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US 20140302938A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0302938A1
Lidak (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 9, 2014
FOR HELICOPTERROTOR CPC ........................................ FI6D 3/30 (2013.01)
USPC .......................................................... 464/125
(71) Applicant: K4A S.R.L., Napoli (IT)
(72) Inventor: Vladimiro Lidak, Montelibretti (IT)
(73) Assignee: K4A S.R.L., Napoli (IT)
(21) Appl. No.: 14/353,163 A constant Velocity universal joint for helicopters with gim
balled rotors, in which the hub of a rotor is supported on a
(22) PCT Filed: Oct. 23, 2012 transmission shaft by means of a cardan's Suspension com
(86). PCT No.: PCT/IT2012/OOO322 posed of a first inner ring with a revolute connection to two
opposite pins of the carrier connected to transmission shaft
S371 (c)(1), and a second outer ring with a revolute connection to two
(2), (4) Date: Apr. 21, 2014 opposite pins of the hub. The rings are also interconnected by
Swivel opposite pins, in quadrature with respect to the pins
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data connected to the transmission shaft and to the pins of the hub,
Oct. 27, 2011 (IT) ......................... RM2O11 AOOO563 whose common axis is stably maintained in a plane, which
bisects the angle between the axes of rotation of the hub and
Publication Classification the transmission shaft, by at least one device, which is con
nected to the transmission shaft and to the hub, thus obtaining
(51) Int. Cl. a homokinetic transmission of rotational motion between the
FI6D 3/30 (2006.01) transmission shaft and the hub.
Patent Application Publication Oct. 9, 2014 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2014/0302938A1

Fig. 1
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N 5A-N


Fig. 3
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S&S e
232 m assica



Fig. 5
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Fig. 6
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Fig. 9
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US 2014/0302938 A1 Oct. 9, 2014

CONSTANT VELOCITY UNIVERSALONT not being homokinetic, induces torsional oscillating stresses,
FOR HELICOPTERROTOR with a frequency of two per revolution, on the driving shaft;
0001. The present invention relates to a constant velocity those stresses are translated, thanks to the constraints existing
universal joint for any type of transmission and in particular between the so transmission and the structure, in bothersome
for helicopters with so called “gimballed rotors, intended to vibrations which propagate to the whole cell of the helicopter
find use in the three blades or in general multiblade main and the intensity of which is greater the more the rotor disc is
rotors of helicopters, as well as in two-blade main rotors for tilted with respect to the shaft. This type of rotor, moreover,
helicopters also equipped with stabilizer bar aerodynamics. due to the presence of the central hinge of flapping, applies no
As it is known, in helicopters, the control of the direction of control moment on the transmission shaft; for this reason, in
motion of translation occurs by means of the inclination of the the flight conditions at low g (n-1 g) or Zero-g, it is possible
plane of rotation of the disk, defined by the circular path of the to lose control of the plane of the rotor disc. Even in this type
blades, with respect to the driving shaft constrained to the of rotors, the control of the inclination of the disk is realized
structure of the helicopter. In helicopters with three or more by means of the oscillating motion of the blades implemented
blades normally rotors called “articulated are employed, by the Swash plate around the pitchhinges. All types of rotor
whose blades are bound to the rotor shaft with horizontal above described are characterized by considerable stresses on
hinges, called hinges of flapping, eccentric with respect to the the pitchhinges binding the blades to the hub, countering the
axis of rotation, to allow the motion of flapping, and with centrifugal force; the stresses are caused by the reciprocating
Vertical hinges (drag hinges), the latter being Suitably motion around the axis of pitchhinges, the motion being due
equipped with friction or provided with viscous devices to the action of the cyclic Swashplate action on blades pitch to
which act on the plane of the disk to damp oscillations caused keep the rotor disc inclined. To obviate the above mentioned
by Coriolis accelerations, which affect the blades when the drawbackS various systems have been proposed and dis
rotor disk is inclined and the flapping motion is present. closed. During the development of laminated elastomeric
Hinges aligned with the longitudinal axis of the blades are bearings in the past decades (patents U.S. Pat. No. 2,481,750
also present, at the root of each blade, designed to permit and U.S. Pat. No. 2,900,182), the types of elastomeric bear
variations induced by the swash plate in the pitch of each ings that were later applied to the rotors of helicopters (US
blade, by the cyclic and collective pitch commands. In this AAMRDL-TR-75-398), have been disclosed: axial cylindri
type of rotors, thanks to the eccentricity of the hinges of cal bearings, cylindrical bearings, radial ball bearings and
flapping hinges and to the centrifugal force of the blades, the tapered rollerbearings. Many of these types of bearings are at
inclination of the plane of the disk exerts a favorable moment the basis of important refinements to the pitchhinges (patents
of control on the driving shaft (generally called “mast’), U.S. Pat. No. 3,111,172 and U.S. Pat. No. 3,652.185) to
independent from the lift exerted by the rotor itself and which reduce, but not eliminate, the friction and the consequent
tends to maintain the same mast normal to the plane of rota efforts on the commands caused by the use of the traditional
tion of the blades. A variant of the articulated rotors is con rolling bearings in the pitch, with also considerable advan
stituted by so-called “hingeless' rotors, in which the hinges tages for their durability. Furthermore, in the field of two
are replaced by flexible elements which behave as virtual bladed rotors hung with central hinge of flapping, U.S. Pat.
