2021 Answer Chapter 5 PDF
2021 Answer Chapter 5 PDF
2021 Answer Chapter 5 PDF
Answer Key
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F
11. F
12. T
13. T
14. T
15. T
16. F
17. F
18. T
19. T
20. T
21. T
22. T
23. T
24. F
25. T
26. T
27. F
28. F
29. T
30. T
31. T
32. F
33. F
34. T
35. T
36. T
37. T
38. F
39. F
40. F
41. T
42. T
43. T
44. F
45. T
46. T
47. T
48. T
49. T
50. F
51. F
52. F
53. F
Multiple Choice
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. D
25. A
26. D
27. B
28. D
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. D
33. B
34. A
35. D
36. C
37. D
38. D
39. A
40. D
41. A
42. B
43. A
44. D
45. A/B/B/D
46. B
47. A/B/D/C
48. C/C/A/D/B/D/D
49. B
50. A
51. D
52. A/B/B
53. B
54. C/A
55. A/C
56. D
57. A
58. C/C/B
59. A
60. A
61. A/B/A
62. D
63. C/B
64. B/C/D/B/A
65. C/B/B/D/D/A
66. A/B/C/C/B/A
67. A/C/B/B
68. B/
69. A
70. B/A/B
71. C/C
72. B
73. C
74. A
Straight Problems
Problem 1
Cost of Goods Sold 20,000
Factory overhead 20,000
Cost of Goods Sold 10,000
Finished Goods 6,000
Work in Process 4,000
Factory overhead 20,000
Problem 2
Assembly Finishing Total
Budgeted FOH 1,000,000 400,000 P1,400,000
Divide by Budgeted DL hours 22,000 18,000 40,000
FOH rate = 35/Dlhr.
Assembly Finishing Total
Budgeted FOH 1,000,000 400,000 P1,400,000
Divide by: Budgeted machine hours 35,000 15,000 50,000
FOH rate = P28.00/mhr.
Budgeted FOH P1,000,000
Divide by: Budgeted machine hours 35,000
FOH rate = P28.57/mhr
Budgeted FOH P400,000
Divide by; Budgeted DL hours 18,000
FOH rate = P22.22/dlhr
Problem 3
FOH rate P2,520,000 FOH
P1,800,000 Direct labor cost
FOH rate =140% of direct labor cost
28,500 x 140% 39,900
Fabricating Machining Assembly
Estimated FOH 1,050,000 1,200,000 270,000
Estimated Direct labor cost 600,000 300,000 900,000
FOH rate 175% of DLC 400% of DLC 30% of DLC
Fabricating Machining Assembly Total
FOH rate 175% 400% 30%
Direct labor cost 8,400 1,500 18,600
FOH applied 14,700 6,000 5,580 26,280
Actual FOH 2,592,000
Applied FOH (1,740,000 x 140%) 2,436,000
Under-applied FOH 156,000
Fabricating Machining Assembly Total
Actual FOH 1,080,000 1,260,000 252,000 2,592,000
Applied FOH
(630,000 x 175%) 1,102,500
(324,000 x 400%) 1,296,000
(786,000 x 30%) 235,800 2,634,300
Under (over) -applied FOH (22,500) (36,000) 16,200 (42,300)
Problem 4
Budgeted FOH 325,000 175,000 500,000
Divide by budgeted direct labor hours 3,000 2,000 5,000
FOH rate 100
x direct labor hours (2+1) 3
FOH rate per unit P300
Budgeted FOH 325,000 Budgeted FOH 175,000
Divide by Budgeted machine hours 15,000 Budgeted direct labor hours 2000
FOH rate 22 FOH rate 87.50
Multiply by per unit 10 Multiply by per unit 1
FOH rate per unit 217 FOH rate per unit 87.50
Problem 5
Sewing Department 1,204,000 Cutting 1,470,000
140,000 840,000
FOH rate =P8.60/mhr. FOH rate =175% of direct labor cost
Sewing Department (P8.60 x 220 hrs.) 1,892
Cutting (175% x 1,360) 2,380
Total factory overhead cost 4,272
Sewing Cutting Total
Direct Materials 940 664 1,604
Direct Labor 580 1,360 1,940
FOH applied 1,892 2,380 4,272
3,412 4,404 7,816
Unit cost = P7,816
Unit cost = P78.16/unit
Sewing Cutting
FOH actual 1,140,000 FOH actual 1,500,000
FOH applied FOH applied
(130,000 mhr. x P8.60) 1,118,000 (872,000 x 175%) 1,526,000
