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Sned 216 PDF
Sned 216 PDF
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Positive Behavioral
Interventions and
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After completing this Module, you are
expected to design a Classroom
Management Plan align to PBIS (Positive
Behavioral Interventions Support)
This module will bring you on information as resource in
control and privacy. It will enable you to understand the
behavior modification and management. Based on what
you will learn, you will then create a comprehensive
classroom management plan.
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what’s Inside
Dear Aspiring SpEd Teacher,
Welcome to SNEd Behavior Management and Modification!
This module is your key! It adopts the action learning model exemplified by the
4As approach which includes Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application
where you are expected to engage in the whole learning process so for you to
be able to construct your understanding at the end of the learning journey.
This module has the following parts:
Guiding Light | this part contains the objectives of the lesson.
Introduction | this gives an overview or a brief background of the lesson.
Activity | this is the first phase of the lesson. It engages you in an activity either
as in individual or as group.
Analysis | in this phase of the lesson, you are helped to look back to the
activity, think and analyze what happen.
Application | this is the transfer of learning. What has been learned is app lied
in a relevant situation.
In a Nutshell | this part serves as the summary of the lesson.
Test Your Understanding | this part is the evaluation section.
Enjoy the joyride of learning! May God bless you with wisdom and knowledge in
answering this module. Do not limit yourself. Strive harder. Go for gold!
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What do you already know?
Before you begin to study the different aspects related to positive
behavioral interventions support (PBIS), it will be a good idea for you to find
out how much you already know about the concepts that will be discussed
in this module. Read the following questions and write the answers on the
lines provided.
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contexts ranging from child discipline to
criminal law-as a response and deterrent to
a particular action or behavior that is
deemed undesirable or unacceptable.
Pre-correcting and A classroom management strategy you can
Prompting use to tell and remind students of behavior
expectations before potential behavior
problems occur.
Rewards A form of extrinsic motivation that helps
develop positive classroom management
systems within the classroom.
Tokens Provided immediately following display of
the desired behavior, and are collected
and eventually exchanged for a reward
such as desired objects or privileges.
Traditional Discipline Refers to behavior management strategies
that have been used for decades in school
systems. These strategies are often not
backed by scientific research supporting
their effectiveness.
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In this module, challenge yourself to:
Support) Approach
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Positive behavioral interventions support (PBIS) is a
comprehensive, research-based proactive approach to behavioral
support that endeavors to generate comprehensive change for
students with challenging behavior. It involves identifying the purpose
of challenging behavior, teaching appropriate alternative responses
that serve the same purpose as the challenging behavior, consistently
rewarding positive behaviors and minimizing the rewards for
challenging behavior, and minimizing the physiological, environmental,
and curricular elements that trigger challenging behavior. Proven PBS
strategies include altering the classroom environment, increasing
predictability and scheduling, increasing choice making, adapting the
curriculum, appreciating positive behaviors, and teaching
replacement skills (Ruef,, 1997).
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Activity 1 | Activating your schema
Examine the picture below.
Activity 2
Instruction: Read the quotation below.
“If you can read the need, you can meet the need.”
1. What concepts/ideas/images came to your mind when you read
the quotation? Elaborate and justify your answer.
Instruction: Form groups of three members each. Share your
responses. Summarize your group’s responses.
We think that Positive Behavioral Interventions Support (PBIS) focus
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PBIS vs. Traditional Discipline
In a school that uses traditional discipline, teachers may try to
correct behavior through punishment. Here’s an example.
During a class discussion, a student sitting in the back throws a
spitball. With a more traditional approach, the teacher sends the
student to the principal’s office to be punished. The student then
returns to class and is expected to behave. But there’s no instruction
that tells the student what a more appropriate behavior would have
A school using PBIS handles this differently. With PBIS, the school
looks at behavior as a form of communication. So before the student
throws the spitball, a teacher might notice that the student is craving
attention. The teacher might address that need in a positive way, like
by giving the student a chance to share an opinion in a class
discussion and recognizing the contribution. If the student still acts out
and throws the spitball, a team at the school would create a strategy
to prevent the behavior from happening again. The strategy might
include break time to cool off or time to talk with a peer mentor. The
school may even provide training for families. The school tracks the
student’s progress in managing behavior issues and may change the
strategy if something’s not working.
As this example shows, PBIS doesn’t ignore problem behavior.