hinges, also being eccentric. In these types of rotor, Such as in No. 4,115,031, by Textron, has disclosed a method to allow
the articulated ones, the control of the inclination of the plane the installation of a return spring on the hub (called “Hub
of the disk is realized by means of the cyclic oscillating spring) of the rotors suspended around the flapping hinge, in
motion of the blades around the pitches hinges, implemented order to obtain a moment of control of the rotor with respect
by the swash plate. There are also two-bladed rotors whose to the driving shaft and the helicopter, to overcome the draw
hub is hinged on the top of the driving shaft with a cylindrical backs of loss of control in flight to Zero-g, by absorbing the
hinge perpendicular to the axis of the blades, and to the axis of consequent the two-per revolution vibrations induced by
the mast, functioning as Suspension hinge (called "teetering) return spring, by means of the flexibility of the blades in the
which provides flapping motion of the blades and allows the plane of rotation, tuning the characteristic frequency of oscil
inclination of the rotor disc. In the latter type of rotor, also lation in that plane. However, that solution has not eliminated
known as Suspended rotor ('seesaw'), it is required that the the torsional oscillation on the mast caused by the geometry
cylindrical hinge connecting the hub to the shaft lies in a of the semi-cardanic transmission of the rotary motion to the
higher position with respect to the attack of the blades, prac rotor. Moreover, in order to reduce the amplitude of the alter
tically on the plane defined from the centers of gravity of the nate oscillations on the pitch hinges, caused by the cyclic
hub and of the blades, inclined upwards due to the lift, in order control, oscillations that occur in conventional rotors
to cancel the vibrations that would be created for the cyclic described, and in order to eliminate the Coriolis accelerations
displacement of the center of gravity of the rotor relative to and then the lag hinges in the rotors with 3 or more blades,
the axis of rotation caused by tilting of the rotor disc. The some types of rotor so called “gimballed' or also called
blades, in fact, subject to the centrifugal force due to the “floating-hub' have been developed. In these rotors, the cen
rotation, and to lift force, assume an equilibrium position tral hub is supported on the top of its driving shaft by means
facing upward, so as to set a conical aspect of the disc, with of a spherical hinge, or with other kinematically equivalent
consequent raising of the center of mass of the rotor. The devices, which allow an inclination of the hub with two
variation of taper angle of the blades, due to different dynamic degrees of freedom and therefore allow the hub to be always
conditions and to the variability of the weight on board the parallel to the plane of rotation of the blades (so called “tip
helicopter, however, makes it impossible to completely elimi path plane' or TPP), even though they are tilted. The floating
nate this source of as vibrations in all flight conditions and hub rotors have proved themselves to be suitable to be
weight of the helicopter. Furthermore, in this type of rotor, equipped, together with appropriate devices, to create a resil
there is another source of vibration which originates from the ient biasing between hub and shaft, making the behavior of
geometry of the simple gimbal central hinge of flapping that, these rotors quite similar to the articulated rotors in flight
US 2014/0302938 A1 Oct. 9, 2014

conditions at low or Zero g. This type of rotor hubs were shaft and to the helicopter. Outside the two concentric rings
initially used in aircraft in which the power was transmitted to and acting on the opposite pins which couple the two rings,
the blades by means of jets of gas emitted by suitable nozzles there is at least one original and improved device, below
located at the end of the blades themselves (system called called “bisector', and preferably there are two bisectors com
“Tip Jet' or “Tip driven'). In that type of power transmission posed as follows: a first element connected to the transmis
the need of the homokinetic transmission of motion from the sion shaft by a connecting rod and a second element con
driving shaft to the hub of the rotor was not requested. Later nected to the rotor hub by another connecting rod. Both the
on, in some aircrafts (helicopters and convertiplanes), in connecting rods, in the shape of forks, equal and symmetri
which the motion of rotation of the blades and the drive torque cally arranged between them, act on the two bisectors coupled
is transmitted from the driving shaft to the hub, various sys together in prismatic and revolute way, sliding on the cylin
tems have been developed aimed at eliminating the torsional drical end that is projecting from one of the two pins that
oscillations on the mast and various solutions have been pro couple the cardan concentric rings as in a rhombic drive
posed to achieve constant Velocity joints Suitable for this type mechanism, with the common axis of the above pins in one
of floating hub rotors. The central spherical hinge, normally plane, called homokinetic, which bisects the angle of incli
made of elastomeric laminates spherical bearings of known nation between the plane of rotation of the hub and the plane
type (e.g. U.S. Pat. No. 3,941,433), is equipped with appro of rotation of the transmission shaft. Since the two pins are
priate stiffness so that the rotor disc, when it is tilted, exerts a mutually bounded by the same concentric rings to be coaxial,
favorable control moment on the shaft of the rotor, with a one bisector is able to ensure that the common axis of the two
behaviour similar to articulated rotors fitted with eccentric pins is in the homokinetic plane and then it is able to adjust the
flapping hinges. A model of this type of rotor has been dis operation of the constant-velocity universal joint. The inven
closed by the patent U.S. Pat. No. 4,729,753 in which the hub tion, in its embodiments, also provide for the presence of
of the rotor, Suspended spherical by means of two opposed preferably two opposing bisectors, being two the pins which
laminated elastomeric bearings on the transmission shaft, is couple the concentric rings, in redundancy function both to
maintained in rotation by means of Suitable elastomeric ele distribute the efforts, and to ensure that the smooth operation
