Biomedical Project

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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020/2021







JOHN MWILENGA 2018101032 UE/TBEE/20/9413
GERALD GULA 2018101031 UE/TBEE/20/9353
LUCAS J. SURUSI 2018101040 UE/TBEE/20/9437
MUSTAFA ABU 2018101050 UE/TBEE/20/9334
The undersigned certify that the project has been read, and hereby recommended for
acceptance by Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) in project titled
MOTHER CARE, Submitted by John Tenyson Mwilenga, GERALD GULA, Lucas Japhet
Surusi and Mustapha Abu in fulfillment of the requirements for the Ordinary Diploma in
Biomedical Equipment Engineering

Mr. Optatus Mwalongo


and MUSTAPHA ABU do hereby declare to the Senate of Mbeya University of Science and
Technology that this project is our original work and that has neither been submitted nor
presented to any Institute or University for a similar or any other Ordinary Diploma Award.

Students Name: Signature Date

John Tenyson Mwilenga …………………….. ……………….
GERALD GULA …………………….. ………………
Lucas Japhet Surusi …………………….. ……………….
Mustapha Abu …………………….. …………….....

No part of this project shall be copied, presented, reproduced or stored in any retrieval system or
transmitted in any other means without the prior written permission of the Author (s) or MUST
on behalf.

We dedicate this project to Neonatal and prenatal health care organizations to promote Kangaroo
Mother Care (KMC) and improve infants’ thermal management so as to reduce infants’ mortality
Also, we present our special dedication to our supervisor Mr. Optatus Mwalongo who gave us
the advice to this project and the College of Education and technical Education (COSTE) for
imparting us with knowledge and skills on Biomedical Equipment Engineering.

We thank God and appreciate his Grace, we acknowledge the inspiration from pediatrist and
neonatologist, Dr. Augustin Massawe of Muhimbili National Referral Hospital for his inspiration
on the need to have KMC implementation for infant health care and all the research teams
participating in KMC project who helped us to execute the study and collect data.
Also, we dedicate special thanks our supervisor Mr. Optatus Mwalongo and project
coordinator Mr. Hamisi Maonezi and all the staff of Medical Sciences and Technology
department for their guidance and support from the start up to completion of this project.

The preterm infant care is one of the most important, delegate and sensitive area in the Bio-
medical field. Preterm baby requires surrounding exactly similar to the womb to cope with the
external environment. It is required to maintain air temperature between 35-37ºC and incubator
humidity of 60% to 70%. Currently the devices/equipment used provide similar environment as in
the womb, are Infant Incubators, Infant Warmers and Space heaters which are costly to buy and
maintain for developing countries like Tanzania.
The purpose of this project was to design an Automated Multi-Channel Infant Warming System
for Kangaroo Mother Care to ensure constant supply of humidified temperature in for several
beds using a single source of heat.
The designing and implementation of this project covered several stages ranging from circuit
designing, programming, circuit simulation and building the prototype. Circuit designing and
simulation involved the use of Proteus Professional (8.6-version) software. During
programming, C and C++ programming languages were used. Prototype building involved
assembling of units which were heating and humidification unit, heat transmission unit, display
unit, power supply and control unit.
With completion of this project, it helps to reduce the cost of having many equipment, promote
maternal bond and reduce the number inter- infant infections.

TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATION................................................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................................x
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................................................xi
CHAPTER ONE………………………...……….……………………………………………………1
1.1 General introduction.....................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Hypothermia.................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement.........................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)....................................................................................................2
1.3. Objectives of the project...............................................................................................................2
1.3.1. Main objective..........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific objectives....................................................................................................................2
1.4 The significance of the new proposed system..............................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO………………….…………………………………………………………………..3
2.1. General introduction........................................................................................................................4
2.2. Common existing systems............................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Infant incubator............................................................................................................................5 Drawbacks of incubator...........................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Infant warmer...............................................................................................................................6
2.2.3. Space heaters...............................................................................................................................7 Draw backs of space heaters.....................................................................................................8
2.2.4. Tungsten lamps............................................................................................................................8

2.3. Proposed system............................................................................................................................8
2.3.1. Advantages of the proposed system.........................................................................................9
2.4. Description and analysis new proposed system major units.........................................................9
2.4.1. Heating and humidification unit.................................................................................................9
2.4.2 Temperature control system......................................................................................................12
2.4.3. Heat transmission system........................................................................................................14
2.4.4. Arduino UNO Microcontroller................................................................................................15
2.4.5. 74HC595 shift register..............................................................................................................16
2.4.6. Liquid crystal display (LCD) unit............................................................................................16
2.4.7. Power supply...........................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER THREE…………………….....…………………………………………………………17
3.1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................18
3.2. Circuit designing...........................................................................................................................18
3.2.1. Description of the circuit.............................................................................................................19
3.3. Programming and simulation of the circuit.................................................................................20
3.4. Implementation of both parts of a system and testing................................................................21
CHAPTER FOUR...............................................................................................................................22
RESULTS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................22
4.1. Results...........................................................................................................................................22
4.1.1. Circuit designing results............................................................................................................22
4.1.2. Circuit simulation results...........................................................................................................22
4.2. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................22
4.2. Recommendation...........................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER FIVE.................................................................................................................................23
Appendix A: Estimation cost ……………………………………………………………………...25
Appendix B: Time frame……………………………………………….……………….………....
Appendix C: Project Codes……………………………………………….……………………..……

