Personality is dried from to Latin word “Per & Snare” Which means “sound
thought” and from two Greek words persona which means “veil” on “mask” .
The literal meaning of persona are veil or mask helped the behaviorist to define
personality as an exhibitory aspect. J.B. Waston 1912 Defines personality as
exhibitory aspects of behavior Achieved as a system of habits thought conditioned
learning for making adjustment in environment.
According to Teleford and Sawrey: Personality is the integration of dynamic
interaction of cognitive and effective system( through, action and feelings )of an
H.J Eysenk: Defined personality with reference to an individual’s typical moves and
activity level of the temperament determined by heredity.
According to Freud: Personality is composed of the Id,ego and superego
Personality development begins from birth and continues the whole life .Psychology
is such an important invest subject that personality psychology has become an
important branch of psychology.
Types of Personality
The Swiss psychologist Developed a detailed theory of personality. he proposed
three types of personality based on attitudes.
1. Introversion
2. Extraversion
3. Ambiversion
All the interests of such individuals are confined to their self. They remain lost in
their own world. They are shy and anxious.
That’s just all such individuals are directed toward the outer world. they attach no
importance to subjective thoughts. they are socialable large heated and friendly. they
are found or social gathering. they are called extraverts.
Jung Proposed only two types of personality. it was objected that all people are not
exclusively introvert or extrovert. There are very few individual who exclusively
represent either of the two types. So he introduced the third time maintaining that
majority of people exhibit both attitude. such individuals display different attitude
according to the situation and environment. they have sometimes like an introvert or
sometimes like an extrovert. In other words they have the ability to adapt themselves
to the situation.
Theories of Personality
(1) Freud Psychodynamic theory of personality
Segment Freud 1856-1939 Is the founder of psychodynamic theory of personality
based on his psychoanalysis or psychotherapeutic techniques. history is based on
system of personality Structure, department of personality.
fried structure of personaliy : According to fry structural personality is built by the
interaction of system of Id, ego, super ego
Id: Is the source of sexual energy. Libido an instinctive aspect of personality,
Grounded in unconscious as a store of basic desire, id What is desire to be fulfilled
on pleasure principle without caring for any social moral code or rationality.
Ego: According to Freud go stand for good and reasoning ego is the rational aspects
of personality and explanation of self concept related to reality principle of social
Moral values.
Super Ego: Is that index of expressed personality, it rules guide ego under idealistic
principle related with social moral norms and as conscious is sounding thought the
internal real man. It develops from differentation of good and bad from promote
positive instance and repressed negative instance.
(2) Development of personality
Freud considers first five years of life very important in the development of
personality and regard for three stages of psychosexual development most important.
He classifies whole psychosexual development in five stages.
Stages Year Discerption