ments that realize a substantially homokinetic joint. Many of of the coupling continues even after a rupture of one of the
Such solutions have been proposed in view of applications of two bisectors. In this case both the pins which couple the two
hybrid rotors (called “tilt rotors') applicable to converti cardan rings, present a protruding cylindrical end on which
planes. The complexity of these systems has limited their the two bisectors slide. It is evident from the drawings that
employment opportunities and has prevented the spread in come with the description of the three preferred embodi
commercial helicopters. In the field of the rotors with com ments, that the two bisectors operate in a completely inde
plex mechanical, other authors have disclosed different types pendent way from each other and are kinematically equiva
of rotary connections (called “link-type rotary coupling, see lent. It is stressed, moreover, that the bisector are subject to
U.S. Pat. No. 4,804.352) for three-bladed rotors, in order to efforts to maintain the plane homokinetic, the efforts being
obtain a spherical Suspension of the rotor and a quasi-homo variables during the rotation and the maximum value of
kinetic motion transmission. Also in other fields of applica which depends on the torque applied and on the angle of
tion, some types of constant Velocity joints have been pro inclination between driving shaft and driven shaft. The pres
posed, consisting of several assembled elastomeric devices, ence of two bisectors is used to divide symmetrically these
that allow to transmit the rotary motion with a drive torque efforts of two separate joints connected to different bearings
between two rotating inclined shafts. An example of these located on the transmission shaft and on the hub with the
devices has been released by U.S. Pat. No. 4,208,889. In advantage of greater robustness of the system as a whole. Not
general, the homokinetic cardanic rotors are characterized, so least, one has to consider the balance of the rotating masses:
far, by a considerable constructional complexity and their the presence of two opposing bisectors makes the joint more
assembly involves the coupling of a very large number of balanced. In the past, several constant velocity joints (CVJ)
components. The aforementioned elastomeric devices, more have been proposed and disclosed, based on the concentricity
over, do not always guarantee the homokinetic transmission of two universal joints obtained by shortening, up to eliminate
ofmotion between the shaft and the rotor hub to an acceptable the intermediate shaft of the classic “universal joint', that
level because of resilient materials which many of the com usually consists of two universal joints (or Hooke's) at the end
ponents are made of. The present invention, has got as its of an intermediate shaft: U.S. Pat. No. 1,058,878 (Lowndes,
basic purpose to obviate the aforesaid drawbacks encoun 1913), U.S. Pat. No. 1,562,080 (Chilton), U.S. Pat. No. 1,621,
tered in the two-bladed rotors for helicopters, and three 667, (Hayes) U.S. Pat. No. 5,954,586 (Kirson), U.S. Pat. No.
bladed and generally multiblade rotors, by designing an 7,144.326 (Thompson); the difference between the solutions
improved homokinetic cardan rotor head with floating hub in proposed and disclosed, is in the various devices proposed for
which the homokinetic transmission of the rotational motion obtaining homokinetic plane and then to make constant the
and the driving torque is obtained by means of rigid and speed transmitted to the driven shaft. The invention herein
non-resilient elements, applicable to the above mentioned claimed relates to a constant Velocity universal joint consist
two-bladed rotors, three blades and multiblade in general. It ing of two concentric cardan rings provided with one or more
includes means for connecting the blades to the driving shaft bisector devices that specifically fit to the typical geometry of
(called “mast’), a hub, connected to that driving shaft by a hub of a helicopter rotor (which is in this case “the driven
means of two concentric cardanic rings housed inside a cavity shaft of the coupling) and of the mast (that assumes the
of the hub itself, on which yokes are also present; in the yokes function of “driving shaft” and that supports and actuates the
the blades are fixed by means of horizontal eccentric hinges of hub), and effectively ensure the maintenance of the constant
known type and commonly called "taper, capable of main Velocity plane by the pins common to the two concentric
taining the blades in rotation and to transmit the aerodynamic Cardan rings. Advantageously, this system has a high flex
forces produced by the blades in rotation, to the transmission ibility and adaptability, it requires a simple maintenance
US 2014/0302938 A1 Oct. 9, 2014

being able to be composed of elements that do not require shafts so that the driven shaft speed is always equal to the
periodic lubrication, and ensures a safe use, effective in speed of the driving shaft. It is therefore object of the present
operation. Another primary purpose of the invention is to invention a constant Velocity universal joint for each type of
make possible the realization of Cardan rotors, called 'gim transmission and in particular to operate the rotor blades of
balled’ or floating hub rotors, for two-bladed helicopters, helicopters by means of a hub of the rotor, on which the blades
three blades and multiblade rotors in general, in which the themselves are bound, and that constitutes the driven shaft of
transmission of motion between the transmission shaft and the joint, connected with appropriate mechanical members to
the hub of the rotor takes place through a system of mechani a driving shaft (called “mast’) of the helicopter, for maintain
cal members that realize a constant-velocity universal joint ing the hub in rotation, with the blades connected to it, at
and in which it is possible the installation of devices of known constant speed about an axis inclined with respect to the axis
type adapted to provide an elastic return (called “hub of rotation of the driving shaft, the joint comprising the fol
springs') between the hub and the shaft, intended to increase lowing mechanical members:
the control authority of the rotor on the helicopter and to 0002 a couple of cardanic concentric rings, a first ring
prevent the phenomenon of loss of control in flight in low-g or or internal cardanic ring coupled in a revolute way to the
Zero-g. Another aim of the present invention is to provide a carrier, integral with the mast, by means of two rotating,