Under-applied 22,000 Over-applied (26,000)
Problem 6
Variable FOH P40,000 Fixed FOH 10,000
Direct labor hours 20,000 hrs Divide by (5 x 2,000) 10,000 hrs
Variable cost per hour 2 Fixed FOH rate per hour 1
Variable FOH 40,000 Fixed FOH 10,000
Direct labor hours 20,000 Divide by 2,000
Variable cost per direct labor hours 2 FxOH per unit 5
x per unit 5
Variable FOH rate per unit 10
Problem 7
FOH rate P1,800,000
FOH rate P12/mhr
Actual FOH 1,700,000
Applied FOH (120,000 x P12) 1,440,000
Under-applied FOH 260,000
Cost of Goods Sold 260,000
Factory Overhead 260,000
Work in Process 72,000 5%
Finished Goods 360,000 25%
Cost of Goods Sold 1,008,000 70%
1,440,000 100%
Problem 8
Fixed FOH 40,000
Variable FOH (2 x 5,000 hrs) 10,000
Total estimated FOH 50,000
Divide by est. machine hours 5,000
FOH rate 10
Fixed FOH 40,000
Variable FOH (2 x 5,200 hrs.) 10,400
Total estimated FOH 50,400
Job 01 Job 02 Job 03
Fixed rate (50,000 ÷ 5,000) 10 10 10
Variable rate 2 2 2
FOH rate 10 10 10
Machine hours 1,500 2,000 1,700
FOH applied 15,000 20,000 17,000
FOH rate 10
Actual hours 5,200
FOH applied 52,000
Actual FOH 56,000
Under-applied 4,000
Actual FOH 56,000
Budgeted based on actual hours
Fixed 40,000
Variable (2 x 5,200) 10,400 50,400
Spending - unfavorable 5,600
Budgeted Fixed FOH 40,000
Standard Fixed (8 x 5,200) 41,600
Idle capacity - favorable 1,600
Problem 9
Fixed factory overhead 80,000
Variable FOH (2 x 100,000) 200,000
Total estimated FOH 280,000
divide by normal capacity units 100,000
FOH rate 2.80
Actual units 98,000
x FOH rate 2.80
Applied FOH 274,400
Actual FOH 265,000
Over - applied FOH 9,400
3 and 4
AFOH 265,000
Budgeted based on Actual hrs
Fixed 80,000
Variable (2 x 98,000) 196,000 276,000
Spending - favorable 11,000
Budgeted 276,000
Applied (2.80 x 98,000) 274,400
Idle capacity - unfavorable 1,600
Problem 10
1. P360,000/ 0.30 = 1,200,000 direct labor hours
2. P363,000 /0.30 = 1,210,000 direct labor hours
Problem 11
a. 60,000 + (.80 x 120,000) = 156,000
b. 65,000 + (.80 x 200,000) = 225,000
c. 65,000 + (.80 x 220,000) = 241,000
Problem 12
Fixed 400,000 /25,000 = fixed foh rate P16 + variable foh P4 = P20 per unit
Problem 13
Total Factory Overhead 1,200,000 - 1,000,000
Machine hours 100,000 - 80,000
Actual FOH 1,050,000
Applied (1,200,000 / 100,000 = 12 x 100,000) 1,200,000
Over-applied FOH 150,000
Actual FOH 1,050,000
Budgeted based on Actual hours
Fixed 200,000
Variable (10 x 80,000) 800,000 1,000,000
Spending – unfavorable 50,000
Problem 14
Actual Fixed FOH 250,000
Actual Variable FOH 82,000
Total Actual FOH 332,000
Divide by units produced 8,000
Actual FOH cost per unit 41.50
Expected FOH cost per unit (12 + 32) 44.00
Fixed 250,000
Variable 82,000 332,000
Budgeted based on Actual hours
Fixed (32 x 10,000 units normal cap. X 1 hr.) 320,000
Variable (12 x 7,500 hrs.) 90,000 410,000
Spending Variance - favorable 78,000
Problem 15
1. Budgeted fixed 3,132,000 + Budgeted variable 6,156,000)= 9,288,000 /1,080,000 = FOH rate P8.6
x actual hours 1,042,200 = 8,962,920 applied – actual 8,872,920 = 90,000 over applied
2. Actual FOH 8,872,920 – 9,072,540 Budgeted based on actual hours (fixed 3,132,000 + Var (5.7 x
1,042,200) = 199,620 Fav
Problem 16
1. 1,200,000 / 600,000 = P2 + P2 = 4
2. P4 x 640,000 hours = 2,560,000
