Dotes Arquetípicas

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Dark Sun

ARCANE (pg1) Companion Bond Martial arts training

Arcane spellcasting Companion Soul Mercy
Arrow of death Companion Walk No mercy
Distant Arrow Detect I y II No retreat
Enchant arrow I, II y II Dire Animal Precise strike
Energy Arrow Divine health Purity of body
Energy Burst Arrow Domain Riposte
Erudite Elemental Shape I, II y III Slow Fall
Familiar Extra Wild Shape Still Mind
Hail of arrows Guardian I, II y III Sunning attack
Imbue arrow Healing Touch I, II y III Superhero landing
Impromptu Sneak Attack Ironpaw Superior feint
Invisible Thief Lay on hands Wholeness of body
Literate Nature Sense
Lore I, II y III Percieve I, II y III PSIONIC
Magic Energy Control Remove disease Manifester pg11
Mystic Theurge Silverclaw Additional psionics I-VIII
Phase arrow Timeless Body Cerebremancer
Ranged legerdemain Turn or Rebuke Expanded Pool I-V
School specialist Wild Shape I, II y III Detect Psionics
Secret Magical manifesting
Seeker arrow ROGUE (pg8) Mind over magic
Spell synthesis Sneak attack I-IV Psycristal
Surprise spells Angel of death Weave the sources
Tricky spells Assassin Sp-like abilities (Form)Astral Suit pg12
Bardic music Skin
BRUTE (pg3) Bardic knowledge Armor
Rage I, II Y III Crippling Strike Juggernaut
Camouflage Death Attack Astral Repair
Damage Reduction Defensive roll Astral suit DR
Deathless Frenzy Disable magic Traps Augment Suit
Destructive Rage Evasion I y II Cannibalize suit
Fast Movement Hide in plain sight Costumizations
Favored Enemy Hidden weapons Discipline pg15
Favored terrain Poison use Clarisientence
Frenzy Quiet death Generalist
Indomitable Will Slippery Mind Metacreativity
Intimidating Rage Sneak Attack Special I y II Psykokinesis
Instantaneous Rage I y II Swift death Psykimetabolism
Rage Powers Trapfinding Psykoportation
Supreme Cleave Trapsense Telepathy
Supreme Power Attack True death Mindblade pg17
Tireless Rage Mindblade mastery
Track WARRIOR (pg9) Enhance mindblade
Trackless step Combat Style Psychic strike I, II y II
Uncanny dodge I y II Acrobatic Charge Shape mindblade
Woodland Stride Arena Guile Throw mindblade
Armor optimization Warrior’s path pg18
DIVINE (pg5) Canny defense Eternal warrior
Divine spellcaster Defensive Stance Extenden path
A thousand faces Elaborated Defense Martial power
Animal companion Enhanced mobility Path skill
Augment charming I, II y III Exotic Weapon Stunt Pathweaving
Augment summoning I, II y III Flurry of blows Secondary path
Aura of courage Gladiatorial performance Twisting path
Bless Improved parry Paths
Channel energy Improved reaction
Clerical Investement Leap of the clouds

ARCANE Abjuration (Intx2) Hard

Conjuration (Intx2) Hard
Divination (Intx2) Hard
Enchantment (Intx2) Hard
ARCANE SPELLCASTING Evocation (Intx2) Hard
Erudite, Knowledge arcana 1r (Puntuación mínima 4) Illusion (Intx2) Hard
El personaje gana 1 Punto de Poder (si no tenía uno ya). Añade los feats Necromancy (Intx2) Hard
Sribe Scroll y Brew Potion a su repertorio (aunque no los podrá usar hasta Transmutation (Intx2) Hard
que no cumpla los requisitos).
Conoce tantas bases como su modificador de Inteligencia (esto tiene efecto
retroactivo). Puede hacer 4 cantrips al día de la lista de Cantrips (la que
Craft Magic Weapons, Enchant Arrow III, Weapon Focus (Bows) II,
Seeker Arrow, Spell Focus (slay).
Además adquiere las siguientes habilidades con 0 Rangos:

1|P a g e
Durante un round una criatura herida por esta flecha, tendrá que hacer las familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link’s limited
tiradas pertinentes de haber recibido una herida crítica en el pecho. El nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same
personaje sólo puede tener una flecha de este tipo, tarda 1 día en hacerla connection to an item or place that his familiar does.
(Bowmaking) y dura un año. Deliver Touch Spells (Su): A familiar can deliver touch spells for him. If
the master and the familiar are in contact at the time the master casts a
touch spell, he can designate his familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can
then deliver the touch spell just as the master would. As usual, if the master
Enchant Arrow II
casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.
Tu arma está encantada con el efecto distant (dobla el alcance del arma).
Speak with Master (Ex): A familiar and the master can communicate
verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not
ENCHANT ARROW I: understand the communication without magical help.
Weapon focus (Bow), Point Blank Shot, Arcane Spellcaster, 1 PP Speak with Animals of Its Kind (Ex): A familiar can communicate with
Every nonmagical arrow an arcane archer nocks and lets fly becomes animals of approximately the same kind as itself (including dire varieties):
enchanted, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus. An archer’s magic arrows bats with rodents, cats with felines, hawks and owls and ravens with birds,
only function for her. lizards and snakes with reptiles, monkeys with other simians, rats with
rodents, toads with amphibians, and weasels with ermines and minks. Such
ENCHANT ARROW II: communication is limited by the Intelligence of the conversing creatures.
Enchant arrow, 5PP Spell Resistance (Ex): A familiar gains spell resistance equal to the master’s
La flecha gana +1 mágico a dar y al daño. Power Points/3.
Scry on Familiar (Sp): The master may scry on his familiar (as if casting
ENCHANT ARROW III the scrying spell) once per day.
Enchant arrow II, 7PP
La flecha gana +1 mágico a dar y al daño. HAIL OF ARROWS:
Rapid Shot, Enchant Arrow III, 7PP
ENERGY ARROW Gastando dos acciones y 2 PP, puede disparar una flecha a cada uno de los
Enchant arrow I objetivos dentro del alcance. El máximo de objetivos es la puntuación de
Elige un tipo de energía, ahora tus flechas hacen 1d4 extra de daño de ese Poder más el modificador de DES.
tipo. Y se considera encantada con el efecto mágico (flaming, acidic, etc…)
Se puede elegir varias veces, cada vez se aplica un tipo de energía distinto, IMBUE ARROW:
pero estos no se apilan. Cambiar entre tipos de energía es automático. Imbue Weapon, Enchant Arrow I
Puede imbuir sus flechas, como si fueran armas cuerpo a cuerpo (Imbuir
arma). Las cargas se perderán si la flecha falla.
Enchant Arrow III, Energy Arrow IMPROMPTU SNEAK ATTACK
Tus flechas se encantan con el efecto Energy burst; cuando consigues un Sneak Attack II, Base: Delude or conceal 5r, 3 PP
crítico puedes elegir como efecto hacer 1d6 adicional de daño por energía. Gastando un PP al hacer un ataque este se convierte en un sneak attack.


Int 13+, Knowledge (anyx3) 3r. Craft (Alchemy, other) 3r, Literate 9PP, Base: Conceal 10r, Hide 10r, Move silently 10r, Hide in plain
kwoledge y craft reducen son untrained. Una vez al día puede repetir una Sight.
tirada de las anteriores y quedarse con la mejor. Puede hacerse invisible un número de rounds al día igual a sus PP, como si
estuviera bajo el conjuro greater invisibility.
Arcane Spellcaster LITERATE
Puedes Vincularte a un animal que será tu Familiar. Elige uno de la lista. Si Int 5+
se muere tienes que cogerte este feat otra vez, hacer mambo jambo mágico El personaje conoce el alfabeto y puede leer y escribir los idiomas en los
y elegir otro. Para Dark Sun además, puede coger de esta otra lista*: que tenga rangos. Puede ponerse rangos en Decypher Sript.
Familiar Special Ability
Dustgull Master gains a +1 bonus on Spot checks LORE
Kes'trekel Master gains a +1 bonus on passive dodge saves. Acceso a una biblioteca, Sage, Erudite, Int 12+, Skill focus (Knowledge
Skyfish Master gains a +1 bonus on Swim checks any)
Sygra Master gains a +3 hit points Elije tres knowledge, en éstos ignoras tantos pasos de dificultad como su
*De la lista original no te puedes coger ni Toad ni Weasel. Mod. de Inteligencia. Además añade la misma cantidad como éxitos
Según Ganes Puntos de Poder, tu familiar tendrá cosicas especiales (con adicionales.
efecto retroactivo)
Puntos de Natural Intelligence LORE II
Poder Armor Adj. * Lore, research 7r, Int 13+, Skill Focus Knowledge (any)x2
2 6 Alertness, improved evasion, Puedes tirar cualquier Knowledge en el que no tengas rangos como si
share spells, empathic link estuviera entrenado. Además la tirada se hará con la misma puntuación que
el Knowledge que menos rangos tenga; de los que tienen rangos, claro…
4 7 Deliver touch spells
6 +1 8 Speak with master LORE III
Lore II, Research 11r, Int 14+, Skill Focus Knowledge (any) x3
8 9 Speak with animals of its kind Aplica LORE a todos los Kwoledge en los que tengas rangos
10 +2 10 —
12 11 Spell resistance
Concentration 4r, Will 4r, Magic Addiction
14 +3 12 Scry on familiar el personaje tira dos veces a Will y se queda con la mejor para evitar
* No puede ser superior a la del Amo. profanar o quedarse atrapado. También para hacer conjuros cuando está
Alertness (Ex): While a familiar is within arm’s reach, the master gains cargado.
the Alertness feat.
Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows MYSTIC THEURGE [15]
a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar takes no damage if it Arcane Spellcaster, Divine Spellcaster, Knowledge Arcana 7r,
makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving Knowledge Religion 7r, Skill Focus: spellcraft (divine and arcane), 3
throw fails. Power Points.
Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his Un Teurgo Místico puede hacer conjuros divinos usando PE arcanos A
familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells razón de 2:1. También Podrá asignar magnitudes divinas a sus bases
on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the arcanas, siendo una magnitud igual a dos Niveles de Manipulación Arcana.
familiar’s type (magical beast). Además, por cada 5 rangos que se ponga en habilidades arcanas, recibirá un
Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a rango en una manipulación divina. Si se pone un rango en una
1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the manipulación divina, recibirá 2 rangos a repartir entre habilidades arcanas,

2|P a g e
siempre y cuando estas no superen en rangos a aquellas una vez repartidos En furia recibe 1 punto de DR, +1 al daño y al force del arma y un paso de
los rangos. facilidad a Will y Fortitude. Cada acción físicamientras está en Rage le
También: Para calcular las estadísticas que dependan de Knowledge cuesta 1 punto de Fatiga, cada reacción física le cuesta dos acciones y 1d6
(Arcana y religión) o spellcraft, se usará el Kowledge o spellcraft más de fatiga. No sufre los efectos de Fatiga mientras está en Rage. El Rage
elevado. Las tiradas se harán o limitarán con la habilidad que corresponda dura 1/2 puntuación de CON al día en rounds. Sólo puede entrar en Rage en
en cada caso. su turno, cuesta una acción.


Seeker Arrow, 6 PP, Enchant Arrow III Rage, Damage Reduction
Gastando 2 PP se puede disparar una flecha a un objetivo conocido por el +1 force del arma cuando está en Rage. El daño por fuerza es una categoría
atacante, la flecha vuela a través de objetos sólidos ignorando armadura y de dado superior (mínimo +1). +1 paso de Facilidad a Fortitude.
parry, aunque se puede esquivar normalmente.
RANGED LEGERDEMAIN Rage II, Tireless Rage, Indomitable Will, DR en todas las
Disable Device 4r, Sleight of hands 4r, Base: Move 4r, spellcraft 4r, localizaciones.
knowledge Arcana 4r, Arcane Spellcaster, 3PP. +1 al daño y +1 al force del arma, +1 al daño por fuerza, Inmune a
Can use Disable Device and Sleight of Hand at a range of 10m. Working at encantamientos, Inmune a exhaustion.
a distance increases the normal skill check by 1 step, and cannot take 10 on
this check. Any object to be manipulated must weigh 1 kg or less. CAMOUFLAGE
Favoured Terrain, Hide in plain sight
SCHOOL SPECIALIST [20] She can use the Stealth skill to hide in any of his favored terrains, even if
Arcane spellcaster the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.
Elige una escuela de magia en la que eres especialista, recibes los poderes
especiales de esa escuela. (ver “Magia Arcana” al final). DAMAGE REDUCTION (Ex)
Fit, Barbarian or Primitive, Toughness, Con 15+
SECRET Gana 1 punto de DR/-. En una localización.
Access to a library, Research 10r, Arcane Spellcaster. Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez se aplica a una localización distinta.
Elige un secreto de la Tabla de abajo. Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez
eliges un secreto nuevo. DEATHLESS FRENZY
Frenzy, Rage III, Remain conscious.
Table: Loremaster Secrets Mientras está en Frenzy, ignora completamente los efectos de las heridas.
Level + This ability does not prevent death from spell effects such as slay living or
Int Modifier Secret Effect disintegrate.
------------ ------ ------
1 Instant mastery 4 ranks of a skill in DESTRUCTIVE RAGE
which the character has no ranks Rage I
2 Secret health +3 hit points Ganas 1 paso a Brawn cuando estás en Rage.
3 Secrets of inner strength +1 paso to Will
4 The lore of true stamina +1 paso Fortitude FAST MOVEMENT:
5 Secret knowledge of avoidance +1 paso Dodge Barbarian or Nomad
6 Weapon trick +1 paso a un arma Character has a tactical speed faster than the norm for his race by +1 when
7 Dodge trick +1 RD/- wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor (and not carrying a heavy
8 Applicable knowledge +3r a un Knowledge encumbrance). Travel speed remains the same.
o +1r a tres knowledges o +2 y +1r
9 Newfound arcana +1 Objetivo FAVORED ENEMY
10 More newfound arcana +1 Magnitud Knowledge adecuado 1r
Elige un tipo de enemigo (raza o tipo de mounstruo) +1 paso a Bluff,
SEEKER ARROW: Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Knowledge adecuado, Search y Track.
Precise Shot, 4PP, Enchant Arrow II Además, +1 al daño.
Gastando un PP se puede disparar una flecha a un objetivo conocido por el Por cada 5 rangos después del primero en el knowledge adecuado, añade un
atacante, la flecha vuela girando esquinas y salvando obstáculos hasta su +1 a todo.
objetivo, negando cover y concealment. Puede ser defendida normalmente. Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez se aplica a un nuevo enemigo para el
Se para ante obstáculos insalvables o al final del alcance. que tengas el knowledge adecuado.