constant velocity cardan rotor head for two-bladed helicop and a second ring or external cardanic ring coupled in a
ters that can be equipped with an improved device of inertial revolute way to the rotor hub, by means of two swivel
and aerodynamic stabilization, of the type called “Bell-Hiller pins, said two cardanic rings being connected among
fly-bars, consisting of two small aerodynamic Surfaces, each other by two connection pins in order to allow the
fixed with the hub and in quadrature with the blades, the hub relative rotation of the external universal ring with
being able to tilt with respect to the driving shaft, both on the respect to the internal cardanic ring, Substantially in
flapping axis, and on the blade pitch axis (called “feathering quadrature with the pins of the mast rotor, the center of
axis), aerodynamically controlled by the streamlined bar said concentric rings resulting coincident with the inter
(called “fly-bar'), and being kept in rotation at a constant section between the, axis of rotation of transmission
shaft and the axis of rotation of the hub or of the driven
speed, regardless of the angle of inclination of the rotor itself shaft;
with respect to the driving shaft, by means of a pair of con
centric cardan rings housed in a special cavity of the hub. The 0003 at least one alignment device said “bisector,
outer ring is connected with the hub of the rotor, while the preferably two bisectors, to maintain the common axis
inner ring is connected to the driving shaft and through at least of the pins connecting the two cardanic rings in a plane
one or two bisector devices, identical and opposite, also con called “homokinetic', whose normal bisects the angle
nected to the driving shaft and to the hub (driven shaft), suited formed between the axis of rotation of the hub, or rotor
to maintain the axis of the pin common to the two concentric driven shaft, and the axis of transmission shaft.
crosses on a plane, called homokinetic, which bisects the 0004. In particular, when there are two bisectors, said
angle assumed by the hub with respect to the transmission bisectors cooperate with each other, although they are inde
shaft, ensuring a motion always constant to the hub. A further pendent in their operation from each other, and operate on the
object of the invention is to provide homokinetic two-bladed pins which couple the two cardan concentric rings forming a
and three-bladed floating hub rotors in which the amplitude of double rhombic guide, being anchored, separately, with Suit
the oscillating relative motion of the blades around the pitch able joints, to the driving shaft and to the hub or rotor driven
bearings, that occurs in traditional rotors and caused by the shaft. Preferably, according to the invention, said constant
cyclic control of pitch of the blades operated by the swash Velocity joint, in its intended application for a rotor of a
plate, is almost non-existent or at least reduced compared to helicopter, further comprises:
the other helicopter rotors, because the hub is able to tilt also 0005 a sleeve (called “carrier”), fitted with grooved
around the pitch axis (“feathering axis) controlled by an profile on the mast, provided with two opposite and
aerodynamic bar (“Fly-bar'). Another object of the invention protruding pins, on which the cardanic internal ring is
is to eliminate the torsional oscillations on the transmission centered, with rotary coupling; in executions for heli
shaft connected to the rotor that are encountered in helicopter copter rotor the sleeve prevents the positioning of said
rotors due to the flapping motion of the blades around eccen pins directly on the transmission shaft. Said sleeve has,
tric hinges, in the rotors called “articulated, and around the furthermore, at least one Support (or two opposing Sup
only central flapping hinge in the two-bladed rotors called ports) that allows connection of a bisector (or two bisec
“teetering.” Another object of the present invention is to real tors) on the trasmission shaft. The interior cardanic ring
ize a cardan “gimballed rotorhead or a floating hub one, with is provided with two annular seats on which commer
three or more blades connected to the driving shaft with an cial-type flanged antifriction bushes are housed,
improved constant-velocity universal joint, in which the rotor equipped with a sliding surface with PTFE, which
hub constitutes the driven element of the coupling, composed couple with low friction, and without lubricant, to the
of a limited number of components, and characterized by the two protruding pins of said sleeve. Said inner ring
fact of being devoidoflaghinges and lag shock absorbers, the (which, for mounting needs in the helicopter rotor, is
blades not being subject to the Coriolis accelerations. A fur preferably provided and composed of various bolted
ther object of the invention is to provide an improved double elements) is provided with a further two annular seats, in
cardanic concentric system which finds its use in the produc quadrature with respect to the first ones, for the housing
tion of constant velocity joints (also called “universal') for of antifriction bushings, similar to the previous ones,
general use. Advantageously, in fact, the invention, devoid of within which are housed, with revolute coupling, two
the helicopter blades, is also usable as an universal joint in all pins integral to the outerring. At least one of said pins (or
applications in which it is generically intended to transmit the both) has a cylindrical extension projecting outwardly of
rotary motion and a driving torque between two inclined the outer ring, on one of which (or both), a bisector is
US 2014/0302938 A1 Oct. 9, 2014

housed with sliding and revolute coupling (in case both represented the Axis 00 of the common pins of concentric
pins are protruding two bisectors can be housed). The cardanic rings, the axis lying on the homokinetic plane;
outer ring, in quadrature with respect to the pins, is (0011 the FIG. 2 is an enlarged detail of the rotor of FIG. 1
provided with two opposing slots for two further flanged deprived of blades:
antifriction bushings in which are housed, with revolute 0012 the FIG. 3 is a detail of the cardanic rings, of the
coupling, a pair of opposite pins integral with the hub sleeve and of the bisector of the constant velocity joint object
and radially arranged; of the invention;
0006 two semi-spherical annular hinges and vertically 0013 FIG. 4 is a detail of the carrier or sleeve.
