PTS-1028 Ra FC Operation Manual
PTS-1028 Ra FC Operation Manual
PTS-1028 Ra FC Operation Manual
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Any recommendation for use, oral or written, shall be considered
advisory in content and as such, Petrotrim Services, LLC. shall not be
held liable under any warranty, expressed or implied, should this
product not perform under conditions other than its intended use as
fluid gate valve device.
Petrotrim Services, LLC. Shall in no way be liable for damages incurred
while using this product.
File copies of this manual are maintained. Revisions and/or additions
will be made as deemed necessary. The drawings in this book are not
drawn to scale, but the dimensions are accurate.
This product is designed for use under high pressure conditions, and as
such, extreme caution should always be taken when servicing, operating,
or testing this equipment.
Never attempt to disassemble a gate valve assembly until all pressure has
been released from the body cavity.
Always be sure that when pressure testing any product that all air has
been purged from the system.
Do not approach any equipment for visual inspection until a suitable
pressure stabilization period has been allowed for.
Always use suitable protective equipment when performing any
maintenance or testing.
Always use caution when servicing this equipment as the retained fluids
may present a H2S gas hazard.
Every precaution has been taken to ensure the highest quality product
has been provided for use. Any question or correspondence should be
directed to:
Table of
I. Periodic Maintenance 5
Lubrication 5
Body Cavity Lubrication 6
Thrust Bearing Lubrication 7
VII. Troubleshooting 24
For continuous service below 0°F, use low temperature grease such as
“artic grease” LL1600A or equivalent, in the body cavity and stem
bearing cap.
Normal Operating Conditions
Petrotrim Services recommends lubricating gate valves during assembly.
When the valve has been in service for one month, ten (10) operating cycles
(One cycle equals opening and closing the valve one time) or if the valve is
removed from service, the body cavity should be lubricated as follows:
1. Remove the grease fitting cap located on the bonnet flange OD.
2, Using either a bucket‐type gun or hand‐held type gun, connect the grease gun
coupler to the grease fitting.
3. Pump the appropriate amount of lubricant into the valve body cavity.
Unusual Temporary Operating Conditions
If the valve has been subjected to cementing or acidizing through the
bore, the following operation should be performed:
1. Lubricate the valve body prior to placing into service.
2. Flush the valve with an appropriate neutralizing fluid after it is removed from
3. Operate the valve with fresh water or appropriate neutralizing fluid in the line.
4. Lubricate the valve body cavity.
Thrust Bearing Lubrication
Lubricate the thrust bearings once a month or as often as required to
ensure smooth operation.
1. Using a hand‐held grease gun connect the coupler to the grease fittings
on the bearing cap.
2. Pump lubricant into the fitting until grease runs out the bleed hole on
the opposite side of the bearing cap under the O‐ring trash seal.
Valves 5,000 psi WP and Below
Backseat the valve.
Petrotrim Pressure Relief Tool.
a) Close the valve fully.
b) Loosen the bearing cap four complete turns using a 24” pipe wrench.
c) Turn the handwheel clockwise (the closing direction) until the gate
firmly contacts the bottom of the cavity and the stem moves
outward contacting the internal backseat shoulder.
d) Bump the handwheel in the closing direction.
2. Test the effectiveness of the backseat.
1. Remove the cap on the grease fitting.
2. Trip the ball in the grease fitting check valve by inserting
Petrotrim Pressure release tool.
3. Slowly turn the release tool handle until the ball in the fitting is
unseated and the pressure trapped by the backseating process is
4. If pressure escapes quickly, then stops, the backseat is effective.
5. Proceed to step 7.
6. If pressure continues to escape, the backseat is ineffective. Backseat
the valve again. If the backseat still will not seal the grease fitting
cannot be changed without isolating and removing all pressure from
the valve.
7. Remove the grease fitting from the valve bonnet.
8. Install a new grease fitting.
B. Valves 10,000 psi WP
NOTE: These valves have a “buried” check valve beneath the bonnet grease
1. Remove the grease fitting cap.
2. Trip the ball in the grease fitting check valve by inserting
Petrotrim Pressure release tool.
3. If pressure escapes quickly, then stops, the “buried” check valve is
holding pressure. In this case, the grease fitting can then be removed
and a new grease fitting can be installed.
4. If pressure continues to escape, the “buried” check valve is leaking. In
this case, DO NOT remove the grease fitting. Backseat the valve. If the
backseat still will not seal the grease fitting cannot be changed without
isolating and removing all pressure from the valve.
Backseat the valve
1. Close the valve fully.
2. Loosen the bearing cap four complete turns.
3. Turn the handwheel clockwise (closing direction) until the gate firmly
contacts the bottom of the cavity and the stem moves outward,
contacting the internal backseat shoulder.
4. Bump the handwheel in the closing direction.
5. Tighten the grease fitting cap to unseat the ball in the grease fitting
check valve and release the trapped pressure.
6. Remove the grease fitting from the valve bonnet OD.
7. Replace the buried check valve using a ¼” Allen wrench.
8. Clean female check valve and grease fitting threads.
9. Install new check valve.
10.Install new grease fitting.