SPELL SYNTHESIS Table: Favored Enemies

Mystic Theurge, 13 PP, Knowledge Arcana, Religion y ambos Type
spellcraft 14r.  Aberrations
Gastando 2 Puntos de Poder, puede hacer un conjuro Arcano y Otro Divino  Animals
en una sola acción con sus tiradas correspondientes. Cualquier objetivo  Beasts
afectado por ambos conjuros recibe 2 pasos de dificultad a la TS. El Teurgo  Constructs
recibe +2 contra la resistencia Mágica de los objetivos.  Dragons
 Elementals
 Fey
Sneak Attack III, Knowledge arcane 9r, Spellcraft arcane 9r, 10PP
 Giants
Un conjuro lanzado a un objetivo desprevenido se considera sneak attack
(siempre que cumpla todos los requisitos de distancia, etc) y tendrá las  Humanoid race (elige 1)
consecuencias de un sneak attack, además de los efectos del conjuro, si el  Magical beasts
objetivo no lo resiste.  Oozes
 Outsider type
Still Spell, Silent Spell, 5 PP  Shapechangers
Gastando una acción adicional y 1 PP al hacer un conjuro, puede aplicar  Undead
Still Spell y Silent Spell al mismo.  Vermin
 Wizards

BRUTE Survival 3r, Skill focus Survival, Knowledge Nature 3r, Knowledge
Geography 3r.
El Personaje gana 1 paso de Facilidad a las habilidades que impliquen
RAGE I: percepción, sigilo, supervivencia y conocimientos del terreno elegido.
Barbarian, Primitive or short tempered or Bloodthirsty
3|P a g e
Aumenta en 1 paso por cada 5r posteriores que adquiera en la Habilidad de 5-6 fácil (1)
Supervivencia Específica. 7+ normal
Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez se aplica a un tipo de Terreno. Tiene
efecto retroactivo. · Sunder: Tus armas tiene Sunder. Si ya tienen este efecto, Se aplica en cada
ataque, ignorando tantos PA como la mitad del Force.· Bash: Eres
FRENZY considerado una categoría superior haciendo Bash con un arma con este
Intimidating Rage, Destructive Rage, Indomitable will, Power Attack efecto. Las armas que no tienen bash como efecto, ahora lo pueden elegir
II con un crítico.· Romper arma (Ataque). Cada vez que uno de tus Power
Cuando un personaje entra en Rage, puede elegir entrar en un Frenzy. En Attack sea bloqueado, El arma del contrincante recibe daño,
Frenzy gana 1 punto de DR, dobla el daño por fuerza en sus ataques y todos independientemente del resultado del ataque.
sus ataques se consideran Power attack aunque no lleve arma a 2 manos o · Romper Arma (Defensa). Usando una acción adicional en la defensa, el
heavy (Aunque No dobla el force por fuerza del arma), además de los arma del atacante recibe daño, independientemente del resultado del ataque.
beneficios que tenga en Rage. · Desarmar oponente (Ataque). Igual que romper Arma (ataque).
In addition, if she suffers damage from an attack, spell, trap, or any other · Desarmar oponente (Defensa). Igual que romper arma (defensa).
source, she automatically enters a frenzy at the start of her next action, as · Derribar Oponente: Si el ataque acierta las piernas o el pecho del
long as she still has at least one daily usage of the ability left. To avoid contrincante, se puede elegir este efecto aunque el arma no lo permita.
entering a frenzy in response to damage, the character must make a · Painful Blow: Tus Power Attacks tienen los efectos de una herida superior
successful Will save at the start of her next action. a la que provoque. (No los de muerte).
While frenzied, the character cannot use skills or abilities that require · Savage Blows: Gastando una acción adicional, tiras dos veces el daño del
patience or concentration (such as Move Silently), nor can she cast spells, arma y el daño por fuerza y eliges el mejor resultado de ambos.
drink potions, activate magic items, or read scrolls. She can use any feat she · 1 action point Gratuito.
has except Expertise, item creation feats, metamagic feats. · Savage Action: Elige un feat que tengas que otorgue una acción extra al
During a frenzy, the frenzied berserker must attack those she perceives as round de un tipo. Recibes una acción adicional al round de ese tipo. Se
foes to the best of her ability. Should she run out of enemies before her puede coger varias veces, cada vez se aplica a un feat que poseas distinto.
frenzy expires, her rampage continues. She must then attack the nearest · Savage Efficiency: Elige un Feat que poseas que otorgue pasos de
creature (determine randomly if several potential foes are equidistant) and facilidad o elimine pasos de dificultad a una tirada. Obtienes 1 paso de
fight that opponent without regard to friendship, innocence, or health (the facilidad a la tirada en cuestión. Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez un
target's or her own). feat distinto.
Para salir del Frenzy tiene que gastar una acción y superar una tirada de · Savage Feat: Elige un feat que no tengas (excepto Épicos), obtienes los
Will con un paso de dificultad por cada 4 rounds de frenzy. Acaba efectos, aunque no cumplas los requisitos. Cada vez que “uses” el Feat
normalmente si agota los rounds de Rage. consumes 1 round adicional de Rage.
When a frenzy ends, the frenzied berserker is fatigued or worst until she · ya no se me ocurren más..
rests or enters another frenzy, whichever comes first.
Rage II, Iron Will Heridas graves no provocan inconsciencia y recibes 2 pasos de facilidad
+2 pasos a will cuando se está en Rage. para resistir la inconsciencia de las críticas, mientras estás en Rage.


Rage I Favored Enemy, Power Attack
While you are raging, you designate a single foe within 10m of you that Una vez al día + ModSab, Puedes hacer un power attack a un enemigo
you can attempt to demoralize as a free action (see the intimidate). A foe predilecto añadiendo tu mCar/2 al ataque, y modificando el daño y el force
that you successfully demoralize remains shaken for as long as you del arma como si fueras una categoría superior de tamaño. Se anuncia antes
continue to rage. You may only use this feat against a single foe in any de resolver el ataque.
particular encounter.
INSTANTANEOUS RAGE I Great Cleave, Mobility, Power Attack II
Rage I Dobla el reach del arma al hacer cleave (el personaje se puede mover hasta
Puedes entrar en Rage en cualquier momento, incluso sorprendido. 1 metro entre cleave y cleave).


Instantaneous Rage I Power attack II, Supreme Cleave, Improved Critical
Entrar en Rage no cuesta acción. Cuando aciertas un power attack puedes elegir un efecto adicional entre:
Maximizar Daño, Romper arma, weapon trait, Forzar fallo, Forzar
RAGE POWERS Rendición.
Rage I, Will 5r.
Ganas un poder de Rage. Mientras estás en Rage, el poder está activo y TIRELESS RAGE
ganas el beneficio del poder, además de los que tengas por el propio Rage y Rage II, Fit II o Mul con Fit I
otros feats (explicación para los que no lo hayan deducido de “Poder de No sufre fatiga mientras está en Rage.
Rage”). Si coges los feats Rage II, III y Frenzie, ganas un nuevo poder.
Los Poderes que se pueden elegir son: TRACK
· DR/- +1 (en todas las localizaciones). Survival 4r, Search 4r
· Resistencia 5 Energía (elegir un tipo). Se puede elegir varias veces, cada El personaje obtiene la habilidad Track con 3r.
vez un tipo.
· Resistencia 5 tipo de ataque/material (Elegir uno). Se puede elegir varias TRACKLESS STEP
veces, cada vez un tipo. Track, Woodland Stride, Discretion 5r
· Daño por Fuerza es una categoría de dado superior. El personaje puede moverse por cualquier entorno natural sin dejar ningún
· Reducir 1 punto de DR. rastro si así lo desea.
· +1 Force armas (y Escudos).
· +2 pasos a las defensas. UNCANNY DODGE I
· -1 paso de dificultad a Will y Fort (de tenerlos). Perception 3r, Dodge 6r, DEX 13+
· +1 Tactical Speed. El personaje puede usar reacciones para esquivar aunque esté sorprendido.
· +1/2 daño del arma cuando se usa Power Attack.
· UN tipo de ataque natural que no se tenga (bocao, garras, etc) 1d4 para UNCANNY DODGE II
mediun, 1d6 para large.· Uncanny Dodge, Perception 9r, Dodge 10r, DEX 15+
Stun: Tus armas tienne el efecto Stun. Si ya tienen ese efecto, este se aplica El personaje no puede ser flanqueado y anula tantos efectos adicionales
siempre, aunque la tirada es con dos pasos de facilidad para el oponente. proporcionados por un Sneak attack (no la tirada) como sus éxitos.
· Bleed: tus armas tienen el efecto bleed. Si ya lo tuvieran el efecto se
aplicaría siempre aunque con la tirada de Fort modificada así. WOODLAND STRIDE
1-2 muy fácil (3) Survival 5r, Knowledge (Nature) 5r, Nature Sense o Skill Focus
3-4 muy fácil (2) (Survival), DEX 13+

4|P a g e
El personaje puede moverse por maleza espesa o cualquier terreno natural Augment Summoning I
que dificulte el movimiento sin ver su movimiento afectado. El personaje puede lanzar de forma espontánea los conjuros que convoquen
criaturas a los que tenga acceso. Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez se
aplica a un Reino distinto


DIVINE augment Summong II
Los conjuros que convocan criaturas del reino elegido son lanzados a
Magnitud +2. Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez se aplica a un Reino
Follower of (apropiate), Skill focus (Religion), Wis 13+
El personaje gana un Punto de Poder y consigue acceso a los Reinos de AURA OF COURAGE
Influencia (RI) y Manipulaciones que le conceda su fe. Follower of, Courage, 1PP, Military Tactics 3r, Car 13+, Iron Will
Además, este feat concede las cinco manipulaciones como nuevas Eres inmune al miedo y todos los que estén a una distancia de tus rangos en
habilidades con 0 rangos. Estas habilidades son Hard (Sabx2) y no pueden military tactics en metros tienen 2 pasos a sus tiradas contra miedo. Si ya
superar Spellcraft. eres inmune al miedo por otro Feat o efecto, los que estén dentro de tu aura,
Todos los divine spellcaster tienen consecrate y desecrate 1 vez al día (una que fallen la tirada, Serán afectados por el miedo en una categoría inferior a
de las dos) como spell like ability la que deberían.


Extra Wild or elemental Shape x4, 13PP, Wild Shape III, Elemental Divine spellcaster
shape III Gastando 1PP y un round Applies his Charisma modifier/2 (if positive) as a
Puedes cambiar tu aspecto a Voluntad. Esto te da 4 pasos de facilidad a bonus to all passive defenses of a number of creatures equal to his Wisdom
disfraz y da 2 pasos de dificultad para pillarte cuando te haces pasar por modifier x2(if positive). Lasts an encounter
ANIMAL COMPANION Divine spellcaster
Knowledge (nature) 4r., Divine Spellcaster, Follower of Nature Con una tirada de Spellcraft divine, curas o causas 1dPod +1 por éxito a
Te haces amigo de un animal de tu tamaño o menor. Tu amigo tiene Ficha, todas las criaturas vivas en un radio igual a tu Sab, centrado en ti. Si curas a
empieza con las habilidades y características y feats de un miembro medio los vivos dañas a los muertos y viceversa. Se aplica el efecto a todas las
de su especie (el que te saca el máster para que te pegues con él). Si quieres localizaciones. Lo puedes hacer 1 vez al día aciertes o falles la tirada.
algo más bruto, empieza como un cachorro. Por cada cinco Px que ganes él
Puedes elegir los feats apropiados para un animal de esa clase. Empieza follower of [ ]
sabiendo 1+ tu modCar trucos. Ordenado sacerdote de la religión apropiada, tiene rango 3 dentro de su
Animal companions can select from the following feats: Iglesia. Los Templarios (sacerdotes de los Monarcas hechicerdos ganan
Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, and Secular Authority aunque no cumplan los requisitos.
heavy), Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge,
Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, COMPANION BOND
Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Overrun, Animal companion, Favored Terrain, Wild Empathy, Handle Animal 5
Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks.
Attack, Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Strong Build, Toughness, El Personaje y su animal companion, Ahora tienen un vínculo más fuerte
Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus. que aumentará según la siguiente Tabla.
Animal companions can have ranks in any of the following skills**:
Acrobatics* Climb* Escape Artist Fly* Intimidate Perception, Stealth,
Survival and Swim*
* Si es de la Especie apropiada.
**Y otras lógicas.
Animal Feats
FYI There are feats just for animals. Here are a few:
 Jumper
 Lithe Attacker
 Master of Your Kind
 Narrow Frame
 Stable Gallop
 Sure Footed
 Valiant Steed


Divine Caster
Los conjuros de Create y Alter Mind son un paso más fáciles de lanzar.


Augment Charming I
El personaje puede lanzar de forma espontánea aquellos conjuros de Create
y Alter Mind a los que tenga acceso.


Augment Charming II
Los conjuros de Crear y Alterar Mente son lanzados a Magnitud +2.


Divine Caster
Elige un Reino, todos los conjuros que convocan criaturas de ese reino
lanzados por el personaje serán un paso más fáciles.
Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez se aplica a un Reino distinto


5|P a g e
Compañero animal también +4 a Sabiduría). Su Armadura Natural aumenta
Natural Armor Bonus en +2.
The number noted here is an improvement to the animal companion’s
existing natural armor bonus. DIVINE HEALTH
Purity of Body
Str/Dex Bonus Inmune a todas las enfermedades. +2 pasos contra venenos.
Add this value to the animal companion’s Strength and Dexterity scores.
Bonus Tricks Divine spellcaster
The value given in this column is the total number of “bonus” tricks that the Elige un dominio de la lista de dominios de tu Religión. Inmediatamente
animal knows in addition to any that the druid might choose to teach it (see obtienes el beneficio de los Poderes concedidos (Si cumples los
the Handle Animal skill). These bonus tricks don’t require any training time prerrequisitos).
or Handle Animal checks, and they don’t count against the normal limit of Los conjuros de la lista de Conjuros se usan como Spell-like abilities, pero
tricks known by the animal. The druid selects these bonus tricks, and once usando Spellcraft (divine).
selected, they can’t be changed.
Empathic Link (Ex) Wild Shape II or Elemental, paraelemental Cleric, 8PP
Can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move Como Wild Shape I pero se puede transformar en un elemental. Los
action. The druid gains a +2 steps bonus on all wild empathy checks and Clérigos se transformarán en un elemental o paraelemental de su devoción.
Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion. Además Los Druidas con Wild Shape podrán elegir cualquier elemental, pero no
funciona como el de los Familiares. paraelementales.