opposed with respect to the center of the rotor, each 0014 FIG. 5 shows a partially exploded view of the Sup
being divided into two or more elements for enable port, drag-and stiffness devices of the rotor with respect to
mounting, being provided that said half-hinges consist transmission shaft;
of spherical laminated elastomeric bearings with rigid 0015 FIG. 6 shows the exploded view of the components
ity, or opposed spherical Surfaces, sliding to each other that constitute the constant Velocity joint and the carrier;
by an interposed layer of antifriction material; in the first 0016 FIG. 7 is a sectional view of the support, drag
case the stiffness of the elastomeric elements constitutes devices of the rotor and in particular of the joint object of the
a return spring (called “hub spring') between the rotor invention with two bisectors, tilted by 10 degrees with respect
hub and the transmission shaft, that ensures the control to the transmission shaft.
of the rotor also during the flight to low or zero-g; in the 0017 FIG. 8 is a sectional view of a second execution of
second case, not being exerted by the central spherical the joint object of the invention, running with a single bisec
hinge any action of elastic return between hub and shaft, tor, inclined by 10 degrees with respect to the transmission
the possible return spring between hub and shaft can be shaft. In FIGS. 9, 10, 11 and 12 a third execution of the
realized with an elastomeric element housed in a Suit invention is represented, which refers to a constant Velocity
able seat formed in the bottom part of the hub itself. universal joint intended for general use for each type of trans
These semi-hemispherical opposing hinges have their mission, and in particular:
center coincident with the center of the constant velocity 0018 FIG. 9 shows an isometric view of the constant
joint; the latter is able, due to the described constraints in velocity joint provided with two bisectors, where transmis
the two concentric cardanic rings, to carry out by itself sion shaft and driven shaft are inclined to each other;
the function of the spherical joint for supporting the hub (0019 FIG. 10 shows a partially exploded view of the con
of the "gimballed rotor: said hemispherical bearings, in stant velocity joint of FIG. 6, and in particular of the elements
both described configurations, are therefore provided that make up the bisector and the two rods connecting the
solely with the function of releasing from the constant bisector respectively to the transmission shaft and to the
Velocity joint and the connecting pins, the stresses due to driven shaft;
the axial load arising from the lift of the rotor and by the 0020 FIG. 11 shows a sectional view of the constant
inertia of the helicopter. The cardanic rings and the con velocity joint of FIG.9 and the related devices of homokinetic
necting pins, in that way, are only interested by the dragging:
stresses resulting from the transmission of the torque. 0021 FIG. 12 shows the constant velocity joint devoid of
0007 a transmission shaft, provided with a shoulder bisectors in which the revolute action of the pin with respect
ring on which the axial forces of the rotor apply, trans to the interior ring is underlined.
mitted from said semi-spherical opposinghinges that are (0022. 1) First Execution: CV Joint for Helicopter Rotors.
able to transmit torque to the hub and blades, through the 0023. With reference to FIGS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 a three
shrink fit of the sleeve, on which are mounted concentric bladed floating hub rotor is presented. The transmission shaft
cardan rings that form the constant-velocity joint; 1 (or driving shaft) is provided with a sleeve 3 (called "car
0008 the rotor hub, designed for the mounting of the rier'), internally grooved to be keyed on protruding teeth 11
blades into appropriate yokes, and provided with a cen of the driving shaft; said sleeve 3 is provided with two oppo
tral cavity for the housing of concentric cardanic rings site and projecting pins 31, on which the inner cardanic ring
by means of two opposite pins integral with the hub and is pivoted, with rotary coupling. The transmission shaft 1
on which the outer ring is centered, and provided, on the supports the hub 2 of the rotor (or driven shaft), equipped with
top and bottom side, with housings for the described the yokes 23 (FIG. 2) for accommodating the blades 7, with
semi-spherical hinges on the transmission shaft, said hemispherical hinges 4, which reflect on the shoulder ring 12
hub being also provided, on the top of the central cavity, (FIG. 6) of the shaft 1 and on the sleeve 3, being said hinges
of one (or two) opposite housings for connecting pins of 4 bolted on said hub 2 on the appropriate opposite seats (FIG.
