Learn Python With ChatGPT

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The guide provides an overview of Python and teaches the basics through prompts and examples to help readers learn programming.

The guide covers topics like variables, operators, control flow, functions, object-oriented programming, files, and exceptions over 7 chapters.

Advanced concepts like generators, decorators, and regular expressions using the re module are discussed.


Python is a powerful and versatile programming language

that is widely used in fields such as data science, web
development, artificial intelligence, and more. With its
easy-to-learn syntax and high-level data structures, Python
is a great choice for those who are new to programming.
This guide aims to help beginners learn Python from
scratch with the help of ChatGPT.
The guide is structured in a step-by-step manner, starting
from the basics and gradually building up your knowledge
of Python. Each chapter is filled with clear explanations,
helpful prompts, and relevant example codes that will help
you to understand the concepts covered. The prompts are
designed to allow you to practice what you have learned
and put your newfound knowledge into action.
Whether you're a complete beginner or someone who is
looking to improve your Python skills, this guide is an
excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn Python
in a simple, effective, and fun way. We hope that this guide
will inspire you to explore the world of programming and
unleash the full potential of Python.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Python
• Describe what Python is and its history.
• What are some of the benefits of learning Python?
• Explain how to set up your development environment.
• Define variables in Python and assign values to them.
• Describe the basic data types in Python.
Chapter 2: Variables and Operators
• Define variables in Python and assign values to them.
• Explain the different mathematical operators in Python.
• Use variables and operators to perform basic calculations.
• Solve real-world problems using Python variables and
Chapter 3: Control Flow and Loops
• Describe the use of conditional statements in Python.
• Explain the difference between for and while loops.
• Use loops to manipulate data and perform actions in a given
• Solve real-world problems using control flow and loops in

Chapter 4: Functions and Modules

• Explain what functions are and how they're used in Python.
• Use functions to modularize your code and make it more
• Import and use existing Python modules to perform specific
• Solve real-world problems using functions and modules in
Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming
• Describe what object-oriented programming is and how it's
used in Python.
• Define and use classes and objects in Python.
• Explain the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism.
• Solve real-world problems using object-oriented
programming in Python.
Chapter 6: File Input/Output and Exception Handling
• Explain how to read and write files in Python.
• Describe the use of exception handling in Python.
• Use file input/output and exception handling to solve real-
world problems.
Chapter 7: Advanced Topics
• Describe the use of generators and decorators in Python.
• Explain the use of regular expressions in Python.
• Use advanced topics in Python to solve real-world
Chapter 1: Introduction to Python
Using the prompts mentioned below, you'll get an overview of
what Python is and why it's one of the most popular
programming languages in the world. You'll also learn how to set
up your development environment and get started with writing
your first lines of Python code.
1.1 Benefits of Learning Python - Outline the benefits of
learning Python. - Describe how Python is used in different
fields such as web development, scientific computing, data
analysis, etc. - Explain why Python is considered a beginner-
friendly language.
1.2 Setting up the Development Environment - Discuss the
different options for setting up a Python development
environment. - Explain how to install Python and a text editor
on your computer. - Demonstrate how to run a Python script
from the command line.
1.3 Your First Python Program - Explain the basic syntax and
structure of a Python program. - Write and run a simple "Hello,
World!" program in Python.
1.4 Variables in Python - Explain what variables are and their
role in programming. - Describe how to define variables in
Python. - Demonstrate how to assign values to variables in
Python. - Use variables to perform simple calculations and store
1.5 Basic Data Types in Python - Discuss the different basic
data types in Python. - Explain what integers, floating-point
numbers, and strings are. - Use variables to store different data
types in Python. - Perform basic operations with different data
types, such as addition, multiplication, and concatenation.
Prompts for example codes:
1. Write a Python script that calculates the area of a circle
given the radius.
2. Write a Python script that concatenates two strings and
stores the result in a variable.
3. Write a Python script that converts a temperature from
Celsius to Fahrenheit.
4. Write a Python script that calculates the average of three
5. Write a Python script that asks the user for their name and
greets them by name.
By completing these prompts and understanding the theories,
you'll get a good foundation in the basics of Python and be
ready to move on to more interesting topics in the next chapter.
Chapter 2: Variables and Operators
In this chapter, we'll dive deeper into the basics of Python by
covering variables and operators. This chapter will focus on the
following topics:
1. Variables in Python
o Define what a variable is in the context of
o Explain how to declare and assign values to variables
in Python.
o Discuss the naming conventions for variables in
o Use variables to store different data types in Python.
o Provide examples of declaring and using variables in
2. Mathematical Operators
o Explain the different mathematical operators available
in Python (e.g., +, -, *, /, %, etc.).
o Use mathematical operators to perform basic
arithmetic operations in Python.
o Discuss the use of parentheses for grouping
operations in Python.
o Provide examples of using mathematical operators in
3. Comparison Operators
o Explain what comparison operators are and how
they're used in Python.
o Discuss the different comparison operators available
in Python (e.g., >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, etc.).
o Use comparison operators to compare values in
o Provide examples of using comparison operators in
4. Logical Operators
o Explain what logical operators are and how they're
used in Python.
o Discuss the different logical operators available in
Python (e.g., and, or, not).
o Use logical operators to combine multiple conditions
in Python.
o Provide examples of using logical operators in
By the end of this chapter, you should have a good
understanding of variables, mathematical operators, comparison
operators, and logical operators in Python. You'll be able to use
these tools to perform basic calculations and make decisions in
your Python programs.
1. Declare a variable named "name" and assign your name as
its value. Print the value of the "name" variable.
2. Declare two variables "a" and "b" with the values 5 and 10,
respectively. Use mathematical operators to perform the
following operations and print the results:
o Add "a" and "b".
o Subtract "b" from "a".
o Multiply "a" and "b".
o Divide "b" by "a".
o Calculate the remainder of "b" divided by "a".
3. Compare two variables "x" and "y" with the values 7 and 5,
respectively. Use comparison operators to perform the
following operations and print the results:
o Check if "x" is greater than "y".
o Check if "x" is less than or equal to "y".
o Check if "x" is equal to "y".
o Check if "x" is not equal to "y".
4. Use logical operators to check if a variable "age" is between
18 and 65 (inclusive). If the condition is true, print
"Eligible to work". Otherwise, print "Not eligible to work".
Chapter 3: Control Flow and Loops in Python
In this chapter, we'll dive into the use of conditional
statements and loops in Python. These tools will allow you to
control the flow of your code, perform actions based on
certain conditions, and manipulate data with ease.
1. Conditional Statements
o What are conditional statements and why are they
important in programming?
o Explain the use of "if" statements in Python.
o Show how to use "if-else" statements to perform
actions based on different conditions.
o Use "elif" statements to handle multiple conditions.
o Provide examples of how to use conditional
statements to solve real-world problems.
Prompt: Write a Python program that takes in a number and
prints "positive" if it's positive, "negative" if it's negative, and
"zero" if it's zero.

