on an individual basis. All
members of the Creativity Alliance, including former Guardians of the Faith Committee
members and ordinary Church members are entitled to sit on the Guardians of the Faith

It is our intention to reinstate a Council of Electors to select each new Pontifex Maximus as per
Founder Klassen’s instructions. Prior to now, no Pontifex Maximus has been elected by a
Council of Electors. Ben Klassen as the Founder of Creativity assumed the position of Pontifex
Maximus; Doctor Rick McCarty was chosen by Founder Klassen as the second Pontifex
Maximus; Reverend Hale was elected the third Pontifex Maximus when he formed a New
Church of the Creator and accepted the position through the authority of his Guardians of the
Faith Committee; And I, Reverend Cailen Cambeul, the current Pontifex Maximus, accepted
Reverend Hale’s method as a precedence and was made Pontifex Maximus by the Guardians of
the Faith Committee of the Creativity Alliance, which comprised of new Creators as well as
older Creators from the past eras. Future Council of Electors will be selected from members of
our Church and any former Council of Electors from previous eras will be considered for the
position on an individual basis only.

Membership: $50 per annum (includes married couples). Members receive the Members’
Handbook and a certificate, a Creativity Alliance pin and a Creativity Alliance patch.

Official Supporter: $25 per annum. Official Supporters receive the Members’ Handbook, an
Official Supporters Certificate and a Creativity Alliance pin.

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Applications can be downloaded from the web at:


Ministerial Certificate: $35. Includes previously ordained Creativity Alliance Ministers and
replacement certificates for Ministers from previous eras. New Ministers must take and pass the
Minister’s Exam and swear the Oath of Ministry prior to receiving their Ministerial Certificate.
Ministers from past eras are presumed to have already taken the Oath of Ministry, which being
an oath to Creativity rather than to a single man or past Pontifex Maximus is accepted as
continued in the Creativity Alliance.

Church Primary Group Charter: $150 for the first year with $100 per annum. Charter Holders
receive a Members’ Handbook, Charter Certificate and Charter Text Booklet, along with a
Creativity Alliance pin, patch (subject to availability) and a full sized flag of Creativity (also
subject to availability).Those who are Members under the old free membership system as
previously used by the Creativity Alliance and wish to obtain a Charter are not required to pay an
additional membership fee. New Members – as of September 1st 37 AC – are required to wait a
minimum of six months after paying their initial membership fee before they will be considered
whether or not they will be allowed to obtain a Charter. Successful Charter Holders are able to
recruit and issue their own Membership and Official Supporter Certificates. Once the Charter is
issued, the Member holding the Charter will only pay $100 per annum to continue his or her
Charter along with 10% of his Member and Official Supporter takings. Charter Holders are
permitted to set their Member and Official Supporter fees at a different rate to those specified

Finally, we consider Founder Klassen’s slogan, “Every Creator a Reverend,” as important today
as the day it was written. Although becoming a minister isn’t for everyone, every Creator should
still do his utmost advance Creativity in his area. After all, you are Nature’s Finest and no matter
where you are in the world, you are all a vital part of a veritable Creator Nations. We are the
Creativity Alliance, we are the New White Order. RAHOWA!

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M., Creativity Alliance.

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Dress Codes
Although we don’t intend to design a uniform for our Church membership, we do have a
minimum standard of dress. Founder Klassen recommended the Western or Cowboy style of
dress, which at that time was perfectly acceptable in colonial nations like Australia and the
Americas and today can be seen in a reduced aspect in every White nation throughout the world.
Another Pontifex Maximus dispensed with the Western style and recommended the legal attire
of suits and ties for which he had such an affinity for. As good as both those ideas are however,
few of us want to either look like Roy Rogers or can spare the cash to look like Perry Mason and
the average Creator would naturally rather stick with their own, everyday attire. So all we ask is
that Creators dress sensibly. Remember that you are White and have some pride in your

Bikers and Skinheads: There’s nothing wrong with allowing people to see who and what you are,
but be mindful of how you appear to others and tone it down if you have to. Scaring grannies
and little children is not the Creator way.

GI Joe wannabes: Leave your camouflaged pyjamas at home under your pillow where they

The same goes for every follower of fads and fashion; Keep your fads to yourself. You will bend
to Creativity, but Creativity will not bend to you.

For those wearing bomber/flight style jackets and are wondering where you should sew your
patches, we recommend that you follow the standard methods as currently worn by Creativity
Alliance Members:

Left Breast: Name Tag.

Right Breast: Small circular Creator Logo or Creativity

Alliance patch.

Left Shoulder: Creator Flag patch.

Right Shoulder: Mobilize Nature’s Finest patch or the new

Creator Victory patch.

Back: Creativity Alliance patch (with contact details if you


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Dealing with Law Enforcement
It’s a fact of life for all of us that there will be occasions when we will have reason to deal with
the police, but as Creators, we must always keep in mind that the police are the vanguard of the
New World Order, and with Jewish supremacist organisations like the Anti-Defamation League
dictating police conduct when dealing with Creators, they are essentially taking their orders from
Israel and that is what makes them our enemy.

Sure, there are idealist police who join the force to make this a better world for us all to live in,
but you are seriously mistaken if you are willing to give your local copper the benefit of the
doubt. Like speaking to a reporter, there is no such thing as off the record. The moment your
friendly neighbourhood policeman has finished talking with you, he writes up the conversation in
his logbook along with his impression – an amateur personality profile of you. This is then added
into the computer system where the next law enforcement agent who encounters you will either
read it or have the basics given to him over a radio. Depending on the intentions and the mood of
that agent of democracy and all things Jewish, he may use that information as either a tool to
confirm that you are harmless but sociable and talkative, or he may use it as a method of
entrapment. If the world was a better place, then the first scenario would be the most likely; but
it’s not and police are generally a suspicious group at the best of times. Add to that their years of
politically correct training and the endless directives from Jewish supremacist groups to
politicians and high ranking police, and the naturally suspicious nature of the average policeman
leads him to believe that you as a humble Creator are more of a threat to life and liberty than
Charlie Manson and the Mafia combined could ever be.

So what should you as a Creator do when questioned by the police? In short, you remain honest
and polite and obey the law of the land, which is usually to give your name, date of birth and
address – or if driving, just show your driver’s licence. Apart from that, remember that you have
the right to remain silent. That is as simple as it gets. If you are unable to keep your trap shut and
feel the urge to explain yourself, then remember the following and reply to each and every
question with these five words: “I have nothing to say.”

If he truly is an honest cop, then he will accept that you have not committed any criminal offense
and he will cease to question you any further.

To summarise: Be honest, be polite and be silent. And if you can’t be silent, remember the 5
Words: “I have nothing to say.”

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In Memoriam

Reverend Doctor Thomas William (Billy) Jackley, Jr.

By Pontifex Maximus, Reverend Cailen Cambeul

Thomas "Billy" Jackley, Jr.
(Died July 12, 2010)
Thomas “Billy” Jackley Jr. passed away July 12, 2010 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Served in the US
Army for 12 years. Ham Radio Operator. Enjoyed Morse code and doing CW on his HF Radios
and talking to others on the local repeaters. Survived by his parents, sister and nephews.
Funeral services were held on Thursday evening July 15, 2010. Interment: Graceville Florida.

So said the official obituary of our own Reverend Doctor Thomas William Jackley Jr. otherwise
known as Reverend Billy to us; but Reverend Billy was more than just a single uninforming
paragraph in the paper. He was a giant of a man in both stature and heart, with more moral virtue
in his little finger than that possessed by the combined Mormon Church of Utah, which is where
he chose to make his home in what would become the final years of his life.

As some of you know, Reverend Billy was the Founder of the Creativity Alliance. Without him,
there would be no Alliance today, and Creativity would be all but dead; but Reverend Billy’s
history with Creativity goes back many, many years.

