Jevremovi - Et Al-2016-Materials and Corrosion

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756 DOI: 10.1002/maco.201508629 Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No.

Electrochemistry of carbon dioxide corrosion mitigation

using tall oil diethylenetriamine imidazoline as corrosion
inhibitor for mild steel
I. Jevremovic, M. Singer, S. Nesic and V. Miskovic-Stankovic*

The inhibition effect of tall oil diethylenetriamine imidazoline (TOFA/DETA

imidazoline) on corrosion of mild steel in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution
was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS),
potentiodynamic sweep (PDS), cyclic voltammetry (CV), quartz crystal
microbalance measurements (QCM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
TOFA/DETA imidazoline is a mixed-type corrosion inhibitor with the
predominant anodic effect. The results of CV measurements indicate inhibited
electrode processes in the presence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline and the absence
of the rapid degradation of TOFA/DETA imidazoline in the range of mild steel
corrosion potential. The corrosion rate of mild steel significantly decreased in
the presence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline, while the inhibition efficiency
increased up to 92%. It was found that the adsorption of studied imidazoline
compound on steel surface followed both Langmuir and Temkin adsorption
isotherms. The value of molecular interaction constant calculated from Temkin
adsorption isotherm implied the existence of lateral repulsion between
adsorbed inhibitor molecules.

1 Introduction practical and cost effective methods for combating CO2 corrosion
in oil and gas wells and flowlines [11]. A variety of organic
Carbon steel is the most commonly used material for compounds which generally contain nitrogen, oxygen, phos-
construction of pipelines and associated production equipment. phorus, or sulfur heteroatoms act as corrosion inhibitors for
When dissolved in water, CO2 is hydrated to form carbonic acid, steels. These compounds include amines, alkyl imidazoline salts,
the presence of which leads to a much higher corrosion rate of quaternary ammonium compounds, alkyl pyridinium salts, alkyl
carbon steel than would be found in a solution of a strong acid at amides, triazoles, oxadiazoles, thiourea derivatives, thiosemi-
the same pH [1–6]. Carbonic acid enables hydrogen evolution carbazide, thiocyanates, and the combinations thereof [12–17].
at a much higher rate and serves as an additional source of Imidazoline-based corrosion inhibitors are cationic surface
hydronium ions. Another possible pathway, referred as “direct” active compounds widely used for protecting pipelines from CO2
reduction of carbonic acid, presumes carbonic acid adsorption at corrosion in the oil and gas industry [18–21]. The surfactants
the steel surface followed by reduction of the hydronium have an affinity to accumulate at the interface of immiscible
ion [7–9]. Corrosion can be controlled to a great extent through fluids resulting in a corresponding lowering of the interfacial
design and selection of corrosion resistant materials, but capital tension. Due to their surfactant nature, corrosion inhibitors
costs can be significantly reduced with the use of lower alloyed adsorb at the interface between two phases such as air and water,
steels in combination with an appropriate corrosion control oil and water, or solution and metal electrode and form a
practice [10]. The use of corrosion inhibitors is one of the most protective barrier against corrosive agents at the metal surface.
The surface-active properties of corrosion inhibitors originate
from their amphiphilic molecular structure comprised of a polar
I. Jevremovic, V. Miskovic-Stankovic head group and a non-polar hydrophobic tail [22,23]. The polar
Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, head group possesses a high affinity for a mild steel substrate
Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade (Serbia) through either non-specific (physisorption) or specific (chem-
isorption) processes. It was reported that adsorption of corrosion
M. Singer, S. Nesic inhibitors could also occur through hydrogen bonding [24]. Due
Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology, Ohio University, to its hydrophobic character, the hydrocarbon chain effectively
342 West State St. Athens, OH 45701 (USA) disperses water and aqueous species from the steel surface. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7 Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel 757

