Clase 1. Citación

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Citation and Referencing in

Research Work

Technical English I
Dinka Mandakovic
Overview of the
Referencing Style and Practices

◼ Broadly, a citation is a reference to a published or

unpublished source (not always the original source).

◼ More precisely, a citation is an abbreviated alphanumeric

expression embedded in the body of an intellectual work
that denotes an entry in the bibliographic references
section of the work for the purpose of acknowledging
the relevance of the works of others to the topic of
discussion at the spot where the citation appears.

A citation is a way of giving credit to individuals for

their creative and intellectual works that you utilized
to support your research.

◼ Generally, the combination of both the in-body citation

and the bibliographic entry constitutes what is commonly
thought of as a citation (whereas bibliographic entries by
themselves are not).
Which referencing style is the right
one ?
There are literally hundreds of different referencing
styles from which to choose when you are citing the
sources of your research material.

Different academic disciplines have differing priorities of

what is important to the subsequent reader of an
academic paper, and different publishing houses have
differing rules about the citation of sources.
Some styles in Practice
Harvard, Chicago, MLA, APA, University of Arts

Auckland Style
Business and Economics APA
The Business of Writing: Written Communication
Skills for Business Students

Creative Arts and Industries APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA

Education APA
Engineering Harvard, Chicago, UoA Engineering Numbered Style
Law New Zealand Law Style Guide

Medical and Health Sciences Vancouver, APA

Referencing styles recommended by Science
Scientific style and format : the CBE manual for
authors, editors, and publishers
Theology Chicago
A few of the common referencing
styles and their origins

1. APA stands for "American Psychological Association"

and comes from the association of the same name.

▪ Although originally drawn up for use in psychological

journals, the APA style is now widely used in the social
sciences, in education, in business, and numerous
other disciplines.

2. MLA comes from the "Modern Language Association of

America" and is used mainly in English and the
Styles and their origins
3. Chicago is sometimes referred to as Turabian or
Chicago/Turabian. From “The Chicago Manual of Style” is
often referred to as Turabian because Kate Turabian's
shorter manual is essentially a condensed version of the
Chicago Manual of Style
4. Vancouver originally came from The International
Committee of Medical Journal Editors which produced
the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted
to Biomedical Journals" following a meeting that was
held in Vancouver in 1978 [Source: Jönköping University
5. Harvard came originally from "The Bluebook: A
Uniform System of Citation" published by the Harvard
Law Review Association.
Why Should be Cited?

1. Citing identifies sources used in a research project.

2. It gives credit to those researchers, authors, and

writers whose words or ideas you borrow,
acknowledging their role in shaping your research.

3. It allows others to follow-up on or retrieve this


4. To avoid charges of plagiarism

The h index is a quantitative metric based on analysis of
publication data using publications and citations to provide “an
estimate of the importance, significance, and broad impact of a
scientist’s cumulative research contributions.”

How Calculated: Number of papers (h) that have received at

least h citations.

As an example, an h index of 10 means that among all publications by

one author, 10 of these publications have received at least 10 citations
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is:
◼ The unacknowledged use or appropriation of another
person’s words or ideas

◼ A form of cheating or stealing

◼ A serious academic offense

When we borrow words or ideas from sources to support
our argument or research we must give proper credit. By
crediting our sources, we avoid plagiarism.
If we do not cite a source--intentionally or unintentionally--
we are guilty of plagiarism.
When Should be Cited?
When in doubt, give credit to source!

Many students plagiarize unintentionally.

My parents always
said, “eat all your
Remember, whenever we summarize, food” (Mom, 1990).

paraphrase or quote another author's

material we must properly credit our

If we are using another person’s idea, we

must also cite our source!
In any of these cases, must credit to source
Summary, Paraphrase, Quote
◼ A summary briefly captures the main ideas of your
◼ A paraphrase is a restatement of the text of your source
in your own words

◼ Quotations can be direct (using quotation marks) or

indirect (no quotation marks)

◼ A noted psychologist states, “As recently as 20 years ago, a bedwetter was psychologically
castigated for what could have been A physiological problem” (Tikling, 2009).

◼ A noted psychologist observes that just two decades ago bedwetter suffered
psychologically for a medical problem that may have had a physiological source (Tikling,
What is APA?