School still use discipline, but punishment isn’t the focus. Instead, the
focus is on teaching expectations, preventing problems, and using
logical consequences. Schools hat use PBIS look for appropriate
consequences that are effective in changing the student’s behavior,
not just in the moment, but in the future as well.
Most experts feel that PBIS changes school discipline for the
better. They like its focus on prevention and clearly teaching behavior
But a few experts worry that PBIS allows schools to use token
rewards for meeting behavior expectations. These experts are
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concerned that rewarding students for good behavior makes them
focus more on getting the reward, and less on the behavior. In other
words, they worry that rewards increase students’ external, not
internal, motivation. Another concern is that school wide reward
systems may exclude students with behavioral issues. If a student who
struggles never gets a reward or is rewarded less than others, it can
feel like punishment. This can discouraging to students who are trying
their best to behave but struggle more than their peers.
In response to these concerns, advocates of PBIS have
worked hard to make sure schools don’t overuse rewards. They point
out that toke rewards are just one tool schools can use. And they
encourage schools to apply rewards equitably to recognize students
who are struggling but improving.
It’s also important to know that using an acknowledgment
system like rewards is not the same as bribing a student. An example
of a bribe is offering students a homework pass to influence them to
act a certain way before a lesson. PBIS does not use bribes. It
acknowledges acceptable behavior after it occurs. Rewards are
earned, not offered as a “payoff” in exchange for good behavior.
The following are evidence-based positive behavior
Using nonverbal signals to foster communication while limiting
interruptions during instruction
Creating when-then sentences with students to clearly explain
what you expect and the positive outcome will happen.
Describing what’s expected of students in a way that is obvious
and easily understood by using pre-correcting an prompting
Getting students’ attention through respectful redirection –
without making a big deal about it – by using a calm tone,
neutral body language, and clear, concise wording.
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respond more effectively. You can teach them new behaviors
that serve the same purpose. Many social-emotional learning
programs incorporate specific strategies for teaching behaviors,
like how to follow directions or ignore peer distractions.
These strategies prompt you to consider multiple reasons for
behavioral difficulties. Challenging behavior can happen for
many reasons. Students may lack the language or
communication skills to express what they need or the behavior
could be a way to avoid a difficult situation or task. Some
students behave in negative ways to get attention or to get
what they want. In other cases, some students may be reacting
to an environment that isn’t supporting their learning or there
could be a cultural difference, which may prompt you to take a
culturally responsive approach to analyzing the behavior and
your response to it.
As a classroom teacher, you may not have all the time, tools,
or training to look at student behavior in depth. You can work with
other school staff to do a functional behavior assessment (FBA). The
specialist who does the FBA can work with teachers to create an
appropriate behavior intervention plan.
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Position furniture to ensure
smooth transitions.
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Behavior expectation might be different at home than they
are at school, so it’s important for families to know what’s expected in
your classroom. Talk with families about the behavioral expectations
in the classroom and the language you use to talk about behavior.
This will help families understand new phrases they may hear or
behavior changes they may see. Also, families may want to use the
same expectations at home. Share with them these parent-child
behavior contracts to get started.
Are discipline and punishment the same thing? People often use
the terms interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two.
Discipline is a way to teach kids to follow rules or correct
misbehavior. There is negative discipline and positive discipline.
Punishment is a form of negative discipline. It’s often used to get
rid of or end a behavior. Positive discipline, which is sometimes known
as corrective consequences or positive guidance, works just as
quickly. And it can be more effective than punishment.
When kids push your buttons or disobey rules, you may be quick
to give them a consequence that’s going to make them unhappy
enough to stop what they’re doing. It’s a common response when you
feel frustrated, angry, or just plain fed up. But it’s not likely to change
kids’ behavior in the long term.
Consider this scenario. Sandra and Javier have been arguing
over colored pencils all afternoon. One of them pushes the other, and
they both start arguing. You might say, ‘Both of you, stop it! You’re not
allowed to go outside today!”
That’s punishment. It may stop the behavior in the moment, but
it’s not going to teach Sandra and Javier the skills they need to make
a better decision next time they argue.
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When you use positive discipline, you might say, “Give me the
colored pencils. Neither of you can use them right now. Sandra, take
a deep breath. Now use the ‘I statements’ we practiced yesterday to
tell Javier why you’re upset.” You might still feel annoyed and
frustrated. But you’ll know that you’re preparing for a better outcome
next time.
