This document lists hexadecimal color codes for web-safe colors. It provides the color name, hexadecimal code, and defines 216 web-safe colors that are obtained by combining the values 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, and FF. These colors will appear more consistently across different computer monitors.
This document lists hexadecimal color codes for web-safe colors. It provides the color name, hexadecimal code, and defines 216 web-safe colors that are obtained by combining the values 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, and FF. These colors will appear more consistently across different computer monitors.
This document lists hexadecimal color codes for web-safe colors. It provides the color name, hexadecimal code, and defines 216 web-safe colors that are obtained by combining the values 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, and FF. These colors will appear more consistently across different computer monitors.
This document lists hexadecimal color codes for web-safe colors. It provides the color name, hexadecimal code, and defines 216 web-safe colors that are obtained by combining the values 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, and FF. These colors will appear more consistently across different computer monitors.
blue #0000FF navy #000080 fuchsia #FF00FF purple #800080 red #FF0000 maroon #800000 yellow #FFFF00 olive #808000 lime #00FF00 green #008000 aqua #00FFFF teal #008080 black #000000 gray #808080 white #FFFFFF silver #C0C0C0