◼ APA = American Psychological Association

◼ Promulgates guidelines for preparing research papers

and projects and scholarly manuscripts in the social
◼ “APA style” refers to a system of citing research sources

◼ For all papers in APA style, use 12-pt, Times New roman
How to Cite?
There are two parts to citing according to APA style:

1. Brief In-text citations (often in parentheses) within the

body of your essay or paper

2. List of full citations in the References page at the end of

your paper

▪ Sources cited in the text must appear in the References page.
▪ Conversely, each entry in the References page must be cited in the
How to Cite?

In-text citations

List of full
APA-Style References in the
Body of the Paper
In-Text Citations

We must provide information that will allow the reader to

locate exactly where we found information in our source.
Usually this is the author's last name and the year of

publication, for example: (Wasser, 2009)

Place the parenthetical reference at the end of the

sentence before the punctuation mark.

◼ Bedwetting emissions have been determined to consist mostly of

two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen, plus assorted diurnal
chemicals (Wasser, 2009).
In-Text Citations

When the author's name appears as part of

sentence (known as a “signal phrase”), do not
use it again in the parenthetical citation. Just
give the year of publication:

◼ Wasser (2009) argues that bedwetting is ultimately a genetically

predisposed behavior.
In-Text Citations
When there are two authors, name both authors every
time their work is referenced in your paper:

◼ Among epidemiological samples, Selbst and Tikling (2008) found

that early onset social anxiety disorder results from adverse
parental responses to bedwetting.

◼ The study also showed that there was a high rate of alcohol and
drug abuse associated with unresolved bedwetting issues (Selbst
& Tikling, 2008).
Other Citation Possibilities
When there are between 3 and 5 authors, name all at their first citing,
including the year of publication. At subsequent citing in your paper, retain only
the first author and replace the others with “et al.”:

◼ Selbst, Tikling, Wang, Getz, and Wasser (2009) believe that

bedwetters have a genetic predisposition for their behaviors.

◼ In work with the Human Genome Project, Selbst et al. (2009) have identified
the unique gene that contributes to bedwetting propensity.

When there are 6 or more authors, use first author’s surname and “et al.” for the
others as in second example above in all citing instances.
Other Citation Possibilities
If the author is a group (e.g., corporation, association, government
agency), use the entire name in your in-text cite, though some groups’
names can be abbreviated after the first instance:

◼ According to government figures, boys are 35% more likely across the socio-
economic spectrum than girls to wet their beds (National Institute of Mental
Health, 2000). Next instance: (NIMH, 2000)

When a work has no identified author, cite in text the first few words of the
reference list entry; if article, chapter or web page, use quotation marks, if
periodical, book, report, use italics:

◼ Bedwetters also wet couches (“IKEA Report,” 2005)

Other Citation Possibilities

Sometimes you may want to refer to more than one source in your in-text citation.
In that case, you should place them alphabetically, separated by a semicolon:

◼ Primary enuresis in young children is the expression of auto-erotic pleasure (Freud

1901; Jung 1905).

To cite a specific part of a source, indicate the page, especially if a direct quotation;
chapter; figure; table; or equation at the appropriate point in your text:

◼ In a letter to Freud, Ferenczi wrote, “I believe that syphilis leads to erythrophobia

only in those people who in their childhood had to energetically suppress their rage
toward their parents because of unjust punishment [especially because of punishment
for enuresis]” (Brabant, Falzeder, and Giampieri-Deutsch, 1992, p. 271).

◼ Jung establishes the significance of the father in the development of enuresis in

young children (1916, chapter 3).
In-text Citing of Electronic Sources
Treat electronic sources (websites, emails, films, television programs, social
media, podcasts and radio broadcasts, online journals and eBooks) the same
as print sources.

Direct quotations from e-sources which don’t have page numbers are
referenced by paragraph or heading and paragraph number, if
◼ Eiberg, Berendt, and Mohr (1995) concluded in a Danish study that
“nocturnal enuresis, or nightly bedwetting in children more than seven years of
age affects about 10% of seven-year-old children, with a wide range of
frequencies between populations” (para. 4).