Positive discipline discourages the behavior. But it also teaches
kids expectations and accountability. It helps kids see there’s a
connection between what they do and what happens next – the
natural and logical consequences.
Negative Discipline /
Type of Approach Reactive. Handles the situation in
the moment
What it is A penalty for doing something
wrong. It trick to change kids
future behavior by making them
pay for their mistakes.
Focus Puts you in control of kids’
behavior and for deciding
outcomes of their decisions.
The viewpoint Assumes that behavior is
only about doing
Provides little help on
figuring out how to behave
differently in the future
What it looks like Consequences that aren’t
directly tied to what happened,
such as taking away privileges or
possessions, asking kid to do an
unpleasant task adding more
responsibilities or work and, in
some homes, corporal
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aggression and other negative
Examples of types of Negative consequence
consequences Sandra was chatting with
her friend during silent
reading time, so the
teacher assigns her extra
math homework.
Javier skateboard in the
road after he was told not
to. Now he has to do his
brother’s chores for a week
in additional to his own.
What kids learn from this The message is: “You need to
stop doing that its wrong.” Kids
They can’t learn to control
their own actions.
Their behavior needs to be
managed by you.
Being careful not caught is
more important than
changing what they’re
Results Negative self-esteem
Increased power struggles
Fear and resentment
between you
Lowered academic
You may not always approach behavior as well as you’d like to,
especially in stressful moments. But you can always make changes,
both at home and in school.
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The PBIS Promise
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Practice Exercise 1
Instruction: In this exercise, you be given scenario on various students’
behavior. Write and discuss your strategies on dealing those in a
positive manner.
1. Marina finds spelling and grammar errors in your sentences on
the board with embarrassing consistency, and she comes
around after class to give you her critical opinion of the course.
When she’s in class, you feel like you’re being constantly
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2. After recently modifying your lesson plans to include in-class
small team assignments you notice that Genevieve with her
head on her desk while her partners are working through the
problem. After asking her if something is wrong, she’s replies that
group work is a “waste of time” and thinks that “teachers should
actually teach during class.”
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In this module, challenge yourself to:
Classroom Management
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Classroom management and discipline are very
important parts of teaching. In any given class, you may have
six students with special needs, two students needing
to make up work, four disruptive students, three students with
attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), four students
without books or homework, five without a pencil and two
without notebook paper … and that’s on a good day!
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Some students with special needs have a behavior plan
or a series of steps that teachers follow when the student
misbehaves. Other students may have RTI behavior plans
because they spend so much time in the office that they are
at risk of failing.
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Activity 2
Discuss your interpretations on the picture shown below.
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Establish Relationships
As a teacher, your relationship with a student starts the moment
you meet them. No matter how difficult a student may be, you need
to embrace the challenge of getting to know him or her. Every child
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deserves love. Life has enough hard knocks in store for a child who
struggles socially, and you may be one of the few people that child
believes cares about him or her. This could make a difference in his or
her life choices, or at least in his or her decision not to disrupt your
Create a Positive
Learning Climate
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Establishing student expectations is also an important part of
establishing a positive learning climate. Make sure that every student
is welcomed in a group and expected to participate. Also, practice
good time management and plan to teach from the first day of
You might also allow students to help in more casual ways, such
as assigning group runners for supplies or allowing students to pass out
papers or straighten the room. These tasks can serve as helpful self-
esteem builders for a child who often feels left out; however, you
should note how many times a student helps to avoid favoritism.
You should teach students the skills needed for success in your
classroom. Often, teachers think about teaching content, without
realizing how important it is to teach other skills, such as social skills,
thinking skills, study skills, test-taking skills, problem-solving skills, memory
skills and self-regulation.
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Set Up Structure and
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Organization also involves spending time after school arranging
handouts, preparing supplies, writing on the board and taking care of
other tasks. In doing so, you can prevent pauses during the lesson and
better manage your classroom.
Focus on Talents
As the parent of a child with special needs, you can make a list
of things that the teacher might do or say to help improve your child’s
self-esteem. If your child does something very well, take a sample to
show his or her teacher. Those teachers who are receptive will look at
your child with new respect and they may mention the skill to other
students. This could be a huge self-esteem boost.
