Contract For Services
Contract For Services
Contract For Services
MEG LAWAL, of 13, Togo Street, Obalende, Lagos State (hereinafter referred to
as the “Independent Contractor” which expression shall where the context so admits
include her successors – in – title and assigns) of the first part.
ABC LIMITED, a Company duly incorporated under the Laws of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria whose registered address is 5, Gabon Street, Ilupeju, Lagos State
(hereinafter referred to as “The Company” which expression shall where the context
so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns) of the other part.
(c) The Company desires to engage the Independent Contractor to provide certain
services in the area of the Independent Contractor’s expertise and the
Independent Contractor is willing to provide such Services to the Company
subject to terms and conditions agreed by the Parties.
In consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the Company and the
Independent Contractor hereby agree as follows:
1.1 The Company hereby engages the Independent Contractor to provide and
perform the Services set forth in the Schedules 1, 2 and 3 of this
Agreement (the “Services”) and the Independent Contractor hereby
accepts the engagement.
2.1 In full consideration for the performance of the Services hereunder, and for
any rights granted for or relinquished by the Independent Contractor under
2.3 Payment will be made monthly in two tranches: The initial payment of
60% of the Fixed Fee (for each recipe to be prepared by the Independent
Contractor) will be made by the Company prior to the delivery of Services
by the Independent Contractor. The balance payment of 40% of the Fixed
Fee (for each recipe prepared by the Independent Contractor) will be paid
upon completion of the services.
2.5 The Independent Contractor acknowledges and agrees that she shall not be
entitled to, and the Company shall not be obligated to pay, any monies or
other compensation for the Services provided and rights granted under this
2.6 Any delay in the payment of the Contract Sum by the Company will attract
a sum of N 1,000.00 (One Thousand Naira) for each day of breach.
3.1 This Agreement shall commence on the 1st day of December 2017 and
continue for a period of Twelve (12) months unless terminated sooner by
either Party under Clause 15. This Agreement may be extended for an
additional period of Twelve (12) months, provided both Parties agree in
writing to do so, prior to the expiration date. Any extension shall be on
such terms and conditions to be agreed upon by Parties.
4.2 The Parties to this Agreement recognize that this Agreement does not
create any actual or apparent agency, partnership, franchise, or relationship
of employer and employee between the Parties. The Independent
4.4 The Company shall not be liable for taxes, Employees’ Compensation,
Insurance, Employer’s liability, Withholding Tax, or other taxes or
withholding for or on behalf of the Independent Contractor or any other
person consulted or employed by the Independent Contractor in
performing Services under this Agreement. All such costs shall be the
Independent Contractor’s responsibility.
5.2 The Independent Contractor hereby assigns to the Company any and all
right, title, and interest the Independent Contractor may have in and to
such Materials, including all Copyrights, all publishing rights, and all
rights to use, reproduce, and otherwise exploit the Materials in any and all
formats or Media and all Channels, whether now known of or hereafter
5.3 The Independent Contractor hereby releases and discharges the Company,
its employees, licensees, agents, successors and assigns from any claims,
actions, damages, liabilities, costs, or demands whatsoever arising by
reason of defamation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, copyright
infringement or any other personal or property rights from or related to any
use of the Materials.
6.2 Images resulting from the Services provided under this Agreement may
contain the Independent Contractor’s logo, watermark or proof stamp. The
Company, however reserves the right to edit the Images.
6.3 At the sole, absolute and unfettered discretion of the Company, the
Company may make any changes in, deletions from or additions to the
work or product resulting from the Services performed under this
7.1 The Independent Contractor shall not at any time whether before or after
the termination of this Contract divulge or use any confidential
information in relation to the Company’s affairs or business or method of
carrying on business.
8.1.1. She has full power and authority to enter into and perform her
obligations under this Agreement.
8.1.3. She shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the
performance of the Services and shall carry out her obligations in
accordance with, and shall not violate, applicable laws, rules or
regulations, and standards prevailing in the Industry and the
Independent Contractor shall obtain all permits or permissions
required to comply with such laws, rules or regulations.
8.2.1. It has full power and authority to enter into and perform its
obligations under this Agreement.
8.2.3. It shall provide the necessary space for the operation of the
Services and will furnish, without cost to the Independent
Contractor, all Utilities and the Facilities reasonable and necessary
for the efficient performance of this Agreement by the Independent
Contractor, including but not limited to hot and cold water, gas,
lights, and electric current, garbage removal services, sewage
disposal services, kitchen space and equipment.
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the
Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
10.2 A Party to this Contract claiming that a dispute has arisen from the
Agreement must give a written notice specifying the nature of the Dispute
to the other Party. The Parties must then commence Negotiation within
Seven [7] days of such notice of Dispute being given.
12.1 All Notices which are required to be given in accordance with this
Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered personally or by
substituted service to the Registered Office of the Party upon whom the
Notice is to be served or any other address that the Party has notified the
other Party in writing, by email, or facsimile transmission. Any such
Notice shall be deemed to have been served, if by hand when delivered; if
my email or facsimile transmission, when that Email or facsimile is sent.
13.1 The Schedules to this Agreement form an integral part of this Agreement.
14.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties and
supersedes any prior written or oral agreement between them. No
supplement, modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be
binding, unless executed in writing by the Parties hereto.
15.1 Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time subject to giving at
least Thirty [30] days’ prior written notice of such termination to the other
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement in the manner
hereafter appearing the day and year first above written.
The COMMON SEAL of the Company “ABC LIMITED” was affixed in the
presence of:
________________ ________________
The Services, which the Independent Contractor shall render to the Company, are as
Unless prevented by ill health or accident, devote Six [6] working days in the
first month and Two [2] working days for subsequent months in carrying out
the Services in this Agreement.
Prepare and Demonstrate the Preparation of One [1] Recipe per month.
Provide the Company with a Recipe Ingredient List and Quantities needed at
least One [1] week before the scheduled days in which the Services will be
Provide the Company, for approval, a Proposed Bi-Monthly Menu and Recipe
Calendar for the operational period.
The Independent Contractor shall use reasonable endeavors to ensure that she
is available at all times to provide the Services in this Agreement as the
Company may require.
2.3 The Independent Contractor/Influencer must not misrepresent the size of their
audience or their numbers of followers or engagement. Followers must be
obtained organically and not through unethical behavior such as (but not
limited to), purchasing followers, likes or engagement.
5.1 Content shall begin to display in the Channels on the date/time specified in the
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