As a young man, Billy had read Nature’s Eternal Religion and the White Man’s Bible. With both
books leaving such a lasting impression on him, Billy soon became a member of Creativity
Founder, Ben Klassen’s Church of the Creator. He later joined the US Army and then the Special
Forces as an Army Ranger. Billeted around the world, Billy also served in Central America
during the invasion of Panama, in which he took part in the capture of Noriega. A year later he
fought in the first Iraq war. After hostilities had ceased, Billy was poisoned after an ammunition
dump “accidentally” exploded, creating a cloud of noxious chemicals over the region and
condemning Billy and thousands of others, to a slow, painful death. Billy was proud to serve his
country, but true to his early initiation as a Creator, he always doubted the veracity of the ruling
government, and this event, which would eventually kill him, served as a turning point in his life.
Some time later, during a parachute jump, Billy’s chute failed to open properly and he was
seriously injured; eventually being discharged from the Army as a partial invalid. Later he joined

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the Ku Klux Klan, but the Klan didn’t suit his personal beliefs. Buying himself a Harley
Davidson motorcycle, Billy joined an outlaw motorcycle
club and for a time was their Sergeant at Arms (club
disciplinarian), but a motorcycle accident brought that part
of his life to an end. It was while recovering in a Veteran’s
Hospital after the accident that Billy was diagnosed with
Multiple Sclerosis. Although the Multiple Sclerosis
combined with the previous injuries to his legs were enough
to be granted a Military (part) Pension, Billy was informed
that if he questioned what circumstances brought about his
Multiple Sclerosis or tried to blame the US Army for it in
any way, he would automatically lose his meagre part
Pension. Not having any other income, Billy accepted his

By 1997 CE, Billy was in Florida and a member of the

World Church of the Creator. Together with Reverend Jules
Fettu, they built the first Church website, which was bought
and paid for with Brother Tommy’s (as he was then) credit
card. Shortly thereafter, Billy decided to leave Florida to
head for a Whiter and Brighter world. So, after burying his
gun and leaving his car and other belongings with his
brothers in the World Church of the Creator, he left for
Utah. Billy later found that his car and other belongings
had been destroyed or sold off by his brothers. (They were
later convicted of assaulting a nigger and sentenced to
prison. Reverend Fettu was later deported to Canada.)
After establishing himself in Salt Lake City, Utah, Brother Billy contacted the leader of the
World Church of the Creator, Reverend Matt Hale, asking to be given the position of State
Leader of Utah. Reverend Hale refused to even acknowledge Billy’s letter, and so, although
remaining a Creator, he left the World Church of the Creator. It wasn’t until later that Billy
realised his treatment by Reverend Hale was not unique and that there was a real culture of
mistrust for former soldiers within the ranks of the World Church of the Creator, which
continues to this day.

It wasn’t until after Reverend Hale’s arrest and the end of the World Church of the Creator that
Billy again attempted to reach out to fellow Creators. He first approached the group known as
The Creativity Movement (TCM): Being an honest man, he told them his personal and medical
history, but they chose to shun him, treating him like a retard because of his Multiple Sclerosis
and as a JOG agent because of his former military career. We who were not TCM however,
treated our Brother Billy with the dignity and respect due to him, and after some months
monitoring his condition, invited him to take his place as a member in our organisation of the
time, the White Crusaders of the RaHoWa (WCOTR). Although equal to TCM in every way, we
did not consider the WCOTR to be a success, and it eventually closed after just two years.
It wasn’t until another year later that Billy came to me with his dream for a new Church. His
dream that eventually became the Creativity Alliance began with what some would call a vision.

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One night while asleep, Reverend Billy dreamt that the Founder of Creativity himself, Ben
Klassen, appeared before him and asked Reverend Billy to accept the task of building a new
Church for Creativity. From then on we debated the pros and cons of starting a new Church. I
was adamant that for Creativity to be successful, it had to completely die off from its current
phase and begin anew, but Billy was persistent and won the day. And today, several years later,
we have the Creativity Alliance.

At the same time as the Creativity Alliance was taking its first faltering steps, Billy, who thanks
to his multiple sclerosis medication was extremely obese and could barely walk as well as having
to deal with other side effects from his medication, decided that enough was enough and
immediately discontinued his medication while embracing a salubrious diet along with a
vigorous fitness regimen. Within a year Billy was able to walk without his leg braces and
walking stick, had lost a phenomenal amount of weight, converting fat into muscle. Apart from
occasional bouts of illness due to the multiple sclerosis, he was a fit college student with a part
time job in the college and did a little tutoring on the side. Things were going well for Billy until
he had a setback which landed him in the Veteran’s Hospital for an extended period. The time in
hospital combined with the days he’d had to take off on other occasions meant that no matter
what Billy’s passing grade was, he would fail due to lack of attendance. Veterans Affairs
disapproving of the failure, stepped in and took back the computer they had given him for his
courses, and demanded immediate repayment of several thousand dollars in school fees, which
they took in monthly instalments from his already meagre Military (part) Pension. And to top it
off, he was fired from his job with the college – only to be replaced by two Mormons – and all
tutoring stopped. Knowing that he was unable to survive without some help, Billy reached out
and we his brothers responded, sending him several thousand over a twelve month period. Billy
was both astounded and touched by the compassion of his fellow Creators. He had never seen
such a selfless act in all his years with Founder Klassen and Reverend Hale, of brothers helping
brothers in need. In that moment he knew that the Creativity Alliance had matured in every sense
into the true Church of Creativity.

In the meantime, Billy applied for and over a year later received a civilian pension. The
thousands in backpay along with the new income meant that he was once again self sufficient,
able to pay off his debts, make plans for a holiday to Florida to see his father and to Australia to
visit yours truly. Unfortunately for Billy, while visiting his father, he had a turn for the worse and
was rushed to the nearest Veteran’s Hospital, where he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain
tumour reaching down into his neck and given three months to live. Suffering from intense pain
and unable to keep any food down, the doctors asked if they could place Billy in an induced
coma for the next two months. Billy refused. For the next week at his father’s home, Billy
accepted twice daily doses of morphine, but soon even that was of little help, and the Veterans
Hospital refused to increase his dosage in case he became addicted to the morphine. Returning
home to Utah, Billy contacted the Salt Lake City Veteran’s Hospital and was told that they
would have to review his case before they prescribed any morphine. In constant pain, physically
sick and knowing his end was coming fast and it would be anything but peaceful, Billy’s last act
was to remind me to watch a particular mortuary site in case he died while he was asleep. Then
he paid an extra three years for our domain name before taking up his pistol and shooting himself
through the heart. He was a soldier right to the end.

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With Billy’s death I lost a friend, and we all lost a Brother and a comrade in arms.
Reverend Doctor Thomas William Jackley Jr., we will remember you.

Your friend and brother, Cailen.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul

South Australian Church of Creativity

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
(Extract from "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon.)

POW Voices

Speak Up – One Voice Can Make a Difference

By Reverend George Loeb, Jr.

There was a Food Lion grocery store across from where I lived, back when I used to live in
Jacksonville. I went into the store with my wife. There were three cashiers, all black. I went to
find the manager and told him straight up that I am White and like doing business only with
Whites. It is not a racist thing, but it is racial.

Most Whites have a common social and cultural background. We relate well to one another,
understand a certain shared mode of expression, a way of life. It is nothing to be ashamed of.

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Call it what you want, I communicate better with fellow Whites than I do with blacks. This is
not to say I can’t communicate with blacks, but truth be told, I prefer dealing with my own kind
and do not like feeling as though I am being forced to do otherwise. I think that as a citizen, and
especially as a customer at any business, I should be given a choice.

So at the Food Lion, I spoke to the manager. I told him that I feel a little ill at ease dealing with
non-Whites. Told him that all of his cashiers that day were black, he said that he hasn’t noticed,
hasn’t really thought of it.

I pointed out that here in the South a lot of White people feel the same way I do, but many would
not come to him with their concerns. They would just take their business to a competitor where
they always have at least one White cashier on duty. (A Publix or Winn Dixie perhaps?).

Well my little talk with the manager worked. Everyday that we went to that store afterwards we
noted that there was at least one White cashier.