A Ampere
AC Direct Current
DC Direct Current
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory GND Ground
Hz /MHz Hertz/Mega-Hertz, units of Frequency
I/O Input and Output
ICSP In Circuit Serial Programming
KC Kangaroo Care
KMC Kangaroo Mother Care

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

MUST Mbeya University of Science and Technology
PWM Pulse width Modulation
SIPO Serial In and Parallel Out
SRAM Static Random Access
Memory SSC Skin–to–Skin Contact
USB Universal serial bas
V Voltage
VCC Voltage Common Collector
VDD Voltage Drain Driver
W Watts
WHO World Health Organization.

Table 1.1. Classifications and different stages of Hypothermia.....................................................…1
Table 2.1. Heating element specification analysis and requirements...........................................…10
Table 2.2. Specification requirements for Humidifier...................................................................…10
Table 2.3. Specification requirements for a buzzer ………………………………………………...12
Table 2.4. Specification analysis (Features) Arduino UNO..........................................................…14
Table 2.5. LCD displays specification requirements.....................................................................…16

Figure 2.1. Existing Infant Incubator heat flow diagram.................................................................6
Figure 2.2. Parts of an incubator......................................................................................................6
Figure 2.3. Infant Warmer machines...............................................................................................7
Figure 2.4. A picture of Tungsten lamps in kangaroo room at Kitete Hospital (Tanzania)............8
Figure 2.5. Block diagram of the proposed system.........................................................................9
Figure 2.6. Heating element...........................................................................................................10
Figure 2.7. Automatic Incubator Humidifier.................................................................................10
Figure 2.8. DHT 11 (Temperature and Humidity) Sensor.............................................................11
Figure 2.9. Solenoid Valve............................................................................................................11
Figure 2.10. A buzzer (Alarm device)...........................................................................................12
Figure 2.11. Temperature (LM35) Sensor.....................................................................................12
Figure 2.12. Centrifugal Fan..........................................................................................................13
Figure 2.13. Polythene Aluminum heat pipes...............................................................................13
Figure 2.14. Arduino UNO (Atmega328)......................................................................................14
Figure 2.15. Shift Registers (74HC595)........................................................................................15
Figure 2.16. A 16*2 LCD Display.................................................................................................16
Figure 2.17. Block diagram of the Power Supply.........................................................................16
Figure 3.1. Circuit diagram of the new proposed project..............................................................17
Figure 3.2. Project simulated circuit..............................................................................................20

1.1 General introduction
Hypothermia contributes to 18-42% of neonatal deaths worldwide (Wardlaw et al., 2014).
Though rarely the direct cause of mortality, hypothermia combined with severe infections,
preterm birth, or asphyxia frequently results in death (Lunze et al., 2013). In the developed
world, hypothermia is treated through the use of incubators to keep neonates’ temperatures near
37°C (Wentworth, 2012). However, in the developing world, incubators are too costly, unsafe, or
ineffective, so hypothermia is one of the leading causes of neonatal death (Lunze et al., 2013).
Therefore, the need for an effective incubator that is safe and meets the needs of infants and
healthcare providers in the developing world is great.
1.1.1 Hypothermia
This is a medical condition where the body loses heat faster than it can be produced. A normal
body temperature is 37°C, and anything under 35°C is classified as hypothermia (Lunze et al.,
Table showing classifications and different stages of hypothermia (Kumar et al.,
2009). Table 1.1. Classifications and different stages of Hypothermia.
S/N Stage Temperature range
i. Mild hypothermia 36.0 - 36.4°C
ii. Moderate hypothermia 32- 35.9°C
iii. Severe hypothermia < 32.0°C

Neonates are at a high risk for hypothermia due to their large surface area, low mass, and low
thermal insulation (Fanaroff et al., 2013). Ill and premature neonates are especially at risk due to
their weakened immune systems and underdeveloped epidermis, which increases the amount of
water and heat loss through their skin (RCHM, 2014). Due to neonates’ fragile systems,
hypothermia can have serious consequences including respiratory distress, cardiac arrhythmias,
acidosis, delayed development, and hypoglycemia (Newnam et al., 2014). However, too much
warmth results in hyperthermia (a core temperature above 37°C). It is therefore critical that the
infant’s temperature be monitored and regulated.