Comparten los conjuros que se lance el amo sobre sí mismo. Elemental Shape I, 10 PP
Como Wild Shape II pero Elementales.
Evasion (Ex)
Elemental Shape II, 12 PP
Devotion Wild Shape III, que te lo leas.
An animal companion gains a +2 step bonus on Will saves against
enchantment spells and effects. EXTRA WILD OR ELEMENTAL SHAPE
Wild Shape I, 6PP
Ability Score Increase (Ex)
The animal companion adds +1 to any one of its ability scores. Puede cambiar de forma una vez más al día. Se puede coger varias veces,
cada vez se suma una vez al día el personaje tiene que tener un PP adicional
Multiattack antes de coger este feat de nuevo. Una vez se haya elegido este feat 4 veces,
An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or
more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have Puntos Skills Str/Dex Bonus
Feats Armor Special
the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead de Poder Ranks Bonus Tricks
gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a –2penalty.
1st 0 0 +0 +0 1 Empathic
Improved Evasion (Ex) Link
Como el puto feat, coño. 2nd 0 0 +0 +0 - Share spells
COMPANION SOUL 3rd 0 1 +0 +0 - Evasion
Companion Walk, 10PP 4th 1 0 +1 +0 - Ability score
The character’s bond with her animal companion is so strong that it increase
transcends distance and even death. The companion’s devotion ability
5th 1 0 +0 +0 1 —
increases to a +4 steps morale bonus on Will saves
against enchantment spells and effects. The warden may scry on her animal 6th 1 1 +0 +0 - Devotion
companion once per day as if using the scrying spell, except she needs no 7th 2 0 +0 +1 - —
focus or divine focus. She may view the area around her companion or see
through its eyes. If her companion dies, she can revive it with an 8-hour 8th 2 0 +1 +0 1 —
ritual; this has the same effect as raise dead, except it doesn’t require a 9th 2 1 +0 +0 - Ability score
material component and the companion does not gain any negative levels increase
from the ordeal.
10th 2 0 +0 +0 -  Multiattack
COMPANION WALK 11th 3 0 +0 +0 1 —
Companion Bond, 7PP 12th 3 1 +1 +1 - —
El compañero animal cuenta como parte del personaje o como un objeto de
su equipo con Encumbrance 0 (lo que sea más favorable), cada vez que éste 13th 3 0 +0 +0 1 —
sea objeto de un conjuro o poder de viaje o teleportación. 14th 3 0 +0 +0 - Ability score
Search 1r, Power Score 15th 3 1 +0 +0 - Improved
Elige algo que detectar. Gastas un punto de Poder y lo detectas dentro de un evasion
radio de 60m. primero detectas la presencia, después la dirección, después 16th 4 1 +1 +1 - —
cantidad aproximada, el punto exacto, Cantidad real (si cuantificable) y así
17th 4 0 +0 +0 1 —
por cada round que te concentres. Es una habilidad sobrenatural. Se puede
coger varias veces, cada vez eliges algo nuevo que detectar. (ejs. detectar 18th 4 1 +0 +0 1 —
un tipo de raza, sustancia, energía, etc…) 19th 4 0 +0 +0 1 —
DETECT II 20th 5 1 +1 +1 - Ability score
Detect, Search 6r increase
Detect a Voluntad. 120m de radio. el personaje podrá cambiar a voluntad.


Wild Shape III or Animal Companion, 13 PP Divine Caster
Las formas animales del personaje o su compañero animal (si se quiere que Los conjuros de protección son un paso más fáciles de lanzar.
sean los dos hay que cogerse este feat 2 veces) aumentan 1 categoría su
tamaño, reciben +2 a Fuerza, +4 a Constitución y +2 a Destreza (si es el GUARDIAN II (H)

6|P a g e
Guardian I as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for
El personaje puede lanzar de forma espontánea aquellos conjuros de reducing hardness).
protección a los que tenga acceso.
GUARDIAN III (H) Judgment, 8 PPs
Guardian II Whenever a templar uses her judgment ability, she selects two different
Los conjuros de protección son lanzados a Magnitud +2. judgments, instead of one. This only consumes one use of her judgment
ability. As a swift action, she can change one of these judgments to another
Divine Caster
Los conjuros de curación son un paso más fáciles de lanzar. JUDGMENT III
Judgment II, 16 PPs
HEALING TOUCH II (H) Whenever a templar uses her judgment ability, she selects three different
Healing Touch I judgments, instead of just two. This only consumes one use of her judgment
El personaje puede lanzar de forma espontánea aquellos conjuros de ability. As a swift action, the templar can change one of these judgments to
curación a los que tenga acceso. another type.


Healing Touch II Follower of, Heal 2r, Car 13+ Sab 11+, Skill Focus Heal
Los conjuros de curación son lanzados a Magnitud +2. Cada vez que curas a alguien, por medios mágicos o normales, añades tu
Mod.deCar a los pgs que curas.
Silverclaw, 8PP NATURE SENSE
She may grant her animal companion and any creature she summons Knowledge (nature) 4r, Follower of Nature, Divine spellcaster
DR/cold iron. In addition, their natural weapons are considered cold iron Can identify plants and animals (their species and special traits) with
for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This ability does not perfect accuracy and can determine whether water is safe to drink or
stack with the silverclaw ability. The warden must decide at the time of dangerous.
summoning whether a summoned creature gains the benefits of silverclaw
or ironpaw. She may change which ability applies to her animal companion PERCIEVE I (H)
by spending 1 hour in prayer and meditation with the companion within Divine Caster
30m. Las tiradas para lanzar conjuros de detectar son un paso más fáciles.


Sigil Percieve I
A templar can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action using the El personaje puede lanzar de forma espontánea los conjuros de detectar a
apropiate skill. Starting when the judgment is made, the templar receives a los que tenga acceso.
bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made.
With 1 Power Point, a templar can use this ability once per day. With 4 PPs PERCIEVE III (H)
and every three PP thereafter, the templar can use this ability one additional Percieve II
time per day. Once activated, this ability lasts until the combat ends, at Los conjuros de detectar son lanzados a Magnitud +2.
which point all of the bonuses immediately end. The templar must
participate in the combat to gain these bonuses. If she is frightened, REMOVE DISEASE
panicked, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise prevented from Divine spellcaster, 3PP
participating in the combat, the ability does not end, but the bonuses do not Gastando 1 PP y superando una tirada de Heal puedes eliminar
resume until she can participate in the combat again. completamente una enfermedad. Los efectos que haya producido se curan
When the templar uses this ability, she must select one type of judgment to normalmente
make. As a swift action, she can change this judgment to another type.
Destruction: The templar is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 on all SIGIL
weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three templar Divine spellcarster Templar of a Sorcerer Monarch
PP she possesses. Every templar receives a sigil that is the sign of their rank and station as a
Healing: The templar is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing templar within their city’s templarate. The form of the sigil is unique to
1. This causes the templar to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as each city-state, but is always unmistakable for what it is. The sigil serves as
the templar is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases your divine focus, and also allows you to use the spell-like powers arcane
by 1 point for every three PP she possesses. mark, purify food and drink, and slave scent a combined total of times equal
Justice: This judgment spurs the templar to seek justice, granting a +1 step to 3 + your Charisma modifier per day. These are spell-like abilities and do
on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five templar PP she not count against your total of spells per day.
possesses. With 10 Power points, She gain an additional success whenever
she scores a critical. SILVERCLAW
Piercing: This judgment gives the templar great focus and makes her spells Companion Bond, Augment Summoning III, 5PP
more potent. This benefit grants a +1 step on concentration checks and 1 His or her animal companion and any creature she summons gain
success to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 DR/silver. In addition, their natural weapons are considered silver for the
for every five PP she possesses. purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Protection: The templar is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 to
Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every six PPs she possesses. TIMELESS BODY
With 10 PPs, she gains 2 steps in rolls made to resist additional effects of a 20PP, Spellcraft (apropiado) or psicraft 15r, Skill Focus (spellcraft o
critical hit. Psicraft), Skill Focus (Knowledge Religion, Arcana o Psionics),
Purity: The templar is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 Knowledge Religion, arcana o Psionics 15r
step on all defenses. This bonus increases by +1 for every five Pps she Ya no envejeces. Ni naturalmente ni por medios mágicos. No te mueres de
possesses. With 10 PPs, she gets an additional succes against curses, viejo, pero sí del hachazo de un gigante que aparecerá en cuanto te pilles
diseases, and poisons. este feat, Flipao/a.
Resiliency: This judgment makes the templar resistant to magic, granting Los malus y bonus que hayas alcanzado por edad avanzada permanecen (es
MR 1. This MR increases by 1 for every five PPs she possesses. decir, te quedas en la edad que tuvieras, no te haces más joven).
Resistance: The templar is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of
energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or TRUE JUDGMENT
sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 Judgment III, 20PP
for every three PPs she possesses. The templar can invoke true judgment on a foe as a swift action. Once
Smiting: This judgment bathes the templar’s weapons in a divine light. The declared, the templar can make a single melee (or ranged attack, if the foe is
templar’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage within 30 feet) against the target. If the attack hits, it deals damage
reduction. With 6 PPs, the templar’s weapons also count as made of cold normally and the target must make a Fortitude save or die. It can be
iron, silver or steel for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but modified by the attack. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used
not for reducing hardness). With 10 Pps, the templar’s weapons also count again for 1d4.

7|P a g e
instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each time you
TURN OR REBUKE choose this feat, you add 1 use per dayThe Bardic Music effects are:
Divine spellcaster * Inspire Courage: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can inspire
Usas tu poder de canalizar energía para ahuyentar o reprender un tipo de courage in his or her allies. To be affected, an ally must hear the bard sing
criatura, dependiendo de tu deidad. Tienen que poder verte o sentir tu for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the bard sings and for 5 rounds
presencia. Tarda un Round en hacerse y requiere una tirada de Knowledge after the bard stops singing (or 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the
(Religion). Se puede combinar con spellcraft (divine), por cada éxito bard). While singing, the bard can fight but cannot cast spells, activate
adicional suma 1 a tu Poder relativo. magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items
Turn: Las criaturas que entren voluntariamente en una zona con un radio by magic word (such as wands). Affected allies receive a +2 steps to saving
igual a tu Sab en metros y fallen una tirada de Will, sufren 1dPod en el throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 step bonus to attack. Inspire
pecho cada Round. Si tu puntuación de Poder es el doble que su poder + sus courage is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability.
puntos de vida quedan destruidos. No afecta a criaturas con más poder que * Countersong: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can counter
tú. magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal
Rebuke: Las criaturas que fallen una tirada de Will, encontrándose dentro components). As with inspire courage, a bard may sing, play, or recite a
del área de Efecto (r=Sab), quedan automáticamente Stun. Si tu Poder es el countersong while taking other mundane actions, but not magical actions.
Doble que el de Ellos más sus puntos de vida, serán controlados por ti. Each round of the countersong, the bard makes a Perform check. Any
Como regla general puedes controlar a tantas criaturas, por el medio que creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard) who is affected by a
sea, como tu Poder, siempre que los dados de golpe combinado de estos no sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform
sea el triple que el tuyo. No afecta a criaturas con más poder que tú. check result in place of his saving throw if, after rolling the saving throw,
the Perform check result proves to be better. The bard may keep up the
WILD SHAPE I countersong for 10 rounds. Countersong is a supernatural ability.
Follower of Nature, Knowledge (Nature y Religion) 5r, Divine * Fascinate: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can cause a single
Spellcaster, 5 PP creature to become fascinated with him. The creature to be fascinated must
Una vez al día se puede transformar en un animal de su tamaño o de una be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 30m. The bard must
Categoría de tamaño inferior. Dura 1 Hora por Punto de Poder. Cuando se also see the creature. The creature must be able to pay attention to the bard.
transforma recupera 1PG en cada localización. Si no es suficiente para The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability
recuperar un tipo de herida esta se mantiene proporcionalmente. from working. The bard makes a Perform check, and the target can negate
Las características Físicas serán la de un animal medio de la especie que se the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than the bard's check
elija. result. If the saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the
Las nuevas habilidades que pueda adquirir debido a la transformación, se song for up to 1 round per rank of the bard. While fascinated, the target's
calcularán con las características pertinentes y los rangos que tenga en Spot and Listen checks suffer a –2 steps penalty. Any potential threat (such
Knowledge Nature. as an ally of the bard moving behind the fascinated creature) allows the
El personaje deberá calcular los PG que tiene al cambiar a un animal de fascinated creature a second saving throw against a new Perform check
tamaño distinto al suyo, ya que el número de dados cambia. Mantiene el result. Any obvious threat, such as casting a spell, drawing a sword, or
tipo de Dados que tira. Esto se hace sólo una vez y se mantiene para todas aiming, automatically breaks the effect.
las transformaciones. Cada vez que vuelva a tirar los Pg los tira para todos While fascinating (or attempting to fascinate) a creature, the bard must
los posibles tamaños que pueda tener. concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. Fascinate is a spell-like,
mind- affecting charm ability.
WILD SHAPE II * Inspire Competence: A bard with 6 or more ranks in Perform can help
Wild Shape I, 7PP an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be able to see and hear the bard and
Puede transformarse en un animal 1 categoría de tamaño superior o dos must be within 30 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The ally gets a
inferiores. O una planta o criatura tipo planta de su tamaño o de una +2 steps bonus on his skill checks with a particular skill, and negates up to
Categoría de tamaño inferior. 2 penalty steps (if any), as long as he or she continues to hear the bard's
music. The DM may rule that certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The
WILD SHAPE III bard can maintain the effect for 2 minutes (long enough for the ally to take
Wild Shape II, 9PP 20). Inspire competence is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability.
Puede Transformarse en un animal 2 Categorías de tamaño superior o 3 * Suggestion: A bard with 9 or more ranks in Perform can make a
inferiores. O una planta o criatura tipo planta 1 categoría de tamaño suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated (see
superior o dos inferiores (RD metal/1). above). The suggestion doesn't count against the bard's daily limit on bardic
music performances, but the fascination does. A Will saving throw negates
the effect. Suggestion is a spell-like, mind-affecting charm ability.
* Inspire Greatness: A bard with 12 or more ranks in Perform can inspire
greatness in another creature. For every three ranks the bard attains beyond
10th, the bard can inspire greatness in one additional creature. To inspire
ROGUE greatness, the bard must sing and the creature must hear the bard sing for a
full round, as with inspire courage. The creature must also be within 10m.
A creature inspired with greatness gains temporary DR, attack bonuses, and
ANGEL OF DEATH saving throw bonuses as long as he or she hears the bard continue to sing
True death, Assassin spells, 8PP and for 5 rounds thereafter. (All these bonuses are competence bonuses.)
when the assassin makes a successful death attack, he can cause the target’s The target gains the following boosts:
body to crumble to dust. This prevents any form of resurrection of less than * +1 DR.
a 25 magnitudes spell. The assassin must declare the use of this ability * +2 steps bonus on attacks.
before the attack is made and use 1PP. If the attack misses or the target * +1 step bonus on Fortitude saves.
successfully saves against the death attack, this ability is wasted with no Inspire greatness is a supernatural, mind-affecting enchantment ability.
ASSASSIN SPELL-LIKE ABILITIES: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to
Power Point Score, Death Attack notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. This check will not
Gana las siguientes spell like abilities reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general
1st level—change self, detect poison, ghost sound, obscuring mist, spider function. The bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of
climb. knowledge is essentially random. The DM will determine the Difficulty
2nd level—alter self, darkness, pass without trace, undetectable alignment. Class of the check by referring to the table below.
3rd level—deeper darkness, invisibility, misdirection, nondetection.
4th level—dimension door, freedom of movement, improved invisibility, éxitos Type of Knowledge
poison. -- -----------------
1 Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local
BARDIC MUSIC population.
Once per day, a bard can use song or poetics to produce magical effects on 2 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area.
those around him or her. While these abilities fall under the category of 3 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.
bardic music, they can include reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical
songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an
8|P a g e
4 Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most successful, those nearby might not even notice that the target is dead for a
who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don't understand the few moments, allowing the assassin to avoid detection
significance of the knowledge.
This check is equal to the Character’s Charisma + Int Modifier. Modified Will 5r, Bluff 10r, CHA 13+
by the Aquaintance the carachter have with the place. (Race, Culture, Si el personaje falla una tirada de Will para resistir cualquier efecto de
Etc…) encantamiento, en ese mismo instante puede tirar otra vez gastando una
acción, si es que tiene alguna disponible. Esta tirada puede repetirse hasta
CRIPPLING STRIKE que se supere o hasta que el personaje agote sus acciones.
Sneak Attack III
El Sneak Attack causa los mismos efectos que una herida seria en la SNEAK ATTACK I
localización del ataque, aunque no cause daño suficiente (pero debe causar Stealth 2r, DEX 11+
daño para tener efecto). El efecto dura hasta que se apliquen primeros Para usar esta dote es necesario hacer un ataque contra un defensor
auxilios, o hasta que la herida se cure de forma natural. sorprendido, o que no sea consciente del ataque, y en caso de ataques a
distancia sólo puede usarse en alcance corto. El ataque del personaje, si
DEATH ATTACK tiene éxito, gana un efecto adicional (aunque no haya conseguido ninguno).
Hide 8r, Move silently 8r, Sneak Attack II Este efecto debe ser uno propio del arma empleada, o bien escoger
If the character studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak localización, derribar oponente, desarmar oponente,forzar fallo o maximizar
attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak daño.
attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the
target (character’s choice). While studying the victim, the assassin can SNEAK ATTACK II
undertake other actions so long as his attention stays focused on the target Stealth 4r, DEX 13+, INT 11+
and the target does not detect the assassin or recognize the assassin as an El personaje puede elegir dos de los efectos listados.
enemy. If the victim of such an attack fails her Fortitude saving throw
against the effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis SNEAK ATTACK III
effect, the victim’s mind and body become enervated, rendering her Stealth 6r, DEX 15+, INT 13+
completely helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per éxito El personaje puede elegir tres de los efectos listados.
adicional (contando los del sneak attack). If the victim’s saving throw
succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once she has completed SNEAK ATTACK IV
the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 Stealth 8r, DEX 17+, INT 15+
rounds. If a death attack is attempted and fails (the victim makes her save) El personaje puede elegir 4 de los efectos listados.
or if the assassin does not launch the attack within 3 rounds of completing
the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before he can attempt another SNEAK ATTACK SPECIAL I
death attack. Sneak attack II, INT 15+, Crippling Strike
El personaje puede cambiar uno de los efectos por 1d6 extra de daño
DEFENSIVE ROLL (después de superar AP).
Dodge 9r, Tumble 9r, Evasion
Al esquivar un golpe y gastando una reacción más, el personaje puede hacer SNEAK ATTACK SPECIAL II
que una esquiva fallida evite la mitad del daño, o que una esquiva que evite Sneak attack IV, sneak attack Special I, INT 17+
la mitad del daño lo evite por completo. Puede usarse esta opción incluso El personaje puede cambiar otro de los efectos por 1d6 extra de daño
después de conocer los resultados del ataque. (después de superar AP).