That’s RaHoWa at work, one small victory at a time. One manager educated, one more White
person getting a paycheck. And the results were striking.

We would often note White customers standing in line 5 carts deep waiting at the White
cashier’s line. The black cashiers would repeatedly sing out, “no waiting on line 3”, but nobody
would move. It was a wonderful thing to see.

I guess the point is that every one of us can have a positive effect and influence outcomes toward
survival, expansion and advancement of our race. Stating the facts, exercising common sense or
admitting to prefer the company of fellow Whites may be racial, but it is not racist. And yet it is
a subtle form of activism. In just a few words, you influence people to think in a pro-White way.
In turn, in time, those that you influence will influence others. It’s like a snow-ball rolling down
hill, getting bigger, getting stronger, and reinvigorating our White racial instincts.

It starts with one voice – yours. Thus we encourage everyone to speak up, speak the truth – and
have strength to know – you can make a difference!


No mercy for the Jews.

Reverend George Loeb, COTC since 1989.


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The Creator Calendar Explained
By Reverend Scott Harrison

Creativity is a unique racial philosophy in that it is a racial religion, complete with creed and
program that covers all aspects of the individual, the family, society and the environment.
Creators view life and base our worldview on the entire White race, not from the perspective of a
single ethnic group or nation-state. Creativity has been developed through a learning and
understanding of history and science, allowing us to take the best of all ideologies and create a
unique worldview better than anything the White race has had before.

One part of the Creator philosophy that is most unique is that we replace all the anti-White
influence in our lives with new concepts that represent our race exclusively. Creativity is an
alternative to the Jewish mind poison of Christianity, that has been a dagger in the spine of the
White race since its inception over two thousand years ago. We intend to replace every last
vestige of Christian influence in our lives, including the Gregorian calendar system, which
counts years from the believed “Incarnation of Jesus,” the central character in the Judeo-
Christian fairytale.

Never again should we place any worth in the Jesus character, one that cannot be substantiated
by evidence or offer anything positive or beneficial for the White race. Never again will we refer
to our calendar system in terms of “Before Christ” or “Anno Domini.” Creativity has a
replacement to this calendar system that is easily understood and put in to practice by Creators in
their daily lives.

The Creator calendar system is centred around the foundation of the first racial religion for the
White race, Creativity. Creativity was founded in 1973 of the old calendar system, when our
Founder - Ben Klassen PME – published Nature's Eternal Religion. This year was the Birth of
our racial religion and will represent the year “0,” or Incepto de Creativitat. Although it is
uncommon for a calendar to include a year “0,” we feel it important to acknowledge the year that
the White race created a racial religion for its own Survival, Expansion and Advancement.
The years previous to the Inception of Creativity are known as Prius Creativitat, or “Before
Creativity.” The year our Beloved Founder was born (1918CE) is known under the Creativity
calendar as 55PC. In historical and academic discussion of times before Creativity, Creators
should use “PC” to signify the years, rather than the Christian system that has been used in the

All the years leading up to the present and in to the future will be known as Anno de Creativitat,
or “Year of Creativity.” The year in which this article was written (2010CE) is known under the
Creativity calendar as 37AC. The publication of The White Man's Bible was in 8AC, or the 8th
Year of Creativity. These years can be simply converted from the Gregorian calendar to the

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 14

Creativity calendar, by subtracting the Gregorian year from 1973 [2010 – 1973 = 37AC], or for a
PC year we do the same in reverse [1973 – 1918 = 55PC].

The Creativity calendar system can be well illustrated by the Creator Holy Days. These days are
of significant importance to Creators and often commemorate an important event in the history
of Creativity and the White race. The Holy Days as of 37AC are listed below:

January 26 South Victory Day

Commemorates the White conquest of the Australian continent in 185PC.

February 20 Klassen Day

Birthday of our beloved Founder, Ben Klassen PME in 55PC.

February 21 Founding Day

Anniversary of the publication of Nature’s Eternal Religion in IC.

March 10 RaHoWa Day

Anniversary of the foundation of the old World Centre in 9AC.

September 15 Kozel Day (Martyrs Day)

Remembrance day for Reverend Brian Kozel, Creator martyr murdered in 17AC.

December 26 – January 1 Festum Album

A Festival of White Racial Pride.

December 29 West Victory Day

Commemorates the White victory over the last native American resistance in 83PC.

The Creator Holy Days are just another example of the replacement of anti-White influence with
a Racial Loyalist alternative for the White race. The days acknowledge and commemorate some
of the most important events in the history of the White race.

It should be noted by Creators that the new calendar system does not alter the positioning of leap
years, nor do the number of days in a month or year change. The Creativity calendar was
designed with simplicity and practicality in mind, we intend for it to be put in to practice by all
Creators, with the hope that it replaces the anti-White references that have been used until now.

So, my White Racial Comrades, this new system has been established for you. Make it a part of
your daily life and share it with your Brothers and Sisters, inspire them to adopt the racial creed
of Creativity, the only religion that represents the White race exclusively without the inclusion of
Jewish or anti-White influences.

Reverend Scott Harrison

Victorian Church of Creativity, Australia

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 15

Port Arthur Massacre – Another Jewish Lie

Martin Bryant

Another vulnerable White patsy of Jewish conspiracy

By Reverend Scott Harrison

It has been more than fourteen years since the event that this article will discuss. The event is of
primary importance to Australian Creators and White Racial Loyalists but lessons can be taken
by all Creators around the world; about the willingness of Governments to murder its own
citizens for political gain. The event itself, having occurred on the 28th April, 23AC (1996) is
now known as the Port Arthur Massacre. It occurred in the small Tasmanian town famous for its
convict past and was the direct catalyst for the disarmament of the White Australian public.

Unlike the United States, Australia does not have an entrenched Bill of Rights, let alone the
protection of a 2nd Amendment, the “right to bear arms.” Even before the events that took place
in Port Arthur, an Australian citizens ability to own a firearm was strictly regulated by State
Governments. Although firearms violence was minimal in Australia and firearms themselves

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 16

were required to be registered and (in some states) shooters required to be licensed. Firearm
violence itself had began a steady decline since the early 1980's, long before gun control
legislation was being considered. What can and will be shown in this article, is that the gun
control that resulted from the Port Arthur massacre was not an urgent action to stop frequent
firearms offences but rather a sinister plan by the Australian JOG to disarm and pacify the White
Australian public.

The Port Arthur massacre is ingrained in the memories of many Australians that saw the events
and aftermath unfold on the kosher media after the event. Many Australians find it difficult to
listen to an alternative to the official story because of the thorough work of the media to make a
strong emotional appeal to the stories of the victims being gunned down by the heartless and
maniacal gunman, who was quickly named as being Martin Bryant. The Tasmanian media knew
their role in the ploy was to demonise the character of Martin Bryant, to dehumanise him in the
eyes of the public and portray him as evil incarnate – as a sadistic monster that hunted down and
murdered thirty-five people and wounded another twenty-one solely for his own pleasure. We
often see the media do the same with any character the powers that be (Jews) want us to turn
against; August Smith and Robert J. Mathews being perfect examples we Creators can recognise.

The official story of the Port Arthur massacre is that around noon, on the 28th April, Martin
Bryant walked in to the Broad Arrow Café at Port Arthur in Tasmania. It's alleged that he was
armed with an AR-15 and an L1A1 SLR, which he used to kill thirty-five people, wound another
twenty-one and destroy two cars in less than twenty minutes and having fired only sixty-four
shots. It's claimed that the rifles were fired from the right hip and that the first nineteen of twenty
that were shot in the café died as a result of perfect headshots. The official story reads as if the
shooter was a proficient marksman, perhaps even a special forces soldier with years of military
training and shooting experience. I am sure many of our White Racial Comrades wished they had
such a high level of skill with their rifles.