1.2 Problem statement
To accelerate progress in child survival, focusing on the newborn is critical since the number of
all under-five deaths occurring in the neonatal period (the first 28 days of life) is increasing
(Wardlaw et al., 2014). A significant factor that contributes to this neonatal mortality rate is the
array of difficulties that neonates face with temperature regulation.
In the developed world, hypothermia is treated through the use of medical devices such as
incubators to keep neonates’ temperatures near 37°C (Wentworth, 2012). Unfortunately, in low
resource settings, budget constraints as well as lack of regulation lead to inadequate medical
supplies and personnel. As a result, hypothermia is one of the leading causes of neonatal death in
the developing world (Lunze et al., 2013). Currently, there are several devices, including the Hot
Cot and the Embrace Infant Warmer, that have been designed to address this problem
However, the solutions are either too costly, unsafe, or ineffective for use in the developing
world. In the developed world, most incubators feature customizable settings and high accuracy,
but are fragile, complex, and extremely expensive to afford for most of developing countries.
Therefore, we are designing a low cost Automated Multichannel Infant Warming System for
Kangaroo Mother Care with temperature feedback that is proven safe and meets the needs of
infants and healthcare providers in the developing world.
1.2.1 Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)
This is a method of care for premature and underweight infants that involves skin-to-skin
contact of an infant and mother. Kangaroo mother care is the effective way to help premature
babies in developing countries as it enhances maternal bond, provide necessary warmth to the
baby, enable breastfeeding and it requires no high cost [KMC & Babies (n.d) & WHO (2003)].
1.3. Objectives of the project
1.3.1. Main objective
The main objective of the project was to design an Automated Multi-Channel Kangaroo Mother
Care that will effectively supply a humidified temperature to premature and underweight infants
in more than one patient bed.
1.3.2. Specific objectives
i. Temperature and humidity control system was designed, by selecting low cost
components that helped to build the system.

ii. The circuit of the system was designed and simulated by using Proteus
Profession (version-8.6) software.
iii. KMC warming system prototype was built.
iv. System prototype to check its functionality.
This project was aimed at designing an Automated Multi-Channel Infant warming System to
ensure constant supply of humidified temperature in more than one bed for kangaroo mother
1.4 The significance of the new proposed system
i. Prevent risk of infections
This project aimed at reducing spread of infections from one infant to another, some health
facilities place more than one infant in one infant warmer (or incubator) that increase infection
risk. Therefore, risks will be prevented by supporting kangaroo mother care methods
ii. Reducing the cost
Proposed system was also designed to be economically cheap as compared to the current
system that are highly costly. Also by reducing the need for many machines, since one machine
will supply temperature to more than one infant.
iii. Improved humidification of supplied temperature.
This is because the system involved humidification unit to moisturize the supplied temperature
before being delivered to the infant.

2.1. Introduction

Generally, preterm infants are not capable of maintaining their body temperature because they
have immature thermal regulation systems. This means that their mechanisms for heat production
are under developed and they have insufficient energy reserves. Therefore, some form of external
thermoregulatory support is vital. There are two main types of heating devices used to help
infants maintain their temperature; incubators and radiant warmers. These are often used
immediately after delivery and for the first few months of life. Radiant warmers use infrared
radiation to control the temperature of infants, while incubators use the convection of warm,
humidified air. Both these warming devices are a feedback system. The radiant warmer uses only
the skin servo control, while the incubator has two modes: skin and air servo control. The use of
these two devices has considerably reduced the rate of infant mortality and morbidity. However
due to shortage of these equipment in developing countries like Tanzania nurses have been
improperly using this equipment by placing more than one infant in the same machine. This has
led to increased mortality rate due to increased risk of infection.
In November 26,2020 Dr. Augustine Masawe, the pediatrics and neonatologist of Muhimbili
National Hospital advised the Tanzania government to look for a proper way to help premature
babies to maintain body temperature through skin to skin contact between mother and her baby
(kangaroo mother care) to reduce cost and infections.
Kangaroo care, a widely used method of care delivery in neonatal units, is the practice of holding
an infant skin-to-skin on the chest, under clothes, in only a nappy and sometimes a hat. The
WHO has defined KMC as early, continuous, and prolonged skin–to–skin contact (SSC) between
the mother and preterm babies; exclusive breastfeeding or breast milk feeding; early discharge
after hospital–initiated KMC with continuation at home; and adequate support and follow–up for
mothers at home (WHO, 2003). Kangaroo care (KC) was first presented in 1983 in Colombia by
two doctors in response to a shortage of incubators and high hospital infection rates (op.cit).
Since then much research has been carried out that gives evidence to suggest many benefits of
this practice (Roller, 2005). Some positive effects of KC include better infant thermoregulation,
(Ludington et al., 2000), improved breastfeeding rates (Hake et al., 2008) and enhanced mother-

