2023 Importnat QS P2

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Hadith 6, 7, 12 17, 20, 3, 4


Q2. (a) Write an account of:

 The motives/reasons by the compilers for compiling Hadith collections, and;

 Assembling, organization and verification of Hadith during the period of successors (101-200
A.H) and successors of the Successors (210-300 A.H). [10]

(b) Why do you think the Chain of Narrators (Sanad) of Hadith is given so much importance in
establishing its legitimacy? [04]

Q2. (a) Write about the structure of a Hadith and describe the main approaches used by the
compilers of Hadiths to establish their legitimacy. [10]

(b) What was the significance of the Prophet not allowing the writing down of Hadiths in the early
years of revelations? [04]

(a) Write a detailed account of the parts of a Hadith and say how these parts help in determining the
different categories of Hadiths, namely: sahih; hasan; da’if and mawdu’. [10]

(b) Why was it important to check the accuracy of Hadiths? [4]

(a) Giving references from the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the Prophet’s teachings
about Muslim’s individual conduct (the ways in which Muslims should treat one another) and
Communal life (care in the community). [10]
(b) Briefly discuss why the need arose during the early Islamic period to compile the Hadiths of
the Prophet? [4]
(b) Why do the Prophet’s Hadiths link belief and action so closely? [4]

(a) What part do Sunnah play in Islamic legal thinking with the Quran, Ijma and Qiyas? [10]
(b) What is the importance of consensus (ijma) and Qiyas in solving today’s legal issues? [4]


Q. (a) write an account of following;

Hadith Qudsi, Hadith Nabawi, Musnad Hadith books, Mussannaf Hadith collection, Jaamy and Sunan
Hadith books.

(b) Which in your opinion is more beneficial for Muslims to have; musannaf collections or musnad
collections of Hadiths? Give reasons for your answer . [04]


Q3. (a) ‘Ali’s administrative strategy of changing the governors appointed by ‘Uthman led to a lot of
problems for him. Outline:

(i) His whys and wherefores for making these changes;

(ii) The impacts of his policy resulting to major civil wars. [10]

(b) ‘Ali was the right ruler for the time’. Briefly discuss this statement. [04]

Q3. (a) Give an account of acts taken by Abu Bakr to establish Caliphate in Arabia. [10]

(b) In your view which one of the Abu Bakr’s achievements as caliph was most significant? Give
reasons to support your answer. [04]

Q3. (a) Give an account of;

 Khawarj, their beliefs and activities

 Ali’s action against Khawarj
 Failure of Arbitration [10]

(b) ‘Ali was the right ruler for the time’. Briefly discuss this statement. [4]

Outline the characteristics of the caliphates of all four Rightly Guided Caliphs and their rule
which make them an example of leadership for Muslim rulers.
(b) In your opinion which characteristic of the rules of the caliphs, if adopted by the present
day rulers, would improve the lives of ordinary people in the countries they live in?


Q4. (a) Write a detailed account of;

(i) Policy followed by Uthman as caliph in in expanding and maintaining the caliphate.

(ii) Reasons and events of insurgency which led to his martyrdom. [10]

(b) How justified were the criticisms against Uthman for burning the copies of the Quran? Give reasons
for your answer. [04]

Q4. (a) The conquest of Persia was one of ‘Umar’s great military achievements. Write an account of
any two battles fought with the Persians during his caliphate. [10]

(b) Was ‘Umar better as a military leader or as an administrator? [04]


(a) Write an account of any two of the following Battle; [10]

 Qadsiyah
 Yarmuk
 Jalula
 Nahwand

(b) How does ‘Umar’s conduct at the surrender of Jerusalem set an example for Muslims? [4]

‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.’ Write about the
significance of the shahada to a Muslim. [10]
(b) Why is the second Pillar of Islam prayer (salat) so important in a Muslim’s life? [4]

(b) Explain how the declaration of faith (shahada) is acted upon through the remaining four
pillars of Islam. [4]

a) Describe the main events of the annual pilgrimage (hajj). [10]
(b) Explain the significance of the prophet Abraham in the observances of the pilgrimage. [4]

Q5. (a) Write about Muslim’s belief in Pre Destination and Divine Decree (qadha wa qadr) and explain
relationship between belief in God’s divine Decree and Human Responsibility. [10]

(b) How does the belief in God’s Divine Decree affects the day to day life of Muslims? [04]

Q5. (a) Write about how the pillars of Islam help Muslims to improve their communal relationships
and social responsibilities. [10]

(b) How Muslim’s beliefs and practices brings him closer to God? Give reasons [04]

(a) Write an account of:

(i) Ways in which struggle in the way of Allah can be done

(ii) The Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (jihad bis Saif) and under what circumstances is
armed warfare (Qital) thought to be compulsory? [10]

(b) ‘The Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (jihad) are not relevant today’. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]

(a) Write an account of any two of the following:

(i) Belief in Angels
(ii) Muslim belief in Life after Death and the Day of Judgement.
(iii) Zakat
(iv) Fasting

(b) Explain importance of Mosque in a Muslim society [4]

Other important Qs
(a) ‘And complete the hajj or umra in the service of God’ (al-Baqara 2:196). What
observances does a pilgrim complete in the performance of umra and how is umra different
to hajj? [10]
(b) Explain how the outward actions performed during umra improve a pilgrim’s inner
spirituality. [4]
(b) How does the talbiya sum up the relationship between the pilgrim (hajji) and God? [4]

(a) Give brief descriptions of the way in which fasting and almsgiving are carried out among
Muslims. [10]
(b) Show how these two pillars keep the Islamic community together. [4]

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