Rain Water Harvesting A Literature Review

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)

Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May - 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930


Nandkishore Dadsena1, Dr. Sindhu J. Nair2

1M.Tech. Scholar (Environmental Science & Engineering), Bhilai Institute of Technology,
Durg, Chhattisgarh, India,
2Professor & M. Tech. Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology,
Durg, Chhattisgarh, India

Abstract - About 70 percent of the earth is water. Despite 1. INTRODUCTION
this, if the people living in the remaining 30 percent area are
facing its shortage, then it is necessary to know the reasons Water has the potential to influence the development of
behind it. Merely knowing these reasons by a few sections of any country. The lack of clean water can put a question
the people is not going to change anything because the mark on the existence of entire human life. At present,
existence of water element in nature is going to be constant. the water problem is taking a formidable form in front of
If there is a shortage of water in 30 percent of the area, it does the whole world. About 25 percent of the world's
not mean that it is getting destroyed from there. Rather, it population is facing a lack of safe (potable) water. In
means that somehow it is getting from there in 70 percent
such circumstances, water management is taking the
part. The scope of human life is in 30 percent of the earth, it
form of a serious international issue on which positive
is a serious and shameful thing for the human being to let the
water go somewhere else, not caring about it and getting into initiative and proper action is becoming imperative.
trouble himself. The sources of water are on the surface, the There is an estimate in the world scenario that if the
ground and the sky, and any disturbance from anywhere in gravity of the situation is not handled in time, then the
this range can affect a very large area. But such disturbances third world war may not happen for oil or land, but for
can be fettered only when 30 percent of the people have an water. To deal with this menace, every individual,
intuitive understanding of these disturbances. Along with society and country will have to take accountability at
development, increasing demand for water like other their own level from now on. A great deal of support
resources is a normal process. Due to increase in population, can be found in this noble work by making efforts to
urbanization, change in living habits etc., the pressure on
change the thinking of the person using positive
groundwater is increasing, whose effect is clearly visible in
emotions. The use of high technologies is an effective
many areas in the form of decline in groundwater level and
quality. The availability of water in any region of India way of efficient management of available water
depends on the geographical conditions and the amount of resources.
rainwater there. But, in this period of development, rapid Apart from this, public
changes are being made in the geographical structures, the participation (individual and social level) can play an
resources are increasing rapidly. Consumption/utility and important role. But the question of how to correct such
extinction of various water resources have changed the a role has been emerging as a debatable and more
dimensions of water availability. Now the effect of all important point. Discussions take place on these points
ecological dimensions on the water is becoming important. in the forums of high professional organizations and
On the other hand, the word pollution has become common to
learned people, but there is a need to make direct access
all the areas. Along with the development, some of the
of people to them with ease and seriousness. Because,
relevant effects of the industrial revolution at the global level
are constantly taking a formidable form in the form of without this, it seems like a very difficult task to create
pollution. Due to this the scope of pollution of water of wells, emotional awareness among people about water
ponds, rivers, even ground water sources are increasing day management. As a result of these realizations, as a
by day. The considerable concern is being expressed about the simple remedy, this work was started. During its
pollution of large parts of the water in these circumstances. creation, many useful points have been included for the
general public. So that this work becomes a close ally
of the people.

Key Words: Groundwater, Urbanization, Water resources,

. Population, Conservation, Climate change.

© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM12742 | Page 1

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May - 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