infant bonding (Gathwala et al., 2008). Currently KC is carried out worldwide and is seen to be
beneficial in both low and high-income countries. (Bergh., 2011).
There is evidence that kangaroo mother care (KMC), when compared to conventional neonatal
care in resource–limited settings, significantly reduces the risk of mortality in infants born in
facilities who are clinically stable and weighing less than 2000 g (Lawn et al., 2010).
KMC also reduces the risk of hypothermia, severe illness, nosocomial infection, and length of
hospital stay, and improves growth, breastfeeding, and maternal– infant attachment [Lawn et al.,
(2010) & Dickson et al., (2014)]. Despite strong evidence for mortality and morbidity reduction
in low– and middle–income settings and endorsement from the World Health Organization
(WHO), country–level adoption and implementation of KMC has been limited. The good news is
that our country and other world infant health stakeholders are paying attention to KMC
(Rudan et al., 2010).
Health intervention priority–setting tools, such as the Lives Saved Tool and Child Health and
Nutrition Research Initiative methodology, have identified KMC as a high priority intervention
based on criteria such as mortality benefit and equity [Rudan et al., (2010) & Engmann (2013)].
In response to limited global uptake of KMC, in 2013, a group of newborn health stakeholders
led by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Save the Children’s Saving Newborn Lives
Program launched a global KMC Acceleration Convening. The goal was to address barriers
to implementation, increase uptake of KMC as part of an integrated Reproductive Maternal
Newborn and Child Health package, and identify research priorities (Rudan et al., 2010).
2.2. Common existing systems
The mostly used technologies that have been used to help low birth weight babies’ recovery are
incubators and infant warmers.
2.2.1 Infant incubator
How it works
A fan blows in an ambient air through the filter to the heating element where it is heated. Heated
air is by passed through water where it is humidified and transferred by convection to the baby.
Near the baby mattress is a temperature humidity sensor which detects any change in
temperature and humidity in the hood. Temperature and humidity are controlled by a built in
humidity-temperature control circuit. The control switches provide user interface for setting the
machine. Incubator also has ports to enable the use of oxygen concentrator and feeding tubes.

Figure 2.1. Existing Infant Incubator heat flow diagram.

Figure 2.2. Parts of an incubator. Drawbacks of incubator
i. It is limited to one baby
ii. Incubators are expensive
iii. Does not provide maternal bond as it separates the infant from his/her mother
iv. Risk of infection (nosocomial infections).
2.2.2 Infant warmer
Radiant warmers use infrared radiation to control the temperature of infants. It is made up of the
heating source and heat control system. The heat produced is radiated by some materials to the
infant. The main difference between incubator and warmer is in the heat transfer and
humidification. In incubators humidified air is transferred by convection to the infant while in
warmers heated air is transferred to the infant by convection. So you can see the infant warmer is
not much different from the incubator. Both help to treat hypothermia in premature babies.
However, like incubators, warmers are expensive and are limited to be used by a single infant at
a time so many equipment are needed in the room to help many Infants in the neonatal unit. Due
to shortage of these equipment thus nurses place more than one infant in the same machine at a
time leading to the spread of infections.
Some manufactures like ohmeda Ltd have made machines with two modes, incubator and infant
warmer. The Ohmeda Giraffe OmniBed is a novel device designed to operate as both an
incubator and a radiant warmer, so reducing the necessity of transferring the patient. This mobile
device incorporates all the usual features of modern incubators and radiant warmers. In incubator
mode, (right figure 3), it has air temperature and baby skin temperature control and integral
In radiant warmer mode (Front Cover Photo) it has baby skin temperature control and manual
heater control, where the user selects the percentage of power output from the radiant heater. The
Giraffe operates either as an incubator or a radiant warmer, never as both simultaneously.
Auditory alarms have adjustable volume and visual alarms include a large bank of red light
emitting diodes (LEDs) above the control panel.

Figure 2.3. Infant Warmer machines

2.2.3. Space heaters
Medical space heaters are also available and they are designed to maintain temperature at a
WHO recommended temperature of 370C. This equipment is placed beside the bed of mother
hooding the infant. The aim is to maintain temperature of the room to support kangaroo mother
care by compensating temperature variations in the room that could lead to low temperature
below 370C.

7 Draw backs of space heaters
The heat output is limited to small area that cannot be more than two beds so in the large ward
many machines are needed and the space heater is expensive.
2.2.4. Tungsten lamps
Some hospital technicians in Tanzania have adopted the use of tungsten lamps to maintain
temperature when fitted in the kangaroo mother care room. These lamps due to their property of
emmiting heat have shown a significance help in maintaining temperature of premature babies.
However these lamps needs replacement many times a week because they are turned on 24 hours
so they overheat and burn (personal conversation with Kitete hospital technician, Mr sugiro,
2020). This make use of this technology more expensive. Use of tungsten lamps is also very
dangerous because when these lamps overheat they explode into pieces which can cause injury to

Figure 2.4. A picture of Tungsten lamps in kangaroo room at Kitete Hospital (Tanzania).
2.3. Proposed system
The proposed system was aimed at providing a controlled humidified temperature to many
infants at infection risk free environment and at low cost than the existing system. The proposed
system was achieved by heat conservation technique with the use of main components like the
special heat pipes to distribute humidified hot air to more than one bed (multi-channel), heating
element as the source of heat and the centrifugal fan to transfer the heated air where hot air will
pass through water to be humidified before being transferred to the tube. The proposed system
used microcontroller based circuit to control temperature and humidity with the thermostat to
detect any change in temperature and humidity at a particular bed and send feedback to the

microcontroller circuit, when the temperature rises at a bed or is not needed the solenoid valve

will close thus the hot air will not reach the infant.
2.3.1. Advantages of the proposed system
i. Simple in construction, installation and operation.
ii. Enhance maternal bonding (kangaroo mother care).
iii. Reduce the need of buying many machines in the same room hence it saves cost.
iv. Less expensive compared to other current technologies.
v. Can be used to more than two infants at a time with ought infection (nosocomial infections).
vi. Reduce the time of discharge from health facilities (early weight gain time due to
effective temperature control).