Trapfinding, Int 13+, Disable Device 4r. Death Attack, Sneak Attack IV
Pues eso Gastando dos acciones adicionales, the character can make a death attack
against a foe without studying the foe beforehand. He must still  sneak
EVASION I attack  his foe using a melee weapon that deals damage.
Dodge 5r, Jump/Run 5r, DEX 13+
Siempre que el personaje supere su tirada de Dodge contra un efecto de TRAPFINDIG
área recibirá gratis el efecto de mejorar esquiva (además de cualquiera Search 4r, Disable Device 4r
logrado en la tirada) para evitar todo el daño. El personaje puede encontrar cualquier tipo de trampa y tratar de desactivar
cualquier tipo de trampa no mágica.
Evasion, Dodge 12r, DEX 15+ TRAP SENSE
Funciona igual que Evasion, pero también tiene efecto aunque se falle la Uncanny Dodge o Trapfinding
tirada (en cuyo caso el daño sería la mitad). Las tiradas de Dodge del personaje contra contra trampas son un paso más
Skill Focus Hide, Skill Focus Move silently, Discretion 8r. Hide 5r. TRUE DEATH
can use Hide skill even while being observed. As long as he is within 3m of Death Attack
some sort of shadow, and he can hide himself from view in the open Cuando hace un death attack, como efecto adicional del sneak attack (que
without having anything to actually hide behind. He cannot, however, hide debe ser elegido a la hora de hacer el ataque), el objetivo es dos pasos más
in his own shadow. difícil de revivir.

INT 13+, Conceal 5r, Sleight of hands 5r
Ganas la especialización “hidden weapons” tanto para Conceal como para WARRIOR
sleight of hands.
Además, cualquier arma oculta que lleve en su cuerpo es un paso más COMBAT STYLE [20]
difíciles de detectar. Competencia con las armas y armaduras y 3r en las habilidades
POISON USE Elige un tipo de arma principal, un tipo de arma secundaria (incluido
Alchemy 3r. escudos), un tipo de armadura o Dodge (para no armor). Elige también un
Trained in the use of poison, she never risk accidentally poisoning herself estilo tipo Archery/Crossbows, Thrown, Two handed, Two weapon,
when applying poison to a blade. Weapon and Shield, Unarmed/underhanded. Los feats relacionados con tus
elecciones relacionados cuestan 3px menos, los que se pueden coger varias
QUIET DEATH veces cuestan la mitad (redondeando hacia arriba).
Death Attack, Sneak Attack III, Hidden weapons. Siempre que luches con tu estilo además, recibes bonus (se elige cuiando se
Whenever a character kills a creature using his death attack, he can also escoge y no se puede cambiar)
make a  conceal  check limited by bluff, opposed by  Spot  checks of those Por cada arma elige:
in the vicinity to prevent them from identifying him as the assailant. If · +1 Force y daño
9|P a g e
· +1 dar The character may make an Intimidate check against a single
· +1 parry opponent within 10m that can see him. The opponent becomes shaken for 1
· Niega un paso de dificultad round.
Para la armadura, elige: Stunning Blow: If the character has the Stunning Fist feat, he
· +1 AP can utilize the feat while wielding an exotic melee weapon.
· +1 Dodge Throw Exotic Weapon: The character can throw an exotic
weapon with no penalty on the attack roll, even if it isn’t designed to be
ACROBATIC CHARGE thrown. When he throws a double weapon, only one end of the weapon
Tumble 5r (character’s choice) can strike the target. Exotic weapons thrown in this
She gains the ability to charge in situations where others cannot. She may way have a range increment of str/3.
charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement. Depending on Twin Exotic Weapon Fighting: When wielding the same one-
the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks to handed exotic weapon in each hand, the character is treated as having the
successfully move over the terrain. Two-Weapon Fighting feat. If he already has the feat, the penalties on
attack rolls are lessened by –1 for both the primary hand and the off hand
ARENA GUILE when fighting in this manner.
Gladatorial Performance Trip Attack: The character can use a one-handed or two handed
Añades 1 paso a las tiradas de Bluff y Sense Motive, asociadas a combate exotic weapon to make a trip attack. If he is tripped during his own trip
de Melee, por cada 5 rangos que tengas en Perform (Arena). attempt, he can drop the weapon to avoid being tripped. If the exotic
weapon already allows its wielder to make trip attacks, the character instead
ARMOR OPTIMIZATION adds a +2 bonus on any trip attempt.
Arena Guile, Proficiency light, medium and heavy armors, Armor Uncanny Blow: When wielding a two-handed exotic melee
focus (any) weapon in two hands, the character can focus the power of his attack so that
Elige un tipo concreto de armadura concreto (cuero, escamas, etc..) en el he deals extra damage equal to his Strength bonus ×2 instead of his
que tengas competencia. Por cada 5 rangos Que tengas en Perform (Arena) Strength bonus ×1-1/2.
ganas un beneficio. Cada vez elige un beneficio distinto
Exotic weapon stunt I, Weapon Focus II
 ½ Encumbrance. Choose another trick to use with the exotic weapons wich you have focus
 ¼ Initiative penalty. II.
 Armor is treated as one category lighter (e.g. medium armor is
treated as light armor, light as no armor). ENHANCED MOBILITY
Improved Reaction.
 -1 paso de Dificultad a Perception (casco) When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, she gains an
Se puede coger varias veces, cada vez, elige un tipo de armadura distinto. additional +2 step bonus to dodge against attacks of opportunity caused
when she moves out of a threatened square.
Dodge, Mobility, Weapon focus (melee) FLURRY OF BLOWS
When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, añade 1 paso de Des 11+ Improved Unarmed Strike
facilidad por MdeInt/2 (if any) a dodge y parry. Puedes hacer un ataque extra desarmado al round por cada punto de Mod de
Des. Este Ataque se hace como parte de otro ataque desarmado, es decir, no
DEFENSIVE STANCE ocupa acciones pero tiene dos pasos de dificultad a repartir entre las dos
Shield Focus acciones como se desee.
Mientras estés en Total defense, o sólo hayas hecho acciones de Block con
el escudo, ganas +2 pasos de facilidad y doblas el force del Escudo. En el GLADIATORIAL PERFORMANCE [20]
momento en el que hagas otra acción distinta a block pierdes los beneficios Gana una nueva habilidad – Perform (Arena) [Int+Car, hard] - Con 0
hasta el siguiente Round. Rangos. Según los rangos que tenga puede hacer distintas acciones.
ELABORATED DEFENSE  Combat Stance: With 3 or more ranks in Perform can assume a
Combat Expertise, Weapon or Shiel Focus, Weapon skill 5r. combat stance, showing off to spectators and displaying a warning to
When She chooses to fight defensively or use total defense in melee opponents: Gastando 2 acciones, recibes dos pasos de Facilidad a tus
combat, she gains an additional +1 step to dodge or parry. defensas y una acción defensiva extra durante el round en el que te ataquen
y el siguiente, se puede mantener durante 5 rounds. Con 11 Rangos gastas
EXOTIC WEAPON STUNT I una sola acción. Con 15 rangos puedes asumir la pose como parte de una
Craft (weaponsmithing) 3r, Weapon proficiency and weapon focus (exotic defensa exitosa (con 1 paso de dificultad).
weapon)  Martial Display: A gladiator with 3 or more ranks in Perform
The character learns a special trick that he can use with any exotic weapon can entertain the crowd and intimidate enemies with a display of unarmed
for which he has the Weapon Focus feat. He must select the trick and, once attacks or weapon prowess. Gastando dos acciones, recibes 2 pasos de
selected, the choice cannot later be changed. facilidad y un éxito extra, +1 Force y +1 Reach al próximo ataque que
Close-Quarters Ranged Combat: A character who knows this hagas dentro de los 5 rounds siguientes después de terminar la exhibición. .
stunt doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity when using an exotic ranged Con 11 Rangos gastas una sola acción. Con 15 rangos puedes hacer la
weapon. exhibición como parte de un ataque exitoso (con 1 paso de dificultad).
Double Weapon Defense: When wielding an exotic double  Team Strike:A gladiator with 3 or more ranks in Perform can
weapon with both hands, the character gains an additional action to parry. distract an enemy so an ally can exploit a vital spot when making a melee
Exotic Reach: When wielding an exotic weapon with reach, the attack. Team strike can only be used against an enemy you threaten with a
character may make an attack of opportunity against a foe that provokes melee weapon. The ally must act on the same initiative as you or before
such an attack even if the foe has cover (but not total cover). your next turn to gain the benefit of team strike. The ally receives a +1 paso
Exotic Sunder: When wielding a one-handed or two-handed de Facilidad and inflicts an additional 1d2 points of damage on the next
exotic weapon, the character deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on any melee attack against the target. If the enemy moves out of your threat range
successful sunder attempt. before your ally attacks, the ally does not receive the benefits of team
Flurry of Strikes: When wielding an exotic double weapon or a strike. Además, se considera Sneak Attack (aunque el daño extra no se
spiked chain with both hands, the character gain flurry of blows with that maximiza). A Rango 7 recibe 2 pasos y 1d3 de daño. Cada 6 rangos
weapon (see) después del séptimo recibe +1 al daño.
Ranged Disarm: The character can make a disarm attempt even
on a ranged attack. Such an attack provokes no attack of opportunity  Taunt: A gladiator with 6 or more ranks in Perform can
(except as normal for using a ranged weapon). demoralize enemies by verbal ridicule. Enemies must be within 10m of the
For the purpose of this disarm attempt, treat the character’s gladiator and capable of hearing you, and you must be able to see your
ranged weapon as a light weapon. If the character fails this disarm attempt, enemies. Tienes que estar al menos 1 round insultándoles, haces una tirada
the defender can’t attempt to disarm him. limitada por Oratory, cada enemigo sufre –1 paso a ataque, defensas y Will
Show Off: As a standard action, the character can display his y -1 al daño y al Force. The effect lasts as long as enemies hear your taunts
mastery with an exotic weapon and confound his opponent. and for ModCar/2 rounds thereafter. A Rango 12 y cada 6 rangos después,
el malus aumenta en 1. Taunt is a mind-affecting ability.

10 | P a g e
 Shake Off: With 9 or more ranks in Perform can try to end a She can make an attack of opportunity against any creature whose attack
mind‐affecting effect in play on himself or an ally. You shake your head she successfully parries, so long as the creature she is attacking is within
violently to clear your mind or slap an ally to bring her back to her senses. reach.
Superando una tirada limitada por concentración, the recipient of the shake
off can reroll a single failed save or opposed skill check (with the same SLOW FALL
conditions as the failed roll) to end a mind‐affecting effect. If there is no Jump 5r, Climb 5r, Skill focus Climb, martial arts training
save or check to avoid the mind‐affecting effect, the effect ends Las caídas hacen la mitad de daño si supera una tirada de Jump limitada por
automatically. Climb.
 Trick: with 12 or more ranks in Perform can temporarily confuse STILL MIND
an adversary through the use of ploy and deception. The creature to be Iron Will, Skill Focus Concentration, Concentration 5r
tricked must be within 10m, able to see and hear you. You must also be + 1 paso a Will contra encantamientos y compulsiones. +1 éxito si acierta.
able to see the creature. Tiras, limitado por bluff (vs. Sense Motive). If its
roll fails, the creature becomes dazed for 1 round. For every three ranks STUNNING ATTACK
before 12, you can target one additional creature with a single use of this Martial Arts Training, Martial arts 4r.
ability. Limitando el ataque con Martial Arts, usando una acción adicional y
 Threatening Glare: With 18 or more ranks of Perform can panic cogiendo un paso de dificultad (que no se puede eliminar), el enemigo
enemies with his mere gaze. Creatures within a 30 feet radius that can see queda Stunned tantos rounds como el daño del ataque si no supera una
you must make a Will check against your perform check, limited by tirada de Fort, si la supera queda stun 1 round.
Intimidate. On failing, creatures are affected as if under the effects of a fear
spell for 5 rounds. If the creature succeeds on the save you cannot attempt SUPERHERO LANDING
to affect that creature again. Threatening Glare is a mind–affecting gaze Slow Fall, (Jump 16r, Fue 13, Con 14, Des15) or (16PP,
affect. Spellcaster/Psionic).
 Dragon’s Fury: With 18 or more ranks in Perform can enter a Ignora los primeros 10 metros de caída si no pifia la tirada de saltar. Por
trancelike state in which his full offensive gladiatorial potential is cada éxito, ignora otros 10 metros.
unleashed. Superas una tirada limitada por Martial Arts y you are immune
to fear effects, receive a +4 pasos to attack rolls and +1d4 to damage rolls, SUPERIOR FEINT
+1 DR and an additional attack per round. Lasts for 10 rounds. Después Arena Guile, Improved Feint
pierdes 1d6 puntos de Fatiga por round que has estado en trance. No se gasta acción adicional al Fintar pero sólo se puede hacer una vez al
Armor optimization, weapon specialization, improved critical, combat WHOLENESS OF BODY
Expertise Great fortitude, Con 13+, Rapid healing II
Con un Parry Exitoso añades 1 al force del Arma, Anulas un éxito del Cuando recuperas Pgs de manera aleatoria te recuperas el máximo posible.
atacante (de tener más de un éxito) y, gastando una acción adicional, puedes Si recuperas pgs con una cantidad fija, recuperas el doble.
elegir un efecto adicional a tu defensa.