Ultimately, the effectiveness of organic inhibitors is related to the tested in the present study, was prepared by reacting tall oil
extent to which they adsorb and cover the metal surface. fatty acid (TOFA), a mixture of oleic and linoleic acids with an
Adsorption depends on the chemical structure of the inhibitor, equimolar amount of diethylene triamine (DETA). TOFA/DETA
on the nature and surface charge of the metal surface, and on the imidazoline is a water dispersible corrosion inhibitor with
type of corrosive environment [25]. It is reported that the peak molecular weight of 359 g/mol, while its density and viscosity
inhibition of corrosion with organic corrosion inhibitors is measured at 25 8C are 980 kg/m and 200 mPa/s, respectively.
attained at the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of a
particular compound, where aggregation of monomers into 2.2 Electrochemical measurements
micelles occurs. The CMC is a property of a surfactant nature,
concentration, temperature, pH, pressure, and ionic strength of Experiments were conducted using a conventional three-
the solution [26,27]. electrode cell assembly. The rotating cylinder test specimens
The aim of the present study was to investigate adsorption (5.4 cm2 exposed area), machined from X65 pipeline steel, were
and corrosion inhibition mechanism of TOFA/DETA imidazo- used as the working electrode. A platinum mesh was used as the
line on mild steel in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution as well as counter electrode and a saturated silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl)
the stability and surface morphology of inhibitor film. In this reference electrode was connected externally via a Luggin
work, the inhibition and adsorption behavior of TOFA/DETA capillary tube. The test specimens were grinded sequentially
imidazoline in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution was inves- using 240, 320, 400, and 600 grit silicon carbide paper, degreased
tigated using potentiodynamic sweep (PDS), cyclic voltammetry with isopropanol in an ultrasonic water bath and dried with hot
(CV), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tech- air. Experiments were conducted under stagnant conditions at
nique, while the surface morphology of mild steel in the presence atmospheric pressure, at different temperatures in the range
and absence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline was studied by from 20 to 50 8C. Test solution was 3 wt% NaCl. The solutions
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). To further confirm these were deoxygenated by purging CO2 gas for 1 h before the start of
findings in the present study, inhibition effect of TOFA/DETA the experiment. A positive pressure of CO2 was maintained in
imidazoline was also investigated using quartz crystal micro- the cell during the experiments, minimizing the possibility of
balance (QCM) measurements. Impedance data was used to air ingress. TOFA/DETA imidazoline was introduced into the
define the adsorption isotherm and to calculate the thermody- solution in the concentration range from 50 to 90 ppmv after
namic parameters. the bare steel corrosion tests had been conducted. All the
Molecular structure of TOFA/DETA imidazoline is depicted electrochemical measurements were carried out using a
in Fig. 1, where it can be seen that the inhibitor molecule consists reference 600 TM Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA (Gamry
of three different substructures: a nitrogen-containing five Instruments, Inc. Warminster, PA, USA), while the impedance
member ring, a pendant side chain with a hydrophilic active spectra were analyzed using the Gamry Instruments Echem
functional group (ethylamino pendent group) attached to N1 and Analyst fitting procedure. EIS and PDS measurements were
a long C-17 hydrophobic chain attached to the C2 atom. The term carried out subsequently after 30 min of open-circuit potential,
TOFA is intended to define tall oil fatty acids with oleic acid as a Eocp, measurements.
major component.
2.2.1 PDS measurements
The PDS measurements were carried out from a cathodic
2 Experimental potential of 0.25 V to an anodic potential of 0.25 V with respect
to the corrosion potential, at a scan rate of 1 mV/s.
2.1 Materials
2.2.2 CV measurements
X65 carbon steel was used for the corrosion measurements. Its The stability of the inhibitor film, formed on the metal surface,
composition (mass% balance is Fe) is 0.13C, 0.26Si, 1.15Mn, was also examined by CV measurements. In order to investigate
0.32Al, 0.16Mo, 0.36Ni, 0.131Cu, <0.009S, <0.009P. Tall oil TOFA/DETA imidazoline oxidation resistance and its influence
diethylenetriamine imidazoline (TOFA/DETA imidazoline), on the cathodic process, the CV tests were performed first on a
platinum working electrode, then on mild steel electrode,
considering that the platinum electrode allows the recording
of cyclic voltammograms in the wider potential range especially
in the anodic domain. In order to study corrosion inhibitor
adsorption, two platinum electrodes (9  10 mm2) were used as
working and counter electrodes, and Ag/AgCl as a reference
electrode. Subsequently, carbon steel coupons (exposed area of
5.4 cm2) were employed as working electrodes in order to
evaluate the corrosion inhibitor adsorption on a corroding metal
surface. The cyclic voltammograms on platinum were first
obtained in 1 M H2SO4 solution deaerated by means of nitrogen
without and with 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazoline and then
Figure 1. Molecular structure of TOFA/DETA imidazoline in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl test solution without and with © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

758 Jevremovic, Singer, Nesic and Miskovic-Stankovic Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7

90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazoline. All the experiments were cut, Stanford Research Systems). The fundamental oscillation
performed at 20 8C. The procedure of CV tests on platinum frequency of the used crystals was 5 MHz. The solutions were
electrode was as follows: specimen conditioning at 0.2 V versus deaerated by purging CO2 gas during the whole test in order to
Ag/AgCl for 60 s in order to clean the surface, followed by 10 maintain positive CO2 partial pressure and the pH of the test
consecutive voltammetry cycles from 0.2 V to þ1.05 V versus solution was adjusted to 5. Experiments were performed at
Ag/AgCl at 100 mV/s scan rate. Cyclic voltammograms of carbon 20 8C. Once the desired conditions were achieved, the QCM
steel electrodes with and without corrosion inhibitor were crystal was immersed in the solution and the change of the
recorded in the potential region between 1.0 V and 0.6 V oscillation frequency, Df, was recorded for 1 h.
versus Ag/AgCl at a scan rate of 20 mV/s, starting from the open
circuit potential, Eocp. In each experiment, cycling was continued 2.4 Surface morphology
until stabilized voltammograms were obtained (typically 4
cycles). A scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-6390) was used to
analyze the morphology of mild steel surface. Images of the
2.2.3 EIS measurements specimens were recorded after 24 h exposure time in 3 wt% NaCl
The EIS measurements were carried out over a frequency range purged with CO2 gas at 20 8C, and at 70 8C without and with
from 10 kHz to 10 mHz using a 10 mV amplitude of sinusoidal 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazoline.
variation around the Eocp. The data obtained from the EIS
measurements were also used to discuss the inhibitor adsorption
and inhibition mechanism. 3 Results and discussion