Figure 2.5. Block diagram of the proposed system

2.4. Description and analysis new proposed system major units.

2.4.1. Heating and humidification unit
The heating and humidification chamber will consist of a heater and humidifier that will be
used to moisturize air. This is to insure that air supplied is not too dry to cause infants’ lung
i. Heating unit
The system unit produces and maintain temperature of the air inside the heating chamber. To
maintain temperature, digital thermostat will be used. Heating element produces the temperature
that is required to warm the infant.

Figure 2.6. Heating element
Table 2.1. Heating element specification analysis and requirements.

Voltage 240/260V AC
Power 550W

ii. Humidification unit

The heating chamber will consist of a humidifier that will be used to moisturize air. This is to
insure that air supplied is not too dry to even cause further lung damage to the infant.
Table 2.2. Specification requirements for Humidifier.

Input Output
Voltage: AC 100-240 V Voltage: DC 24 V
Frequency: 50/60 Hz Current: 1A
Current: 1A

Figure 2.7. Automatic Incubator Humidifier.

iii. DHT 11 sensor
This is a basic, ultra-low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive
humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding temperature, and spits out a digital
signal on the data pin. This sensor is used in this project to measuring humidity and temperature
values in the heating element. The DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor consists of 3 main
components. A resistive type humidity sensor, an NTC (negative temperature coefficient)
thermistor (to measure the temperature) and an 8-bit microcontroller, which converts the analog
signals from both the sensors and sends out single digital signal.

Figure 2.8. DHT 11 (Temperature and Humidity) Sensor.

2.4.2 Temperature control system
Temperature control system of the proposed project consists of the following main components: -
i. Solenoid valves
The solenoid valves are electronically operated valves that control flow of fluids. The four-way
valve was used to control flow of hot air in the proposed system. When temperature exceed
preset range, thermostat will sense and Microcontroller will close the valve. It has the following
i. It is not complicated
ii. It is the mostly used valve
iii. It is cheap
iv. Easy to operate

Figure 2.9. Solenoid Valve

ii. Alarm (Buzzer)

Buzzer is an electronic component that detects abnormalities in temperature and humidity
parameters so that if temperature or humidity is abnormal, buzzer is triggered by voice alarm.
The buzzer consists of an outside case with two pins to attach it to power and ground. Inside is a
piezo element, which consists of a central ceramic disc surrounded by a metal (often bronze)
vibration and sound disc.

Figure 2.10. A buzzer (Alarm device).

Table 2.3. Specification requirements for a buzzer 12.

Operating voltage 5V DC
Current rating <30mA
sound type continuous beep
Resonant frequency ~2300Hz

iii. LM35 Temperature sensor

This is a temperature sensor that outputs an analog signal which is proportional to the
instantaneous temperature. The output voltage can easily be interpreted to obtain a temperature
reading in Celsius. The advantage of lm35 over thermistor is it does not require any external
calibration. Project prototype used two LM35 temperature sensor along two beds (used for the
prototype) to detect temperature and give signals back to the microcontroller.
LM35 has three pinouts which are:
PIN 1: Vcc, it used as input at this pin we apply +5 V input
voltage. PIN 2: At this pin, we get output voltage.
PIN 3: GND, this pin is used for ground.

Figure 2.11. Temperature (LM35) Sensor.

2.4.3. Heat transmission system
This will consist of centrifugal fan and heat pipes. When the hot and humidified air is produced
in the heating and humidifying unit, it will be blown to the destination patient beds via heat
i. Centrifugal fan
This fan rotates in one direction and it will help to transfer moist hot air to the pipes. The two
main components of a centrifugal fan are a motor and the impeller. The impeller sucks or pulls
air in contrast to propeller which pushes air. The motor rotates the impeller to suck air inside the
system and direct it to the pipes through the heating element. Typical fan uses 220-
240V,12A ,19W and 50/60Hz.

Figure 2.12. Centrifugal Fan

ii. Composite Polythene Aluminum (PA) heat pipes
Is the composite heat pipe of five layers. It consists of middle Aluminum layer with an inner
and outer plastic layer, tightly bonded with a special adhesive to the Aluminum core. The
plastic materials used for the inner and outer layers are either linked polyethylene (PEX or PE),
which is hygienic, toxic free and smooth. The middle Aluminum layer is absolutely 100%
diffusion tight which reliably prevent gases and oxygen from permitting into pipe. Such
structure helps to compensates and reduces snap-back forces and heat expansion with changes
of temperatures.

Figure 2.13. Polythene Aluminum heat pipes

2.4.4. Arduino UNO Microcontroller
This will control the entire system of the design like temperature control, display and power
supply. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller. It can be connected to a computer with a
USB cable or powered with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. Can be programmed
as a USB-to serial converter. This is for controlling the device

Figure 2.14. Arduino UNO (Atmega328).

