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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Prof. Tambe Yogesh Hemantkumar*1, Miss. Kajale Sneha Shesherao*2, Miss. Hajgude
Vedvatee Pramod*3, Mr.Shingade Ananta Digambar*4, Mr.Wadia Hrutik Raju*5
*1Research Scholar, Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute Of Technology, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
*2,3,4,5Student, Civil Engineering Department, VPKBIET, Baramati, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Slab is large member of structure that consumes more quantity of concrete and load that comes on the slab is
large or clear span between columns is not less, will result in increased slab thickness. Increased slab thickness
leads to consume more concrete and steel due to which, self weight of slab becomes more. To avert these
disadvantages different studies are carried out and researchers suggesting voided slab. In this paper the design
process for plastic voided system is compared with RCC solid flat slab through a design comparison of typical
bays with the equivalent thickness. The solid flat conventional slab design procedure follows the provisions
that are previously created in the ACI 318-11 and the plastic voided slab design technique is changed from the
Bubble Deck Design Guide for compliance with BCA by using AS3600 and Euro code 2. Slab types which we are
going to compare are of three types i.e.1) Solid flat slab 3) Voided slab with constant depth and varying HDPE
ball diameter 4) Voided slab with varying depth and constant HDPE ball diameter. Along with this the finite
element analysis of the slab has been carried out by using ANSYS Workbench 14.5 to find out the deflection,
strain, stress and deformation. The results of deflection should be checked for live/imposed load and long-term
deflection as per ACI 318-11. The primary aim of the work is to get optimum slab system with the above stated
Keywords: ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.5, Solid Flat Slab, Stress, Total Deformation, Voided Slab Etc.
The Bubble Deck slab is innovative biaxial concrete floor/slab system developed in Europe in 1990 by Jorgen
Breuning. The conventional Bubble Deck technology uses spheres which are made of recycled waste industrial
plastic to create air voids by providing acceptable strength through the arch action. This results in a reduction
of dead weight of slab by the amount of 35% - 40%. That allows much longer spans and less supporting
structure than conventional solutions. Hence, the Bubble Deck slab has many benefits as compared to
traditional concrete flat slab such as decreased cost of structure, reduced material quantity, improved
structural efficiency, less construction time and is a green eco-friendly technology. It is a new solution to
decrease the weight of concrete structures and increase the spans of two-way RCC slab systems was invented in
the 1990s in Europe and is getting popularity and acceptance all over the world.
Voided slab eliminate the concrete from non-functional areas and replace that eliminated concrete with hollow
plastic void spheres so that we achieve same load carrying capacity as it can be achieved by flat slabs. Void
plastic formers are placed between the higher and lower reinforcement of RCC slab. They replace concrete in
the area where it has no structural benefit. It is possible to create larger spans more open floor layout i.e. use of
less columns. Voided slab is a new innovative method of eliminating concrete from the middle portion of a flat
slab not performing any structural activity, thereby reducing structural dead weight.