Example code:
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if number > 0:
elif number == 0:

2. Loops
• What are loops and why are they important in
• Explain the use of "for" loops in Python.
• Show how to use "while" loops to repeat actions until a
certain condition is met.
• Use loops to manipulate data and perform actions in a
given order.
• Provide examples of how to use loops to solve real-world
Prompt: Write a Python program that takes in two numbers
and prints all the numbers between them (inclusive).

Example Code:
start = int(input("Enter the starting number: "))
end = int(input("Enter the ending number: "))
for i in range(start, end + 1):

3. Nested Loops
• What are nested loops and why are they important in
• Explain how to use nested loops to perform actions on
multiple sets of data.
• Provide examples of how to use nested loops to solve real-
world problems.
Prompt: Write a Python program that takes in two numbers
and prints a multiplication table for all the numbers between
them (inclusive).
4. Loop Control Statements
• Explain the use of "break" and "continue" statements in
• Show how to use "break" and "continue" statements to
control the flow of loops.
• Provide examples of how to use loop control statements to
solve real-world problems.
Prompt: Write a Python program that takes in a number and
prints all the prime numbers up to that number.
Some prompts for python code examples:
1. Conditional Statements:
o Write a Python program that takes in two numbers
and prints the larger one.
o Write a Python program that takes in a letter and
checks if it's a vowel or a consonant.
o Write a Python program that takes in a year and
checks if it's a leap year.
2. Loops:
o Write a Python program that takes in a number and
prints the sum of all numbers up to that number.
o Write a Python program that takes in a number and
prints the factorial of that number.
o Write a Python program that takes in a string and
counts the number of vowels in that string.
3. Nested Loops:
o Write a Python program that takes in two numbers
and prints a pattern of stars for each row.
o Write a Python program that takes in a number and
prints a pyramid pattern of numbers.
o Write a Python program that takes in a word and
checks if it's a palindrome.
4. Loop Control Statements:
o Write a Python program that takes in a number and
prints all the fibonacci numbers up to that number.
o Write a Python program that takes in two numbers
and prints all the numbers that are divisible by both.
o Write a Python program that takes in a number and
finds the largest prime factor of that number.
Chapter 4: Functions and Modules
We will dive into the use of functions and modules in Python.
Functions are blocks of reusable code that can perform specific
tasks, and modules are pre-written code that can be imported
and used in your own code to perform specific tasks.
Prompt 1: Defining Functions
• Explain the syntax for defining functions in Python.
• Use the def keyword and the function name to create a
simple function.
• Demonstrate how to use a function by calling it.
• Show how to pass arguments to a function and use them
within the function.

def greet(name):
print("Hello, " + name + "!")
greet("John") # Output: Hello, John!