2.3 QCM measurements 3.1 PDS measurements

Further adsorption measurements were carried out using a Potentiodynamic polarization curves recorded for mild steel in
quartz crystal microbalance controller, QCM200, coupled with a CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution without and with varying
QCM25 crystal oscillator (Stanford Research Systems, USA) concentrations of TOFA/DETA imidazoline at different temper-
loaded with Au/Fe sensor quartz crystals (2.54 cm diameter, AT- atures in the range from 20 to 50 8C are shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Polarization curves of mild steel in 3 wt% NaCl solution with varying concentrations of TOFA/DETA imidazoline at: a) 20 8C, b) 30 8C,
c) 40 8C, and d) 50 8C

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Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7 Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel 759

As can be seen in Fig. 2, the corrosion rate of bare steel in current density was determined graphically by the intersection of
3 wt% NaCl saturated with CO2 is governed by the cathodic the extrapolated Tafel region of the anodic and the cathodic
reaction mechanism. It is widely accepted that the mechanism of polarization curves. Values of kinetic parameters extracted from
mild steel corrosion in CO2-saturated brine is under both mass the polarization curves including anodic and cathodic Tafel
transfer and activation control [28]. The cathodic limiting current constants, ba and bc, corrosion potential, Ecorr, corrosion current
is commonly attributed to the superposition of the diffusion density, icorr, corrosion rate, vcorr, and inhibition efficiency, h (%)
limited reduction of Hþ and H2CO3. It was reported that at pH 5, are listed in Table 1. Corrosion rate, vcorr, and inhibition
the dominant cathodic reaction is H2CO3 reduction while the efficiency, h (%) were calculated using the following equations,
contribution of Hþ was much smaller than at lower pH. The slow respectively:
replenishment of the H2CO3 and consequently the limiting
current for this reaction is controlled by the slow hydration of M
vcorr ¼ i ð1Þ
dissolved CO2 [7]. The change of slope of the cathodic curve at nFr corr
high overpotentials corresponds to direct H2O reduction. It is
reported that the anodic dissolution of iron is affected by the i0 corr  icorr
presence of CO2, where carbonic species in solution are acting as h ð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
i0 corr
chemical ligands and catalyzing the dissolution of iron [29]. The
addition of TOFA/DETA imidazoline shifts the corrosion
potential to more positive values and decreases the corrosion where M is molar mass of Fe (55.845 g/mol), r is the density
current density of mild steel while the shifts are dependent on the (7.874 g/cm), n is the charge number which indicates the
inhibitor concentration. It can be also noticed that the current number of electrons exchanged in the dissolution reaction, F is
density increased with increasing temperature in the presence the Faraday constant, (96 485 C/mol), i0corr and icorr are corrosion
and absence of corrosion inhibitor due to the acceleration of all current densities of mild steel in 3 wt% NaCl solution without
the processes involved in corrosion. According to Fig. 2, the and with TOFA/DETA imidazoline, respectively, determined by
presence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline affects both anodic and extrapolation of Tafel lines to the corrosion potential.
cathodic partial reaction with a more noticeable anodic effect. By assessing Table 1 data, a significant decrease in icorr
Consequently, TOFA/DETA imidazoline can be considered a and consequently vcorr with the increasing concentrations of
mixed-type inhibitor, with the predominant influence on the TOFA/DETA imidazoline is apparent, leading to the increase of
anode process due to the adsorption of the inhibitor molecules inhibition efficiency, h (%) up to 92%. The shift of Ecorr value to
on the corresponding active sites. At potentials higher than more noble values indicates that the inhibitor can effectively
0.4 V versus Ag/AgCl, the change of slope of the anodic curve inhibit the anodic dissolution of mild steel in CO2-saturated
and the increase of anodic current density are observed. This chloride solution. However, icorr increased with increasing
behavior was already reported for iron and can be explained by temperature due to corrosion process acceleration with increas-
desorption of adsorbed inhibitor molecules and the decrease of ing temperature, while the temperature had no significant effect
the degree of coverage of the electrode surface with increasing on the inhibitor efficiency. In CO2 corrosion, the determination
anodic potential [30–33]. Desorption from the metal surface of Tafel slopes is not straightforward due to the complexity of the
upon anode polarization is typical for many organic compounds, polarization curves. As can be seen in Table 1, almost infinite
including imidazolines [13]. It was also reported that the second value of bc and the value of ba close to 40 mV/dec were observed
anodic slope, observed at higher overpotentials, is related to for bare steel in 3 wt% NaCl saturated with CO2, at all given
desorption of the strongly adsorbed halide ions, while the surface temperatures. This is consistent with ba values (40–60 mV/dec)
of the metal is dominated by adsorbed FeOH [34]. The corrosion typically reported for iron dissolution controlled by charge

