Reading Exercises (Non-Contracted) (Final Copy) PDF

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Appendix A


Words are NOT CONTRACTED, they are all SPELLED-OUT.

The words used for beginning readers should be spelled-out or not

contracted to recognize and know the correct spelling of the words.
Many visually impaired children are poor in spelling because of the
contractions being used.

LET’S READ is transcribed by the

Philippine Printing House for the Blind and
Resources for the Blind.



Braille Reading and Writing is taught first in FILIPINO. The words, phrases
and sentences presented to a visually impaired pupil are spelled-out or not
contracted. After all the lessons are taken up during the beginning Reading and
Writing in FILIPINO, the visually impaired pupil can now start to learn to read in
ENGLISH. Again, the words, phrases and sentences are spelled-out or not
contracted. If there are contractions in the English Braille Code used in the reading
exercises, the words are not yet contracted, they should be uncontracted or

The Reading exercises/materials included in the Resource Guide are used by

visually impaired pupils who are in the PRE-SCHOOL levels as beginners in
English Braille Reading and Writing.

The words/vocabularies in English Braille Reading presented are the same

with the BEC Curriculum in English (Reading) which include:

Level III – A. CVC words

B. CVVC words
Level IV – C. Words with Consonant blends/clusters
D. Words with digraphs
Level V – E. Words with long vowel sounds

The words used for beginning readers should be spelled-out or not

contracted to recognize and know the correct spelling of the words. Many visually
impaired children are poor in spelling because of the contractions being used.


IV, V) can be requested from the Resources For The Blind and Philippine
Printing House for the Blind)


I. Introduction 2


Units A. CVC – with short ă sound 4
B. Answering wh Questions 12
C. CVC – with short ĕ sound 17
D. Answering wh Questions 22
E. CVC – with short ĭ sound 26
F. Answering wh Questions 33
G. CVC – with short ŏ sound 37
H. Answering wh Questions 44
I. CVC – with short ŭ sound 48
J. Answering wh Questions 54
K. CVCC – with vowel /a/ sound 58
L. CVCC – with vowel /e/ sound 66
M. Answering wh Questions 69
N. CVCC – with vowel /i/ sound 72
O. CVCC – with vowel /o/ sound 76
P. CVCC – with vowel /u/ sound 78
Q. Answering wh Questions 79


Units A. “R” Blends 90
B. “L” Blends 96
C. “S” Blends 101
D. Words with consonant clusters: 109
str, spr, scr
E. Words with ch, sh 111
F. Answering wh Questions 113


Units A. Words with long ā sound 118
B. Words with long ē sound 130
C. Words with long ī sound 136
D. Words with long ō sound 147
E. Words with long ū sound 154
F. Answering wh Questions 156

Say a Say t = at
Let’s form words.

b at bat

b at bat

c at cat

f at fat

h at hat

m at mat

p at pat

r at rat

v at vat

A. Underline the word that is the same on the left.

1. bat cat bat

2. fat bat fat

3. cat hat cat

4. mat mat hat

5. vat rat vat

B. Underline the word that is different in the group.

1. bat bat pat

2. rat cat rat

3. hat vat hat

4. pat pat mat

5. vat vat hat

C. Read the phrases.

a fat rat

pat the cat

bat on the mat

in the vat

D. Read the sentences.

Pat has a cat.

The hat is on the mat.

The rat is in the vat.

Pat is fat.

Say a Say n = an
Let’s form words.

c an can

D an Dan

f an fan

J an Jan

m an man

p an pan

v an van

t an tan

N an Nan

A. Match the word on the left with the word on the right.

fan Nan

Nan van

pan man

van fan

man pan

B. Read the phrase and encircle the correct word.

fan for (Jan pan)

a tan (fat van)

the fat (hat man)

in the (can bat)

in the (Dan pan)

C. Read the sentences.

1. Dan has a van.

2. Jan has a fan.

3. The man has a hat.

4. Nan has a pan.

5. The can is in the van.

Say a Say d = ad
Let’s form words.

b ad bad

D ad Dad

l ad lad

m ad mad

p ad pad

s ad sad

A. Encircle the correct word for the phrase.

1. a bad (rat fan)

2. the mad (van man)

3. a sad (lad pat)

4. on the (mad pad)

5. lad and (Dad bad)

B. Check the same phrases.

1. in the pan
on the pad
on the pad

2. a mad man
a mad man
a fat man

3. Dad and lad

man and lad
Dad and lad 7
4. a sad man
on the mat
a sad man

C. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. The lad is sad.

The mat is sad.

2. Dan has a pat.

Pat has a pad.

3. Dad has a van.

The fan is mad.

4. The man is on the pad.

The lad is on the mat.

Say a Say g = ag

Let’s form words.

b ag bag

r ag rag

r ag tag

w ag wag

A. Match the word on the left with the word on the right.

bag tag

tag bag

wag rag

rag wag

B. Underline the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. The bag is (tan van).

2. The rag is on the (man mat).

3. The bag has a (tag wag).

4. The rag is in the (wag bag).

C. Underline the sentence that is different.

1. Jan has a fan.

Pat has a bag.
Pat has a bag.
2. Nan is sad.
Dan has a hat.
Nan is sad.

3. The bag has a tag.

The bag has a tag.
Dad is in the van.

4. The man has a fat cat.

Dad has a bat.
The man has a fat cat.

Say a Say b = ab

Let’s form words.

c ab cab

d ab dab

g ab gab

l ab lab

n ab nab

t ab tab

A. Underline the word that the teacher will say.

1. cab dab tab

2. nab lab lad

3. tag gab tab

4. lab nab dab

B. Choose the correct answer. Write the word on your paper.

1. a tab on the (pad fat)

2. can dab the (tan lad)

3. nab the bad (rat can)

4. go to the (fan lab)

5. a man in the (cab nab)

Say a Say m = am
Let’s form words.
h am ham
j am jam

d am dam

P am Pam

S am Sam

A. Underline the word to complete the phrase.

1. (ham Pam) on the pan

2. water in the (sad dam)

3. a lad and (ham Sam)

4. (man jam) in the can

5. a bag for (Pam gab)

B. Answer with Yes or No. Write your answer on your paper.

1. Pam can cook the ham.

2. We can get water from the dam.

3. The jam is sad.

4. We eat ham and bread.

Say a Say p = ap
Let’s form words.

c ap cap

l ap lap

m ap map

n ap nap

t ap tap

A. Write the correct answer on your paper.

1. cap (head feet)

2. nap (cook sleep) 11

3. map (place animal)

4. tap (sad hand)

5. a bag for (Pam gab)

B. Write the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. Put the (map lap) on the wall.

2. Put on your (nap cap).

3. Sit on my (lap nap).

4. Can you (map tap) your feet on the floor?

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Pat has a cat.

Who has a cat?

2. Dan has a van.

Who has a van?

3. Pam has a fan.

Who has a fan?

4. Jan has a bag.

Who has a bag?

5. Dad has a cap.

Who has a cap?

6. Nan has a pan.

Who has a pan?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Dad is fat.
Who is fat?

2. Dan is sad.
Who is sad?

3. Pat has a bag.

Who has a bag?

4. Jan is mad.
Who is mad? 12
5. Pam is fat.
Who is fat?

6. Sam is sad.
Who is sad?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Sam has a bat.

What does Sam have?

2. Pat has a pan.

What does Pat have?

3. Nan has a mat.

What does Nan have?

4. The rat is fat.

What is fat?

5. Pam has a pan.

What does Pam have?

6. Dad has a cap.

What does Dad have?

D. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The rat is on the mat.

Where is the rat?

2. The ham is in the pan.

Where is the ham?

3. The man is in the van. 13

Where is the man?
4. The tag is on the bag.
Where is the tag?

5. The jam is in the can.

Where is the jam?

E. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Pat’s fat cat is on the mat.

a. Who has a fat cat?

b. What does Pat have?

c. Where is the fat cat?

2. Jan’s fan is in the van.

a. Who has a fan?

b. What does Jan have?

c. Where is the fan?

3. Pam’s bag is in the lab.

a. Who has a bag?

b. What does Pam have?

c. Where is the bag?

4. Dad’s bat is on the mat.

a. Who has a bat?

b. What does Dad have? 14

c. Where is the bat?

5. Sam’s pad is in the bag.

a. Who has a pad?

b. What does Sam have?

c. Where is the pad?

6. Dad’s hat is in the van.

a. Who has a hat?

b. What does Dad have?

c. Where is the hat?

F. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Pat has a bat.

The bat is on the mat.

1. Who has a bat?

2. What does Pat have?

3. Where is the bat?

G. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dan has a van.

It is tan.
There is a can in the van.

1. Who has a van?

2. What is the color of the van?

3. What does Dan have?

4. What is in the van?

5. Where is the can?

H. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Nan has a bag.

The bag is on the mat.
It has a tan tag.

1. Who has a bag?

2. What does the bag have?

3. Where is the bag?

I. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Pam has a fan.

The fan is in the bag.
The fan has a tag.

1. Who has a fan?

2. What is in the bag?

3. Where is the fan?

4. What does the fan have?

Say e Say t = et
Let’s form words.

g et get

j et jet

n et net

p et pet

s et set

w et wet

A. Underline the words that are the same.

1. get get jet

2. pet net pet

3. set wet wet

4. jet get jet
5. net net wet

B. Check the correct word for the phrase.

1. get the (pan, Jen)

2. the fat (hen, fan)

3. a pet (can, cat)

4. the wet (get, net)

C. Read the sentences.

1. Jan has a pet. 2. Get the net.

3. The net is wet. 4. The net is in the vat.

5. The man is in the jet. 6. A cat is a pet.

Say e Say d = ed.

Let’s form words.

b ed bed

f ed fed

l ed led

M ed Med

N ed Ned
r ed red

T ed Ted

A. Encircle the words that are the same.

1. fed fed led

2. red bed red

3. bed Ted Ted

4. Ned Ned Med

5. fed bed bed

B. Underline the correct phrase.

1. fed the hen

the pan

2. bed and net

and mat

3. led the peg

the men

4. pen on the pan

on the bed

5. Ted and Ned

and set

C. Underline the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. Med fed the (hen, pen).

2. Ned led the (mat, men). 19

3. Ted is on the (bed, wet).

4. The bag is (pet, red).

5. (Ted, Jet) is a lad.