3. Actual 2,498,000 – Applied 2,560,000 = over applied 62,000
4. Actual 2,498,000 – 2,480,000 Budget (1,200,000 + 2 x 640,000) = 18,000 U
5. Budget 2,480,000 – applied 2,560,000 = F 80,000
Problem 17
A: P10 = Budgeted 100,000 – Actual 105,000 =5,000 F. Capacity 50,000 F / 5,000 = P10 x budget units
100,000 = 1,000,000tal bugeted FC
Problem 18
Direct Method
Maintenance Utilities Mixing Assembly
93,500.00 45,000.00
(93,500.00) 46,750.00 46,750.00
(45,000.00) 15,000.00 30,000.00
61,750.00 76,750.00
Step Method
Maintenance Utilities Mixing Assembly
93,500.00 45,000.00
(93,500.00) 18,700.00 37,400.00 37,400.00
(63,700.00) 21,233.33 42,466.67
- - 58,633.33 79,866.67
M = 93,500 + 10%U
U = 45,000 + 20%M
U = 45,000 + 20%(100,000)
U = 65,000
b. Step Method
Personnel Security Maintenance Cutting Sewing Finishing
1,000,000 400,000 100,000 800,000 1,200,000 600,000
(1,000,000) 100,000 100,000 300,000 400,000 100,000
(500,000) 55,556 166,667 111,111 166,667
(255,556) 127,778 63,889 63,889
- - (0) 1,394,445 1,775,000 930,556
Divide by 40,000 60,000 20,000
FOH rate 34.86 29.58 46.53
c. Reciprocal Method
Personnel Security Maintenance Cutting Sewing Finishing
1,000,000.00 400,000.00 100,000.00 800,000 1,200,000 600,000
(1,079,545.45) 107,954.55 107,954.55 323,864 431,818 107,955
53,409.01 (534,090.09) 53,409.01 160,227 106,818 160,227
26,136.36 26,136.36 (261,363.63) 104,545 52,273 52,273
- - - 1,388,636 1,790,909 920,454
Divide by 40,000 60,000 20,000
FOH rate 34.72 29.85 46.02
Value of S
99%S = 500,000 + 11% (202,020.20+11.11111%S)
99%S = 500,000 + 22,222.22 + 1.22222%S
97.77777%S = 522,222.22
S = 534,090.09
Value of M
M = 202,020.20 + 11.11111% (534,090.09)
M = 261,363.63
Value of P
P = 1,000,000 + 10% (534,090.09) + 10% (261,363.63)
P = 1,000,000 + 53,409.09 + 26,136.36.76
P = 1,079,545.45
Problem 20
Direct Method
Personnel Medical Inspection Extracting Finishing
250,000 100,000 20,000 800,000 600,000
(250,000.00) 173,076.92 76,923.08
(100,000.00) 50,000.00 50,000.00
(20,000.00) 11,428.57 8,571.43
- - - 1,034,505.49 735,494.51
Divide by 50,000.00 25,000.00
FOH rate 20.69 29.42
Allocation of Personnel
Extracting 45/65 x 250,000
Finishing 20/65 x 250,000
Allocation of Medical
Extracting 20/40 x 100,000
Finishing 20/40 x 100,000
Allocation of Inspection
Extracting 40/70 x 20,000
Finishing 30/70 x 20,000
Step Method
Personnel Medical Inspection Extracting Finishing
250,000 100,000 20,000 800,000 600,000
(250,000.00) 37,500.00 50,000.00 112,500.00 50,000.00
(137,500.00) 45,833.33 45,833.33 45,833.33
(115,833.33) 66,190.47 49,642.86
- - 0.00 1,024,523.81 745,476.19
Divide by 50,000.00 25,000.00
FOH rate 20.49 29.82
Allocation of Personnel
Medical 15% x 250,000
Inspection 20% x 250,000
Extracting 45% x 250,000
Finishing 20% x 250,000
Allocation of Medical
Inspection 20/60 x 137,500
Extracting 20/60 x 137,500
Finishing 20/60 x 137,500
Allocation of Inspection
Extracting 40/70 x 115,833.33
Finishing 30/70 x 115,833.33
Personnel Medical Inspection Extracting Finishing
250,000 100,000 20,000 800,000 600,000
(331,707.32) 49,756.10 66,341.46 149,268.29 66,341.46
69,593.50 (173,983.74) 34,796.75 34,796.75 34,796.75
12,113.82 24,227.64 (121,138.21) 48,455.28 36,341.46
(0.00) - 0.00 1,032,520.33 737,479.68
Divide by 50,000.00 25,000.00