Table 1. Electrochemical data obtained from the potentiodynamic curves at different temperatures carried out on carbon steel in 3 wt% NaCl
solution saturated with CO2 with varying concentrations of TOFA/DETA imidazoline

t ( 8C) c (ppmv) ba (mV/dec) bc (mV/dec) icorr (104 A/cm2) Ecorr (mV vs. Ag/AgCl) u h (%)

20 – 39 590 0.64 679 – –

50 80 306 0.084 608 0.87 87
90 110 280 0.066 582 0.90 90
30 – 40 443 1.10 683 – –
50 70 250 0.146 603 0.87 87
90 114 278 0.087 602 0.92 92
40 – 40 454 1.47 674 – –
50 68 190 0.250 606 0.83 83
90 64 273 0.140 587 0.90 90
50 – 39 490 2.10 681 – –
50 60 174 0.245 601 0.89 89
90 47 165 0.175 570 0.92 92 © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

760 Jevremovic, Singer, Nesic and Miskovic-Stankovic Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7

transfer [35]. It can be observed that both cathodic and anodic 3.2 CV measurements
Tafel constants increased with TOFA/DETA imidazoline
concentration. The stability of TOFA/DETA imidazoline and its electrochemical
The influence of temperature on the rate of corrosion behavior was further investigated by CV measurements. The
reaction can be further discussed using the Arrhenius equation, voltammetry tests were performed first on a platinum working
which defines the corrosion current density, icorr, as a function of electrode in order to extend the potential domain. The CV
the activation energy, Ea [36–38]. analysis was performed for platinum electrode in 1 M H2SO4
  solution, in order to obtain the typical hydrogen adsorption/
E desorption profile of platinum, and then in CO2-saturated 3 wt%
icorr ¼ Aexp  a ð3Þ
RT NaCl aqueous solution, in order to get better insight into the
corrosion inhibitor adsorption process. Figure 4 shows the cyclic
where T is the temperature, A is the pre-exponential factor, and R voltammograms of platinum electrode in 1 M H2SO4 solution in
is the gas constant. The activation energy is the excess energy that the presence and absence of 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazo-
must be acquired to transform metal atoms at the metal surface line. The measurements were carried out with a scan rate of
into solvated metal ions. Figure 3 represents plot of log icorr versus 100 mV/s.
1/T for mild steel in CO2 saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution in The electrode was first subjected to potential cycles until all
the absence and presence of different TOFA/DETA imidazoline unstable atoms or clusters were removed and a reproducible
concentrations. hydrogen adsorption/desorption peak was obtained, as depicted
Values of the apparent activation energy of corrosion for in Fig. 4. The base curve obtained in the absence of the inhibitor
mild steel were determined from the slope of log icorr versus 1/T presents the typical cyclic voltammogram at a large polycrystal-
plots. The calculated activation energy values in the absence and line platinum electrode in acidic media [44,45]. A broad current
presence of 50 and 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazoline are 30.4, increase in the potential range from 0.60 to 1.15 V versus Ag/AgCl
29.8, and 26.7 kJ/mol, respectively. The obtained Ea value in the (B) can be assigned to oxygen release and to platinum oxide
absence of corrosion inhibitor in CO2-saturated chloride solution growth, while a broad cathodic peak at about 0.55 V (C),
is close to the previously reported values [39]. In the presence of originates from platinum oxide reduction formed during the
TOFA/DETA imidazoline, h (%) slightly increases with temper- anodic sweep. Cathodic peak (D) and its anodic counterpart (E)
ature, leading to small decrease in Ea. The decrease in Ea in the in the potential region from 0.20 to 0.10 V versus Ag/AgCl
presence of inhibitor can indicate a partial chemical adsorption correspond to hydrogen adsorption/desorption on the platinum
of TOFA/DETA imidazoline on the mild steel surface [40–42]. electrode surface [46]. Addition of TOFA/DETA imidazoline in a
According to some authors, the increase in h (%) with increasing test solution leads to a less visible hydrogen adsorption and
temperature can be explained by specific interactions established desorption peaks as well as to the decrease of oxygen release
between the metal surface and the corrosion inhibitor. Lower peak. As can be seen in Fig. 4, in the presence of TOFA/DETA
activation energy in the inhibited solution can be the result of the imidazoline all the reactions are inhibited, due to the adsorption
inhibitor adsorption on the sites of higher activation energy, of inhibitor molecules on platinum electrode active sites.
while the surface sites with lower activation energy stay Subsequently, the cyclic voltammograms of platinum
unoccupied. This way adsorbed inhibitor molecules shield the electrode in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution devoid of and
active sites on the metal surface therefore lowering the Ea of containing 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazoline were recorded
the corrosion process [43]. (Fig. 5).
As depicted in Fig. 5, the cyclic voltammetric response on a
bare platinum electrode in 3 wt% NaCl solution saturated with

Figure 3. Arrhenius plots of log icorr versus 1/T for carbon steel in CO2- Figure 4. Cyclic voltammograms obtained in 1 M H2SO4 at platinum
saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution without and with different electrode with and without 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazoline, 20 8C,
concentrations of TOFA/DETA imidazoline scan rate 100 mV/s