Say e Say n = en
Let’s form words.

B en Ben

d en den

h en hen

J en Jen

L en Len

m en men

p en pen

t en ten

y en yen

Z en Zen

A. Encircle the correct word or phrase.

1. a pet - hen 2. pen - in the bag

hat in the hat
3. Ben is a - lad 4. men - in the vat
mad in the den

5. the ten - man 6. get - the fat

men the hen

7. the wet - net


B. Yes or No.

1. Ben is a lad. __________ 2. Ten is a number. __________

3. A pen is a pet. __________ 4. A lad is a hen. __________

5. A den is a man. __________ 6. A hen is a pet. __________

C. Read the sentences well.

1. The men are in the jet. 2. The ten men are in the jet.

3. Ben has a hen. 4. Get the net.

5. Zen has a pen.

Say e Say g = eg.

Let’s form words.

b eg beg

k eg keg

l eg leg

M eg Meg

p eg peg

A. Encircle the word that rhymes with the first word. 21

1. beg - leg lad

2. Meg - pan peg

3. peg - beg bat

4. keg - peg pen

5. leg - net beg

B. Check the phrase for the word.

1. the wet leg

the beg

2. the net keg

get the

3. set the peg

a keg

4. do not beg
the cat

C. Underline the sentences that are the same.

1. The men can beg. 2. The peg is in the bag.

The men can beg. The peg is in the bag.
The lad is sad. The pen is in the bag.

3. Get the pen. 4. The leg is wet.

Get the keg. The net is wet.
Get the keg. The leg is wet.

5. Meg has a pet hen.

Ben has a pet cat.
Meg has a pet hen.

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Ben has a pen.

Who has a pen? 22
2. Jen has a peg.
Who has a peg?

3. Meg has a net.

Who has a net?

4. Len has a bed.

Who has a bed?

5. Den has a hen.

Who has a hen?

6. Ben has a pet.

Who has a pet?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Len has a peg.

What does Len have?

2. Ben has a car.

What does Ben have?

3. Dad has a net.

What does Dad have?

4. Zen has a pen

What does Zen have?

5. Jen has a hen.

What does Jen have?

6. Sam has a pet.

What does Sam have?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The pen is in the bag.

Where is the pen? __________

2. The net is in the vat.

Where is the net? __________ 23
3. The peg is on the mat.
Where is the peg? __________

4. The hen is in the vat.

Where is the hen? __________

5. The men are in the van.

Where are the men? __________

D. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Ben’s hen is in the vat.

a. Who has a hen?

b. What does Ben have?

c. Where is the hen?

2. Len’s peg is in the bag.

a. Who has a peg?

b. What does Len have?

c. Where is the peg?

3. Ted’s pen is on the bed.

a. Who has a pen?

b. What does Ted have?

c. Where is the pen?

4. Med’s net is on the mat.

a. Who has a net?

b. What does Med have?

c. Where is the net? 24

5. Ned has ten pegs in the bag.

a. Who has ten pegs?

b. What does Ned have?

c. Where are the ten pegs?

6. Jen’s bag is in the den.

a. Who has a bag?

b. What does Jen have?

c. Where is the bag?

E. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Len has a pen.

The pen is red.
The pen is on the bed.

1. Who has a pen?

2. What is the color of the pen?

3. Where is the pen?

F. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Ted has a pet.

It is a hen.
The hen is fat.

1. Who has a hen?

2. What does Ted have?

3. The hen is __________. 25

G. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Ben has a net.

The net is wet.
The net is in the vat.

1. Who has a net?

2. Where is the net?

3. What is wet?

Say i Say t = it
Let’s form words.

b it bit

f it fit

h it hit
f it fit

k it kit

l it lit

p it pit

s it sit

A. Write the word that rhymes with the first word on the left.

1. fit - kit pad

2. sit - jet bit

3. pit - lit pen

4. kit - bit pan

5. hit - red sit

B. Read the phrases.

bit the cat in the pit

can fit can lit

hit the rat can sit

in the kit

Say i Say n = in
Let’s form words.

b in bin

f in fin 27
g in gin

k in kin

p in pin

s in sin

t in tin

w in win

A. Write the correct word that is different in the group.

1. bin kin bin

2. fin fin tin

3. pin sin sin

4. win sin win

5. tin tin fin

6. pin bin pin

B. Write the correct answer.

1. bad (sin tin)

2. tin (cat can)

3. Dad (kin fin) 28

4. pin (bit kit)

5. ham (bin win)

C. Read the sentences.

1. The pin is in the kit.

2. The tin can is on the mat.

3. The jam is in the bin.

4. The bad man has a sin.

5. The gin is in the jar.

Say i Say p = ip
Let’s form words.

d ip dip

h ip hip

l ip lip

r ip rip

s ip sip

t ip tip

A. Encircle the correct word.

1. red (lip dip)

2. big (tip rip) 29

3. can (lip sip)

4. dip (tip sit)

B. Write the correct word.

1. wet the (lip dip)

2. the two (tip hips)

3. the big (rip sip)

4. Jan can (sip tip)

C. Read the sentences.

1. The lips are red.

2. This is my hip.

3. The rip is big.

4. Jim can sip.

Say i Say g = ig
Let’s form words.

b ig big

d ig dig

f ig fig

p ig pig

r ig rig

w ig wig

A. Write the correct word.

1. (big fig) pig 30

2. (dig rig) pit

3. (wet dig) wig

4. (red tan) fig

5. (dig big) rig

B. Read the phrases.

a big rig

can dig

the wig

a fat pig

C. Yes or No.

1. A pig is fat. _______________

2. Dad can dig a pit. _______________

3. A fig is tan. _______________

4. We can wet the wig. _______________

Say i Say d = id
Let’s form words.

h id hid

l id lid

r id rid

A. Read the phrases.

hid under a bed
the big lid

get rid of

the tin lid

B. Read the sentences.

1. The jar has a lid.

2. Get rid of rats.

3. Tim hid in the van.

4. Get the lid.

5. Put the lid on the jar.

Say i Say x = ix 32
Let’s form words.

f ix fix

m ix mix

s ix six

A. Encircle the correct word.

1. fix the (van, bun)

2. Tim can (six, mix) milk and sugar.

3. Ned has (six, sit) pegs.

4. Dan can (sit, sip) on the mat.

B. Yes or No.

1. Dad can fix the car. __________

2. The six pins are in the kit. __________

3. The cat can sit in a pit. __________

4. Jim can mix the water and milk. __________

5. The cat bit the leg. __________

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Tim has a kit.

Who has a kit?

2. Jim has a pet.

Who has a pet?

3. Pat has a pin.

Who has a pin?

4. Sam has a pig.

Who has a pig?

5. Ben has a wig.

Who has a wig?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The pin is big.

What is big?

2. The kit is red.

What is red?

3. Tim has a bat.

What does Tim have?

4. Jim has a pig.

What does Jim have?

5. Ted has a kit.

What does Ted have?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The pin is in the kit.

Where is the pin?

2. The kit is in the bag.

Where is the kit?

3. The wig is on the bed.

Where is the wig?

4. The pen is in the kit.

Where is the pen?

5. The pin is in the can.

Where is the pin?

D. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Kim’s pen is in the kit.

a. Who has a pen?

b. What does Kim have?

c. Where is the pen?

2. Dad’s hen is in the pit.

a. Who has a hen?

b. What does Dad have?

c. Where is the hen?

3. Jen’s pin is in the bag.

a. Who has a pin?

b. What does Jen have?

c. Where is the pin?

4. Jim’s kit is in the car.

a. Who has a kit?

b. What does Jim have?

c. Where is the kit?

5. Tim’s cat is in the pit.

a. Who has a cat?

b. What does Tim have?

c. Where is the cat?

6. Jim’s kit is in the can.

a. Who has a kit?

b. What does Jim have?

c. Where is the kit?

E. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Tim has a van.

It is big.
Six men can fix the van.

1. Who has a van?

2. What does Tim have?

3. What can the men do?

F. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

A rat hid in the can.

Tim hit the rat with a bat.
Tim got rid of the rat.
1. What hid in the can?

2. Where is the rat?

3. Who hit the rat?

G. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Tim has a kit.

There are pins in the kit.
There are ten pins.

1. Who has a kit?

2. What are in the kit?

3. Where are the pins?

4. How many pins are there?

H. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Jim has a pig.

The pig is fat.
The pig is in the pit.

1. Who has a pig?

2. What does Jim have?

3. Where is the pig?

Say o Say t = ot
Let’s form words.

c ot cot

d ot dot

h ot hot

p ot pot

t ot tot

A. Underline the correct answer.

1. bed - cot pot

2. pan - hot tot

3. hot - dot pot

4. tot - lad man

B. Encircle the correct answer.

1. The man is on the (cot hot).

2. Jan has a (hot pot).

3. The pan is (pot hot).

4. Ted is a (tot pot).

5. The pad has a (cot dot).

C. Write the correct answer.

1. The (pat mat) is on the cot.

2. The (bit pad) has a dot.

3. The (lad man) is a tot.

4. The (pen pot) is hot.

5. The (pot sad) is in the pit.

Say o Say p = op
Let’s form words.

c op cop

h op hop

m op mop

p op pop

t op top

A. Write the correct word.

1. a red (top hop)

2. a sad (mop cop)

3. can it (pop cop)

4. Ted can (cop hop)

5. the wet (mop hop)

B. Underline the correct word.

1. (Dad Sad) is a cop. 39

2. The top is on the (mat pat).

3. (Len Bed) can hop.

4. (Get Pet) the wet mop.

C. Read the sentences correctly.

1. Tom can hop.

2. The mop is wet.

3. The cop is fat.

4. The top is red.

Say o Say b = ob
Let’s form words.

c ob cob

m ob mob

r ob rob

s ob sob

A. Encircle the correct answer.

1. The cob is in the (pot cot).

2. The lad can (sob rob).

3. Do not (sob mob) the lad.

4. The (cob mob) is hot.

B. Read the phrases.

do not mob

the cob

can rob

can sob

C. Read the sentences.

Do not mob the lad.

The cob is big.

Do not rob the pen.

The sad lad can sob.

Say o Say d = od
Let’s form words.

r od rod

p od pod

n od nod
A. Write the correct word.

