Akaerue Earth-Vas2 Model
Akaerue Earth-Vas2 Model
Akaerue Earth-Vas2 Model
15 FIG.
Factors that enhance groundwater vulnerability also facilitate contaminant migration. In this study the EARTH-VAS2 model is applied to
investigate the migration of contaminants in shallow coastal aquifers of the Benin Formation in Calabar area southeastern Nigeria. The
EARTH-VAS2 model uses the parameters of Elevation, Aquifer thickness, Regolith, Transmissivity, Hydraulic conductivity, Vadose zone,
Aquifer media, Static water level and Specific capacity to investigate contaminant flow and soil vulnerability to pollution. Estimates from
pumping test and Dar-Zarrouk model show the aquifer viability and protective capacity of the aquifer zones. The mean values of parameters
from zone A are; Longitudinal conductance (0.1µs), Transverse Resistance (245386.5 ohm-m2), Aquifer resistivity (1247.3 ohm-m),
Transmissivity (1500m2/day), Hydraulic conductivity (100m/day), Specific capacity (400m3/day) while parametric mean values of Zone B
are: Longitudinal conductance (0.1 µs), Transverse Resistance (700 ohm-m2), Aquifer resistivity (100 ohm-m), Transmissivity (352m2/day),
Hydraulic conductivity (10 m/day), Specific capacity (40m3/day). The analysis of chemical pollution indictors of N0₃¯ 22.6 – 0.90 (mg/l),
EC 301 – 20 (µS/cm), E-coli 5 – 0.01 (mpn/100ml) and Cl¯ 11.73 – 0.10 (mg/l) of groundwater samples were used to validate results within
areas prone to contamination. Determination of coefficient (R2) of EARTH-VAS2 parameters point out that Aquifer media, Depth to static
water level, Hydraulic conductivity and Transmissivity are the most effective hydrogeological parameters to vulnerability assessment.
demonstrating the implications and consequences of their 2002). The mean daily maximum and minimum temperature varies
decisions; providing direction for using groundwater resources; between 210C to 320C in January and 25.050C and 27.40C in July
highlighting about proper land use practices and activities; and and August respectively. The average monthly evaporation ranges
educating the general public regarding the consequences of between 4.3mm/day in February and 2.3mm/day in July. The soil
groundwater contamination (NRC 1993). covering the study area is sub-grade soil of gravelly clay to clayey
Study area sand. Generally classifield as (a) the deep lateritic, fertile soils on
0 I 0 I
The area lies between Latitudes 4 45 N and 5 16 N and the Cross River Plain; (b) the sandy heavily leached soils on the
0 I 0 I
Longitudes 8 05 E and 8 50 E which covers five Local older coastal plain which are highly susceptible to gully erosion;
Government Area Council within the Southern Senatorial Zone of and (c) the swampy aquic soils of the lower deltaic coastal plain
Cross River State Nigeria (Figure 1). The area belongs to the that is usually flooded during the rainy season. Geologically, the
lowland and swampland of South-eastern Nigeria (Iloje, 1991) study area is part of the Niger Delta, which is made up of
generally characterized by Coastal and alluvium sediment (Edet, sedimentary rocks. The area is composed of Tertiary to Recent,
1993). Over the years hydrogeology experts have classified the continental fluvialite sands and clays, known as the Coastal Plain
study area into aquifer zones based on local geological Sands. This formation is characterized by alternating sequence of
peculiarities. Concurrently, the minor hydro-lithological units of loose gravel, sand, silt, clay, lignite and alluvium (Short & Stauble,
the area are Shallow Gravelly Unit (Zone A) and Deep Sandy Unit 1967). It is underlain mostly by rocks of the Cretaceous Calabar
(Zone B). Edet, (1993); Edet and Okereke, (2002); Edet, (2004) Flank and precambrian Oban Massif (Figure 2). The Coastal Plain
and Akaerue, (2019). Sands (Benin Formation) is by far the most prolific aquiferous
hydrogeologic settings in the area and all the water boreholes are
located in this Formation (Esu & Amah, 1999).
Fig. 1. Geologic Map of the study area showing the sample points
The main rivers that dominate the landscape of the study area are Fig. 2. Regional Geological map showing the study area
the Calabar River in the west, Great Kwa river in the east and
Akpayafe river flowing southwards into the Cross River. These MATERIALS AND METHODS
rivers are the secondary recharge source to the aquifer while The hydrogeological parameters which control the migration of
contaminant to groundwater were selected for the point counting
rainfall is the primary source of aquifer recharge (Edet & Okereke, system vulnerability model called EARTH-VAS2 (Akaerue, 2019).
