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July August
3160 ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),27(4),3159-3165,2015
evapotranspiration (ET) and rainfall on monthly, seasonally rainfall and cropping system. Depending upon temperature
and annually scale, the results of which had showed some variation of a whole year four seasons named as winter
significance in case of rainfall and temperature. In Zambia (October to March), summer (April to September), spring
MK Test and CUSUM (Cumulative Summation) test was (March to May) and autumn (September to October) were
used to analyze the long term rainfall trend by [6]. The trend used. According to amount of rainfall variability three
of precipitation and run-off was studied by Xu et al. [7] in seasons were used named as pre-monsoon (March to May),
major Chinese rivers by Mann-Kendall statistics for the monsoon (June to September) and post-monsoon (October to
detection of trends. The objective of this study is to analyze December) similarly depending upon the cropping system
rainfall trends/patterns using long time series data and to two seasons Rabi (November to April) and Kharif (May to
assess the significance of rainfall trends over selected study October) were used for seasonal trend analysis. Generally the
area by using The Mann-Kendall (MK) Test to gather with statistical distribution was applied to assess the behavior of
Sen’s Slope Estimator. data and the trend/pattern analysis was done as discussed
2. Study Area below.
This research was conducted as a case study for precipitation 3.1 Trend Analysis
trend analysis of district Chakwal raingage installed by Statistically trend is a significant change over time which is
Pakistan Meteorological Department having Latitude 32º 55’ detectable by parametric and non-parametric procedures
and Longitude 72º 51’ at 519 m elevation. while trend analysis of a time series consists of the magnitude
District Chakwal is a Barani district having total drainage of trend and its statistical significance. In this study statistical
area 6609 Km2, located in the southern zone of Pothwar significance trend analysis was done by using Man- Kendall
plateau, bordered by district Mianwali in West, district test while for the magnitude of trend was determined by non-
Jhelum in East, district Khushab in South and districts parametric Sen’s estimator method.
Rawalpindi and Attock in North as shown in Fig.1. The 3.1.1 Mann–Kendall Test
terrain is mostly hilly, due to laying at the beginning of This is a statistical method which is mostly used to check the
Pothwar plateau and salt range. The soil is silt loam to loam null hypothesis of no trend versus the alternative hypothesis
and its considerable area is covered by forests and plains of of the existence of monotonic increasing or decreasing trend
district are cultivated by even those placed in hilly range and of hydro-climatic time series data. The non-parametric Mann-
cultivation is mainly depend upon occurrence of rainfall Kendall test is fit for those data series where the trend may be
because there is no proper canal irrigation system so assumed to be monotonic (i.e. mathematically the trend
agriculture in this area is very precarious. consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently
decreasing and never increasing) and no seasonal or other
cycle is present.
MAKESENS [8] performs two types of statistics depending
upon the number of data values i.e. S – statistics is used if
number of data values are less than 10 while Z – statistics
(normal approximation/distribution) for data values greater
than or equal to 10.
The statistic S is calculated as shown in equation (i)
∑ ∑ (i)
and are annual values in years j and i, j > i respectively,
n is the number of data points and ( ) is
calculated using equation (ii)
( ) { (ii)
Figure 1: Location map of study area A positive or negative value of S indicates an upward
(increasing) or downward (decreasing) trends respectively. If
3. MATERIAL AND METHODS number of data values are 10 or more, the S – statistics
Daily rainfall data of thirty seven years (1977 – 2013) for approximately behave as normally distributed and test is
district Chakwal was collected from Pakistan Metrological performed with normal distribution with the mean and
Department (PMD) Lahore and Soil and Water Conservation
variation as given below equations (iii) & (iv).