1. the big (pod nod)

2. the big (red rod)

3. sit and (cob nod)

B. Read the phrases.

nod and nod

the big pod

hot rod

C. Read the sentences.

1. Get the rod.

2. The pod is in the pan.

3. Can Ben nod?

4. The rod is on the mat.

5. The pod is big.

Say o Say g = og
Let’s form words.

h og hog

j og jog
l og log

A. Underline the correct word.

1. a big (log jog)

2. the fat (log hog)

3. hop and (jog log)

B. Read the phrases.

the big hog

jog and jog

the wet log

C. Read the sentences.

1. Dad has a fat hog.

2. The log is big.

3. Tom can jog.

4. The hog is big.

5. I can jog.

6. The cat is on the log.

Say o Say x = ox
Let’s form words.

b ox box
f ox fox

A. Which word rhymes with the first word?

1. box - fox fat

2. fox - bag box

3. cop - hop can

4. log - hot hog

5. pot - mop cot

B. Read the sentences.

1. The fox is big.

2. The box is on the cot.

3. The fox is fat.

4. The pen is in the box.

5. Tom has a box of pins.

Say o Say m = om
Let’s form words.

M om Mom

T om Tom

A. Box the words that are the same.

1. Mom Mom Dad

2. Tim Tom Tom 44

3. fox fan fox

4. box box bag

5. Don Don Dan

B. Yes or No.

1. Dad loves Mom. __________

2. Tom is a lad. __________

3. A cat can hop. __________

4. Mom loves Dad. __________

5. Jen is a man. __________

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Bob has a cot.

Who has a cot?

2. Mom has a pot.

Who has a pot?

3. Don has a box.

Who has a box?

4. Tom has a top.

Who has a top?

5. Mom has a mop.

Who has a mop?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The pot is hot.

What is hot?

2. The top is red.

What is red?

3. Jan has a mop. 45

What does Jan have?

4. The box is big.

What is big?

5. Mom has a pot.

What does Mom have?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The mop is in the van.

Where is the mop?

2. The top is in the box.

Where is the top?

3. The cot is in the den.

Where is the cot?

4. The box is in the bag.

Where is the box?

5. The pot is in the box.

Where is the pot?

6. The top is on the cot.

Where is the top?

D. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Tom’s hat is on the cot.

a. Who has a hat?

b. What does Tom have?

c. Where is the hat?

2. Mom’s pot is in the vat.

a. Who has a pot?

b. What does Mom have?

c. Where is the pot?

3. Don’s mop is on the mat.

a. Who has a mop?

b. What does Don have?

c. Where is the mop?

4. Ron’s top is in the box.

a. Who has a top?

b. What does Ron have?

c. Where is the top?

5. Mon’s box is on the bed.

a. Who has a box?

b. What does Mon have?

c. Where is the box?

6. Bob’s dog is in the pit.

a. Who has a dog?

b. What does Bob have?

c. Where is the dog?

E. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Mom has a mop. 47

The mop is big.
The mop is in the box.

1. Who has a mop?

2. What is big?

3. Where is the mop?

F. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Tom has a cot.

The cot is big.
Tom can nap on the cot.

1. Who has a cot?

2. What is big?

3. Where can Tom nap?

G. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Jen has a pot.

The pot is red.
The pot is in the box.

1. Who has a pot?

2. What is red?

3. Where is the pot?

H. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Bob has a top.

The top is tan.
The top is in the box.
1. Who has a top?

2. What is tan?

3. Where is the top?

Say u Say n = un
Let’s form words.

b un bun

f un fun

g un gun

n un nun

r un run

s un sun
A. Encircle the correct word.

1. gun (cop top)

2. bun (bag big)

3. fun (happy sad)

4. nun (Ted Jen)

5. sun (hot cob)

B. Write the answer.

1. the hot (bun fun)

2. the big (sun nun)

3. hop and (gun run)

4. can have (fun fan)

C. Underline the correct word.

1. The cop has a (gun, fun).

2. The (nun, sun) is happy.

3. The lad can (bun, run).

4. The (sun, fun) is hot.

5. The (run, bun) is in the pan.

Say u Say t = ut
Let’s form words.
c ut cut

h ut hut

n ut nut

A. Write the word that rhymes with the first word.

1. cut - nut hog

2. nut - bun hut

3. hut - cut sun

4. run - bag fun

5. sun - nun cop

B. Encircle the correct word.

1. cut the (log pen)

2. the big (run nut)

3. man in the (hut fun)

4. jog and (run nut)

5. the hot (nun sun)

C. Read the sentences.

1. The nun is happy.

2. The nut is in the can.

3. The lad is in the hut.

4. The sun is big and hot.

5. The man can cut the log.

Say u Say g = ug
Let’s form words.

b ug bug

h ug hug

j ug jug

m ug mug

t ug tug

A. Encircle the correct word.

1. hug the (lad bad)

2. tug the (fun van)

3. the big (mug hug)

4. bug in the (cat can)

5. a big (tug jug)

B. Underline the sentence that makes sense.

1. Dad can hug the lad. 52

2. The nut is in the mug.
3. The man can cut the hut.
4. It is fun to run.
5. Can you tug the sun?
6. The bug is big.

Say u Say d = ud
Let’s form words.

b ud bud

m ud mud

s ud sud

A. Underline the words that are the same.

1. bud bad bud

2. mud mud mad

3. sad sud sud

4. bug bag bug

5. hat hut hut

B. Encircle the correct word for the sentence.

1. The big (bit bud) is red.

2. The van has (mud met).

3. The big vat has (sad sud).

4. The water is in the (mug mad).

5. The (bug beg) is big.

Say u Say b = ub 53
Let’s form words.
c ub cub

r ub rub

t ub tub

A. Match the word with the word on the left.

rub cup

cub sud

tub leg

jug lion

nut water

B. Underline the correct word.

1. The fat (cub, cab) is in the pit.

2. Dan can (rub, run) his leg.

3. The (rub, tub) is big.

4. Mom can (hug, hot) the lad.

5. The cub can (run, rub).

Say u Say p = up
Let’s form words.

c up cup

p up pup

A. Check the word that is different in the group.
1. cap cap cup

2. pup pop pop

3. rob rub rob

4. cab cab cub

5. bad bud bad

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. The cub is fat.

2. Can Tom rub his leg?

3. The lad has a red cup.

4. Sam has a big jug.

5. The hog has a cub.

6. The pup is in the big box.

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Dad is in the hut.

Who is in the hut?

2. Pam has a nut.

Who has a nut?

3. The cop has a gun.

Who has a gun? 55
4. Jan has a cup.
Who has a cup?

5. Bob has a bun.

Who has a bun?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The rat is on the mud.

What is in the mud?

2. The bud is red.

What is red?

3. The box is on the rug.

What is on the rug?

4. The bun is big.

What is big?

5. The bug is big.

What is big?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The nut is in the cup.

Where is the nut?

2. The bun is in the pan.

Where is the bun?
3. Tom is in the tub.
Where is Tom?

4. The bag is on the rug.

Where is the bag?

5. The gun is in the box.

Where is the gun?

D. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Jun’s gun is in the box.

a. Who has a gun?

b. What does Jun have?

c. Where is the gun?

2. Len’s gum is in the jar.

a. Who has a gum?

b. What does Len have?

c. Where is the gum?

3. Mom’s bun is in the pan.

a. Who has a bun?

b. What does Mom have?

c. Where is the bun?

4. Jim’s jug is in the van.

a. Who has a jug?

b. What does Jim have?

c. Where is the jug? 57

5. Tom’s cup is in the bag.

a. Who has a cup?

b. What does Tom have?

c. Where is the cup?

6. Mom’s rag is in the mud.

a. Who has a rag?

b. What does Mom have?

c. Where is the rag?

E. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Pam has a bun.

It is a big bun.
The bun is in the pan.
Pam cuts the bun.

1. Who has a bun?

2. What is big?

3. Where is the bun?

4. What does Pam do with the bun?

F. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

The sun is up.

It is fun to run.
Ben and Sam can run and run. 58
1. What is up?

2. What is fun to do?

3. Who can run and run?

G. Read the story. Answer the questions.

Six lads are in the hut.

Dan, Ben and Ted can have fun.
Tom, Bob and Tim can have fun, too.

1. Who are in the hut?

2. What can the lads do?

3. Where are the lads?

H. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dad has a big nut.

The big nut is in the cup.
Dad gets the nut.

1. Who has a nut?

2. What is big?

3. What does Dad do with the nut?

4. Where is the nut?

Let’s form words.

b all ball 59
c all call

f all fall

h all hall

m all mall

t all tall

w all wall

A. What word rhymes with the underlined word.

1. Jack sat on a wall. 2. Tom went to the mall.

And had a _____. To buy a big _____.

fall mall call ball

3. Mack can call. 4. Jen is tall.

In the big _____. She stands by the _____.

tall mall fall wall

5. Ted has a ball.

It is in the big _____.

tall hall

B. Check the sentence that makes sense. 60

1. The lad has a red ball. 2. Can you pack the mall?

3. The fall is on the mat. 4. Put the sack in the hall.

5. Dad can fix the wall. 6. Call the tall man.

7. Jack can call Mack.

Lets form words.

f arm farm

h arm harm

w arm warm

A. Write the word that rhymes with the first word.

1. farm - harm hard

2. harm - pack warm

3. warm - farm neck

B. Yes or No.

1. The farmer works in the farm.

2. Harm your pet dog.

3. It’s warm when it’s sunny.

4. The mud is dirty.

Lets form words.

c ard card

h ard hard

w ard ward

A. Match the words in Column A with Column B.

1. birthday a. ward

2. rock b. card

3. hospital c. hard

B. Write the correct word.

1. The card has (pictures ward).

2. Wood is (soft hard).

3. The sick men are in the (hard ward).

Lets form words.

b arn barn

d arn darn

y arn yarn

A. Write the correct word.

1. the hens in the (barn yarn)

2. the red (farm yarn)

3. can (darn barn) the pants

B. Check the sentences with sense.

1. The pets are in the barn.

2. The yarn is long.

3. There are books in the barn.

4. Mom can darn the pad.

Lets form words.

b ark bark

p ark park

d ark dark

m ark mark

A. Write the correct word.

1. can bark (dog cat)

2. park the (bag car)

3. the dark (den cot)

4. mark the (pad pet)