Encourage Effort
Everyone struggles when they learn something new. It’s
important to explain to students with special needs that they are not
necessarily struggling because they have a learning disability: they
may be struggling because the information is difficult. This
helps to reassure students who may be sensitive to their slower rate of
learning. Tackling a challenge provides a wonderful chance to gain
self-esteem: if students keep trying until they accomplish a goal, their
self-esteem increases. Sometimes, the harder the goal, the greater the
boost to self-esteem will be. The key to helping students with special
needs persevere is to break a difficult task into smaller steps to reach
a larger goal.
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Direct Assessment
To start the FBA process, the FBA team (not defined in IDEA, but
typically consists of the student’s teachers, and other professionals
who have directly observed the child, as well as, the parent) use both
direct and indirect means to assess the problematic behavior. Direct
assessment typically tracks the frequency of disruptive behaviors and
the time of day, often teams will utilize a scatter plot to show clearly
the behavior pattern. In addition, the observers track antecedent
behavior, which is behavior that precedes the behavior and may
indicate the trigger for that behavior. One tool that is used is an
antecedent behavioral consequences chart (ABC). An observation
note example could be: “The teacher asked the class to get their
math books out of their desks. Rick threw his math book. The class was
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Recording the entire cycle of disruption can provide clues to
the trigger or the benefit that the student reaps from the behavior. For
our example, you might include on the ABC chart that Jill became
more agitated as she tried to work on long division problems, and then
shouted at you and stormed out of the room. The ultimate result was
she did not complete the assignment. Additionally, when you spoke
to her later, Jill reminded you that she could not have finished the long
division assignment, since she was in the office without her
books. Recording the entire cycle of the behavior from beginning to
end can help you understand the reasons that Jill is behaving in this
way, as well as provide clues to the function of this behavior (i.e.,
seeking attention or trying to escape an undesired situation).
Indirect Assessment
Analyzing Behavior
After the data is gathered from the ABC chart, scatter plot and
interviews, this information can be condensed and recorded on a
data triangulation chart. This chart can give clues to the function of
the behavior and will be used in the FBA meeting. Note that these
specific tools are being used here as examples of what a quality FBA
will consider; there is no provision in the law that requires a school or
school district to use them.
For our example, you may help Jill develop an indiscreet way to
signal her teacher when she is frustrated with her work and needs
help. If Jill’s disruptive behavior stops after using this intervention,
nothing more needs to be done; however, if Jill’s disruptive behavior
does not subside or even intensifies, the team may create a behavior
intervention plan (BIP).
For students without disabilities, the BIP can be adjusted as the student
improves without another meeting; however, frequent monitoring is
still required. For students with disabilities, the BIP is a legal document
that is a part of an individualized education program (IEP). It must be
followed both inside and outside of the classroom and it can’t be
adjusted without calling a meeting of the admission, review and
dismissal (ARD) committee. (Not every state refers to this team as an
ARD; a number of states simply call it an IEP team. These terms are
generally interchangeable.) This committee reviews the BIP each
year and can change it at that time. An ARD meeting can also be
called by a teacher or parent any time there is a concern. If the
disruptive behavior leads to a student being removed from class a
total of 10 or more days, the law requires that the IEP or ARD team
meet and conduct a manifestation determination (determining if the
behavior being disciplined is a part of the child’s disability or not).
My Comprehensive
By reviewing this completed packet, an observer will be able to discern exactly what strategies I
am using that align with best practice recommendations for effective classroom management.
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Classroom management is defined by the NYS Education Department as all the actions teachers
take to create an environment that supports academic and social-emotional learning. It includes
all of the teacher’s practices related to establishing the physical and social environment of the
classroom, regulating routines and daily activities, and preventing and correcting behavior.
Furthermore, the attached Appendix lists exactly which NYS teaching standards align with each
part of this comprehensive classroom management plan.
