Inorganic Materials - Glass and Ceramics PDF
Inorganic Materials - Glass and Ceramics PDF
Inorganic Materials - Glass and Ceramics PDF
Glassy state
• The state of matter of glass is neither equilibrium nor crystalline and although it appears solid for a short
period , it continuously relaxes towards the liquid state.
• Glasses combine some properties of crystals and some of liquids but are distinctly different from both.
• They have the mechanical rigidity of crystals, but the random disordered arrangement of molecules
characterizes liquids.
• They are usually formed by melting crystalline materials at very high temperatures. When the melt cools,
the atoms are locked into a random (disordered) state before they can form into a perfect crystal
• Interestingly, polymers have long-range order, glassy materials have some short range order.
• A glassy material does not have a specific melting point, although it slowly liquifies when heated
• Structurally, glassy materials can be made up of random selection of polyhedral molecules linked together
at their corners.
• Besides, their structure is similar to the super cooled liquids (SLC), and they spontaneously relaxes towards
SLC state.
• Glasses have widespread practical, technological, and decorative usage in, for example, windowpanes,
tableware, and optoelectronics
• The most familiar, and historically the oldest, types of manufactured glass are "silicate glasses" based on
the chemical compound silica (silicon dioxide, or quartz), the primary constituent of sand.
• The term glass, in popular usage, is often used to refer only to this type of material, which is familiar from
use as window glass and in glass bottles.
• Glass can be defined as a rigid super cooled liquid having no definite melting point and a high viscosity that
prevents crystallization.
• On heating glass softens slowly and finally liquefies. Any substance that has been solidified from the liquid
state without crystallization can be referred as glass.
• The glass–liquid transition, or glass transition, is the gradual and reversible transition in amorphous
materials (or in amorphous regions within semicrystalline materials), from a hard and relatively brittle
"glassy" state into a viscous or rubbery state as the temperature is increased.
• An amorphous solid that exhibits a glass transition is called a glass. The reverse transition, achieved by
supercooling a viscous liquid into the glass state, is called vitrification.
• The glass-transition temperature Tg of a material characterizes the range of temperatures over which this
glass transition occurs. It is always lower than the melting temperature, Tm, of the crystalline state of the
material, if one exists.
1. Collection of raw materials: The raw materials such as silica in the form of white sand or quartz (SiO2), soda
ash (Na2CO3), limestone (CaCO3) and cullet (broken pieces) are ground separately and mixed in proper
proportion. The fusion of cullet or broken glass is to bring down melting point to make the process
2. Preparation of batch: The raw materials, cullet and decolorizer are finely powdered in grinding machines.
These materials are accurately weighed in correct proportions before they are mixed together. The mixing
of these materials is carried out in mixing machines until a uniform mixture is obtained. Such a uniform
mixture is known as the batch or frit and it is taken for further process of melting in a furnace.
Note: The batch of the starting materials (is called a charge) to be melted and loading it into the furnace is
called charging the furnace. The intimate homogeneous mixture of raw materials is called batch.
3. Melting or Heating of charge: The Glass batch is melted either in a pot furnace or in a tank/ open hearth
furnace or in a furnace made of fireclay or platinum. The heating is continued until the evolution of carbon
dioxide, oxygen, sulphur dioxide and other gases stops.
Manufacturing of glass
• Heating is done by burning producer gas mixed with air over the charge. The cullet (or broken glass) melts
first and helps in the fusion of the rest of the charge. A high temperature of 1500 – 1800 °C is maintained to
reduce the viscosity of glass melt and to obtain a homogeneous liquid.
• The following reactions take place in the manufacture of glass:
• Heating is continued till the glass melt is free from gas bubbles like CO2, SO2 etc. Undecomposed raw
materials and impurities form a scum called glass gall which is skimmed off. The clear liquid is now allowed
to cool after adding the necessary decolorizers or coloring agents. It is cooled to 700- 1200 °C, so that it will
have the proper viscosity for shaping.
Manufacturing and processing of glass
Pot furnace:
Small scale preparation of high grade glass is carried
out in a pot furnace. Glass of uniform quality is
possible in a pot furnace. These pots are placed in
specially prepared holes in the furnace. The charging
and collecting doors are kept projecting outside so that
raw materials may be added and molten glass may be
taken out conveniently. The pots are filled with raw
materials. The furnace is heated by means of producer
gas. When the mass has melted down, it is removed
from the pot and it is taken for the next operation of
fabrication. The melting of glass by pot furnace is an
intermittent process. It is used to melt small quantities
of glass at a time or to prepare special types of glass.
Manufacturing of glass
1. Shaping: The molten glass is run into moulds and automatic machines turn them into desired shapes such as
sheets, tubes, rods, wires etc. The molten glass is given suitable shape or form in this stage. It can either be done
by hand or by machine. The hand fabrication is adopted for small scale production and machine fabrication is
adopted for large scale production.
