Prueba de Ingles Link It 4 Unidad 2
Prueba de Ingles Link It 4 Unidad 2
Prueba de Ingles Link It 4 Unidad 2
4. The school store has longer opening hours on the weekend/during the week.
Hi, Darling! I’m afraid I need you to do some chores today. First, cold you walk the _____ in
the park? Then I’d like you to water the _____ in the garden and chop some
__________________ before lunch. Later, could you sort the _______________ and put out the
__________________? We forgot last week. Finally, could you babysit your Little
Write sentences and questions with the correct affirmative (+), negative (-) or
Write sentences with must or mustn’t and the words in the box
Dylan is stayin at the house of his friend Juan Gomez. Complete the dialogue.
Dylan: Thanks for letting me stay. Do you m_____ if I take a shower in the morning?
Dylan OK. I was also w___________g if I could play music at night? It helps me sleep.