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Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7 Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel 761

the positive potential scanning [50]. The presence of inhibitor in

the test solution significantly reduces cathodic and anodic
current density. It can be observed that upon the addition of
TOFA/DETA imidazoline, there is no additional reaction
identified in the cyclic voltammogram. Thereby, it can be
concluded that the electrode processes are inhibited due to the
physical adsorption of the corrosion inhibitor on the mild steel
surface. Formed inhibitor film creates a barrier for charge and
mass transfer. As depicted in Fig. 6, TOFA/DETA imidazoline
does not undergo major changes, indicating that the rapid
degradation of TOFA/DETA imidazoline does not occur in the
range of mild steel corrosion potential.
Figure 5. Cyclic voltammograms obtained in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl
solution at platinum electrode with and without 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA 3.3 EIS measurements
imidazoline, 20 8C, scan rate 100 mV/s
The Nyqust plots and the corresponding Bode plots of mild
steel in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution with and without
CO2 and the one obtained after the addition of TOFA/DETA TOFA/DETA imidazoline in the concentration range from 50
imidazoline are visibly different. Cyclic voltammogram recorded to 90 ppmv at different temperatures (20–50 8C) are shown in
in the presence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline exhibited peaks with Figs. 7 and 8, respectively.
significantly lower current intensity, confirming the inhibitor A comparison of Nyquist plots reveals that the impedance
surface film formation. Electroreduction of CO2 on polycrystal- significantly increases with addition of TOFA/DETA imidazo-
line platinum is an irreversible interaction of CO2 molecules line and is dependent on the concentration of the TOFA/DETA
activated as a result of weak adsorption on the metal surface imidazoline indicating the inhibition of the corrosion process.
with chemisorbed hydrogen. The exact nature of chemisorbed The presence of single peaks in the phase-angle plots (Fig. 8)
particles formed during CO2 electroreduction is still debatable indicates a single time constant while the continuous increase
and several studies [47,48] focused on the identification of in the phase angle shift and the peak width with the increase in
the CO2 reduction products. A discussion of these is beyond the TOFA/DETA imidazoline concentration indicate a more
scope of the present research. capacitive response of the interface due to the adsorption of
The cyclic voltammograms of carbon steel in 3 wt% NaCl inhibitor molecules. In the presence of different concentra-
solution devoid of and containing 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA tions of TOFA/DETA imidazoline, the single phase is broad-
imidazoline were recorded and are represented in Fig. 6. ening and shifting to lower frequencies while the phase angle
As can be seen in Fig. 6, in the case of bare mild steel in 3 wt slightly increases at higher concentrations of TOFA/DETA
% NaCl solution an anodic potential shoulder (B) starting at imidazoline due to the formation of protective barrier against
about 0.65 V versus Ag/AgCl corresponds to oxidation of aggressive ions from the bulk solution at the mild steel surface.
steel [49]. Further on, the anodic current increased continuously The values of phase angles lower than 90 8 may indicate that
with increasing potential (C) indicating active dissolution of the corrosion process is under mixed control (diffusion and
steel. Also a cathodic current peak (A) detected at about 0.94 V charge transfer).
versus Ag/AgCl was attributed to the reduction of iron oxide The EIS data were analyzed using a simple electrical
product present on the steel surface, which was formed during equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 9, where RΩ is the solution
resistance, Rct represents the charge-transfer resistance, and
CPE is the constant phase element, which represents all the
frequency-dependent electrochemical phenomena, namely dou-
ble-layer capacitance, Cdl, and diffusion processes [51]. The CPE
quantifies different physical phenomena like surface roughness,
inhibitor adsorption, and porous layer formation. It can be also
considered that the inhibitor layer resistance is much smaller
than the charge-transfer resistance, therefore EIS data in the
complex plain could not be analyzed by fitting to an equivalent
electrical circuit model representing two time constants. Two
time constants are not distinguished in Nyquist diagram due to
the overlapping of inhibitor layer and charge-transfer loop,
although at higher inhibitor concentrations the Bode plots
(Fig. 8a–d) show slight deviation at 10 000 Hz, which undoubt-
edly indicates the existence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline layer on
Figure 6. Cyclic voltammograms obtained in CO2-saturated 3 wt% the electrode. One possible explanation could be the formation
NaCl solution at mild steel electrode with and without 90 ppmv of of TOFA/DETA imidazoline monolayer on the mild steel
TOFA/DETA imidazoline, 20 8C, scan rate 20 mV/s surface [52]. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

762 Jevremovic, Singer, Nesic and Miskovic-Stankovic Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7

Figure 7. Nyquist plots (experimental) and the fitting curves (solid lines) for mild steel in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution with and without
different concentrations of TOFA/DETA imidazoline at: a) 20 8C, b) 30 8C, c) 40 8C, and d) 50 8C

CPE is used in this model to compensate non-homogeneity where Y0 and n are the CPE constant and exponent, respectively,
in the system and is defined by two parameters, Y0 and n. The v is the angular frequency in rad s1 (v ¼ 2pf) and j2 ¼ 1 is an
impedance of CPE is defined using the following equation: imaginary number. If n values range from 0.8 to 1, the
impedance of CPE can be considered to be the one of the pure
Z CPE ¼ Y 0 1 ðjvÞn ð4Þ capacitor [53–55]:

