(Succession) 04 - Reganon v. Imperial - Alonto
(Succession) 04 - Reganon v. Imperial - Alonto
(Succession) 04 - Reganon v. Imperial - Alonto
DOCTRINE: The rights to the succession of a person are Eventually, on March 1964, PNB, pursuant to a court case,
transmitted from the moment of death, and where, as in this deposited P10,303.80 in its Dipolog branch, which is the
case, the heir is of legal age and the estate is not burdened with residuary estate of its former ward Eulogio Imperial. The heirs of
any debts, said heir immediately succeeds, by force of law, to the Eulogio (including the defendant Rufino Imperial) executed a
dominion, ownership, and possession of the properties of his deed of extrajudicial partition for the P10,303.80 and Rufino
predecessor, and consequently stands legally in the shoes of the Imperial received P1,471.97 as his share. The heirs of Reganon
latter. learned of this and so they filed for an issuance of a writ of
execution and to order the PNB-Dipolog branch to hold Rufino
II. Facts of the case Imperial’s share and to deliver it with the sheriff for the
satisfaction of the money judgment. The sheriff issued a notice of
Cast of Characters: levy to Rufino about the garnishment of the rights and interest
that Rufino may have over the estate of Eulogio Imperial. the heirs which was done when PNB deposited P10,303.80 to its
Defendant appeared in court to file MR but was denied hence he dipolog branch.
went to this court to raise the following issues:
When Eulogio died, the rights to his succession — from the
(1) Upon the death of a ward, is the money accumulated in his moment of his death — were transmitted to his heirs, one of
guardianship proceedings and deposited in a bank, still whom is his son and heir, defendant-appellant herein. This
considered in custodia legis and therefore not subject to automatic transmission cannot but proceed with greater ease
attachment? and certainty than in this case where the parties agree that the
(2) Is the residuary estate of a U.S. veteran, which consists in residuary estate is not burdened with any debt. The rights to the
the aggregate accumulated sum from the monthly allowances succession of a person are transmitted from the moment of
given him by the United States Veterans Administration death, and where, as in this case, the heir is of legal age and the
(USVA) during his lifetime, exempt from execution? estate is not burdened with any debts, said heir immediately
succeeds, by force of law, to the dominion, ownership, and
possession of the properties of his predecessor, and
III. Issue/s consequently stands legally in the shoes of the latter. In this case,
in fact the heirs has full liberty to withdraw their respective
Can the interest of an heir in the estate of a deceased person inheritance amounts and the only reason why they have not
be attached for purposes of execution even if the estate is done so is because of an illegal withdrawal by a certain Gloria
still in the process of settlement? (YES) Gomez which case is pending in the CA (Gloria isn’t a party to the
Reganon v. Imperial case)
IV. Ratio/Legal Basis
The US veteran argument incase sir asks (kasi military man
Rufino’s main argument is that the property of an incompetent siya)
under guardianship is in custodia legis and therefore cannot be
attached. However, that was under the old rules of court. The Finally, it is defendant-appellant's position that the residuary
new rules of court provides for a procedure in case a property in estate of Eulogio Imperial, a former U.S. veteran, having been set
custodia legis is to be attached. Furthermore, jurisprudence has aside from the monthly allowances given him by the United
provided that “The death of the ward necessarily terminates the States Veterans Administration (USVA) during his lifetime, is
guardianship, and thereupon all powers and duties of the exempt from execution.
guardian cease, except the duty, which remains, to make a
proper accounting and settlement in the probate court.” And as a Any pension, annuity. or gratuity granted by a Government to its
matter of fact, the CFI of Zamboanga handling the guardianship officers or employees in recognition of past services rendered, is
proceedings ordered it to be conditionally closed and to have the primordially aimed at tiding them over during their old age
estate of the late Eulogio Imperial(the ward) to be distributed to and/or disability. This is therefore a right personalissima, purely
personal because founded on necessity. It requires no
V. Disposition
VI. Notes