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Children’s Motor Skill Learning Is Influenced by Their Conceptions of Ability

Article  in  Journal of Motor Learning and Development · June 2013

DOI: 10.1123/jmld.1.2.38

33 858

3 authors, including:

Ricardo Drews Suzete Chiviacowsky

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) Universidade Federal de Pelotas


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Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 2013, 1, 38  
© 2013 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Children’s Motor Skill Learning Is Influenced by Their

Conceptions of Ability
Ricardo Drews, Suzete Chiviacowsky, and Gabriele Wulf

The present study investigated the effects of different ability conceptions on motor skills learning in 6-, 10-,
and 14-year-old children. In each age group, different groups were given either inherent-ability or acquirable-
skill instructions before they began practicing a throwing task. Participants were blindfolded and were asked
to throw beanbags at a target placed on the floor at a distance of 3 m. All participants performed 40 practice
trials and received feedback about the accuracy of their throws after each trial. One day after practice, retention
and transfer (greater target distance) tests without instructions or feedback were conducted to assess learn-
ing effects. Older participants generally had higher accuracy scores than younger participants. Importantly,
instructions emphasizing the learnability of the skill resulted in greater throwing accuracy on the retention
test than did those implying an underlying inherent ability. On the transfer test, the same effect was seen for
the 14-year-olds, but not for the younger age groups, suggesting that adolescents may be more vulnerable to
the threat of their inherent ability being exposed. The present findings demonstrate the importance of ability
conceptions for motor learning in children and adolescents. They also add to the mounting evidence of moti-
vational influences on motor skill learning.

Keywords: acquirable skill, inherent ability, throwing

Conceptions of ability are knowledge structures that mistakes as a natural part of the learning process (e.g.,
include beliefs about the inherent stability or change- Hong, Chiu, Dweck, Lin, & Wan, 1999; Martocchio,
ability of attributes (Ross, 1989). The role of conceptions 1994; Nicholls, 1984).
of ability has been the focus of research in various areas Studies examining the influence of conceptions of
of performance and learning. Ability conceptions refer ability on performance or learning have either compared
to people’s view of the nature of key abilities. As first individuals with different dispositional conceptions of
suggested by Dweck and her colleagues (Dweck, 1999, ability (e.g., Belcher, Lee, Solmon, & Harrison, 2003; Li,
2002; Dweck & Leggett, 1988), individuals tend to differ Lee, & Solmon, 2005, 2008; Sarrazin, Biddle, Famose,
in whether they view abilities as a natural capacity that Cury, Fox, & Durand, 1996; Tabernero & Wood, 1999) or
is relatively stable and therefore defines the limits of used instructions to induce certain views of ability (e.g.,
potential achievements (so-called “entity theorists”), or Jourden, Bandura, & Banfield, 1991; Kasimatis, Miller,
as malleable and dependent primarily on effort or learn- & Marcussen, 1996; Lirgg, George, Chase, & Ferguson,
ing (“incremental theorists”). These orientations have 1996; Martocchio, 1994; Wood & Bandura, 1989; Wulf &
different motivational and behavioral consequences. Lewthwaite, 2009). In general, experimental instructions
Typically, entity theorists strive to demonstrate their abili- designed to induce specific conceptions of ability tend to
ties by outperforming others, tend to avoid challenging override any dispositional conceptions participants may
situations that might demonstrate low ability, and show bring to the laboratory. Only a few studies have examined
less effort and persistence when confronted with error the influence of (induced) conceptions of ability on motor
feedback. Incremental theorists tend to be more intrinsi- performance and learning (Jourden, Bandura, & Banfield,
cally motivated and focused on task learning, react to 1991; Wulf & Lewthwaite, 2009). Using a pursuit-rotor
difficult situations by increasing their effort, and see task, Jourden and colleagues (1991) informed partici-
pants in an inherent-aptitude condition that the apparatus
measured their natural capacity for processing dynamic
information, whereas participants in the acquirable-skill
Drews and Chiviacowsky are with the School of Physical condition were informed that the task represented a learn-
Education, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil. Wulf is with able skill. The latter group showed greater self-efficacy,
the Dept. of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences, University of more positive affective self-reactions, expressed greater
Nevada, Las Vegas. interest in the task, and demonstrated greater improve-