With the official story understood, it is surprising to note that the man the courts found
responsible was left-handed, intellectually disabled and whose previous firearms experience
consisted of shooting cans in the bush. It has been revealed that Martin Bryant has an IQ of 66
and is possibly autistic. Not only was his severe lack of experience with firearms an indicator
that he could not have performed the shooting performed at Port Arthur but is not right-handed
as the gunman was and his intellectual capacity was not much higher than the average sub-
Saharan nigger. The authorities have never been able to answer the assertions that Bryant was
physically and mentally incapable of doing the deed at Port Arthur that day but continue to
reinforce that Bryant was severely troubled as a result of being bullied as a child. Those that
would have us believe the official story are much quicker to give an excuse, rather than an

Once arrested for the shooting and charged, Bryant was locked in solitary confinement and
deprived of all liberties and senses for days leading up to his interrogation and subsequent

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 17

sentencing. The interviews of his interrogations show a man without legal counsel and limited
conversational ability, being confused and manipulated by highly trained police officers in to
confessing to the murders. He was tired, confused, mentally and spiritually drained and
tormented by police until he finally broke down and pleaded guilty to being the gunman.
Listening to the tape recordings or reading the transcripts of Martin Bryant's interrogation is
highly disturbing and one cannot help but feel sorry for a man so obviously confused about what
he is being accused of and why he is the only suspect. It resonates with those that are familiar
with the forced confessions of tortured Nazi officials in the lead up to the Nuremberg trials.

Since Martin Bryant confessed to the murders, a trial was not necessary and therefore the
prosecution was not required to prove beyond reasonable doubt to the jury that Martin Bryant
was responsible. Similarly, there was no defence scrutiny of the evidence or cross-examination
of key witnesses and investigators. The case was closed and Bryant was sentenced to thirty-five
life sentences and a thousand plus years without parole – a ridiculous and obviously theatrical
response by the judge that not even Charles Manson was subjected to; despite being the most
infamous celebrity mass murderer in the world.

Further evidence normally required in proving guilt is the testimony of an eye witness, to
identify the shooter as being Martin Bryant. The only individual present at the Broad Arrow café
that day that knew Bryant prior to the shootings was the owner, Jim Laycock, who not only knew
Bryant as a customer but on a fairly personal level; Bryant having been an acquaintance of his
daughter. Laycock himself has said in relation to the shooter, that he “did not recognise the male
(shooter) as Martin Bryant.” Unfortunately, Jim Laycock has since died and will never be able to
present his evidence in a court of law.

Another worthwhile titbit of information regarding this case is that the firearm allegedly used in
the massacre has been alleged by a Victorian gun collector to be one he formerly owned and
relinquished at a police gun amnesty only a couple of years prior. A Mr. Drysdale told senior
investigators that markings on the rifle used in the massacre fitted the description of his own
weapon and that his old rifle “also had a collapsible stock and a Colt sight, just as the massacre
weapon has.” If the rifle described by Mr. Drysdale was indeed the same rifle used in the Port
Arthur massacre, how did it come to have been in the possession of Martin Bryant, when it was
supposed to have been destroyed by police? Unless, police had equipped the real shooter, a
Government hired agent, with these acquired high powered rifles for use in their premeditated
conspiracy to force gun control upon an Australian public.

It is here that the plot thickens. The evidence shows that Bryant was incapable of performing
such accurate and efficient killings, that his guilty plea was coerced by police and that at least
one of the rifles in the massacre had previously been handed in to police custody for destruction.
Bryant did not have the means, the opportunity, nor the motive to perform these murders. On the
other hand, police and the Government not only had the means and opportunity to perform the
killings but also had the motive. It has always been the agenda of the Jewish Occupational

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 18

Government in this country and abroad to pacify and cripple the ability of the White population
to defend itself from the constant influx of mud races. American patriot, statesman and Founding
Father, George Mason said in 1788: "To disarm the people... was the best and most effectual way
to enslave them." The Jews know very well that an armed White population equipped with the
values of Racial Loyalty is very dangerous and it is much safer to disarm such a population,
before attempting to exploit and enslave them.

In 1996, the Australian Federal Government, currently headed by Prime Minister John Howard,
urged the States to adopt a National Firearms Agreement. The States adopted the
recommendations made and high powered rifles were subsequently banned, rifles, shotguns and
handguns were “bought back” under Government initiatives and more strictly regulated. The
average gun owner was vilified by the media as being “white trash,” rednecks or worse – mass
murderers in the making.

Despite the promises of Government to reduce firearms crime by taking away the guns of
civilians, firearms are still plentiful in the criminal elements of society. In 1997-1999, more than
80% of handguns confiscated in Australia were never legally registered or bought in Australia.
Over 2002/2003, 85% of firearms used to commit murders were unregistered. The statistics show
that when a civilian population is unarmed, only the criminals have guns and are willing to use
them against innocent people. The only benefits we can see from the Port Arthur massacre and
the subsequent confiscation of firearms is a benefit to the JOG, which is a major loss to White

It should be a key objective of Creators to awaken the White race to the realities of the Port
Arthur massacre and the need for White people to remain armed and dangerous in the eyes of our
racial enemies. An armed White race, awakened with the creed and program of Creativity is the
worst nightmare of the global Jewish conspiracy.

What we can learn from the Port Arthur massacre is as follows:

1. JOG is willing to murder its own citizens in order to increase its powers.

2. JOG will make a patsy of innocent citizens to cover up its crimes.

3. The media is employed by the Jews to lead public opinion towards its own agenda.

4. Disarming the civilian population is one step closer to total enslavement.

5. Creators must support and encourage the acquirement of firearms by White people and
demand the reversal of firearms regulations.

Delenda est Judaica!

Much more evidence and facts surrounding the Port Arthur massacre can be found at the
following websites:
Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 19



Reverend Scott Harrison

Victorian Church of Creativity, Australia

What is RaHoWa?
By Reverend Scott Harrison

The term “RaHoWa” is one that has captured the attention of the White racial movement since it
was conceived by Ben Klassen in 13AC. However, in the decades since RaHoWa became a
commonly used word in the White struggle, it has steadily lost the emphasis and importance that
it once held. It is now steeped with confusion and misunderstanding of its true meaning, the
meaning and purpose intended for it by our founder, Ben Klassen.

Far too often we see White Racial Loyalists ignorantly and fallaciously using RaHoWa as if it is
some form of benign greeting, a “Sieg Heil” of sorts proclaimed when meeting and greeting
another White comrade. Although we do use RaHoWa as a greeting, it means much more in the
greeting than any other “hello” or “goodbye.” RaHoWa when said between Racial Loyalists is a
unifier that not only shows comradeship but reminds both parties that they are soldiers immersed
in warfare with no rest or end until victory. RaHoWa should be said with militant zeal worthy of
its meaning of racial struggle.

Another and possibly more damaging misconception of RaHoWa is that it only refers to “hot”
warfare, or the armed conflict of the White race against our racial enemies. Even worse is the
belief that RaHoWa refers only to a “future” race war, when “the shit hits the fan” and civil war
breaks out across the world. These two misconceptions go hand in hand and leave many,
especially the young, confused as to the true meaning and power that RaHoWa holds.

RaHoWa, as we know means RAcial HOly WAr and refers to the relentless fight for survival
that the White race will either emerge from victorious, or will lose and become another extinct
species in the rubbish bin of history. The term was first used in Racial Loyalty Issue 32, in this
brief article, the purpose of RaHoWa is explained:

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 20

The White Race is enmeshed in a race war that will not end until it, the White Race, is
either exterminated or it inhabits the Planet Earth supreme. Although most members of
Nature's Finest either don't realize it, or whether it is stupidly trying to ignore it, is beside
the point. The Jews, the niggers and mud races are keenly aware of it and will wage it
unto death, whether we want it or not.

When a people stoop so low as to abjectly bow to the traitorous power structure to
“honor” Martin Lucifer Coon as a hero above their own traditional White heroes,
(Washington, Jefferson, etc.) then it is time to declare open war. I cannot think of
anything more humiliating than for Nature's Finest to surrender their own honor and
abjectly kow-tow to a nigger reprobate whose FBI record was so odious it has to be
locked up from public scrutiny until the year 2027. How low can you stoop?