2. LITERATURE REVIEW: concern arises for water availability to preserve the

ecosystem. To resolve the problem of water scarcity due to
Su et al. (2009): Rainwater harvesting system is an effective excessive use of water runoff, many techniques was adopted
choice to conserve water resource, but its capability in in Central South Africa. In this process, small scale formers
effected by demand of water and temporary distribution of have adopted the objectives of collecting and preserving the
rainwater. It has been obvious that the natural rainfall is a rain water for crop production.
continuous process and having its own characteristics and
hence it can be explained the probabilistic features of rainfall Thomas et al. (2014) United States had adopted a fairly
and its relationship with the supply lacking and design storage different system for water conservation of runoff. The country
capacity of water conservation system.This technical paper adopted the electronic survey system to facilitate the
discusses with the methods and process of design capacity community towards good practices of collecting rain water
assessment and its storage capacity. Consequently, a model runoff developed by American Rainwater Catchment System
has been developed to evaluate intensity of rainfall and results (ARCSA). All the members of ARCSA responded to the
obtained were used in futuristic calculation of design storage survey and about 2700 Rain Water Harvesting Systems across
capacity and the deficit in water supply. The city of Taipei the country have observed in surrounding area. All the
adopted such model as a study are for the purpose of analysis exercises was setup regarding the harvesting rain water, its
and demonstration for water demand and deficit with design treatment techniques and quality of water testing methods. All
storage capacity relationship. the respondents reported about the harvesting water uses
which implies the rainwater for irrigation as well as potable
Farreny et al. (2011) For urban area rainwater harvesting use purpose. As a whole, the survey renders the data about
systems, building roofs plays an important role in collecting non-potable rain water harvesting techniques in the United
the rainfall. This technical paper elaborates about the States and this practice also used for future water conservation
quantitative and qualitative data of roof top storm water techniques research.
collected within the premises of building roofs in an urban
area weather environment. This technical paper aims at roof Yosef & Asmamaw D. K. (2015) Ethiopia region is largely
selection criteria to enhance the quality and availability of dependent on rainfall and rain-based agriculture has been
rainwater. Roofs were selected and monitored for certain widely adopted for many centuries. Therefore, rainfall
period of time for the estimation of runoff volume collected at constitute an important component of the weather for
the rooftop. Collection of roof top runoff volume were improvement in agricultural productivity. Acute weather
different for different kind of roofs depending upon its slope’s conditions and seasonal variation of functional weather
roughness and flatness.Results so found have significant elements imparts adverse impact on productivity because crop
impact on local governments and urban planners for the productivity is controlled mainly by rainfall. With the growing
redesign of building and subsequently, for sustainable weather circumstances, rainfall is a must factor for
rainwater conservation management. agricultural schemes and its management. In order to counter
such a problem, efforts by capable Ethiopia government and
Ward et al. (2012) Sustainable water management tool kit local communicating have adopted various water conservation
proves water conservation system as an integral part with the techniques.
feasibility of potential water conservation scenario. This Various rain water harvesting techniques has
technical paper aims at the results of longitudinal empirical been done up to a remarkable effect on soil moisture
performance assessment of rain water harvesting system enhancement, surface runoff and groundwater recharge.
which is located in an office building in the United Kingdom. Consequently, improvement in cultivation of crops which
Moreover, it compares the real time performance with the helps in reduction of risks and possesses positive benefits
calculated performances recommended by the British towards ecosystem. As a whole, water conservation
Standards Institute between the Intermediate (Simple techniques helps in management of water scarcity, agricultural
calculations) and Detailed (Simulation based) approaches. progress and water resource management.
However, for full life cost data analysis, extra cost details on
maintenance and operation is required to perform potential Adham et al. (2016) Water conservation techniques has been
and significant cost saving. widely applied in dry and semi-dry zones to minimize the
danger from drought. Due to scarcity of water resources with
Welderufael et al. (2013) Natural stream flow which occurs increasing demand of water, an assessment and waking
from substantial amount of rainfall are intercepted by many parttern of rain water harvesting system becomes of utmost
water concerned human activities, Rain water harvesting importance.This technical paper aims at developing a simple
techniques is one of them which involves collection of runoff and effective water conservation system at a catchment area to
for the different purpose of the community. Due to increased calculate and customize the overall effectiveness of rain water
consumption of water resources in the country, an issue of harvesting within design and management criteria. This model

© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM12742 | Page 2

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May - 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