Table of Contents:
Part 1. Five Senses and the Physical Space: Designing a
Positive Classroom Environment
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Part 1. Five Senses and the Physical Space:
Designing a Positive Classroom Environment
During instructional times or times in which I want students to be most alert, I will modify
the environment to support this by:
☐ Increasing lighting
☐ Reducing room temperature if possible
☐ Reducing background noise
☐ Other:
During unstructured times or times in which I want students to engage in free play, I will
modify the environment to support this by:
☐ Increasing/ Decreasing lighting
☐ Increasing/ decreasing room temperature if possible
☐ Playing upbeat music
☐ Other:
During times I want students to calm and re-focus, I will modify the environment to
support this by:
☐ Dimming classroom lights
☐ Increasing room temperature (if possible)
☐ Playing calming instrumental music
☐ Other:
I will strategically seat the students to accommodate their individual needs. For
☐ Students who are more distractible will be seated away from students who are
observed to regularly engage in distracting behavior, as well as from windows, and
doors. This applies to the following students in my class:
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☐ Students who have a history of interpersonal conflict with each other will be seated
away from each other. This applies to the following students in my class:
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Map: My Classroom Space
*See the SCSD Behavior Matters website for links to sample maps at
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Part 2. Kids Aren’t Mind-Readers: Defining Classroom
Expectations, Rules, Procedures, and Behavioral
The following is my list of classroom non-negotiable (i.e., the behaviors that are
unequivocally unacceptable because they impact student or adult safety, and may
require immediate administrative response, per my conversation with my building
My four to five explicit classroom rules are age appropriate, stated positively,
observable, and enforceable (see Table 1.A). They are positively stated rules that
describe the behavior I want to see rather than the behaviors I don’t want to see (i.e.,
“Use kind words, appropriate volume and tone of voice when speaking with adults and
peers” instead of “No yelling, cursing, or use of derogatory language.”)
☐ My classroom rules align with building rules and policies and the district Code of
☐ My classroom rules align with other teachers’ rules and horizontally across my
broader team (e.g., with other social development class special education
teachers’ rules).
Stay focused on
Raise your hand before speaking.
Speak respectfully to classmates and adults.
☐ I will post my classroom rules in the following location in order to make them visible to
all students:
☐ I will teach, review, and practice my four to five classroom rules (see Table 1.A):
☐ At the following time daily:
☐ Integrated throughout the day
☐ I will encourage effective, user-friendly, non-verbal communication with students and
reduce disruptions in instruction by teaching students signals summarized in Table 2,
as follows:
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Person Initiating the
Signal Signal Meaning
(Student or Teacher)
● Return to your seat
● Clear your Desk
● Look at the Teacher
● Sit quietly
I will post a visual schedule or agenda to ensure that students are pre-set for activities of
the day in the following location:
I will use the following routines/procedures to actively teach and practice expected
behavioral routines in my classroom and across school settings (see Table 3):
☐ Posting a matrix of classroom rules and what student rule compliance would look
like in classroom, whole-group activities, independent seat work, and transitions
(aligned to school-wide expectations).
☐ Other:
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Activity Description of what an observer would see in my classroom What are the teaching
points for this?
(What skills/routines need to
Students Teacher Transitions from this be explicitly taught to students
Para Expectations
Expectations Expectations activity to next in order to establish
procedures for this activity?)
Return teacher’s
greeting politely
and proceed to ● What walking
walk into the Teacher will flash the safely looks like
Greet students at Provide active
classroom safely, classroom lights for ● How to greet the
the door by name supervision and
speaking in low attention and teacher
Morning as they enter and
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To support in-class and room-to-room transitions that are well-controlled, purposeful,
and time-limited, I will use the following strategies:
☐ Teaching detailed expectations about all transition routines.
☐ Pre-setting students about the upcoming transition and behavioral
expectations associated with it.
☐ Use of six steps to improve classroom transitions:
1. Provide signal to obtain student attention
2. Communicate expectations for academic and social behavior
3. Specify the time limit for the transition
4. Monitor for compliance
5. Signal the end of the transition by beginning the next activity
6. Provide performance feedback related to the success of the transition
☐ Other:
Part 3. Kindness is a Language: Building Effective
Relationships with Students
☐ I will greet students individually at the door and welcome them as they enter.
☐ I will call students by name and treat all students with respect (thanking students,
apologizing when you make mistakes, refraining from setting students up with
rhetorical questions or sarcastic comments).
☐ I will spend positive time with students that is not dependent on students’ behavior
(e.g., ask about them, use positive interactions to demonstrate that I value and
respect them, encourage them, thank them for their participation, compliment them
on special achievements and important life events such as participation in sports,
drama, music or other extracurricular activities).
The following are some potential times of day or activities during which I
may have the opportunity to build this positive time with students into my
The following are a few of my own strengths and interests, and could be
useful in bonding with my students (e.g., humor, musical ability, etc.):
☐ I will aim for giving four positive interactions for every one corrective or negative
interaction I have with them (4:1).