Slow Fall, Jump 10r, 1PP, skill focus Jump
Añade 1.5 a la distancia saltada.
Para ser psiónico un personaje deberá tener el Feat
Dodge, Mobility.
Vuelve a añadir el modificador de Inteligencia a tu iniciativa.
Wild Talent (= Unlocked talent), Iron Will, Skill Focus (concentration)
El personaje gana Puntos de Poder = a 1.
Improved Unarmed Strike, Martial Arts 3r.
Poderes conocidos: un personaje empieza conociendo Mod Int o Sab + el
Haces Daño Normal con tus golpes desarmados pero puedes elegir hacer
Wild Talent .
subdual sin penalización. Además el daño desarmado aumenta una
#La lista de Poderes es la de Psion/Wilder del Psionics Unleashed
categoría de dado que se apila con Weapon Especialization. Puedes hacer
parry con tus armas naturales sin sufrir daño.
Poder: un personaje capaz de usar poderes psiónicos tiene una característica
de Poder. Cada punto de poder reduce en un paso la dificultad para usar un
Poder o aumenta en un paso la dificultad para resistirlo. Se recupera un
You suffer no penalty to attack rolls when attacking with a weapon to
punto de poder por cada hora de descanso, meditación o estudio.
inflict nonlethal damage.
Puntos de Fuerza Psiónica (PfP o PsP): El personaje tendrá una reserva de
Pfp igual a sus PP + Mod. De Int o Sab.
Habilidades: El Personaje ganará las siguientes habilidades (Hard) con 0
Sneak attack
rangos (Excepto la de la disciplina del poder de Wild Talent, que tendrá los
You can perform a coup de grace as a standard action rather than a full
rangos de la habilidad del poder y sustituirá a ésta):
- Clarisentience (Int+Sab)
- Metacreativity (Intx2)
- Psychokinesis (Int+Des)
Combat reflexes, Weapon Skill 10r.
- Psychometabolism (Int+Con)
Enemies in reach of the character that take a withdraw action provoke
- Psychoportation (Int+Sab)
an attack of opportunity .
- Telepathy (Int+Car)
Canny Defense, Weapon Finesse, Sneak Attack.
Manifestar Poderes: Cada vez que se quiera usar un Poder el lanzador
With a light or one-handed piercing weapon, añade su modificador de
deberá superar una tirada de Concentración y otra de la Disciplina del
Inteligencia al daño.
Poder, cada una en su correspondiente acción. Si se desea hacer las dos
tiradas en una sola acción ambas tiradas tendrán un paso de dificultad. Si se
falla la tirada no hay ningún efecto. Si se pifia Concentración, generalmente
Divine Spellcaster + 5PP or Sab 13 + Martial Arts Training + Great
se pierden los puntos y puede tener otros efectos (dependiendo de la pifia).
Si se pifia la Disciplina el poder se manifiesta pero tiene efectos graciosos
Inmune a todas las enfermedades no mágicas. +2 pasos contra
para todos menos para el personaje.
enfermedades mágicas.
Un Manifestador podrá usar tantos poderes como le permitan sus Pfps. Un
personaje no podrá gastarse más Pfps en un poder que su Puntuación de
Weapon focus, weapon specialization, Combat reflexes, Combat
Gain Psionic Focus

11 | P a g e
Merely holding a reservoir of psionic power points in mind gives psionic Además por cada dos rangos que adquiera en Spellcraft o Psicraft, recibe un
characters a special energy. Psionic characters can put that energy to work rango en la otra.
without actually paying a power point cost—they can become psionically Tanto las habilidades de disciplina como las de Escuela de magia ahora cuestan
focused as a special use of the Meditation skill. 1px menos por rango.
If you have 1 or more power points available, you can meditate to attempt
to become psionically focused. The DC to become psionically focused is 2. EXPANDED POOL I(Ps)
Meditating is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you Psion, Psicraft 5r, Concentration 5r
can use as many as you need. When you are psionically focused, you can La reserva de Pfp es = a Ppx2.
expend your focus on any single Concentration, Meditation or
Discipline check you make thereafter. When you expend your focus in this EXPANDED POOL II(Ps)
manner, your check is treated as if you got 2 successes. You can also Expanded Pool I, Psicraft 8r, Concentration 8r
expend your focus to gain the benefit of a psionic feat—many La reserva de Pfps es = a Ppx4.
psionic feats are activated in this way.
Once you are psionically focused, you remain focused until you expend EXPANDED POOL III(Ps)
your focus, become unconscious, or go to sleep (or enter a meditative Expanded Pool II, Psicraft 11r, Concentration 11r
trance), or until your power point reserve drops to 0. La reserva de Pfps es = a Ppx6.


Como regla general a los Poderes del Expanded Psionic, cuando se Expanded Pool III, Psicraft 14r, Concentration 14r
especifique un dado es 1dPoder (general) y afecta La reserva de Pfps es = a Ppx8.
a una localización; con los aumentos, o aumentas la categoría de dado o el
número de dados (localizaciones que EXPANDED POOL V(Ps)
afectan). En caso de duda para un poder específico el Master te dirá lo Expanded Pool III, Psicraft 17r, Concentration 17r
flipao que eres. La reserva de Pfps es = a Ppx10.

ADDITIONAL PSIONIC I (Ps) Detect Psionics (Ps)

Knowledge Psionics 3r, PP 3 Manifester
Añade un poder nivel 1 y uno de nivel 2 a tus poderes conocidos. The character gains the ability to use detect psionics at will, as long as they
maintain psionic focus.
Knowledge Psionics 5r, PP 5
Añade un poder de nivel 1, uno de nivel 2 y uno de nivel 3 a tus poderes Magical Manifesting (As/Ps)
conocidos. Cerebremancer, Psicraft 6r., 6PP

Puede gastar 5 Puntos de Energía Mágica para manifestar un poder como si

ADDITIONAL PSIONIC III (Ps) tuviera un Punto de Poder más a efectos de duración, objetivos, alcance, etc… o
Knowledge Psionics 7r, PP 7 bien hacer que el poder sea un paso más difícil de resistir.
Añade un poder de nivel 1, uno de nivel 2, uno de nivel 3 y uno de nivel 4 a
tus poderes conocidos. El poder no está aumentado de esta manera y estos 5 puntos no cuentan para el
máximo que se puede gastar un cerebromancer para aumentar un poder.
Knowledge Psionics 9r, PP 9 Por cada 5 Puntos de Poder después del tercero el cerebromancer puede gastar 5
Añade un poder de nivel 2, uno de nivel 3, uno de nivel 4 y uno de nivel 5 a PE adicionales de esta manera.
tus poderes conocidos.
Mind Over Magic (Su)
ADDITIONAL PSIONIC V (Ps) Cerebremancer, Spellcraft 6r., 6PP
Knowledge Psionics 11r, PP 11
Añade dos poderes de nivel 3, uno de nivel 4, uno de nivel 5 y uno de nivel Puede gastar 5 Pfps para lanzar un conjuro como si tuviera un PP más de los que
6 a tus poderes conocidos. tiene a efectos de duración, objetivos, y alcance. O bien hacer que el conjuro sea
un paso más difícil de resistir.
Knowledge Psionics 13r, PP 13 El Conjuro no está manipulado y estos pfps no cuentan para el máximo que se
Añade dos poderes de nivel 4, dos de nivel 5, uno de nivel 6 y uno de nivel puede gastar para manipularlos.
7 a tus poderes conocidos.
Por cada 5 Puntos de Poder después del tercero el cerebromancer puede gastar 5
ADDITIONAL PSIONIC VII (Ps) Pfps adicionales de esta manera.
Knowledge Psionics 15r, PP 15
Añade dos poderes de nivel 5, dos de nivel 6, uno de nivel 7 y uno de nivel Psicrystal
8 a tus poderes conocidos. Manifester
A psion can encode a psicrystal. Doing so takes a day and requires
ADDITIONAL PSIONIC VIII (Ps) materials that cost 100 gp (the gem used as the basis for the psicrystal
Knowledge Psionics 17r, PP 17 represents at least 50% of the total cost). A psicrystal is a psionically
Añade dos poderes de nivel 6, dos de nivel 7, uno de nivel 8 y uno de nivel charged crystalline stone no more than 1 inch in diameter. It carries a
9 a tus poderes conocidos. fragment personality seeded from the psion’s own mind, with which the
psion can empathically interact and from which he or she can derive
Cerebremancer [15Px](As/Ps) benefits. A psion may possess no more than one psicrystal at any one time.
Additional Psionics I, Arcane Spellcaster, arcane feat (any), Int 13+,
Knowledge (arcana)6 ranks, Knowledge (psionics) 6 ranks, saber usar la The psion chooses the type of psicrystal he or she gets. As the psion
calculadora. increases in Power Points, his or her psicrystal also increases in utility, as
shown on Table: Psicrystal Special Abilities.
Un cerebreomancer Puede usar PfP para manipular conjuros y PE para aumentar
poderes. No puede usar más PE que sus Puntos de Poder para aumentar un Poder If the psicrystal is destroyed the psion must attempt a Fortitude save. If the
psiónico, igual que no puede usar más puntos de fuerza psiónica que sus PPs saving throw fails, the psion suffers 2d6 Pgs in the head. A successful
para manipular un conjuro. Pero sí puede superar el límite de pfps para usar en saving throw reduces the loss by half. A destroyed psicrystal cannot be
un Poder y puede manipular conjuros por encima del límite impuesto por sus replaced for six months.
Es decir, un psiónico con 6 PP no puede gastar más de 6 pfps en un poder, pero Psicrystals
un cerebremancer con 6PP puede gastar hasta 6 PfP en un poder y hasta 6 PE
para aumentarlo.
A psicrystal grants a special ability to its psion owner depending on the
Igual un mago de 6PP no puede manipular un conjuro hasta más de un 6º nivel
de manipulación. Sin embargo puede gastar hasta 6 PfP para manipularlo por
fragment personality seeded in the stone. Physically, psicrystals have AP 3,
encima de ese nivel (siempre y cuando sus rangos en spellcraft lo permitan). hardness 8, and 20 hit points. Psicrystals “regenerate” their crystal matrix at

12 | P a g e
rate of 2d4 hit points per day if damaged. If a psicrystal is brought to 0 hit Speak with Other Creatures: The psicrystal can communicate mentally with
points, it is destroyed. its owner, other creatures, or psicrystals within 20m., using any language
known to its psion owner (other creatures must speak aloud to return
Table: Psicrystals communication, except for the owner and other psicrystals).

Psicrystal Power Resistance: The psicrystal’s power resistance (PR) equals the psion
Personality Special owner’s Power point Score/4 . The psicrystal’s spell resistance (SR) equals
----------- ------- its power resistance.

Artiste Owner gains +1 bonus on Craft checks. Sight Link: Once per day, the psicrystal’s owner can see what the crystal
Bully Owner gains +1 bonus on Intimidate sees for a period of 1 hour, as long as the psion and the crystal are not
checks. separated by more than 2km.
Coward Owner gains +1 bonus on Hide checks.
Friendly Owner gains +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks. Channel Power: The psion can manifest powers through the psicrystal to a
Hero Owner gains +1 bonus on Fortitude saves. distance of up to 2km. The psicrystal is treated as the power’s originator,
Liar Owner gains +1 bonus on Bluff checks. and all ranges are calculated from that location. When channeling a power
Meticulous Owner gains +1 bonus on Search checks. through his psicrystal, the psion manifests the power by paying its cost. The
Observant Owner gains +1 bonus on Spot checks. psion is still subject to attacks of opportunity and other hazards of
Poised Owner gains +1 bonus on Balance checks. manifesting a power, if applicable.
Resolve Owner gains +1 bonus on Will checks.
Owner gains +1 bonus on knowledge Weave the Sources (Su)
Cerebremancer, Knowledge (arcana) 11 ranks, Knowledge (psionics)
Singleminded Owner gains +1 bonus on Concentration checks.
11 ranks, 13PP
Sneak Owner gains +1 bonus on Move Silently
Un cerebremancer puede manifestar un Poder con un paso de dificultad mientras
Sympathetic Owner gains +1 bonus on Sense Motive absorbe energía.
Además, una vez al día puede lanzar un conjuro y manifestar un poder con la
Psicrystal Personality Descriptions: All psicrystals have distinct misma acción. Los objetivos que sean afectados a la vez por el conjuro y el
personalities. poder tienen un paso de dificultad para resistir ambos.

Psicrystal Ability Descriptions: All psicrystals have special abilities that

depend on the Power point score of the owner. These abilities are
Form Astral Suit (Skin) [15](Ps)
Light armor Proficiency, Manifester
The character learns to draw forth ectoplasm and form an astral suit around
their form.
Table: Psicrystal Special Abilities
She chooses the appearance of his astral suit, although its shape must reflect
the selections the aegis has chosen
Psion Psicrystal
An astral suit can be dismissed as a free action.
Level Intelligence Special
An astral suit does not function in areas where psionics do not work, such
----- ------------ -------
as a null psionics field. Dismiss ectoplasm can be used against an astral
1–2 6 Sighted, empathic
When formed in this way, an astral suit resembles a psychoactive skin.
3–4 7 Telepathic link
Forming an astral suit into this form takes a swift action. The aegis gains no
5–6 8 Self-propulsion
armor bonus from his astral suit when worn in this fashion, but he gains the
7–8 9 Speak with other
following free customizations: speed (2), nimble. With 5 Power Points, the
aegis gains the evasion customization as a free customization when the
9–10 10
astral suit is in astral skin form. With 12 PPs, the aegis gains the improved
11–12 11 Power resistance
evasion customization as a free customization when the astral suit is in
13–14 12 Sight link
astral skin form. An astral suit in this form does not count as any type of
15–16 13 Channel power
armor, but does count as a psychoactive skin and follows all the rules of a
17–18 14
psychoactive skin.
19–20 15

Intelligence: The psicrystal’s Intelligence score. Psicrystals are smart, but Form Astral Suit (armor) [15](Ps)
their personality trait colors all empathic, telepathic, or verbal interaction. Form Astral Suit (Skin), Medium armor Proficiency
When formed into astral armor, an astral suit resembles masterwork
Sighted: A psicrystal can sense its environment as well as a sighted, hearing chainmail and is treated as such for all mechanical purposes. Should the
creature can. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are aegis be wearing armor when forming his astral suit in this fashion, the
areas of supernatural silence, though a psicrystal still can’t discern invisible astral suit encloses the armor and the aegis gains the benefits of only his
or ethereal beings. The psicrystal’s sighted range is 15m. astral suit and not that from his armor, even if his armor would confer better
benefits. Forming an astral suit into this form takes an action. The aegis
Empathic Link: The psion has an empathic link with his or her psicrystal to gains the following free customizations: brawn, improved damage. With 5
a distance of up to 2km. Psions cannot see using the psicrystal’s sighted PPs, the aegis gains the flexible suit customization as a free customization
ability, but they can communicate empathetically. The empathic link when the astral suit is in astral armor form. With 8 PPs, the astral suit
between a psicrystal and its owner limits communication to strong feelings, resembles and is treated as a masterwork breastplate for all mechanical
so misunderstandings are always possible. purposes.