Figure 8. Bode plots for mild steel in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution with and without different concentrations of TOFA/DETA imidazoline at: a)
20 8C, b) 30 8C, c) 40 8C, and d) 50 8C

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Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7 Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel 763

charge-transfer resistance, Rct, obtained from the fitting

procedure, constant phase element parameter, n, double-layer
capacitance, Cdl, surface coverage, u, and inhibition efficiency, h
(%) are listed in Table 2. Given that all the values of parameter n
shown in this table are greater than 0.8, the values of Cdl have
been calculated instead of CPE.
As can be seen in Table 2, the values of charge-transfer
Figure 9. Electrical equivalent circuit resistance increase and the values of double-layer capacitance
decrease with increasing inhibitor concentration due to the
gradual replacement of water molecules by inhibitor molecules
at the metal surface. The inhibition efficiency h (%) of TOFA/
Z CPE ¼ ðjvCÞn ð5Þ DETA imidazoline increases with increasing its concentration
from 20 to 90 ppmv up to 90% change much with its
and in this case Y0 gives a pure capacitance (C). concentration. The decrease in double-layer capacitance with
The impedance data in the complex plane were well fitted by increase in TOFA/DETA imidazoline comes from a decrease in a
the proposed EEC and we used three basic criteria to evaluate the local dielectric constant due to the formation of a protective
general accuracy of the fit: visual fit to Bode and Nyquist plots, inhibitor layer on mild steel surface. The thickness of this
low goodness of fit, and low relative standard errors for every protective layer increases with increase in inhibitor concen-
circuit element [56]. We obtained suitably low goodness of fit tration resulting in a decrease in double layer-capacitance. On the
(<104) and the error associated with each element lower than other hand, increase in temperature decreases the values of
5%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the chosen fit describes charge-transfer resistance and increases the values of double-
investigated systems accurately. layer capacitance due to the increased corrosion rate at higher
The surface coverage, u, and the inhibition efficiency, h (%), temperatures. The inhibition efficiency values obtained from the
were then calculated from the following equations, respectively: EIS measurements (Table 2) are in accordance with those
obtained from the PDS measurements (Table 1).
Rct  Rct 0
u¼ ð6Þ
Rct 3.3.1 Thermodynamic parameters
Values of the degree of surface coverage, u, obtained from EIS
Rct  Rct 0 measurements were used to determine the adsorption isotherm.
h ð%Þ ¼  100 ð7Þ
Rct The experimental results have been fitted to a series of
adsorption isotherms and it was found that the adsorption of
where Rct0 and Rct are the charge-transfer resistance values studied imidazoline compound on steel surface obeys Langmuir
without and with inhibitor, respectively. The values of adsorption isotherm:

Table 2. The values of charge-transfer resistance, double-layer capacitance, surface coverage, and inhibition efficiency obtained from EIS
measurements for mild steel in 3 wt% NaCl without and with inhibitor at different temperatures

t ( 8C) cinh (ppmv) Rct (Ω cm2) u h (%) Cdl (mF/cm2) n

20 Bare steel 307 – – 374 0.877

50 1326 0.769 76.9 355 0.847
60 1659 0.815 81.5 328 0.809
70 2239 0.863 86.3 219 0.799
90 3005 0.897 89.7 203 0.811
30 Bare steel 219 – – 724 0.837
50 761 0.712 71.2 449 0.838
60 1059 0.794 79.4 355 0.850
70 1752 0.875 87.5 326 0.764
90 2215 0.901 90.1 218 0.810
40 Bare steel 177 – – 715 0.792
50 624 0.717 71.7 522 0.794
60 935 0.811 81.1 354 0.799
70 1122 0.843 84.3 332 0.784
90 1521 0.883 88.3 317 0.813
50 Bare steel 98 – – 716 0.842
50 399 0.752 75.2 596 0.795
60 566 0.825 82.5 531 0.816
70 785 0.874 87.4 452 0.763
90 916 0.891 89.1 340 0.880 © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

764 Jevremovic, Singer, Nesic and Miskovic-Stankovic Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7

Table 3. The values of Keq and DGads0 determined from Langmuir

adsorption isotherm as a function of temperature

t T (K) Linear correlation Keq DG0

( 8C) coefficient (r) (10 M1)

20 293.15 0.99 17.79 23.85

30 303.15 0.96 11.76 23.62
40 313.15 0.98 13.99 24.85
50 323.15 0.98 17.33 26.22

Figure 10. Langmuir adsorption isotherm for mild steel in CO2-

saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution in the presence of TOFA/DETA
imidazoline at different temperatures branching [57,59]. Figure 11 depicts the straight lines of u versus
lncinh with good linear relationship.
Standard Gibbs free energy of adsorption, DGads 8 was
determined from the following equation:
cinh 1
¼ þ cinh ð8Þ
u K eq DGads 0 ¼ RTlnK eq ð11Þ