B. Encircle the words that rhyme.

1. bark park rack

2. band dark mark

3. yarn sack barn

4. farm harm park

5. card warm hard

Let’s form words.

b ack back

J ack Jack

M ack Mack

p ack pack

r ack rack

s ack sack

t ack tack

A. Underline the correct word.

1. my (back, tack)

2. Mack and (pack, Jack)

3. (pack, rack) the bags

4. on the (rack, tack)

5. a big (Mack, sack)

B. Read the sentences.

1. Jack’s back is big.

2. The sack is on the rack.

3. Mack can tack the map.

4. Jack can pack the bags.

5. The big pack is on the mat.

6. The pots are in the sack.

Let’s form words.

b and band

h and hand

l and land

s and sand

w and wand

A. Write the word that is different in the group.

1. band band band hand

2. sand band sand sand

3. wand wand sand wand

4. land band band band

5. land land land wand

B. Yes or No.

1. The band is happy.

2. We can put the sand in the tub.

3. The dog can run on the land.

4. We have ten hands.

5. A wand is sweet.

Let’s form words.

b ark bark

d ark dark

l ark lark

m ark mark

p ark park

A. Write the words that rhyme.

1. back lark bark

2. hand park mark

3. dark bark ball

4. mark wand park

5. call lark dark

B. Write the word to complete the sentence.

bark dark lark

mark park

1. The pen can _____ the pad. 67

2. The men are in the _____.

3. The dog can _____.

4. The _____ can fly.

5. The lad is in the _____ den.

Let’s form words.

b ell bell

f ell fell

h ell hell

s ell sell

t ell tell

w ell well

y ell yell

A. Which word does not belong to the group?

1. bell sell ball

2. hand dell fell

3. tell well back

4. well yell wand

5. neck fell sell

B. Yes or No.

1. The bell can ring. 68

2. We can sell pans.

3. The dog can yell.

4. We can get water from the well.

5. I can tell my name.

Let’s form words.

b end bend

m end mend

s end send

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. bend the (rod pen)

2. mend the (hand pants)

3. send the (wall pack)

B. Yes or No.

1. We can bend the rod.

2. Mom can mend the wand.

3. The men can send the bag to me.

Let’s form words.

B eck Beck

d eck deck

n eck neck

p eck peck

A. Match column A with column B.


lass peck

bird Beck

top neck

body deck

B. 70
1. The (neck, deck) is wet.

2. The bird can (peck, neck).

3. (deck, Beck) is a happy lass.

4. The men are on the (neck, deck).

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The ball is in the bag.

Where is the ball?

2. The pot is on the sand.

Where is the pot?

3. Dan’s hand is on his back.

Where is Dan’s hand?

4. The cap is on the rack.

Where is the cap?

5. The can is in the sack.

Where is the can?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The hen can peck.

What can the hen do?

2. Jeff can fix the fence.

What can Jeff fix?
3. Jack can hang a bell.
What can Jack hang?

4. Ness can rest on the cot.

What can Ness do?

5. Jen can sell eggs.

What can Jen sell?

6. Tom’s neck is wet.

What is wet?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Jan’s ball is on the mat.

a. Who has a ball?

b. What does Jan have?

c. Where is the ball?

2. Ted’s hat is on the rack.

a. Who has a hat?

b. What does Ted have?

c. Where is the hat?

3. Jun’s mop is in the sack.

a. Who has a mop?

b. What does Jun have?

c. Where is the mop? 72

4. Jen’s wand is on her hand.

a. Who has a wand?

b. What does Jen have?

c. Where is the wand?

5. Dan’s cap is on the wall.

a. Who has a cap?

b. What does Dan have?

c. Where is the cap?

6. Len’s bag is on the rack.

a. Who has a bag?

b. What does Len have?

c. Where is the bag?

D. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Jack has a map.

The map is big.
Jack can tack the map on the wall.

1. Who has a map?

2. What is big?

3. What can Jack do with the map?

4. Where is the map?

E. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dan has a ball.

It is big.
It is red.
The ball is on the mat.

1. Who has a ball?

2. What does Dan have?

3. What is the color of the ball?

4. Where is the ball?

Let’s form words.

b ill bill

g ill gill

h ill hill

J ill Jill

k ill kill

m ill mill

p ill pill
s ill sill

A. Which word does not belong to the group?

1. bill rack back

2. sack tack hill

3. pack pill Jack

4. mill ball call

5. fall wall sill

B. Write the correct answer.

1. The bird has a (bill mill).

2. We can go up the (pill hill).

3. We can take the (sill pill).

4. The men are on the (bill hill).

5. The cat is on the (sill pill).

Let’s form words.

D ick Dick

k ick kick 75
l ick lick

N ick Nick

p ick pick

R ick Rick

s ick sick

t ick tick

w ick wick

A. Write the correct answer.

1. kick the (ball, call)

2. pick the (Nick, bud)

3. the sick (pad, lad)

4. the hot (wick, sick)

5. Rick is a (Mom, lad)

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. The sick man is sad.

2. Kick the can.

3. Rick can lick the lollipop.

4. Can you wick?

5. Dick can pick the bag.

Let’s form words.

B ing Bing

D ing Ding

J ing Jing

k ing king

M ing Ming

r ing ring

s ing sing

w ing wing

A. Write the word that does not belong to the group.

1. king back rack

2. pill sing hill

3. call ball ring

4. Ming peck neck

5. wing bell sell

B. Yes or No.

1. Bing can wear a ring.

2. The bird has wings.

3. The king has a crown.

4. A cat can sing.

5. Jing is a ball.

Lets form words.

d ock dock

l ock lock

r ock rock

s ock sock

t ock tock

A. Write the word that rhymes with the first word.

1. sock - dock bend

2. lock - lick rock

3. rock - tock band

4. tock - tick sock

5. dock - lock pack

B. Underline the sentence that makes sense.

1. The socks are red.

2. The rock is hard.

3. The men are on the dock.

4. The lad has a tock.

5. The door has a lock.

6. The rock is big.

Lets form words.

B ong Bong

D ong Dong

l ong long

g ong gong 79
s ong song

t ong tong

A. Write the word that is different in the group.

1. Bong rock lock

2. sock long tock

3. song tock dock

4. gong dock rock

5. wing tong ring

B. Write the word that completes the sentence.

1. Bong is a (lad lass).

2. The wand is (song long).

3. Get the (tong song).

4. Dong has a (Bong gong).

Lets form words.

d uck duck

l uck luck

s uck suck

t uck tuck

A. Write the correct word.

1. duck (pet net)

2. suck (pick milk)

3. neck (rack body)

4. lock (rock door)

B. Underline the correct answer.

1. a pet (duck suck)

2. can suck (tack milk)

3. can tuck in (blanket lock)

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Jim has a ball.

Who has a ball?

2. Dan has red pants.

Who has red pants?
3. Mom has a sack.
Who has a sack?

4. Len can pack the bags.

Who can pack the bags?

5. Sam can tack the map.

Who can tack the map?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Pat has a ball.

What does Pat have?

2. Ted has two hands.

What does Ted have?

3. Len can get a sack.

What can Len get?

4. Ben can tack the map.

What can Ben do?

5. Tom has a rack.

What does Tom have?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The eggs are in the nest.

Where are the eggs?

2. Dell can rest in the tent. 82

Where can Dell rest?

3. The bell is on the fence.

Where is the bell?

4. The hen is on the nest.

Where is the hen?

D. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Ben’s bell is in the tent.

a. Who has a bell?

b. What does Ben have?

c. Where is the bell?

2. Len’s tent is on the sand.

a. Who has a tent?

b. What does Len have?

c. Where is the tent?

3. The hen’s egg is in the nest.

a. What has an egg?

b. What does the hen have?

c. Where is the egg?

4. Led can sell bags in the mall.

a. Who can sell bags?

b. What can Led sell?

c. Where can Led sell bags?

5. Ted’s hen is on the nest?

a. Who has a hen?

b. What does Ted have?

c. Where is the hen?

E. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Bong has a bell.

It is big. It is in the box.
He can ring the bell.

1. Who has a bell?

2. What is big?

3. Where is the bell?

F. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

The hen is on the nest.

The hen can lay eggs.
There are ten eggs in the nest.

1. What is on the nest?

2. What can the hen do ?

3. How many eggs are on the nest?

G. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Jill can sing.
Who can sing?

2. Nell has a ring.

Who has a ring?

3. Jack is sick.
Who is sick?

4. Bess can pick the bud.

Who can pick the bud?

5. Tim can go up the hill.

Who can go up the hill?

H. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Jill has a ring.

What does Jill have?

2. The bird has two wings.

What does the bird have?

3. The bird has a bill.

What does the bird have?

4. Tess can pick the bud.

What can Tess do?

5. Nell can get a pill.

What can Nell get?

I. Read the sentence. Answer the question. 85

1. The ring is in the box.
Where is the ring?

2. The men are on top of the hill.

Where are the men?

3. The pill is in the box.

Where is the pill?

4. The men are in the mill.

Where are the men?

5. The bird is on the nest.

Where is the bird?

J. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Bing’s ring is in the box.

a. Who has a ring?

b. What does Bing have?

c. Where is the ring?

2. The king’s bag is in the car.

a. Who is in the car?

b. What does the king have?

c. Where is the king?

3. Tim’s bird is on the nest.

a. Who has a bird?

b. What does Tim have?

c. Where is the bird?

4. The bird has two wings.

a. What has two wings?

b. What does the bird have?

5. Ting’s cup is in the sink.

a. Who has a cup?

b. What does Ting have?

c. Where is the cup?

6. The bird has a bill?

a. What has a bill?

b. What does the bird have?

K. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Tim and Jim are on the hill.

It is fun to go up the hill.
It is fun to sit on the hill.

1. Who are on the hill?

2. Where are Tim and Jim?

3. What can Tim and Jim do

on the hill?

L. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Jill is sick.
She is in bed.
Jill will get a pill.
The pill is in the box.

1. Who is sick?

2. Where is Jill ?

3. What will Jill get?

4. Where is the pill?

M. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Tom has red socks.

Who has red socks?

2. Bess has a doll.

Who has a doll?

3. Ted has a horn.

Who has a horn?

4. Dong can sing a song.

Who can sing a song?

5. Bong fell into the pond.

Who fell into the pond?

N. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Tess has a doll.

What does Tess have?