Table 2.4. Specification analysis (Features) Arduino UNO

Microcontroller ATmega328
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins 6
DC Current per I/O Pin 40 Ma
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 Ma
Flash Memory 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed 16 MHz

Why Arduino UNO is selected out of other Microcontrollers?
a. The board is capable to get the power supply from DC adaptor having a voltage of 12 V.
The board can be charged from this external power supply.
b. High flexibility is provided to the board, that is a chip can be replaced, removed from the
board in case of damage or improper functioning of the chip. This flexibility functionality
is not provided in other Arduino boards.
c. The board pins are capable of functioning for constant power supply of 5 v. The digital
and analog pins are used to adjust the voltage supply in the board.
d. As the board design is simple it can be used by multiple users and the community support
for the Arduino UNO board.
e. The Arduino UNO board has a list of several hardware components and has the capability
to interact with those devices like Bluetooth, internet, motor control, and many more.
f. Arduino UNO board has low price (cost) over other Arduino boards.
2.4.5. 74HC595 shift register
This is a shift register which works on Serial IN Parallel OUT protocol. It receives data serially
from the microcontroller and then sends out this data through parallel pins. A 74HC595 has 16
Pin SIPO IC. SIPO stands for Serial In and Parallel Out which means that it takes input serially
one bit at a time and provides output parallel or simultaneously on all the output pins. The
project used two shift registers to extend microcontroller pins so as to make it possible to control
multiple bed at once.

Figure 2.15. Shift Registers (74HC595).

2.4.6. Liquid crystal display (LCD) unit
This will consist of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD display) that will purposely display the
temperature, humidity and control parameters and system signals. A 16*2 liquid crystal display
(LCD) is being used in the proposed system to display system parameters like Temperature,
humidity and heater status.

Figure 2.16. A 16*2 LCD Display.
Requirements for the displaying unit.
i. The display should be readable and brighter
ii. Small size display but reasonable
iii. Less power consumption is required.
The following table shows analysis of different displays in which different parameters were
analyzed in order to come up with a right display.

Table 2.5. LCD displays specification requirements

Device Model LM016L

Operating Voltage 3.3 – 5.5V
Resolution 16×2
Input current 1.1Ma

2.4.7. Power supply

The proposed system will be supplied by a power of 240-260 A.C 50Hz that is enough to power
the components of the proposed system.
Components of power supply
i. Transformer.
ii. Rectifier.
iii. Filter.
iv. Regulator.

Filter circuit Voltage

Transformer Rectifier circuit

Figure 2.17. Block diagram of the Power Supply

3.1. Introduction

This chapter describes different procedures, methods and techniques that will be accompanied so
that to accomplish the prototype and there after test so that to prove that the prototype performs
well. For the successful achievement of our project, the following techniques and procedures
were followed: -

i. Circuit designing
ii. Programming and simulation designed circuit
iii. Implementation of both parts of a system and testing

3.2. Circuit designing

The circuit design of our project based on well collected and analyzed information in order to
meet the objective of the project. This section involved the physical layout of the circuit by using
required material resource. The software used for circuit designing was Proteus Professional
(version 8.9)

Figure 3.1. Circuit diagram of the new proposed project.

3.3.1. Description of the circuit
Heating element: default pin 1 of AC power supply was connected with one pin of heating
element and given an address pos, and another default pin was connected to another heater
terminal and given address neg purposely to establish the connection of AC power supply to
heater. Also, one default pin of a relay was connected with pin 13 of two Arduino and given the
address rel to ensure that relay cut the heat supply of heat when the heating element is too hot.
Fan: one default pin of a centrifugal fan was connected with pin 8 of Arduino and given an
address fan to ensure connection of a fan with the microcontroller, other default pin was
Temperature and humidity sensor (DHT 11): default pin 1 of a DHT sensor was connected with
pin 10 of two shift registers with the address vdd to provide power supply, also default pin 2 of a
DHT sensor was connected with pin 2 of Arduino and given an address data1 to establish
connection of DHT sensor with the Arduino.
Shift register (74HC595) for bed one: default terminal of shift register pin 3 was connected with
digital pin 6 of Arduino and given an address data1 to establish connection with the Arduino.
Also, for bed two, shift register default pins 11, 14 and 12 were connected with digital pins 7, 6
and 5 of Arduino and were connected with addresses clock, data_ and latch respectively, mainly
to extend Arduino pins to fit two beds. Default pin 13 was grounded for both registers with
address gnd.
Solenoid valves: for valve one, Arduino pin 11 was connected with default pin of bed one valve
and given the address v1. For valve two, Arduino pin 10 was connected with default pin of bed
two valve and given the address v2. Also, for both valves, default pins for power were connected
to shift registers with the address vdd and grounded.
Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s): for bed one, default pins 3 and 4 of shift register two were
connected with blue and red LED’s and given addresses v1b and v1r respectively. For bed two,
default pins 1 and 5 of shift register two were connected with blue and red LED’s and given
addresses v2b and v2r respectively. In both beds, two LED’s are connected in series and ground
is in parallel of the series connection. The purpose of the blue and red LED is to indicate that the
temperature is normal and abnormal respectively.
Alarm (buzzer): positive terminal of the buzzer is connected to default pin 10 of shift registers
for power supply and given an address vdd. Negative pin is connected to collector terminal
of a

