Cloud Based Smart Energy Meter PDF
Cloud Based Smart Energy Meter PDF
Cloud Based Smart Energy Meter PDF
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3 authors:
Prashant Patavardhan
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Abstract:- LPC2148 is a very powerful system-on-chip • Auto-Disconnection on non-payment of bills within the
device belonging to the generation of the ARM 32-bit stipulated due time and reconnection after payment if
platform devices providing a lot new features and done after the stipulated due time.
flexibility to support single, two and three-phase • Authentication to a particular account via the user’s
metering solutions. Intercepting 2 terminals of the Account No and a password.
supply are connected 2 terminals to the Energy Meter
where the other two terminals are connected to the load B. Scope of the Work
for tapping the energy consumed by the load. The
tapping of the meter readings are being done with the Since the energy meter determines the energy consumption
help of the Voltage Sensor and a Current sensor. The of the domestic household appliances, it definitely has a
two results are combined for the calculation of the scope in the following sectors:
energy consumption. The bill generated and units • The individual energy utilization of a particular
consumed for a particular period is being intimated to appliance can be calculated.
the particular user and PC via a GSM module. The bill • Energy savings based on the utilization by the particular
is calculated according to the tariff plan charges and individual and diverting it as needed.
updated. The payment is being facilitated via a Web
• Forecasting the future energy desire based on the
Payment Portal using an A/c No and password. On a
statistics of prior utilization for the same purpose.
payment being made, a message is being triggered to the
• Statistical modeling of the data based on the energy
meter indicating bill paid and metering to be continued
consumed by the specific individual.
else a disconnection of the supply will result.
• Approximation of the usage of energy by an individual
Keywords:-ARM 7 (LPC 2148), Step Down Transformer, over various intervals of time and averaging it.
Voltage Sensor, Current Sensor, Opamp, Hall Effect Sensor, • Recording the statistics of energy utilization on a day to
ADC day basis and notifying.
The very specific application of this embedded system The purpose of this project is to understand the statistics of
describes a single phase energy meter. The components the energy utilization by an individual or an organization
designed measures the active energy, current and potential such as to reduce the wastage or unnecessary utilization of
in a single-phase distributed environment. The main core electricity in situations like non-payment of bills, power
component of the energy meter is an ARM processor. theft, etc. Also the very purpose of this project is that to
reduce the manpower in case of disconnection and
Power meters are most of the times to be mentioned as reconnection of supply in case of non-payment of bills by
Energy Meters. Power may be defined as a product of the consumer and also during the bill generation. The
voltage and current which is usually required in order to statistics provide huge information regarding the usage of
perform a useful task. the energy. Also provides an alternate for the
electromechanical analog or digital meters which provide
A. Objectives approximate readings by providing more near-accurate
readings. Also the web portal interfacing provides an
There are various objectives to be met. Some of them accurate method in generation of bills based on the energy
involves in determining the following below. units received wirelessly. The online payment also
• Determining the load. I.e. 1-phase/3-phase. facilitates the auto continuation and discontinuation of the
supply based on the bill payment within a stipulated amount
• Energy Consumption per unit time.
of time duration.
• Generate bill as per tariff charges of the particular circle
and update it in the database.
• Intimate the customer by forwarding the bill generated
via SMS.
power cut such that the counting of the units can be resumed
from where it stopped after the power resumes. The Real
Time clock facilitates the calculation of the energy with
respect to real time. The stored energy in units is then sent to
the Utility Billing Center or the Server via a GSM Module
for the Bill Generation and the Payment Purpose. The circuit
breaker here is the relay circuit which facilitates
disconnection/ reconnection of supply based on the payment
made.The utility center lies at the electricity board end. The
energy computed at the customer end is being sent to the
UCC via a GSM module. This energy received is stored in a Fig 4. Voltage Sensing
database maintained. Block diagram depicting the UCC may
be as shown in the Fig 2 above. The working of each of the b) Voltage Sensing Circuit
component of the block diagram is as follows: The
information is being fetched from the table in the database. A Voltage detection sensor is being used for the voltage
The bill is being generated as per the existing tariff plans of sensing purpose. The voltage sensor has the input voltage
the particular circle. The notification of the bill generation is less than 16.5V +/- 0.5V whenever it is used with a
being intimated to the user via a GSM Module. The payment maximum output voltage of 3.3V. The voltage detection
facilitation is being done via the Web Portal itself where the sensor works on the 5V DC supply which can be taken from
customer needs to login for making a payment. The head of the 5V stable output of the 7805 Regulator. The Bridge
the board can also analyze the usage statistics of the user Wave Rectifier output can be given as follows:
based on the energy readings. VRMS = VIN. * 1.41
Given VIN = 12V, we get
IV. DESIGN VRMS = 12 * 1.41 = 16.92V
Before implementation of any circuit for the practical Fig 4 depicts the diagram of a voltage sensing circuit. The
purpose, the design of it is necessary. The design can be voltage available at the output is 2.4V from the voltage
broadly categorized into 2 parts: Hardware and Software sensing circuit.
c) Current Sensing Circuit
A. Hardware Design
A Current sensor (ACS712 – 20A) is being used for the
The hardware design involves the design of the voltage current sensing purpose. The current sensor has the
regulation circuit, voltage sensing circuit, current sensing sensitivity of varying about 100mV/A. This is being
circuit and relay. connected in series with the load which is in-turn connected
directly with the main line in series. The current sensor
a) Voltage Regulation Circuit works on the 5V DC supply which can be taken from the 5V
stable output of the 7805 Regulator. Figure 5 depicts the
One method is a 12-0-12 1A Transformer can be used for connections to a current sensor.
stepping down the voltage directly from 230V/50Hz to
about 12V/50Hz/1A. The output is rectified using bridge-
wave rectifier using 1N4007 diodes and 10μF capacitor for
the usage of it in electronic components. The figure below
depicts the voltage regulation circuit being connected to
7805 and 7812 voltage regulators respectively.
