CD Workslip Covering

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Government of Telangana
Irrigation & CAD Department

From To
B.Chakru, The Executive Engineer,
Deputy Executive Engineer, Division No.4, Dharmapuri.
Sub div. no 3 of Division.No.4,

Lr.No.Dy.EE/SD3/Beerpur/Div4/Dhm/ Date:23.12.2021

Sub: Construction of Check Dam across Varri Vagu,Thalladharmaram (V)

Beerpur(M) Jagtial (Dist) - Submission of Variation Estimate for Approval-

Ref: L.S.AB.NO. 55/2020-21 Dated 09/10/2020.


With reference to the subject citied above, I am here with submitting the
Variation Estimates for the above work. The Deviations in the Estimates will be
explained by the Report Enclosed in The Variation Estimate Booklet.
This is submitted for favour of kind information and approval of Variation
Estimate at an early date.

Yours faithfully
Encl: Variation Estimate – 3 sets

Deputy Executive Engineer,

Sub div. no 3,Division.No.4,


Government of Telangana
Irrigation & CAD Department

From To
K.Narayana Reddy,M.E., The Superintending Engineer,
Executive Engineer, Irrigation Circle,
DivisionNo.4,Dharmapuri. Jagtial.

Lr.No.EE/Div4/Dhm/DB/ Date: - -2022.


Sub: Construction of Check Dam across Varri Vagu,Thalladharmaram (V)

Beerpur(M) Jagtial (Dist). Submission of Variation Estimate for Approval-

Ref: 1.L.S.AB.NO. 55/2020-21 Dated 09/10/2020.

2. Dy.EE./BRPR Lr.No. Dy.EE./SD3/BRPR/ Dated .08.2022


With reference to the subject citied above, I am here with submitting the
Variation Estimates for the above work. The Deviations in the Estimates will be
explained by the Report Enclosed in The Variation Estimate Booklet.
This is submitted for favour of kind information and approval of Variation
Estimate at an early date.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: Variation Estimate -2 sets

Executive Engineer,

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