Telepathic Link: The psion has a telepathic link with his or her psicrystal to
a distance of up to 2km. Psions cannot see using the psicrystal’s sighted Form Astral Suit (Juggernaut) [15](Ps)
ability, but they can communicate telepathically. The telepathic link allows Form Astral Suit (armor), Heavy armor proficiency
actual communication. Psicrystals know all the languages their psion When formed into astral juggernaut, an astral suit resembles masterwork
owners know. half-plate and is treated as such for all mechanical purposes. Should the
aegis be wearing armor when forming his astral suit in this fashion, the
Self-Propulsion: If the psion pays the cost of 1 power point, his or her astral suit encloses the armor and the aegis gains the benefits of only his
psicrystal forms spidery, ectoplasmic legs for a day. The legs grant the astral suit and not that from his armor, even if his armor would confer better
psicrystal a speed of 3. The psicrystal can climb walls and ceilings with its benefits. Forming an astral suit into this form takes a full-round action. The
legs at a speed of 2. The legs fade to nothingness when their duration aegis gains the following free customizations: fortification, hardy. With 5
expires, or if the psicrystal takes 1 or more points of damage that penetrate Power Points, the aegis gains the stalwart customization as a free
its hardness. customization when the astral suit is in astral juggernaut form. With 7

13 | P a g e
Powrer Points, the astral suit resembles and is treated as masterwork full The aegis’s astral suit has an extra pair of arms with limited function. Each
plate for all mechanical purposes. arm can hold, but not use, any one item that can normally be held in one
hand. Items held in this way count toward the aegis’s carrying capacity.
Astral Repair (Ps) The aegis can retrieve any item held by his extra arms as a swift action. The
aegis does not gain any mechanical benefit from items held by these arms,
The psion is capable of repairing mundane items, restoring 2 hit
such as a shield passive block
points of damage to the touched item as a standard action usable at will. If
Flexible Suit
the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object
The aegis’s armor Check penalty and Encumbrance is reduced by 1 (to a
is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an
minimum of 0). The aegis may also sleep in his astral suit without
object must be present for this ability to function. This ability has no effect
becoming fatigued, if he was not already able to do so (such as if in astral
on objects that have been warped or otherwise transmuted, but it can still
skin form).
repair damage done to such items.
Hardened Strikes
The aegis is considered to be armed even when unarmed, does not provoke
Astral Suit Damage Reduction(Ps) attacks of opportunity when making unarmed strikes, and his unarmed
Form Astral Suit (Juggernaut), Armor Focus (Astral Skin, armor and strikes deal lethal damage. In addition, the aegis’s unarmed strikes can deal
juggernaut), 2 Power Points. slashing or piercing damage, chosen at the time the customization is
When an aegis is wearing his astral suit, he gains damage selected, instead of bludgeoning damage.
reduction 2/-, regardless of what type of astral suit he is wearing. Harness Shard
The aegis is able to place a single shard into the astral suit as a move action.
By spending one power point as a standard action, he can gain one use of
Invigorating Suit (Ps) the shard without the shard disintegrating. This customization may be
selected multiple times. Each time, it allows the aegis to store an additional
Form Astral Suit (Juggernaut), 3 PPs
shard within the astral suit, although each shard must be activated
A character wearing his astral suit gains a +2 steps bonus on the
following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage
Improved Armor
from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running;
The astral suit thickens and strengthens, increasing the aegis’s Armor
Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march;
Points by 1. This customization can be taken once for every five PPs he
Constitution checks made to hold breath; Constitution checks made to
possesses and stacks with any Armor bonus granted from the astral suit
avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to
itself. The aegis must have at least 5 Power Points before selecting this
avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves
made to resist damage from suffocation.
Power Stone Repository
The aegis may absorb power stones into his astral suit, causing them to
Augment Suit (Ps) appear and disappear whenever the suit does. The aegis may choose to have
Form Astral suit (Any), 4 PPs the absorbed power stones visible (much like embedded gems), or may
He may spend up to one psionic stregh point per Power Point to customize decide to keep any or all of them concealed. The aegis may store one power
his Astral Suit, gaining one temporary customization point for each psp stone per Power Point in this fashion; adding or removing a power stone
spent. takes 1 minute per stone (any power stone that is completely flushed and
This ability, activated as a standard action, lasts one minute per powerless dissolves immediately and is not counted against the limit). The
Power Point. aegis may activate any power stone stored in his repository as if he were
holding it in hand; this follows all of the standard rules for using power
An aegis may end the duration as a free action at any time. stones. If the aegis loses this customization for any reason, any power
stones stored in the astral suit are inert but unharmed until removed or this
Activating this ability again, while already in use, immediately customization is regained.
causes the previous duration to end. Psionic Attacks
(see Costumizations) The aegis’s astral suit encompasses his melee attacks. All of the aegis’s
melee attacks are treated as if they were magic for the purpose
Cannibalize Suit (Ps) of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, any melee weapons wielded
by the aegis are treated as masterwork if they are not already.
Astral Suit Damage Reduction, 12 PPs
Psionic Damage
The character learns to convert the psionic energy used to create his suit
The aegis’s melee attacks deal an additional 1 point of damage. The aegis
into healing power. Once per day per 5 Power Points, as a standard action,
must have the psionic attacks customization and must have at least 5 Pps to
he can dismiss his astral suit and heal 1dPower +1dModInt in each location.
select this customization.
She cannot reform his suit again for one minute after using this ability.
The aegis’s astral suit envelopes his weapon and grants him the ability to
Customizations pull creatures closer with a successful melee attack. Whenever the aegis
Customizations are grouped by their cost in customization points. An aegis makes a successful melee attack, he can attempt a free combat maneuver
only gains the benefits of a customization when he is wearing his astral suit. check. If successful, the target of the attack is pulled 1m closer to the aegis.
Unless specified otherwise, a customization may not be selected multiple This ability only works on creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the
times. aegis. Creatures pulled in this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
The aegis must have a reach of 5 or more to select this customization. If
1-Point Customizations there is insufficient room for the target to move closer to the aegis, the
The following customizations cost 1 point from the aegis’s customization attempt automatically fails.
pool. Push
Darkvision The aegis gains the ability to push creatures away with a successful attack.
The aegis gains darkvision out to a range of 20m. Whenever the aegis makes a successful melee attack, he can attempt a free
Empowered Blast combat maneuver check. If successful, the target of the attack is pushed 1m
The aegis can spend power points to increase the damage of his energy directly away from the aegis. This ability only works on creatures of a size
blast attack. Once per round, before making an attack using the energy blast equal to or smaller than the aegis. Creatures pushed in this way do not
customization, the aegis can spend power points as a free action, to gain provoke attacks of opportunity. If there is insufficient room for the target to
+1d6 damage for every 1 power point spent. An attack that misses is be pushed away, the attempt automatically fails.
wasted. The aegis must have the energy blast and ranged attack Ranged Attack
customizations before selecting this customization. The aegis gains the ability to propel a non-psionic crystal, formed from the
Energy Resistance astral suit, at a target as a ranged attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing
The aegis gains resist 5 against his active energy type. This customization damage and has a range increment of 10m.
can be selected multiple times. Each time beyond the first, the aegis selects Retaliate
an energy type (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) to gain resistance to, in The aegis gains the ability as an immediate action and by expending psionic
addition to his active energy type. focus to make a melee attack against an enemy that has successfully hit him
Evasion with a melee attack. This counts as an attack of opportunity and the aegis
As the Feat must be able to reach the enemy. An aegis must have at least 8PPs before
Extra Arms, Lesser selecting this customization.

14 | P a g e
The aegis’s base land speed is increased by 1. This customization can be The aegis’s melee attacks deal additional damage. If wielding a two-handed
selected up to five times. Its effects stack. weapon, the aegis deals 1d3 additional points of damage on a successful hit.
Spiked Carapace If wielding a one-handed weapon, the aegis deals 1d2 additional points of
The astral suit is covered in sharp spikes as if equipped with armor spikes. damage on a successful hit. If wielding a light weapon, the aegis deals 1
Stalwart additional point of damage on a successful hit. If dual-wielding, each
As the Feat. weapon is affected separately.
 Swim Improved Damage Reduction
The aegis gains a swim speed equal to his base speed. The aegis’s damage reduction from his astral suit increases by 1. Minimum
Breath 5 PPs.
The aegis can safely breathe in any environment as long as he is wearing Improved Ranged Attack
his astral suit. The damage of the aegis’ ranged attack ability increases by 1 point of
piercing damage for every five Power Points the aegis has. If the aegis is
2-Point Customizations using the energy blast customization, the additional damage is instead 1
The following customizations cost 2 points from the aegis’s customization point of damage of your active energy type. The aegis must have at least 5
pool. Power points and have the ranged attack customization before selecting this
Adhesive Feet customization.
The aegis gains a +2 steps bonus against bull rush, trip, and any combat Increased Size
maneuvers that attempt to move him from his current location. He also The astral suit grows in size and the aegis and all of his equipment is treated
gains a +2 steps bonus to Climb checks. as one size category larger as if affected by expansion. Minimum 9 PP.
Augmented Weapon Nimble
The astral suit coats the aegis’s weapon. The weapon is treated as if it The aegis gains a +1 step bonus to Dexterity checks while he is wearing his
was one size category larger for damage purposes. The aegis does not suffer astral suit. This customization can be selected a second time beginning with
any penalties for wielding the weapon. This ability does not stack with 5 PPs, and a third time starting with ten Pps.
effects that increase the aegis’s size category, such as expansion. Minimum Power Resistance
6 PPs. The aegis gains power resistance 1. This customization may be selected up
Brawn to 3 times. Each subsequent time increases the power resistance gained by
The aegis gains a +1 bonus to Strength while he is wearing his astral suit. 1. This ability can be selected again with 8 and 12 Power Points,
This customization can be selected a second time with 5 PP, and a third Powerful Build
time starting with 10 PP. The aegis gains the powerful build trait while wearing his astral suit.
Chameleon Whenever the aegis is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for
The aegis gains a +2 step bonus to Stealth checks. The aegis must have at a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as
least PPs before selecting this customization and this customization can be during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the aegis is
taken once for every five Power Points the aegis possesses. treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. The aegis is
Climb also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s
The aegis gains a climb speed equal to 1/2 of his base land speed. special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect
Crystallized Weapon him. The aegis can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger
The aegis’s astral suit envelopes his melee weapon. The weapon is treated without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of
as if made from deep crystal. This treats the weapon as a masterwork his actual size. The benefits of this trait stack with the effects of powers,
weapon if it was not already, and the aegis can pay two power points to abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
charge the weapon with psionic energy which deals 2d6 additional points of Ram
damage on its next hit. The weapon stays charged for 1 minute or until it The astral suit forms a hardened shell over the aegis’s head. If the aegis
successfully hits, whichever comes first. makes a bull rush or overrun attempt, he gains a +1 step bonus to his
Energy Blast Check. Alternatively, he can make a single attack with this shell as part of
The ranged attack gained from the ranged attack customization becomes a charge and deal 2d6 points of damage. This attack is treated
imbued with psionic energy. The attack is now treated as a ranged touch as adamantine when used to attack an object. Minimum 5 Power Points.
attack and instead deals 1d6 points of damage of your active energy type. Retaliate, Improved
This effect can be turned on or off as an action. The aegis must have at least As the Retaliate customization, except the triggering attack does not need to
4 PPs and have the ranged attack customization before selecting this be successful. The aegis must have the Retaliate customization and have 16
customization. Power points.
Energy Resistance, Improved Tremorsense
The energy resistance gained from the Energy Resistance customization The aegis gains tremorsense out to a range of 10m. This allows the aegis to
doubles. The aegis must have the Energy Resistance customization and pinpoint the location of creatures that it cannot see without having to make
have 6 Pps. a Perception check as long as the creature and the aegis are in contact with
Extra Arms the ground, but such creatures still have total concealment from the aegis.
The extra arms on the aegis’s astral suit gain improved functionality. The Visibility still affects the aegis’s movement and he is still denied his
aegis gains a +1 step bonus to Climb checks and against grapple Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against attacks from creatures he cannot
attempts for each extra arm that is not holding anything. In addition, one of see. Minimum 7 power Points.
the arms can wield and use a light or one-handed weapon, a shield, or any
other item that can be used with one hand. Attacks made with this 3-Point Customizations
additional arm suffer a one step penalty to attack rolls in addition to any The following customizations cost 3 points from the aegis’s customization
penalties for using two weapons. These extra arms do not grant any pool.
additional attacks, only alternate arms with which to make the standard Blindsense
attacks. The aegis must have at least 5 Power Points and have the Lesser The astral suit augments the aegis’s senses, giving him blindsense out to a
Extra Arms customization before selecting this customization. range of 10m. This ability allows the aegis to pinpoint the location of
Flight creatures that he cannot see without having to make a Perception check, but
The aegis uses psychokinetic energy to gain a fly speed equal to its base such creatures still have total concealment from the aegis. Visibility still
speed. The aegis’s maneuverability depends on his size. Medium or smaller affects the aegis’s movement and he is still denied his Dexterity bonus to
aegii have good maneuverability. Large aegii have average Armor Class against attacks from creatures he cannot see. Minimum 9
maneuverability, while Huge aegii have poor maneuverability. For 2 Power Points.
additional customization points, the aegis’s maneuverability increases to Burrow
perfect. The aegis’s fly speed can be increased by spending additional The aegis gains a burrow speed equal to 1/2 his base speed. He can use this
customization points, gaining a 2 points increase to fly speed for each speed to move through dirt, clay, sand, and earth. He does not leave a hole
additional point spent. The aegis must be at least 7 power points before behind, nor is his passage marked on the surface. Minimum 9 Power points.
selecting this customization. Diehard
Fortification As the Feat.
The aegis gains 25% chance to negate critical hits or sneak attacks. This Extra Arms, Greater
does not stack with armor with the same special ability. This ability can be The extra arms on the aegis’s astral suit function at nearly the same
selected again with 10 Power Points and with 16 Power Points, increasing capacity as his normal arms. Each arm can now wield or use a light or one-
the chance to negate critical hits or sneak attacks by an additional 25% for handed weapon, shield, or any other item that he could normally use.
every additional time it is taken. Alternatively, the aegis can use one or both arms when wielding a two-
Improved Damage handed weapon, possibly allowing him to wield a pair of two-handed