was adopted to analyze rainfall data for 1980-2004 within 25 storm water in ground and underground tanks. This method is
sub-catchment of watershed area of Wadi Oum Zessar (South popularly adopted in Lebanon by which very helpful in
Eastern Tunisia). This study stresses on the performance of recharging the rainwater and eventually saving a lot of
rain water harvesting system for all seasons of the year (i.e., amounts of electrical energy which are required for pumping
Summer, Wet, and Winter). This study also shows impact on of water from the ground water. It is quite evident that the
advantages of long-term water harvesting system and runoff received from rainwater is not holded on coastal area
improvement on understanding of hydrological processes and thereby reducing the rate of infiltration in the
within rain water harvesting system and also renders the underground surface which may ultimately lead to the ocean.
solutions for water conservation techniques performances.
Kisakye & Van der Bruggen (2018) Climate alternation
Roman et al. (2017) Many cities having combined sewer possesses acute uncertainties toward water accessibility within
overflow has to counter the urban storm water with the the rural communities which are facing the scarcity of water
priority. Many of the advanced approaches are now being already. The rainwater harvesting technique becomes a major
proposed to resolve the problem. Current research in strategy for safe drinking water availability in Uganda.
information technology are now providing cost-effective However, water conservation capacity has unknown effects of
techniques to receive the best performance of traditional climate changes. Thus, this technical paper evaluates the
rainfall water infrastructure through the regular monitoring water-saving and impact of climate changes on water security
approach. This technical paper elaborates the regular using water conservation technique for Kabrole district,
monitoring and evaluation approach which may be applied for Uganda. This process also assesses the effects of rainfall
traditional rainwater harvesting system in New York City to during rainy season for saving of water and its security and
enhance performance by least discharge to the combined also calculate the scarcity of water.
sewer during rainfall water, reducing water use for irrigation
of local vegetation and optimization of health. To achieve this Braga et al. (2018). All the cities along with the district of
objective, a hydrologic and hydraulic model was developed Columbia (DC) facing the problem of combined sewer
for a planned and designed rainwater harvesting system to overflows to manage stormwater flow through the combined
explore multiple potential scenarios prior to the systems actual sewerage system. Rainwater harvesting system with
construction. advancement technique is a modern logistic approach to
balance the stormwater and having the feasibility to reduce the
Lopes et al. (2017) Urban water system across the world is issue of combined overflow and to enhance the conservation
having increasing and variable water scarcity, increase in of water. The rainwater harvesting system adopts regular
demand, basic infrastructure deficit, uncertainly being monitoring and controlling techniques to save or release the
produced by climate change. Rainwater harvesting systems water from a rain water harvesting structure. This implies the
presents the hopeful alternative for water supply system efficiency of RWH system to get the benefits of wet weather
flexibility and capacity increase of water demand. This flow from two firehouses installed in DC. Monitoring data’s
technical paper aims all the purpose of demand of non potable were collected on regular basis for the period of three years
water and the size of tank in which the rainfall water is for RHW system which were installed systems were emphatic
received which are helpful for assessment of performance. for net weather flow as well as average discharge and
The efficiency of Rainwater harvesting systems highlights the harvesting rates are more than 95% . The results propound
usefulness of the water supply and demand mechanism that if executed to a large scale, Rainwater harvesting system
towards the economic assessment. would be a significant tool in impressive management of
stormwater flow.
Traboulsi & Traboulsi (2017) The problem of water scarcity
and domestic water demand increase becomes more severe Freni & Liuzzo (2019) Water conservation systems have
over last decades in lebnan and various countries in the several advantages being an improved optional water supply
middle east region. This issue rises due to population and remedial solution, within dry and semi-dry areas. Urban areas
other economic growth. Rainwater harvesting system proves having risk of flood can be benefited by this system. This
cost effective, safe and reliable alternative source for docetic technical paper summarises the potential of rainwater
source, but uncomfortable and impractical aspects which rates harvesting system with reduction of water consumption and in
high cost and space requirement for its construction makes addition to this, efficiency of retention of rainfall water in
this concept not currently adopted in rural and urban areas. flood-prone residential communities. The aim of the technical
This technical paper emphasizes of a purely new water paper was to evaluate the reliability of water conservation
conservation method which may be conveniently adopted in system keeping in view of surface runoff retention.
both village and city area. In this method, Rainwater is Eventually, the performance of rainwater harvesting system to
collected and stored directly into the taken installed in the roof supply stored water for cleaning of water closets in more than
area of the building and it is not necessary to collect such stored 400 single family homes in a residential area of Sicily
© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM12742 | Page 3
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May - 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

