College Student Results Modules
College Student Results Modules
College Student Results Modules
Managing the attendance using traditional approach is really a cumbersome
process. The person has to maintain the student results and attendance record in
registers and file using pen and paper. The problem with this approach is that it
requires lots of paper which are the part of our non-renewable natural resources.
We are in the digital age, where we have to think about sustainable development.
Managing the results and attendance using mobile phones, provide an alternative
way in this direction. Communication between teachers and the parent is also an
important issue that should also be considered, because parent can only get the
information about their ward after the interaction with teachers. The Proposed
system provide the application system which enables parent or student to receive
the information of their academics regularly on daily basis.
Sstem Specifications
Software Requirements: -
Android Tools:
Android Emulator
PHP Tools:
Hardware Requirements:
Processor : Intel 3
Proposed Solution:
User module.
Staff module
Admin module
3.2 Module
The different menu options that the user have to choose from like
View attendance,
View Mark results
View Semester results
View Notification
Administrator module.
Staff module