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☐ Encouraging cooperative, trust-building peer activities more often than
competitive peer activities (see for
additional ideas)
☐ Encouraging students to report their peers’ positive behavior verbally or in writing
(i.e., promoting “tootling” rather than tattling; see blog for this ready-to-implement
evidence-based intervention).
☐ Offering students classroom jobs and rotating special responsibilities.
☐ Other:
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Part 4. What’s Your Hook? Identifying Strategies for
Promoting Academic Engagement
☐ Documentation of my daily lesson plans will be made available upon request or can
be found in the following location (for substitute teacher access):
☐ I will use student data to drive instruction that is scaffold and differentiated to
students’ developmental and learning needs.
☐ I will reach out to the instructional coach assigned to my building for additional
support in this area as needed.
I will increase students’ interest, engagement, and motivation through use of the
following strategies:
☐ I will use strategies to learn about my students’ interests, and incorporate these into
my teaching.
☐ I will allow students choices within assignments and projects.
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☐ I will enhance my students’ creative thinking (e.g., through project-based learning,
cooperative learning activities).
☐ I will increase opportunities for success in schoolwork by ensuring a match
between instruction and student developmental/ academic needs, and by
offering clear directions.
☐ I will promote student growth and academic motivation by reinforcing student
effort and work attempt over final product or outcome.
☐ I will reach out to the instructional coach assigned to my building for additional
support in this area as needed.
☐ Other:
I will provide students with ample opportunities to respond to academic questions with
use of the following strategies:
☐ I will ask questions frequently and use brisk pacing during group instruction.
☐ I will ask students to respond chorally (answer in unison).
☐ I will use response cards,, exit tickets, or a similar alternative to allow for
anonymous academic responding (i.e., students write their answers on erasable
boards then hold them up, students anonymously submit their answers to a
☐ I will present my class with questions that require every student to participate (e.g.,
“Stand up if you think X, stay seated if you think Y.”).
☐ I will consider reaching out to a colleague and having them time teacher
instruction versus the time in which students are engaged in the material outside of
instruction/ lecture time (i.e., teacher as facilitator instead of lecturer, providing
students with discussion time).
☐ I will reach out to the instructional coach assigned to my building for additional
support in this area as needed.
☐ Other:
I will demonstrate cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness by considering the following when
developing my lesson plans:
☐ Inviting the students to share their culture through writing assignments and
☐ Inviting guest speakers whom the students might identify with culturally.
☐ Hosting multi-cultural events within the classroom setting and inviting family
members to speak about their culture and customs.
☐ Other:
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Part 5. Keep Calm & Carry On: Utilizing Planned
Responses to Appropriate and Inappropriate
Behavior to Enhance Students’ Availability for
In order to promote positive, appropriate student behaviors, I will utilize the following
☐ I will ask students for input regarding motivators.
☐ I will deliver positive feedback to my class as a whole.
☐ I will give students behavior-specific praise (i.e., specifically identify the behavior
for which a student is being praised or thanked) that is credible, contingent on
desired behavior, and provides information about the value of the
☐ I will deliver individual student feedback calmly and as privately as possible to
avoid embarrassing students in front of their peers.
☐ I will provide praise in a variety of ways (e.g., verbally, nonverbally, with a pat on
the back, a call home, hanging their work on the wall in a prominent area, etc.)
and adjust my approach depending on the how my students respond.
☐ I will specifically describe behavioral expectations for upcoming tasks and
transitions, particularly at potentially difficult times (i.e., pre-corrective statements).
☐ I will actively supervise my students (i.e., frequently scanning and moving about
the room, interacting and providing prompts, reminders, and positive recognition)
to prevent behavior problems.
☐ If I notice that a particular student is struggling behaviorally, I will use the 2x10
intervention (please refer to the SCSD Behavior Matters Website for more
information on this strategy:
☐ Other:
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☐ I will consider making instructional adjustments to improve behaviors if I judge
challenging behaviors to be triggered or exacerbated by required academic
tasks (e.g., pre-teaching, differentiating, and providing additional time).
☐ I will consider making environmental adjustments to improve behaviors if I judge
an environmental element to be contributing to challenging behaviors (e.g.,
moving students’ seats away from distracting peers, collecting distracting objects
during work sessions, adjusting room lighting).
☐ I will offer more re-teaching and re-practicing before delivering consequences.
☐ I will use TCIS guidelines for verbal de-escalation.