the rods connected to the bisector (or to the two bisec 5). The hemispherical hinges 4 (FIG. 5) are made with bear
tors) of the constant Velocity joint. ings of known type and fall into the category of spherical
0009. The object of the present invention is also a rotor elastomeric laminates bearings (Type III Ref USAAM
comprising said constant Velocity joint. The present invention RDL-TR-75-39B). The constant velocity universal joint
is illustrated and described in the following, for illustrative comprises a pair of cardanic rings (FIG. 3 and FIG. 9) 5A;
but not limitative example, in three preferred embodiments. 5A", 5B; 5B", concentric: a first ring, or internal cardanic ring
In FIGS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 a first implementation of the 5A: 5A revolute coupled to the driving shaft 1 by two swivel
invention applied to a helicopter rotors presented, and in pins 31, and a second ring or external cardanic ring 5B; 5B
particular: revolute coupled to the hub 2 of the rotor by means of two
0010 the FIG. 1 is a partial isometric view of a three Swivel pins 22. These two cardanic rings are connected to
bladed rotor with floating hub, with parts of the rotor partially each other by means of two connection pins 542 shaped to
removed in order to make the driving devices of the constant allow the relative rotation of said external cardanic ring 5B;
velocity joint with two bisectors visible; in FIG. 1 is also 5B" with respect to internal cardanic ring 5A 5A", substan
US 2014/0302938 A1 Oct. 9, 2014

tially in quadrature with the pins 31, 31' of the driving shaft 1 rods 63 to the driving shaft 1 and the hub 2 of the rotor first
and with the pins 22 of the hub 2 of the rotor or driven shaft 2. Support means 33 are provided on the transmission shaft 1 and
In particular, each of said connecting pins 542 has a project second Supporting means 24 on the hub 2 of the rotor. Said
ing end 5421 that is coaxial with the connecting pin itself. The first and second means of Support 33, 24, through said con
pair of cardanic rings 5A and 5B of the first and second necting rods 63, transmit to each bisector 6 the mutual posi
execution for a helicopter rotor, may be preferably constituted tion between the hub 2 of the rotor and the transmission shaft
by assembled elements. On the two pins 31 (only one of 1. In the example being described, each rod 63 is shaped to a
which is visible in FIG. 6) belonging to the sleeve 3 (FIG. 6), more or less a form of “H” and is provided with a hole in the
the inner cardanic ring 5A is mounted. Said inner ring 5A is vicinity of each free end. In other words, each connecting rod
represented as a bolted whole (FIG. 6), comprising an upper is provided with a first and a second pair of holes to allow the
element 5A1, two elements 5A3, each of which provides an passage of a respective pin which allows to fix said connect
anti-friction bushing 541, to which the two elements 5A3 are ing rod to the first Supporting means 33 provided on the
transmission shaft 1 and the second Supporting means 24
bolted, and two additional elements 5A2, each of which pro provided on the hub 2 of the rotor. Each pair of said elements
vides a seat for housing an antifriction flanged bushing 32. 61 and 62 is connected via swivel pin 631 to a respective pair
The elements 5A3 and the further elements 5A2 are fixed to
said upper element 5A1 by Screws together constituting the of connecting rods 63, which, in turn, are secured with further
swivel pin 632, the lower one already connected to the ele
internal cardanic ring 5A. The antifriction bushes 541 and ment 61, to a seat 33 projecting from the sleeve 3 (FIGS.4 and
anti-friction flanged bushings 32 are revolute coupled respec 6); the upper one, already connected to element 62, to a
tively with the connection pins 542 and with the pins 31. The support 24 (FIGS. 5 and 7), the latter integral with the hub 2
outer cardanic ring 5B (FIG. 6) is composed of two elements by means of screws 241 (FIG. 5). The seat 33 of the sleeve 3
fixed with screws between them, of which a first lower ele and the Support 24 are geometrically specular respect to the
ment 5B2 and a second upper element 5B1, both of substan center of the constant velocity universal joint. With reference
tially quadrangular shape. Each of said elements 5B2, 5B1 is to the diameter of the sleeve 3, the bisectors 6 are in a dia
equipped with two pairs of recesses for the formation of two metrically opposite position. In particular one of the two
seats, each for the stable housing of a pin 542 and two addi bisector 6 plays an action of redundancy with respect to the
tional pairs of hollows for the formation of two seats, each one other bisector being kinematically equivalent. FIG. 4 illus
if them for accommodating an antifriction flanged bushing trates a section in quadrature of the hub 2 of the rotor, where
511. On said antifriction bushings, by means of a rotary said hub is inclined by 10 degrees with respect to the driving
coupling, the pins 22 (FIGS. 1, 3 and 5) act, being integral shaft 1; the kinematics of dual rhombic drive of homokinetic
with the hub 2 of the rotor. Between the antifriction bushings joint provided with two bisectors is represented
511 and the hub 2 of the rotor there are the two calibrated
shims 512, which allow the centering without clearance of the 0024. 2) Second Execution of the Invention: Constant
hub 2 with respect to the center of rotation of the driving shaft Velocity Universal Joint Provided with a Single Bisector.