15 | P a g e
weapons. The circumstance bonus on Climb checks and against grapple
attempts increases to +2 steps per extra arm. He must have minimum 9 PPs Clairsentience Discipline
and have the Extra Arms and Lesser Extra Arms customizations before A psion who chooses clairsentience is known as a seer. Seers
selecting this customization. can learn precognitive powers to aid their comrades in combat, as well as
Improved Energy Blast powers that permit them to gather information in many different ways.
When using the energy blast customization, the attack can target up to three 1PP- Discipline Talents (Ps)
creatures, no two of which can be more than 5m apart. Each creature may Choose three powers from the following list: call to
only be the target of one such attack each round. Each attack is rolled mind, destiny dissonance, know direction and location, or offensive
separately. The aegis must have at least 12 Power Points and have the precognition.
energy blast and ranged attack customizations before selecting this As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either
customization. of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power
Quickened Attacks may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. The
He gains 1 extra attack action per round. This customization does not stack bonus from call to mind is reduced to +1 step, the duration of destiny
with other sources of extra attacks, such as haste. Minimum 10 Power dissonance is one round per two PPs, and the duration of offensive
Points. precognition is 1 round per PPs.
Reach 2PP- Recovered Information (Su)
The aegis’s reach increases by 1. Minimum 5 PPs. as long as you maintain psionic focus, when someone
successfully saves against a Clairsentience power you’ve manifested, you
4-Point Customizations learn about a single psionic effect currently in effect (if any) on the target.
The following customizations cost 4 points from the aegis’s customization Each subsequent successful save against a Clairsentience power you
pool. manifest transfers information about another psionic effect currently in
Blindsight effect (if any) on the target. If there are no psionic powers in effect on the
The astral suit massively augments the aegis’s senses, giving target that you do not already know, then you learn information about a
him blindsight out to a range of 10m. The aegis can maneuver and attack as single psionic item the creature currently possesses, as if you had identified
normal, ignoring darkness, invisibility, and most forms of concealment as the item. This effect give only very generic information on artifacts. The
long as he has line of effect to the target. The aegis must possess number of psionic effects or items you learn about per save increases by
the blindsense customization to take this customization. Minimum 11 one every four Power points thereafter.
Power Points 8PP- Alter the Waves (Su)
Energy Immunity each day when you meditate to regain your power points, you
The aegis gains immunity to his active energy type as long as he is wearing gain a +2 step bonus that can be used on any one die roll. Every two Power
his astral suit. Minimum 15 Power Points. Points thereafter, this ability may be used one additional time per day With
Extra Passenger 13PPs the  bonus is increased by 1 step.
The aegis can carry one creature of the same size or smaller as the aegis’s 14 PPs- Seeing the Connections (Su)
base size (powers and effects that increase the aegis’s size do not allow him once per day, you can automatically identify all properties of a
to carry larger creatures, although Increased Size and Improved Increased magic item, magic aura, or identify a spell or power in effect. In addition, if
Size customizations do allow the aegis to carry larger passengers). The you are being scryed upon, you can expend your daily use of this power as
carried creature is treated as if it has total concealment and he gains an immediate action to disrupt the scrying attempt and instead scry on the
the damage reduction of the astral suit, as well as any environmental originator of the effect using the same effect as that which targeted you.
customization options, such as that granted from the Energy You need not pay any power point cost for this ability, although the
Resistanceor Underwater Breath customization. The creature carried using originator can make a save to block the attempt. This ability does not work
this ability remains adjacent to the aegis and moves with the aegis’s move on artifacts.
actions. A creature can be loaded and unloaded into the astral suit as a free 20 PPs- Perpetual Foresight (Su)
action by the aegis, but the creature can take no actions until its next turn. your ability to foresee the different possibilities has suffused
Minimum 11 Power Points. you. Anytime you roll a d20, you may expend one power point as
Improved Evasion an immediate action to roll a second time.
As the feat.
Improved Stalwart
Generalist Psion
As the Feat.
A psion who chooses to remain more general in his studies of
psionics is known as a generalist. While he does not gain the unique
DISCIPLINE (Ps)[25] abilities each discipline grants to the specialized psions, he is able to
Manifester, Discipline skill 5r, 1PP broaden his powers and blend them in unique ways.
Elige una Disciplina. Obtienes acceso a los poderes específicos de esa 1PP- Discipline Talents (Ps)
disciplina (ganado uno por cada nivel de Poder al que tienes acceso y que Choose three powers from the following list: call to
no cuenta para el total de Poderes conocidos), obtienes los Talentos y Dotes mind, catfall, create sound, far hand, hammer, and telepathic lash.
especiales según avances en Poder (Ver más abajo) y un Rango en las As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either
habilidades asociadas a dicha disciplina: of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power
may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. The from call to
Clarisintencia: Concentration (Con), Gather Information (Cha), Navigation mind is reduced to +1 step, the effect of catfall only treats your fall as 6m.
(Wis), Listen (Wis), Remote View (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Search and shorter than it is, the duration of create sound is one round per two PPs
Spot (Wis). (minimum 1 round), and the damage of hammer is reduced to 1d4.
2PP- Bonus Feat
Generalista: Elige 7 habilidades. With 2 PP and every five Power Points thereafter, you gain a
bonus feat. You must choose a metapsionic feat, an item creation feat,
Metacreatividad: Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft or Expanded Knowledge. You must still meet all prerequisites for the bonus
(any) (Int), Disguise (Cha), Perform (Cha), and Remote View (Int). feat.
8PP- Breach Power Resistance (Su)
Psicokinesis: Brawn, Concentration (Con), Disable Device (Int), Open anytime you manifest a power, you may expend your psionic
Lock (Dex), Sleight of hand (Dex), Search (Int) and Throw. focus to add your Intelligence modifier in successes on any check to
overcome power resistance.
Psicometabolismo: Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), 14PP- Double Manifest (Ex)
Concentration (Con), Jump/Run (Str), Stabilize Self (Con), and Swim (Str). once per day, you may manifest two powers with a single action,
but the combined power point cost cannot exceed your manifester level and
Psicoportación: Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Hike, Navigation (Wis), the two powers must be of different disciplines. The two powers must have
Jump/Run (Str), Remote View (Int) and Ride (Dex). the same manifesting time and if they have a target, the targets for the
powers may be different.
Telepatía: Animal Empathy (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Convince, Diplomacy 20PP- Expanded Mind (Ex)
(Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Negotiate and Sense Motive (Wis). each day when you meditate to regain power points, you may
choose any one power from any class power list and add it to your powers
known for the day. This power does not count against your number of
powers known.
16 | P a g e
Metacreativity Discipline psychobiology, or that of creatures near him. An egoist can both heal and
A psion specializing in metacreativity is known as a shaper. transform himself into a fearsome fighter.
This discipline includes powers that draw ectoplasm from the Astral Plane, 1PP- Discipline Talents (Ps)
creating semisolid and solid items such as armor, weapons, or animated Choose three powers from the following
constructs to do battle at the shaper’s command. list: hammer, synesthete, thicken skin, and vigor.
1PP- Discipline Talents (Ps) As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either
Choose three powers from the following list: create of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power
sound, crystal shard, ectoplasmic creation, and entangling ectoplasm. may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. Add half your
As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either Power points to the temporary hit points gained
of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power from vigor. Synesthete, thicken skin, and vigor last for a number of rounds
may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. The duration equal to your psion PP score. The damage of hammer is reduced to 1d4.
of create sound and entangling ectoplasm is one round per two Power 2PP- Metabolic Healing (Su)
Points (minimum 1 round), while ectoplasmic creation lasts one hour. The as long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain fast healing 1
damage of crystal shard is reduced to 1d4. when you manifest any psychometabolism power on yourself. This fast
2PP- Summoner’s Call (Ex) healing lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the power
If you maintain focus when manifesting a power of the creation manifested. The fast healing increases by 1 for every four Power points
subdiscipline, the duration is increased by 1 round plus 1 round for every thereafter.
four Power Points. In addition, your astral constructs gain an additional 8PP- Shared Effect (Su)
menu option of the highest menu available when you manifest the power. any time you manifest a psychometabolism power with a range
8PP- Ectoplasmic Protection (Su) of personal, you may pay an additional 4 psionic strength points to have it
you can gain an ectoplasmic coating over your form, granting affect two additional creatures touched. These additional psp count as an
you concealment for one round per Power Point, usable once per day and augment for the power and the manifestation is still limited by the normal
an additional time per day every four Power points thereafter. manifester Power point cap. A power augmented in this fashion can affect
14PP- Maestro of Ectoplasm (Su) an additional creature every four Power point thereafter. The fission power
once per day as a standard action, you can take raw ectoplasm may not be shared in this fashion.
and use it in a myriad of ways. You can choose to coat up to 20 square 14PP- Resilient Body (Su)
meters (in 1x1m squares) in a slick, as the ectoplasmic sheen power, or once per day as an immediate action, you may negate a critical
create a up to 7 levels in astral constructs, divided at your discretion (a 5th- hit that would have hit you, and instead receive normal damage.
level construct and a 2nd-level construct, a single 7th-level construct, seven 20PP- Infused Form (Su)
1st-level constructs, etc.), create a volume of matter as if manifesting you gain DR 3/- and are treated as always under the effect
major ectoplasmic creation, or repair a damaged astral construct for up to of adapt body.
3d10 hit points plus 1 hit point per Power point.
20pp- Astral Ally (Su) Psychoportation Discipline
you can change the duration of an astral construct power to A psion who relies on psychoportation powers is known as
permanent. You can have no more than one astral construct power made a nomad. Nomads can wield powers that propel or displace objects in space
permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another astral or time.
construct power as permanent, the previous power immediately ends. 1PP- Discipline Talents (Ps)
Choose three powers from the following
Psychokinesis Discipline list: burst, catfall, decelerate, detect teleportation.
Psions who specialize in psychokinesis are known as kineticists. As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either
They are the masters of powers that manipulate and transform matter and of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power
energy. Kineticists can attack with devastating blasts of energy. Unlike may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. In addition, the
other psions, when a kineticist selects any power that specifies the character effect of catfall only treats your fall as 6m. shorter than it is,
must select from cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage, he gains the option and decelerate only reduces the target’s movement speed by 1.
to choose the type of damage at the time the power is manifested. 2PP- Nomad’s Step (Su)
1PP- Discipline Talents (Ps) as long as you maintain psionic focus, as a standard action you
Choose three powers from the following list: energy ray, far may teleport to a location up to 5m. away. You must have line of sight to
hand, force screen, or my light. the location and you can bring along possessions that amount to as much as
As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either a medium load. The distance increases by 1.5m. every PP thereafter.
of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power 8PP- Inconstant Position (Su)
may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. The damage once per day as an immediate action when someone attacks you,
of energy ray is reduced to 1d3, the bonus of force screen is reduced to 1, you can force them to suffer a 50% miss chance. This ability can be used an
and the duration of my light is reduced to 1 round/PP. additional time per day every two PP thereafter.
2PP- Telekinetic Hurl (Su) 14PP- Accelerated Activity (Su)
as long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain the ability to once per day as a swift action, you may gain 1 extra round of
telekinetically hurl objects of up to 2Kg. as a ranged attack at an enemy actions usable in the same round. Must be used at the beginning of the
within 10m. Such attacks deal 1d4 points of damage due to the force round.
exerted. This damage increases by 1d4 points of damage for every four 20 PP- Rapid Movement (Ex)
Power points thereafter. you gain an additional action each round, but it may only be
8PP- Kinetic Aura (Su) used for either the move, stand up, or mount/dismount a steed.
you gain a +1 to AP. This bonus increases by +1 every six
Power points thereafter. Telepathy Discipline
14PP- Energetic Recharge (Su) A psion who chooses the discipline of telepathy is known as
once per day, you can expend psionic focus as an immediate a telepath. He is the master of powers that allow mental contact and control
action when you would take damage from cold, electricity, fire, force, or of other sentient creatures. A telepath can deceive or destroy the minds of
sonic damage to convert the damage into psp, at a rate of 1 PsP per 5 his enemies with ease.
damage. You suffer none of the converted damage, but may not gain more 1PP- Discipline Talents (Ps)
than your Power Point score. For example, if a 14 Power Point kineticist Choose two powers from the following list: conceal
suffers 80 points of cold damage, he may expend his psionic focus to thoughts, mind link, mind thrust, telepathic lash.
convert up to 70 points of that damage into 14 Psp. He takes the remaining As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either
10 points of cold damage as normal. of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power
20PP- Energy Immunity (Su) may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. The damage
when you gain psionic focus, you gain immunity to either cold, of mind thrust is reduced to 1d6. You may only use conceal thoughts on
electricity, fire, force, or sonic, at your choice. You may change yourself if used as one of your discipline talents.
this immunity by gaining psionic focus again, and need not 2PP- Mental Intrusion (Ex)
maintain psionic focus to maintain the immunity. as long as you maintain psionic focus, and augmenting the
power with 2 pfps, all your mind affecting powers are 1 step harder to
Psychometabolism Discipline resist. You can spend 2 additional Psp in the augmentation for every 4 PPs
A psion who specializes in psychometabolism is known as thereafter. For the purpose of this ability, you may spend additional power
an egoist. This discipline consists of powers that alter the psion’s points augmenting a mind-affecting power’s save dificulty even on a power
that normally does not have any augment options.
17 | P a g e
8PP- Telepathy (Su) a soulknife reaches the pinnacle of her art and her connection to
you gain telepathy out to 100m. and can communicate with any her blade is so strong it cannot be severed. She no longer requires
creature, regardless of intelligence, so long as they have an Intelligence of 1 a Will save to maintain her mind blade in a null psionics field, although it
or higher. The range of your telepathy increases by 10m. every Power point still loses any enhancement bonus. In addition, she may change the
thereafter. configurations of her mind blade’s special abilities at will as a full-round
Additionally, as long as you maintain psionic focus, you can action.
detect other creatures within 10m. using telepathy to communicate,
although you cannot determine the content of the communication.
14PP- Last Respite (Su)
Enhance Mind Blade (Ps)
Shape mind blade, 5PP
once per day, if you are about to suffer damage that would result
Ganas un +2 para aplicar poderes y movidas a tu Mind Blade, según la tabla
in your death, as an immediate action, you can shunt your mind into the
de abajo y siempre que cumplas los requisitos. Si manifiestas dos Mind
body of a creature within 10m., effectively granting you the benefits
Blade, tienes que repartir los poderes como quieras. Se puede coger varias
of mind switch and your original body is left stable, but retaining the
veces, cada vez que lo cojas ganas un +1 adicional.
injuries . This ability lasts a number of rounds equal to your Power point
score. You must secure a permanent body for your mind, either by healing
your original body, through the use of a power such as true mind switch, or
some other means to permanently inhabit a body, by the end of the effect’s Table: Weapon Special Abilities
duration or die. This is considered a mind-affecting effect. You can take Enhancement Bonus
this action even if you are unconscious. This ability cannot be used against Weapon Special Ability Required PP
effects that outright kill or that deal ability damage, only against effects that
Agile 1
+1 5
deal hit point damage.
20PP- Guarded Thoughts (Su) Allying +1 5
you gain increased protection from mind-affecting effects, Conductive +1 5
granting you a 6 step bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.
Corrosive +1 5

