An Autonomous Distributed Vehicle-to-Grid Control of Grid-Connected Electric Vehicle
An Autonomous Distributed Vehicle-to-Grid Control of Grid-Connected Electric Vehicle
An Autonomous Distributed Vehicle-to-Grid Control of Grid-Connected Electric Vehicle
Abstract- Penetrating large amount of renewable energy Because of advanced technology about Li-ion battery and
resources into power system, battery energy storage system hybrid electric vehicle, large amount of next-generation
perform important role for smoothing their natural variability,
ensuring grid-wide frequency stability, and suppressing voltage vehicles including PHEV and EV are indicated in Japan
rise caused by reverse power flow. The ubiquitous power grid (Table I). Therefore, there is a large potential of V2G.
concept has been proposed as a Japanese smart grid, in where In this paper, a V2G control method for grid-connected
total battery capacity could be optimized by coordinating PHEV and EV is proposed. V2G power when EV is plugged-
controllable distributed generators, loads on demand side, for into 200/100V home outlet has simple droop characteristics
example, heat pump system with heat storage, and plug-in
hybrid vehicle or battery electric vehicle with onboard battery. against the power system frequency at plug-in terminal.
In this paper, we propose a vehicle-to-grid control of grid- Therefore, PHEV and EV behave as a governor free. The
connected plug-in hybrid electric vehicle and electric vehicle as a effect for load frequency control of power system is able to
kind of the demand response in the ubiquitous power grid. be estimated through simple information exchange between
Proposed control is based on simple droop characteristics vehicles and control center of power system. Proposed V2G
against the power system frequency at plug-in terminal, and
considers the risks about use for vehicle and battery condition. control also considers the battery condition based on a battery
Autonomous distributed Smart Storage for governor free state-of-charge (SOC) estimation [6] and a charge scheduling
control, spinning reserve, local area voltage control, and other for next drive.
smart grid applications is realized by packaging the proposed An autonomous distributed “Smart Storage” [7] with fast
control to automotive power electronics circuit and electric response and smart cooperation to the power system is
control unit.
constructed by packaging the proposed V2G control to
I. INTRODUCTION automotive power electronics circuit and electric control unit
(ECU). Smart storage concept on ubiquitous power grid is
In Japan, photovoltaic and wind power generation will be described, and the proposed V2G control is validated by
introduced over 30% of the peak demand (179[TW] in 2007 applying actual frequency measurements in this paper.
summer) until 2030 shown in Table I [1]. Large-scale battery
energy storage system is necessary for ensuring grid-wide
frequency stability. However, total battery capacity could be
optimized by demand response or demand side management Fig. 1 shows a smart storage concept on ubiquitous power
of the controllable distributed generators and loads. This is grid. Power electronics circuit for motor drive is diverted to
one of the smart grid features, and authors has already the grid-connection without any additional circuits [8],[9].
investigated about an ubiquitous power grid concept And interactive V2G control is realized when PHEV and EV
coordinating the blade pitch angle control of wind power are plugged into 200/100V home outlet.
generation [2] or heat pump system [3] together with battery Supply-demand imbalance of the power system is observed
energy storage system. Total coordinating control scheme of from frequency deviation at plug-in terminal [10],[11],[12].
distributed generator, controllable load, and battery energy V2G power is set as droop characteristics against the
storage is also proposed [4]. frequency deviation shown in Fig. 2. V2G gain (Kmax) should
As a kind of demand response, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) of be adjusted considering a tradeoff between the effect of V2G
grid-connected plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) and and the fluctuation range of SOC according to additional
electric vehicle (EV) is investigated and demonstrated [5]. charge-discharge cycles for V2G. Maximum V2G power
Power Grid
Power Grid
Control Center
Frequency Wind
ECU / Smart Meter Small Power Grid
Measurement V2G Photovoltaic
SOC Estimation
DC-DC Inverter
Battery Converter
Motor Distributed
Load Gas-engine
Heat Pump Load Generator
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Gas-turbine
Electric Vehicle
Heat Storage Reversible H 2 Local Network
Smart Storage Fuel Cell
V2G Discharge
V1G K max
Δf max
V2G Charge
SOClow SOChigh
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency Deviation [Hz]
SOCmin Battery SOC [%] SOCmax
Fig. 2. Droop characteristics against frequency deviation. Fig. 3. Suppression of V2G/V1G considering battery condition.
Battery SOC must to be full or desired capacity until the Switching V2G to V1G mode at around 71[h] based on
next drive. If user set time and mileage of next drive in estimation of necessary time of V1G charge, desired capacity
advance, one-way charge, which is called as V1G, with droop (91.6[%]) is accomplished until the next drive (78[h]).
characteristics against frequency deviation is executed as a There is saturation of V2G power when maximum absolute
kind of smart charging [13]. Because this V1G mode doesn’t value of frequency deviation is more than 0.05[Hz]. This
intend to balance SOC, V1G power is not suppressed saturation is evaluated by changing maximum V2G power
according to battery SOC, but CV (Constant Voltage) charge from 0.5 to 10 [kW]. Frequency of saturation is found to be
is executed when SOC is near to full. relatively small when maximum V2G power is 5[kW] (Fig.
Assuming that power system frequency is dominated by 7). And root mean square of V2G power is almost the same
normal distribution (standard deviation (σ)), the expectation as that when maximum V2G power is 10[kW] (Fig. 8).
value of V1G power (PV1G) is estimated as follows. Fig. 6 shows the results about Western 60Hz systems.
σ (2) Although battery SOC reach full or empty without V2G
PV1G = K max
2π suppression, SOC is kept around 50% with V2G suppression.
On the other hands, necessary energy from present SOC to
destination SOC (WV1G) is estimated by using battery model
used for SOC estimation. Finally, the necessary time of V1G TABLE II
charge (TV1G) is calculated as follows. SPECIFICATIONS OF BATTERY CELL (PACK).
0.12 0.12
2σ 2σ
0.08 0.08
0.04 0.04
0.00 0.00
-0.04 -0.04
-0.08 -0.08
-2σ Moving average -0.12
-2σ Moving average
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
-5 -5
-6 -6
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
8 10
6 8
2 2
0 0
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
(c) Necessary time of V1G charge (c) Necessary time of V1G charge
100 100
90 90
80 80
With V2G suppression
Battery SOC [%]
Battery SOC [%]
350 350
340 340
330 330
320 320
310 310
300 300
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
(e) Battery CCV Time [hour] (e) Battery CCV Time [hour]
Fig. 5. Results of proposed V2G control (Eastern 50Hz systems) Fig. 6. Results of proposed V2G control (Western 60Hz systems)
Hour rate of V2G saturation [%]
70 2.5
Western 60Hz systems
RMS of V2G power [kW]
Eastern 50Hz systems
40 1.5
Western 60Hz systems
10 0.5
Eastern 50Hz systems
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Maximun V2G power [kW] Maximun V2G power [kW]
Fig. 7. Hour rate of V2G saturation. Fig. 8. RMS of V2G power.
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η is charge-discharge efficiency. Then battery OCV (Open
Circuit Voltage) is defined as following Nernst equation.
RT ⎛ SOC ⎞ (A-2)
OCV = V nom + α ln ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
F ⎝ C nom − SOC ⎠
Vnom and Cnom are nominal voltage and capacity, respectively.
R, F, T is gas constant, faraday constant, and battery
temperature, respectively. α is a adjusting parameter about
voltage change. Battery CCV (Closed Circuit Voltage) is also
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CCV = OCV + R int I (A-3)
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