Prompt 2: Function Return Values

• Explain how to return a value from a function.
• Use the return keyword to return a value from a function.
• Demonstrate how to store the returned value in a variable
and use it.
def square(number):
return number * number
result = square(3)
print(result) # Output: 9

Prompt 3: Importing Modules

• Explain what modules are and why they are useful.
• Use the import keyword to import a module.
• Show how to access functions and variables from an
imported module.
Prompt 4: Custom Modules
• Explain how to create a custom module.
• Create a custom module and save it as a .py file.
• Use the import keyword to import the custom module and
access its functions and variables.

Here are the few prompts’ examples for real-world cases

1. Write a function that takes a number as an argument and
returns its square. Call the function with a few different
numbers and print the results.
2. Write a function that takes two numbers as arguments and
returns their sum. Call the function with a few different
sets of numbers and print the results.
3. Write a function that takes a string as an argument and
returns a copy of the string with the first letter capitalized.
Call the function with a few different strings and print the
4. Write a custom module that contains a function that takes
a number and returns its factorial. Import the module into
a separate file and call the function with a few different
numbers, printing the results.
5. Write a custom module that contains a class representing a
point in two-dimensional space. The class should have
methods for calculating the distance to another point, and
for shifting the point by a given amount in the x and y
directions. Import the module into a separate file and
create a few instances of the point class, testing the
distance calculation and shifting methods.
Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming in Python
• Explain what object-oriented programming (OOP) is and
how it's used in Python.
• Discuss the benefits of using OOP in Python.
• Provide an overview of the concepts of classes, objects,
inheritance, and polymorphism.

Prompt 1: Defining Classes in Python

• Explain the syntax for defining a class in Python.
• Define a class in Python and provide an overview of its
• Use the __init__ method to initialize an object.
• Use class attributes and methods to manipulate data in

Example code:
class Dog:
def __init__(self, name, breed):
self.name = name
self.breed = breed
def bark(self):
dog = Dog("Fido", "Labrador")
print(dog.name) # Output: Fido
dog.bark() # Output: Woof!

Prompt 2: Using Inheritance in Python

• Explain what inheritance is and how it's used in Python.
• Create a parent class and inherit from it in a child class.
• Override and extend methods in a child class.
• Use inheritance to simplify your code and make it more

Example code:
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def speak(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement
this abstract method")
class Dog(Animal):
def speak(self):
return "Woof!"
class Cat(Animal):
def speak(self):
return "Meow!"
dog = Dog("Fido")
print(dog.speak()) # Output: Woof!
cat = Cat("Fluffy")
print(cat.speak()) # Output: Meow!

Prompt 3: Using Polymorphism in Python

• Explain what polymorphism is and how it's used in
• Use polymorphism to write code that works with objects
of different classes.
• Use the isinstance function and issubclass function to
check the type of objects.

Example code:
class Dog:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def speak(self):
return "Woof!"
class Cat:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def speak(self):
return "Meow!"
def pet_speak(pet):
dog = Dog("Fido")
cat = Cat("Fluffy")
pet_speak(dog) # Output: Woof!
pet_speak(cat) # Output: Meow!
print(isinstance(dog, Dog)) # Output: True
print(isinstance(dog, Cat)) # Output: False
print(issubclass(Dog, Animal)) # Output: False

Here are some additional prompts for creating example code:

1. Create a class Person with attributes name and age and
methods get_info and grow_old.
2. Create a subclass Student that inherits from the Person
class and adds a new attribute student_id and a method
3. Create a class Employee that also inherits from the Person
class and adds an attribute employee_id and a method
4. Create a class Manager that inherits from the Employee
class and adds a new attribute team_size and a method
5. Use polymorphism by defining a function work that takes
an object of type Person and calls its respective method
(e.g. get_salary for an employee).
6. Use inheritance and polymorphism to create a simulation
of a company where employees and managers perform
various tasks, such as enrolling in courses, growing older,
and managing teams.
7. Create a class Shape with an abstract method area and
subclasses Rectangle, Circle, and Triangle that implement
the area method for their respective shapes.
8. Create a class Vehicle with attributes make, model, and year
and a method start_engine. Create subclasses Car, Truck,
and Boat that inherit from Vehicle and add their own
attributes and methods.
9. Use polymorphism by defining a function drive that takes
an object of type Vehicle and calls its start_engine method.
10.Use inheritance and polymorphism to create a
simulation of a car dealership where various types of
vehicles are available for purchase and test drive.
Chapter 6: File Input/Output and Exception
Here, you will learn about two important concepts in Python:
file input/output and exception handling. You'll learn how to
read and write data to files, and how to handle errors that may
occur during the execution of your code.