Figure 1: Voided slab system

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Voided slab is based on a new patented technique the direct way of linking air and steel. Void formers in the
middle of a flat slab eliminates 35% of a slabs self-weight removing constraints of high dead loads and short
spans. Also the FEA (Finite Element Analysis) has been carried out by us using ANSYS Workbentch14.5 to find
the deflection of the slab panels.
To achieve the objectives of this project,the following task will be executed in sequence.
1. previous research related to the subject of voided slab designing and modelling of data required for
analytical work.
2. Defining material properties.
3. Finalization of slab dimensions and HDPE ball size.
4. Designing and modelling of conventional slab and voided slab by using ANSYS Workbench 14.5
5. Comparative study of (Deflection behavior, stress intensities, strain intensities) result obtained from ANSYS
6. Conclusion by deciding optimum slab between both conventional slab and voided slab.
Review previous research related to the subject of voided slab designing and modelling:
Reshma Mathew and Binu.P (2006) studied the punching shear behavior of bubble deck slab which is
compared to solid slab. The punching shear strength of bubble deck slab is less in comparison with solid
conventional slab. So that the GFRP strips with fully totally different orientations are used as a strengthening
system for bubble deck slab.
M.Surendar and M.Ranjitham (2016) studied the analysis of bubble deck slab analytically as well as
experimentally. For analytical study, the bubble deck slab and conventional flat slab is analyzed by the use of
ANSYS software with suitable support conditions and providing uniformly distributed loading. Also, for
experimental investigation the test specimens were designed for two types of slabs, one for conventional one
way RCC slab and other were for one way bubble deck slab.
P. Prabhu Teja et al (2012) discussed the different properties of Bubble deck slab based on the different
studies done worldwide. Deflection, moment and stress distributions are studied using Finite Element Method
(FEM) in SAP2000. The finite element models of the slabs created for this study in SAP2000 to verify the prior
analysis and experiments.
Saifee Bhagat and Dr. K. B. Parikh (2014) studied the different parameters of plastic voided slab system in
terms of moment of inertia, stiffness reduction factor, shear capacity, weight reduction factor and compared
with the flat plate slab.
Sonal R. Naik and Dinesh Joshi(2017) studied the voided slab and conventional slab. This paper modify work
carried out to see the bubble deck voided slab system and conventional flat slab system by finite element
analysis using SAP 2000 besides this manual calculation by Direct design method using IS456:2000 to review
the behavior of shear force, bending moment values, deflections and reactions due to variation in span for
various load conditions.
Material properties of slab model:
1. Steel: Steel was assumed to be an elastic-perfectly plastic material and identical in tension and
compression. Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 is used for steel in this study. The Fe 415 HYSD bars are used for
modeling of slabs
2. Concrete: The present study assumed that the concrete is a homogeneous and initially isotropic. In
compression region, the stress-strain curve for concrete is linearly elastic up to approximately 30 % of the
maximum compressive strength. After this point, the stress will increase gradually up to the maximum
strength(compressive). After this, it reaches the ultimate compression strength strength, the curve
decreases into a softening region and eventually crushing failure will happen at an ultimate strain.
3. High Density Poly-Ethylene (HDPE): The spherical voids of HDPE were used in modeling of slabs. The
number of voids varies according to the span of slab. The 40mm,50mm & 60mm diameter voids are used
under different loading conditions.

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Table 1: Material properties
Sr.No. Name of Material Properties Value
Modulus of Elasticity (E) 200000 MPa
1 Steel Density (ρ) 7850 kg/m³
Poisson’s Ratio(µ) 0.3
Modulus of Elasticity (E) 22361MPa
2 Concrete Density (ρ) 2308 kg/m3
Poisson’s Ratio(µ) 0.18
Modulus of Elasticity (E) 1035 MPa
3 HDPE balls Density (ρ) 970 kg/m3
Poisson’s Ratio(µ) 0.4
Table 2: Slab Dimensions
Sr.No. Slab type Dimension of slab(in meter) Void diameter
1 Conventional solid slab 1×1×0.12 ---
1×1×0.12 40mm
Voided slab with constant
2 1×1×0.12 50mm
1×1×0.12 60mm
1×1×0.1 50mm
Voided slab with varying
3 1×1×0.12 50mm
1×1×0.14 50mm
Parametric Study:
This point discusses parameters of the parametric study. Under this section we have compared Solid
conventional slab and Voided slab with respect to % weight reduction in Voided slab in comparison with solid
slab. Along with this we also have done cost analysis for both types of slab. As shown in Table No 3, significant
weight savings were achieved by the plastic voided slab bays compared to the corresponding solid plate. Table
No.4 shows the cost analysis for solid slab and Table No.4 shows cost analysis for voided slab. From both the
tables of cost analysis we got to know amount required for solid slab is more than voided slab.
Table 3: Percentage weight reduction
Minimum Volume of Volume of
Slab Void %
Axis Solid Spherical
Grid(m) Thickness Diameter weight
Spacing section Void Vv
h (mm) D (mm) saving
(mm) (mm³) (mm³)
1×1×0.12 120 40 280 9.408×10⁶ 33.51×10³ 0.3568
1×1×0.12 120 50 280 9.408×10⁶ 65.44×10³ 0.6956
1×1×0.12 120 60 280 9.408×10⁶ 113.09×10³ 1.2020
1×1×0.1 100 50 280 7.84×10⁶ 64.44×10³ 0.8219
1×1×0.14 140 50 280 10.976×10⁶ 64.44×10³ 0.5870
Table 4: Cost analysis for Solid slab
Sr.No. Parameters Quantity(m³) Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)
1 Cement 0.03316 249/bag 236/-