Precisely, the litho-logs enable the examination of soil: lateritic
EARTH-VAS2 model parameters 31
zone (R), Vadose zone (V) and aquifer media characters (A), and subsurface resistivity and thickness into single parameter gives rise
delineation of aquifer thickness (A). The hydraulic conductivity to the Dar Zarrouk parameters deployed for the study. Orellana et.
(H), transmissivity (T) and specific capacity (S) were obtained al., (1966) and Zohdy (1976) The highly impervious clayey
from the analysis of pumping test data which aid in the evaluation overburden, which is characterized by relatively high longitudinal
of aquifer hydraulic property (Okon et. al.,2018). The depths to conductance, offers protection to the underling aquifer (Abiola,et
groundwater level (S) were measured from existing boreholes and al., 2009). Based on longitudinal conductance values (Austin, et.
wells during the field survey using a water level recorder (Type al., 2017), aquifer overburden protective capacity were zoned into
KLT - Du). The biochemical tests provide information on pollution excellent (>10), very good (5 – 10), good (0.7 – 4.9), moderate (0.2
indicators (EC, N0₃¯, Cl¯, E-coli) whereas the Electrical resistivity – 0.69), weak (0.1- 0.19) and poor (>0.1). The earth subsurface acts
survey method were used to deduced parameters that evaluate the as a natural filter for percolating fluid. Hence, its ability to retard
protective capacity of the overburden layers. and filter percolating ground surface polluting fluid is a measure of
The litho - layers its protective capacity (Austin, et. al., 2017).
The litho-layers were evidences through the borehole logging,
three major litho-layers were broadly classified: (1) Topsoil or RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
lateritic layer of depth range 0 – 5 meters are merged together in Elevation: The elevation which is a metrological factor has an
few cases due to identical or related geo-electric property and/or effect to contamination migration from surface to subsurface. The
very thin or absent (Okon, 1998; Edet and Okereke 2002; Evans et. effect of this parameter is that, for low slope, contaminant is less
al., 2017 and Akaerue 2019).This layer consists of mainly likely to become runoff and more likely to infiltrate subsurface vice
unsaturated materials, except for few locations where static water versa (Appendix 1).The slope and slope variability of a land surface
level is less than 4.5m. Areas where the topsoil layers are with static water level difference gives the hydraulic head values of
composed of lateritic-sand generally has relatively high resistivity the area. Groundwater flow is from area of high hydraulic head to
and low resistivity are due to lateritic clay (Akaerue 2019). (2) the area of low hydraulic head. As presented in Figure 3. The main
Coarse sand and gravels layers of depth range of 5 – 20 meters. The flow direction of water in the coastal plain aquifers is southwestern,
depth of this layer has mean value of 15meters. This layer is very Edet (1993). Zone B areas has higher hydraulic heads (35 – 50m)
productive, with tiny multiple aquifers bounded by thin clay than Zone A (0 – 12m) areas with minor variation, Akaerue (2019).
horizons. This layer constitutes most parts of the water bearing Conversely, the groundwater flow direction is from zone B towards
formation. (3) Fine sands to clay material layer of depth range of 20 Zone A which represents the southern part of the study area. This
meters and above. This layer is also productive but not like the agrees with Edet’s finding (1993), that the coastal groundwater
gravel layer. The characteristic of this layer is conspicuous with silt flow direction is southwest ward.
and fine sand with minor presence of lignite in some area (Akaerue
Pumping test
A pumping test is a field experiment in which a well is pumped
at a control rate and water level response (drawdown) is measured
in one or more surrounding observation/monitoring wells (Hamill
and Bell 1986). Pumping tests are important and most effective
tools that provide information on the hydraulic characterization of a
borehole and aquifer parameters (Todd 1980; Turner et al 1991).
Constant Rate Test was carried out in the study area to give
information about the drawdown and aquifer properties resulting
from specific pumping rate. Three (24) to six (72) hours constant
discharge test was used since the yield is high and the boreholes are
sumo pump boreholes and are meant to serve large population. The
tests were carried out in some specific locations in the study area,
using the single well pumping test approach. The Jacob’s straight-
line method was used to analyse the pumping test results of
drawdown with respect to time in all the existing boreholes in the
study area in order to estimate the aquifer hydraulic parameters.