The mud races have foisted war on us. There is no escaping it. We therefore are
forced to pick up the challenge, wage it fiercely, no quarter given, until victory is ours.
We must also give it identity, give it a name. The Moslems have their name for theirs. It
is Jihad. W e need to have our own and the Church of the Creator has coined a word for
it. The word Rahowa! It means White RAcial HOly WAr. (Pronounced rah-hoh-ah.)
Let us wage it fiercely, fearlessly and tenaciously until victory is ours.

(Pg5, Racial Loyalty #32, February 1986).

What we can gather from this early explanation of RaHoWa is that Klassen modelled it closely
to the Islamic concept of Jihad. Jihad itself is most commonly translated as “holy war” and is
generally accepted to have two forms - “greater” and “lesser” jihad. Lesser jihad refers to the
physical jihad, including reforming society, expanding the Islamic caliphate (through converts or
imperialism), as well as armed conflict against non-believers (infidels) and those who persecute
Muslims. The greater jihad is the spiritual war within the individual, in the Muslim context, it is
the practice of Islamic beliefs and worshipping their spook, Allah. The greater jihad also strongly
involves sacrifice.

Fettulah Gülen defines jihad as, “jihad means using all one's strength, as well as moving toward
an objective with all one's power and strength and resisting every difficulty.”[1] As we can see,
this is very close to the Creator concept of RaHoWa, simply the White race using all it's
combined strength, to move toward our goal of Survival, Expansion and Advancement, by any
means necessary and at all costs.

Gülen goes on to explain the two types of Jihad:

The lesser jihad is not restricted to battlefronts, for this would narrow its horizon
considerably. In fact, the lesser jihad has such a broad meaning and application that
sometimes a word or silence, a frown or a smile, leaving or entering an assembly—in
short, everything done for God's sake—and regulating love and anger according to His

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 21

approval is included. In this way, all efforts made to reform society and people are part of
jihad, as is every effort made for your family, relatives, neighbors, and region.

In a sense, the lesser jihad is material. The greater jihad, however, is conducted on the
spiritual front, for it is our struggle with our inner world and carnal soul (nafs). When
both of these jihads have been carried out successfully, the desired balance is established.
If one is missing, the balance is destroyed.
(Lesser and Greater Jihad, Fethullah Gülen, 5th October 2004)[2]

Similarly, RaHoWa is not simply the armed conflict between the White race and its racial
enemies. Nor is it only the propaganda war, the ongoing pursuit to unite the White race under
Creativity. Although we will not divide RaHoWa in to “lesser” and “greater” as the Muslim
muds do, the concept of RaHoWa is complex and multifaceted and deserves to be understood as
a broad notion which I attempt to explain below.

RaHoWa is overall, the pursuit of a Whiter and Brighter World. We aim to achieve this in
multiple ways, using multiple weapons and tactics at our disposal. Primarily, at this point in time
it is the propaganda war between Creators and the confused and befuddled White masses that are
yet to awaken from their slumber of Jewish mind pollution. Whenever a Creator speaks to a non-
Creator about the creed and program, he is engaged in RaHoWa. Every time we speak about
Creativity, we are fighting a skirmish that ideally, we should succeed in. If we bring a new White
person to Creativity, we have won another battle in the RaHoWa. If we reach thousands of White
people in the news media, the Jews have failed and we have progressed.

The secondary aspect of RaHoWa is the personal struggle for self-advancement. This comes in
multiple forms as well but essentially, it is the attaining of higher physical fitness and mental
ability. Following the principles of Salubrious Living, working out to become as healthy as
possible, learning a martial art and becoming proficient in other martial skills (especially
firearms) are the physical aspects of the personal RaHoWa. The mental side of this includes the
furthering our understanding of Creativity, reading the Holy Books and putting them in context
for our modern times and local geographic area. It also includes the learning of other skills,
whether they be in history, science, IT, carpentry or any other skills or knowledge that may be
useful in advancing Creativity. When put together, this aspect of RaHoWa should be an every
day part of a Creators life, trying to improve oneself as much as possible throughout ones life.

The tertiary aspect of RaHoWa is the physical battle, one which Creators have dealt with in the
past but will likely come to a head in the future. Obviously, this is the armed conflict against the
JOG and mud races that most White Racial Loyalists associate RaHoWa with. Examples of this
occurring in the past are the gun fight against JOG in South Africa that cost the lives of Brothers
Grobbelaar and White, as well as the self-defence killing of a nigger by Reverend Loeb in USA,
both of these events occured in 18AC. Another example is the killing of two muds and the
wounding of another nine by Brother Smith in 26AC. As we know, with this aspect of RaHoWa,
Ben Klassen issued guidelines that Creators are expected to follow. The violent aspect of
RaHoWa should only occur when the propaganda war becomes impossible due to JOG
persecution of Creators - when peaceful revolution becomes impossible, violent revolution is
inevitable. What we know about this aspect of RaHoWa, is that it shouldn't be our primary aim

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 22

but if it does become a reality, it will surely be a fight to the death and the White race will either
wipe out its enemies entirely or cease to exist.

All of these aspects of RaHoWa are essential ingredients in the present and future of our racial
struggle. The first two should be practised on a daily basis by Creators and we should all be
prepared and willing for the third. Overall, RaHoWa is the pursuit of our aims, it is the attempt to
attain White Power in this world once again and to win the struggle against the JOG. At the
foundation of RaHoWa, is war, it is the militancy that is central to the Creativity religion. After
all, Ben Klassen didn't benignly hint at the militancy of Creativity, he reinforced it throughout
his books, he said plainly “we want to inspire you to become a militant activist.” He wanted
Creators to be fanatics of our religious creed and pursue our goals relentlessly, we must never
forget this.

RaHoWa must be understood by Creators. When you say “RAHOWA” in greeting a comrade,
you are reinforcing with each other that you are engaged in our common battle and that you will
fight alongside your Brother or Sister in this battle. When you shout “RAHOWA!” at a
demonstration or meeting, it is your battle cry, you are declaring war against our enemies and
telling the world that you will not end until we achieve total White victory!

I hope that this article helps Creators and other White Racial Loyalists understand RaHoWa and
what it means in practise. I also hope that Creators are proud of this militant expression of our
racial religion. Be inspired and encouraged by RAHOWA, shout it loud, let the whole world
know that you are a militant activist for your White race.


Reverend Scott Harrison

Victorian Church of Creativity, Australia

[1] http://en.fgulen.com/love-and-tolerance/272-jihadterrorismhuman-rights/1841-lesser-
[2] http://en.fgulen.com/love-and-tolerance/272-jihadterrorismhuman-rights/1841-lesser-

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 23

Ministerial Essays
As part of the ministerial application process, potential ministers are required to sit an exam and
write an essay detailing why they wish to become a Minister of Creativity. We are pleased to
present for you two Ministerial essays from earlier this year. We hope after reading them, that
you will be inspired to take the next step and become a Minister of Creativity in your own right.

“Every Creator a Reverend.” Ben Klassen.

Reverend Mark A. Cook

There are many reasons why I would like to become an Ordained Minister of the Creativity
Religion. First and foremost for me is my concern for the future of the great White Race,
Nature’s Elite. Recent statistics show that the White Race is already a minority racial group in
the world and if the present trend continues, extinction is a very great possibility. I for one
hope to do my small part in preventing this by becoming a member of the Creativity Ministry.
On a smaller scale, I am deeply concerned about my family unit. I hope to set an example of
Racial Loyalty and Awareness to my children and grandchildren. They are constantly being
bombarded with a flood of anti-White propaganda through various media outlets such as
television and radio, etc. I hope to instill in them a pride in their heritage and race by standing
up for the Creativity Religion and educating them about the Holy Books of Creativity.