2. Jack has a horn.

What does Jack have?

3. Jeff has socks.

What does Jeff have?

4. Nell can roll the ball.

What can Nell do with the ball?
5. The ball fell into the pond.
What fell into the pond?

O. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The dog is on the rock.

Where is the dog?

2. The corn is in the pan.

Where is the corn?

3. The horn is in the box.

Where is the horn?

4. Tom can sit by the pond.

Where can Tom sit?

5. The doll is in the bag.

Where is the doll?

P. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Tom’s socks are in the bag.

a. Who has socks?

b. What does Tom have?

c. Where are the socks?

2. Dong’s cat is on the rock.

a. Who has a cat?

b. What does Dong have?

c. Where is the cat?

3. The man is at the dock.

a. Who is at the dock?

b. Where is the man?

4. The tong is on the rack.

a. What is on the rack?

b. Where is the tong?

Q. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dong has a dog.

The dog ran to the pond.
There is a rock by the pond.
Dong sat on the rock.

1. Who has a dog?

2. What does Dong have?

3. What did the dog do?

4. Who sat on the rock?

5. Where did Dong sit?

R. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

The corn is in the pot.

It is big and hot.
Bong will get the corn with a tong.
The corn is for Mom.

1. What is in the pot?

2. Who will get the corn ?

3. Where is the corn?

S. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Jing has a duck.

Who has a duck?

2. Bong can nap on the bunk.

Who can nap on the bunk?

3. There are junks in the box.

What are in the box?

4. Bing has a fat duck.

What does Bing have? 90
5. The duck is in the pond.
Where is the duck?

6. The junks are in the sack.

Where are the junks?

T. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Bong has a duck.

It is big and fat.
The duck is in the pond.

1. Who has a duck?

2. What does Bong have?

3. Where is the duck?

U. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Jing has a bunk.

She can nap on the bunk.
The bunk is in the bedroom.

1. Who has a bunk?

2. What can Jing do?

3. Where is the bunk?

V. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

There are junks in the box.

They are dirty.
Bing and Bong can burn the junks.

1. What are in the box?

2. Where are the junks?

3. What can Bing and Bong

do with the junks? 91
Say b Say r = br
Read the following words.








A. Match the words in Column A with Column B.

1. hard and red a. brand

2. water under it b. branch

3. name of things c. bridge

4. part of a tree d. brick

5. use for cleaning e. brush

f. bird

B. Check the sentence with sense.

1. The branch is long.

2. The wall is made of brick.
3. There are cars and jeepneys on the bridge.

4. The brand is hot.

5. Brush the soap.

Say c Say r = cr
Read the following words.







A. Match the words with column A with column B.

1. crab a. like

2. crib b. sob

3. crash c. crawl

4. crush d. baby

5. cry e. break

6. cross f. run

g. God

B. Yes or No.

1. The man can sleep in the crib. 93

2. Jesus died on the cross.

3. We can eat the crab.

4. Animals can cry.

5. The jet can crash.

Say d Say r = dr
Read the following words.








A. Write the correct word.

1. drum (toy food)

2. drug (sack sick)

3. drip (water rock)

4. drop (roll fall)

5. drag (pull kick)

6. drink (pork milk)

B. Write the correct answer.

1. beat the (drum ball) 94

2. drink the (milk egg)

3. water can (drag drip)

4. drag the (bag pin)

5. take the (drug drag)

6. drop the (van can)

Say f Say r = fr
Read the following words.





A. Underline the correct answer.

1. can hop (frog dog)

2. the pork (drip fry)

3. a banana (fruit milk)

4. the fresh (drum fruit)

B. Write the correct answer.

1. The frog can _______.

hop run

2. We can fry the _______.

drink egg
3. Eat fresh _______ and vegetables.

milk fruits

4. _______ are good for the body.

fruits candy

Say g Say r = gr
Read the following words.





A. Write the correct word.

1. cut the (grip grass)

2. grill the (egg pork)

3. grab the (grass ball)

4. the hand (grill grip)

B. Check the sentences with sense.

1. Do not grab the bag.

2. I can grill the rocks.

3. Cut the tall grass.

4. Feel the grip of my hand. 96

5. The grass is red.

Say t Say r = tr
Read the following words.





A. Write the correct word.

1. the tall (tree trap)

2. the dirty (trim trash)

3. the rat (trap tree)

4. can trim the (grass grab)

B. Yes or No.

1. We can put the trash in the trash can.

2. The man can trap the lion.

3. We trim the rocks.

4. We must plant trees.

Say b Say l = bl.
Read the following words.






A. Write the correct word.

mix (blend bless)

color (block black)

build (blocks blend)

God (bless black)

tuck (blanket grass)

B. Which is the correct word? Write it on your paper.

1. water and milk

blend black

2. crayon and paint

block black

3. God and Jesus

blend bless

4. hard and big

black block

Say c Say l = cl
Read the following words.






A. Check the correct word.

1. tick! tock! (clock clap)

2. for the pad ( clam clip)

3. two hands (class clap)

4. hard shell (clap clam)

5. the pupils (class clip)

B. Write the correct word.

1. Which is used for the paper?

clock clip

2. Which can tell time?

clock class

3. What can the hands do?

clam clap

4. Which lives in the water?

class clam

5. Who stays in the school?

class clock

Say f Say l = fl
Read the following words.


A. Underline the correct word.

1. light (flush flash)

2. insect (flash fly)

3. raise (flag flush)

4. pretty (fly flower)

5. water (flash flush) 100

6. tire (flat fly)

B. Check the sentences with sense.

1. There are many flowers in the garden.

2. Flash the horn.

3. Our flag has 3 colors.

4. Flush the dishes after using it.

5. The fly carries germs.

6. We sweep the floor.

7. The rock is flat.

Say g Say l = gl
Read the following words.





A. Write the correct word.

1. glad (happy sad)

2. glove (hands feet)

3. glue (cut paste)

4. glass (bread water) 101

B. Fill in the blanks. Write the correct word.

1. Dan can fill the __________ with milk.

box glass

2. Roy will put on the big __________ on his hands.

gloves socks

3. Put some more __________ on the cardboard.

pen glue

4. The boys and girls are __________ while playing.

glad sad

Say p Say l = pl
Read the following words.





A. Write the correct answer.

1. plant (tree bird)

2. plaster (hair skin)

3. plug (switch stitch)

4. plum (clam fruit)

B. Yes or No.

1. We must water the plants.

2. Remove the plug after using it.

3. Put plaster on your bones.

4. A plum is a fruit.

Say s Say l = sl
Read the following words.








A. Write the correct word.

1. slap (eyes face)

2. slippers (feet hands)

3. slit (closing opening)

4. slam (close open)

5. slip (wall floor)

6. slim (dog lass)

B. Yes or No.

1. We can put a slit on the dress.

2. We must wear slippers.

3. We can slam the rock.

4. Slap the kid’s face.

5. The slim girl is fat.

Say s Say m = sm
Read the following words.





A. Match column A with column B.

Column A Column B

1. small a. fire

2. smoke b. cute

3. smile c. flower

4. smell d. happy

e. sad

B. Write the word to complete the sentence.

1. Be happy and __________ to everyone.

smile smoke

2. Sampaguita is white. It __________ sweet.

smiles smells

3. The kitten is __________ and white.

small smoke

4. The fire has a thick __________.

smell smoke

Say s Say p = sp
Read the following words.

spin spell

spot spill

spit spider

splash spade

spend spoon

spank 105
A. Write the word that is related to the first word.

1. spin the (top ball)

2. the spider’s (nest web)

3. spoon and (pork fork)

4. spell the (work word)

5. splash the (water sand)

B. Yes or No.

1. Spend your money wisely.

2. Spell the word correctly.

3. Spank the lad on the face.

4. Use the spade to dig a pit.

5. Spill the milk on the floor.

Say s Say q = sq
Read the following words.





A. Write the correct answer.

squat (sit run)

squid (land water)

squirrel (animal person)

squash (vegetable fruit)

squeeze (orange wood)

B. Write the correct word.

1. squat on the (grass tree)

2. (cook plant) the squid

3. the yellow (apple squash)

4. (squeeze spin) the lemon

5. can (squat spell) on the floor

Say s Say t = st
Read the following words.




stiff 107



A. Write the correct answer.

1. stop the (car can)

2. star in the (sky river)

3. step on the (rest floor)

4. the long (stem stiff)

5. cut the (still stub)

B. Write the correct word.

1. We must keep still in the (church park).

2. The flower has a long (stem stub).

3. The cop can (stop step) the bus.

4. The ticket (stubs stop) are in the box.

5. The (stars sun) twinkle.

Say s Say w = sw
Read the following words.



sweater 108




A. Write the correct word.

1. swim (fish dog)

2. swat (cat fly)

3. sweater (hot cold)

4. sweet (salt sugar)

5. sweep (brush broom)

6. sweat (hot cold)

7. swing (neck leg)

B. Yes or No.

1. We sweep the floor.

2. We swim in the river.

3. Vinegar is sweet.

4. We can swat the cat.

5. We wear sweater during cold days.

6. We can sit on the swing.

Say s Say n = sn
Read the following words.


sniff 109




A. Underline the correct answer.

1. (snap sniff ) the fingers

2. (long sweet) snake

3. (sniff snail) the food

4. the cold (snow snake)

5. the slow (snap snail)

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. We can snap our fingers.

2. The snail can swim.

3. Cover your mouth when you sneeze.

4. The dog can sniff.

5. The snake is hot.

6. We eat snow.

Say s Say k = sk
Read the following words.

skip 110





A. Write the answer that tells about the first word.

1. skirt - (girl boy)

2. skip - (walk hop)

3. skull - (head neck)

4. skeleton - (skin bones)

5. skunk - (plant animal)

6. skin - (body food)

B. Yes or No.

1. Boys can skip.

2. Skull is hard.

3. Dad can wear skirts.

4. The skin covers our body.

5. The skunk has a good smell.

6. People have skeleton.

Say str.
Read the following words. 111




A. Write the missing letters.

1. str_ _ t (oo ee)

2. _ _ _ ap (str spr)

3. _ _ _ ing (sk str)

4. _ _ _ ong (spr str)

B. Write the correct answer.

1. The bag has a (strap strip).

2. The (thin strong) man can carry a sack of rice.

3. There are cars in the (river street).

4. A kite has a long (string strap).

Say spr.
Read the following words.