◼ A recent Italian study found that “the prevalence of enuresis was higher
when the child was from a family of low socio-economic status despite the
child’s age group” (Chiozza et al., 2002, “Results,” para 3)
References in the
Reference Section
References List

▪ The References list appears at the end of your paper

on its own page.

▪ Everything you referenced in your text must be listed

in your References list .

▪ Conversely, everything you list in the References list

must be cited in your assay.

▪ The References list provides the information needed

for a reader to find and retrieve any source used in your
Sample References Page
*Sources are listed alphabetically Title “References” is centered
at the top of the page

Be sure to include the

digital object identifier
(doi), if the source has
Indent all lines after one
the first ½ inch for
each reference All citations end
listed in a period (.),
except those with
*The entire a doi or URL
References page
is double-spaced

*All papers in APA

style must be in 12-
pt., Times New
Roman font
Most Periodical Citations Will Include:
◼ Author
◼ Date
◼ Title All words in title are lower case--
except for first word, first word after a
colon, and proper nouns
◼ Source information
◼ DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Last Name, Abbreviated First Year, Month (in parentheses)

Bennett, H. J. (2004, December). Bedwetting: An overview

of treatment options. Nutrition Health Review, 90, 5-7.
doi:10.9911.1137/1 Commas
Page numbers
“digital object identifier”
Source in italics Volume # in italics
Digital Object Identifier (doi)
◼ A unique alphanumeric sequence, starting with “10,” used to
identify and to locate an item on the Internet

◼ Example: doi:10.1000/186.ken888.888lee (no period at the end)

◼ Also assigned to print sources

◼ When a doi is present, the URL is not necessary

General Tips: Print Resources
Author’s last name first, then his first (and middle) name(s) abbreviated.
Lee, K.

If more than one author, list all authors, separated by a comma, and
connecting the last with an ampersand:
Schulman, S. L., Colish, Y., von Zuben, F. C., & Kodman-Jones, C.

Titles of books and periodicals are italicized and only the first word in
title and after a colon and proper nouns are capitalized:
Water world: Enuresis, the wet and dry of it.
Clinical Pediatrics
Books : What Should Be Included?

Butler, R. J., Green, D., & Procter, H.

Author(s) or Editor(s). (2007).
(Date of publication). Child within: Taking the young
Complete title. person's perspective by
applying personal construct
Edition (if indicated). (2nd ed).
Place of publication: Chichester, England:
Wiley & Sons.
DOI (if available).
Two or More Sources by the Same Author(s):

Firor, J., Aberding, F. T., & Jakins, P. R. (2009). The changing

atmosphere: Enuretic raindrops. New Haven, CT: Yale University


Firor, J., Aberding, F. T., & Jakins, P. R. (2010). The adipose

greenhouse: Population, climate change, and creating a sustainable

water supply. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

List sources by the same author(s) in chronological order of their publication date.
What Should Be Included?
Journal Articles
Author(s). (Date of publication.).

Farley, H. W., Long, H., Close, G., & Short, M. (2008).

The scientific case for modern anthropogenic causes for enlarged
prostate due to childhood enuresis in adult males.
Article title.
Monthly Review, 60(3), 68-90.doi:10.1037/0735-7036.122.116.
Page #.
Periodical title (journal, Volume #(Issue #),
magazine, newspaper)
Italicized. Digital Object Identifier.
Volumes and issues

Volume typically refers to the number of years the

publication has been circulated, and issue refers to how
many times that periodical has been published
during that year.

For example, the April 2011 publication of a monthly

magazine first published in 2002 would be listed as,
"volume 10, issue 4".
Journal article with doi:
Farley, H. W., Long, H., & Short, M. (2008). The scientific case for modern anthropogenic causes for

enlarged prostate due to childhood enuresis in adult males. Monthly Review, 60(3), 68-90.
Issue # in parentheses
Dates: For journals, year; for magazine, month and if applicable,
week; for daily newspaper, date. Note Formats: YYYY, MMM, DD.