In addition to my family unit and White Race as a whole, I would also like to set some small
example to my fellow Creators and those who may be interested in our dynamic Religion. I
know from experience that many Whites feel the way Creators do, but they are afraid of the flak
they may catch if they stand up and express how they really feel. They don’t realize that in
Creativity we have a legitimate religion with Ordained Ministers. In fact, most of the people I
know have never even heard of the Creativity Religion. Through the use of propaganda, I intend
to reverse this issue. As our Founder has said, there is a certain prestige that is connected with
being a Reverend and we as Creators can capitalize on it. This can help give us legitimacy
when spreading the message to both our brothers and sisters in Creativity and those in our
immediate community. As a Minister, this will help to give me the credentials I need to set up
a Church group in my area and take advantage of the legal and financial benefits afforded by
the Constitution to religious groups .

On an ideological scale, I would like to become part of the elite of Creativity because I truly
believe in the Creativity Religion. I have read “Nature’s Eternal Religion” and “The White
Man’s Bible” and they have impacted me enough that I have given up all my former
“religious” convictions that I had been fed for over forty years. For me, there is no philosophy
Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 24
that I have come across that covers the reality of Race, Religion and Politics as thoroughly and
precisely as the creed of Creativity. It contains what I have always believed in and has opened
my eyes to many other subjects that I was unaware of. As Ben Klassen says, “It’s the whole ball
of wax.”

In summation, I believe in my Race and Family and pledge to be a loyal member of the great
White Racial Religion of Creativity. I would like to fulfill our Founder’s wish that ALL
members of Creativity become Ordained Ministers of the world’s first White Racial Religion. I
intend by becoming a Reverend to fulfill Creativity’s program for the Survival, Expansion, and
Advancement of Nature’s Finest. RaHoWa !

Mark A. Cook
Georgia Church of Creativity, U.S.A.

Reverend Scott Harrison

I, Scott Thomas Harrison on this day XI Maius, XXXVII Anno Creativitis (11/5/2010) do apply
to be accepted as a Reverend in the White racial religion of Creativity.

I accept and understand the responsibility and duty that comes with this honour, I have thought
extensively on the issue and state below my reasons for wishing to be accepted as a Minister of

I was first introduced to the religion of Creativity in 32AC and read the Holy Books of Nature’s
Eternal Religion and the White Man’s Bible. These books expanded and deepened my
understanding of our position as Nature’s Finest creation and ignited a fire in my soul,
compelling me to direct the future of my life towards White Racial Loyalty. I see no greater
calling in life than to join in the fight, the Racial Holy War for our survival on this planet and our
continuing expansion and advancement for millennia to come.

In my personal life, I am currently a student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Management. I

intend to use this education to build a career and eventually have the funds to invest in real
estate, as our Founder suggested as a worthwhile pursuit. It is also my goal to eventually have
the funds and ability to once again print out Holy Books so that they may be distributed widely
to the millions and millions of White people that have not yet found our complete creed and

I live in the city of Geelong, in the state of Victoria, Australia. I am currently the Liaison for
Victoria in the Creativity Alliance. I have been working to create and build a Primary Group
within Geelong and expand our followers in this region. I have the support of other racialists in

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 25

this area and I expect to have a thriving and active Church of Creativity in this area in a short
time. It will be our aim to not only expand Creativity in this area but once again bring Creativity
to the forefront of the White racial struggle in Australia and the world.
I am well informed about the workings and policies of the Creativity Alliance and have long
been a comrade of our current Pontifex Maximus, Reverend Cailen Cambeul. It is due to his
commitment and dedication to Creativity that our religion has not fallen victim to the scum
elements of society and been able to once again grow and further our cause. I gladly pledge my
loyalty to the Creativity Alliance, whose goals and ideals I share. It is the Creativity Alliance that
has managed to unify the bickering factions that our Creative brethren had become after the
illegal and unjust incarceration of Reverend Hale.

I am and always will be a Creator that believes in the Five Fundamental Beliefs and lives
according to the Sixteen Commandments of our beloved racial religion, Creativity. If I were to
be bestowed with the greatest honour of Reverend, I know that my ability to promote and
advance our creed could improve dramatically. I will use the legal rights afforded to me as a
Minister of religion to the best interests of the White race, including striving to have my Church
of Creativity granted tax exemption as a religion. I will take my position of Reverend for what
it is; a Comrade, a Counsellor and a Warrior Priest dedicated to guiding and inspiring the White
Racial Loyalists both in my Ministry and abroad. It is my belief that my acceptance as a
Reverend of Creativity will be a never ending thorn in the side of our enemies and a glorious
advantage for the White racial struggle!


Scott Harrison
Victorian Church of Creativity, Australia

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 26

Sales, Merchandise & Give Aways

Pins, flags, patches, books! You name it, a Creator somewhere is offering it. Here is some
of the merchandise on sale from our brothers and sisters.

NEW! Creativity Storefront NEW! Be sure to check out the "Sales and Wanted" section
For Pins, Shirts, Hats & More … of the Creativity Alliance forum to find merchandise
or advertise your own merchandise.
Church Member Supplies
Cloth Logo Patches, Pins, Flags, Shirts & More … If you do have merchandise that you would like to
see advertised in the next issue of Racial Loyalty,
Contact: Reverend Cailen Cambeul, PM
P.O. Box 420, Oaklands Park, SA, Australia 5046 contact us at RacialLoyalty@creativityalliance.com.
Website: http://www.SACreator.com
Email: PM@creativityalliance.com
(Rev.Cambeul.PM on Creator Forum)

38 AC
Creativity Calendar Bookmarks
Contact Reverend M. A. Cook
US$13.99 (0% Markup) on Creator Forum

Available from

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 27

Keep it White with This Dark Red Fruit

Sun spots are right up there with wrinkles when it

comes to the list of skin defects we'd all rather avoid.
But keeping sun spots at bay may be as easy as
munching on sweet, tangy pomegranate seeds.

Sunscreen is step one in avoiding sun spots. But

according to Allison Tannis, author of Feed Your Skin,
Starve Your Wrinkles, nutrients found in deep ruby-red
pomegranate seeds may hinder abnormal changes in
skin color brought on by long-term sun exposure.

Pomegranate Protection
The main nutrient in question? Ellagic acid. But that's
not all. The age-fighting antioxidants in pomegranates may be particularly skin-friendly as well.
In fact, Tannis claims that the antioxidant capacity of pomegranates is so powerful that they're
able to neutralize twice as many skin-damaging free radicals as red wine, and seven times as
many free radicals as green tea.

Sunburn? Cool the Flames

Pomegranates are also loaded with anthocyanins -- powerful inflammation-fighting antioxidants
that give the pomegranate even more super-for-your-skin status. So pick up a pom, and pop out
those seeds.

Boost Your Junk-Food Resistance with This Simple Plan

You'll be fitting into those skinny jeans in no time if you adopt this simple habit: pay with cash.

Yep, when you hit the grocery store, just leave your credit card -- and debit card -- at home. A
recent study revealed that paying with cash instead of plastic seriously quells the temptation to
load up the shopping cart with belly-padding junk food.

Pain Points
The reason people buy less junk food with cash? More pain. Seems they feel it in their wallets a
little more sharply when handing over Benjamins versus bank cards. In fact, shoppers who used
cash to fill their grocery carts in a recent study purchased far less unhealthful, fattening foods
than the credit- and debit-card users did. (Here's the secret on how to snack without getting

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 28

Are You a 14%er?
Now, check out this surprising figure: Only 14 percent of people use cash to grocery shop. And
researchers suspect this could be one of the many factors behind the current obesity epidemic.
Somehow, paying with plastic is less emotionally charged than the more immediate and
uncomfortable act of parting with hard-earned greenbacks. So whether you're trying to lose a few
pounds -- or a lot -- leave for the store with your entire food budget in hand.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We urge every White person to read our books, join our religion and take
the first steps in the long and glorious journey towards a New White Renaissance, a Whiter and
Brighter World, and a Magnificent Era of the White Superman.

Photocarcinogen - Think before you X-ray

From Brother Jeremy

I found, by accident, something called a "Photocarcinogen" when looking at some research

reguarding sunblock.

It seems these chemicals are harmless until they are activated by energy... light, x-ray, etc.