Research Institute (SAWCRI) Chakwal. This data included E(S) = 0 (iii)
daily precipitation, maximum and minimum precipitation ∑
during a month and peak rainfall event with intensity and (iv)
duration. The time series analysis of rainfall data was done on Where, n is number of tied (zero difference between
monthly, seasonally and yearly basis. Monthly data were compared values) groups and is the number of data points
arranged in such a way that nine number of seasons were in the ith tied group. The standard normal distribution (Z –
used and then these seasons were separated into three sub statistics) is computed using equation (v).
categories depending upon temperature variation, amount of
July August
Sci.Int.(Lahore),27(4),3159-3165,2015 ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 3161
The estimated Sen’s Slope (Q) was also calculated for each
√ month separately and the month Jan, Feb, May, Jun, July,
(v) Aug and Sept give increasing slope magnitude and the month
of March and April showed non-significant decreasing trend.
{ √ But the month of Oct, Sept and Dec showed no change in
Statistically the significance of trend is assessed using Z- Sen’s Slope magnitude as shown in Fig.4.
value. A positive value of Z shows upwards (increasing) The analysis mentioned in Fig.3 and Fig.4 to gather indicated
trend while the negative value indicates downward that the months of Feb May, Jun, July and Aug give
(decreasing) trend. significant increasing trend due to positive value of both Z
In MAKESENS the two-tailed test is used for four different and Q statistics while the months of Jan and Sept showed
significance levels α: 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001. The non-significant increasing trend. The month of March give
significance level 0.001 means that there is a 0.1% significant decreasing trend due negative value of Z and Q
probability that the values xi are from a random distribution statistics and the month of April give non-significant
and with that probability we make a mistake when rejecting decreasing trend.
H0 (null hypostasis) of no trend. Thus the significance level
0.001 means that the existence of a monotonic trend is very
probable. Respectively the significance level 0.1 means that
there is a 10% probability that we make a mistake when
rejecting H0.
3.1.2 Sen’s Estimator method
Sen’s non-parametric estimator method has been used for
predicting the magnitude (true slope) of hydro-metrological
time series data. The Sen’s slope estimator method uses a
Figure 3: The Mann-Kendall Z -Statistics for Monthly Trend
linear model for the trend analysis. The slope (Ti) of all data
pairs is calculated using equation (vi) by [9].
Where, and are data values at time j and k (j > k)
The median of these n values of Ti is represented by Sen’s
slope of estimation (true slope) which is calculated using
equation (vii)
Figure 4: The magnitude of trend using Q –Statistics
{ (vii)
( )
4.2 Seasonally Rainfall Trend Analysis
Sen’s estimator is calculated using above equation Rainfall trend was analyzed on three sub-categories of
depending upon value of n is either odd or even and then seasons as discussed below.
is computed using 100 (1 – α) % confidence interval 4.2.1 Seasonal variation of rainfall trend depends upon
using non-parametric test depending upon normal temperature variation
distribution. A positive value of indicate increasing Four seasons were used depending upon temperature i.e.
(upward) trend while negative value of represent winter, summer, spring and autumn. The value of Z and Q –
downward or decreasing trend of time series data. Statistics for three seasons, winter, summer and autumn is
positive which showed significant increasing trend while the
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION spring season indicate decreasing trend as shown in Fig.5
In the present study trend analysis of rainfall of district
Chakwal rain gauge was done using Mann-Kendall to gather
with Sen’s slope estimator for 37 years of time series data
(1977- 2013) on monthly, seasonally and yearly basis.
4.1 Monthly Rainfall Trend Analysis
The variation in rainfall data (trend) on monthly basis is
calculated individually for each month using Mann-Kendall
statistically method and magnitude of slope is calculated with
Sen’s slope estimator as represented in Fig. 2. It was analyzed
that there is significant changes in monthly rainfall data mean
some of the months showed increasing (upward) trend and Figure 5: Seasonal Variation of Rainfall Trend Depending upon
some showed decreasing trends. Seven months (Jan, Feb, Temperature
May, Jun, July, Aug and Sept) give positive values of Z– 4.2.2 Seasonal variation of rainfall trend depend upon
Statistics which represent rising trend while other months amount of Rainfall variation
(Mar, Apr, Oct, Nov and Dec) represent falling trend as Depending upon the amount of rainfall, three type of seasons
shown in Fig.3 were used, i.e. pre-monsoon (March to May), monsoon (June
July August
3162 ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),27(4),3159-3165,2015
to September) and post-monsoon (October to December). The monsoon and post-monsoon seasons showed downward trend
monsoon seasons showed significant upward trend having due to negative value of Z and Q – Statistics as represented in
positive values of both Z and Q – Statistics while pre- Fig.6
July August
Sci.Int.(Lahore),27(4),3159-3165,2015 ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 3163
(443 mm) of year 1997. The calculated mean annual rainfall
for 37 year data is 625 mm and maximum total rainfall (1241
mm) occurred in 1997.