Conceptions of Ability and Motor Learning in Children  39

ment across trials. A more recent study (Wulf & Lewth- skills. Previous studies with children (Chiviacowsky et
waite, 2009) found differences in motor learning as a al., 2012; Cimpian et al., 2007) were only concerned
function of conceptions of ability. An acquirable-skill with immediate effects of ability conceptions. To our
group demonstrated more effective balance learning and knowledge, only one study (Wulf & Lewthwaite, 2009)
greater automaticity in movement control on a retention examined longer-term effects on motor skill learning,
test than did an inherent-ability group. Also of note is that but in adult learners. Therefore, the purpose of the cur-
a control group performed similarly to the latter group, rent study was to determine whether different ability
suggesting that the acquirable-skill instructions provided conceptions would also have consequences for motor
a boost to learning rather than the induced inherent-ability learning in children, as measured by retention and
view degrading it. transfer tests. One possibility was that inherent-ability
Conceptions of ability presumably develop with age, versus acquirable-skill instructions would have a tem-
as children begin to understand the distinction between porary effect on performance during practice, perhaps
ability and effort (Nicholls, 1984, 1989). Findings have due to increased apprehension resulting from heightened
shown differences in the understanding ability and effort concern for ability revelation in the former condition,
in children of different age groups, with younger children but that those influences would subside and not affect
demonstrating different reasoning about these concepts performance in a delayed test situation. Alternatively, if
than older ones (Fry & Duda, 1997; Lee, Carter, & Xiang, children are influenced by ability conceptions in a similar
1995; Nicholls, 1978; Xiang & Lee, 1998; Xiang, Lee, manner as adults, they might show learning benefits with
& Shen, 2001). Young children do not appear to regard acquirable-skill relative to inherent-ability instructions.
ability as a stable trait, or as an internal quality that can Furthermore, we were interested in potential age-related
be judged by others, but rather view ability as being differences in the susceptibility to suggestions about the
linked to, or developed by, effort and persistence (Dweck, nature of their abilities. Therefore, we included three
2002; Dweck & Elliott, 1983; Nicholls, 1984; Stipek & different age groups: 6-, 10-, and 14-year-old children.
Daniels, 1988). All participants practiced a throwing skill after being
Nevertheless, even young children seem to be able provided with different ability-related instructions. One
to infer, from the feedback they are given, adults’ view day later, they completed retention and transfer tests
of the nature of their abilities. A few studies have dem- without instructions or reminders.
onstrated that conceptions of ability induced by feedback
can directly affect young children’s reactions to failure,
their motivation, and their behavior (e.g., Chiviacowsky, Methods
Wulf, & Drews, 2012; Cimpian, Arce, Markman, &
Dweck, 2007). Cimpian et al. (2007) showed that even Participants
4-year old children were sensitive to subtle differences
in the wording of feedback. In that study, feedback about One hundred and twenty children age 6 (M = 6.2, SD =
a child’s drawing implied either a stable capacity for 0.24), 10 (M = 10.1, SD = 0.30), and 14 (M = 14.4, SD
drawing (“You are a good drawer”) or a more situation- = 0.34) years (54 girls, 66 boys) were recruited from a
specific or effort-related skill (“You did a good job draw- city-center private school located in the south of Brazil
ing”). Even though both types of feedback appeared to to participate in the study. All participants were naive
be equally rewarding, when confronted with mistakes, as to the purpose of the experiment. The children gave
children who were led to believe that the quality of their their assent, and informed consent was obtained from
drawings was a function of an inherent ability exhibited their parents or guardians. The study was approved by
more negative self-evaluations, increased helplessness, the university’s institutional review board.
and reduced interest in drawing. In a subsequent study,
Chiviacowsky et al. (2012) extended these findings to
the motor domain. Ten-year old children were asked to
Apparatus and Task
kick soccer balls at a target and were given feedback that The task required participants to throw 100-g beanbags at
either implied (e.g., “You are a great soccer player”) or a circular target placed on the floor, with their nondomi-
did not imply (“Those kicks were excellent”) an underly- nant arm, while wearing opaque goggles. The target was
ing inherent ability. After a second experimental phase in a bull’s eye. The center circle had a radius of 10 cm and
which both groups were given negative feedback (“Those was surrounded by nine concentric circles with radii of
kicks were not very precise”), an immediate retention 20, 30, 40 . . . 100 cm. The center of the target was placed
test 10 min after practice was performed. On that test, at a distance of 3 m from the participant. Accuracy scores
children who had received feedback that suggested an were based on where the beanbag first contacted the
underlying inherent ability displayed a significant drop in floor. If the beanbag landed on the bull’s eye, 100 points
shooting accuracy, whereas the other group of participants were awarded. If it landed in one of the other zones, or
maintained their performance. outside the circles, 90, 80, 70 . . . 0 points, respectively,
An important question is whether children’s concep- were recorded. If a beanbag landed on a line, the higher
tions of ability could also affect the learning of motor score was awarded.
40  Drews, Chiviacowsky, and Wulf