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
2 Fine Aggregate 0.0497 1575/m³ 79/-
3 Coarse Aggregate 0.0994 809/m³ 81/-
Table 5: Cost analysis for voided slab
Sr.No. Parameters Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)
1 Cement 0.0312 m³ 249/bag 235/-
2 Fine Aggregate 0.0496 m³ 1575/m³ 78/-
3 Coarse Aggregate 0.0993 m³ 809/m³ 80/-
4 HDPE balls 9 No's 5/- 45/-


Analysis of Solid Slab and Voided Slab Using ANSYS Workbench 14.5 :
The presented study is concerned with the general deformational behaviour of the reinforced concrete voided
slabs and solid slabs under symmetrical and unsymmetrical cases of loading. The solid slabs and voided
reinforced concrete slabs of dimensions 1 m x 1 m x 0.12 m having void diameter of 60 mm were modelled and
tested under different loading condition such as uniformly distributed loading. These slabs were tested as
simply supported on span of 0.8 m. The various parameters like deformation, stress intensity, elastic strain
intensity were measured for each slab panel under different loading conditions.
 Analytical Methodology:
The following steps are involved in the modeling of slab specimens in ANSYS Workbench 14.5 software:
1. Engineering Data (Required material properties are filled)
2. Geometry (Required geometry is created)
3. Model (Meshing, Loading, Support conditions)
4. Solution (Obtain required Results)

Figure 2: Model of solid slab Figure 3: Strain profile of solid slab

Figure 4: Stress profile of solid slab Figure 5: Deflection profile of solid slab

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com

Figure 6: Model of Voided slab.(Void diameter 60 mm) Figure 7: Stress profile of voided slab

Figure 8: Deflection profile of solid slab Figure 9: Strain profile of voided slab
Table 6 shows the final results of both the slabs and we do conclude that deflection of voided slab is within the
limit. When we take larger dimensions then we get much difference to easily understand the serviceability of
the voided slab. In this study sufficient results are obtained to determine the which slab is optimum. And we got
the result as Voided slab is also a optimum slab as compared to solid slab.
Table 6: Results from solid slab and voided slab
Sr. No. Parameter Solid slab Voided slab
1 Maximum deflection 0.0125mm 0.0122mm
2 Maximum stress intensity 4.134 N/m² 4.052N/m²
3 Maximum strain intensity 2.54×10-5 2.49×10-5
In this paper, comparative study of voided slab and solid slab is performed with respect to FEA analysis, %
weight reduction and cost analysis. And we got various results with conclusions as follows.
1. In this study, nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete slabs with HDPE Spheres are
performed. Based on the results, the various conclusions are carried out such as the general behaviour of
the finite element models represented by the total deformation show good agreement.
2. The deformation in voided slab is approximately similar to solid slab. Because diameter used for analysis is
very small as 60mm.
3. By inserting the HDPE balls, unnecessary concrete is removed and self-weight of slab is also reduced, which
results in the longer spans in voided slab system.
4. From the above study average % weight reduction is 0.73%. By decreasing weight of slabs can lead to a
large decrease in overall seismic weight, as weight is a most important factor in determining the seismic
5. From the cost analysis of Solid slab and Voided slab, voided slab has reduced cost. So, we can conclude that
overall structural cost of construction reduces.
www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
6. HDPE balls are made up of recycled polypropylene and also its ability to save material allows building to
have smaller impact on the environment, all these aspects result into a high degree of sustainability and an
eco-friendly design.
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