transistor, also the Arduino digital pin 4 is connected to base default pin of the transmitter and
given address buz3 to connect the buzzer with the Arduino while the emitter pin is grounded.
Temperature sensors (LM 35): for bed one, default pin 1 of the bed one sensor was connected to
default pin 10 of shift register one to supply power and both given an address vdd, also, default
pin 2 was connected to Arduino pin A4 and both given an address lm1 to establish their
connection. For bed two, default pin 1 of the bed two sensor was connected to default pin 10 of
shift register two to supply power and both given an address vdd, also, default pin 2 was
connected to Arduino pin A5 and both given an address lm2 to link them. Default pin 3 was
grounded for both temperature sensors.
Power supply: default pin3 of the Arduino is connected to default pin of the power supply and
both given an address butt, purposely to provide an Arduino with power supply. Another default
pin of the power supply is grounded.
Virtual Monitor default pins are connected with Arduino digital pins 0 and 1 and both given
addresses rxd and txd respectively, for displaying real time readings.
Display: pins VSS and RW were grounded, pin VDD was connected to default pin 10of shift
registers with an address vdd. Also, pins RS and E of LCD display were connected with Arduino
pins 9 and 12 with address rs and en respectively. Again, display pins D4, D5, D6 and D7 were
connected to Arduino pins A0, A1, A2 and A3 given address d4, d5, d6 and d7 respectively,
purposely to receive digital output from the Arduino.

3.3. Programming and simulation of the circuit.

Simulation of the prototype is the process of testing if the circuit is fully functional with the help
of simulation software. The software used for simulation of the circuit was Proteus Professional
(version 8.9). Arduino IDE software was used to write the program for microcontroller to
execute. In this part the designed electronic parts were simulated to test if the circuit function as

Figure 3.2. Project simulated circuit.
3.4. Implementation of both parts of a system and testing
At the end of the project designing, the prototype of the project should be implemented which
comprise the both parties of the project and to test the project if it has meet the required
objectives and features.
However, the implementation of Automated Multi-Infant Warming System for kangaroo Mother
care failed due to unavailability of key components such as heat pipes, heating element,
humidifier, transformer, thermostats and Temperature Aluminum-outlet head for building the

4.1. Results
The results obtained on this project were based on two specific objectives of circuit designing
and circuit simulation. We could not implement and build the prototype of the circuit due to lack
of key components of the project like heating element, heating pipes and humidifier.
4.1.1. Circuit designing results
The functioning of the designated circuit worked out properly to meet the objectives stated
earlier. Hence, based on the circuit designing results, if the circuit was implemented, it could
work properly to meet the designing requirements.
4.1.2. Circuit simulation results
Based on the simulation results, the overall system performance was good because the
performance of parameters agree with the design requirements for all of the individual designed
blocks of proposed Automated Multi-Infant Warming system for Kangaroo Mother Care.
4.2. Conclusion
This study identified several issues that need to be addressed, including knowledge of using and
the need for well-equipped KMC wards. We recommend that hospitals improve their nursing
staff’s knowledge of KMC and establish well-equipped KMC wards to enhance a good care to
preterm and pre-mature infants that need intensive management of humidity and temperature.
4.2. Recommendation
The implementation KMC is important for improving infant’s health care since it is cost
effectively and easily managed. Since the porotype was not build due to in availability of materials, we
recommend this to be done in future as it is presumably considered as an effective intervention for mimicking
the womb environment in normal maternal wards for normal infant development and the wellbeing.


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Appendix A: Estimation cost


ARDUINO UNO ATMEGA328P 1 60,000/= 60,000
Heating element 200W 1 150,000/= 150000
centrifugal fan 12VDC 1 50,000/= 50000
Humidifier 1 30,000/= 30,000
LCD DISPLAY 16*2,5VDC 1 35,000/= 35000
PCB 1 20,000/= 20,000
THERMOSTAT 5V DC 2 20000/= 40,000
HEAT PIPE PE-AL-PE 3 METRE 40,000/= 120000
Marine board Square 4 13,000/= 52000
transformer ratio 2:1 10000/= 10000
Resistors carbon composition 20 500/= 10000
capacitors Electrolytic 5 1000/= 5000
transistor LM7805 4 1000/= 4000
Diodes IN4007 10 500/= 5000
connecting wires 1 1500/= 3000
Jumpers 3 1000/= 3000
soldering wire 1 2000/= 2000
Aluminum outlet head 2 40000/= 80000
solenoid valves 2 25200/= 50400
stationary 200pages 200/= 40000
Arduino keypad 3*4 1 2000/= 2,000
Shift Register 74HC595 2 10,000/= 20000
Transport 20,000/= 20000