Prior to pumping, the well head was opened and the static water
Fig. 3. Hydraulic head map, showing the groundwater flow
level was measured and recorded using calibrated Dip meter. The
pump is then lowered to appreciable depth and Connect to the
Static water level: This refers to the level of water in a well
generator set. A known 20 liters volume of container was set in
under normal, undisturbed, no-pumping conditions whereas water
place to collect discharge and set stop watch to zero start time
table level is the level below which the ground is completely
Pumping was then started, drawdown measured base on scheduled
saturated with water. Conversely, both are the same, the depth from
time on the data sheet. The time and water level discharge was
the ground surface to the water table level is a hydrogeological
Measure and record simultaneously. The exercise was done in two
factor that determines the migration distance that a contaminant
(2) phases namely: 1. Discharge and 2. Recharge/Recovery phase.
will travel before reaching the aquifer. It is assumed that the deeper
Dar-zarrouk parameters
water tables level the lesser contamination chances to the aquifer.
The Dar-zarrouk parameters: Transverse resistance (T) and
The groundwater resources in the northern region (zone B) of the
Longitudinal conductance(S), obtained from the geoelectrical
study area has deeper water table levels (34 – 75m) whereas the
parameters were used to determine the overburden protective
southern region (zone A) of the area has shallower water table
capacity of the aquifer units in the study area. The combination of
levels (2.5 - 35m) figure 4 and Appendix 1.
Akaerue and Onwuka 32
Aquifer hydraulic properties: Transmissivity, Hydraulic Fig. 10. Transmissivity distribution map of the study area
conductivity and Specific capacity are the properties/parameters
that designate the relationship between the earth media
Akaerue and Onwuka
Fig. 11. Specific capacity distribution map of the study area. Fig. 13:.Nitrate distribution map of the study area
overlying layer to the aquifer is high (Edet., 2004). But because the the aquifer. However, Aquifer thickness shows a low or weak
depth to water table within Zone A area is very shallow and the correlation values (R = 0.047; R2 = 0.2%), this can be attributed to
overlying layer thickness is thin with high permeable lithology, the the fact that, contribution of the aquifer thickness to EARTH-VAS2
migration of this pollution indicator of physicochemical model is low.
constituents became obviously conspicuous in the groundwater
sample collected around borehole within the Zone A. Conversely Table 1. Summarized correlation data between EARTH-VAS2
the higher the permeability and thinner the sequence of the Vadose index and input parameters
zone, the lower the dilution effect and the higher the contamination PARAMETERS R R2
risk to groundwater vice versa. Aquifer Media, 0.965 0.931 (93%)
Swl, Lateritic
Aquifer 0.047 0.002 (0.2%)
Transmissivity 0.748 0.559 (56%)
Hydraulic 0.749 0.561 (56%)
Specific 0.637 0.406 (40%)
A modified vulnerability index model called EARTH-VAS2
parameters was used in other to ascertain the potential risk of the
aquiferous units to surface contamination. EARTH-VAS2 is
acronyms for nine parameters of Elevation, Aquifer thickness,
Regolith, Transmissivity, Hydraulic conductivity, vadose zone,
Correlation between earth-vas2 and hydrogeological
aquifer Media, Static water level and specific capacity. The
hydrological Zone A (62.5%) covers the entire Calabar South
In this research, R establishes the relationship between the
L.G.A, Akpabuyo L.G.A, Southern part of Calabar Municipality
EARTH-VAS2 index value and their input parameters (aquifer
L.G.A and extends up to Bakassi L.G.A; Whereas the hydrological
media & thickness, Transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity and
Zone B (37.5%) covers the northern part of Calabar Municipality
specific capacity, etc.). From Table 1, R is 0.965 for EARTH-
L.G.A and Southern part of Odukpani L.G.A. Hydrogeologic unit
VAS2 versus Aquifer Media; meaning there is a strong relationship
Zone A appears more prolific to groundwater availability with high
or perfect relationship between the EARTH-VAS2 and Aquifer
risk of surface to subsurface groundwater contamination Whereas
Media. Also the coefficient of determination (R2) enables us to
groundwater resources within Zone B environment are not as
know the percentage of variation between EARTH-VAS2 index
prolific as zone A, with low risk of groundwater contamination.
and its input parameters. Also, from the Table 1, R2 is 0.9312;
meaning that the variation in EARTH-VAS2 model is 93%
influenced by aquifer media. Thus, correlation between EARTH-
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data point show a strong relationship. The implication of this is that
M.Sc thesis, Department of Geology, University of Nigeria,
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Nsukka, Nigeria.
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Akaerue and Onwuka
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EARTH-VAS2 model parameters 37
*G-gravelly* > *CS-coarse sandy* >* MS-medium sandy* > *FS-fine sandy/silty* > *CLS- clayey sandy*
*RCSL - Thin clayey Sand +coarse +gravelly+ thin Lateritic Layer*
*TLCLS - Thick* Lateritic sand + Lateritic Clay + clay + fine + medium
sand + silt intercalation*