(Southern Italy) was evaluated. For this study, area with high the potential of beneficial rainwater harvesting techniques to
susceptibility of flooding was selected. Results so obtained be adopted as feasible solutions for flood control measures.
shows that potential rainwater harvesting system installation This study also summaries the hydraulic performance of
was made within the flood risk areas which is highly catchment for rainwater harvesting peak flow reduction and
concerned to rainfall amount. volume reduction on the field. This study also analyses the
basic hydraulic capacity of the various techniques and close
Yannopoulos et al. (2019). In the present scenario, Available look at the high performance of the water conservation
sources of water demand counters utmost pressure because of techniques where extreme precipitation occurs. Moreover, this
demographic, economic, social issues, environmental losses, study also presents the rainfall runoff model for water
change of climate and technology changes to the world level. conservation issues. Al through a few limitations, this study
It is obvious that rainwater harvesting being as a conventional has the emphatic feature of very high-resolution topography
method has the capacity to recharge the surface and which may be ultimately taken as input for rain water
groundwater resources in the vicinity of inadequate supply of harvesting and conservation system. The outcome of the study
water. In recent years, all the countries have adopted the also motivates the stakeholder to adopt increasing the use of
updated concept of rainwater harvesting to meet the rise in rain water harvesting system keeping in view to control the
water demand and at the same time tracing out the volume, flood hazard situation and land degradation that minimizes the
frequency and peak of runoff in the city area. All these factors draught and semi drought area.
evaluate the present circumstances and the exposure for the
forthcoming development of such method globally. Zhang et al. (2021). Rainwater harvesting systems along with
This technical paper aiming at all the the drip irrigation system are frequently adopted water
examination of present condition rainwater harvesting as an conservation techniques as curtaining farming and husbandry
additional and alternative source of water to meet the water sustainability in dryland areas of northwest china, however,
demand and to solve the issues of water scarcity across the above mentioned techniques are having benefits as well as
different countries of the world. In short, the paper drawbacks of their own. According to a meta-analysis
emphasizes the following: conducted on various study cases of four regions of northwest
Reasons behind the scarcity of water. China, it has been evaluated for fruits yield, soil water
A brief description of the past development in rainwater storages and efficiency of water stored. It is shown that 38.5%
harvesting method. of fruits yield (by weight) are currently produced in northwest
The rainwater harvesting concept overviews. china. In addition to this also drip irrigation helps in
The collective effort to expand interest in rain water improving yield of fruits which increase by 53.3% or even
harvesting. more so the rainwater harvesting system helps by 19.1%
The remuneration, scope and objectives for exposures of the improvement. Further later studies shows that rainwater
rainwater harvesting techniques in different countries harvesting system increases o-2 m soil water retention by 13.7
globally. also, the method of drip irrigation system, increase the water
use efficiency by 17.2%.
This technical paper enlightens the prouder ability of
Santos et al. (2020). In order to improve the capacity and integrating rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation system for
efficiency of water consumption, the use of non-potable water enhancement of water conservation, its productivity,
for pavement washing, toilet clearing, cultivation and others is preserving land degradation and desertification as well as
the effective strategy which is being adopted. For such reducing poverty in drought prone area.
situation, the design and analysis of rainwater harvesting
system may be made by applying recent or historical records 3. CONCLUSIONS
for the future projections of the rain water harvesting systems
to be developed. The technical paper includes the study of the The government is spending lakhs and crores of rupees on the
rainwater harvesting system in the area of Portugal Southern construction of rainwater harvesting and conservation. But
Europe. The main objective was to evaluate the impact of this is also equal to zero in hundred percent in our country,
climate change on these water conservation systems and for otherwise in a city like Delhi where there is a shortage of
this purpose daily simulation using the projected rainfall data water for about nine to ten months, there is water-logging,
was taken into account. It has been observed that there were traffic jams, jams of drains when there is little rain and due to
no appreciable changes in water conservation system all the problems like road sinking, the common people have to
performance in the concerned areas. face always.
In such a situation, people can at least make their lives happy
Tamagnone et al. (2020). Various strategies and measurers by making rainwater accessible again inside through rainwater
are adopted to counter the anthropic and climate change harvesting, not only can we get rid of our water problem but
effects on drought prone area. This technical studies, exercise also make good use of water to the society by the thought

© 2022, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM12742 | Page 4

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May - 2022 Impact Factor: 7.185 ISSN: 2582-3930

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