Tugas 3 - B. Inggris - Tanri

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Soal Nomor 1 (Skor 60)

Anda baru saja lulus dan melihat iklan lowongan pekerjaan di koran Herald sebagai Staf
Pendaftaran di sebuah rumah sakit.
Buatlah surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan:
 tentang diri Anda,
 jabatan yang dilamar,
 dari mana Anda mengetahui lowongan tersebut,
 ketertarikan Anda terhadap jabatan tersebut,
 alasan mengapa Anda cocok untuk jabatan tersebut, dan
 ucapan terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan untuk mempertimbangkan Anda.

You are a fresh graduate and saw a job vacancy/opening in the Herald newspaper for an
Admissions Officer in a hospital.

 Write a cover letter in English stating:

 who you are,
 the position you are applying to,
 where you found the opening/vacancy,
 your interest in the position,
 reasons why you are a good fit to the position, and
 thanking them for taking the time to consider you.


Hiring Manager

Bhayangkara Hospital


June 5th, 2022

Hi Mr Sarwidodo,

I am Amin Rais, fresh graduate from Borneo University. I read about your company job
advertisement in Herald Newspaper. I am really interested in the Admissions Officer position in
Bhayangkara Hospital. I have learned for three years about an administration that is related to
Admission Officer positions. My strengths, I have repeatedly won various competitions at the
national level and graduated as the best student. I am also intrigued by your company's
outstanding reputation in the industry.

The reason why you should choose me is because I have a lot of experience in any organization
when I was in college. I am a very dedicated person, attention to detail, diligent, and disciplined.
You can contact me anytime via email aminrais@gmail.com and telephone 890345817. I have
also attached my resume. I look forward to talking to you about this job opportunity. Thank you.

Best regards,

Amin Rais.

Jawaban dari Soal Nomor 2 (Skor 10)

Linda: It’s okay, I have free time to meet the doctor.

Jawaban dari Soal Nomor 3 (Skor 10)

1. Expression of rejection.
2. Expression of agreement.

Jawaban dari Soal Nomor 4 (Skor 20)

1. To ensure we run our business every day efficiently, we must implement consistent
working capital management.
2. The essence of our digital transformation is corporate culture and the transformation of
the employee mindset.


Ashadi, dkk. Bahasa inggris. 2021. Banten: UT.

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