A. Underline the correct answer.

1. sprinkle - water

2. spring - can pop out

can get in

3. sprinkler - for food

for plants

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. The sprinkler is full of water.

2. Sprinkle the plants with water.

3. A dress has a spring.

Say ch.
Read the following words.








A. Underline the words with the same beginning sounds.

1. chick chalk bridge

2. church crab chat

3. drum check chop

4. chico grab chick

B. Underline the correct sentence.

1. We can chop the wood.

We can chop the sand.

2. The crab is in the church.

The cross is in the church.

3. Chico is sweet.
Chico is bitter.

4. Check the wrong answer.

Check the correct answer.

5. Chalk is for the paper.

Chalk is for the board.
Say sh.
Read the following words.








A. Underline the correct answer.

1. Shells are (hard soft).

2. The (ship jet) can sail in the sea.

3. A knife is (soft sharp).

4. A sheep is (white black).

5. We can write on a (shot sheet) of paper.

6. Do not (shot skip) the birds.

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Ben has a black hat.

Who has a black hat?

2. Dad has a blue car.

Who has a blue car?

3. Jill has a red glass.

Who has a red glass?

4. Pam is a slim woman.

Who is a slim woman?

5. Ted has blue socks.

Who has blue socks?

6. Nell can clap her hands.

Who can clap her hands?

B. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dell can clap.

Jen can clap.
Fat hands can clap.
Slim hands can clap.
Oh, it is fun to clap.

1. Who can clap?

2. What can the hands do?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. The skirt has a slit.

What does the skirt have?

2. Glen can draw a flower .

What can Glen draw? 116
3. The rich man has cash.
What does the rich man have?

4. The dress has a patch.

What does the dress have?

5. Fred can catch fish.

What can Fred catch?

6. Chuck has a watch.

What does Chuck have?

D. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. The plant is in the pot.

Where is the plant?

2. The pork chops are in the pan.

Where are the pork chops?

3. The girls are on the bench.

Where are the girls?

4. The fruits are in the basket.

Where are the fruits?

5. The horses are in the ranch.

Where are the horses?

6. Stan is in the shed.

Where is Stan?

E. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

There are boys and girls in the truck.

They will have a trip to the farm.
There are trees and plants in the farm.
There are many animals, too.

1. Who are in the truck?

2. What do they see

in the farm?
3. Where are the boys
and girls?

F. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dad is in the garden.

He has a big shovel.
He digs a pit.
He will plant a tree.

1. Who will plant a tree?

2. Where is Dad?

3. What will Dad plant?

G. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Mom,Dad and the girls are on the bench.

Mom and Dad want to chat to the girls.
They are in the ranch.
They love to watch the small and big horses.

1. Who are in the ranch?

2. What are in the ranch?

3. Where are Mom, Dad and

the girls?

H. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dan can swim.

He can swim in the river.
Jan can swim, too.
She can swim in the river.
It is fun to swim and swim.
1. Who can swim?

2. Where are Dan and Jan?

3. What can Dan and Jan do?

I. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Pam is a strict mother.

Who is a strict mother?

2. The boys can scrub the floor.

Who can scrub the floor?

3. The girls splash water on the plants.

Who splash water on the plants?

4. Stan and Steve like squids.

Who like squids?

5. Clara can squat on the floor.

Who can squat on the floor?

J. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. There are scraps of paper in the sack.

What are in the sack?

2. The squirrel has a long tail.

What animal has a long tail?

3. Jack’s watch has a black strap.

What does the watch have?

4. Danny can cut a long strip of paper.

What can Danny cut?

5. The door has a spring.

What does the door have?

K. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Dan can squat on the grass.

Where can Dan squat?
2. There are squids in the pan.
Where are the squids?

3. Glen can spread the jam on the bun.

Where can Glen spread the jam?

4. There are scraps of paper on the floor.

Where are the scraps of paper?

5. Mom can splash water on the grass.

Where can Mom splash water?

L. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Brenda can splash water on the plants in the garden.

Who can splash water on the plants? _______________________

What can Brenda splash? _______________________
Where are the plants? _______________________

2. Sandra likes to squat on the grass.

Who likes to squat on the grass? _______________________

What does Sandra like to do? _______________________
Where does Sandra squat? _______________________

3. Precy will buy a kilo of squid in the market.

Who will buy a kilo of squid? _______________________

What will Precy buy? _______________________
Where will Precy buy a kilo _______________________
of squid?

4. Rita will spread the jam on the bun.

Who will spread the jam _______________________

on the bun?
What will Rita spread on _______________________
the bun?
Where will Rita spread the jam? _______________________

5. Dindo puts the scraps of paper in the sack.

Who puts the scraps of paper _______________________

in the sack?
What does Dindo put in the sack? _______________________
Where does Dindo put the _______________________
scraps of paper? 120
M. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

There are scraps of paper on the floor.

Rosa will put the scraps of paper in the garbage can.
She will scrub the floor, too.

Who will put the scraps of paper _______________________

in the garbage can?
What will Rosa scrub? _______________________
What will Rosa put in the _______________________
garbage can?

Read the following words.

bake take

cake awake

fake mistake

lake shake

make earthquake

A. Write the words that rhyme.

1. bake cake clock

2. make sing lake

3. shake fish take

4. shirt awake earthquake

5. fake watch mistake

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. Can you shake the lake?

2. I wake up early in the morning.

3. Dan has a big rake.

4. Mom can bake a cake for me.

5. Jan had one mistake in the quiz.

6. The guard was awake all night.

Read the following words.

age grade afraid

cage spade maid

page lemonade paid

A. Underline the correct answer.

1. got a high (grade spade)

2. the pretty (lad maid)

3. read (page age) 10

4. a steel (cage paid)

5. a glass of (cake lemonade)

B. Fill in the blank with the correct word.

1. A _____ is used to dig a pit.

spade spray

2. The girl is _____ of the dog.

paid afraid

3. What is your _____ now?

age cage

4. Dad _____ for the new pants.

paid stay

5. The girl wants to drink _____.

bread lemonade

Read the following words.






A. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter only.

Column A Column B

1. vase a. trash can

2. waste b. flower

3. case c. sticky

4. paste d. food

5. taste e. animal

f. container 123
B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. There is a big vase on the table.

2. Paste the pictures on the paper.

3. Do not throw the waste in the river.

4. Put the horse in the case.

5. The man will taste the cake.

Read the following words.






A. Underline the words that rhyme.

1. cane play lane

2. pane mane tail

3. Jane hair plane

B. Write the correct word.

1. cane (blind game)

2. plane (sail fly)

3. mane (horse bird)

4. lane (make line)

5. pane (window chair)

Read the following words.







A. Write the correct word.

1. ape (animal plant)

2. grapes (vegetables fruit)

3. square (color shape)

4. cape (wear eat)

5. escape (stay go away)

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. The grapes are good to eat.

2. The ape is a big animal.

3. What is the shape of a table?

4. The animals will escape from the cape.

5. The farmer is a square.

Read the following words.





A. Write the correct answer.

1. feel the (air pair)

2. a pair of (shells shoes)

3. sit on the (chair cane)

4. comb the (hand hair)

B. Yes or No.

1. Fresh air is clean.

2. We shampoo our hair.

3. We swim on the chair.

4. We buy pairs of hats.

Read the following words.

pain train

rain sprain

chain paint

brain saint

A. Underline the words that rhyme.

1. pain rain rail

2. hair chain brain

3. saint grapes paint

4. train sprain shape 127

5. chair play hair

B. Write the correct word.

1. The (train car) is long.

2. Dan will (color paint) the gate.

3. The (saint snail) is good.

4. Ouch! I’m in terrible (rain pain).

5. The skull protects our (brain hair).

Read the following words.


A. Underline the correct answer.

1. the (date gate) on the calendar

2. wash the (late plate)

3. open the (gate tape)

4. play with the (skates date)

B. Underline the correct answer. 128

1. The opposite of love.

hate like

2. It is used for eating.

brush plate

3. You can open and close it.

chair gate

4. The opposite of early.

late good

5. You find it on the calendar.

date grade

6. You use it for skating.

shoes skates

Read the following words.

bay clay

day play

lay pray

hay stay

pay spray



A. Write the words that rhyme.

1. bay way sun

2. say cake pay

3. plant clay play

4. pray game stay

5. hay spray gate

B. Yes or No.

1. We pray in the church.

2. Dogs lay eggs.

3. We must pay for our bus fare.

4. Clay is hard to play with.

5. It is hot when it is a sunny day.

Read the following words.

game pale

lame male

same sale


A. Write the correct answer.

1. a basketball (game, lame)

2. in the sea (male, whale) 130

3. bags for (sale, pale)

4. the window (cane, pane)

5. the (same, pane) books

6. can not walk (cane, lame)

B. Underline the correct sentence.

1. We can watch the game.

2. Mom is a male.

3. The whale has scales.

4. The pale man is a whale.

5. The river is for sale.

6. The lame girl has a cane.

Read the following words.

fail rail

jail sail

mail tail

nail quail

pail snail

A. Underline the correct answer.

1. mail the (letter, call)

2. tail of a (jail, cat)

3. water in a (box, pail)

4. the sail of a (ship, train)

5. nail the (paper, wood)

B. Write the correct word to fill in the blank.

1. The train will pass on the _____ (rail sail)

2. The lazy boy will _____ (mail fail) in his test.

3. Fill in the _____ (mail pail) with fish.

4. The horse has a long _____. (tail nail)

5. The eggs of a _____ (snail quail) are small.

Read the following words.






A. Underline the correct word.

1. wave (water plant)

2. save (air money)

3. brave (man hat)

4. shave (razor comb)

5. gave (food rain)

B. Check the correct sentence.

1. Dad will shave his chin.

Dad will save his chin.

2. The lion came out of the cave.

The lion came out of the cane.

3. A soldier is afraid.
A soldier is brave.

Read the following words.


