Uts Despa 123
Uts Despa 123
Uts Despa 123
3. What are the six pillars of Faith (Iman) and their purposes?
9. Does the Source of Science support Islam? How the Islamic scientist gives impact and
benefit toward Islam?
10. Provide an example on how to approach a source of science by using Rational, Empirical,
Intuition, and Revelation Ways?
1. is part of the first pillar of Islam besides prayer, zakat, fasting, and hajj. It is not just an
ordinary sentence because the meaning of shahada is a form of true monotheism and
faith. We must maintain a relationship with Allah by carrying out all of Allah's
commands and avoiding all of His prohibitions. The purpose of testifying is to love,
obey, and sacrifice based on religious knowledge and experience. Because God is the
Most Compassionate, then testifying means also spreading God's love to be passed on to
fellow servants and His creatures.
2. belief that sinks into the heart, with full confidence, not mixed with doubt and doubt, and
gives influence to outlook on life, behavior and daily actions. Conditions Faith that lacks
conditions may not be able to function to protect us from sinning. There are 10 conditions
of faith, namely: Love for Allah, Love for the angels of God, Love for the books of God,
Love for God's prophet, Love for Allah's guardians, Hate those who are hostile to Allah,
Fear of Allah's punishment, Hoping for Allah's mercy, Respect Allah's commands And
respecting Allah's prohibitions and sincerely avoiding Allah's prohibitions
3. What are the six pillars of Faith (Iman) and their purposes
a) Faith in Allah SWT : Faith in Allah SWT means believing and believing
wholeheartedly that Allah exists (exists). To know Him, we must know His
b) Faith in the angels of Allah SWT : Faith in angels means believing in the
existence of the angels of Allah SWT even though we have never seen them..
c) Faith in the books of Allah SWT : Faith in the books of Allah SWT means
believing and trusting in the existence of books revealed by Allah SWT.
d) Faith in the messengers of Allah SWT : Faith in the messengers of Allah SWT
means believing and believing wholeheartedly that the messengers of Allah SWT
e) Faith in the Last Day : Faith in the last day or doomsday means believing and
believing that that day will definitely come.
f) Faith in good and bad destinies that come from Allah SWT (qada' and qadar) :
Faith in qada' and qadar means being sure and believing wholeheartedly that both
good and bad destinies come from Allah SWT.
The purpose of this pillar of faith is to guide Muslims in carrying out worship. It
means: "you who believe, continue to believe in Allah and His Messenger and in
the Book that Allah sent down to His Messenger and the Book that Allah sent
down before him.
a) Wujud : The first mandatory attribute of Allah is wujud, this attribute means that
the existence of Allah SWT is not because it was created by anyone and there is
no god besides him.
c) Baqa : The obligatory nature of Allah is baqa which means eternal or eternal. The
nature of baqa means that Allah is eternal and will never perish and perish.
e) Qiyamuhu Binafsihi: The nature of qiyamuhu binafsihi means that Allah stands
alone and does not need help from anyone.
g) Qudrat: The nature of qudrat means that Allah is a substance that is all-powerful
over anything and none of the other creatures can match the power.
h) Iradat: The obligatory nature of Allah, Iradat means that Allah wills all the
universe and its contents. Allah SWT cannot do something on orders and coercion
from other creatures.
i) Ilmu The nature of knowledge means that Allah knows everything and there is
nothing that is not known by Allah.
j) Hayat: The nature of life means that Allah SWT is eternally alive and gives life.
k) Sam'un: The nature of Sam'un means that Allah Almighty hears everything in the
l) Basar: The next mandatory attribute of Allah is Basar, which means that Allah
sees everything that happens in the universe, both visible and hidden.
m) Kalam: The obligatory nature of Allah kalam means being able to speak and
speak perfectly without limitations and assistance.
n) Qadiran: Qidran is an obligatory attribute of Allah which means that Allah is all-
powerful over the universe and its contents.
o) Muridan :The obligatory attribute of Allah muridan means that Allah is the will
of all circumstances and conditions that determine anything in the universe.
p) Aliman :The obligatory nature of Allah aliman means that Allah knows
everything in this universe, both what has happened and what has not happened
on earth and in the universe.
q) Hayyan :The nature of ayyan means that Allah is the most alive without ever
sleeping, lengha, tired, let alone dying
r) Sami'an :The obligatory nature of Allah sam'an means that Allah is all-hearing
everything in the universe.
s) Bashiran :The nature of basiran means that Allah is always watching everything
that happens in the universe including the movements and behavior of humans.
t) Mutakkaliman :The nature of mutakalliman means that Allah SWT is Almighty
for all his blessings for the universe as his creation.
5. Islam is the guidance of God, the religion of all the prophets, and the Holy Quran is the
main source of Islamic teachings, which is followed by nearly a quarter of the world's
population today. It encourages people to learn from history and draw comparisons with
the rise and fall of previous nations in order to face the future. The Quranic messages are
in line with all levels of scientific and civilizational development. The Quran encourages
man to develop the ability to think in balance with the ability to remember Allah.
6. The Quran describes the creation of the universe in six periods. "Verily, your Lord is
Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, then He dwells on the
Throne. He closed the night to the day that followed it quickly, and He created the sun,
the moon, and the stars (each) to obey His command. Remember, creating and ruling are
the right of Allah. Then who else if not Allah could have created the beautiful Big Bang.
The results of the explosion are now neatly arranged into material such as planets, stars,
galaxies in the universe. The explosion is not like a bomb explosion whose results are
destroyed. So Allah created this universe of course in order to take lessons for humans.
7. Hadith can lead humans from a superficial and primitive understanding to a broad and
deep understanding of nature and life, known as al-fiqh al-hadlari (fiqh of civilization). In
addition, it also contains teachings about al-wa'yu al-hadlari (civilization awareness).
Reflecting on the glory of the past. Science and civilization will develop rapidly if
Muslims pay attention to Sunnatullah and maintain the law of cause and effect.
8. related to the prayer command. Allah SWT says, "Indeed, prayer is a timed obligation
upon those who believe". (QS. 4/An-Nisa`: 103). "Recite the Book (Quran) that has been
revealed to you (Muhammad) and perform the prayer. Verily, prayer prevents from evil
and forbidden deeds." (QS. 29/Al-Ankabut: 45).
9. Knowledge in Islam has a very important position. It can be seen from several arguments
from the Quran and hadith that view knowledgeable people in the highest and noblest
position. The faith that a person has will be an incentive to study. In the guidance of the
Quran, science in Islam has its own meaning that not many other Muslims know. In
addition, knowledge is very important for individuals to improve human dignity. With
knowledge, humans can also carry out their duties and obligations as servants of Allah on
this earth. Impact: Both of these have an impact on human beings, including: Islam and
Science both provide strength, science provides man with tools and accelerates the pace
of progress, Islam sets the purpose of man's efforts and at the same time directs these
10. Provide an example on how to approach a source of science by using Rational, Empirical,
Intuition, and Revelation Ways?