File Input/Output
1. Introduction to file input/output
o Explain what file input/output is and why it's
important in programming.
o Describe the different types of files and their use
2. Reading Files
o Explain how to open a file in Python.
o Use the open() function and the with statement to
open and close files.
o Use the read() and readlines() methods to read the
contents of a file.
o Solve a problem by reading data from a file in Python.
3. Writing Files
o Explain how to write to a file in Python.
o Use the write() and writelines() methods to write data
to a file.
o Solve a problem by writing data to a file in Python.
4. Appending to Files
o Explain how to append data to an existing file in
o Use the append mode when opening a file to add data
to it.
o Solve a problem by appending data to a file in Python.
Exception Handling
1. Introduction to Exception Handling
o Explain what exceptions are and why they occur in
o Describe the importance of handling exceptions in
your code.
2. The try and except Blocks
o Explain how to use the try and except blocks to
handle exceptions.
o Use the try and except blocks to handle exceptions
gracefully and prevent your code from crashing.
o Solve a problem by handling exceptions in Python.
3. The finally Block
o Explain the purpose of the finally block.
o Use the finally block to execute code regardless of
whether an exception was raised or not.
o Solve a problem by using the finally block in Python.
4. Raising Exceptions
o Explain how to raise exceptions in Python.
o Use the raise statement to raise exceptions in your
o Solve a problem by raising exceptions in Python.

Some example prompts for real-world Python code:

1. Build a weather forecast app that displays the current
temperature and weather conditions for a specific city.
2. Create a program that analyzes the sentiment of a set of
tweets using natural language processing techniques.
3. Develop a program that automates the process of sending
emails to a large list of recipients.
4. Create a tool that analyzes the log files of a web server and
generates reports on the number of visitors and the most
frequently visited pages.
5. Build a data analysis platform that processes large datasets
and generates interactive visualizations.
6. Create a program that processes and stores data from IoT
devices and provides real-time insights and alerts based on
predefined rules.
7. Develop a machine learning model that predicts the
likelihood of a customer churning for a subscription-based
8. Create a program that monitors the stock market and
generates alerts when certain stocks reach specific price
9. Develop a program that automates the process of
generating invoices for a small business based on data from
sales transactions.
10. Create a platform that allows users to upload, store,
and share large files securely.
Chapter 7: Advanced Topics in Python
In this chapter, we'll cover some advanced topics in Python that
will take your skills to the next level. These topics will help you
write more complex and powerful applications using the Python
programming language.
• Explain what generators are and how they differ from
traditional functions.
• Use the "yield" keyword to create a generator.
• Explain how to use generators to create efficient and
memory-friendly solutions.
Prompt: "Create a generator that returns the first n Fibonacci
numbers. Verify the output by printing the first 10 numbers in
the sequence."
Example code:
def fibonacci(n):
a, b = 0, 1
for i in range(n):
yield a
a, b = b, a + b
fib = fibonacci(10)
print([num for num in fib])
• Describe what decorators are and how they're used in
• Use decorators to add functionality to existing functions.
• Explain how to create custom decorators in Python.
Prompt: "Create a decorator that logs the arguments and return
value of a function. Use it to decorate a function that adds two
numbers and verify the log."

Example code:
def log_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print(f"Arguments: {args}, {kwargs}")
print(f"Return value: {result}")
return result
return wrapper
def add(a, b):
return a + b
result = add(3, 4)

Regular Expressions
• Describe what regular expressions are and how they're used
in Python.
• Use the "re" module in Python to match and manipulate
text using regular expressions.
• Explain how to use regular expressions to solve real-world
Prompt: "Use regular expressions to extract all the email
addresses from a string and print them."

Example code:
import re
text = "Contact me at john@example.com or visit my website at
emails = re.findall(r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-
]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b', text)
we hope that this guide book has provided you with a
comprehensive understanding of the Python programming
language and the skills to start writing your own applications.
With the information and prompts provided, you should now be
able to take your learning to the next level and create more
complex and powerful solutions.
We understand that learning to code can be challenging, but
with dedication and practice, anyone can master the art of
programming. Remember to take things one step at a time, and
don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. The
programming community is full of friendly and knowledgeable
individuals who are always willing to lend a hand.
Thank you for choosing "Learn Python from Scratch with
ChatGPT" as your guide. We wish you all the best on your
coding journey and hope that you continue to find joy and
fulfillment in programming. May your lines of code bring you
endless possibilities and endless solutions.

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