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocarcinogen

"A photocarcinogen is a substance which causes cancer following illumination. This destructive
effect often results from free radicals generated by the photocarcinogen. Many chemicals that are
not carcinogenic can be photocarcinogenic. This can easily be understood from a photochemical
perspective: The reactivity of a chemical substance itself might be low, but after illumination it
transfers to the excited state. This excited state is chemically much more reactive and therefore
potentially harmful to biological tissue.

Melanin is not a photocarcinogen, because it dissipates the excitation energy into small amounts
of heat (see photoprotection). Oxybenzone (a component of some sunscreens) is suspected owing
to its skin penetrating qualities and its production of free radicals."

The Essence of a Creator VIII:

"A Creator strives to keep physically fit and keep his body in the best of health at all times."

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 29

Creativity in the Media

Although the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the like are not News Media, they are
the source of most so-called news reports. What the SPLC make up, the News Media regurgitate.

SPLC Attempt and Fail to Define the Creativity Alliance


The final two paragraphs:

Quote-In January 2007, a spin-off calling itself the Creativity Alliance was formed. It’s
composed of individuals from Klassen and Hale’s former groups as well as new
members, but has no affiliation with the Creativity Movement (TCM). Like the Creativity
Movement, the Creativity Alliance views Klassen as its founder. In many other ways,
however, it differs from the Creativity Movement. It has a more informal organizational

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 30

structure than the older organization, with individual members expected to find at least
one receptive white person to join them in the formation of a local chapter.

The Creativity Alliance claims to eschew a future racial holy war and it has a policy of
“non-participation in the ‘White Power’ social scene.” It is hardly a benign organization,
however. One of the articles featured on its website is a screed from 2008 by “Brother
A.V.W.” In it, the author repeatedly makes slurs against “niggers” and “the hideous
Jews.” He ends the piece, “White man fight! White man fight! White man fight!” –End

The initial statement in the first paragraph, is incorrect: the Creativity Alliance is NOT a "spin-
off" of TCM. And again in the initial statement in the second paragraph: the Creativity Alliance
does not eschew a future racial holy war. We in The Alliance believe we are currently living a
racial holy war. The RaHoWa means far more than just a possible war of violence tomorrow or
in the far flung future. It is everything from a daily struggle in one's own personal life, to a racial
"cold war," individual skirmishes on the streets, AND a possible bloody racial war. As such, the
Creativity Alliance does not and cannot eschew the Racial Holy War.

The rest is more or less true. However, we should thank the SPLC for reminding our Webmaster
to delete the referenced article from our website, as it was authored by a former brother who
chose to pursue a lifestyle for which we Creators can only disapprove.

Here is a rehash of the above in another SPLC article dedicated to TCM:


Quote-Eventually, in 2007, one group of former WCOTC members formed an alternative

organization called the Creativity Alliance. The Creativity Alliance viewed Klassen as its
founder, to be sure, but eschewed the goal of a future race war and also decided that “it is
in the best interests of Creativity for us to adopt a policy of non-participation in the
‘White Power’ social scene.” Still, the Creativity Alliance, which remains active today
with eight chapters in seven states, does not seem far removed from its origins. One
article on its website rants about “niggers” and “the hideous Jews” and ends with “White
man fight!”

The Creativity Alliance’s declaration of non-participation in the movement — whatever

that may really suggest — does not mean that more active Creators have gone away. On
the contrary, they are showing definite signs of life.-End Quote

Seen something about Creativity in your local paper?

Send it to RacialLoyalty@creativityalliance.com

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 31

Brickbats and Bouquets
Correspondence from the World at Large

To Reverend Cambeul,

I got my membership package on Thursday and I really like it. Everything was great, handbook,
pins and all the other things. Great job on it.

Thanks a lot.

Brother Jim.
South Carolina Church of Creativity, U.S.A.

Racial Greetings Reverend Cambeul,

I received my package today, It is great! Thank you for the music, I am listening to the mixed cd
you made right now.Love the pin and patch and will start to read the handbook tonight. Thank
you for the DVD’s also, I have so much to watch and listen to I can’t wait!


Brother Smith
Toronto Church of Creativity, Canada

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 32

R! Reverend Cambeul,

Thanks for the package, its great ... especially the badges. Watching the DVD I just realised how
the Jews destroyed Klassen financially and physically ... they really hated him, destroying
everything he built up from the ground

Reverend Maritz
South African Church of Creativity

My name is AusNat. I am from the Forum ANN (Australian New Nation) and thought I’d take a
look into the Creativity Movement. I hope to be made welcome.


Dear AusNat,

We are not the Creativity Movement. Creativity Movement is a name trademarked under
Australian Federal Government law by a fellow named Paddy O'Sullivan of Melbourne in
Australia. See http://creativityalliance.com/about.htm and http://rahowanow.com/trademark-
australia.htm Creativity movement is a generic term used by the Founder of Creativity, Ben
Klassen and had always been used as such by Creators, but has (since 2003 CE) been hijacked by
a few thugs and is now used by the media and the wider community as a way of tying all
Creators to the criminal acts of said thugs. As such, we reject the name and will continue to do so
until that gang is dead, buried and forgotten.

Reverend Cambeul

Hey there how are things going for you? How is the CA in the states going LMWAO!!!!
Maybe now you will see dishonesty and lies don't pay do they? Whoever you work for is
probably pissed off that you are alienating so many people. If you truly cared about creativity
you would just walk away. What now start a new group with a new name. Creator Coalition
and then change your name to cullun cambill. DOUCHE!

James Logsdon
The Creativity Movement
Illinois, U.S.A.

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 33

Dear Mr Logsdon,

Thank you for your correspondence. We in The Alliance have a saying, “Cull and cull hard!” As
you should understand by now, constant culling of potential members is required to ensure that
Creativity maintains the highest possible standards for membership in our Church. So I really
must thank you, because without you and your little group of social misfits, the hobbyists,
intellectually disabled, gun toting Mestizos, Lebanese, Jews and other refuse that you so
willingly accept into your group would be such a pestilence for The Alliance. I salute you in your
efforts to corral the refuse and keep The Alliance free from the blight of sub-humanity.

Reverend Cambeul

Dear Reverend Cambeul,

Thank you for your kind letter and your support.

I´m a 41 year old student of Creativity and I asked you for contacts in the US or Canada as I
have plans to move to North America in the near future. I would also like to know if it´s still
open the possibility to become an ordained minister of Creativity, as it would simplify very much
the procedures with ZOG´s I.N.S.

I am taking care now of an elderly mother who´s very ill, but it seems to me that her illness
won´t let her live for very long, and upon his passing I will inherit some property that would be
very helpful to the Creativity Cause, and the idea of America is because I can speak English
almost like a native American and also because of the big pockets of social unrest among young
and willing White People with a constitutional right to keep and bear arms (2nd amendment) in
America. In Europe, inertia and apathy joined with a disgusting hedonism seem to be the fashion
among the White youth, or what´s left of it.

I would appreciate your viewpoints on these ideas of mine.

Delenda Est Judaica!


Jose M. F. C.

Dear Brother Jose,

Yes, it is still possible to become ordained as a minister in Creativity. The process is not a
difficult one, but it is only available for those Church members in good standing with the
Creativity Alliance. However, I doubt very much whether the JOG will look very favorably on a
Creator Minister, as we are the self confessed enemy of the bureaucratic system that all
government employees toil for. I suggest that you begin by recruiting in your home region, and

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 34

then if you still wish to migrate to the United States, you will be able to leave behind a successful
and fully functioning Church of Creativity as your legacy to your homeland.

I wish you luck in your endeavors.

Reverend Cambeul


My name is Ryan, and I'm a senior at Northwestern University. I am working on a documentary

with two of my classmates on race relations in Chicago centered around the World Church of the
Creator and the 1999 murder of our former basketball coach, Ricky Byrdsong, who was killed in
a drive-by shooting by Benjamin Nathaniel Smith.

Our goal is to make this documentary as objective as possible, and we believe having the voice
of a member of the Creativity Alliance or the WCOTC is imperative. We would like to discuss
how these organizations are faring, how they have changed since Mr. Hale was convicted, and
where they are headed. Do you know of anyone in Illinois that we could contact and potentially
interview on camera?