1 and to the cardan rings 5A and 5B. On each projecting end 0025. In FIG. 8 the cardanic concentric rings and a single
5421 of the connecting pins 542, which connect together the bisector 6 maintain the common axis 00 (axis of coupling
two concentric cardan rings (FIG. 6) a corresponding bisector between the internal cardanic ring and the external cardanic
device 6 (FIGS. 2 and 3) acts to keep the connecting pins on ring), represented by the two opposing pins 542, on a plane,
the common axis, indicated generically with 00, on a plane said homokinetic, that bisects in 5 degrees the angle of incli
that bisects the angle between said transmission shaft 1 and nation of 10 degrees of the plane of rotation of the hub 2 of the
the hub 2 of the rotor, plane called “homokinetic'. In particu rotor with respect to the driving shaft 1, to guarantee the
lar, each of said bisectors 6 comprises a first element 61 and homokinetic transmission of rotational motion between said
a second element 62, respectively connected to the driving shaft transmission 1 and said hub 2.
shaft 1 and the hub 2 by, means of two rods 63 (FIG. 6). The 0026. 3) Third Execution of the Invention: Constant
first element 61 is inserted prismatically in the second ele Velocity Universal Joint Adaptable to Any Type of Transmis
ment 62, and both are sliding and rotary coupled to the pro Sion.
truding end 5421 of each connection pin 542. Each of said (0027 FIGS. 9, 10, 11 and 12 show a third implementation
elements 61, 62 is provided with at least one trough hole to of the invention for universal use. With reference to FIGS. 9
allow the passage of said projecting end 5421 in each of them. and 11, the internal cardanic ring 5A is pivoted with the pin
For this purpose, that is for the correct insertion of the pro 31 through the through hole 131 to the driving shaft 1 (FIG.
truding end 5421 connecting bolts in each of said two ele 11), which has a projecting seat 33' for connection to the
ments 61, 62, the through holes of these two elements must be connecting rods 63; in this execution the inner cardanic ring is
aligned. In particular, the second element 62 has a shape of a pivoted directly on the transmission shaft and not on the
“V” and in the vicinity of each free end is provided with a sleeve. The driven shaft 2 of the rotor presents a yoke 222
through hole, while the first element 61 is shaped so as to have connected to the pins 22 that are integral to the said yoke by
a portion with a through hole, that portion being sized to be means of the provided slots, and are Swivel on outer cardanic
positioned in the second element 62 in a way that its through ring 5B'; the driven shaft 2 has two 24' elements for connec
hole is aligned with the two through holes of the second tion to the connecting rods 63 (FIG. 11). In this embodiment,
element 62. In addition, each element 61, 62 is provided with the internal cardanic ring 5A and the external cardanic ring
an additional hole to allow to a respective connecting rod 63 5B' are each constituted by a single piece instead ofanassem
to be fixed to a corresponding element through a pin. In other bly of several elements and they are concentric. The concen
words, each connecting rod 63 is fixed on one side to one of tric cardanic rings 5A, 5B' are mutually connected with the
said two elements 61, 62 of the bisector 6, and on the other connection Swivel pins 542, each of which has a projecting
side to the driving shaft 1 or to the hub 2 of the rotor so as to end 5421 towards the outside of the joint (FIG. 12). Each
form a rhombic double guide. In order to fix said connecting protruding end 5421 has a cylindrical shape and on each of
US 2014/0302938 A1 Oct. 9, 2014

them elements 61 and 62 of the bisector 6 are connected in relative rotation of the external universal ring with
sliding and rotational manner. Said elements 61, 62 of the respect to the internal universal ring, Substantially in
bisector 6 together with the connecting rods 63, connected quadrature with the pins of the mast and with the pins of
with the swivel pins respectively to the driving shaft 1 and the the rotor hub; at least one connection pin having an
driven shaft 2", with a rhombic guide geometry, control bisec extremity protruding towards the outside of said joint,
tors 6, which maintain the connection pins 542 on a plane coaxial to the connection pin;
(homokinetic) that bisects the angle of inclination between at least one bisector device comprising a first element and
said driving shaft and said driven shaft. In other words the a second element respectively connected to the mast and
innermost ring 5A has two opposite seats to be revolute the rotor hub by means of the relevant connecting rod,
coupled with the pins 31'; said two ring 5A and 5B", concen where said first and second elements are coupled in a
tric between them, are connected by Swivel pins coaxial and prismatic manner among each other and each of the said
opposites 542, resulting in the axis of the locations for the elements is provided with at least one hole able to con
pins on the inner ring being normal to the axis of the pin 31' sent the passing of said connection pin's protruding
seats and, on the outer ring 5B', being the axis of the locations extremity so that each of said first and second elements
of said common pins normal to the axis of the pin seats 22: might be able to be coupled in a sliding and Swivelling
said pins 542 common to the two concentric rings are each manner on that connection pin's protruding extremity,
equipped with a cylindrical end5421 coaxial to the same pins; said device being configured in a way to maintain the
on that end sliding and rotating elements 61 and 62 coupled axis of said pin of connection on a plain that bisects the
between them prismatically are provided; they connect, by angle between that hub and the mast in order to guaran
means of equal connecting rods 63, respectively the element tee the constant transmission of the rotating motion
61 and the support 33' provided on the driving shaft 1, and the among the mast and the rotor hub even when said hub is
element 62 to the support 24' provided on the driven shaft 2'. tilted with respect to the mast of an angle not equal to
The elements 61 and 62 constitute the bisectors that due to the ZO.