A. Write the correct answer.

1. seven days (keep, week)

2. brush properly (teeth, seed)

3. kneel with two (feet, knees)

4. a number (three, tree)

5. jeeps and cars (house, street)

B. Write the correct word on the blank.

1. Do you eat _____ sandwich?

milk cheese

2. Can you bend your _____?

knee head

3. We must _____ the visitors.

sing greet

4. _____ the orange, to get its juice.

sneeze, squeeze

5. Sunday is the first day of the _____.

week year

Read the following words.




seed 134



A. Encircle the words that rhyme.

1. feet street cheese

2. greet bee free

3. heel squeeze feel

4. seed wheel peel

B. Yes or No.

1. A car has four wheels.

2. We have three feet.

3. The bee has honey.

4. We feel cool when it’s a sunny day.

5. A mango has one big seed.

Read the following words.

deep sleep
jeep sweep
weep tree
peel 135

A. Underline the phrase that is correct.

1. a peep pool
a deep pool

2. heel the banana

peel the banana

3. wheels of the jeep

wheels of the keep

4. sweep the floor

weep the yard

5. sleep early
sheep early

6. geese in the pond

geese in the glass

7. a handsome queen
a pretty queen

B. Write the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. The (jeep bike) has four wheels.

2. We should (sheet sleep) 8 hours a day.

3. The (queen princess) is the wife of a king.

4. We should plant (trees three).

5. We (sweet sweep) with a broom.

6. We (weep keep) when we are sad.

Read the following words.


sweet 136



A. Write the correct word.

1. sugar (sweet, sour)

2. paper (crayola, sheet)

3. lamb (sheep, horse)

4. ice (warm, freeze)

5. air (breeze, clouds)

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. We feel the cool breeze in the morning.

2. We can freeze the plate.

3. A sheep is white.

4. The chocolate cake is sweet.

5. The sheet of pad paper is clean.

Read the following words.

beat read
heat lead
meat bead

neat bean


A. Match the words in Column A with Column B.

Column A Column B

1. neat a. book

2. seat b. clean

3. read c. chair

4. beat d. food

5. meat e. drum

f. fruit

B. Underline the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. The leader will _____ his classmates.

lead read

2. It’s nice to be clean and _____.

sweet neat

3. Fry the _____ in the pan.

bean meat

4. The sun gives us _____.

heat meat

5. We must _____ books.

lead read

Read the following words.






A. Write the correct word.

1. sick (weak, leaf)

2. plant (leaf, meat)

3. speak (write, talk)

4. teacher (teach, cook)

5. hear (nose, ears)

B. Fill in the blank. Write the correct word.

1. The man can reach the mountain’s _____.

peak beak

2. “Please _____ clearly”.

beat speak

3. My teacher can _____ well.

teach reach

4. Can you _____ her voice.

speak hear

5. The banana _____ is big.

leaf beak

Read the following words. 139





A. Check the correct phrase.

1. nice tie
kind tie

2. an apple pie
a friend pie

3. lie on a bed
lie on a pan

4. will die
not die

B. Underline the correct word.

1. The baker can bake a (die, pie)

2. Dad has a nice (tight, tie).

3. Mom will (lie, tie) on the cot.

4. Water the plants so they will not (die, pie).

Read the following words.







A. Underline the correct word.

1. tree (pine, fine)

2. number (wine, nine)

3. shine (sun, clouds)

4. straight (nine, line)

5. fine (bad, good)

6. drink (meat, wine)

B. Fill in the blank. Write the correct word.

1. Five and four is _____.

nine ten

2. The ______ tree is tall.

fine pine

3. The stars _____ at night.

shine sheet

4. The children fall in _____ before entering the room.

wine line 141

Read the following words.






A. Underline the words that rhyme.

1. pipe wipe right

2. cry life wife

3. ripe line nine

4. shine wine blind

5. leaf fine pine

B. Write the correct word.

1. yellow mango (ripe, pipe)

2. husband and (wipe, wife)

3. with life (people, food)

4. the long (ripe, pipe)

5. wipe the (table, water)

Read the following words.

bite invite

kite white


A. Yes or No.

1. A fly can bite?

2. Milk is white.

3. The kite can fly high.

4. The bad boy is polite.

5. I can invite my classmates to my party.

B. Check the correct sentence.

1. The white dress is clean.

The white dress is clear.

2. The polite boy is good.

The polite boy is bad.

3. We can fly a kite.

We can fly a ball.

4. The butterfly can bite.

The dog can bite.

Read the following words.

dive drive

five alive

hive arrive

A. Write the correct answer.

1. dive into the (pool, land)

2. the hive of (birds, bees)

3. can drive a (can, car)

4. must arrive (early, late)

5. two and three (nine, five)

B. Underline the sentence that makes sense.

1. Dad can drive a car.

2. Butterflies drive to a hive.

3. We have five fingers.

4. The boys dive into the pool.

Read the following words.







A. Underline the correct word.

1. ice (cold, hot)

2. tire (table, wheel)

3. time (paper, clock)

4. nice (pretty, small)

5. mice (dog, mouse)

B. Write the correct answer.

1. freeze the water (rice, ice)

2. part of a car (tire, stairs)

3. can squeak (mice, pig)

4. look at the clock (smile, time)

5. pay for the (prize, price)
Read the following words.






A. Match column A with column B.

Column A Column B

1. bike a. want

2. like b. two wheels

3. pile c. happy

4. smile d. floor

5. tile e. things

f. cold

B. Check the sentences that makes sense.

1. Babies can smile.

2. Scrub the tiles well.

3. We can smile the pile of books. 146

4. Do you like fruits?

5. Can you ride on a bike?

Read the following words.






A. Match column A with column B.

Column A Column B

1. kind a. look for

2. find b. good

3. hind c. cannot see

4. blind d. think

5. mind e. at the back

f. man

B. Underline the correct phrase.

1. hind legs
find legs
2. kind man
mind man

3. hind boy
blind boy

4. good mind
find mind

5. find things
blind things

Read the following words.

wide ride

side slide

beside outside


A. Underline the words that rhyme.

1. wide side cry

2. beside leaf divide

3. ride slide tree

4. cake life wife

5. pine fine kind

B. Write the correct word.

1. ride on a (bus, bat)

2. can divide (cake, shoes)

3. opposite of outside (inside, beside) 148

4. no sides (square, circle)

5. opposite of wide (large, narrow)

Read the following words.







A. Write the correct phrase.

1. sky - very low

very high

2. fly - a kite
a ball

3. cry - can sob

can laugh

4. dry - the sky

the clothes

5. try - your best

can not do
6. fry - the chicken
the apple

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. Babies cry when they are hungry.

2. Mom can fry the eggs.

3. The children will try to fly.

4. Birds can fly up in the sky.

5. The wind will dry the wet clothes.

Read the following words.

right tight

sight fight

light bright

night slight

A. Write the correct word.

1. right (hand, head)

2. bright (ball, boy)

3. sight (see, hear)

4. light (sun, nun)

5. tight (dress, hanky)

6. night (bright, dark)

7. slight (fever, night)

B. Read the sentence. Write the correct answer.
1. Soldiers (fight, light) for the country.

2. Susan writes with her (right, bright) hand.

3. We need (light, fight) at (night, slight).

4. The pants of Dan are (sight, tight) for him.

Read the following words.








A. Check the phrase that makes sense.

1. a mole on the nose

2. ice cream on the cone

3. a dog with a bone

4. a hot globe

5. a dry note
6. holes on the dress
B. Yes or No.

1. Can a mole grow on your face?

2. Do you see plants on the globe?

3. Are there two holes on your nose?

4. Do birds eat bones?

5. Can you eat an ice cream cone?

Read the following words.








A. Underline the words that rhyme.

1. pole hole meat

2. speak cone bone

3. tone tree cone

4. hole mole cry

5. stone fish cone

B. Write the correct word on the blank.

1. We go _____ early.
home pole

2. The flag is on the _____.

hole pole

3. The pan is on the ______.

smoke stove

4. We can _____ the door.

close cone

5. Tie the package with a _____.

nose rope

Read the following words.







A. Match column A with column B.


1. toad a. bread

2. loaf b. sweet smell

3. road c. sound of a frog 153

4. soap d. street

5. croak e. frog

f. flower

B. Write the correct answer.

1. The baker bakes a (loaf, load) of bread.

2. The bars of (boat, soap) are in the box.

3. The frogs can (croak, meow).

4. A young frog is a (puppy, toad).

5. The strong man can carry a heavy (load, road).

Read the following words.







A. Match Column A with Column B.


1. post a. people

2. potato b. red

3. Eskimo c. high 154

4. piano d. vegetable

5. tomato e. music

f. fruit

B. Underline the correct sentence.

1. An Eskimo lives in Alaska.

An Eskimo is a Filipino.

2. The boy cooks the piano well.

The boy plays the piano well.

3. Mom cooks the potatoes.

Mom writes the potatoes.

4. A tomato is violet.
A tomato is red.

5. A man can climb up the post.

A man can close the post.

Read the following words.

old hold

cold scold

fold roll

gold toll

A. Underline the words that rhyme.

1. old cold nose

2. fold mole gold

3. hold scold close

4. toll soap roll

5. load cone toad

B. Write the opposite of the word in column A. Look for the correct answer in
Column B.


1. hot a. old

2. young b. cold

3. hang c. hold

4. drop d. fold

5. love e. scold

Read the following words.

boat toast
oats roast
goat float
coat throat

A. Underline the correct answer.

1. boat (sea, hill)

2. goat (chick, kid)

3. coat (dress, jacket)

4. toast (bread, milk)

5. roast (apple, pig)

6. throat (neck, eyes)

B. Yes or No.

1. The boat can sail on the sea.

2. We can wear a thick coat.

3. A goat gives eggs.

4. We can roast the beef.

5. We hear with our throat.

6. We eat oats with milk.

Read the following words.

bow blow

follow slow

pillow show

throw rainbow

crow marshmallow

A. Write the words that rhyme.

1. bow crow boat

2. pillow nine throw

3. paper follow blow

4. slow show close

5. rainbow cold marshmallow

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. _____ is soft and sweet.

marshmallow banana

2. The _____ is a black bird.

maya crow

3. _____ all your trash in the trash can.

throw catch

4. The _____ has different colors.

slow rainbow

5. We use the _____ in sleeping.

pillow show

6. Let us _____ our leader.

yellow follow

Read the following words.

cube huge
tube perfume
fuse cure
mule news
cute newspaper

A. Write the correct word.

1. listen to the (news, new)

2. big ice (tube, cubes)
3. can spray (perfume, leaf)

4. can read (mule, newspaper)

5. a doctor can (cute, cure)

6. a horse (tube, mule)

B. Yes or No.

1. Perfume has a sweet smell.

2. The opposite of huge is cute.

3. We can put the rock in a tube.

4. We place the ice cubes in the freezer.

5. We listen news from the radio.

Read the following words.

tune few

June new

mute refuse

music chew

use excuse

pure accuse 159

A. Write the opposite. Match column A with column B.

1. pure a. many

2. few b. dirty

3. mute c. like

4. use d. can speak

5. refuse e. throw

f. chew

B. Check the sentence that makes sense.

1. Chew your food well.

2. The music is hard.

3. Classes start in June.

4. Touch the tune of the song.

5. Mother bought Jenny a new music.

6. The children can smell the perfume.

A. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Jay has a black cape.