C. Valves 15,000 psi WP
NOTE: The standard grease fitting for 15,000 psi WP FC valves is a special
metal‐sealing, high pressure fitting, containing a check valve. The bonnet
port housing this fitting is a special preparation without pipe threads which
accepts only this type of fitting.
Important: DO NOT use Teflon tape or thread sealant on these fittings.
1. Backseat the valve
2. Close the valve fully.
3. Loosen the bearing cap four complete turns.
4. Turn the handwheel clockwise (closing direction) until the gate firmly
contacts the bottom of the cavity and the stem moves outward,
contacting the internal backseat shoulder.
5. Bump the handwheel in the closing direction.
Test the effectiveness of the backseat
1. Remove the grease fitting cap.
2. Place a wrench on the hex preparation of the fitting gland and back out
the fitting approximately one turn, this procedure unseats the metal
seal and vents any pressure on the fitting.
3. If pressure escapes quickly and then stops, the backseat is effective. Go
to step (5).
4. If pressure continues to escape, the backseat is ineffective.
Backseat the valve again. If the backseat continues to be ineffective,
contact a Petrotrim representative.
5. Remove the grease fitting from the valve bonnet.
6. Remove the cap from the new grease fitting and install in the bonnet,
torque to 80 to 100 ft‐lb.
7. Install and tighten the cap on the fitting.
Caution: Installing the fitting with the cap in place prevents the fitting from
seating and could cause damage to the cap. DO NOT install the fitting with the
cap in place.
8. Un‐backseat the valve
9. Tighten the bearing cap.
10.Turn the handwheel counterclockwise (opening direction) one full turn
while simultaneously tightening the bearing cap.
The stem thrust bearings can be replaced while the valve is under pressure
in the line.
Removal of the Thrust Bearings
1. Loosen the bearing cap using a 24” pipe wrench. After two or three
turns, the cap will rotate freely by hand.
CAUTION: If the cap does not rotate freely after three (3) turns, the packing
gland may be moving outward with the bearing cap. DO NOT remove
the cap. Tighten the cap and contact Petrotrim Services, LLC.
2. If the bearing cap rotates freely, remove the cap from the bonnet.
3. Using a punch, drive the stem shear pin from the stem adapter, ensuring
that the adapter is not damaged.
4. Remove the adapter from the stem.
5. Remove both sets of bearings and bearing races from the stem adapter.
6. Discard any pitted, cracked or damaged bearings or races.
7. Replace the stem adapter if either of the bearing surfaces on the adapter
shoulder is damaged.
Installation of the New Thrust Bearings
1. Remove the new bearings from the protective package.
2. Pack the bearings with grease.
3. Place each bearing between a pair of carefully cleaned races.
4. Carefully clean the stem adapter
5. Install one set of bearings and races over the bottom of the adapter
and one set over the top of the adapter.
NOTE: The adapter O‐ring maybe removed temporarily to allow the
installation of the top bearing and race assembly.
6. Insert the stem adapter over the end of the stem, and align the pin
hole in the adapter with the hole in the stem.
7. Using a punch, drive in the stem pin and ensure that the pin does not
protrude over the O.D. of the adapter shoulder.
CAUTION: Do not strike the bearings, races, or stem adapter with
the punch or hammer.
8. Replace the stem adapter O‐Ring if necessary.
9. Inspect the bearing cap to ensure that an extra race, held by
grease tension, is not retained inside.
10. Clean the bearing cap and lubricate the threads.
11. Install the cap using a 24” pipe wrench.
12. Rotate the stem adapter counterclockwise to ensure that the gate
is off the bottom of the body. This procedure will confirm that the
stem backseating shoulder is not contacting the bonnet shoulder.
13. Inject grease through the bearing cap grease fittings with a hand
held grease gun until excess grease passes through the bleed port.
3. Slowly turn the release tool handle until the ball in the fitting is
unseated and the pressure trapped by the backseating process is
Valves 15,000 psi WP
1. Remove the grease fitting cap.
2. Place a wrench on the hex preparation of the fitting gland and back
out the fitting approximately on turn. This procedure unseats the
metal seal and vents and pressure on the fitting. This can also be
done by using Petrotrim Pressure release tool.
3. If pressure escapes quickly and then stops, the backseat is effectives.
Proceed to next step.
4. If pressure continues to escape, the backseat is ineffective.
Backseat the valve again. If backseat continues to be ineffective,
contact Petrotrim representative.
5. Remove the handwheel and bearing cap.
6. Remove the cap from the bonnet.
7. Using a punch, drive the stem shear pin from the stem adapter,
ensuring that the adapter is not damaged.
8. Remove the adapter from the stem
9. Remove both seat of bearings and bearing race.
10.Loosen the packing gland.
11.Remove the stem packing and back ring (if applicable).
7. Install the packing gland, ensuring that the bonnet threads are not
8. Inspect the bearings and bearing races on the stem adapter for pits,
scores, or cracks. Replace if damaged.
9. Pack the bearings with grease.
10.Place each bearing between a pair of clean races.
