VRW Move in Clearance PDF
VRW Move in Clearance PDF
VRW Move in Clearance PDF
____ Move in Notification Unit
____ Payment of Joining Fee
____ Copy of Certificate of Acceptance(Unit/Parking) Electric meter reading:______________________
____ Advance Payment for Association Dues
to be settled
Water weter reading : ____________________
____ Unit Owner/Resident Information Sheet
____ Temporary Power Bond
____ Meralco Service Deposit
____ Signature Card
____ List of items to be delivered Drying Cage
____ Fire extinguisher(10 lb. ABC type per unit)
____ Grease trap Electric meter reading : _____________________
1. Deliveries are allowed from Mondays - Sundays.
2. Delivery hours from 8:00AM - 5:00PM.
3. Moving works shall be allowed up to 5:00 (Time).
4. Move-in Clearance shall be submitted to security by the property management office upon approval.