Who has a black cape?

2. May will bake a cake.

Who will bake a cake?

3. Kay has a blue vase.

Who has a blue vase?
4. Baby can shake the rattle.
Who can shake the rattle?

5. Ray came late to school.

Who came late to school?

6. Brian got a high grade in Math.

Who got a high grade in Math?

B. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The children will skate in the rink.

What will the children do in the rink?

2. Our gate at home is high.

What is high?

3. Beth will drink a glass of

What will Beth drink?

4. There is a bunch of grapes

on the tray.
What is on the tray?

5. Ron will pray in the church.

What will Ron do in the church?

6. The strong rain flooded

the streets.
What flooded the streets?

C. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The train moved fast along the

Where is the train?

2. The pail is on the chair.

Where is the pail?
3. The ape is in the cage.
Where is the ape?

4. The men are in the plane.

Where are the men?

5. The flowers are in the vase.

Where are the flowers?

6. The quail’s eggs are in the pail.

Where are the quail’s eggs?

D. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. Kay bought a blue jay from the pet shop.

Who bought a blue jay?

What did Kay buy?

Where did Kay buy the blue jay?

2. Bert will pray in the church.

Who will pray?

What will Bert do in the church?

Where will Bert pray?

3. Doni will put the clay on the tray.

Who will put the clay on the


What will Doni put on the tray?

Where will Doni put the clay?

4. Ray will play near the bay.

Who will play?

What will Ray do?

Where will Ray play? 162

5. Lea will put the paste in the bottle.

Who will put the paste in the


What will Lea put in the bottle?

Where will Lea put the paste?

E. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The cute baby has a doll.

Who has a doll? _______________________

2. Jessa likes to listen to nice music.

Who likes to listen to _______________________
nice music?

3. The mute boy can dance well.

Who can dance well? _______________________

4. Liza likes to play with the big cubes.

Who likes to play with the _______________________
big cubes?

5. Butch likes to listen to the news on the radio.

Who listens to the news? _______________________

F. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The doctor can cure the sick people.

What can the doctor do? _______________________
2. The cubes of ice are in the freezer.
What are in the freezer? _______________________

3. The perfume is in the bottle.

What is in the bottle? _______________________

4. Mike likes to read newspapers.

What does Mike like to read? _______________________

5. The fuse is in the box.

What is in the box? _______________________

6. An elephant is a huge animal.

What is the huge animal? _______________________

G. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The mules are in the farm.

Where are the mules? _______________________

2. The cute baby is in the crib.

Where is the cute baby? _______________________

3. The paste is in the tube.

Where is the paste? _______________________

4. The bottle of perfume is in the box.

Where is the bottle of perfume? _______________________

5. The cubes of ice are in the glass.

Where are the cubes of ice? _______________________

H. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The family will go to the beach. 164

Where will the family go?

2. The children will wade in the stream.

Where will the children wade?

3. The ice cream is on the cone.

Where is the ice cream?

4. The boys can go up on the mountain’s peak.

Where can the boys go?

5. The fishes live in the sea.

Where do the fishes live?

6. There are jeeps and buses in the street.

Where are the jeeps and buses?

I. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

It’s time to sleep .

Ben sleeps early.
He kneels down to pray.
He fixes his bed.
Ben’s bed has a clean blue sheet.

1. Who sleeps early?

2. What does Ben fix?

3. What does Ben do before he


4. Where does Ben sleep?

J. Read the short story. Answer the questions. 165

Mr. Bean is a farmer.
He goes to the ranch three times a week.
He rides in a jeep.
He takes care of the sheeps.
He also takes care of the cows, horses and goats.
He takes a rest under a tree.

1. Who is a farmer?

2. What are the animals does

Mr. Bean take care of?

3. Where does Mr. Bean go?

4. Where does he take a rest?

K. Read the story. Answer the questions.

It’s May’s birthday.

She has a birthday party.
Mother will bake a chocolate cake.
There are lots of food on the table.
The children will play games in the garden.

1. Who has a birthday party?

2. What will Mother bake for her?

3. What are on the table?

4. Where will the children play?

L. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The queen is happy.

Who is happy?

2. Jean loves to eat cheese.

Who loves to eat cheese?

3. The teachers teach us everyday.

Who teach us everyday?

4. Manny will sweep the yard.

Who will sweep the yard?

5. The boys team will play basketball.

Who will play basketball?

6. Lean doesn’t feel well.

Who doesn’t feel well?

M. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. There are many jeeps in the street.

What are in the street?

2. There are bees on the tree.

What are in the tree?

3. The seal lives in the water.

What lives in the water?

4. Dad can drink coffee with cream.

What can Dad drink?

5. The bus has four wheels.

What does the bus have?

6. Please peel the orange for me.

What will you peel?

N. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dindo sells newspapers in the street.

Many people like to buy newspapers.
They like to read news.

1. Who sells newspapers? _______________________

2. What does Dindo sell? _______________________

3. Where does Dindo sell newspapers? _______________________

O. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The blind man has a cane.

Who has a cane? _______________________

2. Carlos has a new bike.

Who has a new bike? _______________________

3. Tommy can fly a kite.

Who can fly a kite? _______________________

4. Rizza will divide the pie.

Who will divide the pie? _______________________

5. Mr. Castro’s wife is kind.

Who is kind? _______________________

6. Susan can switch off the light.

Who can switch off the light? _______________________

P. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The pie is in the pan.

What’s in the pan? _______________________

2. Mia can play with the dice.

What can Mia play with? _______________________

3. The rice is hot.

What is hot? _______________________
4. The tire is flat.
What is flat? _______________________

5. The pine trees are tall.

What trees are tall? _______________________

6. Mom will slice the cake.

What will Mom slice? _______________________

Q. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Fred will dive into the pool.

Where will Fred dive? _______________________

2. The girls can play on the slide.

Where will the girls play? _______________________

3. The bees are in the hive.

Where are the bees? _______________________

4. The five men are in the bus.

Where are the five men? _______________________

5. The white tie is in the box.

Where is the white tie? _______________________

6. Dino is outside the house.

Where is Dino? _______________________

R. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Mom will bake an apple pie.

The pie is in the pan.
She will divide the pie into five slices.
The girls will bite the slices of pie.

1. Who will bake an apple pie? _______________________

2. What will Mom do with the pie? _______________________

divide wipe

3. Where is the apple pie? _______________________

4. How many slices of pie _______________________

will there be?

S. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dad will make nine white kites.

Nine boys will fly kites in the park.
It is nice to see the kites fly high in the sky.
What a beautiful sight!
It’s good to fly kites on a windy and bright day.

1. Who will make kites? _______________________

2. How many kites will _______________________

Dad make?

3. Where will the boys fly kites? _______________________

4. What kind of day is good _______________________

to fly kites?

T. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. The old man plants some roses in the garden.

Who plants roses? _______________________

What can the old man do? _______________________
Where can the old man _______________________
plant roses?

2. The woman sold tomatoes in the market.

Who sold tomatoes? _______________________

What did the woman sell? _______________________
Where did the woman sell _______________________
the tomatoes?

3. Joe bought a coat in the mall.

Who bought a coat? _______________________

What did Joe buy? _______________________
Where did Joe buy the coat? _______________________

4. The farmer takes care of the goats in the farm. 170

Who takes care of the goats? _______________________
What does the farmer take care of? _______________________
Where are the goats? _______________________

5. Dad has a gold ring on his finger.

Who has a gold ring? _______________________

What does Dad have? _______________________
Where is Dad’s gold ring? _______________________

U. Read the short story. Answer the questions.

Dad, Mom, Rose and Joe went to the supermarket.

Dad bought a new coat.
Mom bought tomatoes and potatoes.
Rose bought a bag of marshmallows.
Joe bought a loaf of bread.

1. Who went to the supermarket?

_______________, _______________, _______________, _______________

2. What did they buy?

_______________, _______________, _______________,
_______________, _______________

3. Where did they go? _______________

V. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. Rosa has a long robe.

Who has a long robe? _______________________

2. The pope is a good man.

Who is a good man? _______________________

3. An Eskimo has a thick cape.

Who has a thick cape? _______________________

4. Gina can play the piano.

Who can play the piano? _______________________

5. The old man has a coat. 171

Who has a coat? _______________________

6. The boy has a jumping rope.

Who has a jumping rope? _______________________

W. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. There are marshmallows in the bowl.

What are in the bowl? _______________________

2. The dog has a piece of bone.

What does the dog have? _______________________

3. There are roses in the vase.

What are in the vase? _______________________

4. There are many potatoes in the basket.

What are in the basket? _______________________

5. The yellow pillow is on the bed.

What is on the bed? _______________________

6. The loaf of bread is in the tray.

What is in the tray? _______________________

X. Read the sentence. Answer the question.

1. There are flower pots on the window.

Where are the flower pots? _______________________

2. There is rice in the bowl.

Where is the rice? _______________________

3. Gina has a mole on her nose.

Where is Gina’s mole? _______________________

4. The pan is on the stove.

Where is the pan? _______________________

5. The flag is on the pole.

Where is the flag? _______________________
6. There is ice cream on the cone.
Where is the ice cream? _______________________

Y. Read the sentence. Answer the questions.

1. The doctor can cure the boy in the clinic.

Who can cure the boy? _______________________

What can the doctor do _______________________
with the boy?
Where is the boy? _______________________

2. The cute girl likes to listen to the music.

Who likes to listen to the music?_______________________

What does the cute girl like _______________________
to listen to?

3. The farmer has a mule in the farm.

Who has a mule? _______________________

What does the farmer have? _______________________
Where is the mule? _______________________


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