Mind Blade (Ps) [15] Cunning +1 5

Martial Weapon Profinciency, Manifester +1 damage +1 5
Defending +1 5
As an action, a soulknife can form a semi-solid weapon
composed of psychic energy distilled from her own mind, prior a successful Distance1 +1 5
concentration check. Dueling +1 5
She can either form it into a light weapon, a one-handed Flaming +1 5
weapon, or a two-handed weapon. Once chosen, her mind blade stays in
this form every time the soulknife forms her mind blade. The light weapon Frost +1 5
deals 1d6 points of damage and Force 0, the one-handed weapon deals 1d8 Furious +1 5
points of damage and Force 1, and the two-handed weapon deals 2d6 points
of damage and Force 2. All damages are based on a Medium-sized creature Ghost touch +1 5
wielding Medium-sized weapons. If the soulknife’s chosen form is a light Huntsman +1 5
weapon, she may choose to form two light weapons when forming her mind Keen 2
+1 5
blade if she so chooses, but she suffers the standard penalties for two-
weapon fighting. Lucky1 +1 5
Regardless of the weapon form a soulknife has chosen, her mind Menacing +1 5
blade does not have a set damage type. When shaping her weapon and
assigning abilities to it, the soulknife chooses whether it will deal Merciful +1 5
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. The soulknife may change the Mighty cleaving +1 5
damage type of an existing mind blade, or may summon a new mind blade
Psychokinetic 1
+1 5
with a different damage type, as a full-round action; otherwise, the mind
blade retains the last damage type chosen every time it is summoned. The Seeking3 +1 5
blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points); however, a Shock +1 5
soulknife can simply create another on her next action. The moment she
relinquishes her grip on her blade, it dissipates. A mind blade is considered Sundering1 +1 5
a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and is Vicious +1 5
considered a masterwork weapon.
+1 Step to hit +2 7
A soulknife can use feats such as Power Attack or Combat
Expertise in conjunction with the mind blade just as if it were a normal +1 Force +2 7
weapon. She can also choose her mind blade for feats requiring a specific Anarchic +2 7
weapon choice. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a
mind blade. The soulknife can use feats such as Weapon Finesse that work Axiomatic +2 7
on light weapons with her mind blade, but such feats only work on mind Collision1 +2 7
blades in a light weapon form.
Corrosive burst +2 7
Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function
(such as within a null psionics field), a soulknife can attempt to sustain her Flaming burst +2 7
mind blade by making a Will save. On a successful save, the soulknife Holy +2 7
maintains her mind blade for a number of rounds equal to her power point
per succes before she needs to check again, although the mind blade is Icy burst +2 7
treated for all purposes as a non-magical, masterwork weapon while in a Linked striking1 +2 7
place where psionic effects do not normally function. On an unsuccessful
attempt, the mind blade vanishes. On her turn, the soulknife can attempt a Mindcrusher1 +2 7
new Will save to rematerialize her mind blade while she remains within the Psychokinetic burst 1
+2 7
psionics-negating effect. Shocking burst +2 7
The soulknife chooses the appearance of her mind blade,
although its shape must reflect the selections the soulknife has chosen: a Suppression1 +2 7
bludgeoning mind blade would be blunt, slashing would have an edge, etc. Unholy +2 7
The mindblade will be used with the apropiate weapon skill
depending on its shape. Wounding +2 7
Wrenching 1,3
+2 7
Mind Blade Mastery Bodyfeeder1 +3 9
Psychic Strike III, Enhanced Mind Blade, Shape Mind Blade, Throw Dislocator1 +3 9
Mind Blade, 20 PP
Mindfeeder1 +3 9

18 | P a g e
Table: Weapon Special Abilities psychic warrior can either choose to manifest it for no cost by expending his
psionic focus, in which case it cannot be augmented, or he can choose to
Enhancement Bonus manifest it normally. With 4 PP, the psychic warrior gains the second power
Weapon Special Ability Required PP
Value from his path. All of the above benefits apply to this additional path power.
Soulbreaker1 +3 9 He also gain access to the psychic Warrior powers list (Psionic unleashed;
Brilliant energy +4 12
Great dislocator1 +4 12 Eternal Warrior (Su)
Greater energy1,3 +4 12 Pathweaving, Path skill
once per day as a free action, the psychic warrior can enter into a very powerful
Coup de grace1 +5 15 Trance. As long as he maintains psionic focus, for up to 5 minutes the psychic
 New option detailed here. warrior adds his Wisdom modifier to his attack rolls in steps, skill checks, ability
 A keen mind blade gains its benefits no matter the assigned checks, defences, damage rolls in dice, AP and initiative, and he increases his
damage type. speed by 1 for every point of his Wisdom modifier. These benefits stack with
 Ranged mind blades only. those that might be granted by his active path’s Trance (or both paths, if using

Psychic Strike I (Ps) Expanded Path (Ps)

Mind Blade, 3PP, Weapon focus (Mind Blade)
Warrior’s path, 3 PP
The psychic warrior expands his understanding of his chosen path. From this
As an action, a soulknife can imbue her mind blade with point on, he can use the Trance and Maneuver associated with his chosen path.
destructive psychic energy. This effect deals an extra 1d6 points of damage
on any attack she wishes to activate it on (as long as the attack is made with
her mind blade). A soulknife may hold the charge as long as she likes Martial Power
without discharging. It does not go off on any attack unless she chooses to Warrior’s path, 6PP
use it, and the charge is not wasted if an attack misses. If the psychic warrior makes an attack (but not a ranged touch attack), he can
A mind blade deals this extra damage only once when this manifest one of his path powers as part of that attack action. The power takes
effect immediately after the attack has been finished. Touch range powers are
ability is called upon.
transmitted through the melee attack to the attacked target. You gain the benefits
Additionally, she may recharge it as a swift action by expending
of the power on the attack made, even if the power is what grants the weapon to
her psionic focus. make the attack. You may only activate a path power in this fashion once per
Once a soulknife has prepared her blade for a psychic strike, it round.
holds the extra energy until it is used (whether the attack is successful or
not). Even if the soulknife drops the mind blade (or it otherwise dissipates,
such as when it is thrown), it is still imbued with psychic energy when the Path Skill
soulknife next materializes it. Warrior’s path
If the soulknife forms her mind blade into two weapons, she may the psychic warrior gains a +2 step bonus to one skill associated with a path he is
on. Se puede coger varias veces , cada vez se aplica a una skill diferente.
imbue each mind blade with psychic strike as normal. If she reshapes her
mind blade into a single weapon form, the additional psychic strike imbued
into the additional weapon is lost. Pathweaving (Su)
Twisting Path, 15 PP
as long as the psychic warrior maintains psionic focus, once per day he can gain
Psychic Strike II (Ps) the benefits of both of his Trances for up to 5 minutes. Activating this ability is a
Psychic Strike I, 7PP, Weapon specialization I (Mind Blade) free action. Every third PP thereafter, the psychic warrior can use this ability an
The mind Blade now deals 1d8 of extra damage, instead of 1d6. And has additional time per day.
the sunder trait.
Secondary Path (Ex)
Psychic Strike III (Ps) Warrior’s path, Expanded path, 9PP
Psychic Strike II, 11PP, Weapon focus II (Mind Blade) The psychic warrior gets to choose a second warrior’s path. He chooses one of
When Charged, The Psichic Strike has the traits Bleed (for slashing the path powers. The psychic warrior may only have two path powers in total
damage), Stun (for bludgeoning damage) or Impale (for piercing damage) from a single given path. The psychic warrior may select the skills of the
and applies Sunder in the attack. secondary path them when choosing a path skill.
With 11PP, the psychic warrior can choose to use the Trance and Maneuver
from his second warrior’s path, but may only benefit from one Trance at a time.
Shape Mind Blade (Ps)
Mind Blade, Craft weapons 1r.
The soulknife’s mind blade retains the last chosen form every
Twisting Path (Ex)
Secondary path, 12 PP
time it is formed until the soulknife reshapes it. If the soulknife chooses to
as a swift action while maintaining psionic focus and using a Trance, the psychic
reshape her blade, it requires a full-round action to do so and a successful warrior can change to the Trance of his other path.
Craft: Weapons chek. She may also re-assign the type of damage dealt as
part of reshaping her mind blade if she so chooses. A soulknife can reassign
the ability or abilities she has added to her mind blade; (see Enhanced Mind Warrior Paths
Blade). To do so, she must first spend 8 hours in concentration. These Presented below are some of the possible different warrior paths that psychic
cannot be the normal 8 hours used for rest, even if the soulknife does not warriors may choose. Unless otherwise indicated, if you expend psionic focus to
require sleep. After that period, the mind blade materializes with the new activate a maneuver, you still gain the benefit of your Trance until the end of
ability or abilities selected by the soulknife, if you pass the Crat check. If your turn.
you fail no changes are made and must spend another 8-hour period.
Archer Path
Throw Mind Blade (Ps)
Mind Blade Your focus is on ranged combat rather than wading into the thick of things.
All soulknives have some knowledge of how to throw their mind
blades. Light weapon mind blades have a range increment of Str. One- Powers: Force screen, psychokinetic cannon
handed weapon mind blades have a range increment of Str/2. Two-handed
weapon mind blades cannot be thrown without the throw anything feat. Skills: Spot, Ride, Hide, Move silently.
Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind blade then dissipates.
Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +1 step bonus on attack rolls
made with a ranged or thrown weapon (natural weapons do not count for this
Warrior’s Path (Ps)[20Px] benefit). This bonus increases by 1 step every six PP thereafter.
Manifester, Simple and martial weapons proficiency, 1PP, 1 rank in
Maneuver: you can expend your psionic focus and make a ranged trip attack as a
skills of the chosen path. standard action. If your target is flying, they are instead staggered for one round.
With 7 PP and every four PP thereafter, you gain a +1 step bonus to your check
When first taking a path, the psychic warrior gains one of the two powers when using this maneuver.
associated with that path. When manifesting this power, called a path power, the

19 | P a g e
Ascetic Path
Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls
You have studied with the mystics of the ancient temples, sat silent embracing on attacks made with natural weapons. This bonus increases by 1 every six PPs
the solitude and isolation, so as to become more in tune with your body and you gain thereafter.
mind, merging them into a single, dangerous warrior.
Maneuver: you can expend your psionic focus when use the charge action. If you
do, you can make one additional attack at the end of your charge instead of
Powers: Defensive precognition, offensive precognition making a single melee attack, but each attack suffers a -1 penalty to the attack
roll. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to any damage rolls made as part of this
Skills: Jump/Run, Tumble, Autohypnosis, Knowledge (religion) action. This bonus increases by +1 for every four PP you gain thereafter.

Trance: while maintaining psionic focus and wearing no or light armor, you gain
gain a +1 bonus to your AP or defences, chosen at the time you gain psionic Gladiator Path
focus. This bonus increases by 1 every six PP thereafter.
Your tactic is not to simply attack, but to maneuver your enemies into the most
Maneuver: as an immediate action, you can expend your psionic focus to gain a optimal position, forcibly if necessary.
+2 bonus to your AP until the beginning of your next turn. This bonus increases
by +1 for every six PP you have. In addition, if you did this in response to an Powers: Grip of iron, tactical precognition
attack and that attack misses you, you may take a relocate reach effect as part of
this action. Skills: Tumble, Bluff, Perform (Arena), Sense Motive.

Assassin’s Path Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +1 bonus to your Combat
Maneuvers and to resist them. These bonuses increase by 1 every six PPs
While others prefer to stand boldly in the face of danger, your preferred weapon thereafter.
is stealth and silence. When you attack, your enemy is bound to fall.
Maneuver: you can expend your psionic focus when using a combat maneuver to
Powers: Distract, prevenom or prevenom weapon not provoke an attack of opportunity for using that combat maneuver. If you
have a feat that already does this, it is one step harder to resist. Additionally with
Skills: Jump/Run, Tumble, Listen, Move silently. 8 PP it’s a step harder to resist.

Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +2 on damage rolls. This
bonus increases by 1 every four power points thereafter.
Interceptor Path
Maneuver: any time you strike an enemy with a melee attack and there are no
other enemies adjacent to you, you can expend your psionic focus to deal an You are adept at engaging enemies, guarding your allies, and blocking
additional +2d6 damage. For every six Power points you gain thereafter, this interlopers. Speed and maneuverability are not your only tools; you know how
damage increases by +1d6. This damage is precision-based damage. stop a foe in his tracks.

Brawling Path Powers: Burst, Expansion

Skills: Jump/Run, Intimidate, Hear, Spot

You bring the combat right into the face of your enemy. Your powers allow you
to overpower enemies and bring them to bear, either to bring justice to them, or Bonus class skill: Intimidate
to finish them when they are worn down.
Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and
Powers: Grip of iron, hammer damage rolls made against any opponent that threatens any of your allies. The
damage bonus increases by 1 every four PPs thereafter, The attack Bonus
Skills: Jump/Run, Tumble, Autohypnosis, Escape Artist increases every 6 PP thereafter.

Maneuver: you can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action when an
Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, each time you make a successful enemy you threaten attacks one of your allies to make a single melee attack or
grapple check, you can deal damage to that enemy equal to your Wisdom bull rush attempt against that enemy. Your attack or bull rush attempt is resolved
modifier. before the enemy’s attack. If you made a melee attack and it is successful, the
struck enemy takes a penalty equal to the competence bonus of the Interceptor
Maneuver: as a swift action you can expend your psionic focus to cause an trance on the attack and damage rolls of the attack that triggered this maneuver.
enemy you are grappling to take 2d6 non-lethal damage. For every two PPs you
gain thereafter, the damage increases by 1d6
Survivor Path
Dervish Path You are capable of surviving in harsh environments and enduring deadly
assaults. You recognize the power of he body’s ability to overcome even the
You are a whirlwind in combat. Your blades strike out faster than the eye can most deadly of afflictions.
perceive, sending enemies reeling from your twin-bladed attacks.
Powers: catfall, vigor
Powers: Force screen, metaphysical weapon
Skills: Autohypnosis, Heal, Survival, Navigation
Skills: Tumble, Jump/Run, Bluff, Perform (dance)

Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +1 step bonus on attack rolls Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain DR 1/-. This damage
made when you wield two weapons. This bonus increases by 1 every six PPs reduction improves by 1 evey six PPs thereafter. In addition, you suffer no harm
thereafter. from being in a hot or cold environment. You can exist comfortably in
conditions between -45 and 60 Celsius without having to make Fortitude saves.
Maneuver: you can expend your psionic focus when you fight with two weapons Your equipment is likewise protected. This doesn’t provide any protection from
to take a step between your attacks, but not if you have moved normally. With 8 fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such
PP and every five PPs thereafter, you gain one additional step, but each of these as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.
steps must be made after an attack.
Maneuver: you can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to be
Feral Warrior Path treated as having the Mettle ability until the beginning of your next turn. With 7
PP and every six PP beyond, you gain a +1 bonus to Will saves when using this
maneuver. In addition, with 11 PP, when using this maneuver, you are treated as
You are the beast incarnate. You channel your rage and power into physically having the Improved Mettle ability.
transforming yourself into the likeness of a monster.

Powers: Bite of the wolf, claws of the beast Weaponmaster Path

Skills: Run/Jump, Hear, Spot, Survival
20 | P a g e
You become one with your weapon and wield it with vicious strokes, cleaving
enemies as if wheat before a scythe. Your weapon is an extension of your will
and thus it is deadly.

Powers: Empty mind, metaphysical weapon

Skills: Acrobatics, Craft, Knowledge (nobility)

Bonus class skill: Knowledge (nobility)

Trance: while maintaining psionic focus, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls
made with a weapon (natural weapons do not count for this benefit). This bonus
increases by 1 every six PP thereafter.

Maneuver: you can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action when an
enemy attacks you to make a single melee attack against that enemy and then
take a step. The enemy’s attack is resolved before you take your action. With 8
PP and every six PPs thereafter, you gain a +1 bonus on the attack and damage
rolls made for this attack.

To qualify to become a r, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

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