Appendix B: Time frame

Activity December January February March April May June July August


of research

Appendix C: Project Codes

// including the libraries

#include <DHT.h>
#include <DHT_U.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
#define relayPin 13
#define buzzer3 4
#define valve1 11
#define valve2 10
#define button 3
#define DHT_VALVE1 2
// initializing the libraries
LiquidCrystal lcd (9, 12, A0, A1, A2, A3);
Servo valveOne, valveTwo;
// declaration of the pins
int sensLM35 = A4;
int sensorLM35 = A5;
int wait = 1000;
const int clockPin = 7;
const int dataPin = 6;
const int latchPin = 5;
const int fanPin = 8;
const int data1 = 2;
const int data2 = 1;
const int hot_led = 7;

const int norm_led = 5;
const int relayReg = 6;
byte regOut = 0;
void welcomeNote();
class temp_control {
struct heatControl {
float tempHeater();
// this is fot the shift registers used for extending the pins of the files
void updateShiftRegister()
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, regOut);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
// this is for the led power on or off
void leds(bool ind) {
if (ind == false) {
regOut = 0;
bitSet(regOut, 1);
bitSet(regOut, 3);
// this is the welcome note on the screen
void welcomeNote() {
cont: lcd.setCursor(2, 0);
lcd.print("KANGAROO PROJECT!");

lcd.setCursor(3, 1);
lcd.print("NO. OF BEDS: 02");
lcd.setCursor(2, 2);
lcd.print("ROOM TEMP: 35");
lcd.setCursor(4, 3);
lcd.print("SYSTEM ACTIVE!");
// this is for setting up the modes of the pins and the some libraries
void setup() {
lcd.begin(20, 4);
digitalWrite(fanPin, 0);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buzzer3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (sensLM35, INPUT);
pinMode (sensorLM35, INPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (relayPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(fanPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);

} welcomeNote();
if (digitalRead(button) == 1) {
goto cont;
}else {
return setup();
// this is for the heater control temperature
float heatControl::tempHeater() {
bool flag = false;
digitalWrite(relayPin, 1);
digitalWrite(fanPin, 1);
for (int t_angl = 0; t_angl < 180; t_angl += 10) {
} leds(flag);
float h1 = dht1.readHumidity();
float t1 = dht1.readTemperature();
float f1 = dht1.readTemperature(true);
if (t1 > 45 || h1 < 65) {
if (flag == true)
{ goto n;
n: while (true) {
flag = true; leds(flag);
digitalWrite(relayPin, 0);
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.print("THE COIL IS HOT");

lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
lcd.print("Coil temp: ");
lcd.setCursor(2, 2);
lcd.print("Humidifier: ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
lcd.print("INC. STATUS: HOTTEST");
regOut = 0;
bitSet(regOut, hot_led);
if (digitalRead(button) == 0)
{ digitalWrite(fanPin, 0);
goto temp_calc;
} else if ( h1 > 90) {
digitalWrite(relayPin, 0);
regOut = 0;
bitSet(regOut, hot_led);
digitalWrite(buzzer3, 0);
lcd.setCursor(2, 0);

lcd.print("HEATER TEMPERATURE: ");
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("CENTIGRADE: ");
lcd.setCursor(3, 2);
lcd.print("HUMIDITY: ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
lcd.print("INC. STATUS: OPTIMAL");
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(button) == 0) {
digitalWrite(relayPin, 0);
digitalWrite(fanPin, 0);
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
goto temp_calc;
// this is for the temperature sensor control
void valve_sensors() {
float sensor_val = analogRead(sensLM35);
float sensor = analogRead(sensorLM35);
float value = (sensor_val / 1024.0) * 5000;
float celc = value / 10;
float farh = (celc * 9) / 5 + 32;
float value2 = (sensor / 1024.0) * 5000;
float celcius = value2 / 10;
float farh2 = (celcius * 9) / 5 + 32;
if (celc > 38 || celc < 34) {

regOut = 0;
bitSet(regOut, 4);
digitalWrite(buzzer3, 1);
digitalWrite(buzzer3, 0);
Serial.println("SYSTEM ALERT! BED ONE!");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
lcd.print("BED ONE SYSTEM!");
lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
lcd.setCursor(6, 2);
for (int t_angl = 180; t_angl > 0; t_angl -= 70) {
} else {
regOut = 0;
bitSet(regOut, 3);
Serial.println("SYSTEM BED ONE OK!");

lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
lcd.print("BED ONE: OK");
lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
lcd.setCursor(7, 2);
for (int t_angl = 0; t_angl < 180; t_angl += 70) {
if (celcius > 38 || celcius < 34) {
regOut = 0;
bitSet(regOut, 5);
digitalWrite(buzzer3, 1);
digitalWrite(buzzer3, 0);
Serial.println("SYSTEM ALERT! BED TWO!");
lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
lcd.print("BED TWO SYSTEM!");

lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
lcd.setCursor(6, 2);
for (int t_angl = 180; t_angl > 0; t_angl -= 70) {
} else {
regOut = 0;
bitSet(regOut, 1);
Serial.println("SYSTEM BED TWO OK!");
lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
lcd.print("BED TWO: OK");
lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
lcd.setCursor(6, 2);
for (int t_angl = 0; t_angl < 180; t_angl += 70) {

// this is the looop where the repeating the codes occur
void loop() {
cont: temp_control temp();
lcd.setCursor(3, 1);
lcd.print("CONTROL SYSTEM");
lcd.setCursor(5, 2);
n: heatControl heating;
goto n;


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