where cinh is the concentration of inhibitor, Keq the adsorption where R is the gas constant and T is the absolute temperature.
equilibrium constant, and u is the surface coverage. Figure 10 Calculated values of Keq and DGads0 determined from Langmuir
depicts the straight lines of cinh/u versus cinh with good linear and Temkin adsorption isotherm are summarized in Tables 3
relationship. and 4, respectively.
The slight deviation of the slopes from unity indicates the The mild steel surface is negatively charged in the chloride
existence of interactions between adsorbed and adsorbing solution and therefore adsorption of positively charged (cationic)
molecules. The size of the hydrophobic chain in TOFA/DETA corrosion inhibitor is facilitated. Although it is difficult to
imidazoline molecule could result in significant steric hindrance differentiate chemisorption and physisorption processes only
for adsorbing molecules. In order to further examine the based on the values of DGads0, according to the literature [60–62]
detected interactions between the adsorbed inhibitor molecules, the calculated values of DGads0 may indicate that the adsorption
Temkin adsorption isotherm was also tested. Temkin adsorption of TOFA/DETA imidazoline is governed by physisorption
isotherm is given by the following equation [57]: mechanism. In order to determine standard entropy of
adsorption, DSads0, at any given temperature, the change in
1 1 standard Gibbs free energy of adsorption, DGads0, may be written
u ¼ lnK eq þ lncinh ð9Þ
f f from the definition of the Gibbs free energy as [63]:

where f is the Temkin heterogeneity factor. Frumkin interaction DGads 0 ¼ DH ads 0  TDS ads 0 ð12Þ
parameter a is related to the Temkin heterogeneity factor by the
following relation [58]: where DHads0 standard enthalpy of adsorption. The temperature
dependences of DGads0 for adsorption of TOFA/DETA imidazo-
f ¼ 2a ð10Þ line in the temperature range from 293 to 323 K for both
Langmuir and Temkin adsorption isotherms are shown in
Frumkin interaction parameter a (a ¼ 0, no interaction; Fig. 12.
a > 0, attraction; a < 0, repulsion) is dependent on the hydro- From Langmuir adsorption isotherm, the value of DSads0
philic head group charge, hydrophobic chain length, flexibility, or was calculated to be 83.4 J/mol/K, while DHads0 was 1.07 kJ/mol.
From Temkin adsorption isotherm, DSads0 was calculated to be

Table 4. The values of Keq, DGads0, and f determined from Temkin

adsorption isotherm as a function of temperature

t T (K) Linear Keq DGu f a

( 8C) correlation 4
(10 M ) (kJ/mol)
coefficient (r)

20 293.15 0.87 2.84 24.99 2.08 1.04

30 303.15 0.91 6.82 28.05 3.06 1.53
Figure 11. Temkin adsorption isotherm for mild steel in CO2-saturated 40 313.15 0.91 11.21 30.27 3.70 1.85
3 wt% NaCl solution in the presence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline at 50 323.15 0.88 19.43 32.72 4.26 2.13
different temperatures

© 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7 Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel 765

discussion of the most likely adsorption mechanism of TOFA/

DETA imidazoline inhibitor film on mild steel surface from CO2-
saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution can be presumed. TOFA/DETA
imidazoline molecules can be adsorbed on the mild steel surface
by electrostatic interaction between the negative charge on the
metal surface in chloride medium and the positive charge on
the imidazoline ring. Physically adsorbed TOFA/DETA imidazo-
line compound is shielding the part of the negative charge on the
metal surface, consequently shifting the corrosion potential
toward more positive values. In addition to the physical
Figure 12. Temperature dependences of DGads0 for adsorption of TOFA/
adsorption, a donor–acceptor surface complex can be also
DETA imidazoline on mild steel surface in the temperature range from established by interaction of the p-system of aromatic ring in
293 to 325 K for Langmuir and Temkin adsorption isotherms TOFA/DETA imidazoline and a vacant d-orbital of metal. The
inhibitor molecules can also adsorb on the steel surface by
formation of Fe–N co-ordination bond. Therefore, it can be
254.1 J/mol/K, whereas DHads0 was 49.3 kJ/mol. The obtained assumed that the imidazoline ring and nitrogen heteroatom are
positive values of DHads0 and DSads0 indicate that the adsorption the active sites of TOFA/DETA imidazoline corrosion inhibitor
process of TOFA/DETA imidazoline on mild steel surface is while the hydrocarbon chain can form hydrophobic film and
endothermic and driven by entropy gain associated with the protect the metal surface from corrosive species. Based on these
exchange of water molecules with inhibitor molecules on results, TOFA/DETA imidazoline was judged to display good
the metal surface [64]. The adsorption of an organic inhibitor inhibiting properties against CO2 corrosion.
on the metal/electrolyte interface is followed by the gradual
replacement of water, molecules initially adsorbed on the metal 3.4 QCM measurements
surface, by the organic molecules in the aqueous solution. In the
case of adsorption from solution, inhibitor molecule upon Inhibitor adsorption and formation of a protective layer on the
adsorption loses 3 8 of translational freedom that it had in the metal surface was further observed on an iron-coated quartz
solution, while the desorbed water gains 3 8 of translational crystal. QCM measures the mass difference due to the metallic
freedom. Consequently, the exchange of n water molecules from corrosion and replacement of water by inhibitor molecules [65].
the metal surface due to the adsorption of an organic molecule QCM frequency change recorded with time was converted to
leads to 3n-3, the difference in number of translational degrees of mass change using Sauerbrey’s equation. The linear correlation
freedom. Dehydration processes of strongly structured inter- between mass and frequency is described by the Sauerbrey
facial water and adsorption of larger inhibitor molecules at the equation, as shown below:
surface will cause DSads0 in the system to increase, compensating
the increase in enthalpy. 2f 0 2
Df ¼  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Dm ð13Þ
Frumkin interaction parameter a is an average of the total mq rq
attraction and repulsion forces among the adsorbed mole-
cules [39]. The negative sign of this constant, calculated from where Df is the resonant frequency shift, Dm is the change in
Temkin adsorption isotherm (Table 4), implies the existence of mass per unit area, f0 is the fundamental frequency of the
lateral repulsion between adsorbed species. According to the resonator, rq, the density of the quartz crystal, and µ is the shear
obtained results of the electrochemical measurements, a modulus of the quartz crystal [66].