FOH rate 20.65 29.50
Problem 21
Direct Method
Personnel Maintenance Security Assembly Finishing
70,000 30,000 10,000 500,000 200,000
(70,000.00) 46,666.67 23,333.33
(30,000.00) 15,000.00 15,000.00
(10,000.00) 7,142.86 2,857.14
- - - 568,809.52 241,190.48
Divide by 20,000.00 30,000.00
FOH rate 28.44 8.04
Allocation of Personnel
Assembly 40/60 x 70,000
Finishing 20/60 x 70,000
Allocation of Maintenance
Assembly 30/60 x 30,000
Finishing 30/60 x 30,000
Allocation of Security
Assembly 50/70 x 10,000
Finishing 20/70 x 10,000
Step Method
Personnel Maintenance Security Assembly Finishing
70,000 30,000 10,000 500,000 200,000
(70,000.00) 7,000.00 21,000.00 28,000.00 14,000.00
(37,000.00) 5,285.71 15,857.14 15,857.14
(36,285.71) 25,918.36 10,367.35
- - 0.00 569,775.51 240,224.49
Divide by 20,000.00 30,000.00
FOH rate 28.49 8.01
Allocation of Personnel
Maintenance 10%
Security 30%
Assembly 40%
Finishing 20%
Allocation of Maintenance
Security 10/70
Assembly 30/70
Finishing 30/70
Allocation of Security
Assembly 50/70
Finishing 20/70
Problem 22
P1 P2
Fixed Cost
400,000 x 33.33% 133,333.33
400,000 x 66.67% 266,666.67
4,800,000 x .03 144,000
9,600,000 x .03 288,000
Total 277,333.33 554,666.67
P1 P2
Fixed Cost
400,000 x 33.33% 133,333.33
400,000 x 66.67% 266,666.67
5,600,000 x .03 168,000
8,400,000 x .03 252,000
Total 301,333.33 518,666.67
Problem 23
Direct Method
Maintenance Human Resources Machining Assembly
500,000 200,000
(500,000) 227,272.73 272,727.27
(200,000) 90,909.09 109,090.91
318,181.82 381,818.18
Step Method
Maintenance Human Resources Machining Assembly
500,000.00 200,000.00
(500,000.00) 56,451.61 201,612.90 241,935.48
(256,451.61) 116,568.92 139,882.69
- 318,181.82 381,818.17
Problem 24
Human Resource Security Assembly Finishing
1,800,000.00 500,000.00
(1,800,000.00) 720,000.00 1,080,000.00
(500,000.00) 200,000.00 300,000.00
- - 920,000.00 1,380,000.00
Human Resource Security Assembly Finishing
1,800,000.00 500,000.00
(1,800,000.00) 192,857.14 642,857.14 964,285.71
(692,857.14) 277,142.86 415,714.28
- - 920,000.00 1,380,000.00
Problem 25
1. Direct Method
Maintenance Security Assembly Finishing
900,000 500,000
(900,000) 600,000 300,000
(500,000) 210,526.32 289,473.68
(900,000) (500,000) 810,526 589,474
2. Step Method
Maintenance Security Assembly Finishing
900,000 500,000
(900,000) 90,000 540,000 270,000
(590,000) 248,421.05 341,578.95
- - 788,421.05 611,578.95
3. Reciprocal Method
M = 900,000 + 5%S
S = 500,000 + 10%M
S = 500,000 + 10%(929,648.24)
S = 592,964.82
Maintenance Security Assembly Finishing
900,000 500,000
(929,648) 92,965 557,788.94 278,894.47
29,648 (592,965) 237,185.93 326,130.65
0 0 794,974.87 605,025.12
Problem 26
Req. 1
Fabrication Assembly
Gen Factory Admin
Fabrication (P160,000 x 562,500/1,000,000 hrs) 90,000
Assembly (P160,000 x 437,500/1,000,000 hrs) 70,000
Factory Maintenance
Fabrication (P203,200 x 88,000/160,000 sq.ft.) 111,760
Assembly (P203,200 x 72,000/160,000 sq.ft.) 91,440
Factory cafeteria
Fabrication (P240,000 x 280/ 480 employees) 140,000
Assembly (P240,000 x 200 / 480 employees) 100,000
Total Allocated Cost 341,760 261,440
Req. 2
Budgeted FOH 4,850,000
Add: Allocated FOH 261,440
Total FOH 5,111,440
Divide by Direct labor hours 437,500
FOH rate 11.68