2. Annealing: After shaping, the glass articles need to be cooled gradually and slowly. Rapid cooling causes
fracture. Annealing is carried out in special chambers, where temperature is brought down slowly. The entire
process of annealing may require a few days glass may crystalline if cooled very slowly. The glass articles, after
being manufactured, are to be cooled down slowly and gradually. This process of slow and homogeneous
cooling of glass articles is known as the annealing of glass. The annealing of glass is a very important process. If
glass articles are allowed to cool down rapidly, the superficial layer of glass cools down first as glass is a bad
conductor of heat. The interior portion remains comparatively hot and it is therefore in a state of strain. Hence,
such glass articles break to pieces under very slight shocks or disturbances.
3. Finishing: After annealing the glass articles are subjected to finishing such as cleaning, grinding, polishing
and cutting etc. Certain decolorizing agents such as cerium oxide, neodymium oxide etc., are added to neutralize
an undesired colour present in glass.
Types of Glass
Glasses are classified based on other ingredients which change its properties. The following is a list of the more
common types of silicate glasses and their ingredients, properties, and applications:
9. Aluminosilicate glass: silica (SiO2) + alumina (Al2O3) This glass is famous for making part of mobile devices,
+ lime (CaO) + magnesia (MgO) + barium oxide (BaO) its properties are ideal to withstand scratches that are
+ boric oxide (B2O3). common on mobile.
It has comparable properties to borosilicate glass but is Besides, it is also used for fiberglass, used for making
glass-reinforced plastics (boats, fishing rods, etc.) and for
more heat resistant, tolerating temperatures up to 800o C, halogen bulb glass.
and has a better chemical resistance. Aluminosilicate
glasses are also resistant to weathering and water erosion.
It also often undergoes an ionization process to make it
more scratch-resistant. This process involves the glass
being bathed in a molten salt solution at around 400°C. It
creates an exchange of smaller sodium ions for larger
potassium ions. Once the glass is cooled, the large
potassium ions squeeze together, which creates a greater
surface strength.
Types of Glass
13. Optical Fiber: An optical fiber is a single, hair-fine Both the core and the cladding of an optical fiber are
filament drawn from molten silica glass. Basically, the made of highly purified silica glass. An optical fiber is
optical fiber consists of a core, cladding, and coating. manufactured from silicon dioxide by either of two
methods. The first, the crucible method, in which
The light travels down the core, which is protected by the
powdered silica is melted, produces fatter, multimode
cladding that stops the light from escaping – this is total
fibers suitable for short-distance transmission of many
internal refraction/reflection. Because of the properties of
light wave signals. The second, the vapor deposition
silica, the light bounces inside the core instead of
process, creates a solid cylinder of core and cladding
escaping, as if reflecting off a mirror. The coating is
material that is then heated and drawn into a thinner,
added to protect from damage and moisture.
single-mode fiber for long-distance communication.
Optical fiber is used to transmit telephone signals,
Internet communication and cable television signals.
They are also used for data transmission in high-level
data security fields of military and aerospace
applications. These are used in wirings in aircraft,
hydrophones for SONARs.
Types of Glass
14. Glass Wool: The typical composition of glass wool Glass Wool is an environmentally friendly material, as it
is roughly 70% recycled glass, 0.5 to 7% binder (on a is completely natural mineral wool.
phenolic resin basis) and 0.5% mineral oil to avoid
It has good tensile strength, in the sense, it will be a
dusting. The other components are derived from the
durable material. The most astonishing characteristic of
usual glass manufacturing, i.e. quartz and limestone.
glass wool is that it can resist fire up to 300o C.
These are melted, spun into fibers and mixed with
Glass Wool has various applications in many types of
organic resins before curing into products. The mineral
industries as an insulation material.
raw materials are melted at approximately 1400 to 1500
°C. An aqueous binder is sprayed onto the fibers during It is not only used in commercial buildings such as
the spinning process. The fibers cool down fast and cinemas where great soundproofing performance is
stiffen glassily. required, but also used in other areas where optimal
sound absorption is needed.
The fiber of the loose wool is 50 ~ 150 mm in length and
12 × 10- 3 mm in diameter.
Photosensitive glass Photochromic glass
Silicate minerals are minerals composed of silicate There are different types of silicate minerals that can be
groups. The silicate group is composed of one silicon found naturally. Some of these types are Nesosilicates or
atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. It is given as SiO44-. Orthosilicates, Sorosilicates, Cyclosilicates, etc. These
The structure of this silicate group is known as a silicon- minerals are different from each other according to the
oxygen tetrahedron. arrangement of the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. However,
the silicate minerals fall into four major groups.