Manthorpe, C, Womening, M., Evadam, J., & Biternatura, L. (2009, May). "Feminists look at the
science of enuretic doppelgangers. New Scientist 85(3), 29-31

Volume numbers in italics

General Tips
Electronic Resources
Digital Object Identifier (doi): Imperative that you include the doi if it’s available

e.g., doi:10.3598.23444/k8iei.777 (no period at the end)

Uniform Resource Locator (URL): If the doi is not available, use the URL
(begins with “http:”) preceded by the phrase “Retrieved from”

e.g., Retrieved from (no period at the end)

Database: Generally, not necessary to identify, unless the database is

archival (e.g., JSTOR, ERIC)
Internet Sources
What Should Be Included?
Author(s), if available: Woo, C., & Hwang, D.
(Date electronic
publication was last (2010).

Adjunctive behaviors in enuretic
Title of the document. preschoolers.

In S. Sue (Ed.), The Stanford

Title of scholarly project, encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2010
database, periodical, or
Retrieved from
URL address

Joyce, J., Dedalus, S., Bloom, L., & Bloom, M. (2009). Chiastic structure
and its affect on Mobius strips, Escher prints, and enuretic behaviors of
gimpy gertys. HyperJoyce Studies. Hypermedia Joyce Studies, 10.
Retrieved from

Yee, P., & Yee, K. (2008). Climatological impacts on and fractal patterns
of urinal stains. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from
Electronic Articles

Laurance, A. R. A. B. (2008). Can carbon-

laundering save bedsheets? Bioscience, 58(4),

286-87. doi:10.2010.1492/cc.3shps Volume #(Issue#),

page numbers

No period
Digital Object Identifier
Other Sources

Other sources can also be used and cited

(Not as usual)

•Technical & research •Audiovisual media

•Data sets, software,
•Meetings & symposia measurement instruments, and
•Doctoral dissertations & apparatus
master’s theses •Internet messages boards,
electronic mailing lists, online
Other Sources
What Should Be Included?

Doctoral dissertations:
Wannabee, R. J. (1996). Bedwetters and broomsticks: An inquiry into
discipline and enurism (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from University
Microfilms. (Accession No. 192883-96)

Audiovisual Media, video:

Hitchcock, A. (Director). (1957). Rear window on enuretic behavior among
adults [DVD]. Available from Universal Studios.

Internet message boards, electronic mailing lists, and online communities—

blog post:
Jobs, S. (2010, June 6). I-phone 4 and enuretic ring tones [Web log comment].
Retrieved from
What is the purpose of APA-style
references in a reference section?

The references in your reference section provide

your readers with the information necessary to
retrieve the sources you cited in the body of your
paper by performing a library or online search.
What questions are answered in an APA-
style reference that will enable a reader to
perform a successful search?

◼ Who wrote this document?

◼ When was it written?
◼ What was its title?
◼ Where was it published?
◼ Who published it?
Important details to remember...

◼ Spacing

◼ Use of the ampersand (&)

◼ Use of italics

◼ Capitalization

◼ Hanging indentation

◼ Primary (e.g., article) and secondary

sources (e.g., review)
- If we paraphrase from a source (i.e., translate it into
our own words), we should give the author(s) credit for
their ideas as follows.

According to Jones and Smith (2002), phobias can be

treated more successfully by cognitive therapy than
If we refer to a primary source (e.g., a journal article by
Jones) we read about in a secondary source (e.g., a
textbook by Smith), we must create the following type of

According to Jones (as cited in Smith, 2003), phobias

can be treated more successfully by cognitive therapy
than psychoanalysis.
If we refer to a personal communication (e.g., an e-
mail message or conversation) that is not available to
the readers, we must include it in the body of our paper
in the following way.

According to P. J. Jones, Director of the Counseling

Center (personal communication, May 1, 2002),
phobias can be treated more successfully by cognitive
therapy than psychoanalysis.
If we refer to an online source (e.g., the website of the
British Psychological Association), we must include it in
the body of our paper in the following way.

Phobias can be treated more successfully by cognitive

therapy than psychoanalysis (British Psychological
Association, n.d.).
Important details to remember...

◼ Use an ampersand (&) between authors when their

names are within parentheses.
. . . is the most effective treatment (Smith & Jones, 1999)

◼ Use a regular “and” between authors when their

. are not within parentheses.
. . . is the most effective treatment according to Smith and Jones

◼ If our source does not have a date, replace the

date in the citation with n.d., which is the abbreviation
for “no date.”
. . . British Psychological Association (n.d.).
Any questions?

Technical English I
Dinka Mandakovic

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