4.2.3 Seasonal variation of rainfall trend depend upon Figure 4: Annual Rainfall Trend Analysis
cropping system
Rabi season consist of Nov to April months and this seasons The Mann-Kendall trend, its statistical significance along
showed increasing trend due to positive values of Z and Q with magnitude of Sen’s slope for 1977 to 2013 year rainfall
statistics similarly Kharif season (May to Oct) also showed data is shown in Table.1. The months of February and June
increasing trend as shown in Fig.7 showed increasing monotonic trend with significance level
0.01, that mean there is a 1% probability that we make a
mistake when rejecting Ho (null hypothesis) of no trend.
Similarly those months and seasons which have single star
(*) sign as given in significance (α) column of this table
showed significance level 0.05 having 95 % significance
interval of Q and the month of august and annual time series
data having plus (+) sign showed 0.1 significance level
Figure 3: Seasonal Variation of Rainfall Trend Depending upon
Cropping System having 99 % significance interval of Q and there is 10 %
probability that we make a mistake when rejecting Ho. While
4.3 Annual Rainfall Trend Analysis the other months and seasons having column with (-) sign
The trend of total annual rainfall of 37 years data is showed significance level greater than 0.1.
represented in Fig.8 which depicted that the total maximum Generally those time series data give quite significant trends
annual rainfall (1241 mm) has occurred in the year 1997 whose both Mann-Kendall trend (Z statistics) and Sen’s
while minimum total annual rainfall (225 mm) has occurred Slope magnitude (Q statistics) having either increasing
in 1979 of whole reference period. Average annual rainfall of (positive)or decreasing (negative) values.
37 years data is 625 mm. The positive vale of Z and Q –
Statistics showed that there is rising trend with upward slope 5. CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATION
of rainfall on annual basis. The results of study depicted that there is substantial year to
4.4 Mann-Kendall Trend and Sen’s Slope year and season to season variability in rainfall pattern and
The statistical analysis of rainfall data was done using central rainfall pattern is generally erratic in nature. The statistical
tendency parameters i.e. (mean and median) and the result of tests indicated that in some months there is an
dispersion of data from mean was done using standard increasing trend while in some other months decreasing trend
deviation and coefficient of variance as shown in Table.1. of precipitation. (1) Individually seven months (Jan, Feb,
Table.1 illustrated that minimum mean monthly rainfall May, Jun, July, Aug and Sept) represents increasing trend
occurred in the month of November (6 mm) for all these 37 while other five months (Mar, Apr, Oct, Nov and Dec)
year data followed by December (14 mm) and January (25 represent decreasing trend (2) the trend looks predominantly
mm) while maximum mean monthly rainfall occurred in positive (increasing), both at the annual and seasonal scale (3)
month of august (144 mm). It is also depicted from the table the spring, pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons showed
that total maximum rainfall was occurred in month of august decreasing trend while other showed increasing trend.
July August
3164 ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),27(4),3159-3165,2015
Table 1: Statistical Analysis of Rainfall data along with Mann-Kendall Trend and Sen's Slope
The monthly analysis indicated that the months of February, productivity in rainfed areas of Pakistan and this increasing
May, June, July and August give significant increasing trend trend of rainfall on annual and seasonal basis can be used for
due to positive value of both Z and Q statistics while the better planning of water resources development and
January and September showed non-significant increasing management schemes as well as conservation of soil moisture
trend. The month of March give significant decreasing trend in study area of Pothwar region Pakistan.
due negative value of Z and Q statistics and the month of
April give non-significant decreasing trend. The trend of 6. REFERENCES
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Corresponding Author:
Email: fiaz_hussain08@yahoo.com
July August