rhombic geometry implemented by means of connecting rods 2. Constant Velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1,
63, keep the axis of the common pins of the concentric rings characterized in that said connecting rods are connected to the
on a plane which bisects the angle of inclination between the mast and to the said rotor hub respectively with a first support
driven shaft and the driving shaft thus making the constant means and a second Support means, in a way able to form at
velocity joint. When the joint transmits a rotary motion least one rhombic guide, said first and second Support means
accompanied by a non-zero torque, the bisector 6 are Sub transmitting, through said connecting rods, to each bisector
jected to strains on connection pins 542, the strains being as the reciprocal position among the rotor hub and the mast.
strong as higher is the torque transmitted, and higher is the 3. Constant Velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1,
angle of inclination of the driven shaft with respect to the characterized in that said pins that connect the internal uni
driving shaft because these strains are oscillating ones. The Versal ring to the mast are radially-aligned and normal with
presence of two bisectors on both connecting pins 542 is used respect to the rotation axis of said mast, and that said pins that
to favorably divide those strains on both bisectors. connect the external universal ring to the rotor hub are coaxial
0028 Moreover, given the rigid coaxiality of connection and opposite one to another, whose axis lies on a Surface
pin 542 and the kinematic equivalence of the two bisector 6, passing through the pins' axis and through the rotation axis of
the presence of two bisector 6 allows to obtain a redundancy the rotor hub.
that allows the joint to function even in the event of failure of 4. Constant Velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1,
one of the two bisectors. Advantageously, due to the form of characterized in that it comprises two juxtaposed bisectors
the couplings between the cardanic concentric rings with the and by the fact that each of said connection pins is provided
driving shaft and the driven shaft, the joint is clearly revers with a protruding extremity coaxial with the connection pin
ible and the functions of said driving shaft 1 and driven shaft itself, said connection pins being coaxial with each other and
2 can be exchanged. Swivelling with respect to said internal universal ring.
0029. The present invention has been described for illus 5. Constant Velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1, in
trative but not limitative purposes, according to its preferred that said external universal ring comprises two elements fixed
embodiments, but it is to be understood that variations and/or among them, a first Superior element and a second element,
modifications may be made by those skilled in the art, without each of them provided with two couples of daps in order to
departing from the relevant scope of protection, as defined by form two sites for the permanent fitting of the respective
the claims. connection pin, and of other couples of daps in order to form
1. Constant Velocity universal joint for connecting the rotor other two coaxial sites for the fitting of the respective anti
hub of two-blade, three blade or multi-blade helicopters with friction bushing, said sites and said additional sites being
the drive shaft (mast) of the motion and torque, said rotor hub aligned among each other, and by the fact that said internal
tilting with respect to the mast with two degrees of freedom, universal ring comprises a Superior element provided with
around the flapping axis and the feathering axis of the blades four locations for anti friction bushings, and two elements,
of the helicopter, said blades being fixed to the rotor hub, said each of which is provided with a site for fitting other anti
constant Velocity universal joint comprising: friction bushings, as well as two additional elements, each of
a couple of universal concentric rings a first ring or internal which is provided with a site for the fitting of the anti friction
universal ring coupled in a revolute way to the carrier, flanged bushings.
integral with the mast, by means of two rotating pins and 6. Constant Velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1,
a second ring or external universal ring coupled in a characterized in that said connection pins are secured to the
revolute way to the rotor hub by means of two swivel external universal ring.
pins, said two universal rings being connected among 7. Constant Velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 4.
each other by two connection pins in order to allow the characterized in that said connection pins are strictly keyed on
US 2014/0302938 A1 Oct. 9, 2014

said sites of the external universal ring, and Swivel on the sites
provided with anti friction bushings of the elements of the
internal universal ring.
8. Constant Velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1, in
which the hub is a driven shaft, being characterized in that:
said internal universal ring is constituted by a unique ele
said external universal ring (5B") is constituted by a unique
said Support of the connecting rods is part of the driven
said internal universal ring is fixed to the drive shaft
through the drive shaft’s hole by the pin and presents a
protruding element for the connection with the connect
ing rods; and
said driven shaft presents a yoke connected to the pins
which are supportive in the relevant fittings to the yoke
itself and Swivelling on the external universal ring and
presents two elements for the connection of the connect
ing rods.
9. Constant velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1,
characterized in that it might be used with whatever mean of
10. Constant velocity universal joint as claimed in claim 1,
characterized in that the constant Velocity transmission of
rotational motion and torque is obtained by means of rigid
elements called bisectors.
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