Summing point Va = Vb
Fig 8. Relay Circuit
d) The Relay
The ADC of LPC 2148 is a 10-bit successive approximated The hardware design for the relay is being discussed in the
ADC. There are 2 ADC’s onboard ADC0 and ADC1. ADC0 previous section. The triggering part is being done by
has 6-Channels and ADC1 has 8 channels. The maximum developing a source code. The source code for relay is very
frequency supported by each ADC is 4.5MHz. ADC related simple. It can be either triggered by setting any one of the
pins are as mentioned below. LED on as LED_ON() and off by LED_OFF() where LED
ON() and LED_OFF() are 2 functions written to turn on and
off the LEDs. The relay trigger switch is being connected to
the extended bus of the LED pins.
• LCD Interfacing
Table 1. ADC Related Pins in LPC2148
The LCD module is interfaced only to display the results
after the completion of the operation. The LCD module is as
shown in the fig 9. D0-D7 are data lines through which data
to be displayed can be sent. It can be written only when EN
is low. Based on Read or Write, R/W is set. Gnd and Vcc
are connected.
Power = Current x Voltage x Power Factor Communication in between the GSM module with other
mobile phones occurs with the help of UART present on the
The power calculation is current driven and thus changing microcontroller board. Communication over UART or
the load always changes the current value. The voltage is USART requires 3 basic communication signals namely:
always constant with a value of 2.4V. The value of voltage RXD (Receive), TXD (Transmit) and GND (Common
is less than 3.2V which is the threshold value for the ADC’s Ground). Here, in this scheme, CTS and RTS signals of the
of the ARM board. Increase in the value of either current or serial port interface of GSM Modem are connected to each
voltage will lead to the damage of the ADC channels. The other. Fig 11 depicts the transmission of the message
time period is set for about 2 minutes. Now Energy is containing the energy consumed by the customer.
defined as the power calculated with respect to time. The
figure 10 below depicts a diagram of the calculation of
B. Calibration
b) Current Calibration
database. The energy utilization is stored in the database for E. Payment Portal
the analysis purpose. The data stored is fetched and the first
term in the Energy Consumed is separated from the other The online payment is being facilitated on the local server.
terms since the 1st character is an Account number and the The user logs in with his account number and a password,
rest are the units consumed. proceeds for payment, enters all the banking details and then
submits the information. Based on the details entered by the
customer in the form, the details are validated and then the
payment transactions is completed. Once the Payment is
being completed, a message is being triggered to the user as
well as to the modem connected to the energy meter. The
bank details are updated simultaneously. Figure 14 depicts
the Payment Portal for the customer.
From the above figure 12, consider the units used are 2250. Once the payment is done by the customer, a message is
Here 2 is the customer account number and 250 are the being triggered by the portal to the ARM Board. This
energy units consumed by the customer. The separation is message is being sensed and based on the time elapsed, a
done in order to facilitate the updation of the bills to the specified action is being taken. If the time duration for the
particular user’s account since the account number is waiting of the payment has elapsed, the supply is
unique. Whenever bill generation occurs, the current meter reconnected or else if the time duration has not elapsed, it
reading is being replaced with the new units consumed, the continues metering for the next stipulated amount of time.
old meter reading is being replaced by the prior meter Fig 15 depicts the reception of the message containing the
readings in addition to prior month’s meter readings. The payment notification.
billing is done every stipulated time, according to the tariff
plan of the particular circle. Once the bill generation is
complete, a message is being triggered to the user intimating
him of the bill generated, cost and the due date.
Simultaneously the bill generated is being updated into the
database with respect to the user’s account number. Bill
updation in the user’s account may be as shown in the fig 13
metering stops. If the payment notification is received after • Inputs to the ARM board always need to be < 3.2V else
the disconnection of the supply, the connection restarts. there occurs a burnout of the ADC channels.
Once the timer waiting for the payment notification elapses, • Maintenance charges for the billing portal such as Bill
a message is being displayed on the LCD indicating “Bill Desk are expensive.
Not Paid, Power Cut” is being displayed and then the supply • Cloud purchase and maintenance charges are high.
is disconnected. If the payment notification is received
within time, then it continues metering for the next specified
Load determination is done by classifying the load into Some measurements are being observed with the
single phase and three phase. Since the voltage fed to the implemented Energy Meter. These experiments are being
ARM board is 2.4V from the voltage sensor, the voltage conducted to evaluate the correctness and working ability of
upto 2.4V is assumed as single phase and the voltage the system. The system designed was tested for various load
exceeding 2.4V is considered as 3 phase. This adjustment is and it was observed that it withstands upto wattage of about
done since the actual single phase voltage lies in the range 1.2KW which corresponds to about a proportional voltage
of 230V to 240V. Exceeding the 240V upto 440V is less than 3.2V of the as is also suitable to be used for the
considered as three phase. So the load determination is ARM Controller.
based on the threshold basis and the threshold is set as 2.4V.
Fig 17 below shows a picture depicting load determination. a) Tests on Voltage Measurement
A. Merits
B. Demerits
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• Introducing a prepaid way of recharging via SMS and [17]. “Design of GSM Based Smart Automatic Energy
authentication by the bank module. Metering System”, Kiran Mahale, Shraddha Bansal,
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Jagadeesh.S.K, IJTRA, June 2016.
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