This is because the oxygen atoms around the silicon atom
are in the shape of a tetrahedron. Silicate minerals are the 1. Isolated Tetrahedra – Olivine
rock-forming minerals
2. Chains of Tetrahedra – Pyroxenes, Amphiboles
3. Sheets – Mica, Clay
4. Framework – Quartz, Feldspar
Quartz is a common mineral that can be found on the
earth surface. For example, rocks, sandstones are all
made out of quartz.
What are Nonsilicate Minerals?
• Nonsilicate minerals are minerals that are not Six Major Classes of Nonsilicate Minerals
composed of silicate groups. Oxides – Oxides are composed of various types of
cations bonded to oxide anion
• These minerals may contain oxygen atoms but not in
combination with silicon. Sulfides – Sulfides are composed of various types of
cations bonded to sulfide anions
• Nonsilicate minerals are less complex than silicate
minerals. Carbonates – Carbonates are composed of various
types of cations bonded to carbonate anions
• One abundant non-silicate mineral is pyrite, or "fool's
gold," a compound of iron and sulfur well known for Sulfates – Sulfates are composed of various types of
its deceptive metallic luster. cations bonded to sulfate anions
• Others include calcite, from which limestone and Halides – Halides are composed of various types of
marble are formed, hematite, corundum, gypsum and cations bonded to chloride and fluoride anions
magnetite, an iron oxide famed for its magnetic
Phosphates – Phosphates are composed of various
types of cations bonded to phosphate anions
Difference between Silicate and Nonsilicate Minerals
Silicate minerals can be divided into four Nonsilicate minerals can be found in six
major groups: different types as
isolated tetrahedra, chains of tetrahedra, oxides, sulfides, sulfates, halides,
sheets, and framework. phosphates, and carbonates.
Classification of Glasses
• Based on the composition glasses are classified as 1. Heavy metal fluorides- fluorides of Zr, Ba, La, Al,
Na (ZBLAN). They are used in telecommunication
fibers, since they have relatively low optical loss.
They are extremely difficult to form and have poor
chemical durability.
Silicate glass 2. Glassy metals- they are formed by high-speed
Oxide glass quenching of fluid metals. It is used in flexible
Glass magnetic shielding and power transformers.
Non-silicate glass
Non-oxide glass 3. Semiconducting solids (Chalcogenides)- they are
formed by melting together the S, Se or Te (16 gp
elements) with elements of gp 15 and 14 (As, Sb,
High-pressure cooling procedure called "quenching." Ge). They are used in memory switching devices and
in xerography. Amorphous Si and Ge are used in
photovoltaic application, solar cells etc.
Classification of Glasses
• Oxide glasses :
1. Non-silicate glasses- they do not contain SiO2, they are generally phosphates and borates.
• Oxide glasses :
2. Silicate glasses- they are commercially important types of glasses. They are made up of SiO2 or vitreous silica
• Ceramics include all articles which are essentially silicates.
• The term ceramic is derived from a Greek word Keramos, meaning
• Ceramics can be defined as heat-resistant, non-metallic, inorganic
solids that are (generally) made up of compounds formed from
metallic and non-metallic elements.
• Ceramics is that branch of technology which deals with
manufacture of ceramic articles, their technical characterization
and raw material used.
• In general ceramics are corrosion- resistant and hard, but
brittle. Most ceramics are also good insulators and can withstand
high temperatures.
• Glass is sometimes considered a type of ceramic. However, glasses
and ceramics differ in that ceramics have a crystalline structure
while glasses contain impurities that prevent crystallization.
You'll often see ceramic insulators (the stacks of round discs) protecting overhead power lines. They're made from
porcelain, glass, or other ceramics.
SiC ceramics
Boron Nitride ceramics
Properties of Ceramics
Due to ceramic materials wide range of properties, they are used for a multitude of applications. In general,
most ceramics are:
1. Hard,
2. wear-resistant,
3. brittle,
4. refractory,
5. thermal insulators,
6. electrical insulators,
7. nonmagnetic,
8. oxidation resistant,
9. prone to thermal shock, and chemically stable.
Applications of Ceramics
1. Insulators: prevents the flow of charge or heat. Ceramics make good insulators because the ionic and
covalent bonding restricts electron and ion mobility.
2. Capacitors: store electrical energy by virtue of separating oppositely charged plates with an insulator (also
called a dielectric) in between. An example of a ceramic material used as the dielectric for a capacitor is
Barium Titanate, Ba2TiO3
3. Semiconductors: have an intermediate value of electrical conductivity. The most commonly used ceramic
semiconducting materials are sintered oxides of Mn, Ni, Fe, Co, and Cu. By varying the amounts of these
oxides in the material the desired value of the electrical conductivity can be obtained.
4. Ferroelectrics: have behavior similar to a ferromagnetic material.
5. Piezoelectric: have the distinct property whereby an applied stress induces an electrical voltage.
6. Abrasives
7. Refractory