11.Install one seat of bearings and races over the bottom of the adapter
and one set over the top of the adapter.
Note: The adapter O‐ring may be removed temporally to allow for the
installation of the top bearing and race assembly.
12.Insert the stem adapter over the end of the stem and align the pin hole
in the adapter with the hole in the stem.
13.Using a punch, drive in the stem pin and ensure that the pin does not
protrude over the OD of the adapter shoulder.
15.Inspect the bearing cap to ensure that an extra race, held by grease
tension, is not retained inside.
16.Clean the bearing cap and lubricate the threads.
17.Install the cap.
18.Rotate the stem adapter counterclockwise to ensure that the gate is off
the bottom of the body. This procedure will confirm that the stem
backseating shoulder is not contacting the bonnet shoulder.
19.Inject grease through the bearing cap grease fitting until the excess
grease passes through the bleed port.
Gate and Seat Disassembly – Manual Valve
1. Isolate the valve from the line pressure and bleed all pressure from
the body cavity. Open and close the valve several times to help
bleed trapped body pressure.
2. Fully open the valve to ensure that the stem is completely within the
gate neck.
3. Remove the bonnet nuts.
4. Turn the handwheel clockwise to raise the bonnet from the body.
Continue handwheel rotation until the face of the bonnet clears the
5. Place bonnet nuts as spacers on each side of the body cavity between
the bonnet and body.
6. Turn the handwheel counterclockwise to pull out the gate.
7. Lift up on the bonnet assembly to remove the gate from the body cavity.
If the gate cannot easily be removed, repeat steps 4 through 7.
8. The gate may be removed from the stem with clockwise rotation.
9. Remove the seats, retainer plates and gate guides from the body cavity.
10. Remove the body bushings. If they are difficult to remove, they may be
pried out with a screwdriver.
11. Clean the body cavity and all parts thoroughly with a suitable solvent
and wipe clean.
Gate and Seat Assembly – Manual Valve
1. Inspect all parts for damage.
a) Check the retainer plates to ensure they are not bent, twisted,
or distorted. Solid material should not be built up on the ends.
b) Check all seals for cuts or other damage.
c) Check all sealing surfaces on gate, body bushings, seats, stem and
valve body. Determine which parts need to be replaced.
d) Ensure that the body cavity is free of all foreign matter such as solid
particles, grit, trash, etc.
2. Replace any damaged or worn parts with original Petrotrim Services,
LLC. parts.
3. Clean and lightly lubricate all parts and both body bushing cavities
4. Install the body bushings with new seal rings, into the body cavity. The
body bushings must be installed with the seal ring against the valve body.
5. Replace the seat seal rings on the seats and install one seat in
each retainer plate. The seat seal rings must face the body bushings
away from the gate.
6. Place each retainer plate assembly in the valve body with the seal ring
touching the face of the body bushing. The retainer plates should
not protrude above the face of the body. The retainer plates when
installed must be square with the seats and body installation in order to
allow the gate to slide freely.
NOTE: Beveled edges on retainer plate must face toward seat pockets of
the valve body.
7. Grease the gate and carefully slide the gate into the body between
the retainer plate assemblies with the following guidelines:
a) Do not pinch the seat‐to‐body seals, or apply impact loads to
the parts. Only light tapping on the top of the gate can be
tolerated. Extreme care must be taken and no excessive force used
as seat ring damage could result.
b) Push or tap the gate down until the top of the threaded neck is ½”
above the bonnet face of the body.
8. Install the gate guides.
9. Pack the body cavity with grease.
10. Remove the bonnet gasket from the bonnet groove.
11. Clean the grooves and/ or sealing surface of the body and bonnet.
12. Apply a very thin film of grease to the bonnet gasket and sealing groove.
13. Install the new bonnet gasket in the valve body bonnet groove. Install
New Stem Packing.
14. Install bonnet over body studs.
On valves 10,000 psi WP and above, rotate the bonnet until the grease fitting
is 90° from the gate valve bore.
15. Turn the handwheel counter‐clockwise to thread the stem fully into the gate and
pull the bonnet down over the studs.
16. Hand tighten the bonnet nuts.
17. Ensure that the gate is not touching the bottom of the valve cavity. Rotate
the handwheel counterclockwise to move the gate up and away from the bottom of
the cavity.
18. Evenly tighten the bonnet nuts.
Note: on Valves 5000 psi and below, rotate the bonnet so that the bonnet location pins
in the body align with the pin holes in the bonnet.
Note: The raised bonnet on valves 10,000 psi and above will fully contact the body face
when the bonnet nuts are tight.
19. Lubricate the stem thrust bearing by pumping grease through the fitting on the
bearing cap until the grease returns out of the bleed hole on the opposite side of
the bearing cap under O‐ring trash seal.
20. Lubricate the body cavity. Remove the cap of the grease fitting on the bonnet
flange OD. Connect the grease pump and inject the grease.
Gate and stem threads have Lubricate the gate and stem
Lost lubricant. through the bonnet grease
fi i
Handwheel turns without
Stem shear pin is sheared. Replace the stem shear pin.
opening or closing the valve.