API 17J, B, K, L1, L2 Flexible Pipe Standardization PDF
API 17J, B, K, L1, L2 Flexible Pipe Standardization PDF
API 17J, B, K, L1, L2 Flexible Pipe Standardization PDF
Reporting Chair
Krassy Doynov, Ph.D., ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company
Scope of Work and Status
Recommended practice for flexible pipe API RP 17L2 5-March-2013 Revision in 2019
ancillary equipment ISO 13628-17 N/A HOLD
The Ageing of PA-11 in Flexible Pipes API 17TR2 1-Jun-2003 to be updated 2020
API 17L1, L2 (ISO 13628-16,17 – on hold)
• Revision of API 17L1 and L2 kicked off on Feb-8, 2018
• Task Group – 30 companies, 72 SMEs from EU and US
• Collected Industry lessons learned since 2013: 246 technical comments +
225 API Monogram comments
• Resolved (98%) of technical comments and ~(50%) of API Monogram
comments in 4 F2F TG meetings:
• 1st meeting in Houston on Oct 23rd and 24th 2018
• 2nd meeting in Galway, Ireland on Dec 4th and 5th 2018
• 3rd meeting in Houston on Mar 5th and 6th 2019
• 4th meeting in Paris, France on May 22nd and 23rd 2019
• Anticipate: 2 teleconferences, API Ballot in Aug-Sep, 1-2 teleconferences to
address ballot comments. Publish by YE 2019
38Tricia Hill tricia.hill@matrixengineered.com
1Vishnu Karthik Vijayaraghavan 1 Aker Solutions Vishnu.Karthik.Vijayaraghavan@akersolutions.com Matrix Composites &
39Simon Brayshow 17 simon.brayshaw@matrixengineered.com
2David Hickman david.hickman@akersolutions.com
40Sam Guo sam.guo@matrixengineered.com
3Aneel Gill Aneel.Gill@balmoral.co.uk
41Thomsen, Jens Rordam JensRordam.Thomsen@nov.com
4Gregg Stewart Gregg.Stewart@balmoral.co.uk 18 NOV Flexibles
2 Balmoral 42Erik Bendiksen Erik.Bendiksen@nov.com
5Craig Sharp Craig.Sharp@balmoral.co.uk
43Wesley J. Cort III wcort@oceaneering.com
6Fraser Milne Fraser.Milne@balmoral.co.uk 19 Oceaneering
44Mimi Batrony mbatrony@oceaneering.com
7Andy Roberts andy.roberts2@bhge.com
8Richard Carverhill 3 BHGE Wellstream richard.carverhill@bhge.com
45Trond Sundby trond-e.sundby@ptil.no
20 Petroleum Safety Authority
9Zhimin Tan zhimin.tan@bhge.com 46Morten Langoy Kjell-A.Anfinsen@ptil.no
10Yan Zhou yan.zhou@bp.com 47 Alok Dhagat 21 Prime Natural Resources alok.dhagat@primenri.com
11Faycal Ferdi 4 BP faycal.ferdi@bp.com
48Jørgen Eide 22 Point Resources AS jorgen.eide@pointresources.no
12Reji Eason Reji.Eason@bp.com
13Aymeric David aymeric.david@bureauveritas.com 49Pierre-Andre Bonnet Pierre-Andre.Bonnet@sbmoffshore.com
23 SBM Offshore
14Matthew Baert Mattew.Baert@bureauveritas.com 50Benjamin Biausser Benjamin.Biausser@sbmoffshore.com
15Anne-Laure Gaigneux 5 Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore anne-laure.gaigneux@bureauveritas.com 51John Rosche John.Rosche@shell.com
24 Shell
16Paul-Etienne Teillauchet paul-etienne.teillauchet@bureauveritas.com 52John Melville John.Melville@shell.com
17François Migeon francois.migeon@bureauveritas.com 53Rafik Boubenider 25 Stress Engineering Rafik.Boubenider@stress.com
18Parsinejad, Farzan
6 Chevron
Farzan.Parsinejad@chevron.com 54Didier Hanonge didier.hanonge@technipfmc.com
19Helena Miao HMiao@chevron.com 55Alan Dobson alan.dobson@technipfmc.com
20Rex Song Conoco Phillips Rex.Song@conocophillips.com 26 Technip FMC
56James Terris james.terris@technipfmc.com
21Mayuresh Dhaigude Mayuresh.Dhaigude@dnvgl.com 57Guillaume Micas guillaume.micas@technipfmc.com
22Jorge Suarez Jorge.A.Suarez@dnvgl.com 58Sylvain Routeau sylvain.routeau@technipfmc.com
23Jian Zhao 8 ENI Jian.Zhao@eni.com
59Tom Perry tom.perry@trelleborg.com
24Kristin Nedrelid krine@equinor.com
9 Equinor 60Steven Bray steven.bray@trelleborg.com
25Thomas Sola tholar@equinor.com
61Ben Osullivan ben.osullivan@trelleborg.com
26Don Johnson 10 ETA dwjohnson@etainc.org 27 Trelleborg
62Kipp Carlisle kipp.carlisle@trelleborg.com
27Krassy Doynov krassimir.doynov@exxonmobil.com
11 ExxonMobil Production 63Malcolm Page malcolm.page@trelleborg.com
28Greg Ruschau greg.r.ruschau@exxonmobil.com
64Collin Gaskill collin.gaskill@trelleborg.com
29Mark Kalman mark.kalman@flexsteelpipe.com
12 FlexSteel Pipeline Technologies 65Jean-Philippe Roques jean-philippe.roques@total.com
30Nader Matari nader.matari@flexsteelpipe.com 28 TOTAL
66Dennis Melot denis.melot@total.com
31Abdulgani Oseni Abdulgani.Oseni@hse.gov.uk
13 HSE
32Fred Williams Fred.Williams@hse.gov.uk 67Adrian Connaire adrian.connaire@woodplc.com
NOTE: 17B is the RP supporting both the 17J Spec and 17K Spec
(ISO 13628-2 &11 – on hold)
• Editorial help with API 17L1 and L2 revision drafts for balloting and for publishing
the second editions