Procedure today and tomorrow. Aiming is an ability that you are born
with. Your mistakes or your success on this throwing task
In each age group (6, 10, 14 years), participants were will show your aiming ability.” AS group participants
assigned to one of two conditions: An inherent-ability received the following instructions: “This task measures
(IA) or acquirable-skill (AS) group. Each of the six people’s ability to aim. We will ask you to perform sev-
resulting groups had 20 participants, with about an eral throws today and tomorrow. Aiming is a skill that
equal number of boys and girls in each age group being can be learned. At the beginning, it is common to make
quasi-assigned to the respective IA and AS groups errors, but with practice you can learn and improve.” After
(6-year-olds: 12:8; 10-year-olds: 11:9; 14-year-olds: 20 practice trials, participants were given reminders:
10:10, respectively). Participants were informed about “Remember that aiming is an ability that you are born
the goal of the task and were instructed to throw the with. Your mistakes or your success on this throwing
beanbags overhand with the nondominant hand. All par- task will show your aiming ability” or “Remember that
ticipants wore opaque swimming goggles while throw- aiming is a skill that can be learned. At the beginning it is
ing, but were allowed to look at the target before each common to make errors, but with practice you can learn
experimental phase (i.e., practice, retention, transfer). and improve,” respectively. The practice phase consisted
Feedback about throwing accuracy was provided after of 40 trials. Retention and transfer (target distance: 4 m)
each trial during the practice phase. As can be seen from tests consisted of 10 trials each and were performed one
Figure 1, the target area was divided into four quad- day later. Vision was again occluded, and no instructions
rants, with areas designated as “long,” “short,” “left,” or feedback were given on the second day.
or “right”. Feedback included information about the
distance and direction from the center of the target (e.g., Data Analysis
“a little bit to the left” or “much too long”) depending
on whether the beanbag landed in the inner (60–100) Accuracy scores during the practice phase were analyzed
or outer circles (0–50), respectively. in 2 (conceptions of ability) × 3 (age groups) × 4 (blocks
The instructions provided to the IA groups were of 10 trials) analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated
modeled after those used in previous studies (Jourden measures on the last factor. The retention and transfer data
et al., 1991; Wulf & Lewthwaite, 2009). IA group par- were each analyzed in 2 (conceptions of ability) × 3 (age
ticipants were given the following instructions before groups) ANOVAs. An alpha level of 0.05 was used as the
the beginning of practice: “This task measures people’s threshold for significance. Bonferroni adjustments were
ability to aim. We will ask you to perform several throws made for all post hoc comparisons.

Figure 1 — Target and areas used for providing feedback.

Conceptions of Ability and Motor Learning in Children  41

Results 49.37, p < .001, η2 = .46, were significant. Post hoc tests
indicated significant differences among all age groups, ps
Throwing Accuracy < .001. The induced conceptions of ability did not affect
performance during practice, F(1, 114) = 2.53, p > .05.
Practice.  Accuracy scores increased in all groups There were no significant interactions among conceptions
across practice blocks (see Figure 2a-c). In addition, of ability and age group, F(2, 114) < 1, block and age,
older children demonstrated greater accuracy than block and conceptions of ability, Fs(6, 342) < 1, or block,
younger children. The main effects of block, F(3, 342) age, and conceptions of ability, F(6, 342) = 1.17, p > .05.
= 6.89, p < .001, η2 = .06, and age group, F(2, 114) =

Figure 2 — Accuracy scores for 6-year-old (a), 10-year-old (b), and 14-year-old children (c) during practice, retention, and transfer
in the inherent-ability and acquirable-skill conditions. Error bars indicate standard errors.
42  Drews, Chiviacowsky, and Wulf