We believe this interview is a crucial part of our project and we would greatly appreciate it if you
could take the time to help us find someone we could interview during the next two weeks.

Thank you,
Northwestern University
Illinois, U.S.A.

Dear Ryan,

If you were to tell the truth regarding Creativity, race relations and the state of affairs leading up
to the unfortunate events of July 1999 CE, you would undoubtedly be expelled from school and
miss out on what is considered by many to be a fine education. Your other option - and preferred
from a Northwestern University standpoint - would be to castigate Creativity through the use of
exaggeration of the facts and outright mendacity. As I approve of neither outcome, your request
for an interview is denied.

To answer your other questions, the World Church of the Creator ceased to exist shortly after
Matt Hale’s arrest in 2003 CE, the Creativity Alliance is fairing just fine, and I think we all
learned something from those unfortunate events.

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 35

Reverend Cambeul
To the Creativity Alliance,

Was it Joan Lefkow who presided over the case alleging that Matt Hale had conspired to murder
her, or was it another judge? I ask because I can find no mention of any other judge connected to
him, but it seems absurd that a judge would preside over a case in which she was the alleged


Dear Bill,

The judge that sentenced Matt Hale was Judge James T. Moody, normally of Florida.

Reverend Cambeul

Hello I would like to join the Creativity Alliance, how may I? If someone could kindly contact
me at this email or phone ***-***-***, it would be most appreciated!

Thank you sincerely,

Zachary C.
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Dear Zachary,

I’m glad you have taken the step to join our Church. The person to contact in Pennsylvania is
Reverend Stephen Masten. His email address is Pennsylvania@creativityalliance.com

Reverend Cambeul

It’s Alright to be White

I can see your point of view. Blacks are not bad people as a complete race,
however the majority of them are. LOL. I say breed ‘em out. Yea, your "Church"
holds similarities with the KKK, but I can clearly see the difference. I have no
problem with celebrating ones race ... without violence of course. However, the
only ones to blame for black mistakes are our white ancestors whom enslaved
them and brought them to this country in the first place! Think about it.
Now let’s bring up racism. Why is it that there’s a B.E.T. (black entertainment
television) and not a (white entertainment television) W.E.T.? Why are there all black colleges

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 36

and not all white colleges? Why is there a United Negro Fund and not a White Persons Fund?
Because if there was a person(s) that went ahead with that they would be racist!!!!!!!!!!! When in
reality it is the white people who think like me and probably your association who only want
equality. I think you should take your “Church" the extra mile and do that. I’m not racist by any
means, I just see the truth.

I would love to hear a response from your side please, and thank you.

Brian S.
Michigan, U.S.A.

Dear Brian,

I’m glad you were able to obtain one of our fliers.

You are absolutely correct Brian. White people have brought the problems of Black supremacy
upon themselves because first they imported Blacks to the Americas as slaves, and then rather
than repatriate them after slavery was abolished, Whites allowed Jewish Marxist propaganda to
flourish, turning White people into victims of their own conscience for all the wrong reasons,
thereby bringing about this topsy turvy world we now live in. If the future of our race is not to be
all doom and gloom as gleefully prophesied by the UN and the US Government, then White
people are just going to have to wake up and take responsibility for their past actions, and adopt
a realistic attitude towards race – which by the way, every other race on this planet has
maintained since time immemorial, while Whites have buried theirs beneath their social

Racial Loyalty is the only way forward.

Reverend Cambeul

RaHoWa Brethren,

I found the following while looking through a dictionary and thought everyone would like to
know of another word that the Heebs have jewed us out of:

Extract from the definition of Jew: "to cheat, to drive a hard bargain," 1824, from Jew (n.) (cf.
gyp, welsh, etc.). The campaign to eliminate it in the early 20th century was so successful that
people began to avoid the noun and adjective, too, and started using the word Hebrew instead.

Brother Barry T.
South Australia

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 37

South African Farmers Arrested For Defending Themselves

Koppies, Free State. Journalist Charles Smith of Volksblad newspaper reports that twenty-three
year old Afrikaner farmer Chris Grobler and his foreman Eugene Lloyd both were illegally
arrested and locked up for 48 hours in the Free State this past weekend without being booked in
at the official police registry -- for defending themselves against two men who had attacked them
with knives. The two Afrikaners had made citizen’s arrests [… the Whites in this country don’t
have a police force anymore - but they come quick if they can put Whites in prison ~ Rev.
Maritz] of the two attackers and the police were alerted – but only showed up a day later. And
instead of arresting the attackers, the two white men were arrested when they went to the police
station to make formal statements – and then their dockets were ‘lost’ for 48 hours while they
were locked up in a large holding pen with dozens of aggressive black detainees.

The two white men were threatened in the

overcrowded holding pens of the Koppies
police station by black inmates who started
singing and dancing very loudly, said his
father Christo. The two young white men were
held illegally: three attorneys hired by the
parents have established that the two
Afrikaners initially had been held without any
mention of their names being registered in the
police-registry at Koppies police station. “The
dossier was ‘missing ‘and there were no
entries in the incident book …’ said the father.
Moreover, the police officers even denied that
they had even been to the farm, where Mr
Grobler and the foreman had made citizen’s
arrests of two men who had assaulted the two
white men with knives on Sunday.

The two men were released only after two farm workers who had witnessed the assaults and the
arrival of the police that Monday, had submitted signed and sworn statements to the police, did
the cops even acknowledge the fact that the two white men were in a holding pen with scores of
black detainees. The police had been called twice over the weekend after a drunken ex-farm
worker had shown up there with a comrade and started attacking the residents with knives but
only showed up on Monday when two constables showed up. [ ... weird isn`t it ? ~ Rev. Maritz]

“My wife wanted to know why they didn’t show up on Sunday when the two men were making
all the trouble, and she was told ‘don’t behave like a white woman’ … said Grobler. The

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 38

commander of the Heuningspruit police station also told the father that his son ‘should have
stood still to be stabbed’ and then the attacker would have been in the cells instead of Chris…’
Allegedly the two arrested black knifemen had lodged charges of assaults against the farmer and
his foreman, said police captain Msisitheki Selima of the Kroonstad police; and Volksblad also
quoted a claim from another cop that the police ‘have a rule’ that “anyone accused of anything
should be locked up for 48 hours …. “

When the young farmer was asked to go to the police station on Monday with his foreman to
make a formal statement about the details surrounding the citizen’s arrest of the two armed men
which had been taken away by the two constables earlier that day, these crime-victims were
arrested instead and held illegally for 48 hours.
Source : http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com

Supplied by Reverend Maritz

South African Church of Creativity

******** ********

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 39

Contact Points

Global Offices

Pontifex Maximus
Email: PM@creativityalliance.com

North America
Email: America@creativityalliance.com

Email: Contact@creativityvic.com

Email: Italia@creativityalliance.com

Email: Deutschland@creativityalliance.com

Email: Ulster@creativityalliance.com

Email: Italia@creativityalliance.com

Email: Sydney@creativitynsw.com

South Africa

Email: Espana@creativityalliance.com

Youth Representative
Email: Youth@creativityalliance.com

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 40

Active Creators get in touch with Creative prisoners at the following addresses;
How about you?

Reverend Joseph Esposito

Joseph Esposito #894750
Century Correctional Institution
400 Tedder Road
Century, Florida
U.S.A. 32535
Website: http://www.RahowaDirectory.com/esposito

Support your fellow Creators as they suffer the horrors of a place that no decent White person
belongs in. Write to them, encourage them, and let them know that you stand ready to defend
your race and spread the light of Creativity throughout the world.

You can find the entire list of Contact Points, as well as numerous other resources at
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Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 41

Would you like to see more content in the next issue of
Racial Loyalty? Do you have something to contribute? We
need volunteers. Don't hesitate to contact us.
CA Forum Newsletter Boards:

Email: RacialLoyalty@creativityalliance.com

Racial Loyalty - Issue No. 104 Page 42

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