Figure 13. The mass versus time curve for iron-coated quartz crystal in CO2-saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution: a) without and b) with 90 ppmv of TOFA/
DETA imidazoline, pH ¼ 5, 20 8C © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

766 Jevremovic, Singer, Nesic and Miskovic-Stankovic Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7

Figure 14. SEM images of the mild steel surface exposed to 3 wt% NaCl solution saturated with CO2 without: a) at 20 8C, b) at 70 8C and with
90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA imidazoline: c) at 20 8C, d) at 70 8C

Figure 13 shows the change in the mass of iron-coated corrosive solution. A large number of pits and cracks distributed
quartz crystal immersed in 3 wt% NaCl solution saturated with over the surface appeared. Nevertheless, the appearance of steel
CO2, pH ¼ 5 at 20 8C without and with 90 ppmv of TOFA/DETA surface was significantly improved after the introduction of
imidazoline for 1 h. TOFA/DETA imidazoline to the corrosive solution. It is clearly
The exposure of an iron-coated quartz crystal to CO2- evident that the surface is more uniform and less damaged than
saturated 3 wt% NaCl solution without TOFA/DETA imidazoline the surface in the absence of the inhibitor. Figure 14c and d
for 1 h led to a mass decrease of 180 µg/cm2, due to iron clearly shows that the corrosion rate of mild steel decreased and
dissolution. The linear regression was used to fit metal thickness very flat surface appeared, suggesting that TOFA/DETA imidazo-
loss data to a linear relationship and to determine the value of line forms an inhibitive film on the mild steel surface which
corrosion rate. The obtained mass decrease with time is almost is very stable and protective even at elevated temperatures after
linear with a slope of 3.12 µg/cm2/min (Fig. 13a). The acquired 24 h exposure to the aggressive solution. These results support
value corresponds to corrosion rate of 2.1 mm/y. As can be seen the results of the electrochemical measurements which are
in Fig. 13b, the sharp decrease in mass that occurs in the first discussed above.
20 min of the electrode exposure to chloride solution containing
TOFA/DETA imidazoline corresponds to corrosion rate of
2.8 mm/y. The decrease in mass stops after approximately 4 Conclusions
20 min and the corrosion rate decreases to 0.54 mm/y probably
due to the growth of corrosion inhibitor film on iron-coated The investigated organic compound TOFA/DETA imidazoline
crystal involving replacement of water from the crystal surface. exhibited high inhibition efficiency against mild steel corrosion
Initial mass loss can be attributed to the replacement reaction in 3 wt% NaCl solution saturated with CO2. It was assumed that
between inhibitor and water molecules at the quartz crystal– the imidazoline ring and nitrogen heteroatom are the active sites
solution interface [67]. of TOFA/DETA imidazoline corrosion inhibitor while the
hydrocarbon chain forms hydrophobic film and protect the
3.5 Surface morphology metal surface from corrosive species. The protection efficiency
increased with increasing inhibitor concentration from 50 to
Surface examination of mild steel exposed to the test solutions 90 ppmv, up to 94% efficiency. PDS measurements show that
and further investigation of the corrosion protection of TOFA/ TOFA/DETA imidazoline can be considered a mixed-type
DETA imidazoline was carried out by means of scanning electron corrosion inhibitor with the predominant anodic effect. The
microscopy (SEM). Microphotographs of mild steel surface after addition of TOFA/DETA imidazoline decreased the corrosion
24 h of exposure to 3 wt% NaCl solutions without and with current density for more than one order of magnitude. The
TOFA/DETA imidazoline at 20 8C and at 70 8C are shown in results of CV measurements indicate inhibited electrode
Fig. 14. processes in the presence of TOFA/DETA imidazoline due to
In the absence of inhibitor (Fig. 14a and b), the mild steel the adsorption of inhibitor molecules on mild steel electrode
surface was strongly damaged due to metal dissolution in the active sites. EIS measurements revealed that the thickness of

© 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2016, 67, No. 7 Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel 767

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(Accepted: October 5, 2015)

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