☐ I will respond immediately following the behavior and consistently across time and
☐ I will utilize natural and planned undesirable consequences that lead to personal
responsibility and life skill development whenever possible (please refer to the
SCSD Behavior Matters Website for more information on this strategy:
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☐ Discuss with my building administrator, refer to the SCSD Code of Conduct,
and explore restorative approaches (which help students understand the
impact of their behavior and that they can repair harm).
☐ I will consider moving a student a less preferred environment.
☐ I will follow NYS guidelines on use of Time Out rooms (please refer to the SCSD
Behavior Matters Website for more information on this strategy:
☐ I will use TCIS guidelines for use of therapeutic holds, if applicable. (I will speak
to my building administrator if I am not TCIS certified).
☐ Other:
In problem solving efforts, I will acknowledge my part in reaching a solution by using the
following strategies:
I will utilize the following whole class behavior management systems and strategies, as
☐ I will use a token economy approach to allow for all students to earn tokens when
they follow classroom rules and engage in expected behavioral routines that can
be redeemed for a reinforce of some kind (e.g., desired item, preferred activity).
See Table 4, below, for a summary of my classroom’s token economy system.
Tokens will:
☐ be given more frequently when new skills are introduced.
☐ be linked to various reinforces that are redeemed frequently, intermittently,
and long-term.
☐ have value for all students.
☐ I will consider individualizing or customizing class wide goals for particular students
via an Intervention Support Plan (ISP).
☐ I will use group contingency system(s) to allow the entire class’ behavioral
performance to result in positive outcomes for all students (e.g., if the whole class is
able to meet a specific short-term goal they will earn five minutes of extra recess; if
students can meet a long-term behavioral goal they will earn a classroom party).
This group contingency system will be publicly posted and the class’ progress
toward group goals will be easily observable during visits to my classroom.
☐ If I do use a response cost approach (i.e., taking tokens away from students for
inappropriate behavior), it will be within the context of a positive, token economy
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approach to support positive attitudes toward school. Tokens will be removed at
the following rate: for the following infractions:
☐ Other:
The following is a description of the ways I will teach students and adult support staff
how my whole class behavior management systems and strategies (Table 4, below)
☐ I have attached the point sheet or other visual representations of the way I will
provide individual feedback to students about their behavior.
☐ I will conceptualize how I will teach my classroom rules and expectations, how I will
model the desired and undesired behaviors, and what adult responses to
appropriate and inappropriate behavior will look like in my classroom as described in
Table 1.B.
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Completed Homework When sticker chart is Choice from Homework Prize Box /
Stickers Daily
Assignments full Homework Pass
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Model, Guide, Practice:
Planned Adult Planned Adult
Classroom What the Rule Looks Strategy for I do, We do, You do Response to Response to
Rule Like Teaching (How I will show the students Appropriate Inappropriate
how it’s done and how it Behavior Behavior
shouldn’t be done?)
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Part 6. It’s a Journey, Not a Destination: Reflecting on,
Reviewing, Revising, and Sharing My Plan
I will keep a physical copy of the most up-to-date version of my classroom management
plan in the following location(s) for easy access to substitute teachers and my school team:
I will use the following regular meeting time(s): throughout the school year
☐ Reflect on and review components of this plan
☐ Review classroom behavioral data
☐ Reflect on and address barriers to successful implementation
☐ Reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of my classroom management plan by
collecting and reviewing the following data:
☐ Identify areas for re-teaching and responding to student needs
☐ Other:
The following people have agreed to collaborate with me during the meeting times
identified above:
☐ Social Worker:
☐ School Psychologist:
☐ Special / General Education Instructional Coach:
☐ District Behavioral Health Consultant:
☐ Other:
I will share the relevant pieces of this classroom management plan with parents and
students in the following ways:
☐ Providing a summary of key pieces of information
☐ Via parent letter
☐ Presenting to students in the classroom and increase buy in by obtaining their
☐ Presenting to parents and students at back-to-school night
☐ Other:
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Practice Exercise 1
Instruction: In this exercise, you will watch a video. Your task is to observe
the teacher strategies in dealing a challenging behaviors of students and
note how does it help in having an effective and efficient classroom
You may access the video on this link
or send a direct message to your instructor on his official Facebook
Messenger account.
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CHED Memorandum Order No. 77, s. 2017. Policy, Standards and
Guidelines for Bachelor of Special Needs Education (BSNEd)
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