Retention.  On the retention test, the AS groups changeable through practice or experience, rather than
demonstrated higher accuracy scores than the IA groups, representing relatively fixed entities, generally seems to
F(1, 114) = 6.02, p < .05, η2 = .05. In addition, throwing benefit performance and learning.
accuracy increased with age. The main effect of age was While differences in achievement levels (e.g., aca-
significant, F(2, 114) = 9.11, p < .001, η2 = .14. Post demic, athletic) between incremental and entity theorists
hoc tests revealed significant differences between ages 6 in the long term are presumably due to their distinct moti-
and 14, and 10 and 14, ps < .01. There was no difference vational sets, including different goal orientations and
between ages 6 and 10, p > .05. There was no interaction responses to challenges or setbacks (e.g., Dweck, 1999;
of conceptions of ability and age, F(2, 114) < 1. Dweck & Leggett, 1988), the more immediate effects of
ability conceptions on performance and learning likely
Transfer.  On the transfer test with a novel target
have different underlying reasons. An acquirable-skill
distance, the AS groups were again more accurate than
view relative to an inherent-ability view has been found
the IA groups. The main effect of conceptions of ability
to be associated with increased self-efficacy (Jourden et
was significant, F(1, 114) = 7.36, p < .01, η2 = .06. In
al., 1991), more positive self-evaluations (Cimpian et al.,
addition, the main effect of age was significant, F(2, 114)
2007; Jourden et al., 1991), reduced nervousness, fewer
= 10.01, p < .001, η2 = .15. Post hoc tests indicated that
thoughts about one’s own performance and ability, and
only the difference between ages 6 and 14 was significant,
less attention being directed to body movements (Wulf &
p < .001. The differences between ages 6 and 10 (p =
Lewthwaite, 2009). In addition, Wulf and Lewthwaite’s
.057) and 10 and 14 (p = .12) failed to reach significance.
study demonstrated greater automaticity in motor control
Finally, there was a significant interaction between
for acquirable-skill group participants. An entity view
conceptions of ability and age, F(2, 114) = 3.24, p < .05,
of ability presumably leads to frequent self-evaluations,
η2 = .05. Follow-up ANOVAs for each age group revealed
perhaps even after every trial, as to whether one pos-
that the effect of conceptions of ability was significant
sesses a certain attribute or not, whereas an incremental
for the 14-year olds, F(1, 38) = 9.48, p < .01, but not for
view dampens the potential of any given trial to have
the 6 or 10-year olds, Fs(1, 38) < 1.
implications for the self. Wulf and Lewthwaite (2010)
suggested that conditions that produce less-than-optimal
Discussion motivational states presumably provoke (unconscious)
access to the self. Self-consciousness, or a self-focus,
The present findings demonstrate that children’s con- may lead to self-evaluation and activate self-regulatory
ceptions of ability can influence their learning of motor processes in attempts to bring self-related thoughts and
skills. As previously shown for adult learners (Wulf & emotions under control (Carver & Scheier, 1978). Those
Lewthwaite, 2009), emphasizing the malleability of efforts may tax attentional resources, perhaps to the
abilities through practice led to more effective retention extent that available attentional capacity is exceeded,
performance than did instructions portraying ability as with the result that performance and learning suffer. An
a fixed capacity. The AS groups outperformed the IA inherent-ability view of motor abilities also appears to
groups across all ages in retention. However, when a promote an internal attentional focus on body movements
novel target distance was introduced on the transfer (see Wulf & Lewthwaite, 2009) that has been shown to
test, the induced conceptions of ability only affected the disrupt movement automaticity and reduce accuracy
performance of the oldest participants (14 years), but not (Wulf, 2012). In contrast, conditions that tend to reduce
the younger ones (6- or 10-year-olds). In addition, and a focus on the self, such as acquirable-skill instructions,
not surprisingly, age had an effect on throwing accuracy. may immunize learners against a self or internal focus.
The 14-year-olds were more accurate than both the 6- and Some interesting age-related effects were seen on the
10-year-olds in retention, and relative to the 6-year-olds transfer test. In contrast to the retention test, on which
in transfer. acquirable-skill instructions resulted in enhanced per-
The present results are in line with other studies formance across all three age groups, on the transfer test
showing that individuals’ conceptions of ability can only the 14-year-olds’ performance was affected by the
affect performance and learning across a variety of different instructions. The differential impact of ability-
domains. Effects of ability conceptions have been found related instructions as a function of performers’ age may
to range from dispositional views of intelligence affecting reflect the increasing impact of ability conceptions, which
grades in junior high school (Blackwell, Trzesniewski, starts to rise between the ages of 10 and 12 (see Dweck,
& Dweck, 2007) to learning from error feedback on a 2002, for a review). Whereas younger children often
general knowledge test (Mangels, Butterfield, Lamb, overestimate their abilities and show less interest in social
Good, & Dweck, 2006) to immediate effects on motor comparison, older children and adolescents tend to under-
performance (Jourden et al., 1991; Chiviacowsky et al., estimate their abilities, and comparisons with others have
2012), and more long-term effects on motor learning an increasing impact on their self-evaluation, motivation,
(present study; Wulf & Lewthwaite, 2009). Thus, despite and performance. Thus, with a heightened sensitivity to
differences in participants’ age (adults vs. children), type evaluations by others and an increase in the intensity of
of learning (cognitive vs. motor), or nature of ability con- self-conscious emotions (Zeman, Cassano, Perry-Parrish,
ceptions (dispositional vs. induced), a view of abilities as & Stegall, 2006), adolescents seem to be more vulnerable
Conceptions of Ability and Motor Learning in Children  43

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